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of  tbe 
mnivereiti?  of  Misconef  n 








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Sbcond  Edition,  Thoroughly  Revised  and  Enlarged.    With  Nnmeroiu  niiutrations 
and  Tliree  Folding  Plates.    Price  218. 

ELECTRIC  SMELTING  AND  REFINING.    A  Practical  Manual  of  the 

Extraction  and  Treatment  of  Metali  by  Electrical  Methods.    Being  the  "Elektro- 

Metallurgie"  of  Dr.  W.  Borchers.    Translated  from  the  Third  German  Edition, 

with  Additions,  by  Walter  G.  McMillan,  F.I.C,  F.C.S. 

"Comjprehensive  and  authoritative     .    .     .    Full  of  valuable  information."— 7Ae 


Second  Edition,  Revised,  Enlarged,  and  In  part  Re-written.    With  Additional 
Sections  on  Modern  Theorie.s  of  Electrolysis,  Costs,  &c.    Price  lOs.  6d. 

McMillan,  F.I.C.,  F.C.S.,  Secretary  to  the  Institution  of  Electrical  Engineers ;  late 
Lecturer  in  Metallurgy  at  Mason  College,  Birmingham.    With  Numerous  Illustra- 
tions.   Large  Crown  8vo.    Cloth. 
"This  excellent  treatise,    ...     one  of  the  best  and  most  complete  manuals 

hitherto  published  on  Electro-Metallurgy."— j^^trieoj  Review. 

Large  8vo.    Handsome  Cloth.    With  Illustrations.    Price  128.  6d.  net. 

Course  for  StudenU  of  Schools  of  Mines.  By  W.  A.  Macleod,  B.A.,  B.Sc.,  A.O.S.M. 
(N.Z.).  Formerly  Assist. -Director,  Thames  School  of  Mines  (N.Z.),  and  Lecturer  in 
Chemistry,  University  of  Tasmania ;  Director  of  Queensland  Government  Sch«x)l  of 
Mines,  Charters  Towers:  and  Chas.  Walker,  F.C.S. ,  Formerly  Assist -Demon- 
strator in  Chemistry,  Sydney  University ;  Lecturer  in  Chemistry  and  Metallurgy, 
Charters  Towers  School  of  Mines. 
'*  The  publication  of  this  volume  tends  to  prove  that  the  teaching  of  metallurgical 
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the  Cyanide  Process ;  its  Application,  Methods  of  Working,  Design  and  Construction 
of  Plant,  and  Costs.  By  H.  Forbes  JuLLiN,  Mining  and  Metallurgical  Engineer ; 
and  Edgar  Smart,  A.M.I.C.E.,  Civil  and  Metallurgical  Engineer. 

'  A  complete  story  of  cyaniding  from  its  earliest  beginnings  to  its  latest  developments. 
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Practice  and  theory  have  been  made  to  go  hand  in  hand.    The  authors  )peak  with 
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Third  Enolish  Edition,  Thoroughly  Revised  and  greatly  Enlarged.    Price  7s.  6d. 


for  the  Use  of  Metallurgists  and  Students  at  Schools  of  Mines,  dc.  With  Plates 
and  Illustrations.  By  Jahes  Park.  F.O.S.,  M.Inst.M.M.,  Professor  of  Mining  and 
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Extra  Crown  8vo.    With  Folding  Plate  and  52  Illustrations.    3s.  6d.  net. 

LECTURES  ON  IRON-FOUNDING.  By  Thomas  Turner,  M.Sc. 
A.R.S.M.,  F.I.C,  Professor  of  Metallurgy  in  the  University  of  Birmingham. 

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the  Production,  Purification,  and  Testing  of  Illuminating  Gas,  and  the  Assay  of  the 
Bye-Products  of  Gas  Manufacture.  By  W.  J.  Atkinson  Butterfisld,  M.A.,  F.I.C, 
F.C.S.,  formerly  Head  Chemist,  Gas  Works,  Beckton,  London,  E. 

Volume  II.  f  completing  the  Work,  Heady  Immediately. 

**  The  BEST  WORK  of  its  kind  which  we  have  ever  had  the  pleasure  of  levlewing."- 
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Dr.    W^.    B  O  R  C  H  E  R  S. 

Translatid  fbom  the  Xuibd  German  Edition,  with  Additions,  by 
WALTER  G.   MCMILLAN,  F.I.C.,   F.C.S., 



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(3  ^  ^  U\J 

DhC  1      1904 


In  this  revised  Edition  of  Dr.  Borchers'  well-known  manual, 
translated  from  advance  proofs  of  the  Third  German 
Edition,  the  progress  made  in  Electro-Technology  since 
1897  has  received  full  attention  and  has  necessitated 
re-writing  a  large  portion  of  the  volume.  Every  year 
the  task  of  supplying  a  comprehensive  general  account  of 
Electro-Metallurgical  Practice  becomes  increasingly  diflScult, 
partly  because  of  the  great  advances  made  by  this  branch 
of  metallurgy,  and  partly  because  of  the  secretiveness 
imposed  on  manufacturers  by  the  keenness  of  commercial 
<M3mpetition.  Being  no  longer  engaged  in  industrial  work, 
the  Author  feels  greatly  indebted  to  the  Metallurgists  who 
have  favoured  him  with  the  results  of  their  experience  in 
electro-metallurgical  works.  Moreover,  in  many  cases 
extensive  plant  is  not  required  for  investigating  electro- 
metallurgical  processes  on  a  large  scale,  and  useful 
information  has  been  obtained  in  the  Author's  laboratory 
at  Aachen,  where,  by  the  liberality  of  the  Prussian  Minister 
of  Education,  he  has  at  his  disposal  90  horse-power  for 
electro-metallurgical  research. 

Since  the  publication  of  the  previous  edition,  numerous 
authoritative  works  dealing  with  the  newer  theories  of 
Electro-Chemistry  have  been  published;  and  the  Author 
has,  consequently,  omitted  the  introductory  sketch  of  this 
subject  previously  given. 

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While  this  volume  was  passing  through  the  press,  the 
untimely  death  of  the  Translator,  Mr.  Walter  G.  McMillan, 
the  accomplished  Secretary  of  the  Institution  of  Electrical 
EDgineers,  deprived  it  of  the  advantage  of  his  final  revi- 
sion. Mr.  MMillan  combined  exceptional  knowledge  of 
electricity  and  metallurgy  with  conspicuous  literary  skill. 
The  Publishers  feel  confident,  therefore,  that  the  original 
notes  inserted  by  him  here  and  there  will  be  appreciated 
by  English  readers  as  a  valuable  addition  to  the  work, 
and  that  the  translation  will  be  found  to  be  an  example 
of  the  scrupulous  care  and  accuracy  that  characterised  all 
his  professional  work. 

The  Publishers  also  desire  to  express  their  thanks  to 
Mr.  Bennett  H.  Brough  for  kindly  reading  the  final  sheets 
for  press. 

London,  Jviy,  1904. 

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In  bringing  before  English  readers  an  English  version  of 
a  manual  so  well  known  as  that  of  Dr.  Borchers — on  a 
subject  which  has  so  rapidly  attained  to  the  prominent 
position  now  held  by  Electro -Metallurgy — but  little  by 
way  of  introduction  is  needed. 

The  Author,  in  his  preface  to  the  Second  German  Edition 
(that  of  1896,  from  which  the  present  volume  has  been 
translated),  refers  to  his  twelve  years'  practical  work  in 
chemical  and  metallurgical  industries,  and  states  that  in 
preparinor  the  first  edition  he  had  hoped  to  be  of  service 
to  his  fellow-labourers  by  laying  before  them  the  results 
of  the  experience  with  electro  -  metallurgical  processes 
which  he  had  gained  in  conducting  experimental  tests  on 
a  scale  sufficiently  large  to  enable  him  to  form  a  trust- 
worthy opinion  as  to  their  practical  value.  During  the 
four  years  which  elapsed  before  the  appearance  of  the 
Second  Edition,  electro  -  technology  had  made  enormous 
progress;  and  at  the  end  of  that  time  the  Author  found 
himself  at  liberty  to  publish  much  information  which  pre- 
viously, owing  to  personal  considerations  and  business 
obligations,  he  had  been  prevented  from  giving  to  the 
world.  He,  therefore,  re-wrote  and  greatly  extended  the 
work  in  the  edition  from  which  this  version  is  taken. 

A  short  sketch  only  is  given  of  the  newer  electro-chemical 
theories,  and  the  student  is  referred  for  fuller  and  more 
elaborate  explanations  to  the  works  of  Ostwald  on  General 
Chemistry  and  Electro-Chemistry,  and  to  that  of  Nemst* 

•  Nernst's  TheoreticcU  Chemistry  from  the  Standpoint  of  Avogadro'a  RuU 
uud  TliermodynamicB,    Translated  by  C.  S.  Palmer. 

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on  Theoretical  Chemistry.  Those  who  are  engaged  in 
scientific  or  technical  research  are  recommended  to  consult 
Ostwald's  Hand-  und  Hiilfabuch  zur  Auafuhrung  physiko- 
cheniischen  Meaaungen*  and  Oettel's  Anleitung zu Elektro- 
chemiacheji  Versuchen. 

In  the  present  volume,  all  those  metals  in  the  extrac- 
tion and  working  of  which  the  electric  current  has 
found  any  application  are  treated  of;  but  electrolytic 
analysis,  electro-plating,  and  electro-typing  have  not  been 
touched  upon.  From  the  mass  of  material  accumulated 
in  journal  and  patent-ofBce  literature,  only  those  papers 
or  processes  which  are  capable  of  practical  application 
have,  usually,  been  selected  for  reference.  A  short 
survey  of  the  purely  metallurgical  methods  of  treating 
the  metals  has  been  added  to  each  chapter,  so  that  the 
reader  may  be  in  a  position  to  compare  such  methods  with 
electro-metallurgical  processes,  and  to  see  how  the  two 
may  be  used  in  conjunction. 

During  the  few  months  that  have  passed  since  the 
publication  of  the  German  Edition,  progress  has  been 
made  in  many  directions.  The  Tran.slator  has,  therefore, 
ventured  to  add  notes  here  and  there  in  the  hope  of 
briuging  the  work  more  nearly  up  to  date.  He  has 
also  added  accounts  of  the  practical  working  of  certain 
processes  which  have  been  developed  since  the  German 
work  was  placed  before  the  public.  Extra  references  to 
English  patents  and  the  British  equivalents  of  the 
metrical  measurements  quoted  in  the  text  have  also 
been  given.  All  these  additions,  whether  in  the  text 
or  in  footnotes,  are  enclosed  within  square  brackets,  [  ], 
so  that  the  reader  may  distinguish  between  the  original 
and  the  supplementary  matter.  Tables  for  the  conversion 
of  certain  Continental  into  the  corresponding  British  units 
have  also  been  added  in  an  appendix.  Whenever  possible, 
quotations  from  the  French  have  been  translated  direct 

*  Ostwald's  MantujU  of  Physico  -  Chemical  Measurements.      Translated 
by  J.  Walker. 

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from  the  French  text,  instead  of  from  the  German  version, 
and  those  from  English  sources  have  been  reprinted  ver^ 
baiim  from  the  original. 

In  arranging  the  additional  matter,  the  Translator  has 
kept  in  view  the  industrial  aspect  of  the  question,  and 
has  introduced  one  or  two  short  supplementary  notes 
referring  to  actual  applications  of  processes  not  otherwise 
referred  to  in  the  text.  It  is  believed,  therefore,  that 
under  each  of  the  various  metals,  separately,  enough  has 
been  stated  to  give  a  good  general  idea  of  the  present 
industrial  position  of  that  branch  of  the  subject. 

The  practical  applications  of  Electro-Metallurgy  are 
advancing  with  phenomenal  rapidity,  especially  on  the 
Continent  and  in  America,  and  there  is  little  doubt  that, 
if  England  is  to  hold  her  own  in  Metallurgy,  she  also  must 
give  more  and  more  attention  to  the  electro-metallurgical 
smelting  and  refining  processes,  which  are  cheapening  and 
simplifying  the  work  of  producing  high-class  products 

In  conclusion,  the  translator's  thanks  are  due  to  Mr.  A. 
E.  Hunt  and  the  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  to  the 
Electrician,  and  to  Industries  and  Iron,  for  the  use  of 
the  blocks  employed  in  Figures  82a,  101a,  and  50a  and 
50b  respectively. 



Mason  College, 

BlRMiKOUAM,  June  8,  1897* 

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Chapter  I.— Magnesium. 

Occurrence  in  Nature, 
Properties  of  the  Metal,  . 
Early  Experiments  in  Reduction, 
Bnnsen's  Electrolytic  Reduction 

Process,        .... 
Matthiessen's  Double  Chloride 

Berthaut's  Process, . 
Small-scale  Apparatus, 
Fischer's  Apparatus, 
GraetzePs         ,, 



Napier's  Electrolytic  Vessel,  . 
Borchers'  Magnesium  Process, 
Preliminary  Preparation  of  the 

Charge,         .... 
The  Roauction  Process,   . 
Melting  of    Electro -deposited 

Magnesium, .... 
Electro -thermic  Reduction  of 

Hilberg's  Process,    . 
Applications  of  Magnesium,     . 








Occurrence  in  Nature, 
Troost  8  Process, 
Hiller's  Apparatus, . 

Chapter  II.— Lithium. 

21    Grabau's  Apparatus, 
.      21  :  Guntz's  Process,       . 

21  1  Treatment  of  Lithium  Minerals, 

22  1  Kahlenberg's  Process, 

23  Uses  of  Lithium, 



Chapter  IIL—Sodium. 

Occurrence  in  Nature, 
Reduction  Processes, 
Electrolysis,     . 

Davy's  Experiments,    . 

Watt's  Process,    . 

JablochkofTs  Process,  . 

Hoepfner's  ,, 


Omholt's  Apparatus, 

Fischer's  Process, 

Homung   and    Kasemeyer's 

Grabaa's  Apparatus,    . 

Borchers'  „ 

Grabau's  later  Apparatus, 


29  I 

30  ' 



Borchers'  Sodium- Ex  traction 

Plant 47 

Danckwardt's  Apparatus,     .  49 

Electrolysis  of  Fused  Salt,  .  52 
Mutual  Action  of  Sodium  and 

Chlorine,  ....  52 

Fischer's  Modifications,  53 

Formation  of  Sodium  Alloys,  58 
Borchers'  Plant  for  Sodium 

Alloys,  ....  60 
Castner's  Process  for  Electro- 
lysis of  Caustic  Soda,  .  64 
Becker's  Apparatus,  .  65 
Rathenau  and  Suther's  Process,  67 
Darling's  Process,  68 
Uses  of  Sodium,       ...  70 

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Chapter  IV.— Potassium. 

Occurrence  in  Nature, 



Extraction  Processes, 



Properties,       .... 




Chapter  V.— Calcium, 

Strontium,  Barium. 

Occurrence  in  Nature,      . 


Borchers  and  Stockem^s  Cal- 

Properties of  the  Group, . 

73  1 

cium  Process, 




Production  of  Strontium, 


Matthiessen's  Experiments, 

75  1 

„          of  Barium,     . 


Extraction  of  Calcium,    . 


Reduction  of  the  Alkali-Earths 

,,          of  Strontium, 

78  1 

by  Carbon,    .... 


„          on  a  large  Scale, 


Uses  of  the  Alkali- Earth  Metals, 



Br  VI.- 


Occurrence  in  Nature, 

87  1 

Liebmann's  Process,     . 



87  1 

Warren's            ,, 



.       88  1 

Reduction  of  Beryllium  Oxide, 


Electrolysis,     . 

.       88  1 

Electro-thermic  Method, 


Lebeau's  Process, . 


Lebeau's  Experiments, . 


Chapter  I.— Aluminium. 

Occurrence  in  Nature,      .        .       93 
Properties,       ....       93 
Precipitation  Processes  of  Ex- 
traction,       .... 
The  Reduction  Processes, 
The  Cowles  Process, 

Theory,         .... 
Thermic  Reduction  of  Alumina 
by  Carbon,    .         .         -        . 
The    Electrolytic   Methods  of 
Reducing  Aluminium, 
Electrolysis  of  Aqueous  Solu- 
tions,        .        .         .        .104 
Early  Experiments,  .108 

Deville's  Process,.        .        .     109 
Practical  Obstacles  to  the  Elec  ■ 

trolysis  of  the  Chlorides,    . 
The  Teaching  of  Deville*s  and 

Bunsen's  Experiments, 
Impracticable  Processes, 
Successful  Reduction  Processes,  1 19 
Decomposition  of  Aluminium 
Compounds  by  the  Electric 


Johnson's  Process, 
The  Siemens  Electric  furnace, 
The   Kleiner- Pi ertz  Electric 
Furnace,   .  .        .123 










TheGrabau  Electric  Furnace, 
The  Gerard  -  Lescuyer  Fur 

The  Willson  Furnace,  . 
Electrolysis  of    Fuseid  Alu 

minium  Compounds, . 
The  H^roult  Process,    . 
The  Hall  Process, 
The  Minet-Bernard  Process, 
The  Neuhausen-Froges  Pro 

cess, .... 
Borchers'  Aluminium  Extrac 

tion  Apparatus, 
Bradley's  Process, 
Kiliani  Furnace,  . 
Grabau's  Process, 
The  J.  B.  Hall  Process, 
Electrolysis    of    Aluminium 

Preliminary    Treatment    of 

Bauxite  and  Cryolite, 
Industrial      Electrolysis    of 

Conditions  to  be  Observed  in  the 

Extraction  of  Aluminium, 
Aluminium  Works, . 
Uses,        .... 










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Chapter  II.— Cerium,  Lanthanum,  Ppaseodidymium, 

Occurrenceof  theCerite  Metals, 
Properties  of  Cerium, 
Electrolytic  Deposition  of  the 

Cerite  Metals, 
Stockem*s  Experiments  in  the 

Reduction  of  Cerium,  . 

PAGE  , 

166  j  Muthmann,  Hofer,  &  Weiss's 

167  Experiments, 

I  Reduction  Process,  . 
167  I  Reduction  of  Cerium  Alloys, 

,  Extraction  of  Cerium, 
170  '  Uses  of  the  Cerite  Metals, 


Chapter  L— Copper. 

Occurrence  in  Nature,  .     184  i 

Sketch  of  Metallurgy,      .        .     185 
Properties,       .        .         •        .     186 
Electrolytic  Methods,      .        .     187 
Electrolytic  Refining,  .        .187 
Early  attempts  in  the  Electro-  | 

Deposition  of  Copper,        .     187 
Patera's  Process,  .  .188 

The  Elkinffton  Patents,        .     188 
Theory  of  Electrolytic  Copper 

Refining,   ....     192 
Kiliani's  Experiments,  .     193 

Wohlwiirs  Experiments,      .     199 
Behaviour  of  Chlorine  in  the 

Electrolyte,       .        .        .203 
Crystalline  Growths  on 

Cathodes..        ...     205 
Porster  and  SeideFs  Experi- 
ments, .  .207 
Von  Hubl's  Experiments,     .     208 
Efiect    of    Temperature    of 

Bath  on  Copper,  .     209 

Use  of  Alcohol   in    Copper 

Solutions,                   .         .210 
Development  of  the  Electro- 
lytic   Copper-refining   In- 
dustry  210 

General  arrangement  of  Plant,  211 
Parallel  System,  .211 

Arrangement  of  Electrodes  in 

Baths,  .        .         .211 

Casting  of  Anode-plates,       .     213 
Anode-casting  Machines,  214 

Cathode-plates,    .  .218 

Depositing  Vats,  .  .218 

Borchers' Improvements,      .     221 
Details      of     the    Siemens- 

Borchers'  Installation,      .     224 
Reduction  in  Cost,  225 

Schneider     and      Szontagh 
System,     ....     227 

The  Thofehrn  Process  . 

Thofehm*8  New  Process, 

Raritan  Copper  Works  Plant, 

Connections  of  Electrodes,   . 
Series  System, 

The  Stalmann  System, 

The  Hayden,  Smith,  and 
Randolf  Processes,    . 

The  Multiple  and  the  Series 
Systems,   .... 
Treatment  of  Impure  Electro- 
lytes,        .... 

Process  at  Perth  Amboy 
Works,      .... 

Process  at  Raritan  Works,  . 

Smith  Process, 

Practice    at      the     Chicago 
Copper  Refinery, 
Treatment  of  Anode  Slimes,     . 

Treatment  at  Works  of  Bal- 
timore Electric  Refining 

Treatment  at  Raritan  Copper 
Works,      .... 

Industrial  Conditions  in  Elec- 
trolytic Copper  Refining, . 
'   Treatment  of  Sulphides  and 
Ores,         .... 

The  Marchess  Process, 
The  Stolbere  Installation, 
Use  of  Depolarisers, . 

Body's  Process,     . 

The  Siemens- Halske  Matte- 
Refining  Procesp. 

Modified  Siemens  •  Halske 
Process,     .... 

The  Hoepfner  Process, 

The  Schwarzenberg  Experi- 
ments,      .... 

The  Coehn  Process, 

Applications  of  Copper, 














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Chapter  IL— Nickel. 


Occurrence,      ....     273 
Propei-ties  of  Nickel,  .274 

Extraction,       ....     275 
Andres  Process,  .  .     275 

Classen's  Experiments,  277 

Farmer's  Process,  .        .277 

The  Basse-Selve  Process,  .  279 
The  Strap  Processes,  .  .  280 
The  Rickets  Process,  .  .  280 
The  Hoepfner  Process,  .     280 

The  Milnzing  Process,  .  282 

Deposition  of   Pure   Nickel 

and  Cobalt,  .  .  .282 
The  Heibling  Process,  .  .  284 
The  Le  Verrier  Process,        .     284 


The  Kugel  Process,       .         .  284 

The  Frasch  Process,      .        .  284 
The  Vortmann  Process  for 

Separating  Cobalt,    .        .  285 

Ulke's  Experiments,     .         .  286 

Forster's  Experiments,  287 
Separation    of   Nickel -Copper 

Alloys,      ....  288 

Review  of  Processes,        .        .  290 
Treatment     of     Concentrated 

Mattes,     .         .        .        .291 
Borchers*  Process  for  Separa- 
tion of  Iron  and  Nickel,    .  293 
Utilisation  of  Anode  Reactions,  294 
Summary  of  Processes,     .        .  296 

Chapter  III.— Silver. 

OccuiTence  in  Nature, 
Properties,       .... 
Extraction  by  solution  of  Silver 

in  another  metal, . 
Separation    by    Processes    of 
Chemical  Solution,    . 
The  Ziervogel  Process, 
The  Augustin,  Patera,  and 

Kiss  Processes, 
Dietzel's  Process, 
Solution  of    the   Constituents 
other  than  Silver, 

300    Production  of  Fine  Silver,        .     311 

300  Wohlwill's  Process,      .         .311 
Moebius  Process, .        -        .317 

301  The  Pennsylvania  Lead  Co.'s 

L         Plant 322 

303  I      Later  form  of  Moebius  Ap- 

303  paratus,    ....     323 

The  Perth  Amboy  Installation,  324 
303 '      Moebius    and    Nebel's    Ap- 
303  paratus,    ....     326 

The  House- Symon  Process,  .     327 
309        Balbach's  Apparatus,    .        .     327 

Chapter  IV.— Gold. 

Occurrence  in  Nature,  329 

Properties,  ....  329 
Mechanical  Treatment,  .  ,  330 
Solution  in  other  Metals,  .     331 

Treatment  with  Lead,  .331 

Principles  of  Amalgamation,    .     331 
Electro- Amalgamation,    .         .     332 
MoUo/s  Process, .         .         .     332 
Breakell  and  Haycraft  Pro-  i 

cess, 333  j 

Barker's  Process, .        .        .     333  | 
Hannay's      ,,        .  .     334 

Bailey  ^s  „  .  .  .336 
Rae's  „  .336 

Pelatan  and  Clerici's  Process,  336 
Motz's  Process,  .  .  .336 
Jory's       ,,  .         .         .338 

Leachingand  Precipitation  Pro- 
cesses,      ....  338 

Chlorination,        .                  .  338 

Cassel  Process, .  .  338 
Body's  ,,  .  .  .339 
Stolp's     „        .        .        .339 

Cyanide  Process,  .         .         .  340 

Theory.     ....  340 

Practical  Development,     .  341 

Siemens- Halske  riant,      .  351 

Comparison  of    Electrolytic 
and  Chemical  Precipitation 

Processes,.         .        .         .  354 

Refining, 35S 

Wohlwill's  Process,      .        .  359 

Uses, 382 

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Chapter  V. 

—Zinc  and  Cadmium. 

PAGE  1 



382  i 

Leaching  and  Precipitation, 


Occurrence  in  Nature, . 


L^trange  Process,      . 
Other  Patented  Processes, 


Properties,   .... 



Extraction,  .... 


Coehn's  Process, 


The  Roasting  and  Reduction 

Cowper-Coles'  Process,     . 




Eschellmann's  Process,     . 


The  Cowles  Zinc  Process, . 


Treatment  of  Highly  Sili- 

cesses,  .... 


ceous  Ores,    . 


Luckow's  Process,     . 


Treatment  of  Blende-bear- 

Ashcroft's Process,    . 


ing  Pyrites,   . 


The  Phcenix  Process, 


Leaching  and  Precipitation 

Hoepfner's  Process,  . 



Electrolytic  Deposition  of 

Luckow  Process, 


Zinc  from  Fused  Salts,  . 


Experiments  by  Dorsema- 
gen  and  Borcners, 

Pfleger's  Process,      . 



Uses,         .... 


Nothemann's  Process, 



Refining  of  Alloys, 
Mylius  and  iromm's  Ex- 


Properties,   .... 


Extraction,  .... 


periments,      . 




The  Work  of  Forster  and 






Chapter  VI 

Properties  and  Occurrences,    . 




Extraction,      .... 



Chapter  VII.~Tin, 

Properties  and  Occurrence,      .  449       Electro-chemical  Treatment 
Extraction,      ....  449 
Calcining  and  Reducing  Pro- 
cess,        450 

Leaching  and  Precipitation,     .  450 

of   Tin-plate,   Scrap,  and 
Tin  Residues,    ...     450 

Refining, 459 


Chapter  VIIL— Lead. 

Properties  and  Occurrence, 
Extraction,      .... 
Smelting  of  the  Lead  Ore, 

Roastmg  Process, 

Roasting  and  Reduction  Pro- 
cess, .... 

Precipitation  Process,  . 

460  I  Leaching  and  Precipitation,  .     462 

461  ;      Lyte's  Process,      .        .  .464 
461  I      Salom's  Process,   ...     464 

461  Manufacture  of  Pure  Lead,  .    466 

The  Keith  Process,       .  .     466 

462  The  Tommasi  Process, .  .    469 
462    Applications,   .        .        .  .470 

PropertiM  and  Occurrence, 

Liquation,    . 
The  Reduction  Process, 
The  Precipitation  Process, 

Chapter  IX.— Bismuth. 

Oxidation  Process,       .  473 

The  Sulphide  Process,  •     473 

Electrolytic  Process,    .  •     473 

Applications,   .         .         .  •     474 


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Chapter  X.— Antimony  and  Vanadium. 

Antimony,       .         .        .        . 
Properties,   .         .         .        . 
Extraction,  .        .        .         . 
The  Reduction  Process,    . 
The  Precipitation  Process, 
Electrolytic  Processes, 
Borchers'  Experiments, 
Practical  Working, 
Conditions    Suitable   to 
Electrolytic  Refining, 
Sanderson's  Process, 





Kopp's  Process,      .  486 

Siemens-Halsko  Process,  487 

Treatment,   ....  487 

Applications,  487 

Vanadium,       ....  488 

Occurrence  and  Properties,  .  488 

Treatment  of  Ore,                 .  488 

Reduction  Process,  489 

Electrolysis,                           .  4S9 

Uses 490 

Chapter  XL— Chromium,  Molybdenum,  Tungsten,  Uranium, 


.     490 

Reduction  of  Oxide,     . 


Occurrence  in  Nature, 

.     490 



Properties,    . 

.     490 

Tungsten,         .... 


The  Reduction  Process, 

.     491 



Moissan's  Furnace, 

.     492 

Treatment  of  Ores, 


Chaplet's        „ 

.     492 

Reduction  Process, 



.     493 

Uranium,         .... 


Heibling's  Process, 

.     494 

Properties,   .... 


Aschermann's  Process, 

.     495 

Precipitation  Process,  . 


The  Precipitation  Process, 
Goldschmidt                 ,, 

.     495 

Reduction             ,, 


.     495 

Electrolytic  Methods,  . 



.     495 



Dissolved  or  Fused  Chro 


Manganese,      .... 


raium  Compounds,  with 

Occurrence  and  Properties,  . 


Insoluble  Anodes, 

.     495 

Reduction,    .... 


Bunsen's  Experiments, 

.     496 

The  Precipitation  Process,  . 


Borchers'           „ 

.     496 



The  Placet-Bonnet  Process.   498 

Dissolved  or  Fused  Man- 

MoUer and  Street's       ,, 


ganese  Compounds,  with 
Insoluble  Anodes, 

Feree's  Experiments, 

.     501 


Glaser's            ,, 

.     601 

Fused    Manganese    Com- 

Krupp's Process, 

.     602 

pounds,     with     Soluble 

Uses,    .... 

.     602 



Molybdenum,  . 

.     502 

H^roult's  Process,     . 


Occurrence  and  Properties, 

.     602 



Production,  . 

.     603 

Chapter  :ij 


Occurrence  in  Nature,      . 


Hdroult's  Process, 




Harmet's        ,,              .        . 


Preparation  of  the  Raw  Ma 

Keller's          „              .        . 




The  Production  of  Malleable 

Magnetic  Separation, 


Iron,          .... 


Production  of  Pig  Iron,  . 
The  Stassano  Pig-iron  Pro 


Siemens'  Furnace, 


De  Laval's  Smelting  Furnace, 


cess,  .... 


The  H^roult  Process,   . 


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Chapter  XIII.— Hetallie  Compounds :  Carbides  and  Sllieides. 

Carbides, . 


.     531 

The  Electric  Furnace,  . 


.     635 

Historical,    . 

.     531 

Consumption  of  Power, 
Alkali  Carbides,  . 

.     542 

Raw  Materials,     . 

.     534 

.     544 

Calcium  Oxide, . 

.     534  1      Other  Carbides,    . 

.     544 

Carbon,     . 

.     535  i  Silicides,  .... 

.     546 


Table  I.— Value  of  Equal  Current  Volumes 547 

,,    II. — ^Thermometer  Scales, 548 

Index, 549 

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Plate   L  Copper  refinery,  SiemeoB'  system, 

to  face  p. 

n.  „  Siemens-Borchers-Brothers'  system, 

m.  H^roult  fumaoe  in  operation, 
IV.  Keller  fumaoe,  ..... 


1.  Bonsen's  electrolyte  cell,    . 

2.  „        carbon  electrode, 

3.  Gomp-Besanez  apparatus, 

4.  Fischer's  apparatus,  1884, 

5.  6.  Graetzel's  apparatus, 
7, 8«  „  ,, 
9.  Borchers*  flanged  crucible  for  electrolytic  reduction, 

10.  , ,         experimental  furnace  for  the  electrolysis  of  fused  salts, 

11.  ,,         fumaoe  for  use  with  currents  of  100  amperes,  . 

12.  „         fumaoe  for  the  electrolysis  of  magnesium  compounds, 

13.  Troost's  apparatus  for  the  electrolysis  of  fused  lithium  chloride, 

14.  Killer's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  lithium, 

15.  16.  Grabau's  electrode  cell  for  use  with  light  metals, 

17.  Watt's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  sodium, 

18.  JablochkofiTs    „  „  „ 

19.  20.  Rogers'       „ 
21,  22,  23.  Omholt's  sodium  plant, 

24.  Omholt's  modified  sodium  plant,    . 

25.  Fischer's  apparatus, 

26.  27.  Homung  and  Kasemeyer's  apparatus, 

28.  Grabau's  apparatus  for  the  reduction  of  alkali  metals, 

29.  Borchers'  apparatus  for  reducing  the  alkali  metals, 

30.  Grabau's  modified  cathode  cell, 

31.  32.  Borchers'  sodium-extraction  apparatus, 
33-37.  Danckwardt's         „  „ 
38.  Diagram  illustrating  behaviour  of  sodium  and  chlorine  in  elec 

trolysis  of  fused  sodium  chloride, 
30,  40.  Hood  to  surround  cathode  in  sodium-chloride  electrolysis, 

41.  Fischer's  sodium-chloride  electrolysis  apparatus, 

42.  „        modified  sodium-chloride  electrolytic  apparatus, 

43.  Special  form  of  cathode,     . 


















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Fia.  PAGE 

44.  Arrangement  of  cathode,    ......        57 

45,  46.  Borchers'  electric  furnace  for  experimental  work,  58 

47.  Vautin's  apparatus,  ......        60 

48.  Borchers*  apparatus  for  the  production  of  sodium  alloys,  .        61 

49.  „      improved  apparatus  for  the  production  of  sodium  alloys,        62 

50.  51.  Apparatus  for  the  production  of  lead-sodium  alloys,  63 
52.  Castner's  electrolytic  sodium-extraction  plant,  .  .  .  64 
53-55.  Becker's  modification  of  same,  .....  65 
56.  Darling's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  sodium  from  sodium 

nitrate,    ........  69 

57*  Borchers'  experimental  apparatus  for  alkaline -earth  metal  re- 
duction,  ........  80 

58,  59.  Borchers  and  Stockem's  calcium -extraction  furnace, .  .  82 

60,  61.        ,,  „        modified  calcium -extraction  furnace,  83 

62.  ,,  „        strontium-extraction  furnace,  .  85 

63.  Cowles'  plant  for  manufacture  of  aluminium  alloys,        .  .        99 

64.  The  Cowles'  furnace  (longitudinal  section),  .  .       100 

65.  „  „       (cross-section),  ....       100 

66.  Arrangement  to  show  direct  reduction  of  alumina  by  carbon,  .       103 

67.  Deville's  apparatus  for  reducing  aluminium,        .  .111 

68.  Graetzel's  aluminium  electrolysing  vessel,                        .  .115 

69.  Grabau's  cooled  cell  apparatus,                  .            .            .  .117 

70.  Cowles'  ore-smelting  furnace,         .....       120 

71.  Pichou's  smelting  furnace,  .121 

72.  Siemens'  electric  furnace,   .            .                                    .  .121 

73.  „        modified  electric  furnace,  ....       123 

74.  75.  The  Kleiner-Fiertz  furnace,     .  .124 

76.  Gerard-Lescuyer's  electric  furnace,  ,  .125 

77.  The  Willson  furnace,  .  .  .  .126 

78.  79.  The  H§roult  aluminium  furnace  in  longitudinal  section  and 

in  plan,    ........       128 

80.  H^roult  aluminium  furnace  for  small  installations,  .  130 

81.  The  Hall  furnace,  U.S.A.  patent,  No.  400,766,    .  .132 

82.  Modified  apparatus.  Hall  patent,  400,766,  .  .  .133 

83.  84,  85.  The  Hall  furnace,  American  patent.  No.  400,664,  134 

86.  „  „  „  400,665,  135 

87.  „  „  „  400,666,  137 

88.  The  Pitteburg  Co. 's  Hall  furnace,  .  .  .138 

89.  90.  Bernard  (Minet)  aluminium  furnace,   .  .  .143 

91.  Aluminium  reduction.     Apparatus  used  at  Neuhausen,  .  .145 

92.  Borchers'  aluminium  extraction  apparatus,  .  146 

93.  Modified  Borchers'  aluminium  furnace,    ....       147 

94.  95.  Bradley's  aluminium  smelting  furnace,  .  .  150 
96.  Kiliani's  furnace,  .  .  .  .  .151 
97-101.  Schindlers  aluminium  furnace,  ....  152 
102.  Section  of  Borchers'  furnace,        .....       172 

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103.  Section  of  Mnthmann,  Hofer,  and  Weiss's  fnmace, 

104,  105,  106.  Furnace  for  extraction  of  cerium  metals, 

107.  Borchers*  furnace  for  cerite  metals, 

108,  109.  Stockem'B  furnace  for  production  of  cerium  alloys, 
110.  Diagram  illustrating  irregular  solution  of  copper  anodes, 
111-117.  Typical  anodes  and  cathodes, 
118,  119.  Mould  used  by  Morrow  for  casting  anodes, 
120,  121.  Hixon  &  Dyblie's  anode-casting  machine, 
122.  Walker's  „  „  „ 

*^''  it  If  y»  >» 

124.  Section  of  copper-refining  vat,  showing  anode  (Siemens), 

125.  Cross-section  of  copper  vat  (Siemens),  showing  cathode, 

126.  Longitudinal  section  of  copper  vat  (Siemens), 

127.  128,  129.  Plate  I., to/aa 

130.  Scheme  of  electrical  connections  in  copper  vats  (Siemens), 

131.  Siemens-Borchers'  copper  vats  (longitudinal  section),     . 

132.  „                           „        (cross-section),    . 
133, 134,  136.  Plate  IL, to  face 

1 36.  The  electrical  connections  of  Thofehm's  apparatus, 
136a.  The  Anaconda  Thofehm  installation,    . 

137,  138,  139.  Stalmann's  electrode  connections, 

1 40.  Stalmann's  copper  vat  (cross-section), 

141.  Scheme  of  electrical  connections  in  Stalmann's  vat, 

142.  „  „  „  Hayden*B       ,, 
143-146.  Moulds  for  casting  anodes  of  matte  at  Casarza, 
147,  148.  Connection  of  anode-strip  with  main  conductor  at  Casarza, 

149.  Scheme  of  electrical  connections  at  Casarza, 

150,  151.  Method  of  attaching  the  lead  linings  to  the  vats  (Casarza), 

152.  Section  of  vats,  showing  method  of  circulating  the  electrolyte 

(Casarza),         ....... 

153.  Plan  of  vats,  showing  method  of  circulating  the  electrolyte 

(Casarza),         .... 

154.  Plan  of  the  Casarza  installation,  . 

155.  Cross-section  of  the  Casarza  depositing-room, 

156.  Interior  of  the  Casarza  depositing-room, 

157.  General  scheme  of  the  Marchese  process, 

158.  159.  Body's  apparatus, 

160.  Siemens  k  Halske  electrolytic  cell  for  treating  copper  ore, 

161.  Arrangement  of  vats  in  the  Siemens-Halske  process, 

162.  163,  164.  Siemens  &  Halske  electrolyte  cell  (1889), 

165.  New  form  of  anode  (Siemens-Halske),     . 

166.  Newer  form  of  tank  (  „  ),     . 

167.  Coehn's  single-compartment  electrolyte  cell, 

168.  169.  Farmer's  nickel  depositing  plant,     . 
170-173.  Apparatus  for  the  preparation  of  lead  chlorate  at  the  anode 

and  nickel  at  the  cathode,       .  .  .  •  • 






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174.  Dietzers  alloy-separating  vat,       ..... 

175.  The  Moebitis  apparatus,  showing  anode  compartment  in  half 

section,  ...... 

176.  The  Moebius  apparatus—section  showing  cathode, 

177.  „  „  section  through  A  R  C  E  (Fig.  178), 

178.  „  .,  plan,     .... 

179.  „  ,,  scheme  of  electrical  connections, 

180.  181.  The  Moebius  process — ^latest  form  of  apparatus,     . 

182.  The  Moebius  anode  connection  (new  form), 

183.  Moebius  and  Nebel's  modified  apparatus, 

184.  Balbach's  electrol3'8is  tank, 

185.  „  n  ft 

186.  The  MoUoy  amalgamating  pan,    . 

187.  188.  Hannay's  electro-amalgamating  vats, 
189,  190.  Motz's  electrolytic  sluice, 

191.  Stolp's  gold-extraction  apparatus, 

192.  „      modified  apparatus, 

193.  194,  195.  Construction  of  wooden  separating  vats, 
196,  197.  „  iron  „  „ 
198,  199.  Section  and  plan  of  vat,  showing  Butters  and  Mein's  dis- 
tributors,        .... 

200-203.  Bottom  discharge  doors  for  tanks,     . 
204-210.  Details  of  side  discharge  doors  for  tanks, 
211-213.  Illustration  of  electrolytic  tanks  for  use  in  Siemens-Halske 
cyanide  process,  ..... 

214.  Cowles'  electrically-heated  zinc  retort,    . 

215.  Dorsemagen's  zinc  and  silicon  carbide  furnace,    . 

216.  Experimental  chlorination  barrel  used  by  Dorsemagen, . 

217.  Chlorination  cylinder  to  be  used  in  practice, 

218.  Connections  with  subsidiary  electrodes  in  zinc  deposition, 
219-222.  Apparatus  for  electrolysis  of  zinc  solutions, . 
223.  Hoepfner's  electrolytic  tank  for  zinc  chloride  solution,  . 
224,225.    „ 

226-228.  Keith's  plant, . 
229,230.       „      lead-refining  vat, 

231.  Antimony  extraction  plant  (section), 

232.  „  „  „    (plan), 

233.  ,,        electrolytic  tank  (section), 

234.  „  „  „     (plan), 

235.  Borchers'  electric  furnace, 

236.  Moissan's  ,, 

237.  Chaplet's 

238.  „        modified  electric  furnace, 

239.  Harmet's  electrical  smelting  plant, 

240.  Keller's  arrangement, 

241.  242,  243.  De  Laval's  electric  furnace, 



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244.  Hdroult  fiiniace,    .... 

245.  ,,  „       io  operation  (Plate  UL), 

246.  247.   Steel  furnace  at  Gysisge, 
248,  249.  Stassano  furnace, 

250.  Early  fl^roult     ,. 

251.  Clarke  electric    ,, 

252.  Tap 

253.  Keller  famace  (Plate  IV.), 

254.  ft  f9  •  • 

255.  Chart  ahowiog  oonsamption  of  power. 



facing      522 

.      524 





faciag      540 



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In  ihe  following  pages,  the  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals 
are  claissified  according  to  their  behaviour  during  the  process  of 
electro-chemical  separation,  because,  having  regaiS  to  their  pro- 
duction technically,  such  a  treatment  of  the  subject  is  more 
practical  than  one  in  which  the  general  properties  of  the  metals 
form  the  bfusis  for  classification. 



Ooourrence  in  Nature. — ^As  might  be  expected  from  the 
properties  of  the  metal,  magnesium  is  found  in  nature  only 
in  the  form  of  salts.  It  occurs  as  a  haloid  salt  in  camailite 
(MgCLj.Ka. 6H2O)  and  kainite  (MgCl.^ .  MgSO^ .  K2SO4 .  6H2O) ; 
as  sulphate  in  laCBerite  (Mg80..'H^0) ;  as  carbonate  in  mag- 
neaite  (MgCOo)  and  dolomite  ^MgCOg .  nCaCOg) ;  and  as  silicate, 
always  in  combination  with  other  silicates,  in  asbestos,  steatite, 
serpentine,  talc,  meerschaum,  and  many  other  minerals. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Magnesium  (Mg" ;  atomic  weight 
=  24  j  specific  gravity  =  1  -75)  is  a  white  lustrous  metal  with  a 
fibrous  crystalline  structure ;  it  is  so  far  malleable  that  it  may 
be  rolled  into  wire  or  ribbon,  but  by  reason  of  its  relatively  low 
toughness  it  can  readily  be  reduced  by  filing  to  a  fine  powder,  a 
property  which  greatly  favours  the  use  of  the  metal  in  pyro- 

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techny.  It  melts  at  a  temperature  of  500*  to  600®  C,  and  boils 
at  temperatures  exceeding  1,100"*  C.  Large  and  thick  pieces  of 
the  metal  are  but  little  altered  by  exposure  to  the  air,  although 
they  may  become  superficially  oxidised,  especially  in  the  presence 
of  moisture;  they  may  even  be  melted  in  an  open  crucible 
without  risk  of  burning.  In  the  form  of  a  fine  powder  or  thin 
plate,  however,  magnesium  oxidises  very  readily,  and  at  a  higher 
temperature  it  burns  with  a  brilliant  light,  which  is  particularly 
rich  in  the  chemically  active  rays.  In  the  presence  of  only  a 
restricted  quantity  of  air,  magnesium  nitride  is  always  formed 
as  well  as  oxide.  The  property  possessed  by  magnesium  of 
combining  with  nitrogen,  at  a  moderate  red  heat,  might  be  of 
great  practical  value  in  the  synthesis  of  nitrogen  compounds,  if 
a  sufficiently  cheap  method  of  producing  the  metal  should  be 

The  powdered  metal  also,  when  once  moistened,  cannot  be  dried 
without  undergoing  complete  oxidation.  At  the  ordinary  tem- 
perature it  readily  decomposes  water  which  contains  even  a 
small  proportion  of  dissolved  salts,  but  it  has  less  effect  on 
pure  water.  Finely-divided  magnesium  burns  freely  in  super- 
heated steam,  in  sulphur,  and  in  the  halogens.  Magnesium 
dissolves  readily  in  most  acids  and  salts;  in  the  latter  case  it 
either  displaces  the  metal  which  the  salts  contained  previously, 
or  it  forms  basic  compounds  with  the  salts  themselves.  Its 
electro-positive  solution-pressure  is  so  great  that  the  metal  is 
able  to  liberate,  not  ordy  other  metals,  but  even  metalloids, 
from  their  compounds,  so  that,  for  example,  carbon  monoxide, 
carbon  dioxide,  silica,  and  boron  trioxide  are  reduced  by  it, 
with  separation  of  carbon,  silicon,  and  boron  respectively.* 

On  account  of  the  strong  reducing-action  of  magnesium,  par- 
ticularly on  oxygen  compounds,  special  care  must  be  devoted 
to  the  preparation  of  the  substances  to  be  used  in  the  extraction 
of  the  metal.  Just  as  the  oxygen  compounds  of  magnesium  are 
avoided  in  the  selection  of  the  materials  from  which  the  metal 
is  to  be  extracted,  it  is  necessary  that  all  accidental  traces  of 
oxygen  compounds,  such  as  water,  sulphate,  <kc.,  should  be  most 
completely  removed  from  the  compounds  (for  example,  haloid 
salts)  to  be  used.  The  double  magnesium  and  alkali-metal 
chlorides  are  used  for  magnesium  reduction  in  preference  to 
the  haloid,  and  indeed  to  all  other,  salts  of  magnesium,  not 
only  on  account  of  their  chemical  and  electrical  properties,  but 
also  by  reason  of  the  comparatively  low  cost  of  producing  them. 
It  must  be  remembered  that  although  the  bulk  of  the  water  of 
crystallisation  of  these  salts  is  expelled  with  comparative  ease, 
small  quantities  are  retained  even  at  a  bright  red  heat. 

*  See  also  CI.  Winkler  on  "  The  Redaction  of  Oxygen  Compounds  by 
Magnesium,"  BerichU  der  detU9e?ien  chemische  OestlUchafi,  voL  zziv., 
pp.  873  and  1966. 

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Magnesia,  like  all  other  oxides  that  were,  up  to  the  year  1891, 
held  to  be  unreducible  by  carbon,  is  capable  of  reduction  through 
the  agency  of  electrically-heated  carbon.  This  is  readily  demon- 
strated with  the  aid  of  the  small  electric  fum€k«  described  in 
the  first  edition  of  Borchers'  ElektrometaXlurgie ;  *  but  no  appre- 
ciable quantity  of  the  metal  can  thus  be  obtained,  owing  to  the 
action  of  magnesium  on  oxygen  compounds  already  referred  to. 

Sarly  Experiments  in  Redaction. — It  appears,  therefore, 
unqu^tionable  that  Davy's  experiments,!  in  which  he  reduced 
white-hot  magnesia  by  means  of  potassium  vapour,  did  not  yield 
pure  magnesium.  This  view  is  confirmed  by  the  description 
given  by  Davy  of  the  properties  of  the  metal  obtained.  Bussy,t 
Bufr,§  and  Liebig||  obtained  pure  metal  because  they  adopted 
Wohler's  aluminium  process,  decomposing  the  chloride  by  means 
of  potassium. 

Fig.  1.  —  Bunsen's  Fig.  2.  —  Bunsen's 

electrolj'^tic  cell.  carbon  electrode. 

Bunsen's  Electrolytic  Reduction  Process. — Bunsen  was 
the  first  to  recognise  the  possibility  of  decomposing  fused  mag- 
nesium chloride  by  electrolysis,  and  to  indicate  the  manner  in 
which  other  metallic  chlorides  or  halogen  compounds  in  the 
fused  and  anhydrous  condition  might  also  be  decomposed  into 
metal  and  halogen.  In  1852  he  published  a  notell  on  this 
subject,  of  which  the  following  is  a  translation : — "  Fused  mag- 
nesiiun  chloride  is  so  easily  decomposed  by  the  current,  that 
several  grammes  of  heavy  metallic  regulus  may  be  obtained  from 
it  in  a  short  time  with  the  aid  of  a  few  carbon-zinc  elements. 

"The  magnesium  chloride  is  best  prepared  by  Liebig's  well- 
known  method.  For  the  decomposing  cell  it  is  convenient  to  use 
a  porcelain  crucible  (Fig.  1)  about  3|  ins.  high  and  2  ins.  wide, 
,  divided  into  two  compartments  by  a  diaphragm,  reaching  from 

*  Published  Leipzig,  1891 ;  see  p.  62. 
t  PhU,  Trans,,  London,  1808,  p.  336. 
XJourn,  de  Chim.  midicale,  1849,  vol.  vi.,  p.  141. 

I  Pogg.  Ann,,  vol.  xviii.,  p.  140. 

II  Pogg,  Ann,f  vol.  xix.,  p.  137. 

t  Liibig'a  Ann.,  1852,  vol.  IxxxiL,  p.  197. 

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the  top  half  way  to  the  bottom ;  in  one  of  these  the  Uberated 
chlorine  escapes  upwards,  and  is  thus  prevented  from  obtaining 
access  to  the  magnesium  deposited  in  the  other.  The  diaphragm 
may  consist  of  a  thin  porcelain  tile,  broken  to  the  required 
shape  with  the  aid  of  die  notches  of  a  key.  The  crucible  is 
covered  with  a  lid  made  of  ordinary  fire  tile,  filed  into  shape, 
and  bored  with  two  holes  (Fig.  2)  through  which  the  poles  are 
passed.  These  poles  are  cut  out  of  the  material  from  which 
the  battery  carbons  are  prepared,  a  process  that  presents  no 
difficulty,  as  such  carbons  may  easily  be  bored,  turned  on  the 
lathe,  filed,  and  even  provided  with  a  screw  thread.  The 
carbon  poles  are  fastened  to  the  cover  by  means  of  the 
wedges  5,  g?,  which  are  also  of  carbon,  and  which  serve  to  grip 
the  platinum  strips  that  are  used  to  convey  the  current  to 
and  from  the  apparatus.  The  saw-like  notches  in  the  nega- 
tive pole  retain  the  reduced  metal  which  collects  in  them 
in  the  form  of  regulus.  In  the  absence  of  this  arrangement, 
the  metal  would  float  to  the  top  of  the  relatively  heavier  liquid 
and  would  there  be  at  least  partially  burned.  In  conducting 
the  experiment  the  crucible,  with  the  cover  and  the  poles 
attached  to  it,  are  first  heated  until  they  are  red  hot,  they  are 
next  filled  to  the  brim  with  fused  magnesium  chloride,  and  the 
electric  circuit  is  then  completed." 

Bunsen  quotes  by  way  of  example  an  experiment  in  which  the 
current  from  10  carbon-zinc  elements  was  allowed  to  operate 
for  115  minutes.  From  the  measurements  that  were  made  at 
intervals  of  five  minutes,  he  calculated  the  theoretical  quantity 
of  reduced  magnesium  at  4*096  grammes,  which  would  corre- 
spond to  a  current  of  4*7  amperes.  Since  no  details  are  given 
of  the  size  and  arrangement  of  the  battery  cells,  it  is  impossible 
to  ascertain  what  electromotive  force  was  used  for  the  decom- 
position in  this  experiment. 

Matthiessen's  Double -Chloride  Process.  —  Matthiessen's 
proposal*  to  substitute  the  double-chloride  of  magnesium  and 
potassium  (camallite)  for  the  single  magnesium  chloride,  which 
is  with  difficulty  obtained  anhydrous,  is  especially  wolrthy  of 
notice,  as  it  has  been  adopted  at  a  later  date  for  the  production 
of  magnesium  on  a  manufacturing  scale.  The  carnallite,  as  it 
occurs  in  nature,  cannot,  however,  be  so  used  direct,  by  reason 
of  the  sulphates  and  other  impurities  that  it  contains,  which 
interfere  with  the  dehydration,  fusion,  and  electrolysis  of  the 

Berthaut's  Process. — Berthaut's  patented  process  f  consisted 
in  the  use  of  a  soluble  anode  made  by  compressing  a  mixture  of 
carbon  and  magnesia,  and  employing  it  in  a  bath  of  magnesium 
chloride.     This  was  an  imitation  of  Deville's  proposal  J  to  use 

•  Journ.  Chem.  Soc.,  vol.  viii.,  p.  107. 

t  Eng.  Patent  4,087,  of  1879.  %  See  Aluminium, 

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an  anode  composed  of  aluminium  and  carbon  for  the  reduction  of 
aluminium.  Electrodes  of  this  description,  however,  are  liable 
to  fall  to  pieces  owing  to  the  extraction  of  the  oxide,  and  thus 
to  contaminate  the  bath.  This  disadvantage  was  known  to 
Le  Chatelier,*  who  sought  to  overcome  it  by  enclosing  the 
anodes  in  porous  cells.  Although  DeviUe's  and  Le  Chatelier's 
inventions  were  primarily  intended  to  be  implied  to  aluminium 
reduction,  they  are  equally  available  in  the  extraction  of  mag- 
nesium, as  Berthaut  has  recognised,  for  he  has  included  the 
reduction  of  both  these  metals  in  his  patent,  and  has  adopted 
Deville's  proposal  as  his  own  invention.  Everyone,  however, 
who  has  experimented  with  electrodes  of  this  description  has 

Fig.  3. — Gorup-Besanez  apparatus. 

become  conWnced  of  their  uselessness.  Although  the  idea  is 
undoubtedly  sound,  it  has  not  been  possible  to  carry  it  into 
effect  owing  to  technical  difficulties  that  are  practically  insur- 

Small-Bcale  Apparatus. — A  very  simple  apparatus  for  lecture 
experiments  has  been  described  by  v.  Gorup-Besanez :  t  a  clay 
pipe  is  supported  in  a  holder  (Fig.  3),  and  the  bowl  is  filled  with 
the  double-chloride  of  magnesium  and  potassium,  which  is  then 
melted  with  the  aid  of  a  Bunsen  burner.  A  knitting-needle  is 
now  introduced  through  the  stem  until  it  comes  into  contact 

*  See  AlumifUutn. 

t  Lehrbuch  der  anorQanischen  Chem.,  4th  Ed.,  p.  517  (Gorup-Beaanex). 

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with  the  fused  salt.  The  needle  being  connected  outside  with 
the  negative  pole  of  a  battery  forms  the  cathode ;  a  fragment  of 
coke  connected  with  the  other  pole  and  dipped  into  the  bowl  of 
the  pipe  from  above  serves  as  anode.  After  cooling,  small 
globules  of  magnesium  are  to  be  found  distributed  through  the 
solidified  mass  of  salt;  but  the  greater  part  of  the  magnesium 
reduced  in  this  experiment  is  burned. 

Fischer's  Apparatus. — Apparatus  of  the  type  suggested  by 
F.  Fischer,*  in  1882,  in  discussing  other  methods  for  the  electro- 
lytic decomposition  of  carnallite,  have  not  come  into  use  even 
experimentally.  An  apparatus,  also  by  far  more  suitable  for 
lecture  purposes,  was  recommended  by  F.  Fischer  at  a  slightly 
later  date.t  In  this  case  the  porcelain  crucible  (from  the  Royal 
Porcelain  Factory  in  Berlin)  was  enclosed  within  two  cylinders, 
a  and  5,  made  of  sheet  iron  lined  with  asbestos  (Fig.  4),  bound 

Fig.  4. —Fischer's  apparatus,  1884. 

by  three  strong  wires  beneath,  and  supported  on  three  feet,  2. 
The  object  of  llie  rings  was  to  equalise  the  temperature,  so  that 
the  crucible  might  be  steadily  and  uniformly  raised  to  a  clear 
red  heat.  The  cover,  g?,  was  also  coated  on  the  under  side  with 
asbestos,  and  had  an  opening  through  which  the  crucible  might 
easily  pass,  in  order  that  it  should  rest  upon  a  thick  iron  wire, 
protected  from  the  action  of  the  flame  by  a  pipe-clay  tube,  x. 
The  hot  gases  from  the  three  burners  circulated  evenly  around 

*  Dingier* 8  polyttchnisches  Journ.^  1882,  vol.  ccxlvi.,  p.  28. 

t  Wagner-Fischer,  JahrcfiUrichf  der  chem.  Techv,,  1884,  p.  1317. 

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the  crucible  inasmuch  as  they  were  afterwards  compelled  [to 
pass  downwards  between  a  and  6  in  the  direction  indicated  by 
the  arrows.  As  soon  as  the  double  salt  was  melted,  a  circular 
asbestos  plate,  v,  was  placed  upon  the  crucible,  and  pressed  into 
dose  contact  with  the  rim  by  a  heavy  cast-iron  ring,  /.  Passing 
through  the  asbestos  cover  was  a  clay  tube,  o  (made  by  removing 
the  bottom  from  a  porous  battery  cell),  in  the  side  of  which  a  few 
holes  were  bored.  Through  the  clay  tube  there  were  passed 
both  the  carbon  which  served  as  positive  electrode,  and  a  small 
tube  provided  with  a  side  connection,  r,  for  the  removal  of 
chlorine.  These  were  kept  in. place  by  means  of  asbestos  plates. 
This  form  of  tube  was  chosen  in  order  to  facilitate  the  removal 
of  accidental  obstructions,  and  to  enable  the  operator,  after 
raising  the  stopper,  to  test  for  the  evolution  of  chlorine  by  the 
application  of  a  strip  of  litmus  paper.  A  length  of  iron  wire,  «, 
5  mm.  thick,  served  as  the  negative  pole,  and  had  its  lower  end 
bent  into  a  ring  so  as  to  encircle  the  carbon.  A  very  gentle 
current  of  reducing  or  neutral  gas,  previously  dried  by  passing 
through  calcium  chloride,  was  introduced  through  the  tube  ^, 
and  made  its  escape  along  with  the  chlorine  through  r.  When 
coal  ga^  was  used,  the  hydrogen  and  hydrocarbons  present  in  it 
combined  with  the  chlorine. 

The  electric  current  was  derived  from  a  dynamo  built  by 
Uppenbom  and  Gackenholz,  and  capable  of  affording  a  current 
of  about  50  amperes  at  from  9  to  10  volts;  and  the  dynamo  was 
driven  by  a  1-H.P.  gas  engine  made  by  Korting,  of  Hanover, 
When  one  crucible  was  employed,  the  current-strength  averaged 
35  amperes ;  but  by  coupling  two  crucibles  in  series,  it  ranged 
from  22  to  25  amperes,  which  was  equivalent  to  from  44  to  50 
amperes  in  the  two  together,  and  the  hourly  out-turn  of  mag- 
nesium amounted  to  10  grammes  [154  grains].  The  metal  was 
deposited  in  the  form  of  a  slime  upon  the  negative  electrode,  but 
melted  at  a  clear  red  heat  into  globules  of  the  size  of  a  nut 
which  slowly  rose  to  the  surface.  Instead  of  the  iron  ring,  e,  a 
carbon  plate  may  be  used  as  cathode,  and  from  this  the  globules 
of  magnesium  detach  themselves  more  readily  than  they  do  from 
the  former.  By  this  method  the  reduction  of  magnesium  may 
readily  be  made  the  subject  of  a  lecture  experiment. 

For  lecture  and  laboratory  purposes  the  apparatus  is  certainly 
useful ;  but  in  no  case  is  it  adapted  for  regular  use  on  a  large 
scale,  as  one  would  suppose  it  to  be  from  the  account  given  in 
Wagner-Fischer's  Ilandhuch  der  cJiemiachen  Technologie  (edition 
1893),  where  it  is  the  only  form  described.  It  could  only  be 
made  of  comparatively  small  size,  and  even  then  would  be  very 

GraetzePs  Apparatus. — A  short  time  before  the  publication 
of  the  above  process,  Graetzel's  patent*  was  taken  out.  This 
♦  German  Patent  26,962,  18S3. 

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patent,  which  has  been  described  very  frequently,  was  a  com- 
bination of  several  ideas.  The  foUowing  account  is  taken  from 
the  specification : — 

"  The  present  improvements  in  the  apparatus  for  the  electro- 
lytic production  of  the  alkaline-earth  metals  on  a  manufacturing 
scale  from   their  respective  chlorine  and  fluorine  compounds, 

Fig.  5.—  Oraetzel's  apparatus  (transverse  section). 

F'ig.  6. — Graetzel's  apparatus  (longitudinal  section). 

with  the  subsidiary  assistance  of  a  current  of  reducing  gas, 
consist,  on  the  one  hand,  in  the  use  of  the  melting  vessel  itself 
as  the  negative  electrode,  and,  on  the  other  hand,  in  the  separa- 
tion of  the  two  electrodes  in  such  a  way  that  the  chlorine 
produced  at  the  positive  electrode  can  be  carried  off  separately 

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from  the  reducing  gases.  A  dynamo  is  employed  as  the  source 
of  electricity." 

Of  the  accompanying  illustrations,  Figs.  5  and  6  show  the 
longitudinal  and  transverse  sections  respectively  of  the  apparatus 
as  used  for  the  production  of  magnesium ;  Fig.  7  gives  a  longi- 
tudinal section  of  the  plant  arranged  for  producing  aluminium  ; 
whilst  Fig.  8  is  a  view  of  the  inner  vessel,  G. 

The  melting  vessels,  A,  which  also  serve  as  electrolytic  cells, 
are  set  in  the  furnace,  O,  each  in  its  own  hearth ;  they  may  be 
arranged  either  in  parallel  or  in  series,  and  range  from  two  to 
five  in  number,  according  to  the  strength  of  current  available. 
The  veasels.  A,  which  may  have  any  desired  form,  but  are  most 

Fig.  7. 

Graetzers  apparatus. 

Fig.  8. 

conveniently  crucible-shaped,  are  made  of  metal,  and  are  used  as 
negative  electrodes ;  those  intended  for  aluminium  reduction  are 
of  copper,  iron,  or  steel,  and  those  for  magnesium  of  malleable 
cast  steel.  Each  stands  upon  a  chamotte  plate  placed  in  the 
middle  of  a  grate,  and  the  furnace  is  closed  by  means  of  a 
chamotte  cover,  divided  into  two  halves,  and  shaped  to  suit 
the  disposition  of  the  melting  vessel. 

Each  melting  vessel  is  provided  with  a  lid,  e,  e,  of  the  same 
metal  as  the  vessel  itself,  and  the  reducing  gases  are  led  into 
it  from  the  main,  o,  through  the  tube,  o^,  and  are  aftenvards 
conducted  away  through  o^  into  the  return  main,  q. 

In  order  to  insulate  the  electrodes  and  to  keep  the  chlorine 
(which  is  evolved  in  K)  separate  from  the  reducing  gas,  the 
carbon  electi*ode  is  enclosed  in  a  special  vessel,  G,  which  is 
suspended  within  the  crucible,  A,  through  an  opening  in  its 
cover,  e.  This  vessel,  G,  is  made  of  chamotte,  porcelain,  or 
other  fire-resisting  mateiial,  which  must  at  the  same  time 
be  a  non-conductor  of  electricity,  and  is  preferably  cylindrical 

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in  shape.  It  is  closed  above  with  a  cover,  through  which  the 
carbon  electrode  is  passed,  whilst  at  the  bottom  or  on  its  sides 
it  is  provided  with  perforations,  g,  which  serve  to  give  the 
melted  charge  free  access  to  the  carbon  anode.  The  chlorine 
generated  in  6  escapes  through  a  side  tube,  p\  at  the  top  of 
the  compartment  in  the  chlorine  main,  pj  which,  like  the 
mains  o  and  q,  serves  all  the  crucibles  in  the  installation.  The 
coupling  of  several  melting  vessels  into  a  battery  is  effected 
in  the  usual  manner,  as  indicated  in  the  illustrations,  where 
m  and  n  represent  the  connections  with  the  dynamo. 

For  the  reduction  of  aluminium  the  arrangement  of  the 
apparatus  is  somewhat  modified.  This  metal  tends  to  sink  to 
the  bottom  of  the  melting  vessel,  and  so  to  come  into  contact 
with  the  negative  electrode,  which  should,  therefore,  consist 
of  a  separate  metallic  conductor  (preferably  of  aluminium)  in- 
dependent of,  and  inserted  within,  the  crucible.  Accordingly, 
the  crucible,  8  (Fig.  7),  is  made  of  porcelain,  stoneware,  or  other 
equally  refractory  material,  and  is  protected  from  direct  contact 
with  the  flame  by  an  outer  sheathing  of  metal.  The  metallic 
conductor,  r,  placed  within  «,  is  connected  to  the  negative  pole 
of  the  dynamo.  If  preferred,  the  cathode-cell  may  be  introduced 
into  a  graphite  crucible  instead  of  into  a  porcelain  vessel,  in 
which  case  the  outer  metallic  sheath  may  be  omitted ;  or  it  may 
be  used  in  conjunction  with  a  metallic  vessel,  which  must,  of 
course,  be  capable  of  resisting  the  heat  to  be  applied. 

In  order  to  lessen  the  internal  resistance  of  the  apparatus, 
and,  at  the  same  time,  to  enrich  the  bath  as  the  supply  of 
electrolyte  becomes  exhausted,  the  plates  or  rods,  M,  which 
consist  of  a  mixture  of  alumina  and  carbon  for  the  reduction 
of  aluminium,  or  of  magnesia  and  carbon  for  that  of  magnesium, 
are  introduced  into  the  compartment,  G,  parallel  with  the 
carbon  electrode,  but  quite  independent  of  it.  The  carbon 
combines  with  the  oxygen  of  the  oxide  in  these  rods,  and  thus 
enables  the  metal  previously  combined  with  the  oxygen  to 
unite  with  the  chlorine  that  is  present  in  the  compartment. 

The  following  claims  are  made  in  this  patent  specification : — 
1.  An  apparatus  for  the  production  on  a  manufacturing  scale 
of  the  earth  metals  from  their  anhydrous  chlorine  and  fluorine 
compounds,  consisting  of  a  closed  metallic  melting  vessel,  A, 
which  serves  also  as  the  negative  electrode,  with  inlet  and 
outlet  for  reducing  gas,  in  combination  with  the  non-conducting 
and  fire-resisting  vessel,  G,  which  surrounds  the  positive  electrode, 
K,  and  is  provided  with  openings  in  the  sides  or  at  the  bottom, 
to  insulate  the  electrodes  from  one  another,  and  to  facilitate  the 
separate  removal  of  the  halogen  produced.  2.  In  the  manu- 
facture of  aluminium  on  a  large  scale  in  the  above-described 
manner,  the  use  of  metallic  conductors,  especially  of  aluminium 
introduced  into   the   melting  vessel  as  negative   electrodes,  as 

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described  with  reference  to  Fig.  7.  3.  To  diminish  the  electric 
resistance  within  the  apparatus  first  described,  as  well  as  for 
the  enrichment  of  the  smelting  bath  as  it  becomes  impoverished, 
the  use  of  plates  or  rods,  M  (Figs.  6  and  7),  of  alumina  and 
carbon,  or  of  magnesia  and  carbon,  in  equivalent  quantities 
respectively,  which  should  be  placed  within  the  vessel,  6,  in- 
dependently of  the  electrode. 

The  only  cuUual  novelty  in  the  whole  patent  was  the  itUro- 
duction  of  the  plates  or  rods  of  magnesia  and  carbon,  or  of 
alumina  and  carbon,  to  be  used  in  the  production  of  magnesium 
and  aluminium  respectively,  and  this  hSw  not  proved  successful ; 
its  use  was  discontinued  in  the  aluminium  and  magnesium 
factory  at  Bremen  even  at  the  time  that  Graetzel  was  managing 
the  works.  The  effect  of  these  plates,  like  that  of  Deville's  oxide- 
carbon  anodes,  was  only  to  introduce  impurities  into  the  bath, 
and  thus  to  cause  irregularity  and  inconvenience  in  the  working. 
In  order  to  bring  about  the  desired  reaction,  as  formulated  in 
the  equation 

MgO  +  C  +  Clj  =  MgCla  +  CO 

the  temperature  of  the  bath  would  have  to  be  maintained  much 
higher  than  is  desirable  either  for  the  production  of  magnesium, 
for  the  preservation  of  the  apparatus,  or  for  preventing  the 
destruction  of  the  plates  themselves  through  the  removal  of 
the  oxide. 

The  introduction  of  reducing  gases  into  the  cathode  chamber 
was  made  a  prominent  claim  in  the  specification.  But  this  pro- 
posal had  been  made  in  the  year  1882  by  F.  Fischer.*  Hiller,t 
also,  had  arranged  for  the  use  of  a  reducing  atmosphere  in  the 
cathode  chamber  of  his  apparatus  for  the  reduction  of  strontium 
and  lithium.  Moreover,  this  precautionary  measure  is  entirely 
unnecessary  in  the  electrolysis  of  camallite.  Practically  the 
whole  of  the  magnesium  remains  adhering  to  the  immersed 
electrode  and  to  the  walls  of  the  crucible,  provided  that  a 
current  of  suitable  strength  be  used  and  that  the  fused  salt  be 
not  connected  up  with  the  battery  until  it  has  been  melted 
sufficiently  long,  and  at  a  sufficiently  high  temperature,  to 
drive  off  the  last  traces  of  water,  which  are  retained  by  it  with 
the  most  obstinate  pertinacity.  The  use  of  reducing  gas  is  not, 
therefore,  necessary  on  this  account;  but  if  the  crucible  be 
immersed  in  the  fire  almost  to  the  top  rim  it  will  be  found  that 
in  the  absence  of  reducing  gases  the  walls  of  the  vessel  become 
strongly  corroded  above  the  level  of  the  fused  mass  within. 
This  is  due  to  the  metal  of  the  crucible  becoming  chloridised, 
owing  to  the  combined  effects  of  the  hot  fire-gases  without  and 
the  acid  gases  within,  the  latter  being  always  present  above 
the  surface  of  camallite  when  it  is  melted  in  the  presence  of 

•See  footnote,  p.  6.  t  F.  Hiller,  Lehrhvch  der  Chemie,  1863. 

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•even  a  small  proportion  of  air.  The  crucible  walls,  therefore, 
above  the  level  of  the  fused  substance  become  rapidly  cor- 
roded through,  whilst,  in  addition,  the  melted  camallite  tends 
to  creep  over  the  rim  of  the  vessel  on  to  the  outer  surface, 
and  there,  aided  by  the  furnace  gases,  it  exerts  a  most  de- 
structive influence.  This  action  may,  however,  be  prevented 
by  adopting  the  construction  of  crucible  used  by  Borchers, 
This  crucible  (Fig.  9)  is  provided,  at  a  distance  of  about  2  to 
2^  ins.  from  the  top,  with  a  flange,  which  serves  to  support  it 
with  its  lower  portion  immersed  in  the  fire.  The  upper 
part  of  the  crucible  being  thus  exposed  freely  to  the  air 
remains  sufficiently  cool  to  reduce  to  a  minimum  both  the  forma- 
tion of  acid  gases  and  the  corrosion 
of  the  vessel.  Thus  the  furnace  gases 
come  in  contact  only  with  Uiose 
portions  of  the  crucible  walls  which 
are  in  contact  with  fused  substances 
within,  and  which  serve  as  cathode 
surfaces.  The  tendency  of  the  melted 
salts  to  creep  up  the  side  of  the 
crucible  is  completely  prevented  be- 
cause, even  if  the  uppermost  margin 
of  the  fused  mass  within  the  crucible 
should  not  be  crystallised  in  contact 
with  the  comparatively  cool  walls, 
yet  any  thin  layer  of  fused  salt  that 
might  rejich  above  this  level  would  be  at  once  solidified. 

Finally,  the  use  of  the  melting  vessel  as  cathode,  claimed  by 
Oraetzel  as  his  invention,  was  anticipated  in  actual  practice  by 
Davy  so  long  ago  as  the  year  1808. 

Napier's  Electrolytic  Vessel. — An  account  may  be  given 
here  of  an  apparatus  patented  by  Napier*  in  1844.  It  was, 
indeed,  originally  intended  for  the  extraction  of  copper,  but 
we  find  combined  in  it,  even  at  this  date,  the  most  important 
elements  reappearing  in  GraetzeFs  and  other  patents  afterwards. 
Xapier  used  a  large  crucible  or  other  convenient  vessel  made 
of  some  conducting  material,  of  which  the  inner  side,  with  the 
exception  of  the  bottom,  was  lined  with  a  coating  of  clay.  The 
copper  ore,  roasted  as  free  as  possible  from  sulphur,  was  mixed 
with  the  necessarv  fluxes  and  fused  in  the  crucible ;  the  melted 
ma«s  was  then  submitted  to  the  action  of  the  galvanic  current  in 
such  a  way  that  the  crucible  itself  formed  the  cathode,  whilst 
the  anode  was  an  iron  rod  united  to  a  plate  at  the  lower  end. 
It  is  thus  clear  that  even  in  1844  an  apparatus  for  the  reduction 
of  metals  had  been  patented,!  which  consisted  of  a  melting  vessel 

Fig.  9.  —  Borchers'  flanged 
crucible  for  electrolytic 

♦  English  Patents  10,362,   1844,  and  684,  1845. 
Frankhn  JiiAt.,  1889,  vol.  cxxv.,  p.  376. 
+  C/.  Graetzel's  Patent  claims,  pp.  10,  11. 

Cf.  Houston,  Jottm, 

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made  of  some  conducting  inaterial  and  serving  as  the  negative 
electrode,  in  combination  with  a  non-conducting  and  fire-resisting 
vessel,  open  at  the  bottom,  and  surrounding  the  positive  electrode 
for  the  purpose  of  insulating  the  electrodes  and  facilitating  the 
removal  of  the  anion. 

Borchers'  Magnesium  Process. — In  accordance  with  the 
principles  explained  above,  and  following  the  pattern  of  Troost's*^ 


Fig.  10. — Borchers'  experimental  furnace  for  the  electrolysis 
of  fused  salts. 

apparatus,  the  cell  surrounding  the  carbon  electrode  being  re- 
duced in  size,  whilst  at  the  same  time  taking  into  account  the 
experience  which  led  to  the  adoption  of  the  shape  of  crucible 
depicted  in  Fig.  9,  the  author  has  designed  an  apparatus  (Fig.  10) 
suitable  for  a  large  number  of  experiments  in  the  electrolysis 
of  fused  salts.  Within  the  iron  crucible,  K,  which  forms  the 
cathode,  is  suspended  the  carbon  rod,  A,  as  anode,  surrounded 

•  See  p.  22. 

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by  the  porcelain  tube,  C.  The  anode  is  connected  to  the  con- 
ducting wire  from  the  dynamo  by  means  of  the  screw  clamp,  V, 
and  is  supported  by  the  ring-shaped  porcelain  cover,  L,  whilst 
the  porcelain  tube  rests  by  means  of  a  collar  on  another  annular 
porcelain  plate,  d ;  the  weight  of  the  whole  crucible  is  in  turn 
borne  by  the  chamotte-plate  cover,  D,  of  a  Perrot  furnace,  upon 
which  it  is  held  by  the  flange,  F;  and  this,  by  an  extension  on 
one  side,  makes  electrical  connection  with  the  negative  pole  of 

Fig.  11.— Borchers'  furnace  for  use  with  currents  of  100  amperes. 

the  dynamo  through  the  binding  screw,  N.  The  furnace  consists 
of  a  wide  chamotte  cylinder,  O,  protected  externally  by  a  sheet- 
iron  jacket,  M,  which  may  be  supported  either  by  feet  attached 
to  it,  or  by  a  temporary  stand  ;  and  the  whole  is  closed  beneath 
l)y  a  chamotte  plate,  B,  provided  with  a  central  opening.  The 
internal  fireclay  cylinder,  W,  serves  to  convey  the  heated  gases 
from  a  sufficiently  powerful  gas  burner,  first  of  all  upwards  and 
around  the  crucible,  and  thence  downwards  through  the  annular 

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space  between  W  and  O  to  the  flue,  Z.  The  upwardly  bent  end 
of  the  flange,  F,  with  the  negative  main,  N,  is  connected  by 
means  of  a  screwed  joint. 

In  using  the  apparatus,  the  empty  crucible  and  iU^  appur- 
tenances should  first  be  heated  for  a  considerable  time,  while 
the  camallite  is  being  melted,  preferably,  in  a  second  crucible. 

Whilst  the  crucible  just  described  is  suitable  for  currents  of 
about  50  amperes,  it  is  possible  to  employ  100  amperes  with  the 
apparatus  used  in  Borchers*  laboratories  in  the  Technical  College 
at  Aachen,  Fig.  11.     This  apparatus  is  heated  by  means  of  a 

Fig.   12.— Borchers*  furnace  for  the  electrolysis  of  magnesium 

Rossler  gas  furnace.      An  arrangement  adapted  to  coal  firing 
and  to  a  current  of  250  to  300  amperes  is  shown  in  Fig.  1 2. 

It  is  not  advisable  to  use  an  apparatus  much  larger  than  that 
which  is  here  figured,  not  only  for  structural  reasons,  but  on 
account  both  of  tiie  size  of  the  electrodes  that  would  be  required 
and  of  the  distance  between  them.  It  is  preferable  to  use  a 
greater  number  of  vessels  of  ordinary  size  connected  up  in  series ; 
but  in  that  case  the  crucibles  must  be  supported  in  separate 
furnaces,  in  order  to  avoid  short-circuiting  between  them  through 
the  deposition  of  soot  or  other  conducting  material.     Several 

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melting  vessels,  however,  may  be  served  with  fuel  from  a  single 
generator.  The  grate,  whether  gas  firing  or  solid  fuel  be  used, 
is  best  built  in  a  separate  chamber,  so  that  the  crucible  may  be 
protected  from  the  direct  action  of  the  flame  (little  extra  heat 
being  required  during  the  actual  progress  of  electrolysis),  and 
that  the  fluid  contents  of  a  leaky  crucible  may  be  prevented 
from  flowing  into  the  fuel.  To  facilitate  the  removal  of  such 
material  a  small  collecting  chamber  may  be  provided  beneath 
the  crucible,  as  shown  in  the  illustration. 

It  is  necessary  to  arrange  for  a  heating  chamber,  in  which 
spare  porcelain  or  clay  portions  of  the  apparatus  may  be  kept 
hot,  so  that  damaged  parts  may  be  replaced  without  loss  of  time. 
This  chamber  is  conveniently  heated  by  the  waste  gases  from  the 

Preliminary  Preparation  of  the  Charge. — ^The  first  stage 
in  the  extraction  of  magnesium  on  the  manufacturing  scale  is 
the  production  of  anhydrous  camallite.  The  salt  as  it  occurs 
in  nature  is  too  impure  for  immediate  treatment  by  electrolysis ; 
hence  the  camallite  necessary  for  the  production  of  the  mag- 
nesium is  prepared  from  magnesium  chloride  and  potassium 
chloride,  the  latter  of  which  is  in  part  recovered  after  the 
exhaustion  of  the  magnesium  in  the  fused  bath  under  electro- 
lytic treatment.  Under  a  new  patent  of  the  Hemelinger 
Aluminium  and  Magnesium  Works,*  natural  camallite  can  be 
rendered  serviceable  for  electrolysis  by  fusing  it,  without  any 
previous  purification,  in  admixture  with  so  much  chloride  of 
magnesium  or  chloride  of  sodium,  or  of  dehydrated  artificial 
camallite,  as  may  be  necessary  to  bring  it  up  to  the  percentage 
composition,  MgCl,  =  41-66,  KCl  =  32-66,  and  NaCl  =  25-66, 
corresponding  to  the  formula  MgClo  .  KCl .  NaCl.  A  fused 
bath  of  this  composition  is  well  suited  for  electrolysis,  and 
if  a  little  fluorspar  be  added  gives  a  metal  which  flows  readily 

By  whichever  method  the  mixture  of  salts  is  prepared,  the 
following  procedure  is  usually  adopted: — Crystallised  magnesium 
chloride,  or  artificial  camallite,  is  fused  in  an  open  hemispherical 
iron  pan,  either  of  these  salts  melting  with  comparative  ease  in 
its  water  of  crystallisation.  The  necessary  quantity  of  potassium 
chloride,  or  of  the  mixture  specified  in  the  Hemelinger  patent, 
is  then  added  to  the  fluid  mass,  which  is  at  first  pasty,  but 
which  rapidly  becomes  solid  again  as  it  loses  its  water  of  crystal- 
lisation. During  the  intermediate  pasty  stage  it  is  necessary  to 
stir  the  mass  briskly  with  an  iron  tool,  both  to  facilitate  the 
drying  of  the  charge  and  to  prevent  the  adhesion  of  thick  crusts 
of  salt  to  the  hotter  portions  of  the  walls  of  the  pan.  It  is  well 
known  that  without  the  addition  of  the  salts  above  mentioned, 
hydrated  magnesium  chloride  would,  when  evaporated  in  the 
♦  German  Patent  116,015. 

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ni&nner  just  described,  be  converted  for  the  most  part  into 
magnesium  oxide,  or  oxychloride,  and  hydroohloric  acid,  as 
shown  by  the  following  equation: — 

M^Cla  +  HgO  =  MgO  +  2HC1. 

But  this  reaction  is  not  entirely  prevented  even  by  the  presence 
of  the  alkali-metal  chlorides,  so  that  fumes  of  hydrochloric  acid 
escape  during  the  operation,  and  these  must  be  conducted  away 
by  means  of  a  hood. 

Even  after  the  temperature  has  been  raised  to  from  300"*  to 
400*  C,  at  the  end  of  the  operation,  the  mixture  is  not  absolutely 
anhydrous,  but  it  is  ready  for  fusion,  whereby  the  last  traces  of 
water  will  be  expelled.  This  fusion  is  effected  in  vessels  similar 
to  those  used  for  the  electrolytic  process,  these  vessels  are  sus- 
pended in  the  same  way  above  a  firing  chamber,  from  which  they 
can  be  readily  removed.  A  temperature  of  from  500**  to  600**  C. 
is  necessary  for  fusion.  During  the  process  a  portion  of  the 
magnesium  chloride  reacts,  according  to  the  equation  above 
quoted,  with  the  residual  water  vapour,  which  is  only  finally 
expelled  at  a  red  heat,  so  that  the  result  of  the  dehydrating 
process  is  the  production  of  a  fused  mass  containing  a  more  or 
less  considerable  proportion  of  magnesium  oxide.  This  oxide 
is,  during  electrolysis,  a  great  hindrance  to  the  running  together 
of  the  globules  of  magnesium  formed  during  the  process;  and 
the  greater  the  quantity  of  oxide  present  in  the  fused  mass,  the 
greater  will  be  the  proportion  of  spongy  metal  which  can  with 
difficulty  be  recovered  in  useful  form.  It  is  therefore  necessary, 
before  starting  the  electrolysis,  to  reconvert  into  chloride  any 
magnesia  which  has  been  formed,  either  in  the  manner  above 
described,  or  by  another  reaction  which  will  be  referred  to  in 
the  next  paragraph.  This  may  be  most  readily  done  by  the 
process  already  described  by  Bunsen,  in  which  ammonium 
chloride  is  added  to  the  mass  in  the  form  of  sublimed  sal- 
ammoniac,  thus : — 

MgO  +  2NH4CI  =  MgCLj  +  2NH,  +  HjO. 

Oettel*  has  shown  by  experiment  that  the  presence  of  mag- 
nesium sulphate  in  carnallite  is  disadvantageous,  inasmuch  as 
the  magnesium  reduced  electrolytically  tends  to  react  in  part 
with  the  sulphate,  with  the  production  of  magnesia  and  sulphur 
dioxide,  thus : — 

MgS04  +  Mg  =  2MgO  +  SO,. 

Owing  to  the  fact  that  this  reaction  takes  place  very  gradually, 
a  larse  number  of  the  minute  globules  of  magnesium  become 
coated,  as  fast  as  they  are  reduced,  with  a  thin  film  of  mag- 

♦  Zeitachrift/ur  EUktrochemie,  1895,  vol.  ii.,  p.  394. 


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nesium  oxide,  which  checks  their  uniting  together  into  larger 
masses.  Oettel,  as  a  simple  remedy  for  this  difficulty,  recom- 
mends the  addition  of  a  small  proportion  of  carbon  to  the 
carnallite  at  the  time  of  fusion.  This  carbon,  which  may  be 
in  the  form  of  wood-charcoal  dust,  sawdust,  sugar,  flour,  or 
the  like,  decomposes  the  magnesium  sulphate  at  a  dull  red 
heat,  as  follows: — 

MgS04  +  C  =  MgO  +  CO  +  SO,. 

The  Beduotion  ProoeBs. — ^After  the  removal  of  the  sulphate 
originally  present,  and  of  the  oxide  formed  during  the  fusion  of 
the  mixture  of  salts,  the  fused  mass  will,  at  a  clear  red  heat, 
soon  become  tranqidl  and  clear.  When  this  point  has  been 
reached,  the  melting  pan  is  lifted  out  of  its  seat  and  its  contents 
are  emptied  into  a  pre-heated  electrolytic  vessel,  taking  care 
that  any  sediment,  consisting  of  impurities,  is  left  in  the  melting 
pan.  The  anodes,  with  their  porcelain  envelopes,  which  must 
also  have  been  heated  beforehand,  are  then  introduced,  and  the 
process  of  electrolysis  is  started. 

If  all  the  precautions  have  been  properly  taken,  the  magnesium 
will  be  found  to  deposit  on  the  lower  part  of  the  walls  of  the 
electrolytic  vessel  in  globules,  which  increase  rapidly  in  size, 
while  the  chlorine,  rising  through  the  porcelain  cylinder  sur- 
rounding the  anodes,  escapes  above.  It  is  most  important  that 
the  temperature  of  the  bath  be  not  permitted  to  rise  much  above 
that  of  the  melting  point  of  magnesium,  because  at  this  tempera- 
ture the  metal  is  specifically  heavier  than  the  electrolyte,  and 
will  therefore  remain  at  the  bottom  of  the  vessel.  A  higher 
temperature  of  bath  is  favourable  to  the  re-solution  of  mag- 
nesium, and  the  pressure  required  will  be  sensibly  higher;  it 
leads  also  to  a  loss  of  magnesium,  because  the  metal  at  a  bright 
red  heat  is  specifically  lighter  than  the  fused  salt,  and  so  tends 
to  float  up  from  the  bottom,  in  which  case  a  considerable  propor- 
tion of  the  magnesium  will  be  burned,  either  at  the  surface  or  at 
the  anode. 

Working  with  a  current-density  of  at  least  1,000  amperes  per 
square  metre  [93  amperes  per  sq.  foot]  of  cathode  surface,  the 
current-density  at  the  surface  of  the  anode  will  be  about  ten 
times  as  much,  even  if  an  unusually  thick  carbon  rod  be  employed. 
In  spite  of  this,  a  pressure  of  only  about  7  to  8  volts  is  required, 
whidi  may  be  reduced  by  1  or  2  volts  (where  an  economical 
installation  is  sought)  by  increasing  the  size  of  the  anode. 

After  continuing  the  electrolysis  for  a  sufficiently  long  time, 
an  inspection  of  i£e  contents  of  the  crucible,  through  the  dear 
fused  salt,  will  show  when  the  required  quantity  of  the  metal 
has  been  accumulated.  The  current  is  then  broken,  the  screw 
connections  are  opened,  and  the  cover,  d,  together  with  all  that 
it  supports,  is  removed  from  the  melting  vessel.     The  flame  is 

Digitized  by  LjOOy  ICl! 

MAONiGSlUM.  19 

now  somewhat  increased,  and  the  mass  of  metal  clinging  to  the 
walls  is  detached  with  the  aid  of  an  iron  scraper  shaped  to 
correspond  with  the  inner  surface  of  the  crucible.  The  whole 
contents  of  the  vessel  are  then  poured  into  a  flat  box  made  of 
sheet  iron,  which  must  be  cold  and  perfectly  dry,  and  any  metal 
that  still  adheres  to  the  walls  of  the  vessel  must  be  rapidly 
scraped  off.  The  solidified  mass,  after  cooling,  is  broken  up, 
and  the  globules  of  magnesium  are  picked  out.  The  larger  pure 
shot  may  be  melted  together  without  flux  in  a  plumbago  crucible, 
but  the  less  pure  metal  must  be  fused  and  refined. 

Melting  of  Eleotro- deposited  Magnesium. — ^The  larger 
and  purer  pieces  of  magnesium  may  be  melted  together  in  a 
crucible  in  an  ordinary  fire,  but  the  less  pure  and  the  fine- 
grained material  must  always  be  submitted  to  a  refining  opera- 
tion. For  this  purpose  carnallite  is  melted  in  an  iron  crucible, 
and  the  crude  magnesium  is  thrown  into  the  fused  mass.  At  a 
dull  red  heat  an  iron  rod  is  introduced,  and  with  its  aid  the 
metal  lying  at  the  bottom  of  the  crucible  is  as  far  as  possible 
pressed  into  one  mass.  The  temperature  is  now  gradually 
raised  to  that  of  a  bright  red  heat,  until  a  point  is  reached  at 
which  the  specific  gravity  of  the  magnesium  is  less  than  that  of 
the  flux.  The  metal  then,  liquating  from  its  impurities,  floats 
to  the  surface  in  the  form  of  globules  of  considerable  size,  and  is 
removed  in  perforated  sieve-like  ladles.  The  sur&M^tension  of 
melted  magnesium  is  so  great  that  the  metal  cannot  flow  through 
the  fine  perforations  of  the  ladle,  although  the  flux  may  thus 
be  drained  completely  away.  The  purified  metal  is  finally 
melted  together  in  an  iron  crucible  to  separate  the  last  traces 
of  slag,  and  to  enable  it  to  be  cast  into  the  bars  or  rods  required 
for  the  market. 

Electro-thermal  Reduction  of  Magnesium. — Knofler  and 
Ledderboge**^  have  proposed  to  smelt  magnesium  by  placing  a 
mixture  of  carbon  and  magnesia  in  the  form  of  rods  in  an  electric 
circuit  after  the  manner  of  carbons  in  an  arc  lamp ;  the 
magnesium  and  carbonic  oxide  thus  produced  were  to  be  pre- 
vented from  reacting  with  one  another,  either  by  the  introduc- 
tion of  reducing  gas  or  by  conducting  the  whole  experiment 
in  vacuo.  The  process  would  probably  be  workable,  but  it  is 
questionable  whether  it  would  be  successful  financially.  The 
considerable  electromotive  force  required  for  the  operation,  the 
high  price  of  the  magnesium-unit  in  pure  magnesia  as  compared 
with  carnallite,  the  circumstance  that  magnesium  is  volatile  at 
temperatures  much  below  that  required  for  the  decomposition 
of  ihe  oxide,  and  the  difficulty  of  condensing  the  resulting 
metallic  vapour  from  its  admixture  with  carbon  monoxide  and 
other  gases,  are  sufficient  grounds  for  predicting  the  practical 
&ilure  of  the  process. 

♦  Gorman  Patent  49,329,  Feb.  6,  1889. 

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Hilberg's  Process. — The  means  recommended  by  Hilberg* 
for  improving  both  the  process  itself  and  the  yield  of  metal 
possess  no  advantages.  He  proposes  to  cover  the  sur&u^  of  the 
fused  mass  with  a  layer  of  asbestos  cloth,  with  the  object  both 
of  protecting  the  electrodes  from  blows  or  shocks  of  any  kind, 
and  of  lessening  the  frothing  of  the  bath.  The  asbestos  is  also 
intended  to  prevent  the  atmospheric  oxidation  of  the  electrolytic 
magnesium,  and  to  promote  this  object  still  further  the  space 
above  the  fused  mass  is  to  be  rendered  vacuous,  or  to  be  filled 
with  an  indifferent  gas.  From  what  has  been  written  above 
concerning  the  process,  it  will  be  obvious  to  the  practical  man 
that  it  is  not  necessary  to  introduce  the  complications  of  the 
Hilberg  patent  in  order  to  overcome  the  difficulties  of  the 

Applications  of  Magnesium. — I'he  use  of  magnesium  haa 
been  considerably  extended  of  late,  since  the  discovery  by  Mach 
of  the  valuable  properties  of  its  alloy  with  aluminium.  Besides 
the  Hemelinger  Aluminium  and  Magnesium  Works,  near 
Bremen,  the  Griesheim-Elektron  Chemical  Works  is  also  pro- 
ducing magnesium,  by  a  later  process  worked  out  by  Bathenau 
and  Suter,  at  the  electro-chemical  works  at  Bitterfeld,  and  kept 
most  rigorously  secret. 

Otherwise  the  use  of  magnesium  remains  restricted,  and  the 
hopes,  at  first  entertained,  that  it  might  be  utilised  in  the  manu- 
facture of  aluminium  have  remained  unfulfilled,  owing  to  the 
introduction  of  more  advantageous  methods  for  the  latter  pur- 
pose ;  its  employment,  however,  as  the  source  of  a  powerful 
light  in  pyrotechny  and  photography  is  by  no  means  incon- 
siderable. The  price  of  magnesium,  as  compared  with  that  of 
aluminium  (at  the  present  time)  and  the  alkali  metals,  especially 
sodium,  has  led  to  its  introduction  into  the  chemical  industries 
only  in  very  limited  quantities,  in  spite  of  its  high  reducing 
power.  It  is,  however,  especially  well  suited  to  the  dehydration 
of  alcohols,  ethers,  and  oils,  because  the  hydroxide  formed  by 
its  reaction  with  water  is  quite  insoluble  in  most  of  these 
substances.  If  it  be  still  employed,  as  proposed  by  Fleit- 
mann,  in  melting  nickel  to  remove  the  last  traces  of  oxide 
dissolved  in  the  metal,  it  is  less  on  account  of  its  reducing 
properties,  which  it  possesses  in  common  with  aluminium,  than 
because  any  excess  of  magnesium  that  may  be  added  does  not 
alloy  with  the  nickel.  Magnesium  is  also  recommended  for 
the  refining  of  other  metals,  such  as  copper,  German  silver,  and 
steel,  being  added  to  effect  the  removal  of  small  quantities  of 
dissolved  oxides,  sulphides,  and  phosphides.  In  laboratories  it 
is  employed  as  a  powerful  and  reliable  reducing  agent. 

*  English  Patent  16,659,  of  July  30,  1898,  and  German  Patent  110,403, 
of  Feb.  5,  1898. 

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CHAPTER    11. 

Ocourrenoe  of  lathium  in  Nature. — Of  the  compounds  of 
lithium  which  occur  in  nature,  the  chloride  is  found  in  many 
mineral  waters ;  a  fluoride  together  with  a  silicate  is  met  with 
in  lepidolite  and  a  phosphate  in  triphylite.  Numerous  other 
minerals,  together  with  a  few  plants  {e,g,^  tobacco),  also  contain 
lithium,  but  even  the  richest  minerals  never  contain  more  than 
4  per  cent,  of  this  metal,  and  usually  only  from  1  *5  to  2  per  cent. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Lithium  (Li ;  atomic  weight  =  7 ; 
specific  gravity  =  0*5936)  is  a  soft  metal  belonging  to  the  alkali* 
metal  group.  Surfaces  of  the  metal  protected  from  the  air  have 
a  white  silver-like  lustre.  It  melts  at  180®  C,  and  has  been 
vaporised  by  Troost  at  a  clear  red  heat  (about  1,000*  C).  At 
temperatures  below  200'  C,  it  may  be  melted  in  the  air  without 
taking  fire,  but  at  higher  temperatures  it  bursts  into  flame, 
emitting  a  blinding  white  light,  and  becoming  converted  into 
oxide  with  the  evolution  of  much  heat.  It  unites  with  sulphur 
and  the  halogens  under  similar  circumstances,  evolving  both 
light  and  heat.  It  decomposes  water  at  the  ordinary  tempera- 
ture, and  floats  to  the  surface  where,  unlike  the  other  alkali 
metals,  it  remains  tranquil,  without  melting,  giving  rise  to  flame, 
or  lighting  the  hydrogen  produced  by  the  reaction.  It  is  obvious 
that  the  action  of  acids  must  be  very  energetic  upon  a  metal 
such  as  lithium,  which  is  able  to  decompose  water,  and  the  salts 
of  which  are,  almost  without  exception,  so  easily  soluble. 

Extraction  of  Ijithimn. — ^The  many  methods  proposed  for 
the  treatment  of  these  minerals  are  so  far  alike  that  the  lithium 
is  in  all  cases  rendered  soluble  by  converting  it  into  the  sulphate 
or  chloride.  As  a  natural  result  of  this  treatment,  it  follows  that 
in  addition  to  the  more  easily  separable  metals,  the  alkali-  and 
alkaline-earth  metals,  which  are  always  present,  must  pass  into 
solution  witih  the  lithium.  The  separation  of  these  latter  salts 
at  present  introduces  great  difficulties,  and  adds  considerably 
to  the  cost  of  the  process.  Such  an  operation  is,  however,  un- 
necessary if  it  be  intended  to  produce  metallic  lithium,  because 
this  metal  may  be  completely  separated  in  a  perfectly  pure  con- 
dition and  with  the  greatest  ease  (in  the  absence  of  magnesium 
salts)  by  electrolysing  a  fused  mixture  of  alkali-metal  and  al- 
kaline-earth metal  chlorides.     Bunsen  and  Matthiessen  in  1 854, 

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working  with  lithium  chloride,  showed  that  the  successful  elec- 
trolysis of  fused  alkaline  chloride  was  quite  possible ;  and  the 
former*  wrote  as  follows  on  this  point: — "The  lithium  chloride 
is  melted  in  a  small  thick-walled  porcelain  crucible  by  means  of 
a  Berzelius  lamp,  and  is  then  treated  with  the  current  from  4  to 
6  zinc-carbon  elements.  The  current  is  passed  through  the  fused 
chloride  from  a  pointed  fragment  of  gas  carbon  to  a  piece  of  iron 
wire  the  thickness  of  a  knitting  needle.  After  the  lapse  of  a 
few  seconds  only  a  molten  silvery- white  regulus  is  seen  to  be 
forming  upon  and  clinging  to  the  im- 
mersed portion  of  the  wire ;  and  within 
two  and  a-half  to  three  minutes  it  will 
have  grown  to  the  size  of  a  small  pea. 
The  metal  is  obtained,  with  the  aid  of  a 
small  spoon,  by  raising  the  melted 
regulus  out  of  the  solution,  together  with 
the  wire  electrode ;  and  as  this  operation 
may  be  repeated  at  intervals  of  three 
minutes,  it  is  an  easy  matter  to  reduce 
an  ounce  of  lithium  chloride  in  quite  a 
short  time." 

Troost's  Prooess. — The  publication 
of  Bunsen's  results  led  naturally  to 
further  work  in  the  same  direction.  In 
publishing  his  confirmation  of  these  re- 
sults, Troost,t  in  1856,  described  a  modi- 
fied apparatus  which,  in  view  of  the 
patent  claims  advanced  by  later  inven- 
tors, is  worthy  of  special  attention.  A 
cast-iron  crucible,  T  (Fig.  13),  4f  inches 
high  and  2  inches  wide  at  the  mouth,  was 
used  as  the  melting  vessel.  This  was 
covered  by  a  close-fitting  lid,  D,  provided  with  two  perforations, 
one  of  which  was  0*2  inch  wide,  and  served  to  admit  the  negative 
pole,  K;  whilst  through  the  other,  which  was  IJ  inches  in 
diameter,  there  was  passed  a  sheet-metal  cylinder,  having  an 
internal  diameter  of  1-14  inches,  and  reaching  downwards  to 
half  the  depth  of  the  crucible.  Within  the  metal  cylinder  was 
a  porcelain  tube  forming  a  sheath  for  the  positive  pole.  A,  and 
a  means  of  escape  for  the  separated  chlorine.  The  lithium 
gradually  accumulated  at  the  negative  pole,  and  the  apparatus 
could  be  left  to  itself  for  an  hour  at  a  time,  provided  only  that 
the  decomposed  chloride  was  replaced  from  time  to  time,  as 
required,  by  the  introduction  of  fresh  salt  through  the  porcelain 

•  Lithig'sAnn.j  1855,  vol.  xoiv.,  p.  107. 

t  Comptes  Rtndusy  1856,  vol.  xliii.,  p.  921  j  and ^im.  dt  Chim.  et  de  Phys.^ 
1856,  vol.  li.,  p.  112. 

Fig.  13. 

Troo8t*8  apparatus  for 
the  electrolysis  of  fused 
lithium  chloride. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 

LITHIUM.  "  23 

According  to  the  author's  experience  with  apparatus  of  the 
kind  just  described,  lithium  and  other  metallic  chlorides  may  be 
electrolysed  in  them  for  a  short  time.  Even,  however,  if  the 
negative  electrode  be  initially  insulated  from  the  iron  cover  and 
crucible,  the  sepai-ated  metal  floats  to  the  surface  and  makes 
electrical  connection  with  the  crucible  and  the  sheet-iron  tube, 
so  that  all  the  iron  portions  of  the  apparatus  which  are  below 
the  level  of  the  fused  salt  soon  form  part  of  the  negative  pole. 
So  far  as  the  separation  of  lithium  is  concerned,  this  action  is  in 
itself  harmless ;  but,  unfortunately,  the  metal  becomes  deposited 
on  the  inner  side  of  the  sheet-iron  tube,  and  as  lithium  very 
readily  attacks  both  silica  and  alumina,  the  porcelain  tube  with 
which  the  metal  is  now  in  contact  is  so  attacked  that  it  is  soon 
rendered  porous,  and  the  inner  surface  of  the  iron  then  becomes 
the  principal  seat  of  reduction  for  the  lithium.  The  result  of 
this  is  that  the  electitxles  are  insufficiently  separated,  and  short- 
circuiting  is  brought  about  through  the  porous  substance  of  the 
porcelain  tube.  Such  an  apparatus  may  not,  therefore,  be  used 
continuously  for  any  length  of  time.  There  can  be  no  doubt 
that  in  the  arrangement,  as  Troost  described  it,  the  crucible 
either  acted  as  the  negative  pole  from  the  very  beginning  of  the 
electrolysis  (for  Troost  does  not  mention  that  it  was  insulated 
from  the  cathode  wire),  or,  if  it  were  insulated  at  first,  that  it 
did  so  within  a  very  short  time  afterwards,  for  the  reduced 
metal  rapidly  accumulates  upon  the  surface  of  the  liquid  in 
sufficient  quantity  to  bridge  over  the  space  between  it  and  the 
original  wire  electrode. 

Accordingly,  in  1866,  we  find  Troost*  using  "for  the  produc- 
tion of  metals  from  their  anhydrous  chlorine  compounds,  a  closed 
metallic  vessel,  which  serves  also  as  negative  electrode,  in  com- 
bination with  a  non-conducting  and  fire-resisting  vessel,  which 
is  open  at  the  bottom,  and  surrounds  the  positive  electrode,  with 
the  object  of  separating  the  two  electrodes  and  of  conducting 
away  the  chlorine  produced." 

Hiller's  Apparatus. — Hillerf  has  described  an  apparatus  for 
the  production  of  strontium  that  is  especially  well  adapted  to 
extraction  of  lithium  from  its  chloride. 

In  Fig  14,  t  is  a  porcelain  crucible  which  contains  the  fused 
lithium  chloride.  The  cathode  consists  of  an  iron  wire,  of  which 
the  end.  A;,  is  enclosed  in  the  bowl  of  a  clay  tobacco  pipe,  p.  The 
lithium  separates  at  k,  and,  being  specifically  lighter  than  the 
fused  chloride,  collects  upon  the  surface  of  the  liquid  in  the 
pipe-bowl,  which  protects  it  completely  from  the  re-oxidation 
that  would  otherwise  result  from  contact  with  the  air.  It  is 
advisable,  before  commencing  the  electrolysis,  to  remove  the 
air  from  the  pipe.     To  effect  this,  a  glass  tube,  g,  is  attached 

*  Compare  GraetzeUs  claimB  in  his  patent  Bpecifioation,  on  pp.  10,  11. 
t  F.  Hiller,  Lehrbuch  der  Chemie,  Leipzig,  1863. 

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to  the  pipe-stem  by  means  of  a  perforated  cork ;  beyond  this  is 
a  narrow  glass  tube,  rf,  leading  to  a  caoutchouc  tube,  e.  The 
second  glass  tube  is  fitted  to  the  first  with  the  aid  of  a  cork  at  c, 
and  between  this  cork  and  the  outer  tube  is  passed  the  iron 
electrode  wire.  The  wire  is  wound  several  times  around  the 
small  glass  tube  at  d,  and  when  the  end,  k,  has  been  adjusted  in 
the  centre  of  the  pipe-bowl,  the  whole  arrangement  is  held 
firmly  in  position  by  covering  the  joint,  c,  with  plaster  of  Paris. 
The  air  in  the  pipe  is  displaced  by  passing  a  current  of  per- 
fectly dry  hydrogen  through  the  caoutchouc  tube,  e ;  the  bowl 
of  the  pipe  is  then  dipped  into  the  fused  chloride,  the  caoutchouc 

Fig.  14. — Uiller's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  liihinni. 

tube  is  disconnected  from  the  hydrogen  generator,  the  bowl  is 
sunk  into  the  chloride  to  the  depth  indicated  in  the  figure,  and 
the  rubber  tube  is  finally  closed  with  a  pinch-cock,  q.  It  would, 
however,  be  still  simpler  to  substitute  hydrocarbon  vapour  for 
hydrogen ;  to  this  end  it  would  only  be  necessary  to  introduce 
some  paraffin  into  the  upper  part  of  the  pipe-bowl.  On  immers- 
ing the  bowl  in  the  melted  salt,  the  paraffin  would  vaporise  and 
drive  out  the  air  before  it  through  the  caoutchouc  tube,  f,  which 
could  then  be  closed  by  the  clamp  as  before.  In  order  to  prevent 
the  contact  of  the  separated  lithium  with  the  walls  of  the  pipe, 
which  would  lead  to  the  contamination  of  the  metal  with  silicon, 
the  inner  side  of  the  bowl  is  coated  with  a  thin  layer  of  graphite. 
The  graphite  is  first  made  into  a  thick  paste  by  stirring  it  well 
with  a  dilute  solution  of  lithium  chloride;  the  paste  is  then 
painted  over  the  surface  of  the  pipe-bowl,  and  after  it  has  become 

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thoroughly  air-dried,  the  whole  ia  heated  to  a  red  heat.  The 
anode,  a,  consists  of  a  gas-carbon  rod  connected  to  an  iron  wire, 
€k.  From  3  to  4  Bunsen  cells  are  sufficient  for  the  electrolysis. 
As  soon  as  the  circuit  is  completed  decomposition  sets  in,  which 
may  be  recognised  by  the  copious  evolution  of  chlorine  at  the 
anode,  and  it  is  now  only  necessary  to  see  that  the  lithium  chloride 
remains  in  a  state  of  fusion.  At  the  end  of  an  hour  the  current 
may  be  interrupted,  and  the  fire  drawn  from  the  grate ;  then, 
after  cooling  completely,  the  crucible  and  pipe  may  be  broken, 
and  a  regulus  of  lithium  will  be  found  surrounding  the  iron  wire. 

Although  this  apparatus  might  easily  be  made  on  a  larger 
scale,  and  although  it  represents  a  distinct  advance  towards  the 
economical  electrolysis  of  alkali-metal  chlorides,  yet  it  does  not 
satisfy  all  the  requirements  of  a  profitable  installation. 

Grabau's  Apparatus. — The  electrode  cell  patented  by 
Grabau,*  for   use  in  the  extraction  of  metals  of  low  specific 

Fig.  15.  Fig.  16. 

Grabau's  electrode  cell  for  use  with  light  metals. 

gravity,  may  here  be  described  on  account  of  its  similarity  to  the 
last-named  apparatus.  The  bell-shaped  cell,  a  (Figs.  15  and  16), 
is  suspended  by  the  stem,  6,  from  the  transverse  support,  rf,  and  is 
provided  with  the  pole,^  which  terminates  at  the  highest  point 
of  the  inner  surface  of  tiie  bell.  The  cell,  a,  is  closed  above,  but 
it  is  open  below,  and  should  be  quite  immersed  in  the  bath. 
Either  by  a  siphon-shaped  tube,  or  otherwise,  the  air  initially 
present  is  given  a  passage  for  escape  so  that  the  bell  may  be 
completely  filled  with  the  fused  material.  The  metal  separates 
on  the  pole,  f.  But  this  apparatus  cannot  be  used  for  an  extended 
operation,  for  there  is  no  non-conducting  material  known  that 
will,  under  these  circumstances,  afford  resistance  for  any  length 
of  time  to  the  action  of  the  alkali  metals  in  the  presence  of 
fused  alkali-metal  chlorides.  Even  a  few  hours  will  suffice  to 
bring  about  the  perforation  of  strong  and  thick  porcelain  tubes 

•  Cicniian  Patent  41,494.  1887. 

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by  the  alkali  metals,  in  consequence  of  the  reduction  of  the 
silicates  by  them. 

Guntz's  Prooess. — A  notable  ignorance  of  past  work  in  prac- 
tical electro-chemistry  is  shown  by  Guntz,*  who,  in  December, 
1893,  presented  to  the  French  Academy  the  description  of  a 
process,  from  which  the  following  account  is  taken: — A  mixture 
of  200  to  300  grammes  of  potassium  and  lithium  chloride  in  equal 
proportions  (fusing  point  450"  C.)  is  melted  over  an  ordinary 
Bunsen  burner.  When  fusion  is  complete  the  electrodes  are 
introduced.  The  anode  consists  of  a  carbon  rod  8  ram.  in  dia- 
meter, the  cathode  of  an  iron  wire  about  3  to  4  mm.  thick.  The 
latter  is  enclosed  within  a  glass  tube  20  mm.  wide.  After 
applying  a  current  of  20  volts  and  1 0  amperes  for  abotU  an  hour 
there  will  be  found  in  the  glass  tube  a  fluid  column  of  lithium, 
which  stands  at  a  level  of  more  than  1  cm.  above  that  of  the 
fused  salt.  To  obtain  the  metal  the  electrodes  are  separated,  the 
glass  tube  is  raised  out  of  the  liquid,  and  the  fluid  lithium  which 
floats  upon  the  surface  of  the  melt  is  removed  with  the  aid  of  an 
iron  spoon  and  poured  into  a  dry  ingot  mould. 

All  this,  however,  had  been  accomplished  thirty  years  pre- 
viously, only  the  earlier  experimenters  had  been  more  economical 
of  electric  energy,  of  which  they  had  used  but  one-fourth  part 
of  that  employed  by  Guntz. 

As  has  already  been  shown,  the  conditions  required  for  the 
extraction  of  liUiium  are  of  the  simplest,  as  compared  with 
those  to  be  observed  in  the  case  of  the  better-known  alkali 

Treatment  of  Lithium  Minerals. — In  the  treatment  of 
lithium  minerals,  a  solution  is  first  obtained  which  contains  only 
the  chlorides  of  the  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals.  This  solu- 
tion is  then  evaporated  to  dryness  in  iron  vessels,  and  it  should 
be  kept  slightly  alkaline  in  order  that  it  may  not  take  up  much 
iron  from  the  pans  in  which  it  is  being  boiled.  A  small  quantity 
of  iron  salt  in  the  resulting  chloride  is  not  objectionable,  how- 
ever, for  it  is  decomposed  at  the  very  outset  of  the  subsequent 
electrolysis,  and  the  reduced  iron  does  not  alloy  with  lithium. 
A  little  sal-ammoniac  is  now  added  to  any  free  alkali, 
and  the  mass  is  fused  for  electrolysis  in  an  iron  vessel,  which 
may,  if  desired,  be  the  one  that  shall  serve  as  cathode.  The 
arrangement  of  the  electrolytic  plant  recommended  for  use  in 
magnesium  or  sodium  manufacture  may  be  employed.  If  the 
former  (p.  12)  be  selected,  the  rim  of  the  crucible  which  projects 
above  the  flange  should  be  surrounded  with  a  metal  tube  through 
which  water  is  circulated,  in  order  to  keep  it  cool  and  so  to 
produce  a  thin  layer  of  crystallised  salt  upon  the  sides  of  the 
crucible  at  the  upper  level  of  the  chloride  bath.  Globules  of 
lithium,  which  might  otherwise  creep  up  the  side,  are  retained 
•  Comptes  Hendusy  1893,  vol.  cxvii.,  p.  732. 

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by  this  layer  of  solidified  salt.  The  electrolysis  must  not  be 
oontiniied  so  long  that  the  lithium  forms  a  metallic  connection 
between  the  walls  of  the  vessel  and  the  porcelain  sheath  of  the 
anode  carbon,  otherwise  the  same  difficulties  will  occur  that 
were  explained  in  the  description  of  Troost's  apparatus.  After 
a  sufficient  quantity  of  lithium  has  accumulated,  the  method  of 
procedure  may  be  exactly  the  same  as  in  the  extraction  of 
magnesium  already  described;  but  there  will  necessarily  be  a 
greater  loss  of  metal  in  pouring  out  the  contents  of  the  vessel  in 
tiie  case  of  lithium  than  in  that  of  magnesium.  In  order  to 
prevent  this  loss,  the  whole  charge  may  be  cooled  in  the  melting 
vessel,  but  then  it  is  important  that  the  latter  should  be  made 
conical  in  shape.  The  crystallised  salt  loosens  itself  in  solidify- 
ing, and  may  be  easily  separated  from  the  walls  of  the  crucible 
by  blows  from  a  hammer  applied  to  the  outer  surface.  The 
shots  of  metal  adhere  firmly  to  the  inner  wall  of  the  vessel. 
They  are  removed  by  means  of  knives  or  scrapers,  and  separated 
from  adhering  salt  by  melting  them  together  in  a  paraffin  bath 
which  is  kept  at  a  temperature  of  from  180°  to  200°  C;  the 
metal  then  floats  to  the  surface  of  the  bath,  whilst  the  salts 
sink  to  the  bottom.  From  this  bath  the  lithium  is  removed  in 
perforated  ladles ;  it  is  afterwards  washed  in  benzene,  and  then, 
after  re-melting  by  itself,  it  is  either  cast  in  the  shape  of  small 
rods,  or  it  is  pressed  into  this  form  under  gasoline  (sp.  gr, 
0*66).     It  is  finally  stored  in  glass  tubes  hermetically  sealed. 

Kahlenberg's  Process. — A  method  of  great  scientific  interest 
for  the  reduction  of  lithium  has  been  discovered  by  Kahlenberg,*^ 
but  it  can  scarcely  prove  to  be  of  practical  use,  owing  to  the 
unsuitable  properties  of  the  solvent  employed  for  the  electrolyte. 
Lascynski  and  Gorski  f  had  already,  in  their  determinations 
of  conductivity,  found  that  lithium  chloride  was  soluble  with 
electrolytic  dissociation  in  pyridine ;  and  Kahlenberg  succeeded 
in  depositing  this  metal  from  a  concentrated  solution  of  these 
compounds,  using  a  carbon  plate  as  anode,  and  employing  a 
current-density  of  from  20  to  30  amperes  per  square  cm.  . 
[0-013  to  0*19  ampere  per  square  inch]  at  a  pressure  of  14 
volts,  the  lithium  under  these  conditions  being  obtained  in  a 
dense,  adhesive,  silver-white,  metallic  form. 

In  a  permanent  installation  the  chloride  would  be  electrolysed 
with  the  aid  of  the  apparatus  described  in  the  chapter  relating 
to  sodium,  as  suitable  for  the  reduction  of  that  metal ;  but  in 
this  case  it  must  be  remembered  that  the  current-density  should 
never  be  so  high  as  is  employed  for  the  extraction  of  sodium* 
The  deposition  of  lithium  is  efifected  by  a  current  of  about 
1,000  amperes  per  squai-e  metre  [0*64  ampere  per  square  inch] 
of  cathode  surface,  at  a  pressure  of  about  b  volts. 

*  Jotim.  of  Phys.  Chem,,  vol.  iii.,  p.  602. 

t  Zeitschr./Ur  Elektrochem.,  1897,  vol.  iv.,  p.  290. 

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The  electrolytic  method  described,  as  well  as  the  subsequent 
purification  of  the  metallic  product,  oflPers  so  little  difficulty, 
that  the  author  considers  this  way  of  separating  lithium  from 
the  alkali  metals  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  pure  lithium 
compounds,  to  be  simpler  than  the  troublesome  separation  of 
the  salts  in  aqueous  solution.  The  lithium  obtained  is  abso- 
lutely free  from  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals. 

TTses  of  Ijithium. — Lithium  has  not  found  application  in 
the  arts  on  account  of  its  high  price.  The  simplicity  of  the 
electrolytic  extraction  process  marks  it  out  for  use  in  the  pro- 
duction of  pure  lithium  salts.  The  proposal  to  use  lithium  for 
the  generation  of  hydrogen  in  aeronautics  (1  lb.  of  lithium  affords 
over  26-5  cubic  feet  of  hydrogen  at  0°  C.  and  at  the  normal 
atmospheric  pressure)  must  still  be  relegated  to  the  future. 

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SODIUM.  29 



Occurrence  in  lE^'atnre.  —  Like  all  the  alkali -metals  and 
alkaline-earth  metals,  sodium  occurs  in  nature  only  in  the  form 
of  salts ;  as  chloride,  in  rock-salt,  NaCl ;  as  fluoride,  in  cryolite, 
AljFg .  6NaF ;  as  sulphate,  in  Glanber's  salt,  Na^SO^ .  IOH.,0  ; 
as  nitrate,  in  Chili  saltpetre,  NaNOg;  as  borate,  in  borax, 
Na^^O^ .  lOHgO,  and  other  borates ;  as  carbonate,  in  soda, 
NajCOg.HgO,  and  in  trona,  (NaHCOgk .  NagCOg .  2H2O ;  as 
silicate,  in  felspar,  &c.  For  the  manufacture  of  soda  com- 
pounds on  the  larger  scale  the  chloride  is  mainly  used;  and 
the  metal  may  be  obtained  either  by  a  metallurgical  reduction 
process  from  the  carbonate  or  hydroxide,  or  by  electrolysis  from 
the  fused  chloride. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Sodium  (Na  ;  atomic  weight  = 
23 ;  specific  gravity  =  0*974),  which  is  contained  in  these  com 
pounds,  and  which  was  first  obtained  by  Davy  from  the 
hydroxide,  is  a  white  metal,  the  freshly-cut  surfaces  of  which 
exhibit  a  silvery  white  lustre ;  it  is  soft  and  may  even  be 
kneaded  at  ordinary  temperatures.  It  melts  at  95*6**  C,  and 
begins  to  vaporise  at  a  clear  red  heat — i.e.,  at  about  900*  C.  It 
forms  alloys  with  the  other  alkali  metals,  and  with  some  of 
the  heavy  metals.  Of  these  alloys  the  amalgam,  and  the  lead 
and  tin  alloys,  are  of  more  or  less  importance  in  electro-chemical 
practice.  Anhydrous  liquid  ammonia  is  also  a  simple  solvent 
for  sodium,  the  metal  dissolving  in  this  medium  with  a  blue 
colour.  Molten  haloid  salts  of  sodium,  especially  the  chloride, 
have  also  the  property  of  dissolving  the  metal,  and  it  is  stated 
that  a  sub-chloride  of  the  composition  Na^Cl*  is  thus  formed. 
The  fact  of  the  solubility  of  sodium  in  its  chloride  is  beyond 
dispute,  but  there  is  as  yet  no  decisive  proof  of  the  formation 
of  this  sub-chloride;  indeed,  the  phenomena  attendant  on  the 
electrolysis  of  fused  sodium  chloride  point  much  rather  to  the 
metal  being  in  a  state  of  solution,  similar  to  that  of  gold  in 

•  Boee,  Poggendorff^s  Anrialen,  vol.  xxxi.,  p.  133. 

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molten  glass*  or  in  pure  water.  Sodium  oxidises  very  rapidly 
in  the  air,  yet  it  may  be  melted  without  danger  in  a  diy  vessel 
over  an  open  flame,  provided  that  it  is  not  heated  much  above 
its  melting  point.  Once  it  is  ignited  in  air  that  is  dry  and 
free  from  carbonic  acid,  it  burns  with  a  yellow  flame,  evolves 
much  heat,  and  yields  the  peroxide,  Na^O.^.  It  also  combines 
energetically,  with  the  non-metals.  It  decomposes  water  even 
at  the  ordinary  temperature,  forming  sodium  hydroxide,  and 
must,  therefore,  be  stored  in  oxygen-free  liquids,  such  as  petro- 
leum. As  a  metal  which  can  decompose  even  water,  it  is 
very  violently  attacked  by  acids,  forming  salts  which  are,  almost 
without  exception,  easily  soluble  in  water.  It  is  a  powerful 
reducing  agent,  decomposing  compounds  of  the  metals,  and  even 
of  many  non-metals  (COg,  SiOg,  BgOj,  &c.). 

After  the  experience  gained  in  the  electrolysis  of  fused 
magnesium  and  lithium  chlorides,  attempts  have  naturally  been 
made  to  obtain  sodium  electrolytically  from  the  readily-purified 
sodium  chloride  in  the  molten  condition,  but,  up  to  the  present, 
the  practical  results  have  not  been  entirely  satisfactory.  Up  to 
the  year  1890  purely  chemical  methods  for  the  reduction  of 
oxidised  compounds  of  sodium  were  used  in  practice.  Only 
a  very  slight  outline  of  these  processes  can  be  given  here. 


On  the  large  scale,  sodium  was  first  f  produced  by  distilling  a 
mixture  of  anhydrous  carbonate  (calcined  soda)  and  carbon; 
whilst  until  comparatively  recently  the  bulk  of  the  metal  was 
obtained  by  Castner's  method,!  which  consisted  in  a  reduction  of 
the  hydroxide  by  an  intimate  mixture  of  iron  and  carbon, 
thus : — 

3  NaOH  +  Fe .  Ca  =  3  Na  +  Fe  +  CO  +  COj  +  3H.. 

Netto  §  avoided  the  use  of  iron  by  causing  fused  caustic  soda 
to  drop  upon  a  layer  of  heated  carbon  contained  in  an  upright 
retort  or  reverberatory  furnace. 


Davy's  Experiments. — The  electrolytic  decom{K>sition  of 
the  hydroxides  of  potassium  and  sodium  led,  as  is  well  known, 
to  the  discovery  of  these  metals.  Davy||  tiixxB  described  the 
apparatus  which  he  employed  for  his  research  in  this  direction : — 

*  Zsigmondy ;  see  Zeitschr.fur  Elektrochem.,  1898,  vol.  iv.,  p.  546. 
t  Bninner,  Schwtigger^s  Joum,,  vol.  Ixxi.,  p.  201 ;  and  St.  Claire  Deville, 
Ann.  de  Chem,  et  de  Phys.,  1852,  vol.  xliii.,  p.  5. 
t  United  States  Patent  342,897,  June  1,  1886.     [Eng.  Pat.  7,395,  1886.] 
§  German  Patent  45,105  and  52,555.     [Eng.  Pat.  17,412,  1887.] 
I)  PhU.  Trans,  of  1808,  pp.  1,  333 ;  1810,  p.  10. 

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SODIUM.  31 

*'By  means  of  a  stream  of  oxygene  gas  from  a  gasometer 
applied  to  the  flame  of  a  spirit  lamp,  which  was  thrown  on  a 
platina  spoon  containing  potash,  this  alkali  was  kept  for  some 
minutes  in  a  strong  red  heat,  and  in  a  state  of  perfect  fluidity. 
The  spoon  was  preserved  in  communication  with  the  positive  of 
the  hattery  of  t^e  power  of  100  of  6  inches,  highly  charged ;  and 
the  connection  from  the  negative  side  was  made  by  a  platina 

The  conduct  of  the  process  on  a  large  scale  was  not  possible 
with  an  apparatus  of  the  type  used  by  Davy ;  and  Castner,  in 
1890,  was  the  first  to  solve  the  apparatus  problem,  and  so  to 
render  Davy's  process  industrially  practicable. 

Davy  had  proposed  another  method,  in  which  a  platinum  dish 
<»ntaining  mercury  was  connected  up  as  the  negative  pole  in  a 
concentrated  solution  of  caustic  potash  or  caustic  soda,  a  galvanic 
battery  being  used  as  the  source  of  current.  The  alkali  metal 
thus  separated  by  electrolysis  formed  an  amalgam  from  which  it 
was  to  be  recovered  by  distilling  off  the  mercury.  But  the 
method  was  not  satisfactory,  owing  to  the  yield  of  metal  bearing 
too  unfavourable  a  proportion  to  the  expenditure  of  electrical 
energy.  Both  proposals,  however,  contained  ideas  which  have 
since  been  repeatedly  rediscovered — namely,  the  use  of  a  vessel 
of  conducting  material  which  should  serve  simultaneously  as  a 
receptacle  for  the  electrolyte  and  as  one  of  the  poles  of  the  decomposim 
tion  cell ;  and,  further,  the  use  of  a  liquid  metallic  cathode  to 
absorb  the  alkali  meted  during  the  electrolysis  of  its  aqu^eous 


Watt's  Prooess. — The  first  suggestion  for  the  manufacture  of 
alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals  originated  with  Charles  Watt.*^ 
The  patent  specification  ran  as  follows : — 

"  The  second  part  of  my  invention  consists  of  a  mode  of  pre- 
paring or  obtaining  the  metals  of  the  alkalis  and  alkaline  earths 
by  the  united  action  of  electricity  and  heat.  For  performing 
this  part  of  my  invention  by  the  united  action  of  electricity  and 
heat  I  employ  a  vessel  of  the  form  shown  in  Fig.  17,  wluch  is 
made  of  iron  or  other  suitable  material  capable  of  bearing  a  full 
red  heat.  In  this  figure,  A  is  the  vessel,  which  should  be  at 
least  half  an  inch  thick,  and,  if  made  of  iron,  previously  to  its 
being  used  should  be  coated  over  its  exterior  with  day  or  other 
substance  to  preserve  it  from  the  action  of  the  fire ;  B,  movable 
head  for  the  collection  of  the  metals ;  C,  electrodes,  with  their 
attachments,  e ;  D,  flanges  to  support  the  vessel  upon  the  furnace. 
The  covered  compartment,  F,  \mng  that  in  which  it  is  intended 
to  eliminate  the  metals,  is  supplied  with  a  carbon  electrode,  and 

*  Eng.  Pat.  13,755,  Sept.  26,  1851. 

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the  uncovere<l  compartment  is  supplied  with  a  gold  electrode  ; 
but  I  wish  it  to  be  understood  that  I  do  not  restrict  myself  to 
the  particular  form  of  apparatus,  or  to  the  material  to  be  used 
for  electrodes.  The  vessel  is  filled  with  dry  saline  matter,  so  that 
when  it  is  in  a  state  of  fusion  it  shall  reach  the  dotted  line  [the 
level  shown  in  the  figure] ;  the  partition  keeps  the  eliminated 
substances  from  reacting  upon  each  other,  and  also  excludes  the 
air  from  the  compartment  in  which  the  metal  is  eliminated,  the 
access  of  which  would  cause  the  metal  to  be  oxidised.  The 
vessel  is  placed  in  a  furnace  where  it  can  be  subjected  to  the 
action  of  a  full  red  heat,  and  when  the  saline  matter  is  in  a  state 
of  fusion  contact  is  made  between  the  decomposing  vessel  and 
the  apparatus  supplying  the  electric  current  or  currents,  the 
intensity  of  which  should,  at  least,  be  equal  to  that  which  would 
be  supplied  by  ten  cells  of  Daniell's  battery  arranged  for  in- 

Fig.  17. — Watt's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  sodium. 

tensity,  but,  of  course,  this  depends  upon  the  nature  of  the  salt 
which  is  being  decomposed.  The  fused  salt  is  maintained  at  that 
temperature  which  will  ensure  the  instantaneous  volatilisation  of 
the  metal  as  it  is  eliminated,  and  a  propei*  receiver  (such  a  one 
as  is  usually  employed  for  the  preparation  of  such  metals  will 
answer)  is  connected  air-tight  with  the  narrow  tube  projecting 
from  the  head.  The  metal  is  received  and  preserved  in  any  con- 
venient fluid  hydrocarbon.  The  salts  which  I  usually  employ 
are  the  chlorides,  iodides,  or  bromides  of  the  metals  of  the  alkalis 
or  alkaline  earths." 

The  salts  which  the  inventor  used  may  have  been  the  haloid 
compounds  of  the  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals,  as  he 
describes :  but  neither  before  nor  since  the  publication  of  that 
specification  has  it  been  possible  to  distil  in  an  iron  vessel  the 

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metals  calcium,  barium,  or  strontium,  of  which  the  melting 
points  even  approximate  that  of  iron.  Granted  that  he  merely 
omitted  by  accident  to  explain  in  his  specification  that  the  elec- 
trodes were  insulated  not  only  from  one  another,  but  also  from 
the  iron  crucible,  the  inventor  must  have  used  a  remarkably 
refractory  modification  of  gold  if  he  succeeded  in  making  from  it 
an  electnxle  which  could  be  employed  as  the  positive  pole  in 
a  bath  of  fused  alkaline  chloride,  and  thus  withstand  the  action 
of  the  nascent  chlorine  for  a  sufficiently  long  time  to  enable  him 
to  accomplish  the  decomposition  of  the  alkaline  halogen  salts 
according  to  his  ugual  methods.  The  patent  was  applied  for  on 
September  25,  1851,  and  granted  on  March  24,  1852. 

It  is  well  known  that  in  the  summer  of  1851,  Bunsen  suc- 
ceeded in  decomposing  fused  magnesium  chloride  into  magnesium 
and  chlorine  by  means  of  the  electric  current ;  and  this  classical 
research  is  described  in  vol.  ii.  (p.  137)  of  Liebig's  Annalen  for 
1852.  In  outward  form  the  apparatus  used  by  Watt  shows  the 
closest  agreement  with  that  employed  by  Bunsen,  and  the 
difference  between  them  lies  in  the  fact  that  the  latter,  which 
was  based  on  the  residts  of  Bunsen's  investigation,  fulfilled 
its  purpose  in  every  respect,  whilst  the  former  was  altogether 

The  first  success  in  the  electrolytic  treatment  of  the  chloride 
of  an  alkali  metal  was  obtained  by  Bunsen  and  Matthiessen 
with  lithium  chloride  in  the  year 
1854.  This  result  has  already 
been  described  (p.  22).  Further 
improvements  by  Matthiessen, 
and  afterwards  by  Linnemann, 
related  specially  to  potassium, 
and  will  be  referred  to  under  that 

JablochkofPs  Prooess. — In 
spite  of  Bunsen's  discoveries, 
the  decomposition  of  sodium 
chloride  appears  to  have  involved 
considerable  difficulties,  for  until 
the  year  1882  this  problem  is 
scarcely  referred  to  in  literature. 
In  that  year,  Jablochkoff*  de- 
vised the  apparatus  shown  in 
Fig.  18.  Here  the  salt  was 
introduced  through  the  charging  funnel,  D,  into  the  clay  crucible, 
A,  where  it  was  melted  and  electrolysed.  The  electrodes,  a  and 
b,  were  surrounded  with  the  tubes,  c  and  c^,  for  the  removal  of 
chlorine  and  sodium  vapour  respectively. 

The  practical  difficulties  which  arise  in  applying  such  an 
•  Dingler's  polytechnisches  JoiimcU,  1884,  vol.  ccli. ,  p.  422. 


Fig.  18. — Jablochkoff's  apparatus 
for  the  extraction  of  sodium. 

Digitized  by 



arrangement  to  the  electrolysis  of  alkali-metal  chlorides  are 
unquestionably  great.  They  lie  chiefly  in  the  designing  of  a 
sufficiently  durable  apparatus.  The  tube  for  the  removal  of  the 
chlorine  must  not  be  made  of  metal ;  and  porcelain,  especially  in 
close-grained  pieces  of  the  thickness  required  for  the  purpose,  is 
very  easily  broken  at  the  high  temperature  employed.  Then, 
again,  if  the  tube  arranged  to  convey  the  metallic  vapour  to  the 
condenser  be  made  of  porcelain  or  any  other  material  prepared 
from  clay,  it  will  very  soon  become  perforated  by  the  action  of 
the  alkali  metals  in  the  liquid  or  vaporous  condition.  But  a 
metal  tube  is  equally  unsuitable.  Even  if  the  electrode,  6,  were 
insulated  from  the  surrounding  tube,  the  metal  sheath  would  be 
of  little  value ;  because,  granted  even  that  it  might  be  possible, 
by  the  use  of  sufficient  heat,  to  maintain  so  high  a  temperature 
that  the  separation  of  fluid  metal — and  therefore  the  formation 
of  a  metallic  contact  between  b  and  c^ — could  be  avoided,  there 
would  necessarily  be  a  deposition  of  sodium  on  the  outside  of  the 
tube  throughout  the  process.  This  results  from  the  fact  that 
insulated  metallic  substances  placed  in  the  electrolyte  tend  to 
form  intermediate  electrolysing  surfaces  between  the  poles,  the 
side  of  the  metal  next  the  anode  functioning  as  a  cathode,  and 
that  next  the  cathode  acting  as  an  anode.  The  consequence  of 
this  is  that  intermediate  reactions  are  produced,  which  cannot 
but  be  prejudicial  to  the  working  of  the  process  as  a  whole. 
Under  these  circumstances  the  durability  of  the  metallic  sheath 
is  naturally  of  the  shortest.  Later  modiflcations  of  the  joriginal 
construction,  consisting  in  the  arrangement  of  the  electrodes  and 
of  their  separating  partitions  in  the  form  of  concentric  tubes, 
have  failed  to  overcome  the  difficulty. 

Hoepfher's  Process. — In  the  year  1884,  C.  H.  W.  Hoepfner* 
patented  a  process,  of  which  the  following  is  an  account  derived 
from  his  specification: — "Sodium  chloride  is  melted  in  a  crucible, 
the  bottom  of  which  is  covered  with  a  layer  of  copper  or  silver. 
Instead  of  the  latter,  other  heavy  metals  may  be  employed,  with 
the  exception  of  mercury,  which  boils  at  too  low  a  temperature. 
The  side-walls  of  the  crucible  must  be  made  of  some  non-con- 
ducting material.  The  layer  of  metal  at  the  bottom  of  the 
crucible  serves  as  an  anode,  and  it  is,  therefore,  connected  with 
the  corresponding  pole  of  the  galvanic  battery,  or  of  the  dynamo, 
by  means  of  an  iron  or  copper  wire  introduc^  either  from  below 
or  at  one  side.  If  the  circuit  be  now  completed  by  immersing 
a  carbon  or  metal  cathode  in  the  fused  chloride  from  above,  a 
rapid  deposition  of  metallic  sodium  at  once  sets  in ;  the  sodium 
bums  in  the  presence  of  air,  but  if  the  latter  be  excluded,  the 
metal  may  be  collected  or  distilled.  While  the  light  metal 
separates  at  the  upper  surface,  the  chlorine  attacks  the  metal 
of  the  anode,  forming  a  chloride  which  fuses  at  the  high  tern- 
♦  German  Patent  30,414. 

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SODIUM.  35 

perature  of  the  operation,  so  that  by  continuing  the  current 
the  anode  undergoes  electrolytic  solution ;  but  on  account  of  its 
weight  the  chloride  remains  at  the  bottom  of  the  crucible.'' 

Even  after  quite  a  short  experimental  trial  it  can  be  easily 
ascertained  that,  with  long-continued  current,  the  separation 
does  not  proceed  as  smoothly  as  it  at  first  has  the  appearance 
of  doing,  for  the  metallic  chlorides  do  not  remain  as  quietly  at 
the  bottom  of  the  vessel  as  the  patent  specification  suggests. 
With  the  density  of  current  required  for  the  deposition  of 
sodium,  the  copper,  silver,  or  other  metal  dissolved  at  the 
anode  would,  in  a  short  time,  be  re-deposited  at  the  cathode 
in  such  quantities,  and  in  so  slightly  coherent  a  condition,  that, 
in  spite  of  every  precaution,  it  would  be  washed  off  again  by  the 
fused  salt,  and  (especially  in  this  form  of  apparatus)  would  be 
returned  to  the  anode.  Not  only  would  there  be  no  chloring 
evolution,  which  the  invention  aims  at  avoiding,  but  in  a  short 
time  there  would  be  no  deposition  of  alkali  metal  either. 

Bogers'  Prooess. — A.  J.  Rogers*  has  patented  the  apparatus 
shown  in  Fig.  19,  which  is  a  longitudinal  sectional  elevation  of 
the  whole  apparatus  along  the  line  y  y  (Fig.  20),  and  in  Fig.  20, 
which  is  a  plan  of  one  portion  of  the  apparatus  along  the  line 
XX  (Fig.  19).  A'  shows  the  masonry,  B  the  fire-grate.  The 
melting-pot,  C,  is  provided  with  a  cover,  C,  which  may  be 
fastened  down;  on  the  middle  of  this  cover  is  a  funnel,  c', 
which  closes  automaticaUy  by  a  ball-float  valve,  c,  when  the 
crucible  is  sufficiently  charged.  The  safety-valve,  Cj,  is  pro- 
vided to  guard  against  risk  from  a  sudden  evolution  of  gas. 
The  decomposing-vessel,  D,  is  divided  into  two  compartments 
by  the  wall,  d,  which  is  made  of  some  porous  material,  such  as 
chamotte,  and  reaches  nearly  to  the  bottom  of  the  chamber. 

The  tube,  E,  forms  a  connection  between  C  and  D,  and  a 
cock,  By  serves  to  regulate  the  flow  of  melted  material  from  C  to 
D.  N  is  the  negative,  and  P  the  positive  electrode ;  the  wire 
connections  for  the  electrodes  within  the  cells  are  insulated,  and 
at  the  same  time  protected  from  the  attack  of  acid,  gases,  &c., 
by  the  chamotte  tubes,  n  and  /?,  in  which  they  are  respectively 
enclosed.  The  tightly-fitting  cover,  D',  is  connected  by  two 
necks,  F  F',  with  separate  condensers,  and  is  fitted  with  four 
closed  doors  at  the  points  f  f  and  /'/',  shown  in  Fig.  20.  The 
separating  partition,  dy  must  be  gas-tight  even  up  to  the  top  of 
the  roof,  D'.  Through  the  roof  of  the  negative  compartment  is 
passed  the  pipe,  K,  with  the  valve,  ky  by  which  hydrogen  or 
other  reducing  gas  may  be  introduced.  The  vessel,  D,  is  set 
in  thin  masonry,  and  must  be  constructed  of  a  non-conducting 
and  fire-resisting  material,  and  should  be  about  1  foot  wide, 
3  feet  long,  and  4  feet  deep.  The  decomposing-vessel  bears  a 
strong  resemblance  to  that  of  Watt,  but  it  is  not  so  faulty  in 
♦  United  States  Patent  296,367,  April  8,  1884, 

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the  details  of  its  construction.  Nevertheless,  it  is  scarcely  to 
be  expected  that  it  could  be  advantageously  used  for  the  reduc- 
tion of  the  alkali  metals ;  and  the  material  of  which  it  is  made  is 
incompatible  with  great  durability.  The  distillation  of  sodium 
in  clay  vessels  is  an  undertaking  of  very  doubtful  expediency. 
The  iron  pre-heating  vessel,  C,  filled  at  a  bright  red  heat  with 
melted  salt  would,  by  its  own  weight,  become   unserviceable 

Fig.  19. 

Fig.  20. 
Rogers'  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  sodium. 

after  a  few  hours.  To  attach  the  tube,  E,  sufficiently  firmly 
to  the  clay  vessel,  D,  and  to  maintain  a  tight  joint  when  the 
whole  apparatus  is  charged  with  fused  sodium  chloride  at  a  red 
heat,  would  be  no  easy  task.  Rogers  has,  meanwhile,  had  an 
opportunity  of  discovering  the  faults  of  the  apparatus. 

Omholt'8  Apparatus. — Omholt's  plant*  (Figs.  21  to  24)  for 
the  continuous  production  of  the  light  metals,  appears  also  to^ 

.      •  German  Patent  34,727,  June  6,  1885. 

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SODIUM.  37 

l)elong  to  that  class  of  inventions  which  are  first  patented  and 
then,  when  opportunity  offers,  are  put  to  the  practi<^  test.  The 
patentee  writ!^: — '^The  apparatus  shown  in  longitudinal  section 
(both  in  elevation  and  in  plan),  in  Figs.  21  and  22,  consists  of 
a  reverberatory  furnace,  with  the  hearth  divided  into  two 
separate  compartments  by  the  partition,  a  a.  In  each  of  these 
compartments  are  two  half  retorts,  h  and  c,  borne  horizontally 
and  parallel  to  one  another  on  supports,  d  d,  of  fire-resisting 
material,  placed  side  by  side  in  such  a  way  that  the  half  retorts 
are  separated  by  a  short  space  from  the  sole  of  the  hearth. 
The  half  retorts  marked  b  b  contain  the  negative  electrodes,  e  e, 
whilst  those  marked  c  c  enclose  the  positive  electrodes,//.  The 
halogen  compound  to  be  electrolys^  lies  melted  on  the  heartli 
at  such  a  height  that  the  electrodes  in  the  half  retorts  are  com- 
pletely immersed.  The  metal  separating  at  the  cathode,  and  the 
halogen  set  free  at  the  anode,  collect  witiiin  their  respective  half 
retorts,  and  are  there  protected  from  contact  with  the  furnace- 
gases,  owing  to  the  liquid  seal  which  is  foimed  by  the  dipping 
of  the  half  retorts  into  the  melted  charge.  The  half  retorts  are 
made  of  a  fire-resisting  and  non-conducting  substance,  and  are 
coated  on  the  interior  with  a  lining  of  carbonaceous  material. 
The  latter  material  consists  for  the  most  part  of  carbon  (graphite 
or  wood-charcoal) ;  the  mixture  used,  for  example,  in  the  manu* 
facture  of  plumbago  crucibles  being  suitable.  The  admixed  clay 
serves  only  to  give  plasticity  to  the  carbon. 

"The  electrodes  are  made  of  carbon  or  other  resisting  material. 
They  lie  lengthwise  within  the  half  retorts,  as  shown  in  the  illus- 
tration, whilst  at  the  one  side  (at  g  in  Fig.  23)  they  penetrate 
the  masonry  of  the  furnace,  and  there  make  the  necessary  con- 
nections for  the  circulation  of  the  electric  current.  To  prevent 
the  separation  of  halogen  or  metal  on  the  electrodes  outside  the 
half  retorts,  the  exposed  portions  between  the  faces  of  the  retorts 
and  the  brickwork  of  the  furnace  are  insulated  by  a  covering  of 
chamotte.  By  this  construction,  I  [the  patentee]  allow  for  the 
renewal  of  broken  half  retorts  without  damaging  the  electrodes 
or  altering  their  position. 

"The  half  retorts,  b  6,  are  connected  with  the  fire-resisting  fore- 
chambers,  kkj  hy  short  tubes,  h  h,  which  should  be  as  wide  as 
possible  and  which  are  best  placed  vertically ;  these  tubes,  h  A, 
are  made  of  some  mixture  containing  carbon.  The  position  of 
the  upper  edges  of  the  tubes,  A  A,  determines  the  level  of  the 
melted  charge  in  each  compartment  of  the  hearth.  The  metal 
separating  at  the  electrodes,  e  c,  collects  under  the  half  retorts,  b  6, 
on  the  upper  surface  of  the  fused  salt,  whence  it  passes,  either  as 
liquid  or  as  vapour,  through  the  tubes,  h  h,  into  the  fore-chambers, 
kk,  beneath,  where  it  accumulates  in  vessels  placed  to  receive  it. 
Each  fore-chamber,  k,  is  closed  by  a  mouthpiece,  n,  similar  to 
those  used  in  connection  with  coal-gas  retorts,  through  which  the 

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vessel  placed  beneath  the  pipe,  A,  may  be  withdrawn  when  it  is 
fully  charged  with  metal,  and  replaced  by  an  empty  one.     These 

Fig.  21.—  Omholt's  sodium  plant  (longitudinal  sectional  elevation). 

Fig.  22.  — Omholt's  sodium  plant  (plan) 

Fig.  23.— Omholt's  sodium  plant  (cross-section). 

vessels  are  removed  as  quickly  as  possible  from  the  fore-chambers, 
and  are  allowed  to  cool  either  in  a  neutral  gas  or  in  such  a  way 

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that  air  is  excluded.     A  neutral  gas  is  also  passed  into  the  fore- 
chambers,  k  ky  to  the  complete  exclusion  of  air. 

"  The  halogens  produced  in  the  half  retorts,  c  c,  are  led  away 
after  the  manner  of  removing  the  metallic  vapours  just  described, 
but  the  upper  margins  of  the  upright  tubes,  //,  project  slightly 
above  the  level  of  the  fused  salt  in  the  furnace,  in  order  to  guard 
against  an  overflow  of  the  liquid  into  the  fore-chambers,  m  wi. 
The  halogen  is  conveyed  from  the  latter  by  means  of  a  pipe  con- 
nection. The  halogen  compound  may  be  charged  into  the  hearths 
continuously  or  intermittently,  and  either  in  the  solid  or  in  the 
fused  condition.  To  prevent  the  contamination  of  the  melt  by 
ashes  from  the  fuel  or  the  like,  the  furnace  may  be  constructed 
like  a  muflle  or  muflle-fumace.     The  use  of  gas-firing  is  also  to 

Fig.  24. — ^Omholt's  moditied  sodium  plant. 

be  recommended.  To  facilitate  the  exchange  of  worn-out  or  broken 
half  retorts,  the  furnace  arch  may  be  constructed  with  removable 
chamotte  blocks,  o  o.  Instead  of  arranging  the  electrical  con- 
nections of  the  electrodes  at  the  side,  as  in  tig.  23,  it  is  more 
practicable  to  make  them  from  below,  as  in  Fig.  24,  where  the 
electrode,  «,  is  supposed  to  be  the  cathode ;  the  anodes,  however, 
are  similarly  connected  up  with  the  dynamo  from  below. 

"  To  avoid  the  use  of  neutral  gases,  I  [the  patentee]  effect  the 
removal  of  the  light  metal  accumulating  on  the  sunace  of  the 
melted  charge  in  the  half  retort,  6,  in  such  a  way  that  it  passes 
through  the  upright  tube,  h  (Fig.  24),  into  a  fore-chamber,  k, 
which  is  so  far  filled  with  inactive  liquid  («.^.,  a  petroleum 
product  of  high  boiling  point)  that  the  curtain  wall,  S,  of  the 
compartment)  k,  forms  a  liquid  seal,  preventing  the  access  of  the 
outside  atmosphere.     The  light  metal  flowing  through  h  collects 

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in  a  movable  vessel,  w,  placed  beneath,  which  may  be  drawn  out 
when  full,  i-aised  through  the  entrance,  u  v,  of  the  fore-chamber, 
K,  and  replaced  by  another  empty  vessel." 

So  far  the  patent  specification.  No  one  who  has  had  any 
experience  in  the  electrolytic  separation  of  the  metals  of  the 
alkalis,  earths,  or  alkaline-earths  in  vessels,  which  are  placed  in 
direct  contact  with  the  furnace-gases,  and  which  are  made  of  such 
porous  material  as  are  the  half  retorts  described  by  Omholt,  will 
have  a  moment's  hesitation  as  to  the  verdict  upon  this  process. 
The  furnace-gases  have,  especially  in  the  reverberatory  furnace 
just  described,  the  most  favourable  opportunity  of  circulating  in 
intimate  contact  with  the  fused  chloride,  whilst  they  are  only 
separated  from  the  vapour  of  sodium  by  a  partition  that  is 
extremely  pervious  to  gases.  The  rate  at  which  the  metal  is 
.separated  is  reduced  in  proportion  as  the  resistance  of  the  electro- 
lyte increases ;  the  rate  at  which  the  bath  of  chloride  becomes 
loaded  with  oxides  and  hydroxides  being  proportionately  very 
great.  This  latter  circumstance  is  a  result  of  the  contact  of 
the  hot  furnace-gases  with  the  charge,  either  directly  or  after 
diffusion  through  the  partition  wall,  and  is  in  part  due  to  the 
oxidation  of  the  metal  and  in  part  ix)  the  decomposition  of  the 

The  diminishingly  small  yield  of  metal  that  must  be  predicted 
for  it,  and  the  proportion  of  impurities  in  the  bath,  increasing 
from  minute  to  minute,  and  finally  causing  the  complete  stoppage 
of  the  current,  would  alone  suffice  to  condemn  an  apparatus  of 

this  description.  In  passing  un- 
favourable judgment  upon  this 
plant,  no  account  has  been  taken 
of  the  losses  resulting  from  the 
greater  irregularities  that  must 
occur,  such  as  fiucture  of  retorts 
and  other  evils. 

Fischer's  Process. — F.  Fischer* 
has  described  his  experiments  with 
the  arrangement  shown  in  Fig.  25, 
as  follows  : — **  An  iron  crucible  is 
divided  into  three  compartments 
by  two  transverse  partitions,  reach- 
ing nearly  to  the  bottom.  The  dry 
alkaline  chloride  is  introduced  into 
the  first  division  in  such  quantity 
that  the  level  of  the  melted  salt  in  the  closed  decomposition- 
compartment  may  stand  at  about  that  of  the  line,  a.  The  carbon 
plate,  c,  which  serves  as  anode,  is  either  continued  upwards 
through  the  cover  of  the  cell,  or  makes  connection  with  the 
electric  generator  by  a  protected  metal  wire.  An  iron  plate,  e, 
*  Wagner-Fischer'd  Jahresbericht,  1886,  p.  222. 

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Fig.  25.-^501161^8  apparatus. 



may  serv'e  as  cathode,  and  ihe  sodium  vapour  produced  is  carried 
off  by  a  side  tube.  The  metal  walls  of  the  anode  compartment 
must  be  protected  from  the  action  of  the  chlorine  as  it  is  evolved 
and  conducted  away ;  but  this  difficulty  would  disappear  if  the 
carbonate  were  used  for  the  decomposition."  The  electrolytic 
dissociation  of  the  carbonate,  however,  offers  very  great  diffi- 
culties, in  consequence  of  the  low  electrical  conductivity  of  this 
salt  and  the  ease  with  which  carbon  dioxide  is  reduced  by 
sodium.  The  use  of  the  chloride  leads  to  the  same  troubles  that 
are  experienced  with  Troost's  apparatus  (p.  22). 

nomung  and  Kasemeyer's  Plant.—  The  apparatus  of 
Homung  and  Kasemeyer*  is  distinctly  retrogressive.  This 
arrangement  is  shown  in  Figs.  26 
and  27:  "In  which  A  is  a  graphite 
anode,  serving  also  as  a  crucible 
for  melting  the  charge,  and  enclosed 
within  an  iron  sheath.  Attached 
by  the  usual  devices  to  the  rim  of 
the  crucible  is  the  ring-shaped 
cover,  P,  made  of  a  close-grained 
porc^in,  and  provided  with  a 
channel,  leading  to  an  off-take  main, 
C     Within   this  cover  is  hung  a 


Fig.  26.  Fig.  27. 

Homung  and  Kasemeyer's  apparatus. 

[tube-shaped]  porcelain  screen  which  is  long  enough  to  be  im- 
mersed to  a  sufficient  depth  in  the  electrolytic  bath.  Through 
this  screen  the  hollow  cadiode,  K,  made  of  iron  or  other  suitable 
metal,  is  lowered  into  the  space  within  the  anode.  The  cathode 
must  be  of  such  width  that  a  space  is  left  between  it  and  the 
tube,  S.  At  the  upper  end  of  the  cathode  a  compartment,  e,  is 
formed,  of  which  the  under  side  makes  a  tight  joint  with  the 
cover,  P,  and  the  shell,  S.  This  chamber  is  closed  above,  but 
is  provided  with  a  number  of  perforations,  A:,  below,  through 
which  free  communication  is  made  with  the  space  between 
the  cathode  and  the  tube,  S.  At  the  side  of  the  chamber  is  a 
tube,  M. 

*  German  Patent  46,334,  Jan.  29,  1888. 

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"The  cathode  is  open  at  both  ends;  and  through  the  upper 
opening,  the  original  chaise  is  introduced,  with  the  aid  of  any  of 
the  usual  mechanical  devices  for  such  a  purpose,  and  afterwards 
chloride  is  added,  to  make  good  that  which  has  been  decomposed 
during  the  electrolysis ;  this  is  done  in  such  a  manner  that  the 
cathode  may  always  remain  perfectly  full  of  salt,  which  thus 
forms  a  close  cover  to  the  apparatus  at  this  place.  The  lengths 
of  the  cathode  and  of  the  anode,  respectively,  are  so  chosen  that 
the  weight  of  the  chloride  charge  in  the  former  may  suffice  to 
maintain  the  level  of  the  liquid  in  the  anode-cell  at  such  a  height 
that  all  communication  is  cut  off  between  the  two  compartments 
formed  by  the  sleeve,  S.  The  chlorine  formed  at  the  anode 
and  the  sodium  vapour  produced  at  the  cathode,  during  the 
progress  of  the  operation,  are  kept  apart  by  the  sleeve,  S,  the 
former  passing  to  the  tube,  C,  the  latter  to  M.  In  proportion  to 
the  decomposition  of  the  salt,  fresh  chloride  sinks  into  the  bath 
from  the  cathode,  and  this  is  continuously  replaced  by  fresh 
additions  above.' 

The  whole  arrangement  strikes  one  as  being  a  most  un- 
fortunate combination  of  devices  of  which  each  separately  has 
been  thoroughly  serviceable  amid  its  original  suiTOundings. 
For  example,  the  use  of  a  carbon  crucible  as  a  combined  decom- 
position vessel  and  anode  has  proved  successful  in  the  apparatus 
which  Bunsen*  employed  in  1854  for  the  reduction  of  chromium 
(see  Chromium),  The  employment  of  hollow  electrodes  through 
which  the  solid  electrolyte  might  be  charged,  dates  back  even 
farther,  for  J.  H.  Johnson's  application  for  provisional  protec- 
tion in  England,  described  such  an  arrangement  in  1853  (see 
Aluminium^,  The  inventors  have  now  discovered  that  the 
sinking  of  the  substance  in  the  tube  does  not  take  place  un- 
interruptedly, and  have  introduced  a  rotating  spiral  within  the 
electrode  in  order  to  prevent  stoppage.  The  separation  of  the 
electrodes,  and  of  the  substances  produced  upon  them,  by  means 
of  non-conducting  partition  walls,  is  a  principle  as  old  as  electro- 
chemical decomposition  itself. 

If  the  metal  and  halogen  are  to  be  separated  in  Homung 
and  Kasenieyer's  apparatus,  it  is  necessary  to  replace  the  short 
separating  tube  by  a  cell  closed  at  the  bottom  and  provided 
with  perforations  at  the  sides.  But  even  then  the  life  of  the 
iron  crucible  cover  could  not  be  very  long,  since  the  metal  is 
surrounded  with  the  heated  furnace  gases  without,  whilst  within 
it  is  in  contact  with  chlorine  which  has  diffused  through  the 
substance  of  the  graphite  crucible.  Among  the  apparatus 
previously  described  there  are  some  which,  although  they  have 
a  few  faults,  yet  possess  the  advantage  of  comparative  simplicity- 

Grabau's    Apparatus. — ^Although    the   ideas   embodied    in 
some  of  these  inventions  are  undoubtedly  good,  it  is  not  pos- 
*  t^oiig,  Ann,f  1854,  vol.  xci.,  p.  619. 

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sible  that  the  processes  could  be  employed  satisfactorily  for 
continuous  work,  nor  could  they  compete  with  the  chemical 
methods  employed  for  the  reduction  of  the  alkali  metals  from 
their  hydroxides  or  carbonates.  That  the  source  of  the  difficulty 
lies  in  the  technical  application  of  the  process  is  shown  by  the 
account  published  by  A.  J.  Rogers,*  who  was  able  to  produce 
2*5  to  3  kilogrammes  [5-5  to  6*5  lbs.]  of  sodium  from  the  chloride 
per  electrical  horse-patver  in  24  hours,  provided  that  the  apparatus 
teas  sufficiently  durable  to  allow  of  uninterrupted  work.     The 

Fig.  28. — Grabau's  apparatus  for  the  reduction  of  alkali  metals. 

elec.tro-chemical  efficiency  of  the  process  was  therefore  very  high, 
but  the  apparatus  employed  was  still  imperfect.  In  the  same 
year  that  Rogers'  paper  was  published,  Grabau  patented  his 
apparatus  which  was  intended  primarily  for  the  electrolytic 
extraction  of  alkali  metals  from  their  halogen  compounds  ;  the 
patent  specification  f  was  published  on  May  2,  1890.  In  this 
arrangement  the  melting  vessel,  A  (Fig.  28),  is  surrounded  by 

*  Journal  of  the  FraiUdin  Inst,,  1889,  vol.  cxxviii.,  p.  486. 
t  German   Patent  51,898,  October  8,  1889.      [English  Patent    15,792, 
October  8,  1889]. 

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an  air-bath,  L,  heated  by  the  hot  gases,  which  circulated  in  the 
space,  G,  around  it.  Within  this  vessel  are  a  bell-shaped 
cathode-cell,  B,  made  of  porcelain  or  other  suitable  fire-resisting 
material,  and  the  carbon  positive  elect-rodes,  C,  which  are 
arranged  around  the  latter.     The  whole  is  closed  by  a  cover,  D. 

From  the  lower  lip  of  the  cell,  B,  the  wall,  m?,  bulges  out  and 
is  continued  upwardly  and  then  over  the  level,  N  N,  of  the  fused 
electrolyte.  In  this  way  a  space  is  provided  between  the  wall  of 
the  cell,  p,  and  the  outer  jacket,  w ;  and  as  melted  matter  cannot 
penetrate  this  space,  the  fused  salt  does  not  come  into  contact 
with  the  outer  surface  of  the  wall,  f»,  and  it  is  thus  impossible 
that  the  cell-walls  can  permit  any  direct  electrical  connection 
to  be  made  between  the  melted  matter  within  and  that  without 
the  cathode  cell. 

The  electrode  cell,  B,  is  connected  by  a  tight  joint,  with  a 
hollow  iron  cap,  E,  from  which  a  side  tube,  a,  passing  over  the 
rim  of  the  melting  vessel,  makes  communication  with  the  receiver, 
S.  The  cap,  E,  forms  the  negative  pole,  and  makes  electrical 
contact  with  the  fused  salt  by  means  of  the  rod,  n,  placed  within 
the  bell.  The  screw-plunger  attached  to  the  frame,  H,  is  provided 
for  the  purpose  of  removing  any  stoppages  that  may  occur  in  the 
tube,  E.  Since  the  alkali  metals  are  specifically  lighter  than 
their  chlorides  in  the  fused  state,  the  fluid  metal  accumulating 
in  the  cathode  cell  is  forced  upwards  by  the  pressure  of  the 
melted  electrolyte,  and  flows  oflf  through  the  tube,  a,  as  fast  as  it 
is  produced.  The  collection  may,  for  example,  be  effected  in  a 
petroleum  filled  vessel,  S,  in  which  the  cylinder,  M,  can  be 
filled  with  a  neutral  gas  admitted  through  the  tube,  c.  The 
chlorine  evolved  at  the  anodes  during  electrolysis  escapes  through 
dj  whilst  the  charge  of  salt  is  introduced  into  the  melting  vessel 
through  e. 

In  a  supplementary  patent  dated  September  19, 1890,  Giabau  * 
recommends  the  use  of  a  mixture  of  three  chlorides  (of  sodium, 
of  potassium,  and  of  an  alkaline-earth)  in  equivalent  molecular 
proportions,  the  advantages  thus  gained  being : — a  greater  fusi- 
bility of  the  mixture,  the  prolongation  of  the  life  of  the  vessel, 
and  an  improved  yield  of  metal.  The  resulting  sodium  is  said 
to  be  nearly  free  from  potassium  and  alkaline-earth  metal. 

Grabau  approached  with  his  apparatus  very  near  to  the  solu- 
tion of  the  problem  of  sodium-extraction  by  the  electrolysis  of 
common  salt ;  indeed,  even  in  this  form  an  apparatus  may,  under 
fortunate  circumstances,  have  a  life  of  several  days,  or  even 

*  [English  Patent  16,060,  October  9,  1890.  In  this  specification  Grabau 
proposes  to  employ  equi-molecular  proportions  of  potassium  and  sodium 
chlorides,  and  to  add  2  molecules  of  strontium  chloride  for  every  6  mole- 
cules of  the  mixed  alkaline  chlorides.  Strontium  chloride  was  preferred 
to  the  calcium  salt,  because  it  is  more  easily  obtained  in  the  anhydrous 
state  ;  but  either  (or  barium  chloride)  may  be  used.  The  sodium  produced 
contains  no  strontium,  but  may  retain  3  per  cent,  of  potassium. — Trans.] 

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weeks ;  but  the  starting  of  the  process  would  necessitate  many 
breakages,  and  every  derangement  of  the  plant  that  calls  for  a 
suspension  of  the  process  might  entail  the  loss  of  the  whole 
apparatus.  The  mixing  of  several  salts  to  effect  a  reduction  of 
the  melting  point  is  not  new,  for  Bunsen  and  Matthiessen  have 
frequently  referred  to  the  principle ;  and  the  same  may  be  said 
of  the  observation  that,  under  certain  circumstances,  the  alkali 
metal  is  alone  separated  in  the  electrolysis  of  mixtures  of  alkali 
metal  and  alkaline-earth  chlorides. 

In  the  author's  experiments,  which  he  undertook  rather 
with  the  object  of  obtaining  alkali  metals  than  with  that  of 
producing  pure  sodium,  he  started  with  the  very  fusible  mixture 

Fig.  29. — Borchera'  apparatus  for  reducing  the  alkali  metals. 

of  KCl  +  NaCl ;  but  he  has  demonstrated  that  even  in  this  case,, 
if  the  current-density  be  not  excessive,  and  if  fresh  sodium 
chloride  be  introduced  as  fast  as  this  salt  is  decomposed,  the 
metallic  sodium  obtained  by  electrolysis  will  conteun  only  a 
small  proportion  of  potassium. 

Borohers'  Apparatus. — The  apparatus  used  is  shown  in 
Fig.  29.  The  melting  vessel,  G,  had  an  opening  surrounded  by 
the  socket  tube,  M,  and  two  other  openings  with  tubular  necks,  R. 
The  double-socket  porcelain  tube,  J,  fitted  into  the  socket,  M, 
and  in  this  again  fitted  the  iron  socket  tube,  N.  N  was  closed 
above   by   an  iron  plug,  through  which  was  passed  the  iron 

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rod,  K ;  the  latter  served  as  cathode,  and  was  therefore  partly 
immersed  in  the  fused  salt.  The  sodium  separating  upon  the 
lower  part  of  the  cathode  floated  upwards  through  the  tube,  N, 
and  collected  there  until  it  overflowed  through  the  side  tube,  ti, 
into  a  suitable  vessel  placed  to  receive  it.  The  level  of  the 
melt  was,  of  course,  maintained  sufficiently  high  to  enable  the 
overflow  of  the  sodium  to  take  place;  and  the  liquid  was 
prevented  from  forcing  its  way  through  the  flanges  by  means  of 
metallic  lead. 

Within  the  neck,  R,  the  porcelain  tube,  C,  was  suspended, 
and  within  this  again  was  the  carbon  anode-rod.  A,  which  was 
held  by  the  copper  grip,  H,  resting  upon  the  annular  cover,  D. 
The  chlorine  was  conducted  away  tlux>ugh  the  tube,  e.  A  third 
tube  (not  shown  in  Fig.  29)  of  the  same  height  and  width  as  R, 
served  for  the  introduction  of  the  electrolyte.  The  apparatus 
was  designed  for  use  with  a  current  of  30  to  50  amperes,  and 
afibrded  a  yield  of  from  65  to  70  per  cent,  of  the  weight  of  metal 
theoretically  possible. 

This  apparatus  has  not  proved  to  be  very  durable.  Cast 
iron,  at  a  red  heat>  will  not  for  long  withstand  the  effects  of 
alkali-metal  chlorides  on  the  one  side  and  of  furnace  gases  on 
the  other.  Of  the  porcelain  components,  the  double-flanged 
tube  was  found  to  be  very  readily  broken,  a  fault  which  would 
become  more  serious  as  the  size  of  the  plant  was  increased. 

Beqiiirements  for  an  Eleotrolytio  Sodinm-Extraotion 
Apparatus. — Both  this  apparatus  and  that  devised  by  Grabau 
possess  the  disadvantage  that  sodium  is  brought  into  direct 
contact  with  porcelain,  for  there  must  inevitably  be  a  loss  of 
sodium  caused  by  the  action  of  the  metal  upon  aluminium 
silicates  at  these  points,  whilst  the  porcelain  itself  is  rapidly 
corroded.  The  lessons  that  may  be  derived  from  the  negative 
results  hitherto  obtained  may  be  summed  up  shortly  in  the 
following  rules  for  the  construction  of  a  suitable  apparatus 
for  sodium  extraction  : — 

1.  A  refractory  metal  only  may  be  used  as  the  material  for  the  cathode — 
preferably  the  better  sorts  of  iron. 

2.  The  alkali  metal  must  be  collected  in,  and  conveyed  from,  the  cathode 
cell  without  coming  into  contact  with  any  reducible  substance. 

.3.  The  walls  of  the  cathode  chamber  may  be  made  to  serve  also  as 
cathodes,  but  in  that  case  they  must  not  be  in  contact  with  the  electro- 
lyte on  their  outer  surfaces. 

4.  The  anodes  must  be  made  of  carbon. 

5.  The  anode  compartment  must  allow  of  an  easy  escape  for  the  halogen ; 
and  its  walls  must  be  made  of  some  material  that  will  withstand  the  action 
of  the  halogens  and  haloid  salts. 

6.  The  walls  of  the  anode  compartment  must  not  be  in  contact  with  the 
Beparated  metal 

7.  The  electrolyte  must  not  have  any  metallic  object  in  it  between  the 
poles  or  in  the  path  of  the  current. 

8.  The  whole  apparatus  must  be  made  of  a  fire-resisting  materiaL 

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These  conditions  were  at  that  time  fulfilled  in  only  two  forms 
of  apparatus;  one  was  that  introduced  by  Grabau  in  1891,  as  an 
improvement  on  his  earlier  invention.  It  differs  from  it  only 
in  the  arrangements  of  the  cathode  bell,  so  that  this  alone  now 
requires  explanation. 

Grabau'8  later  Apparatus. — 
The  modem  Grabau  cathode  cell 
has  a  wider  space  than  that  origi- 
nally provided  between  the  bell 
and  its  bent  outer  wall.  In  this 
space  is  arranged  a  cooling  tube 
with  connecting  pipes,  Z  and  A, 
for  the  admission  and  removal  re- 
spectively of  a  cooling  liquid.  The 
object  of  this  is  to  maintain  a  thin 
crust  of  solidified  salt  upon  the 
outer  wall  of  the  cell;  and  in  order 
that  the  crust  may  not  become  too 
thick  the  cooling  tubes  within  the 
U-shaped  jacket  of  the  bell  are 
packed  in  a  material  having  a  low 
conductance  for  heat.  The  tem- 
perature of  the  fused  salt  within 
the  bell  is  maintained  sufficiently 
high  to  prevent  solidification  on 
the  inner  walls,  owing  to  the  enor- 
mous density  of  the  current  that 
is  here  passing  through  the  elec- 

Borchers'  Sodium-Extraction 
Plant. — Another  form  of  appar- 
atus was  described  by  the  author* 
in  1893.  This  apparatus  is  shown 
in  Figs.  31  and  32,  which  are 
about  one-eighth  of  the  full  size. 
It  consists  of  two  chambers  con- 
nected together  by  a  special  joint. 
One  of  these,  the  cathode  chamber, 
K,  is  of  iron,  whilst  the  other, 
the  anode  compartment.  A,  is  of 
chamotte.  Thus  the  anode,  a,  is 
provided  with  a  shield  through  which  no  chlorine  can  pass  to 
the  cathode,  and  which  cannot  be  attacked  from  without  by  the 
used  salt,  or  from  within  by  the  powerfully-reducing  metal 
obtained  at  the  cathode.  It  is  in  this  way  possible  to  use  tube- 
shaped  cathodes  for  the  collection  and  removal  of  the  metal, 

*  Borcbers,  "  Alkalimetalle,"  in  the  ZeiUehrift  fUr  angewandU  ChemUj 

Fig.  30.— Grabau's  modified 
cathode  cell. 

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the  advantage  of  which  is  that  the  deposit  can  be  produced 
only  upon  the  inner  side,  for  the  outer  surface  is  nowhere  in 
contact  with  the  electrolyte. 

Great  difficulties  were  encountered  at  first  in  making  a  good 
joint  between  the  vessels.  It  was  accomplished,  as  diown  in 
Figs.  31  and  32,  by  means  of  a  hollow  metal  water-cooled  ring, 
R,  held  together  above  and  below  by  the  clamps,  Z.  The  only 
really  impermeable  material  that  is  available  for  such  portions 

Cooling  W»ter:  Escape). '|*-'CooliDg  Water:  Admission. 

Figs.  31  and  32. — Borchers*  sodium-extraction  apparatus. 

of  an  apparatus  is  the  electrolyte  itself  solidified  by  cooling, 
no  other  material  being  able  to  withstand  for  long  the  action 
of  the  fluid  salts.  The  breakage  of  the  chamotte  portion  of 
the  apparatus  is  avoided  by  placing  an  asbestos  washer  between 
the  water-cooled  ring  and  the  flange  of  the  anode  compartment, 
A,  in  order  to  minimise  the  difference  of  temperature  between 
the  adjacent  parts.  A  tube,  C,  is  provided  to  carry  off  the 
chlorine.     A  sieve,  S,  with  a  little  asbestos  resting  upon  it  is 

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SODIUM.  49 

provided  to  receive  the  small  crystals  of  added  salt,  which  would 
otherwise  be  apt  to  crack  the  anode  vessel. 

The  cnrrentKlensity  on  the  cathode,  K,  must  amount  to  at 
least  5,000  amperes  per  square  metre  [3-2  amperes  per  square 
inch].  A  smaller  current^ensity  at  the  anode  surface  would 
necessarily  lead  to  an  economy  of  power,  but  it  is  scarcely  to  be 
attained  in  an  apparatus  of  the  kind  employed  for  the  electrolysis 
of  fused  lithium  and  magnesium  salts.  In  this  respect  the  new 
arrangement  offered  distinct  advantages,  for,  with  the  same 
current-density  at  the  cathode,  that  at  the  anode  could  be 
reduced  to  any  required  degree,  and  the  expenditure  of  power 
must  then  show  a  corresponding  diminution. 

About  the  time  when  these  results  in  the  electrolytic  treat- 
ment of  fused  alkali-metal  chlorides  were  obtained,  Castner  took 
up  Davy's  process  and  rendered  it  practicable  by  the  construction 
of  a  very  serviceable  apparatus.  But  the  description  of  this 
apparatus,  and  of  others  which,  like  it,  were  designed  for  the 
electrolysis  of  fused  caustic  soda,  will  be  given  after  a  short 
account  of  the  further  experiments  in  the  electrolysis  of  fused 

Danckwardt's  Apparatna. — Danckwardt,  in  the  year  1898, 
patented'*'  for  this  purpose  an  apparatus  in  which,  by  the  use  of 
water-jacketed  or  cooled  walls,  an  electrolytic  cell  is  obtained 
which  is  capable  of  resisting  the  action  either  of  fused  alkali- 
metal  chlorides  or  of  chlorine ;  and  to  this  extent  the  construc- 
tion in  question  must  be  regarded  as  skilfully  thought  out.  The 
electrolytic  furnace  consists  of  two  chambers,  one,  A,  for  the 
anode  and  the  other,  B,  for  the  cathode,  built  upon  a  masonry 
foundation,  a. 

The  walls  of  the  chamber.  A,  are  constructed  of  three  iron 
compartments,  c,  d,  e,  and  the  hollow  partition-wall,  /,  which 
separates  A  from  B  down  to  half  the  height  of  the  chamber, 
c  and  /  rest  on  hollow  supports.     Cold  water  circulates  through 
the  four  compartments,  c,  d,  e,  /,  gaining  admission  through  c\ 
cP,  c^, /*,  and  escaping  through  c\  li^,  e^/^-      The  inner  walls 
of  the  compartments  are  lined  with  fire-resisting  plates,  g,  to 
protect  them  from  the  direct  action  of  the  heat.     Four  movable 
carbon  anodes,  connected  by  A^  with  the  positive  pole  of  the 
dynamo,  are  passed  through  openings  in  the  hollow  supports;  and 
the  spaces  between  the  anodes  are  filled  up  with  loam  or  clay. 
One  or  more  blastpipes,  i,  are  passed  horizontally  through  the 
water  compartment,  e,  and,  by  introducing  air  and  gas  (through 
t^  and  i*),  serve  to  heat  the  charge  of  salt.     A  pipe,  cP  rf*,  closed 
by  a  clay  stopper  during  the  reducing  operation,  passes  through 
the  chamber,  rf,  at  the  Attorn,  and  serves  for  the  removal  of  the 
molten  chloride,  which,  when  tapped  off,  collects  in  E.     The 
vertical  walls  of  the  compartment,/,  are  closed  together,  to  allow 
•  U.S.A.  Patent  607.506,  July  19,  1898. 

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Figs.  33,  34, 35,  36,  and  37. — Danckwardt's  sodium -ex  traction  apparatuB. 

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SODIUM.  51 

for  the  admission  of  the  fused  salt  from  A  to  B.  The  floor,  a, 
of  the  anode  chamber  is  cooled  by  means  of  the  bent  pipe,  a\ 
A  heavy  chamotte  plate,  ^*,  with  manhole,  J^,  and  gas  escape-pipe, 
j^,  8ei*ve8  as  a  cover. 

The  cathode  compartment^  B,  consists  of  an  iron  receptacle,  k^ 
surroonded  with  masonty,  a%  to  minimise  the  loss  of  heat,  and 
connected  with  the  negative  pole  of  the  dynamo  by  means  of  the 
leads,  I  V-.  The  cover  of  the  receptacle  is  inclined  slightly 
towards  the  compartment,  f,  and,  on  the  opposite  side,  ends  in 
the  overflow  pipe,  k^.  A  series  of  iron  plates,  arranged  vertically 
on  the  bottom  of  B,  serves  to  assist  the  distribution  of  the  fused 
material  flowing  from  A  into  B,  and  also  the  flow  of  the  chloride 
into  A  at  the  time  of  tapping. 

In  order  to  set  the  furnace  in  operation,  the  anodes,  A,  are 
drawn  back,  the  cocks  of  the  water  inlets,  a\  c^,  d\  «^,  f\  are 
opened  and  the  gas  blast,  t,  lighted.  The  hot  gases,  after 
heating  A,  flow  off  through  B  k^.  When  a  sufficiently  high 
temperature  has  been  attained  in  the  two  chambers,  A  B,  the 
gas  blast  is  stopped,  the  carbons,  h,  are  moved  forward  into  A, 
the  space  between  them  is  well  filled  up  with  loam,  common 
salt  is  introduced  through  j^^  and  the  gas  blast  is  again  lit.  The 
}$alt  melts,  and  in  part  flows  into  B;  then  fresh  salt  is  added 
until,  when  fused,  the  charge  reaches  almost  up  to  the  edge  of 
the  overflow  pipe,  k^.  The  current-circuit  is  now  closed,  and 
the  tube,  ^'*,  is  opened  for  the  removal  of  the  chlorine.  The 
alkali  metal  deposited  on  the  cathode,  m^  being  of  lower  specific 
gravity,  rises  through  the  fused  charge,  and  flows  through  k^ 
into  the  receptacle,  D.  Salt  is  added  to  the  charge  from  time 
to  time,  as  required,  to  take  the  place  of  that  winch  has  been 
clecomposed.  At  the  end  of  the  operation,  the  current  is  first 
switched  off,  the  clay  plug  is  removed  from  the  tube,  rf*,  until 
the  whole  of  the  chloride  has  run  off  into  E,  and  then  the  blast 
is  stopped. 

Instead  of  melting  the  salt  with  the  aid  of  a  gas  blast,  the 
first  portion  charged  may  be  covered  with  a  layer  of  charcoal, 
which  is  then  burned  in  a  current  of  air.  When  this  portion 
is  melted,  alternate  layers  of  salt  and  charcoal  are  charged 
through  y*.  When  the  salt  is  completely  melted,  it  remains 
at  the  bottom  while  the  charcoal  floats  on  its  surface,  D^.  In 
other  respects  the  process  is  the  same  as  when  gas-firing  is  used. 
When  it  is  desired  to  end  the  operation,  charcoal  alone  is  charged, 
instead  of  salt  and  carbon,  until  the  whole  of  the  salt  is  used  up. 

The  chlorine  produced  is  not  so  impure  as  to  be  useless  for 
technical  purposes.  The  proposal  to  use  charcoal  for  heating 
the  apparatus  is  only  mentioned  as  a  possibility,  without 
having  been  actually  tried.  But  no  charcoal  available  is  free 
from  ash,,  and  even  the  commercially  pure  sodium  salt  contains 
sufficient  impurities  of  itself  without  the  introduction  of  others 
with  the  ash  of  the  fuel. 

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Eleotroly  Bis  of  Fused  Salt  without  External  Firing. — An 
inspection  of  the  drawings  of  this  furnace  gives  the  impression 
that  it  is  an  apparatus  used  for  electrolysis,  and  wanned  by 
electrically-produced  heat,  and  it  is  somewhat  surprising  that 
until  quite  recently  this  method  of  working,  which  owes  its 
origin  to  the  aluminium  industry,  has  not  also  been  applied  ta 
the  electrolysis  of  common  salt.  A  number  of  experiments  in 
this  direction  were  tried  in  Borchers'  laboratory  during  the  year 
1899.  The  first  series  of  experiments  was  made  by  A.  Fisdier, 
and  the  following  extract  may  be  made  from  his  account  of 
them: — * 

"As  in  the  experiments  of  Grabau  and  Borchers,  a  mixture 
of  salts  (equivalent  quantities  of  the  chlorides  of  potassium  and 
sodium)  was  used,  the  mixture  being  more  fusible  than  sodium 
chloride  alone,  and  the  loss  of  metal  increasing  with  the  tem- 

''Mutual  Action  of  Sodium  and  Chlorine. — In  order 
to  study  the  mutual  action  of  sodium  and  chlorine  after 
separation  at  the  electrodes,  preliminary  experiments  were  tried 
in  which  no  partition  was  placed  between  the  electrodes.  The 
mixture  of  salts  was  stamped  into  a  sheet-iron  vessel,  and  an 
iron  rod  cathode  was  then  caused  to  approach  a  carbon  anode 
until  an  arc  was  formed  between  them,  so  that  in  a  short  time 
sufficient  salt  melted  to  form  a  conducting  mass  between  the 
electrodes,  which  were  then  gradually  separated  until  a  well  of 
molten  salt  was  formed  (see  Fig.  38).  The  surprising  fact  was 
now  observed,  that  the  sodium,  as  soon  as  it  had  united  inta 
globules,  whether  of  large  or  small  size,  remained  for  a  long  time 
untouched,  even  in  the  midst  of  the  stream  of  chlorine  bubbles 
flowing  on  the  surface  of  the  fused  bath  from  the  anode  to  the 
cathode.  The  larger  globules  were  somewhat  flattened  in  shape  ; 
when  intentionally  brought  close  to  the  anode  they  remained 
there  for  a  notably  long  time.  The  low  specific  gravity  of  the 
sodium,  and  the  colour  of  the  metal  burning  with  a  yellow  glow 
upon  the  surface  of  the  bath,  facilitated  ready  observation  under 
the  conditions  of  the  foregoing  experiment,  even  in  the  case  of 
small  globules  of  metal ;  and  it  is  due  to  this  circumstance  that 
one,  and  that  probably  the  most  important,  of  the  sources  of  loss 
was  readily  discovered  in  this  research.  At  the  current-densities 
necessary  for  this  work  a  very  brisk  stream  of  small  bubbles  of 
chlorine  rise  to  the  surface,  and  there  unite  to  larger  bubbles, 
many  of  which  remain  unaltered  for  a  comparatively  long  time. 
It  can  readily  be  understood  that  the  bubbles  of  chlorine  in  rising 
through  the  bath  are  accompanied  by  a  flow  of  liquid.  The 
consequence  of  this  is  that  in  the  lower  part  of  the  bath  there  is 
a  flow  set  up  towards  the  anode,  whilst  at  the  upper  surface  of 
the  fluid  charge  the  chlorine  bubbles  with  the  liquid  adhering  to 
*  ZeiUichr,  fur  Elektrochem,,  1900,  vol.  vii.,  p.  349. 

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them  tend  to  flow  from  the  anode  to  the  cathode,  such  circulation 
being  entirely  independent  of  that  produced  by  electrolytic 
action.     Thi»  flow  of  liquid  is  so  active  that  the  particles  of 

Fig.  3S. — Diagram  illustratinir  behaviour  of  sodium  and  chlorine 
in  electrolysis  of  fused  sodium  chloride. 

sodium,  detached  from  the  lower  portion  of  the  cathode,  are 
carried  far  in  the  direction  of  the  anode,  in  spite  of  the  up- 
ward tendency  that  they  possess  in 
consequence  of  their  low  specific 
gravity.  If  the  bath  be  observed 
from  above  it  appears  as  though  the 
sodium  rises  to  a  point  situated  be- 
tween the  anode  and  cathode,  and 
not  to  the  cathode  itself,  and  as 
though  from  this  point  it  is  then 
drawn  to  the  cathode.  The  direction 
of  the  flow  of  liquid  and  of  the  par- 
ticles of  sodium  in  the  bath  is  shown 
by  dotted  lines  and  arrows  in  Fig.  38. 
In  the  bath  used,  the  globules  of 
sodium  rise  to  the  surface  at  a  dis- 
tance of  about  from  6  to  10  cm.  [2*4 
to  4  ins.]  from  the  cathode. 

"  Fischer's  Modifioations  of  the 
Depositing  Apparatus. — ^The  out- 
come of  this  experiment  was  to  sur- 
round the  cathode  with  a  hood 
dipping  a  little  beneath  the  surface 
of  the  fused  charge,  and  wide  enough 
to  catch  the  globules  of  sodium  torn 
off  from  the  electrode.  The  hood  first 
used  for  this  purpose  is  shown  in 
Figs.  39  and  40;  it  consisted  of  a 
copper  bell  surrounded  with  a  cooling 
ring  through  which  water  was  caused  to  circulate,  a  partition 
placed  between  the  inlet  and  the  outlet  for  the  water,  causing 

Figs.  39  and  40.— Hood  em- 
ployed by  Fischer  to  sur- 
round cathode  in  sodium 
chloride  electrolysis. 

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the  water  to  flow  through  practically  the  whole  ring.  The 
hood  was  attached  by  means  of  a  sleeve  to  the  iron  rod 
which  formed  the  cathode.  This  arrangement  was  adopted 
because  it  was  found  to  be  necessary  before  lowering  the  hood 
to  fuse  so  wide  an  area  of  bath  that,  when  lowered,  the  bell 
should  dip  into  completely  fluid  salt,  for  if  it  is  to  prevent  the 
combustion  of  sodium  at  the  surface  of  the  bath  its  lower  rim 
must  be  so  far  immersed  as  to  include  a  considerable  proportion 
of  the  surface  area.  The  object  of  cooling  the  edge  of  the  bell 
was  to  produce  a  solidifled  crust  of  salt  on  the  rim,  which  thus 
becomes  insulated,  so  that  the  separation  of  sodium  is  restricted 
to  the  cathode  rod  and  also  to  any  unprotected  portions  of  the 
inner  surface  of  the  hood.  The  sodium  was  tapped  off  by  means 
of  a  pipe,  as  shown  in  the  arrangement  illustrated  by  Fig.  41. 
The  cooling  effect  was  found,  however,  to  be  too  great,  for  the 
salt  soon  solidified  beneath  the  hood,  and  sodium  then  appeared 

Fig.  41. — Fischer's  sodium-chloride  electrolysis  apparatus. 

on  the  side  of  the  rim  nearest  to  the  anode,  and,  burning,  e^  olved 
so  much  heat,  that  the  crust  was  melted  away  in  patches,  allow- 
ing the  separation  of  the  sodium  to  take  place  at  these  places 
without  hindrance. 

** Fischer  hoped  to  overcome  this  difficulty  by  the  use  of  a  larger 
bell.  In  order  that  all  unnecessary  parts  of  the  apparatus  might 
be  dispensed  with,  the  walls  of  the  pipe  used  for  the  removal  of 
the  sodium  were  made  of  such  thickness  that  the  pipe  could  be 
made  to  act  as  cathode  also  (compare  Fig.  41).  The  hood  or  bell 
was  made  oval  in  form,  and  was  so  placed  over  the  cathode  that 
the  position  of  the  front  rim  ensured  the  inclusion  of  all  globules 
of  sodium  within  the  space  covered  by  the  bell,  so  far  as  could  be 
predicted  from  previous  experiments.  The  front  rim  was  also 
sunk  more  deeply  in  the  bath  than  was  the  hinder  rim,  the  sole 
duty  of  the  latter  being  the  exclusion  of  air.  But,  even  with 
this  apparatus,  sodium  soon  began  to  deposit  on  the  outer  side  of 
the  cooling  ring  at  the  part  opposed  to  the  anode,  and  quickly 

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SODIUM.  55 

increased  in  quantity  in  spite  of  the  current  of  anode  chlorine 
which  had  free  access  to  it  at  this  point. 

"  It  was  proved  by  various  observations  that  in  the  arrange- 
ment hitherto  adopted  the  copper  bell  acted  as  an  intermediate 
subsidiary  electrode  from  the  first ;  for  although  a  soNd  crust  of 
salt  was  formed  immediately  the  cooled  ring  was  immersed,  this 
crust  at  the  moment  of  immersion  was  so  thin  and  so  warm  that 
its  electrolytic  conductance  was  not  sufficiently  reduced  to  pre- 
vent the  metallic  substance  placed  between  the  electrodes 
from  acting  as  an  intermediate  electrode  when  the  current  was 
switched  on.  The  rapid  increase  in  the  amount  of  sodium 
formed  on  the  rim  of  the  bell,  and  the  early  solidification  of  the 
fused  material  under  the  hood,  were  thus  readily  explained ;  but 
at  the  same  time  an  indication  was  given  of  the  way  in  whicb 
these  difficulties  could  be  overcome.  All  metallic  portions  of  the 
apparatus  that  were  not  to  be  included  in  the  system  of  con- 

Fig.  42. — Fischer's  modified  sodium-chloride  electrolytic  apparatus. 

ductors  must  be  provided  as  far  as  possible  with  sufficient 
insulation  before  immersion  in  the  bath.  Experiments  in  this 
direction  led  to  the  following  form  of  apparatus : — The  melting 
vessel  was  made  of  sheet-iron,  as  in  the  first  experiments ;  and 
the  cathode  chamber  was  fqnned  by  a  water-cooling  arrangement 
lined  with  marble.  The  pipe  for  tapping  off  the  sodium  was  here 
again  used  as  cathode  (see  Fig.  42)." 

But  all  these  experiments  led  to  the  same  result.  The 
solidification  of  the  fused  material  commenced  at  the  cathode 
compartment.  But  the  fractured  surfaces  of  the  mass,  after  the 
whole  charge  had  been  allowed  to  cool,  and  had  then  been 
removed  from  the  apparatus,  showed  that  this  solidification 
always  happened  in  a  markedly  characteristic  way,  whether  the 
cooling  had  been  considerable  or  only  slight  in  extent.  A  layer 
of  black-coloured  material  permeated  with  fine  particles  of 
sodium  extended  from  the  upper  metallic  surface  of  the  portion 

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which  had  been  in  the  cathode  compartment  to  the  portion  under 
the  bridge  separating  the  anode  and  cathode  compartments,  just 
as  if  a  viscous  material  had  flowed  from  the  one  to  the  other. 
This  layer  ended  in  the  anode  compartment,  where  it  was 
rounded  off  in  a  parabolic  curve.  Evidently  the  heat  evolution 
at  the  cathode  was  retarded,  owing  to  the  rapid  increase  in  the 
surface  of  the  cathode  caused  by  the  separation  of  sodium  ;  the 
fused  mass  became  first  viscous,  then  pasty,  and  finally  solid. 
During  the  period  in  which  the  mass  was  viscous  finely-divided 
sodium  was  doubtless  entangled  in  the  pasty  mass,  and  thus 
maintained  the  conductance  of  the  latter,  even  when  the  charge 
in  the  cathode  compartment  had  solidified.  In  this  way  t£e 
cathode  was  extended  into  the  anode  compartment,  and  metal 
was  deposited  on  the  side  of  the  separating  bridge  facing  the 
anode ;  this  metal  would  then  obviously  be  for  the  most  part  lost 
Probably  this  difficulty  could  have  been  overcome  by  a  timely 
increase  in  the  current-density,  but,  unfortunately,  at  the  time  of 
these  experiments  the  strongest  current  available  in  the  Aachen 

laboratories  was  240  am- 
peres. On  the  other  hand, 
in  view  of  the  object  of 
the  research,  which  was 
the  construction  of  an 
apparatus  and  evolution 
of  a  process  for  use  on 
an  industrial  scale,  and 
for  long  runs,  the  sub- 
stitution of  an  apparatus 
working  on  a  smaller 
scale  would  have  intro- 
duced difficulties  the  re- 
moval of  which  would 
have  involved  an  unnecessary  loss  of  time  and  money.  The 
question  whether  this  form  of  apparatus  last  described  may  not, 
after  all,  be  satisfactory  if  higher  current-densities  be  used, 
must  therefore  be  left  unanswered  for  the  present. 

Meanwhile,  however,  experiments  were  made  by  other  workers 
to  design  an  apparatus  suitable  for  use  with  the  current-density 
available.  It  appeared  to  be  pre-eminently  necessary  that  the 
apparatus  should  be  so  constructed  that  the  sodium  should  be 
removed  as  fast  as  it  was  formed,  and  before  it  had  time  by 
accumulation  to  increase  the  cathode  ai-ea  appreciably.  This  end 
was  gained  by  the  use  of  the  form  of  cathode  shown  in  Fig.  43, 
made  in  the  fashion  of  a  spiral  staircase,  but  with  an  inclined 
plane  in  place  of  steps.  In  the  figure,  for  the  sake  of  clear- 
ness, the  angle  of  the  incline  is  somewhat  greater  than  was  used 
in  practice.  When  this  electrode  is  slowly  rotated  during  elec- 
trolysis in  the  direction  of  the  arrow  (Fig.  43),  the  sodium,  as  it 

Fig.  43. — Special  form  of  cathode  for 
sodium  collection. 

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separates,  flows  up  the  inclined  plane  (which  becomes  narrower 
in  the  upper  part)  and  collects  at  the  highest  point,  where  it 
finds  its  way  through  an  aperture  into  the  space  within  the  tube, 
from  which,  in  any  apparatus  of  large  size  (compare  Fig.  44),  it 
could  doubtless  be  removed  by  means  of  a  ladle,  although  iliis 
was  naturally  impossible  in  an  apparatus  of  the  small  size  used 
for  experimental  purposes. 

The  form  of  apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  44  would  be  used  for 
work  on  a  large  scale.  It  is  arranged. for  driving  by  means  of  a 
pulley,  through  which  the  current  connections  are  made  with  the 
cathode.  The  pulley  is  mounted  on  ball-bearings  in  such  a  way 
that  the  electrode  may  be  rapidly  withdrawn  from  the  apparatus 
in  the  event  of  any  accident  or  disablement  of  the  plant.  The 
collecting  tube  may  with  advantage  be  left  open  below  to  facili- 
tate the  liquation  of  any  of  the  fused  electrolyte  which  may  be 
carried  up  the  spiral  witib  the  metal. 

Fig.  44. — Arrangement  of  cathode  shown  in  Fig.  43. 

Another  form  of  apparatus  used  by  the  author  for  experimental 
work  in  the  Aachen  laboratories,  and  adaptable  for  use  with 
either  light  or  heavy  metals,  is  shown  in  Figs.  45  and  46.  The 
cathode  is  here  placed  in  the  centre  of  a  carbon  crucible,  which 
serves  as  anode.  For  use  with  metals  which  are  only  deposited 
at  high  current-densities  it  is  specially  important  that  the  anode 
area  shall  be  as  great  as  possible,  since  in  that  way  there  will  be 
an  economy  of  energy,  owing  to  the  minimising  of  the  i*esi8tance 
to  be  overcome,  whilst  at  the  same  time  there  will  be  a  reduction 
in  the  flow  of  material  which,  as  shown  by  A.  Fischer's  experi- 
ments (see  p.  52),  tends  to  carry  notable  quantities  of  small 
metallic  particles  from  the  cathode  to  the  anode.  The  globules 
of  metal  of  low  specific  gravity  rising  from  the  central  cathode 
may  be  retained  in  a  vessel  suspended  in  the  bath  from  above. 

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from  which  they  can  be  ladled  out  as  in  the  case  of  Castner's 
apparatus.  But  ia  this  case  cathodes  may  be  suspended  from 
above  within  the  electrolytic  vessel. 

Formation  of  Sodium  Alloys. — The  above  described  diffi- 
culties in  the  electrolysis  of  sodium  chloride  early  directed  the 
attention  of  electro-chemists  to  the  use  of  a  fluid  metal  with 
which  the  sodium  was  capable  of  alloying  as  it  separated  out. 

Fig.  45. — Borcliers'  electric  furnace  for  experimental  work. 

Fig.  46. — Borchers'  electric  furnace  for  experimental  work. 

Among  such  alloys  of  sodium  only  those  with  mercury  have 
found  a  practical  application  in  the  chemical  industry.  Mercury, 
however,  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  can  dissolve  only  a  small 
proportion  of  sodium  without  losing  its  fluidity ;  whilst,  on  the 
other  hand,  its  boiling  point  is  so  low  that  it  has  only  been  used 
in  practice  as  the  aithode  in  the  electrolysis  of  solutions  of  salts. 
In  this  case  the  amalgam  is  merely  an  intermediate  product 

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SODIUM.  59 

which  becomes  decomposed  again  as  fast  as  it  is  formed.  Taking 
into  consideration  the  fact  that  such  a  use  of  mercury  does  not 
produce  a  final  product  in  metallurgical  works,  but  only  one  that 
is  employed  in  the  manufacture  of  caustic  potash  or  soda,  there 
appears  to  be  no  need  to  introduce  into  these  pages  an  account 
of  the  many  forms  of  apparatus  proposed  with  this  end  in  view. 

Preparation  of  Iiead-Sodium  and  Tin-Sodium  Alloys. — 
Lead  and  tin  have  been  tried  experimentally  as  fluid  cathode 
metals  for  the  electrolysis  of  fused  alkali  salts;  but  no  appa- 
ratus or  process  for  this  purpose  has  yet  had  any  permanent 

Rogers*  has  given  an  account  of  the  first  experiment  in  thin 
direction,  as  follows  : — "  During  the  last  three  years  (1886-1889) 
I  have  experimented  on  the  reduction  of  sodium  chloride,  using 
molten  negative  electrodes,  and  especially  lead.  Lead,  tin, 
cadmium,  and  antimony  all  readily  alloy  with  sodium,  a  large 
part  of  which  can  be  recovered  from  the  alloys  by  distillation  in 
an  iron  crucible.  They  can  be  heated  to  a  higher  temperature 
than  pure  sodium  in  acid  crucibles  without  the  sodium  attacking 
the  crucible.  In  the  following  experiments  a  dynamo  machine 
was  used  to  supply  the  current.  In  one  experiment  a  current 
averaging  77  amperes  and  33  volts  was  passed  through  molten 
sodium  chloride,  contained  in  two  crucibles  arranged  in  series, 
for  two  hours.  Each  contained  30  lbs.  of  salt ;  in  the  first  was 
put  104  grms.  of  tin,  in  the  second  470  grms.  of  lead,  each  serving 
as  cathode,  connection  being  made  through  the  bottom  of  the 
crucible.  A  carbon  rod  was  used  for  the  anode.  When  at  the 
end  of  two  hours  the  carbons  were  removed,  and  the  crucibles 
cooled  and  broken  open,  the  lead  was  found  to  contain  96  grms. 
of  sodium,  or  17  per  cent.  There  were  about  90  grms.  of  sodium 
found  in  the  tin  alloy,  or  between  45  and  50  per  cent." 

The  electromotive  force  used  was  unusually  high,  but  in  the 
absence  of  any  indications  in  the  paper  as  to  the  size  of  the 
apparatus,  it  is  not  possible  to  form  any  idea  of  the  current- 
density  employed.  This  account,  however,  suffices  to  prove  that 
a  practical  method  for  the  electrolytic  production  of  lead-sodium 
or  tin-sodium  alloys  had  thus  been  found.  In  another  paper, 
Rogerst  expresses  himself  somewhat  optimistically  as  to  the 
consumption  of  power  in  the  extraction  of  sodium.  He  expects 
to  obtain  from  the  fused  chloride  5|  to  6J  lbs.  of  sodium 
per  E.H.P.  per  24  hours.  According  to  the  results  already 
described,  such  a  yield  is  scarcely  to  be  hoped  for;  he,  how- 
ever, adds  the  special  restriction,  "provided  the  apparatus  in 
sufficiently  durable  to  permit  uninterrupted  work  during  the 

•Proceedings  of  the  }ViMOjmn  Nat.   Ifif^.  Soc.,  1889  (from  Richards' 
+  J'oumal  qfthe  Franklin  Inat,,  1889,  vol.  cxxviii.,  p.  486. 

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The  (iiiiiculty  of  devising  suitable  apparatus,  which  had  thus 
again  become  a  hindrance  to  progress,  led  Yautin  to  put  forward 
some  proposed  improvements.  His  first  patents*  do  not  call  for 
mention,  but  his  latest  specificalionf  must  be  referred  to,  because 
it  describes  as  new  an  apparatus^  which  had  been  patented  in 
England  so  far  back  as  1844.  Napier,  who  was  the  original 
inventor,  proposed  to  separate  metals  from  fused  substances, 
using  as  cathode  a  crucible  of  some  conducting  material,  which 
was  coated  with  a  non-conductor  (slag)  internally  down  to  the 
bottom.  This  description  accurately  describes  the  latest  form 
of  apparatus  described  by  Vautin,  and  illustrated  in  Fig.  47. 
But  apart  from  the  absence  of  any  originality  in  Vautin's 
aiTangement,  this  apparatus  cannot  be  durable  in  character 
when   used    for    the   work   for  which   it   is   described   in  the 

patent  specification.  There  is  no 
material  known  that  could  survive 
continuous  use,  even  for  a  few  days, 
as  an  insulator  in  contact  with  a 
portion  of  the  surface  of  an  exter- 
nally fired  vessel,  the  vessel  being 
employed  as  cathode  in  a  fused  mix- 
ture of  the  haloid  salts  of  the  alkali 
metal,  earth,  or  alkali-earth  metals. 
It  may  be  argued  that  the  lining 
material  Cmagnesia)  used  by  Vautin 
is  cheap ;  but  even  if  it  cost  nothing 
it  would  still  have  to  be  rejected, 
because  it  is  worthless  for  use  in  any 
continuous  operation,  and  continuity 
is  essential  to  the  profitable  appli- 
cation of  heat-  or  electric-energy. 
Borchers'  Plant  for  Sodium  Alloys.— The  earliest  appa- 
i*atus  which  the  author  applied  to  the  production  of  a  sodium- 
lead,  or  other  readily  fusible,  alloy,  is  shown  in  Fig.  48.  The 
iron  melting  vessel,  K,  consisted  of  a  short  cylinder  terminating 
in  a  hollow  cone  below.  The  inner  wall  of  the  conical  portion 
was  provided  with  projections,  which  formed  terraced  grooves, 
one  above  another.  The  uppermost  (and  deepest)  groove  served 
for  the  reception  and  melting  of  the  lead,  which  was  introduced 
into  the  apparatus  through  one  or  more  funnels.  The  i-emaining 
grooves  were  intended  to  intercept  the  lead  which  flowed  over 
them,  so  as  to  renew  its  surface  as  often  as  possible,  and  to 
enable  it  to  take  up  a  greater  proportion  of  sodium.  For  the 
electrolyte,  one  of  the  mixtures  of  salts  already  given  was  to  be 

*  English  Patent  13)568,  1893.      (Cf.  ZeitHchrift  fiir  EteXirUechnik  und 
Ekktrochemie,  1894,  vol.  i.,  p.  139. 
t  English  Patent  20,404,  1893. 
X  English  Patent  10,362,  1844;  and  684,  1^5. 

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Fig.  47.— Van  tin's  apparatus. 



used  in  the  melted  condition.  The  carbon  anodes,  A,  with  their 
tube-shaped  porcelain  shields,  C,  were  hung  from  the  chamotte 
cover,  D.  As  in  the  analogous  apparatus  described  previously^ 
the  carbon  rods  were  supported  on  the  covers,  d,  by  the  clamps, 
V,  which  also  served  to  make  the  necessary  electrical  connections 
with  the  positive  leads,  P;  the  return  leads,  N,  being  connected 
up  with  the  crucible  itself.  The  tubes,  R,  carried  off  the  chlorine 
generated  during  electrolysis,  and  the  melted  alloy  which  accumu* 
lated  in  the  bottom  of  the  cone  overflowed  by  the  pipe,  X.     The 

Fig.  48. — Borchers'  apparatus  for  the  production  of  sodium  alloys. 

loss  of  salt  which  was  decomposed  during  the  progress  of  the 
operation  had,  of  course,  to  be  made  good.  In  order  to  fuse 
the  charge,  and  to  keep  it  in  a  fluid  condition,  the  crucible  was 
suspended  by  the  flange,  F,  in  a  heating  chamber  which,  in  the 
form  here  shown,  had  been  found  to  be  economical  of  fuel.  A 
system  of  side-firing  was  adopted ;  the  heated  products  of  com- 
bustion entering  through  the  flue,  H,  passed' into  the  heating 
chamber,  and,  being  deflected  upwards  by  the  circular  chamotte 
baffle,  W,  returned  through  the  annular  space  between  W  and 
the  furnace  walls,  M,  finding  an  exit  by  the  flue,  Z.     In  order 

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to  catch  any  matter  that  should  leak  from  a  defective  pot,  a 
iiollecting  channel,  8,  was  built  in  front  of  the  fire-bridge,  and 
from  this  the  matenal  could  be  run  off  at  will.  For  small  experi- 
mental installations,  a  large  Fletcher^s  gas  burner  sufficed. 

This  apparatus  has  since  been  improved  by  the  removal  of  the 
porcelain  tubes,  which  are  very  liable  to  breakage  and  other 
damage.  With  this  object  the  upper  part  of  the  melting  ve^ssel 
has  been  raised  and  surrounded  with  a  cooling  ring  (Fig.  49). 
The  inner  wall  of  the  vessel  thus  becomes  covered  with  a 
layer  of  solidified  salt,  which  protects  it  from  the  action  of 
the  chlorine  evolved  on  the  surface  of   the   carbon   electixxie. 

Fig.  49. — Borchers*  improved  apparatus  for  the  production  of 
Bodium  alloys. 

The  lead  may  be  introduced  into  the  uppermost  gi'oove  of  the 
alloying  vessel,  either  after  the  manner  formerly  described  or 
(as  here)  from  a  separate  melting  pot,  E,  placed  above  the  firing 
chamber.  The  alloying  cone  is  connected  by  a  pipe,  leading 
from  the  bottom,  to  a  side  reservoir,  B,  which  is  heated  by  the 
waste  flue  gases.  Hence  the  alloy  may  be  removed  for  use  or 
for  test,  as  desired.  The  anode  may  be  made  either  of  one  thick 
carbon  rod,  or  of  several  smaller  rods. 

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Fig.  49  shows  the  arrangement  of  masonry  recommended  for 
large  installations.  A  plant  of  this  kind,  fifteen  times  the 
actual  size  of  the  above  illustration,  is  adapted  to  a  current 
of  300  amperes,  which  corresponds  to  a  current-density  of  about 
5000  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [465  amp.  per  sq.  ft.]  of  cathode 
surface.  The  electromotive  force  required  may  be  only  6  to  8 
volts.  If  a  lead  alloy  containing  not  more  than  10  per  cent,  of 
sodium  be  required,  the  electromotive  force  during  the  whole 
process  need  never  exceed  8  volts. 

The  cost  of  producing  sodium  would  have  been  very  consider- 
ably reduced  by  the  use  of  this  apparatus,  especially  as  the  cost 

Pig.  60.  Fig.  61. 

Apparatus  for  the  produotion  of  lead-sodium  alloys. 

of  the  plant  would  have  been  less,  and  its  durability  greater, 
than  in  the  case  of  the  corresponding  plant  required  for  the  pro- 
duction of  pure  sodium,  if  it  had  not  been  for  an  unfortunate 
circumstance  which  led  to  unexpected  losses.  The  sodium  alloys 
of  lower  specific  gravity  were  found  to  float  on  the  surface  of  the 
stream  of  lead  flowing  beneath  them,  so  that  alloys  containing 
from  8  to  10  per  cent,  of  sodium  alternated  with  others  contain- 
ing scarcely  1  per  cent.  Under  these  circumstances  there  was  a 
heavy  loss  of  sodium  by  the  re-dissolving  of  the  metal  on  the 

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BurfJAce  of  the  saper-saturated  alloy.  An  apparatus  designed  to 
overcome  the  difficulty  of  the  irregularity  in  composition  of  the 
alloy  is  shown  in  Figs.  50  and  51  ;  but  it  has  not  been  brought 
into  use  because  other  methods  have  taken  the  place  of  the  pro- 
cess for  which  the  lead-sodium  alloys  would  have  been  useful, 
and  so  the  interest  in  the  question  has  disappeared. 

An  apparatus  admirably  adapted  to  the  production  of  lead- 
sodium  alloys  has  been  described  by  Hulin.'^  But  from  his 
experiments  in  the  direction  of  obtaining  caustic  soda  by  the 
treatment  of  the  resulting  alloys  with  steam,  it  may  be  assumed 
that  there  is  no  very  great  demand  for  the  alloys  in  question. 


The  Castner  Prooess. — As  above  mentioned,  Davy's  process 
for  the  electrolysis  of  caustic  soda  has  been  rendered  practicable 
by  the  construction  of  apparatus  introduced  by  Castner,  f  whose 
process  is  now  universally  adopted. 

Fig.  52. — Castner's  electrolytic  sodium-extraction  plant. 

The  apparatus  (Fig.  52)  consists  of  an  iron  melting-pot,  A, 
about  450  mm.  [1  ft.  6  ins.]  wide  and  600  mm.  [2  ft.  high],  into 
which  the  cathode,  H,  is  inserted  through  the  bottom.  To  hold 
the  cathode  in  position  and  to  ensure  a  good  joint,  the  lower  and 
somewhat  narrowed  part  of  the  vessel,  with  the  tube,  B,  80  mm. 
[3|  ins.]  wide  and  800  mm.  [2  ft.  8  ins.]  long,  which  is  attached  to 
it,  are  both  filled  with  caustic  alkali  before  starting  the  electro- 
lysis, and  this  in  a  short  time  solidifies.     The  bath  of  caustic 

♦  Zeitschr.fSr  Mektrochem,,  and  Jahrlmchfur  Elektroekem,,  1894-1897. 
i-  German  Patent  53,121  ;  and  English  Patent  13,356  of  1890. 

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alkali,  E,  is  kept  in  the  fused  condition  by  a  gas  flame,  G ;  and 
in  this  bath  are  immersed  the  anodes,  F,  which  (for  this  electro- 
lyte) may  be  made  of  metal.  They  are  suspended  from  the  cover, 
and  are  separated  from  the  cathoide  by  a  cylindrical  diaphragm 
of  wire  mesh,  M.  Above  M  is  placed  the  collecting  tube,  0,  by 
which  the  metal  (D)  and  hydrogen  are  kept  separated  from  the 
liberated  oxygen,  which  finds  an  escape  from  the  anode  compart- 
ment by  the  opening  P,  at  one  side  of  the  cover.  The  tube,  C, 
is  closed  by  a  lid,  N,  which  rests  sufficiently  loosely  upon  its 
support  to  permit  the  escape  of  hydrogen.  For  the  removal  of 
the  liquid  sodium  Oastner  uses  a  perforated  ladle,  which  is 
able  to  retain  the  metal  by  reason  of  the  high  surface-tension 
of  the  latter,  while  the  caustic  soda  drains  away  through  the 
perforations.  The  various  parts  of  the  apparatus  are  separ- 
ated by  asbestos  card  as  shown  at  S.  I  and  L  are  the  dynamo 

Becker's  Apparatus. — Oastner's  apparatus  was  afterwards 
modified  by  Becker,*  as  shown  in  Figs.  53  to  55.    A  wide  tube,  a, 

Figs.  53  to  55. — ^Becker's  modification  of  Castner's  sodiom 
extraction  apparatus. 

la  inserted  in  the  bottom  of  a  metal  vessel,  A,  and  through  this 
tube  is  passed  the  rod,  by  to  the  upper  end  of  which  is  attached 
the  usual  cathode,  B.  The  lower  end  of  the  tube  is  closed  with 
a  ring,  a\  made  of  lava,  porcelain,  refractory  stone,  or  the  like. 
The  rod,  &,  passes  through  the  middle  of  this  ring.  The  tube,  a, 
is  surrounded  with  a  double-walled  water-jacket  or  other  cooling 

*  German  Patent  104,955,  Jan.  21,  1899 


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deyioe,  provided  with  the  object  of  causing  the  electrolyte 
within  it  to  become  pasty,  or,  if  possible,  to  solidify,  so  that 
none  may  escape  at  the  joint  between  the  tube  and  the  closing 
ring,  a\  The  cathode,  B,  is  of  metal,  or,  if  necessary,  of  retort 
carbon,  and  is  made  somewhat  conical  in  shape,  to  facilitate  the 
escape  upwards  of  the  metallic  globules  forming  upon  it ;  but  it 
can  be  of  any  other  shape  that  fulfils  this  object.  Fig.  54,  for 
example,  illustrates  a  special  form  of  cathode,  consisting  of  a 
number  of  rectangular,  square,  or  round  bars,  b\  cast  on  to  the 
metal  support^  6^,  which  is  attached  to  the  rod,  6.  The  object 
of  this  device  is  to  increase  considerably  the  superficial  area  of 
the  cathode,  and  so  to  concentrate  the  deposited  metal  in  a  small 
space.  The  anode,  C,  is  ring-shaped,  and  completely  surrounds 
the  cathode ;  it  may  be  made  in  one  piece  or  in  several,  and  is 
of  retort  carbon  or  of  metal,  according  to  the  nature  of  the  elec- 
trolyte with  which  it  is  to  be  used ;  it  is  suspended  by  one  or 
more  rods,  c,  which  serve  also  as  conductors.  These  supporting 
rods  are  so  fastened  to  the  outer  surface  or  other  part  of  the 
anodes  that  they  are  separated  from  the  cathode  by  a  distance 
greater  than  that  between  the  anode  itself  and  the  cathode. 
The  anode  must  not  reach  to  the  bottom  of  the  vessel,  A,  and  its 
height  must  not  exceed  that  of  the  cathode. 

A  metal  cone,  D,  insulated  from  the  apparatus,  is  suspended 
above  the  cathode,  and  is  intended  to  collect  the  globules  of 
metal  floating  to  the  surface  of  the  electrolyte.  Around  the 
edge  of  the  cone  is  an  upright,  or  nearly  upright,  rim,  d,  whilst 
in  the  middle  there  is  a  rising  tube  of  fairly  large  diameter,  and 
with  thick  walls.  This  tube,  6,  is  closed  above  either  by  a  thick 
hinged  cover  or  otherwise,  and  is  provided  with  an  exit  pipe,  /, 
inclined  slightly  downwards,  and  passing  outwards  through  the 
wall  of  the  containing  vessel,  A,  being  insulated  from  it  by  the 
ring,/^,  of  asbestos,  porcelain,  or  other  suitable  substance.  The 
diameter  of  the  metal  cone,  D,  must  be  somewhat  greater  than 
that  of  the  cathode,  B,  and  less  than  that  of  the  anode,  C,  so 
that  ail  metallic  globules  which  become  detached  from  the 
cathode  pass  into  the  conical  receiver,  whilst  the  gases  generated 
at  the  anode  escape  around  the  outside.  The  conical  collector, 
D,  must  not  be  immersed  in  the  bath  to  a  greater  depth  than 
the  height  of  the  rim,  d,  so  that  the  electrolyte  may  not  cover 
the  cone.  The  upper  surface  is  therefore  always  exposed  freely 
to  the  air,  and,  in  consequence,  any  excessive  rise  of  temperature 
is  avoided.  If  the  electrolyte  in  the  vessel  should  become  too 
hot>  the  cone,  D,  may  be  cooled  either  by  directing  a  current  of 
cool  air  upon  it,  or  by  allowing  drops  of  water  to  fall  upon  the 
surface,  where  they  instantly  evaporate.  If  preferred,  some 
other  system  of  cooling  may  be  used. 

Fig.  55  shows,  by  way  of  exasuple,  a  conical  receiver,  the 
conical  portion  of  which  is  made  with  double  walls,  through 

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SODIUM.  67 

which  is  passed  a  current  of  a  gaseous  or  liquid  cooling-medium 
— the  effect  of  the  cooling  action  being  the  reduction  of  the 
temperature  to  such  a  point  that  the  metal  produced  does  not 
distil  off,  and,  on  flowing  through  the  tube,  /,  is  not  oxidised 

The  receiving  cone  is  connected  to  the  negative  conductor,  g^ 
hj  means  of  a  resistance  so  calculated  that  only  a  very  small 
portion  of  the  main  current  passes  through  it.  In  this  way  the 
cone  becomes  a  supplementary  cathode,  and  the  metal  liberated 
at  the  principal  cathode  becomes  negative  again  as  it  rises  in  the 
collector,  whilst  it  flows  along  in  contact  with  the  inner  surface 
of  the  cone,  and  in  the  tube  which  conveys  it  out  of  the 
apparatus.  The  space  between  the  main  cathode,  B,  and  the 
supplementary  cathode,  D,  is  traversed  by  the  metal  so  quickly 
that  the  sodium  cannot  again  become  dissolved  in  the  electro- 
lyte ;  and  as  soon  as  the  latter  makes  contact  with  the  cone,  D, 
it  forms,  as  it  were,  a  part  of  the  negative  electrode,  and  cannot 
be  attacked  by  the  bath.  The  form  of  the  cone  shown  is  only 
given  by  way  of  example ;  other  shapes  may  obviously  be  substi- 
tuted for  it. 

If  the  anode  gases  are  to  be  collected,  the  whole  apparatus  is 
fitted  with  a  cover  provided  with  a  vent  pipe. 

The  vessel,  A,  is  supported  on  a  foundation  of  masonry  or  on 
a  casting.  Within  it  the  electrolyte  is  maintained  in  a  molten 
condition  by  means  of  heat  generated  from  the  current  passing 
through  the  bath ;  but,  as  only  the  middle  portion  is  thus  kept 
fluid,  a  long  life  is  secured  to  the  apparatus  as  a  whole.  Since 
the  metal  flowing  from  the  tube,  j^  is  cooled  to  a  moderate 
temperature  by  one  of  the  methods  above  described,  it  is  possible 
to  receive  it  in  a  mould  of  any  required  shape  placed  beneath 
the  discharge  pipe,  provided  that  the  metal  is  not  of  too  oxidis- 
able  a  nature.  If,  however,  the  metal  is  readily  oxidised,  a 
mould  may  be  used  which  can  be  closed  nearly  gas-tight,  and 
which  is  provided  above  with  an  opening  through  which  the  end 
of  the  tube,y  ^,  is  passed. 

Bathenau  and  Suther's  Frooess. — Rathenau  and  Suther  ^ 
have  observed  that  the  light  metals,  especially  sodium,  adhere 
best  to  electrodes  with  convex  or  conical  tops,  when  dipped  but 
a  short  distance  into  the  bath.  In  this  case  the  metal  is  not 
detached  even  by  gases  evolved  at  the  same  electrode,  so  that 
diaphragms  are  not  required  for  the  electrolysis  of  fused  caustic 
soda.  The  sodium  separated  may  then  be  ladled  from  the 
cathodes  into  funnel-shaped  vessels,  where  it  is  allowed  to 
separate  by  liquation  from  any  soda  entangled  in  it.  The  soda 
IB  then  run  off  through  a  valve  at  the  bottom  of  this  vessel,  and, 
finally,  the  sodium  itself  is  tapped  into  moulds  through  the 
same  outlet. 

*  German  Patent  06,672 ;  and  English  Patent  21,027  of  1890. 

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With  this  process  it  is  possible  to  work  with  cathode  carrent- 
densities  up  to  10  amperes  per  sq.  cm.  [0*93  amp.  per  sq.  ft.]. 
The  other  results  obtained  are  kept  secret. 


Darling's  Frooess. — The  results  obtained  from  the  electro* 
lysis  of  the  readily-fusible  sodium  hydroxide  led  Darling  to 
experiment  in  the  direction  of  obtaining  sodium  from  Chili 
saltpetre,  with  the  recovery  of  nitric  acid.  Whilst  caustic 
soda  melts  at  320%  the  nitrate  melts  at  313°  C.  The  diffi- 
culties attendant  on  the  separation  of  a  metal  like  sodium  from 
so  powerful  an  oxidising  agent  as  sodium  nitrate,  especially  at 
a  temperature  of  over  300*  C,  may  have  given  rise  to  doubts 
as  to  the  practicability  of  the  process  when  the  patent  specifi- 
cation was  first  published,  but  Darling  appears,  nevertheless, 
to  have  been  successful  in  putting  his  invention  into  practical 
shape.  According  to  the  account  published  by  him,*  an  experi- 
mental plant,  consisting  of  twelve  furnaces  capable  of  decom- 
posing 300  to  400  kilogrammes  [6  to  8  cwts.]  of  sodium  nitrate 
in  all  per  diem,  has  been  in  use  since  1901  in  the  well-known 
chemical  works  of  Harrison  Bros.,  in  Philadelphia,  U.S.A. 
The  form  of  electrolytic  apparatus  first  adopted  by  himt  was 
not  sufficiently  durable,  but  led  to  the  determination  of  the 
most  favourable  conditions  for  the  separation  of  the  sodium — 
namely,  that  the  sodium  shall  not  come  into  contact  with  the 
molten  nitrate.  This,  evidently,  could  only  be  done  by  placing 
a  refractory  and  at  the  same  time  porous  diaphragm  between 
the  anodes  and  cathodes.  After  a  long  series  of  fruitless  experi- 
ments, the  following  process  was  adopted  for  the  preparation  of 
the  diaphragm:— Magnesia,  which  had  been  fused  in  the  electric 
furnace,  was  crushed  and  pressed  into  the  hollow  space  between 
the  walls  of  a  double- walled  vessel,  made  of  perforated  steel 
plates.  This  vessel  was  760  mm.  [30  inches!  in  height,  and 
400  mm.  [15|  inches]  in  diameter,  and,  after  the  magnesia  had 
been  pressed  into  place,  the  thickness  of  the  walls  was  100  mm. 
[4  inches],  so  that  the  internal  dimensions  of  the  cylinder  were 
660  mm.  [26  inches]  in  height  and  200  mm.  flf  inches]  in 
diameter.  Otherwise  the  construction  of  the  furnace  was  of 
the  simplest.  A  cast-iron  melting  vessel,  set  in  a  simple  firing 
chamber,  served  as  anode;  a  layer,  150  mm.  [6  inches]  thick, 
of  refractory  insulating  material  was  laid  on  the  bottom  of  the 
vessel,  and  the  above^escribed  diaphragm  rested  on  the  middle 

♦  Joum,  Franklin  Inst,,  1902,  vol.  cliii.,  p.  65. 

tU.SA.  Patent  517,001,  March  20,  1894;  English  Patent  5,808, 
March  20,  1894. 

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of  this  layer,  leaving  a  free  space  of  about  75  mm.  [3  inches] 
between  the  melting  vessel  and  the  diaphragm.  This  space 
was  filled  with  sodium  nitrate,  whilst  the  diaphragm  received 
a  charge  of  sodium  hydroxide.  A  short  length  of  4-inch 
wrought -iron  tube  senred  as  cathode.  According  to  the 
author's  patent  specifications  of  the  years  1899-1900,  an  iron 
cylinder  was  also  suspended  between  the  melting  vessel  and 
diaphragm  to  serve  as  the  true  anode;  but  this  cylinder  appears, 
from  the  modem  descriptions,  to  have  been  found  unnecessary* 
It  is,  however,  shown  in  the  accompanying  Fig.  56. 

Fig.  56. — Darling's  apparatus  for  the  extraction  of  sodium  from 
sodium  nitrate. 

The  electrolyte  is  heated  moderately,  and,  during  electrolysis, 
yields  sodium  at  the  cathode  and  nitrogen  dioxide  and  oxygen 
at  the  anode.  The  sodium  is  ladled  out  of  the  vessel,  and  the 
anode  gases  are  collected  and  converted  into  nitric  acid. 
I  The  iron  sheathing  of  the  porous  diaphragm  obviously  susts  as 
an  intermediate  electrode  in  the  circuit ;  in  thus  taking  part  in 
the  electrolytic  reactions  it  would  clearly  suffer  in  respect  of 
durability.  Darling  obviates  this  difficulty  by  diverting,  through 
the  iron  sheath  of  the  diaphragm,  about  0-05  of  the  current 

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passing  throagh  the  whole  cell,  in  such  a  way  that  the  iron 
is  charged  positively  throughout  the  whole  of  the  run. 

The  electric  fusion  of  the  magnesia  for  the  diaphragm  was  so 
costly  that  Darling  has  finally  adopted,  as  a  cheaper  substitute, 
a  mixture  of  finely-ground  clay,  burnt  magnesite,  and  Portland 
cement.  The  cement  produced  by  casting  this  mixture,  after 
the  addition  of  sufficient  water,  into  the  hollow  space  within 
the  iron  walls  of  the  cell  gave,  after  it  had  set,  a  very  lasting 
and  useful  diaphragm. 

Each  furnace  takes  a  current  of  400  amperes  and  an  average 
pressure  of  15  volts.  External  heating  is  only  necessary  in 
preparing  a  furnace  for  work  and  during  the  time  of  changing 
the  diaphragms,  which  now  last  from  425  to  450  hours.  The 
heat  produced  electrically  in  the  furnace  suffices  to  keep  the 
charge  in  the  right  condition  during  the  run. 


Among  the  older  uses  of  sodium  may  be  mentioned  the  pro- 
duction of  chemically  pure  sodium  hydroxide,  the  reduction  of 
organic  substances  in  the  aniline  colour  industry,  and  the  reduc- 
tion of  compounds  of  the  rarer  or  more  difficultly -reducible 
elements.  Its  use  in  the  manufacture  of  aluminium,  for  which 
at  one  time  considerable  quantities  were  required,  has  quite 
ceased  since  the  introduction  of  the  H^roult  process.  Latterly, 
however,  there  has  been  a  large  demand  for  sodium  for  the 
manufacture  of  sodium  peroxide  and  of  the  double  cyanide  of 
potassium  and  sodium.  Of  these  compounds  the  former  is 
already  widely  used  as  a  substitute  for  barium  and  hydrogen 
peroxides;  whilst  the  latter,  prepared  in  accordance  with 
Erlenmeyer's  reaction,  by  the  fusion  of  potassium  ferro-cyanide 
with  sodium,  K^Fe^Cj^  +  Na^  =  Fcg  +  (4KCy  +  2NaCy),  ia 
employed  in  the  extraction  of  gold. 

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P0TAS8TUM.  71 


Ooourrenoe  in  Kature. — In  nature  it  is  found  only  in  the 
form  of  salts;  as  halogen  salts,  in  sylvioe,  KCl,  and  carnallite, 
KCl.MgOlj.6H2O;  as  sulphates,  in  the  alums,  K2S04.Al2(SO.)3. 
24H^O ;  as  silicate,  in  the  felspars,  K2Al2(Si04)2,  and  in  mica 
and  numerous  other  minerals  and  products  of  weathered 
minerals.  It  appears  to  play  an  important  part  in  the  life 
processes  of  plants  and  animals ;  and  both  vegetable  and  animal 
residues,  such  as  wood- ashes,  the  ashes  of  beet-molasses,  and 
the  suint  from  wool- washing  are  valuable  raw  materials  in 
the  potash  industry. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Potassium  (K';  atomic  weight » 
39,  specific  gravity  =  0*865)  is  like  sodium,  in  that  it  is  white 
and  lustrous  when  freshly  cut,  but  it  is  softer  than  that  metal, 
and  both  its  fusing  point  and  its  boiling  point  are  lower.  It 
fuses  at  62""  C,  and  vaporises  between  700^  and  750*"  C,  the 
vapour  having  a  green  colour. 

Its  chemical  properties  closely  resemble  those  of  sodium,  but 
it  is  usually  more  violent  in  its  action,  and  this  is  especially  the 
case  in  its  reaction  with  water. 

Eztraotion  Prooesses. — So  also,  in  the  same  way,  the 
methods  of  extracting  this  metal  are  quite  analogous  to  those  in 
use  in  sodium  manufacture,  and  it  may  therefore  sufiice  to  refer 
to  almost  everything  that  has  been  written  in  the  preceding 
chapter.  It  should  be  mentioned,  however,  that  in  the  direct 
reduction  of  potassium  carbonate  or  hydroxide  by  carbonaceous 
material  a  black  porous  compound  of  potassium  with  carbonic 
oxide  is  often  found  in  the  retorts  and  receivers,  and  this,  by 
reason  of  its  instability,  has  been  known  to  cause  serious 

In  the  absence  of  sodium,  lithium,  and  magnesium  salts,  the 
electrolytic  extraction  of  the  metal  is  effected  under  almost 
identical  conditions  with  those  observed  for  sodium,  but  the  bath 
employed  consists  of  a  mixture  of  the  haloid  salt  of  potassium 
with  that  of  an  alkaline-earth  metal.  It  will  suffice,  therefore, 
to  refer  to  a  few  methods  especially  proposed  for  the  extraction 
of  potassium. 

Matthiessen's  observation*  that  potassium  alone  resulted  from 
the  electrolysis  of  a  mixture  of  calcium  and  potassium  chlorides 

*  Liebfig's  Ann,,  1865,  vol.  xciii.,  p.  277. 

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was  interesting ;  but  the  advantages  obtained  from  the  redaction 
in  the  fusing  point  of  potassium  chloride  by  the  addition  of  the 
calcium  salt  are  more  than  balanced  by  the  difficulties  which 
always  accompany  the  electrolysis  of  mixtures  containing  calcium 

Linnemann's  method*  depends  upon  the  decomposition  of 
cyanides.  The  current  passes  from  a  carbon  plate  to  a  pointed 
carbon  rod  immersed  in  potassium  cyanide,  which  is  kept  melted 
in  a  crucible.  If  the  temperature  be  so  controlled  that  the 
upper  surface  of  the  bath  remains  solid,  the  separated  potassium 
will  accumulate  under  the  crust.  Ilie  high  cost  of  the  raw 
material,  however,  renders  unnecessary  any  remarks  upon  the 
practical  utility  of  the  process. 

All  other  processes  are  already  described  under  "sodium,"  and 
reference  may  be  made  to  them  in  that  chapter. 

Uses  of  Potassium. — On  account  of  the  considerable  violence 
of  its  reactions,  the  hitherto  dangerous  method  of  production, 
and  the  high  price  of  potassium  salts,  the  applications  of  potassium 
have  remained  so  insignificant  that  there  is  practically  nothing 
to  be  written  concerning  its  use  industrially. 

*  Jourfu  fiir  pi-akt,  Chem.,  1848,  vol.  bcxiii.,  p.  416. 

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Ooourrence  of  Caloium,  Barium,  and  Strontium  in  Kature. 
— ^Tbe  chemical  properties  of  the  metals  of  this  group  are  sach 
that  only  their  salts  are  found  in  nature.  Among  haloid  salts 
the  principal  is  flaor  spar,  CaF2  3  all  three  metals  oommonlj 
occur  as  sulphates :  calcium,  in  gypsum,  OaSO^  +  2H2O,  and 
anhydrite,  CaSO^ ;  strontium,  in  celestite,  SrSO^ ;  and  barium, 
in  heavy  spar,  BaiSO^ ;  they  are  often  met  with  as  carbonates : 
-in  calc  spar,  marble,  chalk,  and  limestone,  CaCOg;  in  strontianite, 
SrGOg ;  and  in  witherite,  BaC03 ;  and,  finally,  they  may  all  be 
found  as  phosphates,  borates,  and  silicates,  but  in  these  calcium 
occurs  the  most  abundantly. 

Calcium  (Oa'^;  atomic  weight  =  40;  specific  gravity  =1*85). — 
The  metal,  after  fusion  and  when  absolutely  free  from  nitrogen, 
is  lustrous,  silvery  white,  and  brittle ;  it  may  be  'cut  with  a 
knife,  is  less  malleable  than  the  alkali  metals,  and  shows  a 
crystalline  fracture.  It  will  scratch  lead,  but  not  calc  spar.  It 
crystallises  in  hexagonal  plates,  or  rhombohedra  (mostly  very 
regular),  and  sometimes  in  dendritic  or  stellar  formations.  The 
melting  point  of  the  metal  when  heated  in  a  lime  vessel  in 
vacuo  is  760*"  0.  With  hydrogen  at  a  red  heat,  calcium  forms  a 
white  crystalline  hydride,  CaHg.  With  the  halogens  it  combines 
only  when  heated.  It  burns  when  gently  warmed  in  air,  and, 
when  heated  to  300^  0.  in  a  current  of  pure  oxygen,  it  oxidises 
with  so  great  an  evolution  of  heat  that  the  lime  produced  by  the 
reaction  melts  and,  in  part,  volatilises.  The  formation  of  a 
peroxide  has  not  been  observed.  In  a  current  of  nitrogen  at  a 
red  heat  it  combines  to  form  the  yellow  nitride  Ca3N2'  ^^® 
metal,  therefore,  when  heated,  can  fix  the  two  principal  con- 
stituents of  the  atmosphere.  When  heated,  it  combines  directly 
with  sulphur,  selenium,  tellurium,  as  also  with  phosphorus, 
arsenic,  bismuth,  carbon  and  silicon;  whilst  the  sulphide  is 
only  decomposed  by  acids,  evolving  hydrogen  sulphide  in  the 
reaction,  the  compounds  with  the  second  group  of  elements  just 
enumerated  are  all  decomposed  by  water.  Thus  the  phosphide, 
when  placed  in  water,  yields  spontaneously-in flammable  hydro- 
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gen  phosphide ;  the  arsenide,  gaseous  and  black  solid  hydrogen 
arsenides;  the  antimonide,  only  solid  black  antimonetted  hydro- 
gen; and  the  bismuth  compound,  hydrogen  and  a  black 
insoluble  compound;  whilst  the  silicide,  only  attacked  slowly 
by  water,  rapidly  evolves  with  dilute  acids  a  mixture  of 
hydrogen  and  hydrogen  silicide.  It  is  noteworthy  that  the 
direct  union  of  calcium  with  carbon  to  form  carbide  commences 
at  a  dull  red  heat,  but  that  the  reaction  temperature  rises  so 
high  that  the  resulting  carbide  fuses.  Calcium  dissolves  in 
melted  sodium  (but  not  in  potassium)  and  crystallises  out  again 
on  cooling.  It  alloys  with  magnesium,  zinc,  nickel  and  tin. 
The  crystalline  amalgam  formed  by  triturating  calcium  with 
mercury  in  an  atmosphere  of  carbon  dioxide  at  once  takes  up 
oxygen  and  nitrogen  when  exposed  to  the  air,  and  becomes 
covered  with  a  grey-black  film;  it  is  indifferent  to  hydrogen 
at  temperatures  below  400°  0.,  but,  when  heated  in  an  atmos- 
phere of  nitrogen,  calcium  nitride  is  formed.  Calcium,  at  a 
red  heat,  readily  deposits  the  alkali  metals  from  their  chlorides 
or  fluorides,  but  not  from  their  iodides.  It  reduces  the  calcium 
chloride  and  iodide  to  sub- salts.  Further,  calcium  reacts,  when 
heated,  with  sulphur  dioxide,  nitric  oxide,  phosphorus  pent- 
oxide,  boric  acid,  silicic  acid,  carbon  dioxide,  carbon  monoxide, 
hydrogen  sulphide,  boron  trichloride,  acetylene,  ethylene, 
methane,  and  the  compounds  of  hydrogen  with  the  halogens. 
It  reduces  fuming  and  anhydrous  sulphuric  acid  in  the  cold, 
and  is  dissolved  by  hydrated  acids.  It  is  indifferent  to  am- 
monia in  the  cold,  but,  when  heated  in  it,  it  decomposes  the 
gas,  forming  a  mixture  of  nitride  and  hydride.  It  forms  a 
solid  white  compound  (which  has  not  been  further  examined), 
when  cooled  to  40"*  C,  with  aqueous  ammonia. 

Strontium  is  also  a  soft  white  metal,  the  other  properties  of 
which  will  be  studied  presently. 

Barium. — ^Keeping  in  mind  the  later  determinations  of  the 
properties  of  calcium  and  strontium,  the  older  statements  as  to 
the  properties  of  barium  (a  metal  which  has  not  been  produced 
pure,  as  yet,  in  such  great  quantities  as  have  calcium  and 
strontium)  must  be  accepted  with  caution. 

Extraction  of  the  Metals. — The  separation  of  the  three 
metals  of  the  alkaline  earths  from  their  oxides  or  haloid  salts  is 
attended  with  very  great  difficulty  as  compared  with  that  of  the 
alkali  metals.  Davy  *  was  the  first  to  accomplish  the  electro- 
lytic decomposition  of  the  alkaline  earths.  He  moulded  the 
moistened  hydroxide,  either  alone  or  mixed  with  mercuric 
oxide,  into  the  shape  of  a  small  cup,  rested  this  on  platinum 
foil,  which  served  as  the  positive  pole ;  he  then  poured  mercury 
into  the  cup  of  hydroxide,  and  made  this  the  negative  pole. 
An  amalgam  was  thus  produced,  from  which  the  mercury  could 
*  PhU,  Trans.,  London,  1808,  p.  335. 

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be  expelled  by  heat.  According  to  subsequent  investigations, 
it  would  seem  that  Davy  did  not  produce  a  perfectly  pure 
metal,  free  from  mercury  and  silicon.  Bunsen  and  Mattbiessen, 
by  the  decomposition  ot  the  chlorides,  were  the  first  to  prepare 
the  alkaline-earth  metals  in  the  pure  condition.  For  a  long 
time  fruitless  attempts  were  made  in  Bunsen's  laboratory  to 
electrolyse  the  chlorides  of  these  metals  in  the  apparatus  which 
had  given  such  good  results  in  the  extraction  of  magnesium; 
and  these  experiments  were  continued  until,  in  the  course  of 
his  researches  on  metallic  chromium  in  1854,  Bunsen  discovered 
the  cause  of  his  previous  failures.  He  at  that  time  published 
the  following  noteworthy  observation,*  which  has  since  con- 
ditioned the  success  of  a  large  number  of  electrolytic  decom- 
positions : — 

"The  density  of  the  current  used  for  electrolysis — that  is,  the 
relation  of  current  volume  to  electrode  area — exerts  a  most 
important  influence  on  its  chemical  effects.  The  power  of  the 
current  to  overcome  (chemical)  affinities  increases  with  this 
density.  .  .  .  Of  no  less  importance  is  the  relative  mass  of 
the  constituents  of  the  electrolyte  through  which  the  current 

In  the  same  treatise,  Bunsen  showed  that  by  using  a  sufficient 
current-density  it  is  even  possible  to  separate  calcium  and 
barium  from  boiling  concentrated  solutions  of  their  chlorides, 
acidified  with  hydrochloric  acid.  As  negative  pole,  he  used  an 
amalgamated  platinum  wire  immersed  in  the  mass  under  treat- 
ment. The  latter  was  placed  in  a  clay  cell,  around  which  stood 
a  carbon  crucible,  partly  filled  with  hydrochloric  acid,  and  set 
within  a  porcelain  crucible,  the  whole  arrangement  being  heated 
in  a  water  bath.  The  carbon  crucible  was  used  both  as  anode 
and  as  electrolyte  cell.  Great  difficulty  was  experienced  in 
the  electrolysis  of  calcium  chloride  by  this  method,  because, 
even  after  a  few  minutes,  the  electrode  became  covered  with 
a  crust  of  lime  which  interrupted  the  current.  It  was,  therefore, 
necessary  to  lift  out  the  platinum  wire,  remove  the  rapidly- 
dried  coating  of  amalgam,  and  then  re-amalgamate  it.  Barium 
amalgam  may  readily  be  obtained  in  quantities  of  about  15 
grains  by  using  crystallised  barium  chloride,  made  into  a  paste 
with  weak  hydrochloric  acid,  at  a  temperature  of  100°  0.  For 
these  exi>eriments  a  current-density  of  about  1  ampere  per  sq. 
mm.  [645  amperes  per  sq.  in.]  of  cathode  surface  is  necessary. 

Matthiessen's  Experiments. — ^As  a  result  of  these  experi- 
ments, Mattbiessen,!  working  in  Bunsen's  laboratory  in  the 
year  1855,  obtained  the  metals  of  the  alkaline  earths  in  the 
pure  condition  by  the  direct  treatment  of  the  fused  chlorides. 
He  writes  that :  "  Although  the  reduction  is  easy,  it  is  difficult 

♦  Pogg.  Ann,,  1854,  vol.  xci.,  p.  619. 
t  Liebig'a  Ann.,  1865,  vol.  xchi.,  p.  277. 

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to  obtain  the  reduced  metal  in  coherent  masses,  and  to  separate 
it  from  the  fused  substance.  The  deposited  metals  for  the  most 
part  rise  to  the  surface,  by  virtue  of  their  low  specific  gravity, 
before  they  have  grown  to  globules  of  appreciable  size;  and  there 
they  burn  so  quickly  that  it  is  almost  ini  possible  to  collect  them. 
If  the  end  of  the  electrode  be  provided  with  a  bell-shaped  attach- 
ment of  glass  or  burnt  clay,  in  order  to  collect  the  metal,  the  latter 
reduces  a  small  quantity  of  silicon,  which  separates  in  the  form 
of  a  black  powder,  and  prevents  the  metal  from  uniting  into  a 

He  proposed  three  methods  of  overcoming  this  difficulty. 
The^r*^  method,  by  which,  however,  only  a  very  impure  metal, 
or  rather  an  alloy,  is  obtained,  consists  in  the  use  of  a  platinum 
wire  as  the  negative  pole.  The  alkaline-earth  metal  thus 
becomes  alloyed  with  platinum,  and  so  acquires  a  specific 
gravity  sufficiently  high  to  enable  it  to  sink  through  the  fused 
chloride.  After  cooling  and  breaking  up  the  mass  the  metal  is 
obtained  in  the  form  of  large  grains. 

A  second  plan  is  to  melt  together  two  chlorides  in  simple 
molecular  proportions,  by  which  means  a  double  chloride  is 
produced  of  so  fusible  a  nature  that  easily  vaporised  metals, 
like  potassium  or  sodium,  may  be  separated  in  it  without 
volatilising.  A  porcelain  crucible  is  used  for  the  experiment, 
and  if  the  temperature  be  so  r^ulated  that  a  solidified  film 
forms  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  mass  around  the  negative  pole, 
this  film,  on  cooling,  will  be  found  laden  with  metallic  grains, 
which  may  be  readily  separated  from  the  surrounding  material 
by  crushing  the  whole  of  the  cooled  contents  of  the  crucible 
under  petroleum  in  a  mortar.  The  metal  will  be  visible  in  the 
shape  of  small  plates  or  laminse  amid  the  ])ulverised  mass. 

The  third  way  is  based  on  the  separation  of  the  metal 
immediately  beneath  the  surface  of  the  melted  chloride  by  an 
electrode  consisting  of  a  pointed  iron  wire,  which  serves  to 
remove  the  metal  floating  on  the  upper  surface  as  well  as  that 
clinging  by  adhesion  to  the  point  of  the  iron  wire.  By  this 
method  the  liberated  metal  is  sufficiently  protected  from  oxida- 
tion by  a  thin  varnish-like  film  of  molten  chloride  to  enable  the 
particles  to  increase  to  the  size  of  mustard  seed. 

Eztraotion  of  Caloium. — The  following  method  of  reduction 
is  exceedingly  uncertain  in  operation  ;  but  when  successful  it  is 
capable  of  yielding  fragments  of  calcium  somewhat  larger  than  a 
pea.  '*A  mixture  of  two  molecular  weights  of  calcium  chloride 
with  one  equivalent  of  strontium  chloride,  and  with  sal- 
ammoniac,  is  melted  in  a  Hessian  crucible  until  the  last-named 
constituent  has  volatilised ;  an  iron  cylinder,  to  be  used  as  the 
positive  pole,  is  then  placed  in  the  melted  salt  mixture,  and 
within  this  is  immersed  a  narrow  clay  cell,  about  4  inches 
long,  previously  heated  to  a  red  heat.     The  clay  cylinder  is  filled 

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with  the  same  fused  mixture  of  salt,  and  serves  for  the  recep- 
tion of  the  negative  pole,  which  may  be  either  an  iron  wire  of 
about  the  thickness  of  a  knitting-needle  or  a  carbon  rod.  If  it 
be  arranged  that  the  level  of  the  fused  chlorides  in  the  clay 
cell  is  about  ^  to  1  in.  higher  than  that  of  the  liquid  in  the 
crucible,  the  heating  may,  with  ease,  be  so  regulated  that  a 
solid  crust  forms  only  on  the  surface  of  the  liquid  in  the  cell ; 
and  the  metal  will  then  collect  beneath  the  crust  without  coming 
at  all  in  contact  with  the  walls  of  the  cell.  With  the  current 
from  six  zinc-carbon  elements,  such  as  JMatthiessen  used  in  nearly 
all  his  experiments,  a  large  quantity  of  reduced  calcium  may  be 
obtained  after  the  space  of  from  half  an  hour  to  an  hour.  Only 
once,  howevpr,  were  a  couple  of  pieces,  which  had  been  fused  to 
the  size  of  a  pea,  obtained  by  this  process ;  and  almost  always  the 
metal  was  found  to  be  distributed  in  the  form  of  a  fine  powder 
in  separate  parts  of  the  cooled  and  crushed  slag. 

'^  Calcium  may  be  obtained  in  small  molten  globules  more 
simply  and  with  greater  certainty  by  fusing  the  mixture  in  a 
smsdl  porcelain  crucible  heated,  as  in  igniting  precipitates,  over 
a  spirit-lamp  or  between  lumps  of  charcoal,  and  then  passing  the 
current  through  the  electrolyte  from  a  carbon  electrode,  which 
should  be  as  large  as  possible,  to  a  fragment  of  pianoforte  wire 
only  two  lines  long  (No.  6  size),  which  is  connected  to  the 
negative  pole  by  a  stouter  wire  reaching  as  far  as  the  upper 
surface  of  the  liquid.  A  crust  of  solidified  salt  should  be 
allowed  to  form  upon  the  surface  around  this  wire,  which  may 
be  removed  from  time  to  time  ^at  intervals  of  three  minutes) 
in  order  that  the  crust  and  metal  may  be  detached  in  a  mortar. 

*<The  metal  may  be  reduced  in  a  similar  way  by  so  stirring  the 
upper  surface  of  the  melted  chlorides  with  the  point  of  the  wire 
for  from  one  to  two  minutes,  that  a  glow,  produced  by  the  current 
itself,  is  observed  around  the  point.  Or  the  point  of  the  wire 
may,  at  intervals,  be  first  dipped  into  the  liquid  and  then  raised 
until  a  small  electric  arc  is  observed  at  the  surface ;  this  will 
cause  alternations  of  cooling  and  strong  heating,  which  should 
effect  the  fusion  of  the  metal  that  has  been  deposited  in 
pulverulent  form. 

"Calcium  is  not  reduced  from  its  chlorine  compound  by 
sodium  or  potassium.  By  fusing  together  one  molecular  weight 
of  calcium  chloride  and  two  of  sodium  chloride,  or  equal 
molecular  weights  of  calcium  and  potassium  chlorides  and 
sal-ammoniac,  a  double  chloride  is  obtained,  which  melts  at 
a  temperature  below  the  vaporising  point  of  either  sodium 
or  potassium.  If  such  a  [sodium]  mixture  be  electrolysed  at 
a  bright  red  heat  with  a  carbon  anode  and  a  pointed  iron- 
wire  cathode,  a  number  of  comparatively  large  globules  of 
sodium  will  be  seen  to  form  at  the  end  of  the  wire  (which 
should  only  just  dip  into  the  liquid)  and  to  rise  to  the  surface^ 

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where  they  will  slowly  circulate  and  burn.  If  such  a  globule 
can  be  removed  from  the  bath,  it  will  be  found  to  contain 
scarcely  a  trace  of  calcium." 

Matthiessen  wds  of  opinion  that  if  it  could  be  arranged  to 
heat  the  under  part  of  the  crucible  containing  the  mixture 
2CaCl3  +  SrClg  to  a  very  high  temperature,  without  fusing  the 
crust  on  the  surface,  the  calcium  might  be  melted  to  a  regulua 
below,  and  this  process  would  then  be  preferable  to  any  other. 
These  conditions  of  irregular  heating  are  easily  fulfilled  by  using 
a  crucible  of  the  form  recommended  for  the  extraction  of  mag- 
nesium (p.  9),  but  the  fusion. of  the  calcium  to  a  regulus  has 
not  yet  been  accomplished  in  this  way. 

Extraotion  of  Strontium. — According  to  Matthiessen's 
accounts^  the  production  of  strontium  appears  to  be  less 
difficult.  A  small  crucible  and  a  clay  cell  placed  within  it  are 
filled  with  anhydrous  strontium  chloride  mixed  with  a  little  sal- 
ammoniac,  so  that  the  surface  of  the  fused  mass  in  the  cell  may 
stand  at  a  higher  level  than  that  in  the  crucible.  The  clay 
cell  is  surrounded  by  a  cylinder  of  iron  which  serves  as  the 
positive  pole,  and  into  the  cell  is  dipped  a  short  and  very  thin 
piece  of  iron  wire ;  the  latter  is  ^eustened  to  a  thicker  wire 
which  is  enclosed  in  a  pipe-clay  tube,  reaching  as  far  as  the 
projecting  piece  of  thin  wire  beneath.  If  the  temperature  be  so 
regulated  that  the  mass  in  the  cell  is  covered  with  a  crust  of 
solidified  material,  the  strontium  will  collect  under  the  crust 
(and  without  touching  the  side  walls)  in  fragments  that  may 
weigh  as  much  as  7  or  8  grains.  Barium,  however,  can  be 
obtained  only  as  a  fine  powder  by  a  process  analogous  to  this. 
The  statement  in  Gmelin-Kraut's  Hcmdkuch  der  anarganischen 
Chemie  f  that  Matthiessen  had  obtained  metallic  barium  in 
globules  the  size  of  mustard  seed,  adhering  to  an  iron  electrode 
by  the  electrolysis  of  fused  barium  chloride,  is  founded  on  an 
error.  The  sources  of  information  |  quoted  contain  no  such 

So  far  Bunsen's  and  Matthiessen's  work.  Hiller  recommends 
the  apparatus  described  in  the  chapter  on  lithium  (p.  23)  as 
specially  suitable  for  strontium  reduction.  Nevertheless,  satis- 
factory as  it  has  shown  itself  to  be  for  lithium,  it  is  useless  for 
the  production  of  strontium  in  pieces  of  appreciable  size.  In 
most  cases  it  will  be  found,  on  breaking  the  crucible,  that  by  far 
the  greatest  part  of  the  metal  separated  at  the  negative  pole  has 
sunk  to  the  bottom,  and  that  it  has  there  reduced  the  walls  of 
the  crucible  to  silicon  and   aluminium,  or  even  that  it   has 

*  Liebig-Kopp'a  JahreshericJU,  1866,  p.  323 ;  and  Quart,  Joum,  Ckem, 
.Society,  1866,  vol.  viii.,  p.  107. 

t  Handbuch  der  anorganiichen  Chemie,  vol.  ii.,  p.  256  (Ed.  1886). 

XLMng's  Ann,,  1866,  voL  zciii.,  p.  277;  and  Liebig-Kopp's  Jahrea* 
bericht,  1866,  p.  320. 

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become  re-oxidised  at  the  positive  electrode  owing  to  its  having 
been  carried  forward  by  the  circulation  of  the  liquid  caused  by 
the  necessarily  high  current-density  used. 

The  method  originated  by  A.  Feldmann*  must  be  regarded  as 
retrograde.  He  proposes  either  to  mix  the  single  or  double 
haloid  salts  of  the  alkali-  or  alkaline-earth  metals  with  the  oxide 
of  a  more  electro-positive  metal,  or  else  to  melt  the  oxide  of  the 
metal  that  it  is  desired  to  obtain  with  the  haloid  salts  of  one  (or 
of  several)  more  electro-positive  metals,  and  then  to  decompose 
the  fused  mixture  by  means  of  the  current.  The  metal  to  be 
deposited  should  be  present  in  the  electrolyte  either  as  oxide 
alone,  or  as  haloid  salt  alone,  but  not  simultaneously  in  both 
forms.  A  sufficient  explanation  has  been  given  of  the  disadvan- 
tages resulting  from  the  presence  of  oxides  in  applying  the 
methods  which  have  hitherto  been  described  for  the  electrolysis 
of  the  fused  haloid  salts  of  alkali-  or  alkaline-earth  metals ;  and 
there  is  consequently  no  need  to  re-state  the  case  as  against 
Feldmann's  process. 

Eztraotion  on  a  Commeroial  Soale. — Up  to  a  date  a  few 
months  before  the  publication  of  the  German  original  of  this 
book,  the  view  was  indisputable  that  there  was  apparently  no 
more  difficult  task  presented  in  the  elecfcro-metallurgical  industry 
than  the  manufacture  in  large  quantities  of  the  met<als  calcium, 
strontinm,  and  barium.  Yet,  on  the  other  hand,  almost  all  the 
conditions  that  must  be  observed  in  the  solution  of  this  problem 
may  be  learned  from  the  writings  of  Bunsen  and  Matthiessen, 
by  whom  they  were  clearly  enunciated.     There  are  necessary : — 

1.  A  high  current-denBlty  (500,000  to  1,000,000  amperes  per  sq.  metre 
[323  to  645  amp.  {ler  sq.  in.]). 

2.  A  high  temperature  at  the  cathode. 

3.  A  low  temperature  for  the  electrolyte* 

The  first  and  second  requirements  may  very  easily  be  brought 
into  agreement,  but  not  so  the  second  and  third.  Yet  it  is 
necessary  that  they  should  be  fulfilled,  for  the  metal  under 
deposition  must  be  united  as  quickly  as  possible  into  cohesive 
masses ;  finely-divided  metal  is  very  liable  to  form  sub-chlorides, 
and  so,  passing  into  the  melt  again,  to  be  burned  at  the  anode ; 
a  high  temperature  and  a  rapid  separation  of  large  quantities 
of  metal  at  the  cathode  are  indispensable,  and,  as  already 
explained,  both  these  conditions  may  be  fulfilled  by  applying 
a  high  current-density  at  the  cathode.  But  at  the  same  time— 
and  herein  lies  the  secret  of  the  technical  difficulty  —  the 
electrolyte  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  cathode  must  be 
kept  at  the  lowest  possible  temperature,  or  else  the  haloid 
compound  will  redissolve  even  large  globules  of  metal,  and  so 
convey  the  metal  to  the  anode  [as  the  hypothetical  sub-chloride]. 
The  destructive  action  of  fused  and  highly-heated  alkaline- 
*  German  Patent  50,370l    [English  Patent  9,783,  July  5,  1888.] 

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earth  salts  upon  all  materials  that  may  be  employed  in  the 
construction  of  containing  vessels  needs  no  comment.  Without 
having  to  read  much  between  the  lines,  it  is  possible  to  find  all 
the  necessary  suggestions  upon  these  points  in  the  writings  of 
Bunsen  and  Matthiessen,  to  which  reference  has  been  made  so 
frequently.  The  very  thin  iron  cathode  wire,  dipping  only  just 
beneath  the  surface  of  the  electrolyte,  must  of  necessity  be 
strongly  heated  by  any  current  of  high  density — and  in  this 
way  the  second  of  the  above  requirements  is  fulfilled.     On  the 

other  hand,  it  has  frequently 
been  insisted  upon  that  the  bulk 
of  the  electrolyte  should  be 
maintained  at  a  temperature  so 
low  that,  if  possible,  a  solid  crust 
may  be  formed  on  the  upper  sur- 
fisM^e.  The  form  of  the  experi- 
mental apparatus  described  in 
the  original  papers,  as  well  as 
the  whole  method  of  applying 
it,  completely  excludes  the  possi- 
bility of  using  such  a  plant  for  a 
profitable  iostaUation  on  the 
large  scale,  as,  indeed,  the 
authors  themselves  admitted. 
At  the  moment  of  separation 
the  metal  has  a  very  high  tem- 
perature, and  its  specific  gravity 
being  for  the  time  lower  than 
that  of  the  surrounding  salt,  it 
rises  rapidly  to  the  surface  and 
most  of  it  is  burned.  This  diffi- 
culty may  be  met  by  using  an 
apparatus  such  as  that  first 
described  by  Hiller  (p.  23).  But, 
unfortunately,  the  relation  be- 
tween the  volumes  and  weighta 
of  the  metal  and  the  fused  salts 
is  easily  altered.  As  soon  as  any 
considerable  quantity  of  metal 
has  separated  on  the  thin  wire  electrodes  and  has,  in  conse- 
quence, led  to  an  increase  in  cathode  area,  the  temperature  at 
this  point  must  necessarily  fall.  The  specific  gravity  of  the 
metal  is  thus  increased  by  so  much  that,  before  they  have  time 
to  solidify,  drops  become  detached  from  the  electrodes,  and  sink 
through  the  fused  salt ;  and  that  which  is  not  dissolved  while 
falling  finds  an  easily  reducible  silicate  (porcelain)  when  it 
reaches  the  bottom.  To  counteract  this  evil  Borchers,  as  men- 
tioned in  the  first  German  edition  of  this  book,  gave  the  cathode 

Fig.  67. — Borchers'  experimental 
apparatus  for  alkaline-earth 
metal  reduction  (^-scale). 

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the  form  ehown  in  Fig.  57.  Within  a  wide  iron  tube  having 
a  ba]ged-in  bottom,  R,  is  placed  a  narrower  tube,  r,  reaching 
nearly  to  the  bottom.  This  narrow  tube  is  used  to  introduce 
into  R  a  stream  of  cold  water  which,  becoming  warmed,'  maj 
find  an  escape  through  the  tube,  S.  At  the  bottom  of  the 
tube,  R,  and  on  the  outside,  is  attached  an  iron  pin-like  pro- 
jection, which  must  be  of  such  a  size  that  it  may  become 
heated  to  a  bright  red  heat  by  the  electric  current  passing 
through  it  on  immersion  in  the  electrolyte;  it  is  necessary 
that  it  should  thus  be  heated  to  a  temperature  higher  than 
that  of  the  surrounding  salt.  The  tube,  R,  is  sunk  to  the  depth 
of  only  4  to  ^  of  an  inch  in  the  fused  mass ;  and  care  must  be 
taken  that,  both  before  the  immersion  and  during  the  whole 
operation,  a  current  of  water  is  circulating  through  r,  so  that  the 
bottom  of  the  tube  may  become  coated  with  an  insulating  crust 
of  solidified  salt,  and  that  the  whole  of  the  current  may  thus  be 
concentrated  upon  the  surface  of  the  projecting  pin.  The  metal, 
as  it  drops  from  the  electrode,  falls  into  the  iron  crucible,  T, 
which  is  placed  beneath  R,  but  is  insulated  from  it.  The  copper 
wire,  K,  soldered  to  the  upper  end  of  the  tube,  R,  makes  the 
necessary  electrical  connection  with  the  generator.  The  bottom 
of  the  tube,  R,  is  made  concave  exteriorly,  in  order  to  prevent 
the  escape  and  subsequent  combustion  (already  alluded  to)  of 
the  very  hot,  and  therefore  relatively  light,  metal  at  the  moment 
of  production.  The  incrustation  induced  by  water  cooling,  and 
the  reaulting  insulation  of  that  portion  of  the  tube,  R,  which  is 
immersed  in  the  solution,  have  for  their  object  the  reduction  of 
the  conducting  area  of  the  cathode.  As  soon  as  the  reduced 
metal  falls  from  the  surface  of  the  pin-shaped  cathode,  it  must 
be  as  quickly  as  possible  withdrawn  from  the  active  circulation 
of  liquid  between  the  electrodes  that  results  from  the  high 
current-density  employed.  This  is  accomplished  by  the  use  of 
the  crucible,  T,  which  is  suspended  at  a  short  distance  below  the 
negative  electrode.  The  metal  there  sinks  through  the  layer  of 
tranquil  liquid,  protected  by  the  walls  of  the  crucible,  and 
rapidly  solidifies  at  the  bottom. 

The  yields  of  metal  were  very  small,  and  even  qualitatively 
but  little  satisfactory. 

Later  experiments  have  shown  that  the  greater  part  of  the 
metal  already  separated  rapidly  passed  into  solution  again, 
whether  it  had  first  sunk  into  the  crucible,  or  risen  to  the 
surface,  or  had  remained  caught  in  the  wire  gauze.  This  action 
is  doubtless  favoured  by  the  fact  that  the  wire  and  the  crucible 
form  intermediate  electrodes,  and  so  act  as  anodes  on  the  side 
upon  which  the  metal  from  the  cathode  has  fallen  or  to  which  it 
is  clinging. 

Moisaan*  has  since   found  that  the  electrolysis  of  calcium 
*Comptu  RenduBy  1808,  vol.  cxxvi.,  p.  1758. 

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iodide  offers  fewer  difficulties  than  the  methods  previously 
described.  The  electrolysis  is  effected  at  a  dull  red  heat,  using 
a  nickel  cathode  and  a  graphite  anode,  surrounded  by  a  porous 

FigB.  58  and  59. — Borchers  and 
Stookem*8  oaloioin  extraction 

Fig.  59. 

vessel.  The  fused  salt  conducts  the  current  well.  The  tem- 
perature is  maintained  at  the  melting  point  of  calcium  iodide  by 
the  agency  of  the  current^  and  iodine  vapour  is  rapidly  given  off. 

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The  metal  is  obtained  in  the  form  of  small  white  crystals  or 
globules.  No  detailed  description  of  the  apparatus  is,  however, 

New  experiments  have  lately  been  made  in  Borchers'  labora- 
tories at  Aachen,  in  which  he,  with  his  pupil,  L.  Stockem,  has 
succeeded  in  overcoming  entirely  the  difficulties  in  the  produc- 
tion of  calcium,  and,  for  the  most  part,  those  met  with  in  the 
extraction  of  strontium. 

Borohers  and  Stookem'a  Caloinm  ProoeBs. — Owing  to  the 
success  of  this  process,  the  production  of  calcium  is  now  one  of 
the  simplest  of  electro-metallurgical  processes,  and  the  produc- 
tion of  this  metal  in  any  desired  quantity  is  possible  at  a  very 
low  price. 

The  apparatus  first  used  for  the  puipose,  as  shown  in  Figs. 
58  and  59,  has  not  proved  itself  very  suitable  practically  for  the 
extraction  of  calcium.  It  is  here  illustrated,  however,  because 
it  is   an  early  type   of  an   apparatus  for  the  extraction  of 

Fig.  60.  Fig.  61. 

Borchers  and  Stockem's  modified  calcium  extraction  furnace  H  n.8.). 

strontium.  The  drawings  show  at  a  glance  that  the  principles 
of  construction  used  in  Borchers'  latest  form  of  apparatus  for 
the  extraction  of  alkali  metals  have  been  retained  Only  it  will 
be  seen  in  Fig.  59  that  a  somewhat  smaller  cathode  is  used,  and 
that  a  space  is  provided  for  the  collection  of  the  metal  that 
sinks  to  the  bottom.  The  possibility  of  separating  calcium  in 
considerable  quantities  from  electrically-heated  chloride  was 
established  by  means  of  this  apparatus ;  the  condition  of  the 
metal  separated,  however,  showed  that  the  form  of  the  apparatus 
was  not  entirely  satisfactory.  For  example,  at  a  moderate  red 
heat^  the  calcium  separated  out  at  the  bottom  in  a  bulky  form, 
so  that  a  bridge  was  rapidly  formed  between  the  anode  and  the 
cathode  at  the  bottom.  On  raising  the  temperature,  the  sepa- 
rated metal  quickly  re-dissolved  in  the  fused  bath  in  the  form  of 

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a  sub-oarbide  of  calcium,  described  by  Stockem.  The  largest 
amount  of  calcium  was  consequently  obtained,  as  was  proved  by 
later  experiments,  when  electrically-fused  calcium  chloride  was 
electrolysed  at  a  moderate  red  heat,  under  which  conditions  the 
metal  sponge  could  be  removed  from  the  bath  as  it  separated  at 
the  cathode.  In  order  to  facilitate  this,  the  cathode  was  raised 
somewhat  and  the  apparatus  was  worked  with  an  open  top  under 
a  good'  draught,  no  attempt  being  made  to  recover  the  chlorine. 
The  apparatus,  therefore,  was  in  the  form  illustrated  by  Figs* 
60  and  61.  Like  the  sodium  apparatus,  it  consisted  of  a 
cylindrical  melting  vessel,  composed  of  carbon  blocks  arranged 
like  the  staves  of  a  cask,  and  serving  at  the  same  time  as 
anode.  A  bottom  of  fluor  spar,  which  is  prevented  from 
melting  by  a  cooling  chamber  beneath,  is  stamped  into  this 
cylinder.  The  cathode  consists  of  an  iron  rod,  and,  without  any 
intention  of  so  cooling  the  rod,  it  was  found  most  convenient  to> 
connect  it  with  the  current  mains  by  screwing  it  into  the 
cooling  vessel.  It  was  made  so  thin  that  any  cooling  effect  from 
below  was  more  than  compensated  for  by  the  heating  action  of 
the  current.  With  an  apparatus  of  the  dimensions  shown  in 
Figs.  60  and  61,  a  current  of  from  120  to  140  amperes  at  an 
average  pressure  of  12  volts  was  used.  A  clay  cylinder  was 
placed  between  the  support  of  the  cathode  and  the  carbon 
cylinder  for  the  purpose  of  insulation. 

The  process  was  conducted  as  follows : — ^A  layer  of  .fluor  spar 
was  first  stamped  into  the  space  within  the  carbon  cylinder  upon 
the  bottom  formed  by  the  clay  cylinder  and  the  cooling  cham- 
ber. Calcium  chloride  in  the  form  of  powder  was  then  placed 
on  the  fluor  spar  until  the  cathode  was  completely  covered.  Twa 
or  three  carbon  rods  were  then  embedded  [radially]  in  the  top 
layer  of  the  chloride,  as -shown  in  Fig.  61,  in  which  the  furnace 
is  viewed  from  above.  On  switching  on  the  current  the  calcium 
chloride  melted,  first  in  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of  the 
carbon  rods,  and  afterwards  throughout  the  whole  of  its  upper- 
most layer.  The  carbon  rods  were  then  immediately,  and  as  far 
as  possible  simultaneously,  removed  from  the  fused  mass,  which 
now  conducted  the  current  and  was  at  once  subject  to  electro- 
lysis. The  calcium  separated  as  a  soft  spongy  mass  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  the  cathode.  Chlorine  was,  of  course,  evolved 
at  the  anode,  and,  in  these  experiments,  was  allowed  to  escape. 
At  first  the  spongy  metal  was  removed  from  the  mass  with  the 
aid  of  an 'iron  spatula  or  ladle,  and  was  at  once  plunged  into 
petroleum.  Much  chloride  was  necessarily  left  in  this  sponge^ 
which,  however,  when  saturated  with  chloride,  contained  nearly 
60  per  cent,  of  free  calcium  and  showed  a  silvery- white  metallic 
lustre  on  freshly-cut  surfaces.  In  later  experiments  the  sponge 
was  consolidated  with  the  aid  of  broad-ended  tongs  fashioned 
somewhat  in  the  shape  of  a  gauffering-iron,  before  removing  it 

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from  the  bath.  In  this  way  the  entangled  calcium  chloride  was 
removed  until  but  a  small  proportion  was  left ;  and,  at  the  same 
time,  the  calcium  sponge  was  so  welded  together  that  the  mass, 
after  removal  from  the  bath  and  cooling,  presented  a  quite 
homogeneous  surface,  showing  a  silvery-white  lustre  after  it  had 
been  cut  through.  The  crude  metal  contained  about  90  per 
cent  of  metallic  calcium,  and  could  be  readily  melted  to  pure 
calcium  in  closed  iron  or  nickel  vessels.  Stockem  found  that, 
after  thus  remelting  the  calcium,  the  layer  of  salt  left  on  the 
surface  of  the  metal,  after  the  cooling  of  the  melting  vessel,  was 
not  calcium  chloride  but  a  sub-chloride,  probably  CaOl.  This 
.salt  formed  transparent  red  crystals  belonging  to  the  monoclinic 
or  triclinio  systems.  The  crystals  could  not  be  accurately 
.measured,  partly  by  reason  of  their  small  size  and  partly  because 
they  were  so  readily  decomposed  that,  even  while  under  exam- 
ination by  the  microscope,  they  were  attacked  by  the  moisture 
of  the  air,  with  evolution  of  hydrogen.  But  their  crystalline 
form  and  colour  support  the  view  that  the  substance  is  not 
merely  a  solution  of  calcium  in  calcium  chloride,  but  is  an 
actual  sub-chloride.  The  formula  could  not,  however,  be  ascer- 
tained, owing  to  the  presence  of  calcium  and  calcium  chloride 
between  the  crystals  of  the  sub-chloride. 

Production  of  Strontium. — The  results  obtained  in  the 
electrolysis  of  calcium  chloride  naturally  led  to  the  application  of 
the  method  to  the  treats 
ment  of  the  chloride 
of  the  other  alkali-earth 
metals.  Strontium 
chloride  required  the 
use  of  a  currentdensity 
nearly  twice  as  great 
as  that  used  for  calcium 
chloride,  in  order  that 
it  should  remain  fluid 
and  that  the  electro- 
lytic separation  of  the 
metal  might  be  effected. 
The  temperature  re- 
quired was  also  higher, 
and,  indeed,  could  not 
be  maintained  so  low 
that  the  metal  should  be  deposited  in  the  form  of  a  sponge 
which  could  be  lifted  from  the  cathode;  but,  at  a  red  heat 
somewhat  brighter  than  that  used  in  the  electrolysis  of  calcium 
chloride,  it  separated  in  the  form  of  globules  which  at  times 
floated  to  the  surface  and  then  quickly  sank  again,  since 
their  specific  gravity  was  probably  but  little  different  from 
that  of  the  bath.     The  apparatus  must  therefore  be  so  arranged 

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Fig.  62. — Borchers  and  Stockem's  strontium 
extraction  furnace. 


that  the  metal  collects  on  the  hottom  and  is,  as  fiur  as  pos- 
sible, cooled  there,  in  order  to  minimise  its  tendency  to  re-dis- 
solve in  the  chloride,  a  tendency  which  is  as  great  as  that  of 
calcium  to  dissolve  in  the  calcium  chloride.  This  was  ultimately 
effected  in  the  apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  62.  The  cylindricid 
anode  was  retained  as  the  side-wall  of  the  melting  vessel ;  the 
cooling  compartment  at  the  bottom  was,  however,  widened,  and 
was  of  course  covered  with  a  layer  of  a  strontium  salt,  the 
chloride  being  found  to  be  the  most  suitable  salt  for  the  purpose. 
A  thin  iron  rod  screwed  into  a  thicker  rod  passing  through  the 
middle  of  the  cooling  jacket  was  used  as  cathode,  and  projected 
upwards  only  to  the  lowermost  part  of  the  carbon  cylinder. 
Under  these  conditions,  the  metal  separating  at  the  cathode  was 
but  little  affected  by  the  chlorine  evolved  at  the  anode,  and, 
sinking  to  the  bottom,  rested  on  the  crucible  of  cooled  strontium 
chloride.  In  this  way,  after  stopping  electrolysis  and  allowing 
the  charge  of  salt  to  solidify,  globules  of  strontium  were 
obtained  of  all  sizes  up  to  about  10  mm.  The  metal  was  readily 
separated  from  the  slag  on  account  of  its  softness;  for,  on 
crushing  the  charge,  the  globules  of  strontium  were  flattened  and 
could  be  separated  from  the  crushed  mass  by  means  of  a  sieve. 

In  contradistinction  to  the  statements  made  in  the  earlier 
literature  of  the  subject,  it  was  found  that  strontium,  like 
calcium,  is  a  silvery-white  and  very  soft  metaL 

Froduotion  of  Barium. — Stockem  has  made  many  attempts 
to  obtain  barium  in  the  apparatus  which  had  been  successfully 
used  for  calcium  and  strontium,  but  so  fiu:  without  result.  The 
barium  is  separated  in  so  fine  a  state  of  division  that  it,  for  the 
most  part,  floats  to  the  anode  in  suspension  in  the  fluid  charge 
(which  is  in  constant  motion)  and  so  becomes  burnt.  It  is  true 
that  the  solidified  charge,  especially  from  the  lower  layers, 
evolves  hydrogen  when  thrown  into  water,  probably  because 
the  salt  is  permeated  with  minute  particles  of  metal ;  but  the 
action  is  much  more  sluggish  than  in  the  case  of  calcium  or 
strontium  salts  taken  from  the  neighbourhood  of  the  cathode 
after  electrolysis  for  the  separation  of  these  metals. 

Beduotion  of  the  Oxide. — The  oxides  of  the  alkali-earth 
metals,  like  all  the  other  oxides,  as  stated  in  the  first  [German] 
edition  of  this  work  in  1891,  are  capable  of  reduction  by  means 
of  electrically-heated  carbon ;  they  yield  no  metal,  however,  but 
only  carbide  in  this  way.  £ven  if  a  mixture  be  used  containing 
no  more  carbon  than  is  required  by  the  equation 

CaO  +  C  =r  Ca  +  CO, 

a  quantity  of  carbide  is  produced  corresponding  to  the  supply  of 
carbon,  and  this  carbide  mixes  with  the  residual  unchanged 
oxide,  apparently  in  all  proportions,  and  without  any  reaction 
leading  to  the  separation  of  the  metal. 

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If  the  carbide  be  subjected  to  a  very  high  temperature  for  a 
long  time  it  is  decomposed  and  carbon  is  left  behind  as  graphite^ 
and  the  calcium,  being  volatile  at  this  temperature,  passes  off; 
but  up  to  the  present  time  no  apparatus  has  been  found  which 
has  led  to  the  metal  being  so  obtained.  In  experiments  of  this 
kind  it  is  often  found  that  the  residue  contains  finely-divided 
caldam,  which  is  recognisable  by  the  rapid  production  of  calcium 
oxide  or  hydroxide  as  soon  as  air  gains  access  to  it. 

The  carbide  will  be  treated  of  at  the  end  of  the  book,  with  the 
carbides  of  other  metals. 

TJseB  of  the  Metals. — It  is  obvious  that  the  great  difficulties 
which  have,  until  this  year,  stood  in  the  way  of  the  separation 
of  the  alkali-earth  metals  in  quantity,  have  prevented  these 
metals  irom  finding  any  practical  use.  There  is  now,  however, 
a  good  prospect  that  they — or,  at  least,  that  calcium — may  find 
many  applications  in  scientific  and  technical  work.  Calcium  is 
chemically  so  active  that  its  assistance  will  be  welcome  in  many 
branches  of  the  chemical  industry.  In  metallurgy  it  will  prove 
to  be  a  very  useful  reagent  for  reductions  and  precipitations,  as 
well  as  for  the  elimination  of  sulphur  and  phosphorus,  and 
possibly  also  of  carbon  from  crude  metals ;  and  it  may  also  be 
used  for  thermo-metallurgical  reactions.  It  will,  however,  be 
especially  useful  in  organic  chemistry ;  for  in  its  chemical  pro- 
perties it  is  very  similu*  to  the  alkali  metals,  but  in  its  reactions 
it  is  much  more  violent,  and  the  calcium  passing  into  the 
solutions  is  very  easily  separated  out  again. 


Ooourrenoe  in  Nature. — ^The  metal  occurs  almost  exclusively 
in  combination  in  silicates,  of  which  the  principal  is  beryl,  a 
double  silicate  of  aluminium  and  beryllium  wiUi  the  formula 
(BeO)3 .  AI2O3 .  GSiOg.  The  emerald  is  a  form  of  beryl  that  is 
especially  prized  as  a  precious  stone. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Beryllium  (Be*;  atomic  weight  = 
9;  specific  gravity  *=  1*64)  is  a  lustrous,  white,  soft,  malleable, 
and  tough  metal,  with  a  melting  point  approximating  800*  O. 
In  the  form  of  powder,  thin  sheet)  ribbon,  or  wire,  5ie  metal 
bums  in  the  air  like  magnesium,  the  halogens,  sulphur,  drc. 
Beryllium  withstands  the  action  of  water  better  than  magnesium, 
but  it  is  equally  readily  attacked  by  acids;  in  salt  solutions 
it  slowly  oxidises  with  evolution  of  hydrogen. 

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Extraction  of  the  Metal. — Numerous  methods  are  given 
for  the  treatment  of  beryl.  The  method  of  fluxing  varies  but 
little  from  that  of  other  silicates,  being  efifected  by  means  of 
alkaline  carbonates.  The  fusion  is  afterwards  treated  with 
sulphuric  acid  to  render  the  silica  insoluble;  and  there  then 
results  a  solution  of  beryllium,  aluminium,  and  iron  salts.  The 
bulk  of  the  aluminium  is  then  separated,  either  as  alum  by 
the  addition  of  potassium  sulphate,  or  as  aluminium  fluoride  by 
boiling  with  cryolite  or  other  fluorides.  If  the  quantity  of  iron 
present  be  neither  too  small  nor  too  great,  it  is  carefully  pre- 
cipitated by  the  addition  of  soda,  with  the  precaution  that  any 
ferrous  salts  shall  be  previously  peroxidised  by  the  addition  of 
alkaline  chromate,  chloride  of  lime,  or  other  suitable  oxidising 
agent.  On  the  further  addition  of  barium  carbonate,  or  an 
alkaline  carbonate,  a  precipitate  of  aluminium  hydroxide  will 
be  formed  which  will  carry  some  beryllium  down  with  it ;  but 
the  latter  may  afterwards  be  separated  as  beryllium  hydroxide 
by  the  addition  of  ammonium  carbonate  solution  to  the  pre- 
cipitate. The  remaining  solution  should  contain  only  beryllium 

Eleotrolysis  of  Beryllium  Compounds. — ^The  above  solu- 
tion is  as  little  suitable  for  use  as  any  other  aqueous  solution  of 
a  beryllium  salt,  and  it  can  be  readily  understood  that,  of  the 
Compounds  that  can  be  obtained  anhydrous,  only  the  haloid  salts 
are  utilisable.  When,  therefore,  the  metal  has  been  obtained  in 
solution  as  a  sulphate  by  the  above  method,  it  must  be  converted 
into  chloride,  or  into  some  other  suitable  haloid  salt.  With  this 
object  in  view,  the  beryllium  is  either  precipitated  as  carbonate 
by  the  addition  of  an  alkali-metal  carbonate,  and  the  carbonate 
is  then  re-dissolved  in  a  halogen  acid,  or  the  sulphate  is  decom- 
posed by  means  of  barium  chloride  or  some  other  convenient 
haloid  salt  of  barium.  The  solution  of  beryllium  chloride 
obtained  by  one  of  these  methods  is  then  evaporated  to  dry- 
ness, with  the  addition  of  a  chloride  of  an  alkali-  or  alkaline- 
earth  metal*  (excepting  magnesium  chloride  or  calcium  chloride), 
or  of  some  other  haloid  salt  of  an  alkali  metal,  most  conveniently 
the  fluoride ;  ammonium  chloride  or  other  haloid  compound  of 
ammonium  is  also  added  to  prevent  the  formation  of  oxides. 
In  this  way  there  is  obtained  a  mixture  of  salts  that  is  fusible, 
and  is  also  a  good  conductor  of  electricity;  and  from  this  the 
beryllium  may  be  separated  electrolytically,  in  the  same  way 
as  magnesium  or  lithium  is  reduced,  although,  according  to 
Hampe's  experiments,  beryllium  chloride  is  reported  not  to  be 
an  electrolytic  conductor.  There  is  practically  nothing  to  be 
said  concerning  the  electrolysis  itself;  both  the  apparatus  and 
the  manner  of  conducting  the  process  are  the  same  as  in  the 
case  of  magnesium.  Care  should,  however,  be  taken  that  the 
temperature  never  exceeds  that  at  which  the  metal  fuses,  other- 
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wise  the  beryllium  will  tend  to  alloy  with  iron.  On  account  of 
the  higher  temperature  that  is  used,  as  compared  with  that  in 
the  electrolysis  of  camallite,  it  is  also  of  importance  that  the 
melting  vessel  be  made  of  good  wrought  iron. 

Iiebeau's  Prooess. — ^The  efficacy  of  this  pixxsess,  which  the 
author  had  described  in  the  second  German  edition  of  this  work,^ 
was  confirmed  by  the  experiments  of  Lebeau,t  who  obtained  the 
metal  from  the  double  fluoride  of  beryllium  and  an  alkali  metal. 
According  to  his  statements,  the  double  salt  was  melted  in  a 
nickel  crucible,  which  also  served  as  cathode,  and  was  then 
electrolysed,  using  a  rod  of  graphite  carbon  as  anode,  without 
the  application  of  external  heat,  the  current  employed  being 
one  of  from  6  to  7  amperes  and  from  85  to  40  volts.  The  metal 
precipitated  on  the  cathode  in  the  form  of  crystals  which  could 
readily  be  detached  from  it  quite  pure.  Beryllium  alloys,  for 
example  the  beryllium  bronze  which  had  been  described  some 
time  before,  could  be  made  by  employing  a  carbon  crucible  with 
another  metal  as  anode. 

Lebeau  I  ascertained,  also,  from  his  experiments  that  the  sub- 
stance obtained  by  Berzelius  by  dissolving  beryllium  hydroxide 
in  hydrofluoric  acid,  evaporating  dry,  and  .heating  the  residue  in 
air,  is  not  beryllium  fluoride,  as  originally  stated,  but  a  beryllium 
oxyfluoride,  which  is  stable  at  a  red  heat  and  has  the  formula 
dBeFj .  2BeO.  The  anhydrous  fluoride  (BeFg)  cannot,  therefore, 
be  prepared  in  this  way,  but  must  be  obtained  either  by  heating 
the  above-described  oxyfluoride  in  a  current  of  hydrogen 
fluoride,  or  by  heating  the  double  ammonium-beryllium  fluoride 
(BeF^ .  2NH-F),  first  described  by  Marignac,  in  a  current  of 
carbon  dioxide ;  this  is  identical  with  the  fluoride  obtained  by 
heating  beryllium  carbide  in  fluorine  or  in  hydrofluoric  acid  gas. 
It  is  a  transparent,  glassy  substance,  with  a  specific  gravity  of 
2-1  at  15*  C. ;  it  softens  on  heating,  and  flows  freely  at  about 
800*  C,  subliming  in  small  crystals  at  this  temperature.  It  is 
very  hygroscopic,  dissolves  easily  in  water  and  in  hot  alcohol, 
and  is  converted  into  the  oxyfluoride  by  heating  in  oxygen,  or 
into  the  sulphate  by  treatment  with  sulphuric  acid.  It  is 
decomposed,  with  separation  of  beryllium,  by  the  alkali  metals 
and  by  magnesium,  but  not  by  aluminium. 

Iiiebmann'8  Process. — Liebmann§  has  proposed  the  direct 
electrolytic  treatment  of  native  beryllium  silicate  with  the 
addition  of  fluorides,  in  order  that  the  silicon  of  the  silicate 
might  combine  during  electrolysis  with  a  portion  of  the  fluorine 
from  the  fluoride,  and  so  be(X)me  volatilised ;  the  beryllium  was 
to  be  obtained  in  the  pure  metallic  state,  or,  better,  in  the  form 

*  EUietrO' MetcUlurgie,  p.  30,  Leipzig,  1894-5;  cf.  Electric  Smelting  and 
Bejimng,  let  ed.,  1897,  p.  41. 
t  Gomptes  Bendiut,  ».8»8,  vol.  cxxvi.,  p.  744.  *  Ihid.,  p.  418. 

g  German  Patent,  Nos,  101,326  and  U)4,632.   ' 

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of  an  alloy  by  using  a  fused  metallic  cathode.  But  all  experi- 
ments made  in  this  direction  in  the  laboratories  of  the  Aachen 
Technical  High  School  have  so  far  given  negative  results. 

Warren's  FrocesB. — Warren*  has,  in  the  case  of  the  bromide, 
confirmed  the  efficacy  of  the  method  given  above  as  applicable  to 
the  haloid  salts  in  general.  He  used  for  -the  purpose  about  S> 
kilogrammes  (6 '6  lbs.)  of  beryl,  purified  by  crushing  and  washing; 
the  powdered  substance  was  then  mixed  with  about  four  times 
its  weight  of  soda  and  fused  in  a  furnace  worked  with  a  blast. 
After  cooling,  the  melt  was  dissolved  with  the  aid  of  super- 
heated steam,  decomposed  by  means  of  hydrochloric  acid,  and 
finally  evaporated  to  dryness  in  order  to  render  the  silica  in- 
soluble. The  solution  separated  from  this  residue  was  then 
precipitated  with  soda,  after  separating  out  the  iron  and 
chromium.  Aluminium  and  beryllium  oxide  were  next  ex- 
tracted from  the  moist  residue  by  treatment  by  means  of 
sulphur  dioxide;  and  the  alumina  was  deposited  from  the 
resulting  solution  as  a  granular  precipitate  on  boiling.  The 
filtrate  from  this  precipitate,  on  the  addition  of  anmionium 
carbonate,  yielded  beryllium  carbonate,  which  was  then  mixed 
with  lamp  black  and  heated  in  the  absence  of  air,  and  treated 
with  bromine  in  a  fireclay  retort  at  a  red  heat.  The  metal  was 
deposited  from  the  distilled  bromide  by  a  current  of  8  amperes 
at  12  volts.  No  further  information  was  given  in  the  original 
paper  as  to  the  method  of  conducting  the  electrolysis,  as  to  the 
current-density,  or  as  to  the  apparatus  used.  The  most  varied 
objects  were  made  from  the  metal. 


Eleotro-thermio  Method  of  Beduotion. — The  reduction  of 
the  oxide  by  electro-thermal  mecuis  has  been  accomplished  in 
various  ways.  In  the  first  German  edition  of  this  book  the 
author  stated  that  all  metallic  oxides  were  capable  of  reduction 
by  electrically  heated  carbon,  but  also  specially  pointed  out  that, 
although  at  tibat  time  the  possibility  of  reducing  beryllium  oxide 
was  recognised,  pure  metal  could  not  be  obtained  by  this  experi- 

Liebmann,f  in  his  patent  for  the  production  of  beryllium 
alloys,  by  a  method  fundamentally  similar  to  the  Cowles 
process  for  producing  aluminium  alloys,  was  the  first  to  con- 
firm the  reducibility  of  beryllium  oxide  by  electrically  heated 
carbon.  He  heated  to  a  white  heat  (necessarily,  as  the  patent 
specification  states,  by  electrical  means)  a  mixture  of  the  oxide 
with  a  reducing  agent  and  the  metal,  or  oxide  of  the  metal,  to 
be  alloyed,  together  with  the  requisite  amount  of  charcoal. 

*  Chemical  Ktwfi,  1895,  vol.  Ixxii.,  p.  311. 
t  German  Patent  94,102. 

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Iiebeau'8  XSzperiments. — Lebeau's  further  experiments^  as 
to  the  treatment  of  beryl  confirm  the  author's  observations.  If 
the  mineral  be  heated  for  a  sufficiently  long  time  in  the  carbon 
crucible  of  the  electric  furnace,  with  a  current  of  950  amperes 
and  45  volts,  the  mineral  loses  the  greater  part  of  its  silica  by 
volatilisation,  and  becomes  converted  into  a  mixture  of  the  car- 
bides of  aluminium  and  beryllium,  together  with  ferro-silioon 
and  silicon  carbide,  from  which  dilute  acids  extract  the  aluminium 
and  beryllium,  and  dilute  hydrofluoric  acid  only  the  latter  metal. 

If  an  intimate  mixture  of  100  kilogrammes  [2  cwts.1  of  beryl 
and  50  kilogi'ammes  [1  cwt.]  of  good  powdered  coke  be  heated 
for  an  hour,  by  the  application  of  a  current  of  1,500  amperes, 
two  layers  are  formed.  The  upper  layer  is  made  up  of  varying 
quantities  of  silica,  alumina,  and  beryllia ;  it  is  not  attacked  by 
acids,  and  is,  therefore,  useless  for  further  treatment.  The  lower 
layer,  on  the  other  hand,  consists  for  the  most  part  of  crystallised 
silicon,  which  may  be  obtained  almost  pure  by  treatment,  first 
with  hydrofluoric  acid  and  then  with  sulphuric  acid.  A  method 
is,  therefore,  available  for  the  production  of  silicon  on  an  indus- 
trial scale,  by  the  reduction  of  natural  silicates  by  the  agency  of 
carbon  in  the  electric  furnace. 

Calcium  carbide  is  found  to  be  a  convenient  reducing  agent. 
On  heating  for  an  hour  and  a-half  a  mixture  of  equal  parts  of 
finely-crushed  beryl  and  coarsely-powdered  calcium  carbide,  using 
a  current  of  1,500  amperes  for  the  purpose,  a  homogeneous,  fused, 
greyish-green  mass  was  obtained,  consisting  chiefly  of  a  mixture 
of  the  aluminium  and  beryllium  carbides.  This  material  on 
exposure  to  moist  air  resolved  itself,  owing  to  the  oxidation 
of  the  carbides,  into  a  powder  composed  of  the  corresponding 
hydroxides,  from  which  from  90  to  95  per  cent,  of  the  beryllium 
contained  in  the  beryl  could,  without  difficulty,  be  extracted  by 
the  agency  of  hydrofluoric  or  sulphuric  acid. 

The  ol)servation  of  Liebmann  above  referred  to,  which,  in 
view  of  the  matter  published  in  the  first  German  edition  of  this 
book  and  of  ihe  well-known  Cowles  process  for  the  production 
of  aluminium  alloys,  contained  nothing  specially  original,  was 
confirmed  by  Lebeau.t  He  found  that  on  heating  a  mixture  of 
beryllia,  copper  oxide,  and  reducing  carbon  for  five  minutes^ 
with  a  current  of  900  amperes  and  45  volts,  he  obtained  a  brittle, 
metallic,  fused  mass,  with  a  rose-red  fracture ;  it  consisted  of  a 
pale  yellow,  or  silvery-white  alloy,  that  melted  at  the  temperature 
of  a  Ferrot  furnace,  and  a  red  crystalline  double-oxide  of  beryl- 
lium and  copper.  The  formation  of  the  oxide  can  be  avoided  by 
using  a  large  excess  of  carbon  and  longer  heating ;  but  in  this 
case  most  of  the  beryllium  will  become  carburised,  and  the 
greater  part  of  tiie  copper  will  be  volatilised.     It  is,  therefore, 

*Compte8  Bendus,  1898,  vol.  cxxvi.,  p.  1203, 
t/6id.,  1897,  vol.  cxxv.,  p.  1172. 

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better  to  remove  the  oxide  by  re-melting  the  crude  product  in 
a  Perrot  furnace.  The  alloy  thus  purified  contains  from  5  to 
10  per  cent,  of  beryllium,  and  varies  in  colour,  accordingly,  from 
yellow  to  nearly  white.  The  yellow  alloy,  containing  5  per  cent, 
of  beryUium,  may  be  filed,  is  susceptible  of  polish,  and  may  be 
hammered  either  hot  or  in  the  cold;  it  withstands  the  action  of 
the  air,  and  on  melting  with  more  copper  affords  alloys  con- 
taining less  beryllium,  among  which  that  containing  1*32  per 
cent,  of  that  metal  is  gold-yeUow  in  colour. 

Although,  as  will  be  understood  from  the  foregoing,  it  is 
possible  to  obtain  beryllium  without  great  difficulty,  the  small 
quantity  of  the  beryUium  oxide  contained  in  the  raw  material 
available,  and  the  necessity  for  separating  the  beryl  from  large 
quantities  of  silica  and  alumina,  render  the  process  so  costly  that 
it  has  hitherto  found  no  application  in  the  arts,  notwithsttuiding 
.  that  the  properties  of  the  metal,  and  especially  its  extraordinarily 
^ow  specific  gravity,  would  ensure  a  good  demand  for  it. 

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Ocourrenoe  of  Aluminitun  in  Nature. — Aluminium  is 
found  in  nature  onlj  in  the  combined  state.  Of  the  com- 
pounds that  occur  naturally,  the  oxide  forms  the  basis  of 
corundum,  sapphire,  and  emery;  the  hydroxide  is  present  in 
dlaspore,  bauxite,  and  hydrargilllte ;  and  the  salts  are  thua 
represented  : — The  fluoride  by  cryolite ;  the  sulphate  by  the 
alums,  alunite,  and  alum  shale;  the  silicates  by  the  felspars 
and  their  products  of  decomposition,  the  clays  (kaolin,  dec.). 
Among  these  minerals,  corundum  and  sapphire  are  used  as 
precious  stones,  emery  for  polishing  and  grinding,  and  felspar 
and  clay  for  the  manufacture  of  building-stones,  firebricks, 
pottery,  earthenware,  stoneware,  and  porcelain.  Chemical  pro- 
cesses of  a  more  or  less  simple  kind  are  employed  to  utilise 
alunite  and  alum  shale  in  the  manufacture  of  alum ;  cryolite  in 
that  of  soda  and  pure  aluminium  hydroxide  and  oxide ;  and  the 
hydroxide  in  producing  the  pure  oxide  and  hydroxide ;  whilst 
corundum  was  used  in  the  Cowles  process  for  the  direct  pro- 
duction of  aluminium  alloys.  None  of  the  minerals  can  be 
utilised  for  the  direct  extraction  of  pure  aluminium. 

Properties  of  the  Metal.  —  Many  of  the  properties  of 
aluminium  have  only  been  determined  by  means  of  experi- 
ments *  made  during  the  last  few  years.  It  appears,  therefore, 
to  be  desirable  to  describe  these  properties  in  greater  detail 
than  in  the  case  of  the  other  metals,  especially  as  many  errors 
haye  crept  into  metallurgical  and  chemical  text-books. 

Aluminium  {Al'";  atomic  weight  »  27 ;  sp.  gr.  »  2*58,  when 
chemically  pure,  or  2*6  to  2*7  in  the  case  of  the  purest  specimens 
obtainable  in  commerce)  has  a  white  colour  and  good  lustre,  and 
shows  a  crystalline  structure  when  broken.  Its  melting  point 
has  now  been  determined  by  Le  Ohatelier  with  comparative 
certainty  as  625''  0.  Its  specific  heat  at  O*"  0.  is  0*2220; 
between  0*  and  100**  0.,  0*2270  (mean);  and  at  the  melting 

*  Bee  Aluminium,  by  J.  W.  Richards,  3rd  ed.,  Philadelphia  and  London, 
1896;  and  Hunt,  in  Joum.  of  Franklin  Inst.,  1897,  vol.  cxliv.,  pp.  81,  171» 

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point,  0*285.  Aluminium  eyolves  on  cooling  from  its  melting 
temperature,  158  calories  when  solid  or  258  calories  when 
liquid,  so  that  its  latent  heat  of  fusion  is  100  calories.  The 
coefficient  of  linear  expansion  of  solid  aluminium  is  0*0000231, 
and  the  contraction  of  liquid  aluminium  on  solidification  is 
0017.     Its  conductivity  for  heat  (silver  =  100)  is  31*33. 

Aluminium  is  so  friable  at  530*  C.  that  it  may  then  be 
pulverised.*  When  rolled  or  hammered  in  the  cold,  aluminium 
rapidly  loses  its  ductility,  but  this  property  is  restored  to  it  if 
it  be  annealed  by  heating  it  to  from  400*  to  500^  C,  and  then 
cooling  it  slowly.  The  temperature  best  adapted  for  rolling 
or  hammering  the  metal  is  100*  to  150*  0.,  and  for  pressing, 
500*  0.  Up  to  a  certain  point,  both  the  hardness  and  the 
strength  of  the  metal  are  considerably  increased  by  cold 
working  (hammering  or  rolling).  For  example,  the  tensile 
strength  of  aluminium  in  the  cast  condition  is  about  12  kilo- 
grammes per  square  mm.  [7*6  tons  per  square  inch];  but  by 
cold  rolling  the  metal,  so  that  it  is  subjected  to  a  moderate 
reduction  in  sectional  area,  the  tensile  strength  is  18  kilo- 
grammes per  square  mm.  [11*4  tons  per  square  inch];  after  so 
reducing  the  area  from  20  to  1,  the  tensile  strength  is  23*5 
kilogrammes  per  square  mm.  [14*9  tons  per  square  inch];  or 
by  a  reduction  from  80  to  1,  it  is  27*5  kilogrammes  per  square 
mm.  [17*7  tons  per  square  inch]. 

The  electrical  conductivity  of  aluminium,  according  to 
Richards  t  (copper  «=  100),  is  as  follows : — 

For  metal  with  98*6  per  cent.  Al, 

.    56 

„       ,t        99*0           ,, 

.        .     69 

„        ,,         99*6           „ 

.    61 

,,       ,,        99-76 

.    63  to  64 

„       „       100-00         ,. 

.    66  to  67 

Aluminium  alloys  with  most  metals,  and  the  resulting  alloys 
are  treated  of  very  fully  in  Richards'  Aluminium,  It  combines 
chemically  with  almost  all  metalloids,  sometimes  with  consider- 
able energy.  In  the  cold,  however,  and  even  up  to  a  good  red 
heat,  it  strongly  resists  the  action  of  oxygen,  but  at  that 
temperature  it  combines  with  it,  and  in  so  aoing  evolves  much 

Water  and  dilute  organic  acids  have  scarcely  any  action  on 
the  metal  in  the  cold;  but  the  latter  very  slowly  attack  it 
when  boiling.  Nitric  acid  is  almost  without  action  on  alu- 
minium, and  sulphuric  acid  dissolves  it  slowly;  but  hydrochloric 
acid  and  caustic  soda  bring  it  very  rapidly  into  solution.  It 
precipitates  most  of  the  other  metals  from  solutions  of  their 

*  Aluminium  Industrie  AktiengeseUscho^,  English  Patent  16,969,  Aug. 

t«/bum.  Franklin  Inet.f  1897,  vol.  czliii 

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salts,  and  reduces  most  of  the  oxides  when  fused,  even  those 
of  carbon,  silicon,  and  boron,  any  excess  of  aluminium  present 
then  uniting  or  alloying  with  the  reduced  element. 

The  abundance  of  the  natural  compounds  of  aluminium,  the 
valuable  properties  of  the  metal,  and,  finally,  the  difficulties, 
which  must  not  be  under-estimated,  connected  with  the  success- 
ful decomposition  of  the  raw  material  that  is  present  in  such 
abundance,  sufficiently  explain  how  it  is  that  the  number  of 
researches,  of  inventions  (either  actual  or  merely  patented),  and 
of  more  or  less  timid  sugs^estions,  has  become  almost  intermin- 
able. For  the  better  estimation  of  the  value  of  the  processes 
which  haye  been  employed  in  the  reduction  of  aluminium,  it 
will  be  desirable  to  consider  separately  the  different  divisions  or 
groups  into  which,  from  the  metallurgical  point  of  view,  they 
may  be  classed,  viz. : — Precipitation,  Reduction,  and  Electrolytic 

Precipitation  Frooesses  of  Extracting  Aluminium. — 
Having  regard  to  the  scope  of  this  book,  a  short  account  of 
the  more  prominent  processes  of  this  class  must  suffice,  for 
the  precipitation  of  one  metal  by  the  addition  of  another  is 
an  operation  which  belongs  to  pure  chemistry  rather  than  to 
electro-metallurgy . 

Oerstedt,*  in  the  year  1824,  was  the  first  to  attempt  the 
decomposition  of  aluminium  chloride  by  means  of  potassium 
amalgam,  but  evidently  without  result;  for  other  skilled 
experimenters,  working  according  to  his  directions,  failed  to 
obtain  any  aluminium.  W6hler,t  however,  in  1827,  was 
successful  in  reducing  the  anhydrous  chloride  by  means  of 
potassium.  Later,  Deville  |  obviated  the  difficulties  connected 
with  the  production  and  use  of  aluminium  chloride  by  employ- 
ing the  double  chloride  of  aluminium  and  sodium  instead ;  and 
he  further  substituted  the  much  cheaper  metal  sodium  for  the 
potassium  recommended  by  Wohler.  The  process  was  actually 
conducted  on  these  lines  for  thirty  years  in  France  (first  at 
Nanterre  and  later  at  Salindres),  and  for  a  time  in  England 
also.  In  1855  Rose§  proposed  the  substitution  of  the  mineral 
fluoride  (cryolite)  for  the  chloride;  and  in  place  of  sodium,  the 
use  of  which  haa  been  adhered  to  by  Kose,  Beketoff  ||  employed 
magnesium.  But  the  principal  interest  at  present  centres  in 
Grabau's  proce8s,1I  which  is  excellent  in  all  its  details.  In  this 
process,  solutions  of  sulphate  of  alumina  are  first  treated  with 

*  Oeratedt,  Overs,  o.  d,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk,  ForJtandl.,  &o.,  1824-25. 

t  Wohler,  Popg,  Ann.,  1827,  vol.  xi.,  and  JAebig^e  Ann.,  voL  liii. 

X  Ann.  de  CfhwUe  et  de  Physique,  1854,  voL  xliz.  See  also  H.  St.  Claire 
PeviHe,  De  rAlvmimum,  Paris,  1859. 

%Poag.  Awn.,  1855,  voL  xovi. 

i]  Jahreaberieht  der  Chemie,  1865. 

IT  German  Patent  47,031.  [English  Patents  14,356,  Oct.  21,  1887,  and 
15,539,  Nov.  14,  1887.] 

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cryolite,  in  order  to  obtain  the  aluminium  entirely  in  the  form 
of  fluoride,  according  to  the  equation  : — 

AW8O4),  +  ALjFe-  6NaF  =  2AljF.  +  SNajSO^, 

The  aluminium  fluoride,  which  is  insoluble  in  water,  is  filtered 
off,  washed,  dried,  and  heated  to  an  incipient  red  heat,  and  is 
then  at  once  charged  into  a  cold  vessel  lined  with  pure  cryolite. 
The  required  quantity  of  dry  sodium,  in  the  form  of  a  cube  or 
cylinder,  is  now  placed  upon  the  hot  powder,  and  the  vessel  is 
immediately  covered  up.  The  following  reaction  then  occurs, 
accompanied  by  a  great  evolution  of  heat ;  but  in  other  respects 
it  proceeds  quite  quietly  : — 

2AlaF.  +  3Na,  =  Al^  +  A1,F..  6NaF. 

The  aluminium  is  afterwards  found  at  the  bottom  of  the 
vessel,  melted  to  a  regulus,  and  covered  with  a  slag  of  cryolite^ 
which  has  been  completely  fused  owing  to  the  heat  of  the 
reaction.  The  latter  bye-product  is  available  for  the  production 
of  fresh  quantities  of  aluminium  fluoride.  Of  all  the  chemical 
processes,  this  is  the  only  one  which,  given  a  cheap  method  of 
producing  sodium,  is  ever  likely  to  come  into  competition  with 
the  electro-chemical  methods.  The  metal  obtained  by  this  process 
has  the  advantage  of  being  unusually  pure. 

The  Beduction  Prooesses. — For  a  long  time  alumina  was 
held  to  be  non-reducible ;  and  even  to  this  day  statements  to 
that  effect  are  to  be  found  in  the  chemical  text-books.  This 
has  probably  resulted  from  an  erroneous  comprehension  of  the 
fact  that  pure  metallic  aluminium  in  a  form  that  would  be 
useful  in  the  arts  is  never  obtained  by  the  direct  reduction  of 
the  oxide.  In  addition  to  this,  the  high  temperature  necessary 
for  reduction  can  only  be  (or,  at  least,  is  most  advantageously) 
obtained  by  the  conversion  of  electrical  energy  into  heat.  This 
circumstance  has  frequently  given  rise  to  the  assumption  that 
the  reduction  of  aluminium  is  either  entirely  or  in  part  due  to 
electrolytic  agency.  But  the  production  of  the  metal  is  really 
due,  as  will  be  shown  later,  entirely  to  a  reduction  of  the  oxide 
of  aluminium  by  electrically  lieated  carbon. 

The  idea  of  heating  a  material  with  a  high  electrical  resistance 
by  a  powerful  current,  and  of  placing  this  resistance  in  the  most 
intimate  contact  with  the  mixture  to  be  reduced  (the  material 
being  distributed  uniformly  through  the  whole  mass  and  be- 
coming, ultimately,  a  necessary  constituent  of  such  a  mixture) 
unquestionably  deserves  the  most  careful  attention.  It  is  by  no 
means  a  new  discovery,  and  if  there  be  occasion  for  surprise,  it 
is  less  on  account  of  the  results  that  have  followed  the  applicit- 
tion  of  this  principle  than  because  these  results  have  been  sa 
tardily   effected.     For  the  Philosophical   Transactions*  of  the 

♦  PhU,  Trans.,  1816,  vol.  cv.,  p.  871. 

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Royal  Society  of  so  early  a  date  as  1815  contain  the  first  record 
of  the  metallurgical  application  of  the  heat  generated  by  an 
electric  current  in  a  resistance  : — "  Pepys  .  .  .  bent  a  wire 
of  pure  soft  iron  so  as  to  form  an  angle  in  the  middle,  in  which 
part  he  divided  it  longitudinally  by  a  fine  saw.  In  the  opening 
so  formed  he  placed  diamond  powder,  securing  it  in  its  situation 
by  two  finer  wires,  laid  above  and  below  it,  and  kept  from 
shifting  by  another  small  wire  bound  firmly  and  closely  round 
them.  All  the  wires  were  of  pure  soft  iron,  and  the  part  con- 
taining the  diamond- powder  was  enveloped  by  thin  leaves  of  talc. 
Thus  arranged,  the  apparatus  was  placed  in  the  electrical  circuit, 
when  it  soon  became  red  hot,  and  was  kept  so  for  six  minutes. 
.  .  .  On  opening  the  wire,  Mr.  Pepys  found  that  the  whole 
of  the  diamond  had  disappeared,  .  .  .  and  all  that  part  (of 
the  iron)  which  had  been  in  contact  with  the  diamond  was 
converted  into  perfect  blistered  steel.  A  portion  of  it  being 
heated  red  and  plunged  into  water  became  so  hard  as  to  resist 
the  file,  and  to  scratch  glass." 

Depretz*  first  described  a  small  apparatus,  which  is  still  very 
suitable  for  many  experiments  :  this  consisted  of  a  tube  of  sugar 
charcoal  rather  more  than  \  in.  wide,  and  almost  ^j^  in.  long.  It 
was  closed  by  two  plugs  of  the  same  material,  and,  being  placed 
in  the  circuit  of  a  powerful  electric  current,  became  heated  with 
its  contents  to  a  white  heat. 

Even  if  the  two  arrangements  just  described  have  no  direct 
reference  to  the  reduction  of  aluminium,  they  are,  nevertheless, 
worthy  of  consideration  in  connection  with  certain  patent  speci- 
fications of  a  later  date.  The  application  of  this  principle  to  the 
production  of  aluminium  was  first  proposed  by  Monckton  f  in  a 
patent  which  he  took  out  in  England.  A  strong  electric  current 
was  to  be  passed  through  a  reduction  chamber  charged  with 
alumina  and  carbon,  in  order  that  the  mixture  (by  the  agency  of 
the  carbon)  might  be  so  highly  heated  as  to  lead  to  the  reduction 
of  the  earth  metal  by  the  carbon.  At  the  time,  this  process  was 
not  practicable,  commercially  speaking,  for  the  production  of 
aluminium,  even  if  it  could  have  produced  a  sufficiently  pure 
metal,  because  no  adequately  cheap  source  of  electrical  energy 
was  available  until  1867,  when  the  dynamo  was  invented.  But, 
in  addition  to  this,  the  product  of  reduction  obtained  in  this  way 
could  not  have  paid  for  the  energy  expended  ;  for  the  absorption 
of  carbon  I  could  not  be  avoided  in  this  process ;  a  certain  loss  of 
metal  by  evaporation  would  be  inevitable ;  and,  finally,  the  pro- 
duct of  the  reduction  would  be  a  gray,  brittle,  crumbling  mass, 
with  difficulty  fusible,  but  just  fritted  together,  and  containing, 

*  Comptea  Bendua,  1849,  vol.  zxix. 
t  Eng&sh  Patent  264,  1862. 

t  See  the  chapter  on  the  Reduction  and  Properties  of  the  Carbide  at  the 
end  of  this  book. 


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besides  alnminium,  aluminium  carbide,  carbon,  and  other  im- 
purities which  must  inevitably  be  derived  from  the  carbon  used 
for  reduction.  Underlying  the  process,  however,  there  was  a 
perfectly  sound  principle,  which  has  found,  and  will  find  again, 
many  valuable  applications  in  its  proper  sphere  in  metallurgy. 

The  Cowles  Prooess. — After  a  long  interval,  the  Brothers 
Oowles  introduced  (in  1884)  a  process,  by  which  there  was  made 
available  for  use  a  number  of  alloys,  of  which  the  valuable  pro- 
perties had  been  in  part  known  for  a  long  time.  Considering 
that  the  impossibility  of  producing  a  sufficiently  pure  metal  by 
the  direct  reduction  of  alumina  with  carbon  has  been  proved, 
the  invention  of  Oowles  must  be  regarded  as  particularly  fortu- 
nate, for  it  consisted  in  alloying  the  aluminium,  at  the  very  = 
moment  of  its  production,  with  another  metal,  and  so  avoiding 
the  absorption  of  carbon,  or  at  least  reducing  it  to  harmless  pro- 
portions. But  without  any  wish  to  begrudge  to  the  inventors 
the  recognition  that  is  commonly  awarded  them,  it  must  yet  be 
noted  that  their  patent  specification  covered  too  wide  a  field. 
In  the  principal  patent  *  it  is  stated  that  the  invention  refers  to 
a  class  of  furnace  in  which  the  electric  current  is  employed  as 
the  sole  source  of  heat.  Previous  attempts  had  been  made,  it 
was  said,  to  reduce  ores  and  to  conduct  other  metallurgical 
operations  with  the  aid  of  the  electric  arc ;  but  this  invention 
consisted  chiefly  in  the  use  of  a  granulated  material  of  high 
resistance,  or  low  electrical  conductivity,  so  connected  in  an 
electric  circuit  that  it  formed  an  uninterrupted  part  of  the  same. 
In  consequence  of  its  high  resistance,  it  became  red  hot,  and 
afforded  all  the  heat  required.  The  substance  to  be  reduced 
was  mixed  with  this  granular  material,  and  thus  absorbed  the 
heat  at  the  very  place  of  its  production. 

The  conversion  of  iron  into  steel  must  undoubtedly  be  recog- 
nised as  a  metallurgical  operation.  If  then  Pepys,  in  the  year 
1815,  as  shown  on  p.  97,  accomplished  such  an  operation  by 
using  a  constituent  part  of  the  mixture  as  a  resistance  in  an 
electric  circuit,  and  thus  brought  it  to  a  red  heat  by  the  applica- 
tion of  a  powerful  current,  while  the  other  constituent  of  the 
mixture  was  in  direct  contact  with  it,  he  was  undoubtedly 
working  in  exact  agreement  with  the  specification  of  the  Cowlea 
patent,  published  in  America  seventy  years  later.  It  was  by  an 
application  of  exactly  the  same  principle  that  Depretz  (p.  97), 
in  the  year  1849,  placed  a  diamond  in  a  tube  of  sugar-charcoal, 
and  included  this  in  a  powerful  electric  circuit,  with  the  object 
of  ascertaining  the  behaviour  of  the  gem  in  a  neutral  atmosphere 
at  high  temperature.  Finally,  it  might  well  be  claimed  for 
Monckton  that  he  anticipated  the  Cowles  patent  as  far  as  it 
refers  to  the  reduction  of  alumina,  by  his  specification  published 
in  1862  (p.  97). 

♦U.S.A  Patent  319,795. 

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These  circumstances,  however,  can  in  no  way  be  said  to 
detract  from  the  service  which  the  Brothers  Oowles  have  done 
in  introducing  so  simple  a  process  for  the  manufacture  of 
aluminium  alloys. 

Instead  of  entering  minutely  into  the  details  of  the  various 
forms  of  furnace  which  are  specified  in  the  numerous  Cowles 
patents,  it  will  suffice  here  to  describe  a  smelting  plant  on  this 
system,  conoeming  which  detailed  accounts  have  been  published. 
This  plant,  which  was  put  down  several  years  ago  in  the  factory 
of  the  "Cowles  Syndicate  Company,"  has  been  for  some  time 
out  of  operation.*      A   400   H.P.   Crompton's  dynamo  gave  a 

Fig.  63. — Cowles'  plant  for  manufacture  of  aluminium  alloys. 

current  of  60  volts  x  5,000  to  6,000  amperes.  The  smelting 
furnaces  were  built  of  fireclay,  and  were  rectangular  in  cross- 
section.  They  were  arranged  side  by  side  in  a  long  row,  but 
were  only  put  in  operation  one  at  a  time,  while  the  others  were 
in  Tarious  stages  of  cooling,  emptying,  or  charging.  The  current 
was  conveyed  to  and  from  the  battery  of  furnaces  by  two  stout 
copper  bars  running  horizontally  along  the  whole  length  of  the 
plant,  and  at  a  convenient  height  above  it,  one  of  these  being 
above  the  fronts,  the  other  over  the  backs  of  the  smelting 
chambers.  Running  upon  each  of  these  rails  was  a  copper 
clamp  mounted  on  wheels,  with  flexible  cables  of  copper  wire 

*Indu8trie8,  1888,  vol,  cxv.,  p.  237. 

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attached  to  it;  the  other  ends  of  the  cables  were  also  held 
together  by  clamps.  A  suitable  opening  in  each  of  the  lower 
clamps  permitted  the  latter  to  be  hung  upon  copper  bars,  corre- 
sponding in  shape  to  the  aperture,  by  which  means  electrical 
connection  could  be  made  with  the  electrodes.  Every  electrode 
consisted  of  a  bundle  of  from  7  to  9  carbon  rods,  each  2^  in.  in 
diameter,  around  which  a  cylindrical  head  piece  was  cast,  of 
iron  (if  ferro-aluminium  were  being  produced  in  the  furnace),  or 
of  copper  (if  aluminium-bronze  were  under  manufacture).     Into 

Fig.  64. — The  Cowles  furnace  (longitudinal  section). 

Fig.  65. — The  Cowles  furnace  (cross-section). 

the  midst  of  this  head  piece  was  cast  one  of  the  copper  bars 
referred  to  above.  The  electrodes  were  introduced  into  the 
smelting  chamber  through  suitably  laid  cast-iron  tubes  in 
opposite  walls  of  the  furnace.  By  adjusting  a  simple  screw,  the 
electrodes  could  be  moved  backwards  and  forwards,  as  might  be 
necessary  for  the  regulation  of  the  current.  In  preparing  the 
furnace  for  use,  the  bottom  was  first  covered  with  a  layer  of 
limed  wood-charcoal,  and  then  the  electrodes  were  introduced ; 
a  frame  of  sheet  iron  was  next  placed  in  the  furnace,  and  the 

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space  within  it  was  charged  with  a  mixture  of  ore,  metal,  and 
charcoal,  whilst  that  between  the  frame  and  the  walls  of  the 
chamber  was  filled  with  charcoal  only,  and  the  frame  was  then 
withdrawn.  Some  fragments  of  retort  carbon  were  thrown  into 
the  furnace  to  form  a  bridge  for  the  current,  and,  finally,  the 
empty  space  still  left  was  filled  up  with  charcoal,  and  the  whole 
was  surmounted  by  a  cast-iron  cover.  In  the  centre  of  this 
cover  there  was  an  opening  for  the  escape  of  gases  generated 
during  the  smelting  operation,  the  gases  were  lit,  and  the 
products  of  combustion  were  led  through  a  tube  into  a  furnace 
in  which  any  alumina  that  they  might  contain  should  be 
deposited.  The  melted  alloy  accumulated  on  the  hearth  of 
the  furnace,  and  was  run  off  through  a  taphole  placed  there  for 
the  purpose.  The  slag,  which  consisted  of  a  very  intimate 
mixture  of  alloy  and  charcoal,  was  powdered  and  washed  to 
separate  the  charcoal,  the  residual  alloy  being  introduced  into 
the  furnace  with  a  fresh  charge. 

In  the  furnace  above  described,  fix>m  15  to  20  cwts.  of  ferro- 
aluminium  or  aluminium-bronze,  containing  15  to  17  per  cent, 
of  aluminium  could  be  produced  daily.  The  bronze  was  re- 
melted  with  the  requisite  proportion  of  copper  to  yield  the 
alloys  required  for  the  market^  containing  respectively  1*25,  2*5, 
5,  7 '5,  and  10  per  cent,  of  aluminium,  and  was  cast  into  ingots 
weighing  from  10  to  12  lbs.  each.  The  average  electrical  power 
required  amounted  to  50  horse-power  hours  per  kg.  [which  is 
nearly  equivalent  to  23  H.P.  hours  per  lb.]  of  aluminium.  A 
genend  view  of  a  smelting-house  is  shown  in  Fig.  63,  whilst  Fig. 
64  gives  a  longitudinal,  and  Fig.  65  a  cross-section  of  a  single 
furnace.  In  these  figures  EE  are  electrodes,  consisting  of 
9  carbon  rods,  each  about  1^  ins.  thick,  around  which  are  cast 
the  cylindrical  metal  blocks,  M.  At  the  end  of  these  blocks, 
opposite  to  the  carbons,  the  copper  rods,  K,  are  introduced, 
llie  whole  arrangement  slides  in  the  tube,  R,  and  may  be  moved 
in  either  direction  with  the  aid  of  the  screw,  S,  and  the  nut, 
which  forms  part  of  the  collar,  Z,  attached  to  K.  The  current 
is  conveyed  by  the  copper  wire  cables,  L,  which  are  gripped  by 
the  copper  clamp,  Y ;  and  this  in  turn  is  rested  on  the  conical 
«nd  of  the  rod,  K,  which  projects  beyond  the  mouth  of  the 
tube,  R.  The  cast-iron  guide-block,  F,  serves  to  keep  the  rod^ 
K,  in  place. 

Theory  of  the  Cowles  Process. — It  is  evident  from  an 
inspection  of  Fig.  64,  which  shows  the  usual  arrangement  of  the 
carbon  rods  within  the  furnace  during  the  operation  of  smelting, 
that  these  rods,  so  often  falsely  termed  electrodes  in  descriptions 
of  the  plant,  are  really  only  resistances  introduced  into  the 
circuit  of  a  powerful  current.  It  is  they  which  are  first  heated, 
and  which  then  impart  their  heat  to  the  surrounding  charge. 
By  degrees,  as  the  charge  around  the  inner  extremities  of  the 

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carbon  rods  becomes  heated  to  incandescence,  the  rods  are  with- 
drawn from  one  another  little  by  little  by  means  of  the  screw,  S. 
Thus,  to  an  increasing  extent,  as  the  heating  extends,  the 
particles  of  carbon  in  the  mixture  form  part  of  the  circuit,  and 
so  also  act  as  resistances,  whilst  the  rods,  E,  become  partly 
burned  by  the  oxygen  of  the  metallic  oxides. 

Hampe*  refuses  to  admit  that  the  heat  generated  by  the 
current  can  alone  suffice  to  bring  about  the  reduction  of  alumina 
by  carbon,  because  many  attempts  to  reduce  alumina  by  carbon 
in  the  presence  of  copper  or  copper  oxide  have  given  negative 
results,  even  though  the  high  temperature  of  a  Devil le's  furnace 
was  employed.  These  experiments  have  led  him  to  the 
following  conclusions : — 

"If  a  temperature  nearly  equal  to  the  melting  point  of 
quartz  be  insufficient  to  enable  carbon  to  reduce  alumina  in  the 
presence  of  copper,  it  is  certain  that  the  temperature  of  the 
electric  furnace,  although  it  is  much  higher  than  this,  will  also 
fail.  I  believe,  therefore,  that  the  production  of  aluminium- 
bronze  by  the  Cowles  process  is  dependent  far  less  upon  a 
(chemical)  dissociation  of  alumina  in  the  electric  furnace  than 
upon  the  electrolytic  decomposition  of  the  alumina  by  the 
current  passing  through  it,  the  earth  being  brought  into  a  state 
of  fusion  by  the  electric  arc.  According  to  my  view,  then,  the 
action  of  the  electric  arc  is  primarily  electro-thermic,  but  it 
is  also  distinctly  electrolytic." 

The  author  cannot  agree  with  this  view,  but  believes,  on  the 
contrary,  as  a  result  of  his  observations,  that  the  decomposition 
of  the  alumina  in  the  Cowles  furnace  is  attributable  8clely  to  the 
influence  of  the  heat  generated  by  the  current  in  the  resistance  tJuU 
is  introduced  into  the  circuit ;  and,  further,  that  it  is  not  neces- 
sary to  employ  the  higher  temperature  obtainable  by  the  agency 
of  the  electric  current  in  order  to  bring  about  the  desired  result. 
It  is  not  beyond  the  range  of  possibility  that  even  the  tempera- 
ture of  a  Deville's  furnace  should  suffice  for  the  initiation  and 
completion  of  the  reaction.  It  is  not  possible,  however,  with 
such  an  apparatus  to  fulfil  all  the  conditions  that  obtain  in 
the  electric  furnace.  For  if  a  charge  be  placed  in  one  or,  as  in 
Hampe's  experiment,  two  crucibles,  and  be  then  submitted  to 
the  very  high  temperature  of  one  of  the  best  of  these  ordinary 
furnaces,  the  heat  of  the  surrounding  fuel  will  be  imparted  but 
slowly  to  the  mixture  enclosed  in  the  crucibles.  The  tempera- 
ture of  the  charge,  therefore,  rises  quite  gradually  to  the  melting 
point  of  copper  or  to  the  reduction  temperature  of  copper  oxide, 
and  long  before  the  alumina  and  carbon  shall  have  attained  the 
temperature  at  which  aluminium  could  be  produced,  the  copper 
will  have  liquated  out  more  or  less  from  the  mixture.  The 
evolution  of  heat  from  the  union  of  copper  with  aluminium,  that 
♦  Chemiber  Zeitung,  1888,  p.  391. 

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Hampe  had  hoped  would  favour  the  reaction,  cannot  occur  until 
some  free  aluminium  has  been  actually  produced. 

The  conditions  in  the  Oowles  furnace  are  quite  unlike  those 
just  described.  In  this  case,  one  of  the  charge  constituents  that 
is  to  take  part  in  the  reaction — viz.,  the  carbon  required  for  the 
reduction — is  almost  instantaneously  raised  to  a  temperature 
which,  as  will  be  seen  from  an  experiment  shortly  to  be 
mentioned,  is  amply  sufficient  for  the  reduction  of  the  alumina. 
Copper  or  copper  oxide  is  not  essential  to  the  reaction,  but  is 
added  simply  with  the  object  of  obtaining  the  aluminium  in  a 
serviceable  form  as  an  alloy,  since  without  this  addition  the 
aluminium  would  combine  with  a  portion  of  the  excess  carbon 
to  form  a  completely  useless  material,  which  no  subsequent 
refining  operations  would  purify. 

Thermic  Reduction  of  Alumina  by  Carbon. — The  author's 
assertion  may  be  proved  by  the  following  experiment  (Fig.  66) : — 

Fig.  66. — Arrangement  to  show  direct  reduction  of  alumina  by  carbon. 

A  thin  carbon  pencil,  W,  about  ^  in.  wide  and  1|  ins.  long,  is 
fixed  between  two  stout  carbon  rods,  K,  about  1  to  1|  ins.  in 
diameter.  This  pencil  is  passed  through  a  small  paper  bag,  P, 
about  1^  ins.  in  length,  filled  with  an  intimate  mixture,  M,  of 
alumina  and  carbon.  The  mixture  is  prepared  by  repeatedly 
mixing  and  heating  aluminium  hydroxide  with  tar.  The  ends 
of  the  paper  cartridge  are  closed  by  small  cork  plates,  and 
the  whole  is  packed  in  coarse  charcoal  powder.  The  electrical 
connections  are  now  made,  and  a  current  of  35  to  40  amperes  is 
passed  through  the  arrangement  for  from  two  to  three  minutes. 
After  the  cartridge  has  cooled  sufficiently,  the  charcoal  powder  is 
removed,  and  the  carbon  pencil  will  be  found  surrounded  with  a 
Mtted  mass,  which,  on  examination,  will  prove  to  be  aluminium 
containing  a  considerable  proportion  of  carbon.  The  possibility 
of  an  electric  arc  having  been  formed  is  excluded  by  the  condi- 
tions of  the  experiment,  and,  in  the  absence  of  any  break  in  the 
conducting  circuit  within  the  charge  mixture,  the  occurrence  of 
electrolytic  decomposition  is  also  negatived.     It  is  unnecessary 

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to  point  out  that  an  admixtare  of  copper  or  copper  oxide  with 
the  charge  would  have  led  to  the  production  of  aluminium- 
bronze.  With  a  simple  arrangement  of  the  above  type  it  is, 
therefore,  easy  to  test  the  validity  of  the  assertion  previously 
made,  that  given  a  sufficiently  high  temperatwre  aU  metallic  oxide$ 
a/re  capable  of  being  reduced  by  carbon. 

As  above  explained,  it  was  necessary,  in  order  to  produce  the 
temperature  required  for  the  reduction  of  alumina,  to  pass  a 
current  of  35  to  40  amperes  through  the  J  in.  carbon  pencil ; 
this  is  equivalent  to  5  to  6  amperes  per  sq.  mm.  [8,200  to  3,800 
amps,  per  sq.  in].  A  current  of  10  amperes  per  sq.  mm.  [6,500 
amps,  per  sq.  in.]  will  suffice  for  the  most  difficult  case,  and 
should  yield  a  temperature  which,  under  these  conditions,  will 
effect  the  fusion  of  any  metal. 

The  electromotive  force  required  to  overcome  the  resistance 
of  such  a  carbon  pencil,  If  ins.  long,  with  the  production  of  a 
current  ranging  between  the  above-named  limits  of  density, 
would  be  10  to  17  volts.  With  the  aid  of  these  data  it  is  easy 
to  construct  a  resistance  that  shall  be  suitable  to  the  current 
employed  in  any  given  experiment.  It  must,  however,  be 
pointed  out  that  an  attempt  to  work  with  a  smaller  current  than 
that  named  above  will  lead  to  great  inconvenience  and  many 
derangements  of  plant,  because  very  thin  carbon  pencils  are 
easily  broken,  and  may  become  burned  through  by  the  oxygen 
of  the  metallic  oxides  within  the  first  minute  of  use,  even  in 
presence  of  an  excess  of  carbon  in  the  surrounding  mixture. 

Tests  made  with  the  most  varied  descriptions  of  carbon  rods, 
such  as  are  used  in  arc-lamps  (pencils  ^  to  ^  in.  thick  being 
specially  made  for  this  purpose),  have  led  to  the  adoption  of  the 
following  average  numbers  as  sufficiently  accurate  for  general 
calculations: — An  electromotive  force  of  0*3  to  0-4*  volt  is 
necessary  to  drive  a  current  of  1  ampere  through  1  mm.  of  a 
carbon  pencil  at  the  temperatures  of  these  experiments,  with 
a  current-density  of  6  to  10  amperes  per  sq.  mm.  [4,000  to  6,500 
amperes  per  sq.  in  ]  of  sectional  area. 


Electrolysis  of  Aqueous   Solutions. — In  order  to  trace- 
without  interruption  the  history  of  the  development  of  the  only 
electrolytic    methods    that    are    technically   practicable,   it    is 
desirable  to  consider  separately  a  whole  class  of  impracticable 
inventions,  which  aim  at  the  electrolysis  of  aqueous  solutions. 

Just  as  the  evidence  advanced  from  different  quarters  cannot 
be  denied  as  to  the  possibility  of  precipitating  aluminium  in  the 

*  See  Borchers'  Bau  wid  Betrieb  eleHrischtr  O^m,  1897. 

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metallic  condition  from  aqueous  solutions,  so  it  cannot  be 
admitted  that,  up  to  the  present  time,  anyone  has  succeeded  in 
producing  this  metal  by  any  practical  process  of  the  kind,  either 
pure,  in  merely  just-recognisable  traces,  or  alloyed,  in  any  per- 
manently stable  form.  Nevertheless,  a  short  account  will  be 
given  of  some  of  the  proposals  that  have  been  patented  or 
otherwise  brought  before  the  public.  The  earliest  records  in 
this  subject  consist  of  two  English  patent  specifications. 

Thomas  and  Tilley^  claimed  to  electrolyse  an  aqueous  solu- 
tion of  freshly-precipitated  aluminium  hydroxide  in  potassium 

Corbellit  proposed  the  use  of  an  electrolyte  containing  2 
parts  of  aluminium  sulphate  or  alum,  with  1  part  of  calcium 
chloride  or  common  salt,  dissolved  in  7  parts  of  water.  The 
anode  was  to  be  mercury  (!),  the  cathode  zinc. 

The  first  August  number  of  Dingler'a  Journdt  in  1854  con- 
tained the  following  report,  accompanied  by  a  criticism  that  was 
by  no  means  flattering : — 

**  Reported  Process  for  the  Coating  of  Copper  with  Aluminium  and 
Silicon  by  Galvanic  Means.—  To  obtain  the  aluminium,  I  boiled  an  excess 
of  dry  hydrate  of  alumina  in  hydrochloric  acid  for  one  hour,  then  poured 
off  tne  clear  liquid,  and  added  to  it  about  one-sixth  of  its  volume  of 
water ;  in  this  mixture  I  placed  an  earthen  porous  vessel  containing  one 
measure  of  sulphuric  acid  to  twelve  measures  of  water,  with  a  piece  of 
amalgamated  zinc  plate  in  it.  In  the  chloride  of  aluminium  solution  I 
immersed  a  piece  of  copper  of  the  same  amotmt  of  immersed  metallic 
surface  as  that  of  the  zinc,  and  connected  it  with  the  zinc  by  means  of  a 
copper  wire,  and  set  it  aside  for  several  hours ;  when,  on  examining  it,  I 
found  it  coated  with  a  lead-coloured  deposit  of  alarainium,  which,  when 
burnished,  possessed  the  same  degree  of  whiteness  as  platinum,  and  did 
not  appear  to  tarnish  readily  by  immersion  in  cold  water  or  in  the 
atmosphere,  but  was  acted  upon  by  sulphuric  or  nitric  acid,  either  con- 
centrated or  dilute. 

*'  I  found  that  if  the  apparatus  was  kept  quite  warm,  and  a  copper  plate 
much  smaller  than  the  zinc  plate  was  used,  the  deposit  appeared  in  a  very 
short  time,  in  several  instances  in  less  than  half  a  minute.  Also,  I  found 
that  if  the  chloride  solution  was  not  diluted  with  water,  the  deposit  was 
equally,  if  not  more,  rapid. 

'*  I  have  also  succeeded  in  obtaining  a  auick  deposit  of  aluminium  in  a 
less  pure  state  by  dissolving  ordinary  pipeclay  in  boiling  hydrochloric  acid, 
and  using  the  supernatant  clear  solution  undiluted  with  water  in  the  place 
of  the  before-mentioned  liquid.  A  similar  deposit  of  aluminium  was  also 
obtained  from  a  strong  aqueous  solution  of  acetate  of  alumina ;  likewise 
from  a  saturated  aqueous  solution  of  ordinary  potash  alum,  but  rather 
slowly;  with  each  of  the  solutions  named,  the  deposit  was  hastened  by 
putting  either  one,  two,  or  three  small  Smee's  batteries  in  circuit. 

*'To  obtain  the  deposit  of  silicium,  I  dissolved  monosilicate  of  pot^ish 
(formed  by  fusing  together  1  part  of  silica  with  2^  parts  of  carbonate  of 
potash)  in  water,  in  the  proportion  of  40  grains  to  1  oz.  measure  of  water, 
eding  in  like  manner  as  with  the  alumina  solutions,  the  process  being 
nedby  interposing  one  pair  of  small  Smee's  battery  in  the  circuit. 

♦  English  Patent  2,756,  1855. 
t  English  Patent  507,  1858. 

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With  a  very  slow  and  feeble  action  of  the  battery,  the  colour  of  the 
deposited  metal  was  much  whiter  than  that  of  aluminium,  closely  approxi- 
mating to  that  of  silver ;  its  other  properties  I  have  not  yet  had  time 
to  examine"  {George  Gore*  Birmingham). 

The  aathor  remarks  that  the  alaminium  deposited  upon  the 
copper  plate  dissolved  even  in  dilute  sulphuric  or  nitric  acid; 
but  the  aluminium  produced  by  Deville  exhibits  a  totally  differ- 
ent behaviour.  The  properties  ascribed  by  Mr.  Gore  to  his 
metal  are  insufficient  to  identify  it  as  aluminium;  the  same  may 
be  said  in  regard  to  his  silicon.  The  metallic  coating,  which 
was  found  upon  the  copper  plate  in  both  instances^  is  probably 
nothing  but  zinc,  reduced  from  the  zinc  sulphate  that  had  formed 
in  the  porous  clay  vessel  at  the  expense  of  the  dilute  sulphuric 
acid  and  the  anode  (zinc  plate).     {J,  A^ickles.)  t 

Jeanson  J  electrolysed  solutions  of  an  aluminium  salt  of  1*15 
to  1*16  specific  gravity,  at  a  temperature  of  60®  0. 

Haurd  §  recommended  an  aqueous  solution  of  cryolite  in 
chloride  of  magnesium  or  manganese. 

Bertram  ||  proposed  to  separate  the  metal  by  a  strong  current 
from  solutions  of  aluminium-ammonium  chloride. 

J.  Braunll  (Berlin)  proposed  to  obtain  aluminium  by  the 
electrolysis  of  an  alum  solution  of  1*03  to  1-07  specific  gravity 
at  the  ordinary  temperature.  The  sulphuric  acid  liberated 
during  the  reaction  was  to  be  neutralised  by  alkali ;  and  the 
separation  of  alumina  was  to  be  prevented  by  the  addition  of 
a  non- volatile  organic  acid. 

According  to  a  patent  by  Overbeck  and  Niewerth,**  an 
aqueous  solution,  either  of  organic  salts  of  aluminium,  of  mix- 
tures which  afford  such  salts,  or  of  aluminium  sulphate  with  the 
chlorides  of  other  metals,  is  to  be  electrolysed. 

The  last  part  of  the  foregoing  patent  is  also  claimed  by 
Senet  ft  in  his  specification  as  his  invention.  He  recommends 
the  moderate  current  of  6  to  7  volts  and  4  amperes. 

Next,  A.  Walter  Jf  appears  with  a  patent,  according  to  which 
the  production  of  aluminium  is  possible  under  the  following 
circumstances : — A  solution  of  aluminium  nitrate  is  to  be  so 
decomposed  with  a  small  current-density^  but  using  the  current 
from  a  powerful  dynamo^  and  employing  a  platinised  copper 
plate,  that  aluminium  may  be  deposited  on  the  cathode  in  a 
pulverulent  form. 

♦[P7aV.  Mag.,  1854  (March),  p.  227.] 
iJoum.  de  Pharmacie,  1854  (June),  p.  476. 

XAnnufil   Record   of  Science    and    Industry ,    1875.       Vide    Richards'' 
Aluminium,  1890. 
§  U.S.A.  Patent  2  >8,900,  June  15,  1880.  Vide  Richards'  Aluminium,  1890. 
II  Comptes  JRenduM,  1876,  vol.  Ixxxiii.,  p.  854.       T German  Patent  28,760. 
**  English  Patent  5,756,  December  15,  1883. 
ft  Cosmoa  len  MondeM,  1885.     (From  Richards'  Aluminium,  1890.) 
XX  German  Patent  40,626. 

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About  the  time  that  this  patent  was  published,  in  the  year 
1887,  there  appeared  a  recipe  from  the  pen  of  Reinbold  *  for  the 
production  of  aluminium  deposits  on  other  metals :  50  parts  of 
alum  were  dissolved  in  300  parts  of  water,  10  parts  of  aluminiuth 
chloride  were  added,  and  the  mixture  was  heated  to  93*  0. 
After  cooling,  39  parts  of  potassium  cyanide  were  mixed  with 
the  solution.  With  an  aluminium  plate  as  anode,  and,  with  a 
weak  current,  a  good  polishable  aluminium  deposit  was  to  be 
obtained  at  the  cathode.  Even  if  this  process  had  not  been 
given  as  a  method  for  the  production  of  aluminium,  yet,  had  it 
been  workable,  it  would  have  afforded  proof  that  the  metal  could 
be  precipitated  from  aqueous  solution.  This  special  case  cannot, 
however,  be  taken  as  controverting  the  statement  made  at  the 
beginning  of  this  section. 

R.  de  Monteglas,t  in  the  first  place,  separated  the  iron  electro- 
lytically  from  a  solution  of  aluminium  chloride,  and,  after  adding 
lead,  tin,  or  zinc  oxide,  claimed  to  deposit  the  aluminium  in  con- 
junction with  the  added  metal. 

According  to  the  specification  of  Falk  and  Schaag,|  the 
aluminium  salts  of  non-volatile  organic  acids  in  aqueous  solu- 
tion are  to  be  mixed  with  the  cyanides  of  copper,  gold,  silver, 
tin,  or  zinc,  and  after  increasing  the  conductivity  of  the  resulting 
bath  by  the  addition  of  alkaline  nitrate  or  phosphate,  the 
corresponding  alloys  are  to  be  separated  from  it  by  electrolytic 

Burghardt  and  Twining  possess  a  number  of  patents  which 
have  for  their  object  the  production  of  aluminium  and  its  alloys 
by  the  electrolysis  of  alkaline  aluminates.  After  the  addition 
of  cyanides,  or  of  other  compounds  of  an  alkali  and  a  metallic 
oxide,  aluminium,  or  one  of  its  alloys  (according  to  the  nature 
of  the  added  salt),  is  to  be  deposited  by  the  current  at  a  tem- 
perature of  about  80"  C. 

Nahnsen  and  Pfleger'sg  invention  consists  in  a  separation  of 
aluminium,  aluminium  alloys,  and  magnesium  in  coherent  form, 
which  is  to  take  place  without  the  occurrence  of  secondary 
reaction,  if  (in  contrast  to  the  methods  usually  employed)  the 
electrolyte  be  cooled,  and  any  rise  in  the  temperature  of  the 
aqueous  solution  during  electrolysis  be  guarded  against  by  the 
use  of  cooling  agents.  Thus,  at  a  temperature  of  40*"  G.  a  separa- 
tion of  aluminium  hydroxide  occurs  in  considerable  quantities, 
but  at  4**  0.  all  the  aluminium  is  said  to  be  obtained  in  the 
metallic  state. 

Rietz  and  Herold||  consider  a  solution  of  aluminium,  starch, 

*  Jetpeilers'  Jojirnal,  1887. 

t  English  Patent  10,607.  Aug.  18,  1886. 

t  German  Patent  48,708. 

§  German  Patent  46,753.     [English  Patent  8,552,  May  23,  1889.] 

ll  German  Patent  58,136. 

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and  grape-sugar  to  be  a  suitable  electrolyte  for  the  deposition 
of  aluminium.  After  describing  the  manner  of  producing  this 
solution,  they  state  that  the  aluminium  separates  out,  but  always 
in  a  spongy  form,  by  applying  a  strong  current  and  using  platinum 
electrodes.  The  metal  is  to  be  subjected  to  strong  pressure,  and 
then  to  be  cast  into  bars,  whilst  the  residual  solution  is  to  be 
treated  for  the  recovery  of  the  grape-sugar. 

The  American*  and  Germanf  journals,  in  1892,  recorded  the 
application  of  aluminium-plating  to  iron  constructional  work  at 
the  works  of  the  Tacony  Iron  and  Metal  Company,  in  Tacony, 
Pennsylvania,  but  without  describing  the  most  important  part 
of  the  whole  process  from  the  electro-metallurgical  point  of 
view — viz.,  the  method  of  depositing  the  aluminium. 

In  1897  Hunt,t  who  was  at  that  time  Director  of  the  Pitts- 
burg Reduction  Company,  published  the  first  account  of  this 
process,  but  he  at  the  same  time  recorded  its  want  of  success. 
Iron  pillars,  which  had  previously  been  coated  thickly  with 
copper,  were  covered  with  an  alloy  of  a  little  aluminium  with  a 
very  large  proportion  of  tin,  which  unfortunately  proved  to  be 
durable  for  but  a  short  time,  the  process  used  being  as  follows : — 
The  iron  pillars,  which  were  destined  for  use  in  public  buildings 
in  Philadelphia,  were  first  thoroughly  cleansed,  then  coated 
with  copper  to  the  thickness  of  1*5  mm.  [0*06  inch]  in  an 
alkaline  copper  bath,  and  were  afterwards  transferred  to  an 
electrolytic  bath  containing  sodium  stannate  and  sodium  alu- 
minate  in  the  proportion  of  25  :  75,  potassium  cyanide,  and 
water.  The  temperature  of  the  bath  was  about  55"  C.  and 
the  current-density  employed  was  80  amperes  per  square  metre 
[7 '4  amperes  per  square  foot].  Under  these  conditions  an  alloy 
of  25  per  cent,  of  aluminium  and  75  per  cent,  of  tin  should  have 
been  produced,  but,  as  already  stated,  the  coating  formed  did 
not  prove  to  be  permanent. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  criticise  these  processes,  and  other  later 
proposals  made  by  €k>mers§  and  Marino.  || 

The  opening  statement  can  only  be  confirmed  that  there  is 
no  hope  whatever  that  any  laurels  are  to  be  gained  by  an 
attempt  to  obtain  aluminium  by  the  electrolysis  of  aqueous 
solutions.  The  successful  extraction  of  aluminium,  in  the  state 
of  our  present  knowledge,  can  only  be  accomplished  by  the 
electrolysis  of  fused  compounds  of  aluminium. 

Early  Experiments  in  the  Eleotrolysis  of  Fused  Com* 
pounds  of  AlnminiTim. — The  first  experiments  in  the  pro- 
duction of  aluminium   were  concerned   with    the   electrolytic 

♦  Iron  Age,  1892,  Feb.  25,  June  2. 

t  Stahl  und  Eiaen,  1892,  Nos.  7  and  14. 

X  Joum.  Franklin  Inat.,  1897,  vol.  cxliv.,  pp.  81  and  171. 

§  English  Patents  7,205,  April  11,  1894 ;  and  14,327,  July  25,  1894. 

II  English  Patent  20,354,  Oct.  24,  1894. 

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deoomposition  of  the  oxide,  but  were  unsuccessful.  They  were 
made  by  Davy*  in  the  year  1807,  after  he  had  succeeded  in 
decomposing  the  alkaline  hydroxides  by  the  same  process.  The 
alumina  resisted  the  action  of  the  current  which  Dayy  had  at 
his  command,  but  it  is  not  improbable  that  later  experiments  f 
afforded  him  an  alloy  of  iron  and  aluminium.  Working  with 
a  Tessel  charged  with  an  atmosphere  of  hydrogen,  he  employed 
the  following  arrangement: — A  platinum  plate  was  connected 
up  to  the  positive  pole  of  a  voltaic  battery  containing  1,000 
couples.  This  plate  carried  a  layer  of  alumina  moistened  with 
water  and  kneaded  closely  together.  Into  the  upper  part  of 
this  mass  was  introduced  an  iron  wire  which  was  joined  to  the 
negative  pole  of  the  battery.  The  wire  became  instantaneously 
heated  to  a  white  heat,  and  fused  at  the  point  of  contact  with 
the  alumina.  The  metallic  mass,  after  cooling,  was  both  whiter 
and  more  brittle  than  iron.  On  treating  it  with  acid  a  solution 
was  obtained  from  which  alumina  could  be  afterwards  separated. 

Bunsenl  was  the  first  to  accomplish  the  electrolytic  separation 
of  aluminium  from  its  fused  compounds,  using  for  the  purpose 
the  apparatus  which  he  had  designed  for  the  reduction  of 
magnesium  (p.  3),  and  adopting  the  readily  fusible  double 
chloride  of  aluminium  and  sodium  as  electrolyte.  But,  as  the 
metal  separated  in  pulverulent  form  at  the  low  temperature  of 
the  fusion,  he  gradually  added  common  salt  to  the  mixture 
during  the  progress  of  the  experiment  until  the  temperature  at 
last  was  raised  almost  to  the  melting  point  of  silver.  After 
cooling,  the  metal  was  found  in  large  reguline  spherical  masses, 
which  could  be  melted  into  a  regulus  by  projecting  them  into 
fused  common  salt  at  a  white  heat. 

Bunsen's  account  of  these  experiments  was  despatched  to  the 
Editor  of  Poggendorff^s  AnncUen  on  July  9,  1854 ;  and  only  a 
few  weeks  later,  on  August  14  of  the  same  year,  H.  St.  Claire- 
Deville  laid  his  thesis  on  metals,  treating  especially  of  alu- 
minium, before  the  French  Academy  of  Science. 

Deyille's  FroceBS. — As  statements  have  crept  into  many 
text-books  to  the  effect  that  Deville  intentionally  left  Bunsen's 
process  unnoticed,  that  portion  of  the  thesis  which  has  reference 
to  his  experiments  §  with  Bunsen's  magnesium  apparatus  and 
which  adduces  his  reasons  for  modifying  the  arrangement  is 
here  given  in  the  form  of  a  literal  translation  from  the  original 
French.  || 

"  Tip  to  the  present  time  it  has  appeared  to  me  impossible  to 
obtain  aluminium  from  aqueous  solutions  by  means  of  the  gal- 

*  Phil,  Trans,,  1806,  pp.  1  and  333. 

t  Phil,  Trans.,  1810,  p.  16. 

t  Pogg.  Ann,,  1854,  vol.  xcii. 

%Ann,  de  Chimie  ei  de  Phya,,  1854,  vol.  xliii.,  p.  27. 

II  [This  translation  is  token  from  Deville's  original  paper.— Tbanslatob,} 

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vanic  battery ;  and  I  should  even  now  believe  in  the  absolute 
impossibility  of  doing  so  if  the  brilliant  experiments  of  Bunsen, 
in  the  production  of  barium,  chromium,  and  manganese,  had  not 
shaken  my  convictions.  However,  I  am  compelled  to  say  that 
all  the  processes  of  this  kind  which  have  been  published  recently 
in  reference  to  the  preparation  of  aluminium  have  given  me 
only  negative  results. 

*^  Every  one  knows  the  beautiful  process  by  means  of  which 
Bansen  has  produced  magnesium  by  decomposing  magnesium 
chloride  with  the  aid  of  the  galvanic  battery.  The  illustrious 
professor  at  Heidelberg  has  opened  a  way  which  may  lead  to 
results  that  will  be  interesting  from  many  points  of  view. 
However,  there  can  be  no  hope  of  applying  the  battery  to  the 
direct  decomposition  of  aluminium  chloride,  which  is  a  substance 
that  does  not  fuse,  but  that  volatilises  at  a  low  temperature;  it  is 
necessary,  therefore,  to  find  a  composition  for  the  metallic  bath 
that  shall  involve  the  use  of  a  fusible  material  from  which 
aluminium  alone  can  be  deposited  by  the  electric  current.  I 
have  found  such  a  substance  in  the  double  chloride  of  aluminium 
and  sodium,  the  production  of  which  is  a  necessary  feature  of 
the  extraction  of  aluminium  by  sodium.  This  chloride,  which  is 
fusible  at  about  185**  C,  and  remains  fixed  at  a  sufficiently  high 
temperature,  although  it  is  volatile  at  temperatures  above  the 
fusing  point  of  aluminium,  fulfils  all  the  required  conditions. 

1  introduced  this  substance  into  a  porcelain  crucible,  which 
was  imperfectly  separated  into  two  compartments  by  a  plate 
of  biscuit  porcelain,  and  decomposed  it  by  means  of  a  battery 
of  five  elements,  using  carbon  electrodes,  the  crucible  being 
heated,  and  the  temperature  being  increased  continually,  in 
order  that  the  charge  might  be  maintained  in  the  fluid  con- 
dition as  it  became  gradually  less  and  less  fusible;  but  the 
fusing  temperature  of  aluminium  was  not  exceeded.  Arrived 
at  this  point,  I  stopped  the  experiment,  and,  after  lifting  out 
the  diaphragm  and  the  electrodes,  1  heated  the  apparatus  to 
a  bright  red  heat,  and  found  at  the  bottom  of  the  crucible  a 
regulus  of  aluminium,  which  was  rolled  and  was  exhibited  to 
the  Academy  at  its  meeting  on  March  20,  1854.  It  was 
accompanied  by  a  considerable  quantity  of  carbon,  which  had 
prevented  a  notable  portion  of  the  metal  from  uniting  into  a 
single  mass.  This  carbon  resulted  from  the  disintegration  of 
the  very  dense  sample  of  retort  carbon  that  served  as  electrode ; 
and  as  a  result  of  this  action  the  positive  electrode  was  entirely 
eaten  away  in  spite  of  its  thickness,  which  was  very  consider- 
able. This  disposition  of  apparatus  (as  used  by  Bunsen  for 
magnesium)  was  not  convenient  in  the  case  of  aluminium  ;  and 
the  process  to  which  I  have  been  led,  after  many  experiments, 
is  as  follows : — The  aluminium  bath  is  prepared  by  weighing 

2  parts  of  aluminium  chloride  and  adding  to  it  1  part  of  marine 

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salt  in  the  state  of  dry  powder.  The  whole  is  mixed  in  a 
porcelain  crucible  heated  to  about  200**  C.  Combination  shortly 
seu  in  with  evolution  of  heat,  and  there  results  a  very  fluid 
mixture,  which  is  the  bath  used  for  the  decomposition. 

<*The  apparatus  [Fig.  67]  consists  of  a  glazed  porcelain 
crucible  (P)  which,  as  a  measure  of  precaution,  is  placed  within 
a  somewhat  larger  fireclay  crucible  (H);  the  whole  is  sur- 
mounted by  a  crucible  cover  (D)  pierced  with  a  slot  (L)  through 
which  is  passed  a  wide  and  stout  sheet  of  platinum  (K)  to  serve 
as  negative  electrode,  and  with  an  aperture  in  which  is  tightly 
fixed  a  well-dried  porous  cell  (R).  Within  the  latter  is  placed 
a  rod  of  retort  carbon  (A)  as  positive  electrode.  The  bottom 
of  the  ]>orouB  cell  should  be  kept  at  the  distance  of  some 
centimetres  from  that  of  the  por- 
celain crucible.  The  porcelain 
crucible  and  the  porous  cell  are 
filled  to  the  same  level  with  the 
fused  aluminiiim-sodium  chlor- 
ide, and  the  apparatus  is  heated 
after  the  manner  described.  The 
electrodes  are  then  introduced 
and  the  current  is  passed  through 
the  apparatus.  Aluminium  is 
deposited  with  some  sodium 
chloride  upon  the  platinum  plate, 
and  chlorine  together  with  some 
aluminium  chloride  is  disen- 
gaged in  the  porous  cell :  fumes 
are  thus  produced  which  are  de- 
stroyed by  introducing  dry  and 
powdered  marine  salt  at  inter- 
vals into  the  porous  cell.  This 
salt  is  transported  to  the  negative 
pole  during  the  operation,  along 
with  the  aluminium.  A  small 
number  of  elements  (two  are  actually  suflicient)  are  required 
to  decompose  the  chloride,  which  presents  only  a  feeble  resist- 
ance to  the  electric  current. 

"  The  platinum  plate  is  raised  from  time  to  tfme,  as  it  becomes 
sufficiently  charged  with   metallic  and   saline  deposit.     It  is 
allowed  to  cool,  the  mass  of  salt  is  rapidly  broken,  and  the  plate 
is  replaced  in  the  circuit     The  crude  material  detached  from  the 
electrode  is  fused  in  a  porcelain  crucible  enclosed  within  a  fire- 
clay crucible.      After  cooling,  the  mass  is  treated  with  water, 
which  dissolves  a  large  quantity  of  sodium  chloride ;  and  a  grey 
metallic  powder  is  left,  which  is  re-united  into  a  regulus  by 
several  successive  fusions,  adding  double  chloride  of  aluminium 
and  sodium,  if  necessary,  during  each  fusion." 

Fig.  67.— DeviUe's  apparatus  for 
reducing  aluminium. 

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Although  the  processes  of  Bunsen  and  Deville  for  extracting 
aluminium  could  not  have  been  carried  into  effect  on  a  com- 
mercial basis,  owing  to  many  difficulties  that  stood  in  the  way, 
their  work  must  be  said  to  have  laid  the  foundation  of  our 
present  methods— viz.,  the  electrolysis  of  fused  aluminium  com- 

Praotioal  Obstacles  to  the  Eleotrolysis  of  the  Chlorides. 
—  Deyille's  researches  proved  that  the  use  of  carbon  cathodes 
was  not  perfectly  adapted  to  aluminium  reduction.  Experience 
has  shown  that  carbon  rods  or  crucibles,  when  employed  as 
cathodes,  appear  almost  to  melt,  so  great  is  the  disintegration 
produced  by  the  metal  separated  in  their  pores.  An  insur- 
mountable obstacle  to  the  practical  use  of  this  plant  is  found 
in  the  chemical  action  of  the  electrolyte  and  deposited  metal 
upon  every  material  of  which  the  apparatus  might  be  con- 
structed ;  and  no  suitable  substance  has  yet  been  found  for  the 
manufacture  of  melting  and  electrolysing-vessels,  which  are  to 
be  heated  externally,  and  used  with  the  haloid  salts  of  aluminium. 
Both  the  fused  salt  and  the  metal  itself  absorb  so  many  impuri- 
ties in  this  way,  during  the  electrolysis,  that  the  valuable  pro- 
perties of  the  reduced  aluminium  are  destroyed.  The  ordinary 
fireclay  and  plumbago  crucibles  contain  silicates  which  become 
reduced  by  contact  with  the  separated  metal,  and  the  latter  is 
thus  contaminated  with  silicon.  With  this  property  is  asso- 
ciated that  of  very  slight  resistance  to  the  action  of  melted 
haloid  compounds  (excluding  the  fluorides).  Porcelain  vessels 
not  only  have  the  faults  of  the  above  crucibles,  but  are  very 
fragile  and  costly,  whilst  they  are  only  to  be  had  in  small  sizes. 
Crucibles  of  compressed  carbon  are  so  porous,  that  they  cannot 
be  heated  externally  when  filled  with  a  liquid  substance,  unless 
they  are  protected  by  an  outer  coating  of  an  impermeable 
material.  Finally,  there  are  no  metals,  which  could  be  practi- 
cally applied,  that  are  sufficiently  refractory,  and  that  are  yet 
neither  liable  to  attack  by  the  electrolyte,  nor  capable  of  alloying 
with  aluminium. 

The  production  of  pure  aluminium  by  these  methods,  there- 
fore, has  failed,  owing  to  the  want  of  suitable  materials  for  the 
melting  vessel. 

The  Teaohing  of  Deville's  and  Hansen's  Experiments. — 
Deville,  in  the  treatise  to  which  reference  has  been  made, 
brought  forward  a  suggestion  that  has  hitherto  almost  escaped 
notice,  but  that  deserves  to  be  better  known  than  it  appears 
to  have  been,  by  reason  of  the  important  principle  that  it 
enunciates.  He  there  describes  the  conditions  under  .which 
metallic  objects,  especially  those  made  of  copper,  may  be  ooated 
with  aluminium  by  means  of  his  process.  In  this  case,  in  order 
to  maintain  a  constant  proportion  of  aluminium  in  the  fused 
aluminium-sodium  chloride  bath,  he  recommends  the  use  of  anodes 

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of  aluminium  or  of  a  compresMd  mixture  of  alumina  and  carbon* 
He  thus  described  two  most  noteworthy  principles,  which  have, 
beeu  repeatedly  re-discovered  and  patented,  viz. : — 

1.  The  use  of  soluble  anodes  injused  electrolytes  ;  and 

2.  The  addition  of  aluminium  to  fused  compounds  of  the  metal 
during  electrolysis,  by  the  agency  of  alumina. 

The  first  patent  which  contained  the  same  idea  was  taken  out 
in  England  under  the  name  of  Le  Cfaatelier.f  In  this  case  it 
is  probable,  however,  that  the  patent  was  applied  for  with 
Deville's  full  knowledge,  because  Deville  frequently  refers  in 
laudatory  terms  to  Le  Ghatelier  as  his  collaborator.  But,  in 
addition  to  the  use  of  alumina-carbon  anodes,  this  patent  also 
covers  the  use  of  a  porous  cell  for  the  reception  of  the  anodeSf 
which  tend  to  disintegrate  during  the  electrolysis  and  so  to 
introduce  impurities  into  the  electrolyte.  It  is,  however,  need- 
less to  point  out  that  porous  cells  could  not  possibly  be  employed 
in  the  melted  haloid  salts  of  aluminium  for  the  manufacture  of 
that  metal.  But  since  the  use  of  alumina- carbon  anodes  is 
accompanied  by  a  tendency  to  disruption  cUid  hence  by  the' 
introduction  of  impurities  into  the  bath,  and  since  the  bath 
itself  has  a  very  low  electrical  conductivity,  it  is  evident  that 
Deville's  invention  cannot  be  applied  in  this  form.  At  the 
same  time,  the  fact  that  the  practical  application  of  Bun  sen's 
and  Deville's  processes  is  not  directly  possible  must  not  be 
allowed  for  a  moment  to  detract  from  the  service  which  these 
investigators  have  done  in  preparing  the  way  for  the  modern 
developments  of  their  ideas.  It  is  necessary  to  understand  the 
reasons  why  experiments  have  failed  in  order  to  attain  success. 
The  work  of  Bunsen  and  Deville  formed  the  basis  upon  which 
has  rested  the  success  obtained  in  this  field  within  the  last  few 
▼ears,  as  may  be  shown  by  the  following  deductions  that  may 
be  drawn  from  the  results  (both  positive  and  negative)  of  their 
work,  in  reference  to  the  properties  of  the  raw  materials,  final 
products,  and  substances  used  in  the  construction  of  the  required 
apparatus  : — 

1.  Aluminium  may  be  obtained  by  the  electrolysis  of  fused 
{anhydrous)  aluminium  compounds. 

2.  The  eUuminium  separated  from  the  fused  material  may  be 
replaced  by  the  use  of  cUumina,  so  that  the  process  may  be  made 
more  continuous. 

3.  The  addition  of  aluminium  to  the  electrolyte  is  not  to  be 
effected  practically  with  the  aid  of  anodes  composed  of  alumina 
and  carbon,  although 

4.  The  use  of  soluble  anodes  for  the  electrolytic  refining  of 
metals  is  of  great  importance. 

•H.  St.  Claire-DeviUe,  Dt  r Aluminium  (1869),  p.  96. 
t  English  Patent  1,214,  1861. 


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5.  Cathodes  made  of  carbon  could  not  be  employed  tmder  tlie 
conditions  of  working  at  that  time  known  (p.  113). 

6.  There  is  no  material  known  that  is  suitable  for  mdting 
vessels  to  be  nsed  for  the  electrolysis  of  aluminium  compounds 
when  external  heating  is  applied. 

This,  then,  was  the  condition  of  afihirs  at  about  the  middle 
of  the  nineteenth  century.  The  last  obstacles  were  removed, 
almost  thirty  years  later,  by  the  solution  of  the  difficulties 
mentioned  under  the  fifth  and  sixth  heads.  Before  passing  to 
the  methods  at  present  in  use,  it  will  be  advisable  to  mention 
separately  some  of  the  proposals  and  experiments  which,  to 
judge  at  least  from  their  original  descriptions,  could  not  possibly 
lead  to  the  desired  result. 

Impraoticable  Prooesses. — First  among  these  is  Gaudin's 
process,*  by  which  a  melted  mixture  of  cryolite  and  common 
salt  was  to  be  decomposed  by  the  current  into  aluminium  and 
fluorine.  That  of  Kagenbuschf  scarcely  requires  criticism: 
clay,  melted  with  suitable  fluxes,  was  to  be  electrolysed  with 
the  addition  of  zinc ;  and  the  zinc  was  afterwards  to  be  removed 
from  the  alloy  by  distillation  or  by  a  refining  process.  The 
process  specified  in  Berthaut's  patent}  is  practically  identical 
with  that  invented  by  Deville.  Faure's  apparatus  (1880)  for  the 
decomposition  of  aluminium  chloride  may  also  be  passed  over 
without  comment. 

Graetzel's  patent  §  describes  a  process  that  is  well  known  but 
quite  impracticable.  It  is,  however,  referred  to  in  many  chemi- 
cal text-books  as  being  not  only  sound  in  principle,  but  as  being 
in  actual  operation.  It  must,  therefore,  be  examined  somewhat 
more  carefally  than  would  be  otherwise  necessary.  The  inventor 
proposes  to  electrolyse  melted  chlorides  or  fluorides  in  the 
apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  68.  The  melting  vessel,  s,  is  made  of 
porcelain,  stoneware,  or  similar  fire-resisting  material,  and  is 
protected  from  the  direct  action  of  the  flame  by  a  metal  jacket. 
Within  the  inner  vessel  is  a  cathode  of  metal,  preferably  of 
aluminium ;  whilst  the  anode  is  a  carbon  rod,  K,  enclosed  in  a 
porcelain  tube,  G,  provided  with  openings,  g^  below  and  an 
escape  pipe,  p,  for  chlorine,  above.  During  electrolysis  a  current 
of  reducing  gas  is  circulated  through  the  fusion  chamber,  B,  by 
means  of  the  tubes,  6^  and  o^.  In  order  to  reduce  the  electro- 
motive force  required,  as  well  as  to  maintain  the  strength  of  the 
bath,  which  would  otherwise  become  impoverished,  there  are 
introduced  into  the  inner  vessel,  G,  besides  the  anode,  but  quite 
independent  of  it,  plates  or  rods,  M,  which  are  composed  of 
equivalent  weights  of  alumina  and  carbon.     The  carbon  is  to 

*  Moniteur  ScierUifique,  vol.  xi.,  p.  62.    (See  Richards'  Aluminium,  1890.) 
t  English  Patent  4,81 1,  1872.     (See  Richards*  Aluminivm,  1890. ) 
:::  EngUsh  Patent  4,087,  1879. 
§  German  Patent  26,962. 

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combine  with  the  oxygen  of  the  oxide,  whilst  the  metal  of  the 
latter  passes  into  combination  in  the  bath.  Unfortunately,  the 
carbon  does  not  give  the  desired  result,  but  only  serves  to 
introduce  impurities  into  the  electrolyte.  In  order  to  obtain 
the  aluminium  pure,  it  must  be  separated  in  the  molten 
condition ;  but  in  that  case  it  may  well  be  asked  what  would 
become  of  the  aluminium  cathode,  the  clay  melting  vessel,  or,  if 
these  survived,  of  the  separated  aluminium  itself  ?  The  intro- 
duction of  reducing  gases  is  at  the  least  superfluous  in  the 
electrolytic  deposition  of  aluminium.  After  the  foregoing 
remarks,  there  is  but  little  of  the  invention  left  for  criticism. 
Lest,  however,  it  should  be  said  that  those  who  were  tempted 
to  repeat  the  experiments  with  this  apparatus,  were  so  unskilful 
that  they  failed  to  recognise 
its  advantages,  it  should  be 
added,  as  an  especially  sig- 
nificant fact,  that  Graetzel 
himself  in  his  capacity  as 
manager  of  the  Hemelinger 
Alumini'Wfnr  und  Magnesium 
Fabriky  did  not  use  his  own 
process  for  obtaining  alu- 
minium, but  that  of  Beketofif 
(see  p.  95),  which  consisted 
in  the  reduction  of  cryolite 
by  means  of  magnesium.  He 
applied  for  a  patent  for  his 
process  in  various  countries, 
but  the  application  was  re- 
fused, to  the  best  of  the 
author^s  knowledge,  every- 
where excepting  in  England. 

The  process  brought  forward  by  Boguski-Zdziarski,'^  although 
not  practically  workable  in  the  manner  described,  has  yet  some 
interest  in  connection  with  certain  later  patents.  Oryolite,  or 
other  aluminium  compound,  is  mixed  with  suitable  fluxes,  and 
melted  in  a  wrought-iron  or  plumbago  crucible,  heated  in  any 
convenient  furnace.  At  the  bottom  of  the  crucible  is  placed  a 
metal  which  is  to  be  alloyed  with  aluminium ;  and,  during 
electrolysis,  this  metal  forms  the  cathode,  while  the  anode  is  a 
carbon  rod  dipping  into  the  fused  bath.  The  fluxes  actually 
forming  the  electrolyte  must  contain  substances  which  can 
readily  combine  with  the  fluorine  separated  at  the  anode,  whilst 
they  should  also  be  as  rich  as  possible  in  aluminium.  Mixtures 
answering  to  these  requirements  may  be  obtained  by  fusing 
cryolite  or  other  aluminium  compounds  with  carbonate  of  soda 
or  potash,  or  with  other  carbonates  behaving  in  a  similar  way 
*  English  Patent  3,090,  Feb.  11,  1884. 

Fig.  68. — GraetzeFs  alumininm 
electrolysing- vesseL 

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in  respect  to  flaorine.  After  some  general  remarks  upon  the 
expenditure  and  the  action  of  the  current,  and  the  injuriousness 
of  silica  when  present  in  the  metal  mixture,  it  is  further 
remarked  :  — "  When  a  mixture  of  an  oxide  of  aluminium 
(AI2O3)  is  employed,  the  flux  must  be  used  in  a  quantity 
sufficient  to  give  an  easily  fusible  combination.  In  this  case  the 
flux  should  consist  of  carbonate  of  potash,  or  soda,  or  both." 
The  ideas  expressed  in  this  patent  specification  undoubtedly 
contain  more  matter  for  consideration  than  do  those  of  most 
other  inventions,  which  are,  for  practical  reasons,  unworkable. 

Farmer*  proposes  (as  an  alternative  amongst  other  aluminium 
compounds)  to  mdt  and  electrolyse  even  cUuminium  chloride  in 
open  vessels.  The  melting-vessel  is  to  serve  also  as  cathode }  and 
the  patentee  thus  revives  in  the  year  1885  an  idea  which  had 
been  well  known  so  long  ago  as  1808. 

Grousilliers,t  in  searching  for  a  patent,  has  not  forgotten  that 
aluminium  chloride  is  easily  vaporised  under  ordinary  condi- 
tions, and  therefore  proposes  to  accomplish  the  electrolysis  of 
this  salt  in  closed  vessels  under  pressure — a  method  of  work 
which  is  obviously  impracticable. 

At  first  sight  (but  only  thus)  Grabau's  patent  specification  X 
would  appear,  by  the  use  of  cooled  electrode  cells,  to  afford  a 
means  of  preventing  that  absorption  of  impurities  by  aluminium, 
which  is  so  troublesome  when  fused  salts  are  electrolysed.  In 
explaining  his  process,  Grabau  gives  the  following  example: — In 
the  electrolysis  of  a  fused  bath  of  cryolite  and  sodium  chloride 
it  is  known  that  chlorine  is  evolved  at  the  positive  pole,  and 
aluminium  in  the  liquid  condition  at  the  negative.  But  since 
melted  cryolite  is  capable  of  attacking  every  known  fire-resisting 
and  non-conducting  material,  this  electrolytic  process  can  only 
be  applied  when,  as  is  rendered  possible  in  the  present  process, 
the  affected  parts  of  the  apparatus  are  protected  from  the  action 
of  the  fused  salts  or  the  separated  constituents  of  the  bath,  by 
the  use  of  an  insulating  and  resisting  shield.  In  Fig.  69  is 
shown  an  arrangement  suitable  for  use  in  the  process  under 
description.  The  iron  melting  vessel,  A,  is  heated  by  external 
firing  until  the  bath  is  thoroughly  fluid ;  and  the  level  of  the 
latter  should  then  be  at  XX.  The  hollow  metallic  cylinder,  B, 
is  made  with  double  walls,  through  which,  for  cooling  purposes, 
a  fluid  such  as  water  or  air  may  be  circulated,  r  being  the  inlet 
and  r^  the  outlet  f)ipe  Another  double- walled  vessel,  in  the 
shape  of  a  trough,  C,  is  employed  as  a  reservoir  for  the  reception 
of  the  melted  aluminium  which  separates.  The  liquid  or  gas  to 
be  used  in  cooling  this  vessel  enters  the  space  between  the  walla 
by  r*  and  leaves  it  by  r^.     In  consequence  of  the  cooling  action 

♦U.S.A.  Patent  315.266. 

t  German  Patent  34,407.     [English  Patent  8,478,  July  14,  1885.] 

t  German  Patent  45,012. 

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produced  by  this  circulation,  a  portion  of  the  melted  salt 
solidifies  over  the  whole  of  the  cooled  surface  of  the  cell, 
B,  of  the  collecting  vessel,  C,  and  of  the  tubes,  and  forms  at 
these  places  a  non-conducting  crust,  which  is  not  capable  of 
being  attacked  either  by  the  &sed  salts  or  by  aluminium. 

Grabau  starts  from  the  assumption  that  only  those  parts  of 
an  electrolyte  vessel  containing  fused  cryolite,  which  come  in 
contact  with  the  separated  elements,  can  lead  to  the  introduction 
of  impurities  into  the  bath  and  metal.  If  this  were  true,  he 
would  certainly  almost  have  afforded  a  solution  to  the  difficult 
problem  of  extracting  pure  aluminium  electrolytically.  He  can 
only  be  said  in  that  case  to  have  almost  solved  the  question, 

Fig.  69. — Grabau's  cooled  cell  appai-atus. 

because  he  does  not  state  in  his  specification  the  nature  of 
the  cathode,  with  which  the  separated  particles  of  aluminium 
will  have  to  come  into  the  most  intimate  contact.  Further,  it 
appears  to  be  doubtful  whether,  by  the  use  of  the  anode  cell  aa 
it  is  shown  in  Fig.  69,  the  chlorine  would  be  efficiently  removed. 
The  author's  experience  is  that  a  large  proportion  of  the  chlorine 
which  rises  from  the  anode,  tends  to  float  on  the  surface  of  the 
fused  salt,  and  to  approach  the  walls  of  the  vessel,  and  there,  by 
contact  with  iron,  to  introduce  impurities  into  the  bath,  and 
hence  into  the  resulting  aluminium.  But  putting  these  imper- 
fections aside,  the  author  has  never  succeeded  in  electrolysing 
mixtures  of  aluminium  salts  or  double  salts,  containing  fluorine, 
in  iron  vessels  without  both  the  bath  and  the  metal  taking  up 

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much  iron.  The  want  of  dnrability  of  iron  yessela  when  used 
for  these  processes  is  in  itself  both  a  proof  of  this  assertion  and  a 
ground  of  objection  to  snch  processes. 

Lossier^  alone  has  up  to  the  present  time,  patented  the 
electrolytic  separation  of  pure  aluminium  from  aluminium 

Richards  t  describes  an  unpatented  process  of  Rogers,  ^  which 
aims  at  electrolysing  melted  cryolite  with  a  cathode  of  molten 
lead.  Here  an  alloy  of  lead  and  sodium  is  used  initially,  and 
this  separates  aluminium  at  the  expense  of  the  sodium.  The 
American  Aluminium  Company,  of  Milwaukee,  which  was 
founded  in  1887  to  apply  this  process,  appears,  however,  to  have 
contented  itself  with  the  erection  of  a  small  experimental  plant. 

A.  Winkler,  §  of  Gorlitz,  has  not  stated  the  nature  of  the 
material  of  which  his  electrolysis-vessels  were  made,  but  as  the 
phosphates  and  borates  of  alumina  were  used  as  electrolytes,  he 
must  have  met  with  even  less  success  than  did  his  numerous 
predecessors.  The  separation  of  pure  aluminium  from  a  bath 
of  ftised  borates — even  from  aluminium  borate  itself — could 
scarcely  be  proposed  seriously  by  anyone  who  has  ever  seen  an 
account  of  Wohler's  work  with  boron. 

Patents  granted  to  Feldmann  recommend  the  use  as  electro- 
lyte first  of  mixtures  of  the  double  fluoride  of  aluminium  and 
barium,  strontium,  calcium,  magnesium,  or  zinc,  with  a  chloride 
of  one  of  the  latter  metals  j||  and  afterwards  of  the  haloid  salts 
of  aluminium  with  the  oxides  of  more  electro-positive  metals. IT 
The  latter  process  has  also  been  patented  by  Cowles.** 

Daniell  ft  has  proposed  an  unlikely  apparatus  for  the  electro- 
lysis of  fused  aluminium-sodium  chloride ;  and  even  combines 
it  with  a  plant  for  the  production  of  aluminium  chloride  by 
Wohler's  method. 

Diehl  1 1  patents  the  electrolysis  of  the  fluoride,  ALF^ .  NaF^ 
prepared  by  a  special  method,  using  sodium  chloride  in  the 
fusion  and  a  carbon  electrode.  Having  recognised  the  useless* 
ness  of  such  cathodes  (p.  112)  he  substitutes  for  them,  at  a  later 
date,  others  consisting  of  ferro-aluminium  (AlgFe),  which  are  to 
take  up  aluminium  during  electrolysis  until  they  contain  the 
equivalent  of  Alj,Fe.  He  works  with  a  current-density  of  1 3  to  20 
amperes  per  square  inch.  The  excess  of  aluminium  contained  in 
the  richer  alloy  is  removed  by  heating,  and  the  residuf^l  AljFe 
is  again  used  as  cathode. 

*  German  Patent  31,089.  t  Richards'  Aluminivm,  2nd  Ed.,  1890. 

X  Proceedings  of  the  Wiscoimn  NaturcU  History  Society,  April,  1889. 
§  German  Patent  45,824. 

II  German  Patent  49,915,  1887.     [English  Patent  12,575,  Sept.  16,  1887.] 
IT  German  Patent  50,370,  1889.  •*  English  Patent,  11,601,  1890. 

tt  German  Patent  50,054,  1889.     [English  Patent  4,169,  March  9,  1889.} 
tt  German  Patents  59.406,  69,447;  and  English  Patent  813,  Jan.  16, 

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Other  inventions,  the  details  of  which  were  either  previoasdj 
known  or  are  impracticable,  have  been  made  more  recently  by 
Berg,*  Dixon,t  Graetzel,^  I>iehl9§  Faure,|i  Ca8e,ir  Gooch  and 
Waldo,**  Roger,tt  and  others. 

Successful  Bedaction  Processes. — Some  twenty  years  ago 
attempts  were  made  to  produce  the  heat  necessary  for  the  fusion 
of  the  aluminium  compounds,  which  were  to  be  electrolysed,  by 
the  conversion  of  electrical  energy  within  the  melting  vessel 
itself;  and,  in  this  way,  the  key  to  the  successful  solution  of  the 
problem  has  been  found.  The  production  of  heat  by  the  agency 
of  electricity  was  attempted  in  two  ways :  either  by  introducing 
the  electric  arc  into  the  melting  chamber  or  the  mass  to  be 
heated,  or  by  including  the  electrolyte  as  a  resistance  in  the 
electric  circuit.  Only  the  latter  way  has  proved  economically 
successful ;  but  some^  attention  may  be  devoted  in  the  first  case 
to  those  processes  and  arrangements  which  have  for  their  object 
the  decomposition  of  aluminium  compounds  in  the  zone  of  the 
electric  ara 

Decomposition  of  AluTnlnium  Compounds  by  the  Eleo<i 
trie  Arc. — The  electric  arc  serves  even  too  well  for  the  purpose 
of  aluminium  extraction.  Although  the  two  required  conditions 
of  heating  and  electrolysis  are  here  available,  yet  the  tempera- 
ture is  unnecessarily  high  for  the  end  sought,  even  when  a 
small  arc  is  employed;  and,  moreover,  this  excess  of  heat  is 
concentrated  within  a  very  small  area.  The  use  of  the  electric 
arc  for  the  extraction  of  aluminium  must,  therefore,  be  considered 

The  impulse  to  use  this  source  of  heat  is  traceable  to  the  pub- 
lication by  Sir  W.  Siemens  of  an  account  of  his  electric  smelting 
furnace,  of  which  a  description  will  be  given  after  reference  has 
been  made  to  some  of  the  earlier  experiments  and  proposals. 

The  temperature  obtainable  in  the  electric  arc  seems  to  have 
been  first  utilised  in  experiments  made  by  Depretz.  In  a  note 
to  the  French  Academy  of  Science,  of  December  17,  1849,  J  J  he 
describes  the  behaviour  of  a  small  retort  of  sugar  charcoal  (of 
about  ^V^nch  diameter)  within  which  the  arc  was  formed  with 
the  aid  of  a  carbon  point.  The  retort  itself  served  as  positive 

Johnson's  Process. — A  somewhat  later  invention  for  the 
smelting  of  ores  was  patented  by  J.  H.  Johnson §§  in  England  on 
March  22.  1853.  The  ore  was  mixed  with  carbon  and  placed  in 
the  electric  arc,  which  was  caused  to  play  between  two  large 

*  German  Patent  56,913,  1889.     [Cf,  English  Patent  2,002,  Feb.  6,  1890.] 

f  English  Patent  16,794,  Oct.  24,  1889.      tOerman  Patent  58,600,  1890. 

§  German  Patent  62,.^53,  1891.  il  German  Patent  62,907,  1892. 

f  U.S.A  Patents  512,801-512,803,  1894. 

•*U.S.A    Patents    627,846-527,851,    528,365.    1895.      [English    Patent 
20,615,  Oct.  17,  1894.]  ft  German  Patent  83.109,  1895. 

tXComptes  Rendm,  1849,  vol.  xxix.  §§  English  Patent  700.  1853. 

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electrodes  ;  the  ore  thus  became  fused  and  converted  into  metal 
and  slag.  These  two  substances  fell  into  a  receptacle  placed  to 
receive  them,  where,  by  means  of  a  suitable  furnace,  they  were 
kept  in  the  fluid  condition  until  the  metal  had  separated  from 
the  slag  (compare  Gerard^Lescuyer,  p.  125).  The  same  specifica- 
tion contained  also  a  description  of  a  somewhat  different  appa- 
ratus. The  two  electrodes  were  arranged  so  as  to  include  an 
angle  between  them.  The  upper  was  hollow  and  was  filled  with 
the  ore  to  be  reduced,  which  was  to  be  gradually  impelled  for- 
wards by  a  screw.  In  connection  with  this  description,  it  is 
interesting;  to  examine  a  sketch  (Fig.  70)  which  is  taken  from  an 

English  patent  specifi- 
cation of  H.  Cowles.* 
In  this  figure,  E  E  are 
the  electrodes,  iuto  the 
upper  of  which  the  ore 
is  fed  by  means  of  a 
funnel,  and  so  passes  to 
the  neighbourhood  of 
the  arc,  while  the  fused 
products  pass  out  be- 

It  is  not  impossible 
that  the  Johnson  named 
in  the  above  patent  was 
only  the  agent  for  the 
real  inventor,  for  the 
first  part  of  the  above 
<le8cription  would  suit 
an  apparatus  which  was 
described  by  Pichou  in 
the  year  1853,  and  is 
considered  by  Andreolif 
to  be  the  first  electric 
smelting  furnace;  this 
apparatus  is  shown  in  Fig.  71,  which  is  reproduced  from  the 
original  sketch.  Here,  O  O  are  carbon  rods  gripped  by  the 
holders,  A  A,  x  x  are  the  conducting  wires,  T  T  are  screws  to 
advance  the  carbons  into  the  furnace,  M  is  masonry,  N  is  the 
smelting  hearth  with  a  grate  placed  beneath  it,  and  L  is  the 
chimney.  In  the  then  state  of  technology  the  practical  use  of 
this  invention  was  out  of  the  question ;  but  the  possibility  of 
applying  it  was  never  lost  sight  of 

The  Siemens  Eleotrio  Furnaoe. — Sir  William  Siemens' 
electric  furnace  t  for  refractory  materials  showed  in  principle 
little  that  was  new.     It  was  not  proposed  to  use  it  for  the 

♦  Knglish  Patent  4,664.  1887.  t  Industries,  1893. 

t  English  Patent  2,110,  1S79. 

Fig.  70. — Cowles'  ore-smelting  furnace. 

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extraction  of  aluminium.     The  whole  arraugement  of  the  details 
of  the  furnace,  however,  forms  so  interesting  an  object  of  corn- 

Fig.  71. — Pichou's  smelting  funiace. 

an  with  the  productions  of  the  modern  inventor,  shortly  to 
described,  that  a  description  of  the  apparatus  must  not  be 
omitted  here. 

Fig.  72. — Siemens'  electric  furaace. 

Siemens  himself  has  described  *  the  apparatus.    A  crucible,  X 
(Fig.  72),  made  of  graphite  or  other  very  refractory  inaterial,  ig 
*  Ekktrolechnische  Zeitschrift,  1880. 

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placed  in  a  metallic  case,  H,  the  space  between  the  two  vessels 
being  filled  with  powdered  charcoal  or  other  bad  conductor  of 
heat.  A  rod  of  iron  or  platinum,  or  of  gas-carbon,  such  as  is 
used  for  electric  light  purposes,  is  passed  through  a  hole  in  the 
bottom  of  the  crucible.  The  cover  of  the  crucible  is  also  bored 
in  order  that  the  negative  electrode  may  be  passed  through  it. 
For  this  electrode  is  used,  if  possible,  a  cylinder  of  compressed 
carbon,  which  should  be  of  uniform  measurement;  it  is  sus- 
pended from  the  end,  A,  of  a  beam,  A  B,  supported  in  the  centre 
by  means  of  a  strip  of  copper  or  other  good  conducting  material^ 
whilst  to  the  other  end,  B,  of  the  beam,  a  hollow  cylinder  of  soft 
iron  is  so  fastened  that  it  can  move  freely  in  a  vertical  plane 
within  a  coil  of  wire,  S,  which  offers  a  total  resistance  of  about 
50  ohms.  The  magnetic  force  by  which  the  hollow  iron  cylinder 
is  drawn  into  the  solenoid-coil,  is  balanced  by  a  counterpoise,  G, 
which  may  be  moved  freely  along  the  beam,  AB.  The  resistance 
of  the  arc  is  determined,  and,  within  the  limits  imposed  by  the 
source  of  power  is  fixed,  by  the  shifting  of  the  sliding  weight  to 
any  required  point.  The  one  end  of  the  solenoid-coil  is  con- 
nected to  the  positive,  the  other  to  the  negative,  pole  of  the 
electric  arc.  Hence  an  increased  resistance  of  the  arc  leads  the 
negative  electrode  to  sink  to  a  greater  depth  within  the  crucible, 
whilst  a  diminished  resistance  causes  tlie  counterpoise  to  press 
the  iron  cylinder  deeper  in  the  coil,  whereby  the  length  of  the 
arc  is  increased  until  equilibrium  is  restored  between  the 
opposing  forces.  This  automatic  regulation  is  of  the  highest 
importance,  for  without  it  the  temperature  in  the  crucible  would, 
on  the  one  hand,  diminish,  while,  on  the  other  hand,  the  sudden 
diminution  in  the  electric  resistance  of  the  materials  during  the 
melting  would  produce  not  only  a  sudden  increase  in  the  resist- 
ance of  the  arc,  but  probably  also  its  extinction.  It  is  essential 
to  the  satisfactory  performance  of  electric  fusion,  that  the 
substance  to  be  melted  should  form  the  positive  pole  of  the  arc, 
because,  as  is  well  known,  heat  is  generated  at  this  pole.  This 
arrangement  is  evidently  suited  for  use  with  metals  only,  for 
non-conducting  earths  or  gases  it  is  necessary  to  provide  an 
indestructible  positive  pole  which  is  also  capable  of  being  melted, 
and  so  of  forming  a  layer  of  liquid  at  the  bottom  of  the  crucible. 
The  heat  accumulates  very  rapidly.  With  the  aid  of  a  medium- 
sized  (36  "  Webers"  *)  dynamo  a  crucible  8  ins.  deep,  set  in  non- 
conducting material  may  be  brought  to  a  white  heat  in  less 
than  a  quarter  of  an  hour,  and  2  lbs.  of  steel  may  be  melted  in 
it  within  half  an  hour  from  the  commencement.  To  check  the 
consumption  of  the  negative  pole,  the  author  [Siemens]  uses 
a  water-cooled  electrode,  or  a  tube  of  copper  through  which 
a  stream  of  cold  water  is  made  to  circulate.     This  consists  of  a 

*  [The  Weber  was  the  old  electrical  unit  of  quantity  ;  in  the  above  place 
it  may  be  translated  amperes. — Translator.] 

'  Digitized  by 




simple  copper  cylinder,  closed  at  the  lower  end,  and  containing 
a  caoutchouc  tube  which  reaches  nearly  to  the  bottom,  and 
serves  to  convey  into  it  a  stream  of  water. 

The  adjoining  sketch  (Fig.  73)  is  taken  from  the  English 
patent  specification.*  Of  the  electrodes,  A  is  made  of  carbon, 
whilst  B  is  a  metal  tube  cooled  by  cold  air  or  by  water,  as  in 
Fig.  72.     Each  electrode  is  guided  by  a  pair  of  rollers,  R,  r. 

A  common  crucible  steel  furnace  uses  from  2^  to  3  tons  of  the 
best  coke  per  ton  of  steel  melted,  a  regenerative  crucible  furnace 
only  1  ton,  and  a  regenerative  gas  furnace  when  used  in  con- 
nection with  an  open  hearth,  only  about  12  cwts.  The  electric 
furnace  therefore  approximates  to  the  regenerative  gas  furnace 
in  respect  of  fuel  economy.  But  the  former  has  the  following 
advantages: — 1.  The  temperature  attainable  is  theoretically 
unlimit^.  2.  The  charge  is  melted  in  a  completely  neutral 
atmosphere.     3.  The  process  can  be  conducted  without  much 

Fig.  73. — Siemens*  modified  electric  furnace. 

preliminary  preparation,  and  under  the  direct  supervision  of  the 
experimenter.  4.  Even  when  using  the  ordinary  refractory 
materials,  the  limit  of  temperature  that  may  be  practically 
reached  is  very  high,  because  in  the  electric  furnace  the  sub- 
stance which  is  being  heated  is  hotter  than  the  crucible,  whilst 
in  ordinary  melting  processes  the  temperature  of  the  crucible 
must  exceed  that  of  its  charge.  Although  the  electric  furnace 
may  not  supplant  the  ordinary  farnace,  yet  chemical  reactions 
of  the  most  varied  kind  may  be  in  future  carried  on  with  its 
aid,  and  at  temperatures  hitherto  unattainable.  In  course  of 
practical  trials  with  this  apparatus,  it  was  found  that  20  lbs. 
of  steel  could  be  completely  melted  in  an  hour,  and  9  lbs.  of 
platinum  in  a  quarter  of  an  hour,  whilst  copper  which  had  been 
packed  in  carbon  dust  lost  more  than  90  per  cent,  of  its  weight 
by  volatilisation. 

The  Kleiner-Piertz  Eleotrio  Furnace. — Although  the  fur- 

English  Patent  4,208,  1878. 

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naces  just  described  were  not  expressly  intended  for  the  treatment 
of  aluminium  compounds,  they  embodied  the  fundamental  ideas 
of  the  arc  furnaces  which  have  since  been  proposed  and  experi- 
mentally tried  for  aluminium  extraction,  as  may  be  seen,  for 
example,  from  the  following  account  of  the  construction  of  the 
Kleiner-Fiertz  furnace,''^  in  which  aluminium  fluoride  was  to  be 
treated  for  the  separation  of  aluminium.  The  electrodes  of  the 
apparatus  (Figs.  74  and  75)  dip  into  a  vessel,  B,  lined  with  clay 

Fig.  74.  Fig.  75. 

The  Kleiner-Fiertz  aluminium  furnace. 

and  filled  with  cryolite  and  bauxite.  The  negative  electrode,  K, 
is  capable  of  adjustment  in  a  vertical  plane,  and  the  position  of 
the  positive  pole  is  controlled  by  a  weighted  lever  and  a  solenoid, 
its  movements  being  limited  and  checked  by  a  piston,  I,  plung- 
ing into  a  liquid,  and  placed  above.  It  is  difficult  to  say  what 
advantage  this  arrangement  has  over  that  of  Siemens.  The 
practical  success  of  the  method,  no  doubt,  remains  far  behind 
that  anticipated  for  it  by  the  inventors ;  but  it  is  not  possible 

*  German  Patent  42,022, 1886.    [Compare  English  Patents  8,531 ,  June  29, 
1886,  and  16,322,  Nov.  24,  1886.] 

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to  imagine  continuous  work  with  any  material,  which,  although 
comparatively  easy  to  melt,  has  ample  opportunity  for  re-solidi- 
fying owing  to  the  concentration  of  the  heat  of  the  arc  at  so 
small  a  point  in  immediate  proximity  to  cold  material.  An 
interruption  of  the  current  would  be  much  more  frequently 
necessitated  by  the  freezing  of  the  electrode  into  the  charge, 
than  by  the  decomposition  of  a  sufficient  quantity  of  the  double 
fluoride  in  the  bath. 

The  Qrabau  Electric  Furnace.  —  Grabau's  process  and 
apparatus  for  melting  or  reduction  by  means  of  the  electric 
arc*  have  not  removed  the  difficulties  described  in  connec- 
tion with  the  Kleiner-Fiertz  plant ;  indeed,  they  have  the 
appearance  of  exhibiting  these  disadvantages  in  an  even  higher 
degree.  The  material  to  be  melted  is  introduced  beneath  the 
surface  of  the  fused  mass  in  the  crucible  by  means  of  tubes, 
and  this  mass  forms  one 
pole  for  the  passage  of  the 
current.  Various  modifica- 
tions are  illustrated  in  the 
patent  specification  which 
allow  the  material  under 
reduction  to  be  added  con- 
tinuously, either  alone,  or 
associated  with  the  metal 
that  is  to  be  alloyed  with  it. 
The  alloying-metal  at  the 
same  time  is  made  to  conduct 
the  current.  The  fused  mass 
is  kept  at  a  constant  height 
by  means  of  an  overflow 
notch.  The  illustration  and 
detailed  description  of  this 

apparatus  need  not  be  given  here  for  the  reasons  already 

The  Gterard-IieBCuyer  Furnace. — The  apparatus  (Fig.  76) 
of  Gerard-Lescuy er  t  affords  a  very  good  illustration  of  the 
furnace  patented  by  Johnson  in  1853.  Instead  of  mixing  the 
ore  with  carbon  before  submitting  it  to  the  action  of  the  arc,^ 
he  moulds  it  into  bars  with  the  aid  of  pressure,  and  in  admixture 
with  copper,  alumina,  carbon,  and  tar,  and  then  uses  these  as 
electrodes  for  the  production  of  the  arc.  In  other  respects  the 
process  is  sufficiently  described  by  Johnson's  specification  (p.  120). 

The  Willson  Furnace. — References  to  Willson's  I  process* 
of  producing  aluminium  are  frequently  to  be  found  in  technical 
literature.      But,   by   the    light    of   his  patent  specifications, 

*  German  Patent  44,511,  1886.  t  German  Patent  48,040,  1887. 

±U  S.A.  Patents 430.463,  June  17, 1890;  492,377, Feb. 21, 1893.  English 
Patents  4,767,  March  17, 1891 ;  21,696,  Nov.  28, 1892 ;  21,701,  Nov.  28, 1892. 

76. — The  Gerard-Lescuyer 
electric  furnace. 

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aluminium  could  scarcely  be  reduced  profitably,  because,  like 
Kleiner- Fiertz  and  others,  he  employs  the  electric  arc  for  heating 
and  electrolysis,  which  is  both  costly  and  extravagant.  His  first 
furnace  was,  at  least,  so  far  unlike  that  of  Siemens'  that  he  had 
introduced  an  arrangement  by  which  reducing  gases  (or  carbon 
powder  and  the  like)  might  be  injected  into  the  arc,**^  in  order 
to  assist  the  electrolytic  action  to  some  extent ;  but  it  is  less 
easy  to  discover  the  points  of  novelty  exhibited  by  his  later 
apparatus.     A  carbon  crucible,  B  (Fig.  77),  is  set  in  masonry.  A, 

and  is  connected  by  the 
metal  plate,  6,  to  a,  which 
is  joined  up  to  the  electric 
lead.  A  carbon  rod,  C, 
forms  the  other  pole,  and 
is  joined  by  the  holder,  c, 
to  a  screw-threaded  spindle, 
<7,  by  which  vertical  move- 
ments may  be  imparted  to 
it  with  the  aid  of  the  hand- 
wheel,  h.  The  material  to 
be  reduced  is  mixed  with 
so  much  carbon  that  it  can- 
not actually  fuse;  yet  the 
inventor  expects  the  result- 
ing metal  to  liquate  from 
this  excess  of  carbon,  so 
that  it  may  from  time  to 
time  be  withdrawn  through 
the  tap-hole,  d.  From  later 
publications  it  appears  that 
Willson  obtained  a  metallic 
carbide,  and  not  metal,  in 
the  process  as  he  used  it. 

The  Electrolysis  of 
fused  Aluminium  Com- 
pounds by  Currents  of 
very    high    Density    for 

Fig.  77.— The  Willson  furnace. 

the  Production  of  a  Melting  Temi>erature  by  the  Heatix^ 
Action  of  the  Current. — It  is  perfectly  well  known  that,  in 
accordance  with  the  laws  discovered  by  Joule,  electrical  energy 
in  passing  through  any  conductor  is  converted  entirely,  or  in 
part,  into  heat.  The  low  conductance  of  the  liquid  conductors 
known  as  electrolytes,  in  contrast  with  that  of  simple  con- 
ductors, necessitates  the  use  of  a  very  strong  current  for  the 
former,  especially  if  the  electrodes  be  not  immersed  to  any 
great  depth ;  and  this  current  is  indeed  so  powerful,  that  even 
refractory  substances  may  be  fused  and  brought  into  the  liquid 
*  [English  Patent  9,361,  June  17,  1890.] 

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condition  by  the  heat  generated.  Thas  the  whole  mass  of  the 
electrolyte  becomes  very  uniformly  heated  daring  electrolysis ; 
and  this  is  a  great  advantage  as  compared  with  the  localisation 
of  the  heat  when  the  arc  is  employed. 

The  Hiroolt  FrocesB. — The  introduction  of  this  principle 
not  only  rendered  the  extraction  of  aluminium  possible  as  a 
manufacturing  process,  but  solved  the  difficulty,  hitherto  in- 
superable, of  finding  a  suitable  material  for  the  construction 
of  the  melting  vessels.  At  the  present  moment  all  aluminium 
works  make  use  of  baths,  which  are  kept  fluid  by  electrical 
agency ;  but  the  first  and  almost  the  only  inventor  who,  so  far,  * 
has  given  in  his  patent  a  good  specification  of  this  method  of 
working,  accompanied  by  clear  illustrations,  is  the  French 
engineer,  Paul  H^roult.  In  his  [German]  specification''^  he 
describes  his  invention  as  a  '*  process  for  the  production  of 
aluminium  alloys  by  the  heating  and  electrolytic  action  of  an 
electric  current  on  the  oxide  of  aluminium,  AI2O0,  and  the  metal 
with  which  the  aluminium  shall  be  alloyed."  [The  title  of  the 
English  patent,  which  was  taken  out  in  the  name  of  Henderson, 
is  somewhat  different,  and  covers  a  larger  field  ;  it  runs  thus — 
**  An  improved  Process  for  the  Preparation  of  Aluminium,  Alu- 
minium Bronze,  and  Alloys  of  Aluminium  by  Electrolysis.''] 

The  method  of  heating  will  be  sufficiently  explained  by  the 
following  description  and  sketch  of  an  apparatus  which  was 
actually  brought  into  use  by  the  Swiss  Metallurgical  Company, 
now  the  Aluminium-Industrie-Aktiengesellschaft,  at  Neuhausen, 
in  Switzerland.  Fig.  78  shows  a  case  of  iron  or  other  metal,  a, 
insulated  below  and  open  at  the  top,  and  provided  with  a  thick 
lining  of  carbon  plates.  A,  which  are  held  together  by  some 
carbonaceous  cementing-medium,  such  as  tar,  treacle,  or  glucose* 
The  material  of  which  the  case,  a,  is  made  must  also  be  a  good 
conductor;  and  in  order  to  ensure  the  most  intimate  contact 
between  the  outer  surfaces  of  the  carbon  lining.  A,  and  the 
inner  side  of  the  case,  a,  and  hence  to  obtain  a  high  conductance, 
the  case  may,  with  advantage,  be  made  by  casting  it  as  a  shell 
around  the  lining;  the  cooling  of  the  mass  will  then  produce 
the  desired  effect.  Attached  to  a  are  a  number  of  copper  pins, 
a',  which  conduct  the  current,  with  the  least  possible  electrical 
resistance,  from  the  negative  leads  to  the  basin  or  crucible,  A. 
In  the  crucible  are  immersed' the  ends  of  the  positive  electrode,  B, 
the  carbon  rods  composing  which  are  either  laid  close  together 
or  separated  by  small  spaces,  that  must  be  filled  up  with  a 
conductor,  such  as  copper  or  carbon.     At  the  upper  ends,  the 

*  The  French,  English,  and  American  Patents,  some  of  which  were  taken 
out  in  the  name  of  his  collaborators  (Schweiz.  Metallurg.  Gesselsoh.,  Drey- 
foae)  or  of  his  patent  agent,  Henderson,  were— French  Patents  176,711, 
Apnl  23, 1886,  and  170,003.  April  15,  1887;  English  Patent  7,426,  May  21, 
1887;  German  Patent  47,165,  Dec.  8,  1887  ;  U.S.A.  Patent  387,876,  Aug. 

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carbon  plates  are  held  together  by  the  frame,  g^  which  is  sus- 
pended from  a  chain  by  means  of  the  eye,  e^  so  that  the  whole 
electrode,  B,  may  be  brought  into  place,  or  raised  or  lowered  at 
will.  The  lower  frame,  A,  attached  to  the  electrode,  B,  is  pro- 
vided with  the  necessary  clamps  or  screws  for  making  connection 
with  the  positive  lead  from  the  dynamo.     With  the  exception 

Figs.  78  and  79. — The  Hdroult  aluminium  furnace  in  longitudinal  section, 

and  in  plan. 

of  the  space,  t,  around  the  electrode,  B,  and  necessary  for  its 
free  vertical  movement,  the  melting  chamber  is  closed  entirely 
by  the  graphite  plate,  k,  which,  however,  has  openings,  n,  for 
the  introduction  of  materials  to  the  furnace.  Channels  are  cut 
in  the  lining.  A,  to  correspond  with  the  apertures,  n,  and  these 
channels,  m,  n,  provide  also  for  the  escape  of  gases  generated  in 
the  furnace.  The  movable  plates,  o,  provided  with  the  rim,  o', 
and  the  handle,  o",  serve  to  cover  the  openings,  n,  during  the 

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progress  of  the  melting  process.  The  space  between  the  graphite 
plate,  kj  and  the  rim  of  the  case,  a,  is  filled  in  with  charcoal 
powder,  as  shown  at  k\ 

In  starting  the  operation,  copper,  preferably  in  a  finely-divided 
condition,  is  placed  within  the  crucible,  A ;  the  sheaf  of  anode 
carbons,  B,  is  lowered  until  it  comes  in  contact  with  the  copper, 
the  current  then  trayerses  the  latter  and  causes  it  to  fuse.  As 
soon  as  the  bath  of  fluid  copper,  which  forms  the  negative  pole, 
is  ready,  alumina  is  introduced  into  the  crucible,  and  the  anode 
sheaf,  B,  is  raised  a  little  higher.  The  current  now  passes 
through  the  alumina,  which  melts  and  becomes  decomposed,  the 
oxygen  uniting  with  the  carbon,  6,  and  burning  it  to  carbonic 
oxide,  which  escapes  as  a  gas  from  the  mouth  of  the  crucible, 
and  the  aluminium  separated  from  its  combination  with  oxygen 
being  absorbed  by  the  copper  and  forming  aluminium-bronze. 
The  crucible  is  now  supplied  with  both  copper  and  alumina, 
either  continuously  or  intermittently,  at  a  rate  depending  upon 
the  progress  of  the  electrolysis. 

The  anode  sheaf,  as  already  explained,  must  be  raised  or 
lowered  according  to  the  resistance  in  the  circuit.  This  regula- 
tion may  be  made  automatic  by  connecting  the  chain  carrying 
the  anodes,  B,  with  a  reversible  electric  motor,  which  is  regulated 
by  the  ampere-meter  and  acts  as  an  electric  regulator.  To  tap 
off  the  melted  aluminium-bronze  which  accumulates  in  the 
crucible,  the  mould,  t,  lined  with  carbon,  is  wheeled  into 
position  under  the  tap-hole,  G;  the  carbon  rod,  c,  is  then 
withdrawn  from  the  latter,  and  is  only  replaced  when  the 
mould  is  full.  The  electrolytic  process  is  continued  by  lowering 
the  carbon,  B,  deeper  into  the  crucible  again,  and  continuing 
the  additions  of  copper  and  alumina  as  before.  A  current  of 
about  13,000  amperes  and  12  to  15  volts  is  to  be  recommended 
as  suitable  for  this  process. 

So  far  the  description  has  referred  to  the  German  patent 
specification.  Of  the  others,  the  English  and  the  first  of  the 
two  French  patents  contain  in  addition  the  description  of  an 
apparatus  in  which  provision  is  made  for  external  heating. 
The  apparatus'*^  specified  in  the  American  patent  may  here 
be  referred  to  (Fig.  80)  since  it  is  well  adapted  for  use  in 
smaller  experiments,  and  also  possesses*  some  historic  interest. 
The  crucible,  a,  stands  on  a  plate,  p,  of  conducting  material. 
The  space  between  the  crucible  and  the  masonry,  m,  is  filled 
with  powdered  carbon,  g.  The  carbon  anode,  d,  passes  through 
the  cover,  6,  and  the  crucible  itself  forms  the  cathode. 

According  to  the  claims  in  the  [German]  patent  specification 

*  [The  current  values  recommended  in  the  English  patent  for  a  fumaoe 
of  this  tyipe,  with  a  orocible  8  ins.  (20  cm.)  deep,  internally,  and  5)  ins. 
(14  cm.)  wide  at  the  top,  and  with  an  electrode  2  ins.  (5  cm.)  in  diameter, 
are  400  amperes  x  20  to  25  volts.— Translatob.] 


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this  process  is  intended  for  the  production  of  aluminium  alloys, 
especially  aluminium-bronze. 

From  a  memoir  dedicated  by  Regelsberger''^  to  Kiliani,  the 
first  director  of  the  Neuhausen  Aluminium  Works,  who 
was  prematurely  removed  by  death  from  the  field  of  work 
in  which  he  had  laboured  so  successfully,  it  may  be  ascer- 
tained that  the  Aluminium' Industrie- AktiengeseUsckcift,  which 
was  the  successor  of  the  Schweizeritcher  MetaUurgischen 
GeselUchaft^  commenced,  soon  after  its  foundation  in  1888,  to 
manufacture  pure   aluminium    by    a    process  worked   out  by 

Fig.  80. — H^roult's  aluminium  furnace  for  small  installations. 

Kiliani  in  place  of  H^roult's  aluminium  alloy  process,  which 
had  previously  been  used  there.  It  is  much  to  be  regretted 
that,  with  the  exception  of  Regelsberger's  mention  of  the 
fact  that  Kiliani's  process  agreed  in  principle  with  that  of 
the  patents  already  owned  by  the  Schweizerischer  Metal- 
lurgischen  Gesellschaft,  nothing  further  has  been  made  known 
concerning  Kiliani's  work  in  this  direction,  which  without  doubt 
has  done  excellent  service  in  the  development  of  the  aluminium 
industry.  Publications  relating  to  aluminium  commonly  state 
that  the  metal  is  extracted  in  America  under  the  Hall  patents, 
^ZeiUchr,  fur  Elektrochemie^  1895,  voL  i.,  p.  528. 

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and  in  Europe  under  those  of  H^roult  and  Minet.  This  state- 
ment is,  howeyer,  at  direct  variance  with  Borchers'  criticisms 
of  the  Hall  and  Minet  processes,  as  made  in  the  first  German 
edition  of  this  book,  in  which  the  American  patents  of  C.  M. 
Hall  and  the  Minet  processes  were  both  described  as  unworkable 
under  industrial  conditions. 

If  Hall  or  Minet  have  worked  out  processes  which  differ  from 
those  described  in  their  patents,  the  author  does  not  wish  to 
dispute  the  statement  that  certain  factories  may  have  one  or 
other  of  these  systems  in  operation.  The  present  method  of 
working  adopted  by  the  works  in  question  cannot  be  said  to 
differ  in  any  way  in  the  fundamentally  important  points  from 
that  of  the  H6roult  process  j  but  at  that  time  no  published 
accounts,  other  than  those  in  the  patent  specifications  of  Hall 
and  Minet,  were  known,  and  Borchers  obviously  could  only 
found  his  opinion  on  these.  Nevertheless,  he  still  adheres  to 
his  previous  opinion  that  the  processes  are  not  industrially 
workable.  In  the  first  place,  the  inventors  may  be  allowed 
to  speak  for  themselves  in  the  actual  words  of  their  patent 
specifications,  which  are  here  given,  together  with  reproductions 
of  the  original  drawings. 

The  first  application  of  Oh.  M.  Hall*  was  received  in  the 
Patent  Office  of  the  United  States  of  America  on  July  9,  1886 ; 
it  was  divided,  and  formed  the  basis  of  the  two  patents  400,766 
and  400,664  of  April  2,  1889  (the  day  that  the  patent  was 

Hall's  American  Patent,  No.  400,766.  —  '<The  invention 
described  herein  relates  to  the  reduction  of  aluminium  from 
its  oxide  by  dissolving  such  oxide  in  a  bath  containing  a  fused 
fluoride  salt  of  aluminium,  and  then  reducing  the  aluminium 
by  passing  an  electric  current  through  the  bath,  aiibstantially  as 
hereinafter  more/ully  described  and  claimed.  In  the  accompany- 
ing drawings.  Fig.  81  represents  a  sectional  elevation  of  a  form 
of  apparatus  applicable  in  the  practice  of  my  invention,  and 
Fig.  82  is  a  view  partly  in  elevation  and  partly  in  section  of  a 
modified  form  of  apparatus. 

"  In  the  practice  of  my  invention  I  prepare  a  bath  for  the 
solution  of  the  aluminium  by  fusing  together  in  a  suitable 
crucible,  A,  the  fluoride  of  aluminium  and  the  fluoride  of  a 
metal  more  electro-positive  than  aluminium — as,  for  example,  the 
fluoride  of  sodium,  potassium,  &c. — ^these  salts  being  preferably 
mingled  together  in  the  proportions  of  84  parts  of  sodium 
fluoride  and  169  parts  of  aluminium  fluoride,  represented  by  the 
formula,  Na^Al^Fg.  A  convenient  method  of  forming  the  bath 
consists  in  adddng  to  the  mineral  cryolite  f|f  of  its  weight  of 
aluminium  fluoride.  The  object  of  thus  adding  aluminium 
fluoride  is  to  secure  in  the  bath  the  proper  relative  proportions 
*  [Compare  EngUflh  Patent  5,669,  April  2,  1889.] 

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of  the  fluorides  of  aluminium  and  sodium.  To  the  fused  bath  is 
added  alumina,  or  t,he  oxide  of  aluminium,  in  sufficient  quanti- 
ties, and  the  alumina  being  dissoived  by  the  fused  bath  an 
electric  current  is  passed  through  the  solution  by  means  of 
suitable  electrodes,  C  and  D,  connected  with  a  dynamo-electric 
machine  or  other  suitable  source  of  electricity,  and  immersed 
in  the  solution.  By  the  action  of  the  electric  current,  which 
preferably  has  an  electromotive  force  of  about  4  to  6  volts,, 
oxygen  is  released  at  the  positive  electrode,  C,  and  aluminium  is 
released  at  the  negative  electrode,  D,  which,  on  account  of  the 
affinity  of  aluminium  for  other  metals,  is  formed  of  carbon  (/) 
when  it  is  desired  to  produce  pure  aluminium.  The  positive 
electrode  may  be  formed  of  carbon,  copper,  platinum,  or  other 

Fig.  81.— The  Hall  furnace,  U.S.A.  Patent,  No.  400,766. 

suitable  material.  When  formed  of  carbon  the  electrode,  C,  is 
gradually  consumed,  and  must  therefore  be  renewed  from  time 
to  time ;  but  when  formed  of  copper  an  oxide  coating  is  formed 
over  the  surface  of  the  electrode.  This  coating  serves  to  protect 
the  electrode  from  further  destruction  by  the  action  of  the 
oxygen,  but  does  not  interfere  materially  with  the  conducting 
qualities  of  the  electrode. 

*^  On  account  of  the  affinity  of  the  aluminium  (or  other  metals, 
and  also  the  corrosive  action  of  the  materials,  I  prefer  to  form 

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the  crucible,  or  melting  pot,  A,  of  metal — as  iron  or  steel — and 
protect  the  same  from  the  action  of  the  alaminium  by  a  carbon 
lining,  A'.  This  cnunble  is  placed  in  a  suitable  furnace,  B,  and 
subjected  to  a  sufficient  heat  to  fuse  the  materials  placed  therein, 
such  materials  fusing  at  approximately  the  same  temperature  as 
common  salt. 

"In  lieu  of  the  electrode,  D  (Fig.  81),  the  carbon  lining.  A', 
may  be  employed  as  the  negative  electrode,  as  shown  in  Fig.  82, 
the  conductor  from  the  negative  pole  of  the  electric  generator 
being  suitably  ( !)  connected,  as  shown  at  N^,  to  such  lining. 

"  In  order  to  render  the  bath  or  solvent  more  fusible,  fluoride 
of  lithium  may  be  substituted  for  a  portion  of  the  fluoride  of 
sodium ;  as,  for  example,  for  one-fourth  the  fluoride  of  sodium, 
an  equivalent  amount  of  lithium  fluoride  by  molecular  weights 
may  be  substituted.  Thus  26  parts  of  lithium  fluoride  dis- 
placing 42  parts  of  sodium  fluoride,  the 
resulting  combination  contains  26  parts 
of  lithium  fluoride  for  every  126  parts 
of  sodium  fluoride  and  338  parts  of 
aluminium  fluoride. 

"  While  I  consider  the  proportions  of 
fluorides  of  sodium  and  aluminium,  and 
of  the  fluorides  of  sodium,  lithium,  and 
aluminium  hereinbefore  stated,  are  best 
adapted  for  the  purpose,  such  propor- 
tions may  be  varied  within  certain 
limits  without  materially  affecting  the 
operation  or  function  of  the  bath,  as, 
in  fact,  any  proportions  which  may  be 
found  suitable  may  be  employed.  The 
aluminium,  as  it  is  reduced  at  the 
negative  electrode,  is  melted  and  collects 
thereon  in  globules,  and  then  drops 
down  to  the  bottom  of  the  bath,  which  is  of  lower  specific 
gravity  than  the  molten  aluminium,  and  can  be  removed  by 
suitable  means ;  or  the  bath  may  be  poured  out,  and  after  being 
cooled  the  aluminium  can  be  picked  out." 

Clearly,  in  this  patent,  external  firing  is  expressly  prescribed 
for  the  heating  of  the  crucible  and  its  contents,  and  carbon 
cathodes  are  recommended  for  this  method  of  work.  These  two 
claims  make  it  quite  evident  that  the  inventor  at  this  time  was 
still  far  from  recognising  the  conditions  that  must  be  fulfilled  in 
any  process  which  is  to  be  of  practical  use  in  the  extraction  of 

Hall's  American  Patent,  No.  400,664. — In  this  specification, 
which  agrees  throughout  with  the  preceding,  both  in  idea  and 
expression,  another  solvent  for  the  alumina  is  first  proposed  i-r- 
"  This  combination,  which  may  be  termed  the  *  double  fluoride 

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Fig.  82. — Modified  appar- 
atus, Hall  Patent,  No. 

1/     t.    -r./^ 



of  aluminium  and  potassium/  is  preferably  formed  by  mixing 
together  169  parts  of  aluminium  fluoride  and  116  parts  of  potas- 
sium fluoride,  such  proportions  of  the  ingredients  corresponding 
to  the  formula  K^Al^Fg.  A  variation  of  these  proportions 
within  certain  limits  produces  only  immaterial  changes  in  oper- 
ativeness  of  my  process — as,  for  example  (as  I  now  believe  the 
fact  to  be),  a  larger  proportion  of  potassium  fluoride  increases  the 
capacity  of  the  bath  for  dissolving  alumina,  but  at  the  same  time 
lessens  its  fusibility,  whereas  a  larger  proportion  of  aluminium 
fluoride  renders  the  bath  more  fusible,  but  decreases  its  capacity 
for  dissolving  alumina. 


Fig.  83.  Fig.  84.  Fig.  85. 

The  Hall  fumaoe,  American  Patent,  No.  400,664. 

**  The  combination  of  the  fluoiides  of  aluminium  and  potassium 
may  be  rendered  more  fusible  and  its  capacity  for  dissolving 
alumina  may  be  increased  by  the  addition  of  lithium  fluoride, 
or  a  partial  substitution  thereof  for  potassium  fluoride—as,  for 
example,  the  combinations  of  the  fluorides  of  aluminium,  potas- 
sium, and  lithium,  represented  by  the  formulae  KLiAlgFg  or 
KgLigAl^Fjg,  are  effective  as  regards  their  capability  for  dissolving 
alumina,  and  are  quite  fusible." 

The  apparatus,  shown  in  the  annexed  Figs.  83,  84,  85,  to  be 
used  in  conducting  the  electrolysis  is  then  described : — "  The 
crucible.  A,  containing  the  above-described  bath  or  solvent,  is 
placed  in  a  suitable  furnace^  B,  and  heated  sufficiently  to  melt 

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the  bath — i.e.,  to  approximately  a  low  red  heat.  The  electrodes, 
0  and  D,  having  suitable  connections  with  a  dynamo-electric 
machine,  or  other  suitable  source  of  electric  energy,  are  then 
inserted  into  the  bath,  and  a  sufficient  amount  of  alumina  placed 
therein.  The  alumiua  is  dissolved  by  the  bath,  and  by  the 
action  of  the  electric  current  aluminium  is  reduced  at  the 
negative  electrode,  D,  and,  being  melted,  sinks  down  to  the 
bottom  ol  the  crucible." 

There  is  a  notable  departure  in  this  case  from  the  practice 
described  in  the  previous  specification,  inasmuch  as  any  material 
eoniainvng  carbon  is  here  expressly  excluded  from  use  in  preparing 
the  anodes,  and  cop[>er  or  platinum  is  recommended  as  a  substi- 
tute. As  in  the  last  patent,  the  inventor  holds  it  possible  to 
use  the  carbon  lining, 
A',  of  the  crucible  (Figs. 
83,  84,  85)  as  cathode. 
In  addition  to  iron  Or 
steel,  copper  is  men- 
tioned as  a  material 
suitable  for  the  cruci- 
ble. An  electromotive 
force  of  3  to  4  volts 
still  suffices  for  the 

Hall's  American 
Patent,  No.  400,665.— 
In  this  speci6 cation  the 
use  of  the  previously 
patented  solvents  or 
electrolytes  is  dis- 
claimed as  being  un- 
suitable. A  new  recipe 
is  given  instead,  and  it 
is  accompanied  by  the 
description  of  a  new 
apparatus.  The  pre- 
viously patented  bath,  formed  of  the  donble  fluoride  of  alu- 
minium and  an  alkaline  metal,  '^becomes  less  efficient  after 
being  subjected  to  electrolytic  action  for  some  time.  This 
change  does  not  result  from  any  removal  of  aluminium  fluoride 
or  of  fluorine  from  the  bath,  as  no  fluorine  is  separated ;  but  a 
black  or  dark  substance  is  formed  in  the  bath,  apparently  from 
the  alkaline  constituent  of  the  same  (!),  which  interferes  with 
a  free  electrolytic  action,  and  increases  the  electrical  resistance ; 
hence,  it  has  been  found  necessary,  when  employing  the  salts 
named,  to  change  the  bath  after  a  continuous  use  of  the  same.'' 

This  difficulty  is  circumvented  in  the  following  way  : — "  A 
double  fluoride  of  aluminium  and  calcium  is  used,  having  a  com- 

— The  Hall  furnace,   American 
Patent,  No.  400,665. 

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position  represented  by  the  formula  CaAlgFg.  This  composition 
is  formed  by  169  parts  of  aluminium  fluoride  to  78  parts  of 
calcium  fluoride  or  fluor  spar,  the  aluminium  fluoride  being 
artificially  prepared  by  saturating  hydrated  alumina  with 
hydrofluoric  acid.  The  fluorides  of  calcium  and  aluminium 
unite  in  forming  a  double  fluoride  more  fusible  than  the 
fluoride  of  calcium  and,  as  I  beiieve,  more  fusible  tlian  either 
constituent  alone.  While  I  prefer  to  use  the  double  fluoride 
of  calcium  represented  by  the  formula  CaAljF^  in  carrying 
out  my  process,  there  are  a  large  number  of  similar  double 
fluorides  of  the  same  metals  which  may  be  used,  and  which 
closely  resemble  the  one  named,  and  answer  almost,  if  not 
quite,  as  well  as  a  bath  for  dissolving  the  alumina.  Thus  the 
double  salt  of  the  formula  CagAljFig  has  been  successfully 
employed.  .  .  .  The  fluoiides  above  mentioned  are  placed 
in  the  carbon-lined  crucible  or  vessel,  1,  arranged  in  the 
furnace,  2,  and  subjected  to  sufficient  heat  to  fuse  the  material. 
Electrodes,  3  and  4,  formed  of  carbon,  when  pure  aluminium  is 
to  be  deposited,  are  connected  to  a  suitable  electric  generator, 
as  a  dynamo -electric  machine.  If  an  alloy  be  desired,  the 
negative  electrode,  4,  is  formed  of  the  metal  with  which  it 
is  desired  to  alloy  the  aluminium.  Alumina  in  the  form  of 
bauxite  (!),  anhydrous  oxide  of  aluminium,  or  any  other  suitable 
form  of  alumina,  ))referably  the  pure  anhydrous  oxide,  A1203, 
artificially  prepared."  .  .  .  (The  decomposition  of  the  oxide 
is  described  as  in  other  specifications.)  .  .  .  "The  solution 
of  alumina  in  the  fused  bath  of  the  double  fluoride  of  aluminium 
and  calcium  is  apparently  heavier  than  the  metal  aluminium,  and 
hence  this  metal,  if  unalloyed,  rises  after  being  reduced  and  floats 
to  the  surface  of  the  bath,  where  it  is  liable  to  loss  by  oxidation 
in  contact  with  the  air  or  with  the  positive  electrode,  where  it 
is  subjected  to  a  strong  oxidising  action ;  hence,  when  reducing 
aluminium  the  crucible,  1,  is  provided  with  a  cover,  5,  provided 
with  openings  for  insertion  of  the  electric  conductors  and  the 
escape  of  gas  from  the  crucible,  and  with  a  partition,  6,  of 
carbon  extending  down  into  the  bath  and  from  side  to  side  of 
the  crucible,  and  separating  the  two  electrodes.'' 

Neglecting  the  electrolyte  for  a  moment,  it  will  be  seen  that 
this  devious  path  has  after  all  only  led  back  to  Bunsen's  original 

Then,  again,  ''As  the  operation  continues,  the  cover  is  removed 
from  time  to  time  and  the  aluminium  removed  from  the  surface 
of  the  bath.  .  .  .  The  specific  gravity  of  the  bath  may  be 
lowered  by  the  addition  to  it  of  other  salts  lighter  than  the 
double  fluoride  of  calcium  and  aluminium,  so  that  the  pure 
aluminium  will  sink  in  the  combination.  .  .  .  Thus,  by  the 
addition  to  the  bath  above  described  of  about  two-thirds  its 
weight   of   the   double   fluoride   of   potassium   and   aluminium 

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(K^Al^Fg),  which  is  comparatively  a  very  light  salt,  is  formed 
a  combination  lighter  than  aluminium/'  Finally,  in  place  of  the 
calcium-aluminium  fluoride,  the  double  fluoride  of  the  other  alka- 
line-earth metals  may  be  used.  These  sales  of  the  alkaline-earth 
metals  are  preferable  to  the  alkaline  double  fluorides,  because  the 
operation  of  the  current  is  in  no  way  affected  by  their  saturation 
with  alumina. 

Hall's  American  Patent,  No.  400,666. — Here,  again,  a  new  bath 
is  em])loyed.  It  is  true  that  good  results  had  been  obtained  with 
the  electrolytes  previously  named,  but  the  black  precipitate  (see 
preceding  specification)  is  undesirable.  Hence,  ''An  electrolyte 
or  bath  is  formed  of  the  fluorides  of  calcium,  sodium,  and  alu- 
minium, the  fluorides  of  calcium  and  sodium  being  obtained  in 
the  form  of  fluor  spar 
and  cryolite  respeo-  ^      ^ 

tively,  and  the  fluoride 
of  aluminium  being  ob- 
tained by  saturating 
hydrated  alumina 
{Alo(OH)e)  with  hydro- 
fluoric acid.  The  com- 
pound resulting  from 
the  mixture  of  the 
above-mentioned  fluor- 
ides, which  is  repre- 
sented approximately 
by  the  formula 
Na2Al2Fg  +  CaAl2r8  is 
placed  m  a  suitable 
vessel,  1 ,  preferably 
formed  of  metal  and 
lined  with  pure  carbon, 
for  the  purpose  of  pre- 
venting the  admixture 
of  any  foreign  material 
with  the  bath  or  with 
the  aluminium  when  reduced,  l^he  vessel^  1,  is  placed  in  a 
furncux,  2,  and  subjected  to  suflScient  heat  to  fuse  the  materials 
placed  therein.  Two  electrodes,  3  and  4,  of  any  suitable 
material,  preferably  carbon,  when  pure  aluminium  is  desired 
.  .  .  are  placed  in  the  fused  bath,  or,  if  desired,  the  carbon- 
lined  vessel  may  be  employed  as  the  negative  electrode,  as 
represented  in  dotted  lines.  .  .  .  The  reduced  aluminium 
sinks  down  to  the  bottom  of  ihe  vessel,  the  bath  being  of  a  less 
specific  gravity  than  the  aluminium." 

In  other  details  this  specification  varies  but  little  from  those 
previously  quoted,  excepting  that  from  3  to  4  per  cent,  of  calcium 
chloride  is  to  be  added  to  the  bath.  The  electromotive  force  is 
now  given  as  6  volts.  , 

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Fig.  87.— The  Hall  furnace,  American 
Patent,  No.  400,666. 



Hall's  American  Patent,  No.  400,667.  —  Ihis  final  patent 
protects  the  following  proposal : — A  suitable  bath  consists  of 
''fluoride  of  calcium,  234  parts;  cryolite,  the  xlouble  fluoride 
(Na^Al^F^o)*  ^^^  parts;  the  fluoride  of  aluminium,  845  parts, 
by  weight,  and  about  3  to  4  per  cent,  (more  or  less)  of  a  suitable 
chloride — 0.^.,  calcium  chloride.  Alumina  is  then  added  to  this 
bath,  preferably  in  sufficient  quantities  to  form  a  saturated 
solution.  .  .  .  Electrodes  .  .  .  are  then  inserted  in 
the  bath,  the  negative  electrode  being  formed  of  carbon  when 
pure  aluminium  is  desired.  The  positive  electrode  may  be 
formed  of  carbon  or  other  suitable  (!)  material." 

There  are  here,  then,  repeated  the  possibilities  and  impossi- 
bilities which  have  been  described  and  patented  previously,  so 

Pig.  88. — Aluminium  furnace  used  by  the  Pittsburg  Retluction  Company 


that  there  is  nothing  new  to  be  extracted  from  these  specifica- 
tions unless  it  be  the  somewhat  altered  composition  of  the  bath 
and  of  the  electromotive  force  required,  which  varies  from  4 
to  8  volts.  These  were  the  patents  to  which  the  criticisms  in 
the  German,  1891,  edition  of  this  book  were  applied,  criticisms 
to  which  the  author  still  adheres. 

The  author  leaves  it  to  the  impartial  critic  to  decide  for  him- 
self whether  the  apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  88  (which  is,  according 
to  Richards,  that  used  by  the  owners  of  the  Hall  patents — 
namely,  the  Pittsburg  Reduction  Company)  has  more  in  common 

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with  the  apparatus  described  in  the  above  patents  or  with  that 
of  H^roult. 

A  later  patent  (1893)  granted  to  J.  B.  Hall  will  be  referred 
to  subseqnently. 

[Practical  Installation  of  the  Hall  Process.— The  Pittsburg 
Reduction  Oonipany  have  put  down  a  very  large  installation  of 
the  Hall  plant  at  their  Niagara  works,  where  it  is  now  in  full 
operation.  The  following  description,  based  on  a  paper  read 
by  Hunt'*''  before  the  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  seems  to 
indicate,  however,  that  the  details  of  the  process  have  been  to 
some  extent  modified  since  the  publication  of  the  specifications 
quoted  above. 

The  electrolytic  tanks  consist  of  iron  troughs  lined  with 
carbon,  and  are  connected  up  in  series.  A  stout  copper  bar 
is  riveted  to  the  outride  of  each  trough,  and  serves  to  make 
electrical  connection  either  with  the  anodes  of  the  adjoining 
trough  or  with  the  negative  conductor  of  the  generator, 
according  as  the  trough  occupies  an  intermediate  or  (the 
negative)  end  position  in  the  series.  The  tank  itself,  there- 
fore, with  any  aluminium  that  it  may  contain,  acts  as  the 
cathode.  The  anodes  are  carbon  rods  suspended  from  a  copper 
bar,  which  is  placed  above  the  vat,  and  are  partly  immersed  in 
the  fused  electrolyte ;  as  these  carbons  are  gradually  consumed 
by  the  oxygen  liberated  in  contact  with  them,  they  must  be 
lowered  from  time  to  time  into  the  bath.  It  is  found  in  this]ation  that  the  weight  of  carbon  thus  burned  is  approxi- 
mately equal  to  that  of  aluminium  reduced.  The  carbon  linings 
are  not  appreciably  aflTected,  and  should  (with  the  iron  containing- 
pote)  last  for  several  months  in  continuous  use. 

'Ihe  process  depends  on  the  electrolytic  decomposition  of 
alumina  dissolved  in  the  fused  bath.  The  following  rules  for 
guidance  in  the  selection  of  a  solvent  have  been  laid  down  by 
Hunt,  and  although  they  will  for  the  most  part  be  self-evident 
to  those  who  have  carefully  read  the  present  chapter,  they  may 
be  quoted  here  : — 

1.  The  solvent,  with  its  charge  of  dissolved  ore,  must  be  fluid 
at  a  comparatively  low  temperature,  in  order  to  obtain  the  proper 
conductivity  and  to  allow  the  reduced  aluminium  to  sink  in  the 

2.  The  solvent  must  be  able  to  dissolve,  and  to  retain  in  solution, 
at  least  20  per  cent,  of  alumina  at  the  working  temperature. 

3.  The  (thermo-chemical)  heat  of  formation  of  the  solvent  must 
be  such  that  the  latter  will  not  be  more  readily  decomposed  than 
the  dissolved  ore.f 

♦  Trawi,  In9t.  Civ  Eiuj.,  1890,  vol.  cxxiv.,  p.  208. 

t  [The  electrical  piessiire  theoretically  required  for  the  dissociation  of 
alumina  is  2*8  volts,  whilst  that  for  the  fluorides  of  sodium,  calcium,  or 
aluminium  is  4  volts  or  more]. 

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4.  The  specific  gravity  of  the  solvent,  when  molten,  must  be 
less  than  that  of  fused  aluminium,  in  order  to  prevent  shoi*t- 
circuiting  by  metal  floatiug  to  the  top  aad  forming  a  bridge 
between  the  electrodes,  and  to  avoid  the  re-oxidation  of  alu- 
minium at  the  surface. 

5.  There  must  be  no  solid  (insoluble  and  infusible)  bye-product 
to  clog  the  pot  and  to  prevent  (electrical)  continuity. 

6.  The  molten  solvent  with  its  dissolved  ore  must  be  a  good 
conductor  of  electricity. 

7.  The  solvent  must  have  no  corroding  action  on  nascent 
aluminium  (t.e.,  on  the  metal  at  the  moment  of  deposition). 

The  composition  of  the  bath  may  evidently  be  varied  very 
considerably  without  sacrificing  any  of  these  conditions;  but  the 
mixture  most  commonly  employed  is  said  to  consist  of  677  parts 
of  aluminium  fluoride,  251  of  sodium  fluoride,  and  234  of  calcium 
fluoride.  In  starting  the  process,  the  ingredients  are  either 
fused  in  separate  vessels  and  transferred  to  the  electrolyte  tanks 
in  the  molten  condition,  or  they  are  melted  in  the  tanks  them- 
selves with  the  aid  of  the  current.  When  the  bath  is  thus 
prepared,  pure  alumina  is  added,  and  the  supply  should  be 
constantly  renewed  as  the  metal  is  deposited,  so  that  the  elec- 
trolyte may  always  contain  about  20  per  cent,  of  the  dissolved 
oxide.  The  temperature  of  the  bath  is  kept  below  982'  C.  The 
operation  is  continuous,  and  the  aluminium  is  withdrawn  from 
the  bottom  of  the  bath  from  time  to  time,  as  it  accumulates^ 
either  by  a  siphon  or  by  means  of  a  ladle,  in  which  case  care 
must  be  taken  to  withdraw  as  little  as  possible  of  the  molten 
salts  with  the  metal.  It  is  necessary  that  both  the  alumina  and 
the  anode  carbons  should  be  as  pure  as  possible,  because  all  the 
foreign  substances  present  in  them  will  pass  into  the  bath ;  and 
then,  since  aluminium  is  very  electro-positive  in  character,  they 
will  for  the  most  part  enter  into  the  reduced  metal.  The  same 
care  need  not  be  taken  in  the  preparation  of  the  electrolyte,  and 
the  various  salts  used  may  be  such  as  are  commonly  sold  in 
commerce.  The  reason  of  this  is  that  the  impurities  (such  as 
silicon,  lead,  zinc,  and  copper)  present  in  them  are  more  electro- 
negative than  aluminium,  and  are  completely  eliminated  by 
deposition  within  the  first  two  days  of  use.  With  care,  the 
solvent  should  only  require  renewal  at  long  intervals,  so  that 
after  the  first  two  days  the  only  impurities  that  can  be  present 
in  the  aluminium  are  those  derived  from  the  carbon  anode  and 
lining,  and  from  the  added  alumina. 

No  satisfactory  information  is  given  as  to  the  cost  of  working, 
nor  as  to  the  actual  current  employed.  It  is  simply  stated  that, 
theoretically,  0-7476  lb.  of  aluminium  is  the  equivalent  of  1000 
ampere  hours,  and  that  the  amount  of  energy  required  to  reduce 
1  lb.  of  the  metal  from  alumina  is  about  5  H.P.  hours.  This,  of 
course,  is  on  the  as&umption  that  746  ampere  hours  yield  0554 

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lb.  of  aluminium  (see  table,  p.  9  of  previous  edition),  and  that  the 
electrical  pressure  required  for  diBsociation  is  2*8  volts ;  so  that 
a  current  of  746  amperes  x  2  8  volts  (%.e,,  of  746  x  2-8  watts,  or 
of  2-8  E.H.P.)  should  yield  0*554  lb.  Al  per  hour.  In  practice, 
the  author  says,  this  is  "very  nearly  approached."  It  must,, 
however,  be  remembered  that  the  heating  of  the  bath  is  effected 
by  means  of  the  electric  current,  which  has  thus  to  supply 
sufficient  energy  to  raise  the  added  alumina  to  the  temperature 
of  the  bath,  as  well  as  to  make  good  the  loss  of  heat  from  the 
whole  apparatus  by  conduction  and  radiation ;  and  that  there  is 
resistance  to  be  overcome  in  the  circuit,  which  also  adds  to  the 
consumption  of  power.  Even  by  allowing  the  utmost  elasticity 
to  the  expression  quoted  in  inverted  commas,  it  would  seem 
that  considerable  advance  must  have  been  made  since  Adden* 
brooke  gave  the  yield  obtained  by  the  Hall  process  as  1  lb.  AI 
per  22  E.H.P.,  and  since  Richards  stated  it  to  be  1  lb.  per  16 
E.H.P. — Translator.] 

The  Minet-Bernard  Process. — Now,  as  to  the  Minet  patent, 
which  was  subjected  to  similar  criticism.  To  prevent  misunder- 
standings, which  might  arise  from  an  incorrect  comprehension  of 
newspaper  accounts,  it  may  be  stated  that  Minet's  and  Bernard's 
processes  are  identical.  Minet's  process  was  first  put  into  opera- 
tion at  the  factory  of  the  Brothers  Bernard,  and  the  patents  are 
taken  out  in  the  names  of  these  gentlemen. 

The  first  application  for  a  patent*  was  made  in  England  in 
July,  1887,  when  provisional  protection  was  sought;  the  com- 
plete specification  with  drawings  was  presented  in  January, 
1888,  and  was  accepted  on  February  17,  1888.  The  latter  runs 
thus  : — **  Among  the  salts  of  aluminium,  some  are  very  slightly 
fusible,  while  others  are  volatile,  and  in  order  that  an  electro- 
lytic action  may  be  produced  it  is  essential  that  the  salt  to  be 
electrolysed  should  be  in  a  particular  state  of  liquefaction,  which 
is  very  difficult  to  be  obtained  with  aluminium  salts.  Thus  the 
chloride  of  aluminium  is  too  volatile,  while  the  fluoride  of 
aluminium  is  not  fusible  enough. 

"It  has  already  been  proposed,  as  regards  the  first,  to  combine 
it  with  the  salt  of  another  metal,  and  to  thus  form  a  double  salt 
which  imparts  to  it  a  little  more  fixity,  and  allows  it  to  be 
subjected  at  a  relatively  low  temperature  to  the  action  of  the 
current  in  order  to  extract  the  aluminium  therefirom.  But  the 
double  salt  thus  formed — that  is  to  say,  the  double  chloride 
of  aluminium  and  of  sodium — is  an  exceedingly  unstable  body 
which  is  handled  with  difficulty,  and  it  gives  rise  to  extremely 
noxious  vapours,  hence  it  cannot  be  used  commercially  for  the 
extraction  of  aluminium  therefrom  by  electrolysis ;  in  all  cases 
great  losses  are  occasioned. 

"  It  has  been  sought  to  render  it  still  more  fluid  by  mixing  it 
•  English  Patent  10.057,  July  18,  1887. 

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with  small  quantities  of  chloride  of  sodium,  and  even  of  cryolite 
{double  fluoride  of  aluminium  and  of  sodium);  this  latter  body 
being  then  adopted  solely  as  a  flux.  Now,  experiment  shows 
that  if  the  current  be  passed  through  a  bath  composed  of  double 
chloride  of  aluminium  and  of  sodium,  chloride  of  sodium,  doable 
fluoride  of  aluminium  and  of  sodium  (cryoUte),  the  double  chloride 
is  volatilised  to  a  great  extent,  and  the  fluoride  of  aluminium, 
which  is  more  fixed  than  the  former,  is  decomposed  by  the 
current  (?). 

"A  bath  has,  therefore,  been  formed,  in  which  the  fluoride  of 
aluminium  is  contained  in  larger  proportions,  either  in  the  form 
of  a  single  salt  or  in  the  form  of  a  double  salt,  the  Jltwride  not 
being  employedj  according  to  their  invention,  as  a  flux,  hut  being 
used  as  the  principal  electrolyte,  which  will  be  subjected  to  the 
action  of  the  current.  Experiment  shows,  moreover,  that  the 
yield  in  aluminium  increases  with  the  proportion  of  fluoride  of 
aluminium  contained  in  the  bath.  It  reaches  its  maximum  when 
the  fluoride  of  aluminium  is  found  in  a  melted  state  without 
being  mixed  with  any  other  salt.  Very  good  results  are  obtained 
with  the  following  proportions : — Fluoride  of  aluminium  »  40, 
chloride  of  sodium  =  60  parts.  A  double  salt  of  sodium  and  of 
aluminium,  such  as  natural  or  artificial  cryolite,  may  even  be 
used,  not  as  a  flux,  but  as  an  electrolyte  in  the  following  propor- 
tions : — Cryolite  =  20  to  50,  chloride  of  sodium  =  80  to  50 
parts.  It  must  be  understood  that  there  can  be  employed  as 
electrolytes  in  the  bath  mixtures  or  compounds  of  fluorides  of 
sodium  and  of  aluminium  in  different  proportions  to  those  in 
which  they  are  found  in  cryolite;  for  instance,  fluoride  of 
aluminium  =  35,  fluoride  of  sodium  =  10,  chloride  of  sodium  (or 
other  flux)  =  55  parts. 

<' Electrodes. — Their  nature  may  vary  according  to  the  state 
in  which  the  aluminium  metal  is  to  be  deposited,  the  following 
list  comprises  the  most  general  cases.  For  pure  aluminium, 
either  carbon  anodes  and  cathodes,  or  carbon  anodes  and  copper 
or  iron  (cast  iron)  cathodes ;  for  aluminium  bronze,  red-copper 
or  carbon  anodes  and  copper  or  carbon  cathodes;  for  ferro- 
aluminium,  iron  or  carbon  anodes  and  cathodes.  In  short, 
metal  or  graphite  may  be  employed  without  distinction  as 

"  The  crucible  may  be  of  refractory  earth,  of  plumbago,  or  of 
metal  (iron,  cast-iron,  red-copper,  platinum,  and  the  like),  and 
in  cases  where  an  alloy  is  required  the  crucible  itself  may  serve 
as  the  cathode,  or  as  the  anode. 

*<  Besides  platinum,  which  is  unalterable  but  costly,  the  other 
metals  are  attacked  by  the  bath  (mixture  of  chloride  of  sodium 
and  fluoride  of  sodium),  and  have  still  a  further  defect,  that  is 
to  say,  that,  tohen  they  are  evhfected  to  the  direct  action  of  (ke  flame, 
or  to  too  high  a  temperature,  they  allow  the  bath  to  filter 
through,  hence  a  considerable  loss  results. 

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**  With  the  arrangements  hereinafter  described,  with  reference 
to  the  accompanying  drawings,  snch  defects  are  obviated.  Figs. 
89  and  90  show  a  general  view  of  the  tanks  arranged  in  such  a 
manner  that  the  bath  cannot  filter  through.  It  is  sufficient  for 
this  purpose  to  provide  the  metallic  tank,  a  6,  outwardly  with  a 
thin  brick  wall.*  The  bath  is  prevented  from  becoming  dirty 
in  consequence  of  the  metal  of  the  tank  being  attacked  by  means 
of  two  entirely  different  arrangements  according  as  it  is  desired 
to  obtain  an  alloy  of  aluminium,  or  pure  aluminium  alone. 

''First  arrangement.  Fig.  89.  For  the  formation  of  aluminium 
alloys.  The  tank  is  made  of  the  metal  which  forms  a  component 
part  of  such  alloys.  A  A  are  the  carbon  anodes ;  a  6  is  the 
metallic  tank  serving  as  a  cathode.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
operation,  and  as  fast  as  aluminium  is  produced  by  electrolysis, 

Fig.  89.  Fig.  90. 

Bernard  (Minet)  aluminium  furnace. 

there  is  formed  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  tank  a  layer,  a,  of 
the  aluminium  alloy  to  be  obtained.  When  this  alloy  is  suffi- 
ciently rich  in  aluminium,  the  metal  formed  anew  electrolyti- 
cally  runs  to  the  bottom  of  the  tank.  As  shown  in  Fig.  89,  the 
bottom  of  the  said  tank  is  slightly  inclined,  and  is  provided  with 
a  tap-hole,  T,  which  allows  after  a  lapse  of  time,  determined  by 
means  of  experiments,  the  withdrawal  of  the  fused  aluminium 
containing  smaller  or  greater  portions  of  the  metal  forming  the 
tank,  which  is  not  a  defect,  as  the  object  to  be  attained  was  the 
formation  of  an  alloy. 

'*  Second  arrangement,  Fig.  90.  For  the  formation  of  pure 
aluminium.  Let  A  be  the  anode  or  anodes,  and  C  be  the 
cathode  or  cathodes.     The  cathode,  0,  is  arranged  in  a  small 

*  [Thifi  wall  is  stated  in  the  French  specification  as  being  used  to  protect 
the  vesMl/ram  the  coke  fire  employed  to  lyring  it  to  a  red  heat, — TaiLNSLATOR.] 

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crucible,  d,  placed  upon  a  plate,  e,  these  two  apparatus  being 
formed  of  fused  alumina,  or  fluoride  of  calcium,  or  of  carbon 
blocks,  a  6  is  the  metallic  tank  which  is  connected  with  the 
cathode.  The  resistance,  r,  interposed  between  the  cathode 
and  the  metal  tank  is  sufficiently  great  so  that  the  derived 
current  in  the  tank  represents  only  a  small  portion  of  the  whole 
current  (5  to  10  per  cent.).  It  serves  to  form  upon  the  inner 
surface  of  the  tank  an  alloy  of  aluminium,  and  of  the  metal 
forming  the  said  tank,  which  alloy  protects  the  latter,  and  is 
only  feebly  acted  upon  by  the  bath.  The  metal  which  is  de- 
posited in  the  crucible,  c?,  in  this  arrangement  is  nearly  pure. 

**  Having  now  particularly  described  and  ascertained  the 
nature  of  my  said  invention,  and  in  what  manner  the  same 
is  to  be  performed,  I  declare  that  what  I  claim  is : 

"  The  hereinbefore  described  process  for  the  extraction  upon 
a  large  scale  of  aluminium  by  electrolysis,  and  comprising  the 
extraction  of  pure  or  alloyed  aluminium,  the  characteristic 
features  of  said  pi*ocess  being : 

"  1.  The  electrolysis  of  a  metal  bath  where  fluoride  of  alu- 
minium (in  the  state  of  a  single  or  a  double  salt)  is  used,  not 
as  a  flux,  but  as  the  main  electrolyte,  being  subjected  to  the 
influence  of  the  current. 

"  2.  The  use  of  a  brick  covering  for  the  metallic  tank  so  as  to 
avoid  the  filtration  of  the  bath. 

"  3.  The  use  of  the  tank  as  a  cathode  for  the  production  of  an 
alloy  of  aluminium,  or  at  least  of  aluminium  destined  to  form 
an  alloy  with  the  metal  constituting  the  tank. 

*^4.  The  use  of  a  derived  current  on  the  tank  when  it  ia 
required  to  obtain  pure  aluminium. 

*'5.  The  use  of  fused  alumina  and  of  fluoride  of  calcium  (or 
carbon  blocks)  for  the  formation  of  plates,  and  of  the  crucible 
serving  for  the  production  of  pure  aluminium." 

The  above  specification  oflers  no  suggestion  whatever  that  the 
bath  is  to  be  heated  electrically,  although  this  forms  the  very 
foundation  upon  which  the  successful  extraction  of  aluminium  ia 
based.  On  the  contrary,  it  is  much  more  clearly  explained  that 
the  crucible  is  to  be  protected  externally  by  masonry  against  the 
action  of  flame.  The  use  of  carbon  cathodes  is  excluded  in  the 
arrangement  here  described.  The  feeding  of  the  bath  during 
electrolysis  by  the  use  of  aluminium  compounds,  such  as  alu- 
mina, was  not  thought  of  at  the  time  that  the  patent  was  taken 
out.  The  criticisms  above  alluded  to  apply  therefore  with  full 
weight,  not  only  to  the  Hall,  but  to  the  Minet  patents  also.* 

*  [It  has  been  stated  by  Ch^nevau  in  the  Rtvtu  de  Physique  et  de  Chimie 
(vol.  i.,  p.  56),  that,  in  applying  the  Minet  process  at  St.  Michel,  Savoy, 
30  per  oent.  of  oryolite  mixed  with  70  per  cent,  of  sodium  chloride  is 
used  as  a  charge,  bauxite  and  aluminium  fluoride  being  introduced  during 
electrolysis.  The  electrical  pressure  required  is  7*5  volts  for  each  bath, 
and  the  out-turn  is  equivalent  to  0*88  oz.  of  aluminium  per  horse-power 
hour.  — Translator.  ] 

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It  must  bo  specially  remarked  as  noteworthy  in  the  Hall 
patents  that  an  endeavour  is  made  to  find  a  solvent  for  alu- 
mininm  that  shall  be  fusible  at  a  low  temperature.  The  fifth 
claim  in  the  Bemard-Minet  patent  would  have  been  of  some 
weight. had  not  the  drawing  (Fig.  90)  shown  that  the  inventor 
had  no  idea  of  the  only  right  use  for  the  material  of  which  he 
proposed  to  construct  his  crucible.  A  crucible  made  of  alumina 
or  fluor  spar  after  the  fashion  of  d,  in  Fig.  90,  would  have 
become  dissolved  by  the  melted  bath  in  a  very  short  time. 

The  Neuhaiisen-Froges  Process. — In  the  year  1890  a  very 
carefully  written,  illustrated  description  of  an  apparatus  that 
was  in  use  at  the  aluminium  works  then  existing  (Neuhausen 
and  Froges)  went  the 
round  of  the  technical 
journals.*  Fig.  91  shows 
the  arrangement  in 
question ;  it  consisted 
of  an  iron  crucible,  Uned 
with  charcoal,  and  rest- 
ing on  an  insulating 
stand,  through  the 
bottom  of  which  was 
passed  a  metallic  nega- 
tive pole.  The  positive 
pole,  made  usually  of  a 
carbon  rod  built  up  of 
separate  plates  united  to- 
gether, was  suspended  in 
the  crucible  from  above. 
A  solution  of  alumina 
in  melted  cryolite  was 
used  as  electrolyte,  and 
this  was  brought  up  to 
the  necessary  fusion  tem- 
perature by  the  great 
evolution  of  heat  in  the 
bath  caused  by  the  employment  of  a  very  high  current-density. 
At  first  the  metal  pole  inserted  in  the  bottom  of  the  crucible, 
and  afterwards  the  melted  aluminium  which  was  deposited 
upon  it,  served  as  cathode.  The  crucible  was  charged  initially 
with  cryolite,  and  later  with  alumina ;  and  then  more  alumina 
was  added  as  required  to  take  the  place  of  that  which  had 
been  decomposed  by  the  current.  The  aluminium  collecting  at 
the  bottom  of  the  crucible  was  run  off  from  time  to  time,  whilst 
the  oxygen  of  the  alumina  united  with  the  carbon  of  the  anode 
to  form  carbonic  oxide  and  carbonic  acid. 

Borohers'  Aliiminlnm  Extraction  Apparatus. — At  that 

*  Industries,  1890,  voU  viil.,  n,  499. 


-Aluminium  reduction.   Apparatus 
used  at  Neuhausen. 

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time  Borchers  had  not  succeeded  in  producing  pure  aluminium 
with  an  apparatus  constructed  according  to  this  description; 
the  carbon  lining  was  always  a  source  of  disturbance,  and  he 
therefore  decided  to  work  entirely  without  one,  and  to  arrange 
for  the  walls  of  the  furnace  to  be  made  of  the  same  material 
as  that  to  be  melted  within  them.  Since  the  source  of  heat 
is  in  the  midst  of  the  furnace  it  was  clear  that,  at  a  certain 

Fig.  92. — Borchers*  aluminium  extraction  apparatus. 

distance  from  the  zone  of  fusion,  the  cooling  action  of  the  air 
surrounding  the  apparatus  (or  of  a  special  cooling  device,  such 
as  a  water  jacket  similar  to  those  which  are  so  frequently  used 
in  metallurgical  work)  must  leave  unmelted  a  certain  sufficient 
thickness  of  a  lining  composed  of  alumina  or  cryolite.  The 
details  of  the  first  furnace  constructed  by  the  author  on  these 
lines,  and  still  built  by  the  firm  of  E.  Leybold's  successors  in 
Cologne,  are  as  follows  (Fig.  92)  : — 

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An  iron  crucible,  T,  with  a  chamotte  bottom,  B,  is  lined  in- 
ternally (F)  with  alumina  or  other  difficultly  fusible  aluminium 
compound.     The  steel  plate,  K,  is  let  into  the  lining  of  the 
bottom,  and  into  it  is  screwed  the  copper  tube,  R,  which  may 
be  cooled  by  means  of  water  or  other  suitable  medium.     A 
narrow  side  tube,  E,  introduces  the  water  for  cooling,  whilst  the 
inner  tube,  X,  reach- 
ing nearly  to  the  top 
of    R,    serves    as   an 
escape  pipe.  The  tube, 
K,  and,  through  it,  the 
steel  plate.  E,  which 
acts  as  cathode  at  the 
beginning   of  the  ex- 
periment, are  put  in 
connection    with    the 
main  conducting  cable, 
N,  by   means  of  the 
clamp,  V.    The  carbon 
rod,     A,     forms    the 
anode ;  it  is  connected 
with  the  iron  plate,  U, 
by  means   of  an  iron 
clamp  and  an  iron  rod 
which  is  screwed  into 
the  plate.  The  current 
is  supplied  through  the 
copper  rod,  P,  and  the 
copper  sleeve  fixed  on 
the    above-mentioned 
rod.  The  metal  accum- 
ulating at  the  bottom 
of  the  crucible  during 
the  operation   is   run 
offat  intervals  through 
the   tap-hole,   S,  into 
the   mould,   G,  while 
the  gases  evolved   at 
the    anode    escape 
through  the  openings  in  the  cover,  D,  which  also  serve  for  the 
admission  of  the  charge  of  alumina.     The  crucible,  T,  is  insu- 
lated from  P  by  a  chamotte  plate,  I.     The  lining,  F,  in  spite 
of  its  solubility  in  the  bath,  is   sufficiently  protected  by  the 
cooling    action    of  the  air  playing  around   the   walls  of   the 
crucible.      For  operations  of  long  duration,  and  with  a  high 
current-density,  further  protection  may  be  afforded  by  intro- 
ducing cooling  arrangements  into  the  lining. 

The  above  furnace  can  be  used  even  with  a  current  of  about 

Fig.  93.— Modified  Borchers'  aluminium 

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50  amperes.  But  since,  owing  to  its  high  thermal  conductance, 
the  cooling  of  the  metallic  cathode-block  cannot  always  be  kept 
within  the  desired  limits,  cooled  carbon  blocks,  arranged  as 
shown  in  Fig.  93,  were  substituted  in  a  furnace  afterwards 
designed  for  use  with  stronger  currents.'*'  This  furnace  had 
also  a  sheet -copper  cooling  jacket,  intended  to  prevent  the 
fused  material  reaching  the  metal  wall  of  the  furnace.  A  lining 
of  cryolite  was  stamped  into  place  within  the  cooling  jacket. 

The  use  of  this  furnace  is  exceedingly  simple.  The  anode  is 
first  lowered  until  it  makes  contact  with  the  cathode,  and  it  is 
then  quickly  drawn  back  sufficiently  far  for  an  arc  to  be  struck. 
A  little  cryolite  is  next  thrown  on  to  the  floor  of  the  furnace 
with  the  aid  of  a  spoon.  Here  it  quickly  melts  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  the  arc.  When  the  cathode  has  become  covered  with 
the  fused  charge,  the  melting  chamber  may  be  rapidly  filled  up 
with  cryolite,  the  anode  being  gradually  raised  meanwhile,  until 
it  is  removed  from  the  cathode  by  a  space  several  centimetres 
wide.  Alumina  is  now  sprinkled  into  the  electrolyte  in  pro- 
portion as  metallic  aluminium  is  separated  out ;  but  at  first  a 
slight  excess  of  the  oxide  may  be  added  with  advantage,  since 
in  this  way,  when  the  current-density  is  not  too  high,  the 
contact  between  the  anode  and  the  fused  charge  is  improved. 
It  has  been  observed  that,  in  electrolysing  fused  salts  with  a 
high  current-density,  or  when  the  furnace  is  too  hot,  the 
immediate  contact  between  the  anode  and  the  melted  mass  is 
impaired.  In  this  case  gases  are  evolyed  at  the  anode  in  such 
quantity  and  at  so  high  a  pressure  as  to  surround  it  with  a 
continuous  layer  of  gas,  through  which  the  current  can  only 
pass  by  the  formation  of  a  number  of  short  arcs.  Thus  the 
electrolyte  becomes  heated  unduly,  and  the  fault  is  accentuated, 
especially  if,  as  in  the  electrolytic  separation  of  aluminium,  the 
carbon  anode  is  constantly  diminishing  in  size,  through  the 
action  of  the  oxygen  evolved  at  its  surface.  This  formation  of 
arcs,  and  the  consequent  increase  in  temperature,  is  an  advantage 
in  the  laboratory,  or  at  lecture  demonstrations,  where  it  is  un- 
desirable to  work  with  large  apparatus  or  very  considerable 
quantities,  because  it  facilitates  the  use  of  smaller  apparatus 
with  cooling  jackets  around  the  walls.  But  for  industrial 
purposes  it  is  obvious  that  this  costly  system  is  out  of  the 
question,  and  that  the  conditions  of  working  must  be  so  chosen 
that  no  heat  is  produced  which  is  not  required  to  maintain 
the  fluidity  of  the  electrolyte  and  of  the  metal  that  is  being 

Bradley's  Frooess. — ^The  conditions  to  be  observed  in  opera- 
tions on  a  large  scale  will  be  reverted  to  hereafter.     But  first 

*  See  Zeitschr.  fur  ElehtrocTiemie,  1898,  vol.  iv.,  p.  523.  This  furnace  is 
supplied  by  the  Deutschen  Gold-  and  Silberscheicteanstalt  vorm.  Bossier, 
at  Frsnkfort-on-the-Maine. 

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it  will  be  well  to  examine  certain  interesting  patents  which 
were  applied  for  by  Bradley,*  in  America,  in  1883,  but  which 
were  granted  to  him  only  at  the  end  of  1891  and  the  beginning 
of  1892,  and  were  first  published  as  a  patented  process  in  1896. 

The  most  interesting  portion  of  these  descriptions  is  as 
follows : — 

"Hitherto  (i.e.,  before  1883)  this  processf  has  been  carried 
on  by  subjecting  the  fused  ore  to  the  action  of  the  current  in 
a  crucible,  or  other  refractory  vessel,  placed  in  a  heating  furnace 
where  the  temperature  is  sufficiently  high  to  keep  the  ore  in  a 
melted  condition ;  but  the  greatest  difficulty  is  encountered  in 
preventing  the  destruction  of  the  crucible  with  this  mode  of 
working  the  process,  for  it  has  been  found  that,  in  the  case  of 
cryoUte  especially,  which  is  a  double  fluoride  of  aluminium  and 
sodium,  the  fused  ore  unites  or  fluxes  with  the  crucible  itself, 
and  that  the  gas  liberated  in  the  process  of  reduction  (fluorine 
gas)  attacks  the  material  of  which  the  crucible  is  composed,  and 
the  consequence  is  that  the  crucible  is  quickly  destroyed.  This 
destructive  fluxing  action  takes  place  to  a  greater  or  less  extent 
in  treating  almost  any  material,  and  is  greatly  aggravated  by 
the  fact  that  the  crucible  is  subjected  to  heat  from  without; 
but  even  in  the  case  of  materials  which  do  not  exert  a  fluxing 
action,  the  mere  mechanical  action  of  the  external  heat  is 
sufficient  to  make  it  almost  impossible  to  prevent  the  cracking 
of  the  crucible. 

"  The  main  object  of  my  invention,  therefore,  is  to  dispense 
with  the  external  application  of  heat  to  the  ore  in  order  to 
keep  it  fused.  In  order  to  accomplish  this  object,  I  employ  an 
•electric  current  of  greater  strength  or  intensity  than  what 
would  be  required  to  produce  the  electrolytic  decomposition 
alone,  and  I  maintain  the  ore  or  other  substance  in  a  state  of 
fusion  by  the  heat  developed  by  the  passage  of  the  current 
through  the  melted  mass,  so  that,  by  my  invention,  the  electric 
current  is  employed  to  perform  two  distinct  functions,  one  of 
these  being  to  keep  the  ore  melted  by  having  a  portion  of  its 
electrical  energy  converted  into  heat  by  the  electrical  resistance 
oflered  by  the  fused  ore,  and  the  other  being  to  eflect  the  desired 
electrolytic  decomposition,  by  which  means  the  heat,  being  pro- 
duced in  the  ore  itself,  is  concentrated  at  exactly  the  point 
where  it  is  required  to  keep  the  ore  in  a  state  of  fusion. 

"  Another  feature  of  my  invention  consists  in  dispensing  with 
the  crucible  for  holding  the  ore,  and  in  employing  a  body  or 
heap  of  the  ore  itself  to  constitute  the  vessel  or  cell  in  which 
the  reduction  takes  place,  which  is  not  destroyed  by  the  chemical 
action  of  the  fused  ore  and  the  gas  liberated,  and  which,  there- 

*  U.S.  A.  Patents  464,933,  granted  Dec.  8, 1891 ;  468,148,  Feb.  2,  1892; 
and  473,866,  April  12,  1892. 
t  [This  quotation  is  from  U.S.  Patent  468,148.— Tbanslatob.] 

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fore,  admits  of  the  process  being  perfectly  continuous,  nothing 
being  required  but  the  charging  of  fresh  ore  as  fast  as  the 
reduction  goes  on,  either  from  without  or  from  the  sides  or 
walls  of  the  heap  itself. 

**  To  enable  others  to  carry  out  my  process,  I  will  proceed  to 
describe  it  as  applied  in  one  particular  case  to  the  extraction  of 
aluminium  from  its  ore  cryolite. 

"  Upon  a  hearth  of  brick  *  or  other  suitable  material  is  piled 
a  heap  or  body  of  the  ore  more  or  less  pulverised,  in  the  shape 
of  a  truncated  cone,  and  a  cavity  or  basin  is  excavated  in  the  top 
of  the  heap  to  contain  the  fused  portion  of  the  ore  which  is  to  be 
treated  electrolytically.  In  order  to  fuse  the  ore  at  the  start,  I 
take  two  electrodes  of  a  suitable  material,  such  as  already  used 
in  like  processes  where  fusion  has  been  effected  by  an  external 
furnace,  and  connected,  respectively,  to  the  two  poles  of  a 
dynamo  electric  machine  or  other  source  of  current,  bring  the 
said  electrodes  into  contact,  separate  them  sufficiently  to  produce 

Fig  94. 

Fig.  95. 

Bradley's  aluminium  smelting  furnace. 

an  electric  arc,  and  then  thrust  them  into  the  ore  lying  at  the 
bottom  of  the  cavity  or  basin,  where  the  ore  soon  fuses  by  the 
heat  of  the  arc  and  becomes  a  conducting  electrolyte,  through 
which  the  current  from  the  electrodes  continues  to  flow.  The 
arc,  of  course,  ceases  to  exist  as  soon  as  there  is  a  conducting 
liquid — the  fused  ore — between  the  electrodes,  and  the  passage 
of  the  current  then  takes  place  through  the  fused  ore  by  conduc- 
tion, and  the  heat  is  produced  as  it  is  in  an  incandescent  lamp. 
The  arc  is  merely  used  to  melt  the  ore  in  the  beginning,  and  the 
ore  is  kept  melted  by  incandescence,  so  to  speak,  the  metallic 
aluminium  being  gradually  deposited  at  the  cathode  and  the 
fluorine  gas  being  set  free  at  the  anode  so  long  as  the  ore  is 
maintained  in  a  state  of  fusion.  As  soon  as  the  action  is  properly 
started  the  electrodes  should  be  moved  a  little  farther  apart,  in 
order  that  the  metal  set  free  at  the  cathode  shall  not  form  a 
short  circuit  between  the  electrodes  or  be  attacked  by  the 
fluorine  set  free  at  the  anode." 

*  In  this  paragraph  reference  letters,  here  omitted,  are  given  in  th& 
original  specification  to  two  figures  not  reproduced  in  this  volume. 

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Figs.  94  and  95  show  two  forms  of  the  smelting  arrangement. 
In  Fig.  94,  2  is  the  heap  of  ore  piled  on  a  carbon  plate,  7  ;  5  is  a 
source  of  current  connected  with  7  and  with  the  electrodes,  4 
and  4' ;  3  is  the  electrolyte,  from  which  the  electrode,  4',  may  be 
removed  after  the  process  has  fairly  started,  as  it  is  only  required 
to  produce  the  arc  initially  required  to  begin  the  fusing  process. 
Fig.  95  shows  the  same  furnace  without  the  electrode,  4',  and  its 
conductor.  The  arc  necessary  at  first  is,  in  this  case,  struck 
between  4  and  7. 

Bradley's    process   and    apparatus  undoubtedly  surpass  all 
others  in  simplicity.     In  principle 
they  agree   with    Borchers'    con- 
struction of  furnace  and  method 
of  working. 

Kiliani's  Fumaoe. — A  patent 
specification  of  Kiliani's,*  who  at 
the  time  at  which  it  was  granted 
was  Director  of  the  Aluminium^ 
Industrie  -  Akliengesellschajt,  de- 
scribes an  aluminium  furnace,  but 
says  nothing  of  the  lining  of  the 
melting  hearth,  or  of  the  arrange- 
ment of  the  cathode. 

The  columns,  a  (Fig.  96),  sup- 
port the  vessel,  6,  which  is  in- 
tended for  the  fusion  of  the  elec- 
trolyte; the  cathode  enters  this 
vessel  below,  and  makes  connec- 
tion with  the  negative  pole  of  the 
generator  by  the  conductor,  c.  The 
cross  piece,  d,  carries  the  arrange- 
ment for  giving  support  and  motion 
to  the  positive  electrode,  e.  Within 
the  sleeve,  c^,  is  the  anode  spindle, 
/,  which  in  vertical  section  has  the 
form  of  a  rack,  so  that  it  may 
engage  with  the  pinion,  g,  the 
latter  being  actuated  by  the  worm 
and  wheel,  h  h^,  in  connection 
with  the  handwheel,  h^.  The  teeth  and  notches  in  the  spindle, 
/f  take  the  form  of  rings  and  grooves  respectively,  which  are 
cut  round  the  whole  of  its  circumference,  so  that  if  turned 
upon  its  axis  it  may  in  any  position  act  as  a  rack,  and  thus  be 
still  in  gear  with  the  pinion,  g.  A  worm  wheel,  k,  is  so  keyed 
on  to  the  spindle,  /,  that  the  latter  is  free  to  move  in  the 
direction  of  the  bore  of  the  wheel.     The  wheel,  k,  gears  into 

Fig.  96. — Kiliaiii's  furnace. 

•  German  Patent  60,508,  April  21,  1889. 
20,  1889.] 

[English  Patent  6,745,  April 

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Figs.  97  to  101.— Schindler's  aUiraininm  furn^V^OOgle 


the  worm,  t,  which  is  mounted  on  the  axis  of  a  driving  pulley. 
Electrical  connection  with  the  anode  is  effected  by  means  of 
branches  in  the  boring  of  the  spindle,/.  When  this  mechanism 
is  in  action,  the  anode  will  be  maintained  in  constant  rotation 
by  means  of  the  worm  wheel,  while  vertical  motion  may  be 
imparted  to  it  in  either  direction  by  the  hand-wheel,  h\ 

Schindler'B  Furnace. — Schindler,  who  succeeded  Kiliani, 
patented,  in  1896,  a  furnace*  with  electrodes  that  could  be 
cooled.  In  the  accompanying  figures  (Figs.  97  to  101),  A  refers 
to  the  carbon  anode ;  B  to  the  anode-holder  (which  may  be  con- 
structed in  one  piece,  or  in  several  parts,  h) ;  B^  is  the  holder  for 
the  cathode,  A^,  in  the  case  when  the  latter  is  not  connected  up 
to  the  current  by  a  simple  plate,  P  ;  c  and  c^  are  cooling  ducts  in 
B  and  B*;  r,  r^,  r^,  r^,  ?-*,  and  r^  are  pipes  for  the  conveyance  of 
the  cooling  medium  to  and  from  the  ducts ;  0  and  C^  are  the 
cables  connected  to  the  electrical  generators  ;  and  s  s  are  screw 
bolts  for  joining  up  the  two  parts  of  the  anode-holder.  The 
arrangement  of  the  cooling  ducts  is  similar  to  that  in  the 
Liirmann  slag  moulds. 

Grabsu's  Process. — Qrabau,t  in  1891,  patented  the  electro- 
lysis of  a  fused  mixture  of  aluminium  fluoride  or  oxy fluoride 
with  alkali-metal  carbonates,  which  was  to  yield  alkali-metal 
fluoride  or  cryolite  as  a  by-product.  The  nature  of  the  reaction 
is  shown  by  the  following  equations  : — 

2A1^,    + 


4ALF,     + 


2A1,0F4  -f 


SAljOF^  + 


-1-30     = 



12NaF               +  9C0, 




+     3C     = 



2(ALA.6NaF)  +  QCOj 




+     3(;     = 



8NaF                 -f-  7C0j 




+     3C     = 



AL^Fe-BNaF       +  6C0j 




It  must  be  remarked,  however,  that  on  merely  melting  to- 
gether a  mixture  of  aluminium  fluoride  and  alkaline  carbonates, 
an  active  disengagement  of  carbonic  acid  is  observable,  probably 
in  accordance  with  the  equation : — 

AljFa  +   3Na,C03  =  Al^O,  +  6NaF  +  SCOj. 

So  that  in  this  instance  it  is  a  solution  of  alumina  in  melted 
alkaline  fluoride  that  is  really  submitted  to  electrolysis. 

The  J.  B.  Hall  Process. — In  the  year  1893,  J.  B.  Hall  (not 
the  C.  M.  Hall  whose  patents  have  been  discussed  previously) 
took  out  a  patent  %  in  America  for  a  process  in  which  the  old 
mistake  of  using  a  carbon-alumina  anode  is  repeated.  The 
crucible  itself  is  to  be  used  as  cathode,  and  is  to  be  made  of  the 

♦  U.S. A.  Patent  673,041,  Dec.  16,  1896. 

t  German  Patent  02,861,  1891.    [English  Patent  10,000,  June  13,  1891.] 

X  U.S.  A.  Patent  603,929,  Aug.  22,  1893. 

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same  materia),  which,  on  account  of  its  want  of  durability,  must 
be  enclosed  within  an  iron  shell.  The  electrolyte  is  a  fused 
mixture  of  aluminium,  sodium,  and  lithium  chlorides,  in  which 
the  bath  is  replenished  at  the  expense  of  the  alumina  contained 
in  the  anode.  The  inventor  has  also  obtained  moderaiely  siUiS" 
factory  results  (!)  by  omitting  the  alumina  in  the  anode  com- 
position, and  adding  it  direct  to  the  bath  instead.  His  '^new  '' 
method  of  producing  alumina  is  also  worthy  of  note.  He  treata 
aluminous  material  with  sulphuric  acid,  and  heats  the  resulting 
hydrated  aluminium  sulphate,  thus  breaking  it  up  and  obtaining 
the  oxide ! 

EleotrolyBis  of  Aluminium  Sulphides. — Two  patents  were 
taken  out  in  Germany  in  1890  for  the  production  of  aluminium 
by  the  electrolysis  of  aluminium  sulphide  dissolved  in  fused 
alkali-metal  chlorides ;  but  the  process  is  only  of  interest  from 
the  theoretical  standpoint.  Both  patents  were  granted  on  the 
same  day  (Nov.  18,  1890).  The  patent  which  received  the 
earlier  number  was  granted  to  Bucherer,*  and  is  concerned 
mainly  with  the  production  of  the  sulphide,  while  the  other, 
taken  in  the  name  of  the  Aluminium- Indttstrie-Aktiengetell- 
achaft  t  sets  forth  the  advantages  accruing  from  the  use  of  this 

Bucherer  claims  that,  *'  by  the  action  of  the  sulphides  or  poly- 
sulphides  of  the  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metals,  with  the 
addition  of  sulphur  and  carbon  in  excess,  aluminium  oxide  or 
hydroxide,  when  heated,  forms  double  sulphides  of  aluminium 
and  alkali-  or  alkaline-earth  metals,"  the  reaction  being  illus- 
trated by  the  following  equation  : — 

3Na,S  +  ALjOj  +  3C  +  3S  =  NagAl^SB  +  3C0. 

In  a  later  account,^  he  describes  experiments  on  the  con- 
version of  the  aluminium  oxide  into  the  sulphide  without  the 
agency  of  other  sulphides.  A  mixture  of  alumina  and  carbon 
was  heated  to  a  white  heat  in  clay  retorts,  and  was  completely 
converted  into  sulphide  by  means  of  sulphur  vapour,  which  waa 
allowed  to  operate  for  a  sufficiently  long  period,  thus : — 

ALjOj,  +  3C  +  3S  =  3C0  +   A^?,. 

The  sulphide  so  obtained  could  then  be  dissolved  in  a  fused 
alkaline  chlonde,  and  be  electrolysed  by  a  current  of  low  electro- 
motive force. 

The  Aluminium  '  Industrie  -  A ktiengeselUcha/t  use  a  similar 
mixture  which  is  brought  to  a  state  of  fusion,  either  by  means 
of  the  electric  current,  in  which  case  an  E.M.F.  of  5  volts  is 
necessary ;  or  by  external  heating,  when  only  2^  to  3  volts  will 
be  required  for  the  electrolysing  current.     Cast  or  wrought-iron 

*  German  Patent  63,995,  Nov.  18,  1890. 

t  German  Patent  68,909  [? 63,999],  Nov. -18,  1690. 

t  Zeitschrift  fiir  auyewaudte  Chemie^  1892,  p.  483. 

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ALUMINIUlf.  155 

vessels  may  be  used,  and  they  should  be  lined  with  carbon.  It 
is  claimed  as  a  special  advantage  of  this  process  that  neither  this 
lining  nor  the  carbon  anodes  has  any  prejudicial  efiPect  upon  the 
materials  which  are  here  brought  into  contact  with  them ;  and 
that  on  this  account,  besides  effecting  a  considerable  saving 
of  carbon  in  the  various  parts  of  the  apparatus,  a  very  pure 
aluminium  is  obtained. 

The  behaviour  of  the  sulphide  electrolyte  is  so  remarkable, 
that  it  is  a  matter  for  regret  that  at  present  no  advantage  can  be 
taken  of  it,  because  up  to  the  present  time  no  sufficiently  cheap 
method  has  been  invented  for  the  production  of  aluminium 
sulphide.  It  must  not  be  forgotten,  on  the  one  hand,  that  the 
metal  may  be  obtained  directly  by  electrolysis,  and  on  the  other, 
that  the  sulphide  must  first  be  prepared  from  the  pure  oxide, 
whilst  as  Bucherer  himself  points  out,  there  is  scarcely  a  purely 
chemical  reaction  known  which  requires  so  great  an  absorption 
of  heat  as  that  above  described  ( Al^Og  +  30  +  3S  =  AlgSg  +  300). 
Finally,  the  author,  speaking  from  the  experience  of  many  years 
in  the  manufacture  of  alkali-  and  alkaline-earth  metal  sulphides, 
points  out  that  the  production  in  gross  of  pure  aluminium 
sulphide,  or  of  the  double  sulphides  of  aluminium  and  the 
metals  above  named,  is  an  exceedingly  difficult  problem.  With 
the  means  at  present  available  on  a  working  scale,  the  possibility 
of  introducing  the  electrolysis  of  sulphides  for  the  manufacture 
of  aluminium  is  bound  up  with  the  solution  of  this  problem. 

Many  processes  have  since  been  patented  for  the  production 
of  pure  aluminium  sulphide,  or  for  the  lessening  of  the  cost 
of  electrolysis  by  the  introduction  of  sulphides  into  molten 
aluminium  baths  (q/I  Blackmore,  PeniakofT,  and  others) ;  but  it 
will  suffice  to  touch  very  lightly  upon  them.  In  the  same  way, 
there  are  other  processes,  which  it  is  quite  unnecessary  to 
describe,  that  have  been  patented  since  the  appearance  of  the 
last  edition  of  this  book.  On  the  other  hand,  several  very 
valuable  papers  have  been  published  relating  to  the  management 
of  aluminium  works,  and  these  have  given  a  very  clear  insight 
into  the  method  of  working  on  the  large  scale. 

Preliminary  Treatment  of  Bauxite  and  Oryolite. — It  has 
already  been  stated  that  none  of  the  minerals  used  in  the 
production  of  aluminium  can  be  employed  in  their  natural 
condition.  The  raw  materials  are  cryolite  and  bauxite.  Of 
these,  the  former  serves  chiefly  as  the  flux  or  solvent  for  the 
pure  alumina  which  is  obtained  from  bauxite.  The  cryolite 
can  be  used  direct  in  selected  pure  specimens ;  or  in  a  less  pure 
condition  after  a  short  electrolysis,  since  the  greater  part  of  the 
impurities  present  would  thus  be  separated  out  first. 

Two  methods  are  used  for  the  preparation  of  bauxite.  In  the 
older  process,  bauxite  is  calcined  in  admixture  with  soda  in  a 
reverberatory  furnace  until  the  charge  begins  to  sinter  together. 

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£j  this  means  the  iron  present  is  converted  into  insoluble  oxide 
and  the  aluminium  Jiydroxide  into  sodium  aluminate,  which 
latter  can  then  be  extracted  by  treatment  with  water.  The 
alumina  is  then  separated  from  the  clear  solution  in  the  form  of 
pure  hydroxide  by  the  use  of  carbon  dioxide,  which  also  recon- 
verts the  soda  into  carbonate.  The  aluminium  hydroxide,  after 
it  has  been  filtered,  washed,  and  dried,  is  converted  into  the 
anhydrous  oxide  by  roasting.  The  newer  process,  which  was 
introduced  by  Bayer,  is  employed  in  the  alumina  department  of 
the  n^roult  Works.  Sutherland*  has  described  before  the 
Institution  of  Mechanical  Engineers  the  application  of  this  pro- 
cess in  the  Larne  Harbour  Works  of  the  British  Aluminium 
Company,  in  Ire' and. 

The  bauxite  used  was  obtained  from  the  County  of  Antrim, 
and  had  the  following  average  composition  : — 

Aluminium  oxide,      ....  56  per  cent. 

Ferric  oxide, 3       ,, 

Silica, 1*2      ,, 

Titanic  acid, 3       ,, 

Water, 26       „ 

100       ,. 

Two  Lancashire  boilers  are  used,  each  about  26  feet  long  and 
8  feet  in  diameter,  working  at  a  pressure  of  7  atmospheres. 
These  serve  an  80-H.P.  steam  engine,  the  exhaust  steam  from 
which  is  applied  to  the  heating  of  tbe  evaporating  pans.  Disin- 
tegrators are  employed  for  pulverising,  and  the  crushed  material 
is  thrown  on  a  sieve,  with  four  meshes  to  the  linear  inch,  which 
delivers  the  fine  particles  to  the  calciner  and  returns  the  coarse 
material  to  the  disintegration. 

The  object  of  calcining  is  to  destroy  the  organic  matter  con- 
tained in  the  bauxite,  and  to  convert  the  iron  completely  into 
peroxide  (Fe203) ;  but  the  roasting  is  conducted  at  the  lowest 
possible  temperature  in  order  that  the  solubility  of  the  alumina 
may  not  be  impaired.  The  calciner  consists  of  an  iron  tube 
33  feet  long  and  3J  feet  in  diameter,  lined  with  fire-brick,  and  is 
provided  with  a  fire-grate,  dust-chamber,  chimney,  and  cooling- 
tube.  Both  the  calciner  and  the  cooling-tube  are  mounted  on 
rollers,  so  that  they  can  be  rotated,  and  are  placed  at  an  inclina- 
tion of  1  :  25.  The  cooling-tube  is  about  30  feet  long  and  2h 
feet  in  diameter,  and  is  cooled  while  in  use  by  a  current  of  cold 
air  passing  through  it.  The  calcined  material  is  conducted  by 
a  spiral  conveyor  to  a  second  crusher  where  it  is  pulverised 
until  the  material  has  passed  a  sieve  of  30  meshes  per  linear 
inch.  The  fine  material  is  collected  in  a  receiver,  from  which  it 
is  carried  away  in  trucks  as  may  be  required. 

•  Transaetiwi  Iitst.  of  ^Uchan^cal  Engineer a^  1896,  and  Bnffineering, 
1896,  vol.  Ixii.,  p.  291. 

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The  bauxite  so  prepared  is  now  treated  with  a  caustic  soda 
solution  of  1*45  specific  gravity  at  a  pressure  of  from  5  to  7 
atmospheres  in  iron  pressure  kiers  of  about  11  feet  in  length  and 
5  feet  in  diameter,  with  walls  about  {  inch  thick.  The  steam 
used  for  heating  is  passed  into  an  outer  jacket,  and  in  a  short 
time  brings  the  charge  (3  tons)  in  the  inner  cylinder  up  to  a 
pressure  of  5  atmospheres,  which  is  maintained  for  from  two  to 
three  hours,  the  mixture  being  constantly  stirred  throughout. 
The  mud  is  then  discharged  (by  its  own  pressure)  into  a  tank 
placed  at  some  height  from  the  ground.  It  is  here  diluted 
until  its  specific  gravity  is  1*23,  and  is  then  allowed  to  run 
into  filter-presses.  Each  filter-press  contains  50  compartments 
measuring  2  feet  6  inches  x  2  feet  6  inches  x  1  inch.  The 
filtrate  is  not  yet  sufficiently  clear  for  use,  and  is  therefore 
passed  through  a  filter  of  wood-pulp  contained  in  lead-lined 
wooden  tanks,  10  feet  long,  6  feet  broad,  3  feet  deep,  with  a 
sieve  of  ^-inch  megh  supported  inside  on  a  ledge  about  6  inchea 
from  the  bottom.  The  sieve  carries  about  50  lbs.  of  wood-pulp 
previously  brought  to  the  condition  of  a  thin  paste  by  boiling- 
with  water.     Two  sieves  of  this  kind  are  superposed. 

The  clear  liquor  is  now  pumped  into  vertical  and  cylindrical 
decomposing  tanks,  built  of  iron  plates,  about  20  feet  high  and 
13  feet  in  diameter,  provided  with  agitators.  Instead  of  being 
treated  here  with  carbon  dioxide,  as  by  the  old  method  of 
working,  the  solution  is,  in  Bayer's  process,  stirred  for  36  hours 
with  pure  aluminium  hydroxide  from  a  previous  charge.  In  this 
way  about  70  per  cent,  of  the  dissolved  alumina  is  precipitated  ; 
the  deposit  is  allowed  to  settle,  and  the  clear  solution  is  run  oiT 
into  another  vessel.  The  hydroxide  mud  is  pumped  into  filter- 
presses  which  are  filled  under  a  final  pressure  of  5  atmospheres. 
The  press  cakes  are  washed  in  the  press,  and  the  admixed  water 
is  discharged  by  means  of  air-pressure  while  still  in  situ. 

The  cakes  are  calcined  in  a  reverberatory  furnace,  of  which 
the  hearth  is  20  feet  long  by  6  feet  wide,  heated  by  producer- 
gas.  Although  the  water  is  expelled  at  a  low  temperature,  the 
alumina  is  heated  to  1,100*  C,  since,  if  this  were  not  done,  the 
oxide  would  take  up  water  again  in  store,  and  would  then  be 
unsuitable  for  electrolysis. 

The  dilute  caustic  soda  liquors  are  concentrated  in  a  three- 
chambered  vacuum  evaporator,  until  they  are  again  brought  to  a 
specific  gravity  of  1  *45,  at  which  strength  they  are  again  service- 
able for  treating  fresh  bauxite.  The  condensed  water  from  the 
evaporator,  as  well  as  the  dilute  wash-waters  from  the  filter 
presses,  serve  for  the  dilution  of  the  slimes  and  of  the  solutions 
of  caustic  soda,  whilst  the  condensed  water  is  also  available  for 
feeding  the  boilers. 

The  Indnstrial  EleotrolyBls  of  Alumina.— The  electrolysis 
of  aluminium  oxide  is  again,  as  it  was  in  the  earliest  experiments,. 

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conducted  in  iron  vessels  lined  with  carbon.  The  space  avail- 
able for  the  fused  charge  varies  with  the  current-strength  to  be 
used  up  to  2  feet  6  inches  by  5  feet.  With  these  dimensions  a 
current  of  8,000  amperes  may  be  used,  which,  reckoning  only 
the  internal  area  of  the  bottom  of  the  vessel,  corresponds  to  a 
current-density  of  7,000  amperes  per  square  metre  [650  amperes 
per  square  foot].  The  earliest  accounts  of  the  H^roult  process 
described  the  use  of  a  bath  containing  a  very  large  proportion 
of  alumina  and,  in  consequence,  requiring  a  higher  temperature 
than  is  now  used,  and  the  current-density  then  used  was  said  to 
be  from  23,000  to  25,000  amperes  per  square  metre  [2,150  to 
2,300  amperes  per  square  foot].  Whilst  formerly  it  was  cus- 
tomary to  use  a  bath  of  alumina  to  which  cryolite  was  added  as 
a  flux,  a  cryolite  bath  is  now  employed,  to  which  (according  to 
an  account  given  by  Wallace,*  of  the  Aluminium  Works  of  the 
British  Aluminium  Company  at  Foyers  in  Scotland — where  the 
H^roult  system  is  used)  aiumina  is  added  in  the  proportion 
necessary  to  replace  that  which  is  decomposed  in  the  electrolytic 
deposition  of  aJuminium.  The  published  statements  as  to  the 
electromotive  force  used  and  current-efficiency  obtained  are 
very  discordant.  The  more  favourable  accounts  give  the  poten- 
tial difference  at  the  terminals  of  the  bath  as  3  to  5  volts,  whilst 
others  give  it  as  9  to  10  volts.  Having  regard  to  the  fact  that 
the   voltage   required    for  the  decomposition   of  the  alumina 

(calculated    from    the    formula,    E  =  jr-^r; t^^tk^)    is 
n  X  0-24  X  96,537/ 

Approximately  2*8,  it  is  perhaps  possible  that,  under  favourable 
conditions,  a  difference  of  potential  of  5  volts  may  be  observed 
between  the  electrodes;  but  it  is  hardly  to  be  expected  that 
this  could  be  attainable  as  an  average  reading  in  practical  work. 
On  the  other  hand,  a  potential  difference  of  9  volts  is  cei*tainly 
too  high,  with  the  low  current-densities  now  used.  An  average 
of  7-5  volts  with  a  current-density  of  7,000  amperes  per  metre 
{650  amperes  per  square  foot]  and  a  current-efficiency  of  90  per 
cent,  probably  represents  the  results  in  actual  work  on  a  large 
«cale.  From  this  it  may  be  calculated  that  at  least  1,400  E.  H.  P. 
must  be  applied  in  order  to  produce  a  yield  of  1  ton  of  alu- 
minium per  day  of  twenty-four  hours,  a  figure  which  agrees 
very  closely  with  that  given  in  the  last  edition  of  this  book  as 
having  been  calculated  from  the  experimental  results  obtained 
with  a  machine  capable  of  giving  only  2  E.H.P.  The  author 
had  at  that  time  determined  that  about  §  kilogramme  [1*47  lbs.] 
might  be  expected  to  be  deposited  by  1  KH.P.  in  twenty-four 
hours.  Hence  a  little  less  than  1,500  H.P.  would  be  necessary 
to  yield  1,000  kilogrammes  of  aluminium  in  tweniy-four  hours, 
whilst  the  figures  since  quoted  as  obtained  from  works'  practice 
vary  between  1,400  and  1,600  E.H.P.  for  the  same  output.  As 
*Jounu  Soc.  Ckem,  Ind,,  1898,  p.  308. 

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above  explained,  therefore,  it  is  most  probable  that  a  consump- 
tion of  1,400  H.P.  must  be  reckoned  for  an  output  of  1  metric 
ton  per  twenty-four  hours. 

The  progress  that  has  been  made  in  the  manufacture  of  car- 
bons for  electrodes,  and  the  low  temperature— scarcely  higher 
than  750*  G. — at  which  it  is  possible  to  maintain  the  bath  under 
the  modem  conditions  of  low  current-density,  make  it  possible 
to  dispense  with  the  artificial  cooling  that,  under  other  circum- 
stances, was  necessary  to  maintain  the  metal  or  carbon  cathodes 
and  the  cryolite-,  alumina-,  or  carbon-lining  of  the  furnace,  and 
to  prevent  the  contamination  of  the  electrolyte  and  of  the  metal 
under  deposition  by  impurities  derived  from  the  materials  of 
which  these  portions  of  the  apparatus  were  made.  The  special 
cooling  appliances  need  not  now  be  used,  provided  that  there  is 
nothing  to  check  the  free  circulation  of  air  around  the  apparatus. 
Indeed,  with  the  dense  carbon  of  high  thermal  conductance  now 
used  for  the  crucibles,  it  may  even  be  necessary,  at  least  in  the 
upper  portions  of  the  side  walls,  to  interpose  between  the  metal 
walls  and  the  carbon  lining  a  layer  of  material  of  low  conduc- 
tivity, snch  as  fireclay,  or  magnesia,  or  masonry. 

The  cryolite  is  melted  on  the  large  scale  exactly  as  it  is  in  the 
small  experimental  apparatus.  On  the  small  scale,  however, 
and  especially  for  purposes  of  demonstration,  it  is  seldom  pos- 
sible to  maintain  the  process  long  enough  to  obtain  sufficient 
metal  to  render  it  necessary  to  tap  the  furnace.  On  this  account 
the  author  has  not  referred  to  this  part  of  the  process  in  describ- 
ing the  use  of  the  smaller  apparatus.  With  such  a  plant,  it  is 
usually  best  to  let  the  contents  of  the  furnace  cool,  and  then  to 
break  the  globules  of  aluminium  out  of  the  solidified  mass.  It 
is,  however,  self-evident  that,  with  a  large  plant  working  on 
long  runs  under  industrial  conditions,  the  metal  collecting  in 
the  crucible  of  the  furnace  must  be  run  off  from  time  to  time 
through  a  suitable  tap-hole,  exactly  as  is  customary  with  all 
metallurgical  furnaces  for  the  smelting  of  metals;  and  the 
manner  of  conducting  this  part  of  the  process  is  so  well  under- 
stood that  there  is  no  need  to  refer  to  it  further  here.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  is  not  at  first  sight  so  readily  understood  why 
aluminium  separates  at  the  bottom  of  a  bath  of  fused  cryolite, 
for  the  numbers  commonly  quoted  as  representing  the  specific 
gravities  of  the  two  materials  would  lead  one  to  predict  the 

The  specific  gravity  usually  of  aluminium  is  given  as  2*7,  and 
that  of  cryolite  as  3.  J.  W.  Richards  has,  however,  experimen- 
tally determined  the  densities  of  the  materials  employed  both  in 
the  molten  condition  and  after  cooling.  The  results,  which 
suffice  to  explain  the  apparent  anomaly,  are  given  in  the  follow- 
ing table  : — 

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Specific  GravitiM.        , 



Commercial  aluminium 

Commercial  Greenland  cryolite, 

Cryolite  saturated  with  alumina, 

Cryolite  with  aluminium  fluoride,  ALF- .  6NaF 

+  2AlaFg  =  3(Al2F6.2NaF),      . 
The  same  mixture  saturated  with  alumina, 



2-66       ! 
2-92       ■ 


The  Conditions  most  fayourable  for  Altuniniom  Ex- 
traction.— On  comparing  the  foregoing  accounts  of  the  extraction 
of  aluminium  on  both  the  industrial  and  the  experimental  scale^ 
it  is  possible  to  lay  down  the  following  conditions  for  the  extrac- 
tion of  aluminium : — 

1.  The  successful  extraction  of  aluminium  by  electrolytic 
means  is  only  possible  when  anhydrous  fused  aluminium  com- 
pounds are  used.     (Determined  by  Bunsen  in  the  year  1854.) 

2.  The  proportion  of  aluminium  in  a  fused  bath  undergoing 
electrolysis  may  be  maintained  constant  by  the  addition  of 
aluminium  oxide  during  the  process  of  electrolysis.  (Ascertained 
by  St.  Claire  Deville  in  the  year  1854.) 

3.  The  heat  required  to  melt  che  charge  is  produced  by  the 
current  used  for  electrolysis.  The  aluminium  industry  is 
founded  on  this  condition  of  working,  which  was  described  in 
the  patent  specification  of  H6roult  in  1887,  and  in  that  of 
Bradley,  which  was  published  in  1892,  although  the  patent  itself 
had  been  applied  for  in  1883.  The  temperature  of  the  bath  is 
750'  C. 

4.  The  above  condition  (3)  makes  it  possible  to  use  an  iron 
melting  vessel,  lined  with  aluminium  compounds  (alumina  or^ 
better,  cryolite)  or  carbon,  and  kept  cool  on  the  outside. 

6.  For  electrode  materials  there  are  available — For  the  cathode^ 
metal  or  carbon  blocks  so  arranged  that  they  are  so  far  cooled, 
either  by  air  or  by  some  other  cooling  medium  (preferably  water), 
that  they  do  not  cause  the  addition  of  any  impurity  to  the 
aluminium  deposited  :  for  the  cmode,  carbon  blocks,  which,  if  of 
large  size,  must  be  built  up  of  smaller  blocks  or  plates  of  similar 

6.  The  current-density  should  be  7,000  amperes  per  sq.  metre 

S650  amp.  per  sq.  fb.]  of  horizontal  sectional  area  of  the  bath. 
From  Wallace's  paper,  1898.) 

7.  The  potential  difference  required,  allowing  for  drop  of 
potential  owing  to  the  resistance  of  the  conductors  and  to  con- 

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tact  resistance,  is  on  the  average  7*5  volts  per  furnace,  or,  at 
times,  somewhat  less  than  this. 

8.  The  absorption  of  power  should  be  1,400  electrical  horse- 
power for  a  yield  of  1  ton  [1,000  kilogrammes]  per  day  of  24 
hours.  In  the  last  edition  of  this  work  (1895)  this  number  was 
given  as  (probably)  1,500  H.P.,  as  the  result  of  experiments 
made  by  the  author. 

The  above  conditions  are  based  on  the  more  trustworthy  of 
statements  published  up  to  the  year  1898.  Since  then  other 
accounts  of  aluminium  extraction  have  appeared,  but  there  is 
practically  very  little  to  be  learned  from  them.  Kingmann^ 
and  Chandler  t  have  published  accounts  of  the  process  as  applied 
in  the  works  of  the  Pittsburg  Reduction  Company,  but  the  two 
accounts  are  more  or  less  at  variance  in  some  of  the  particulars. 
Haber  and  Gkipert  J  have  endeavoured,  from  experiments  made 
on  a  small  scale,  to  lay  down  conditions  for  the  industrial  pro- 
duction of  aluminium,  but  they  have  assumed  the  use  in  works 
of  the  obsolete  current-density  of  25,000  amperes  per  sq.  metre. 

Alumlninin  Works  in  Operation. — Aluminium  is  now 
produced  in  the  following  works : — 

The  Aluminitmi' Industrie- A ktiengeMllschaft  are  the  oldest 
manufacturers  of  the  metal,  and  own  three  works  at  the  present 
time.  The  oldest  of  these,  in  Neuhausen  (Switzerland),  usea. 
4,500  H.P.;  the  newer  works,  in  Bheingelden  (Baden),  over 
5,040  H.P. ;  and  those  in  Lend,  near  Q«stein  (Austria),  over 
7,500  H.P.  In  each  of  these  works,  however,  a  part  of  the 
power  is  applied  to  the  production  of  carbide,  sodium,  and  other 

The  Societe  Electr(HneUdlurgique  Frangaise  possesses  four 
sources  of  water-power — viz.,  at  Froges,  near  Champ  (Fs^re); 
near  Gardaune,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Rhone ;  and  near  La  Praz, 
in  Savoy.  The  latter  utilises  nearly  13,000  H.P.  in  all,  which 
is  mainly  used  in  connection  with  the  manufacture  of  aluminium, 
including,  however,  the  production  of  electrodes,  the  rolling 
and  further  mechanical  treatment  of  the  metal,  and,  of  course, 
the  lighting  and  various  power  requirements  of  this  large  and 
complex  works.  After  satisfying  these  requirements  scarcely 
8,000  H.P.  remains  available  for  electrolytic  purposes,  and 
even  this  is  not  all  applied  to  the  production  of  aluminium. 
Alter  completion  of  the  extension  for  the  utilisation  of  the 
above  sources  of  power  the  company  has  available  at  least 
28,000  H.P. 

The  Compagnie  des  ProduUs  Chimiques  cFAlaU  et  de  la 
Camargue,  which  had  used  the  St.  Claire-Deville  sodium-process 
for  the  reduction  of  aluminium  from  1859  to  1889,  has,  since 

*  Western  Electrician,  March  17,  190a 

fJaum.  8oc.  Chem.  Ind.,  1900.  vol.  xix.,  p.  609. 

t  Zeitsehr.far  ElekfrocJiemie,  1902,  vol.  viii.,  pp.  1  and  26. 

Digitized  by 




1897,  preliminarily  applied  water-power  equivalent  to  3,500 
H.P.  to  the  electrolytic  extraction  process. 

The  American  works  of  the  FiUshurg  Reduction  Company  have 
latterly  been  completely  transferred  to  the  Niagara  Falls,  where 
the  Company  is  utilising  10,000  H.P.  If,  as  is  probably  the 
case,  a  part  of  this  is  employed  for  lighting  and  power,  including 
the  farther  treatment  of  the  metal,  about  6,000  H.P.  remain  for 
use  in  electrolysis. 

Finally,  the  British  Aluminium  Company^  which  was  the  last 
to  commence  the  manu&cture,  when  employing  the  full  power 
of  the  plant  available  at  the  Falls  of  Foyers  (Scotland),  uses 
about  5,000  H.P.,  which  is,  however,  exclusively  applied  to 
electrolytic  work,  since  the  Company  possesses  a  separate 
electrode  factory  at  Greenock,  and  a  rolling  mill  at  Milton. 

Uses  of  Altuninium. — The  steadily  increasing  use  of  alumin- 
ium is  due  to  its  valuable  chemical  and  physical  properties. 
The  fact  that  the  strength  of  the  metal  is  but  slight,  and  rapidly 
diminishes  when  the  metal  is  heated  even  but  slightly,  militates 
against  the  extension  of  its  use  as  a  material  for  construction, 
concerning  which,  on  account  of  its  low  specific  gravity,  great 
hopes  had  been  raised,  after  the  difficulties  connected  with  its 
xnanufacture  had  been  overcome.  But  it  is  not  yet  universally 
recognised  that  aluminium  is  now  one  of  the  cheaper  metals. 
If,  however,  its  specific  gravity  be  taken  as  unity,  and  its  price 
be  compared  with  the  prices  of  equal  bulks  of  other  metals  for 
which  aluminium  could  in  one  way  or  other  be  substituted,  the 
proportions  given  in  the  following  table  will  be  obtained : — 


Price  in 

Price  of  equal  bulks  in 



Marks  per 


Marks  per       Shillings 


per  lb. 

kilogramme.       per  lb. 

Copper,     . 


10  -1-5 

0-46.0 -68 

3-37-6-06  1  1  63-2-29 

Tin,.        .        . 


2-4  -2-7 

109-1 -23 

6-63-7-46     3-01  3-39 



1-0  -1-2 


316378     1-43-172 





200       i      0-91 

Lead,        .        . 




1-03-1 -66  ,  0-47-0-71 





0-95-1-08     0-43-0-49 

Aluminium  in  the  form  of  sheet  wire  and  tube  is  used  as  a 
substitute  for  copper,  brass,  bronze,  zinc,  and  silver,  in  their 
most  varied  applications.  The  wire  has  been  successfully  used 
in  many  places  for  electrical  conductors.  The  sheet  is  employed 
for  cooking-  and  table  utensils,  preserving-pans,  articles  of  mili- 
tary equipment,  combs,  brushes,  bicycle  components,  and  in 
place  of  wood  in  ship-  and  waggon-building,  book -covers,  book- 
shelves, coffins,  and  the  like. 

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The  very  considerable  shrinkage  (1-7  to  1*8  per  cent.)  of  the 
metal  during  solidification  was,  at  first,  a  hindrance  to  the  use 
of  aluminium  for  castings.  To  obviate  this  a  small  percentage 
of  a  so-called  hardener  was  added,  such  as,  for  example,  copper, 
nickel,  zinc,  manganese,  tin,  chromium,  titanium,  tungsten,  or 
vanadium.  Aluminium  so  alloyed  is  sometimes  known  in  the 
United  States  as  Dickel-aluminium.  In  the  Paris  Exhibition  of 
1900  there  were,  however,  cast-goods  and  art- wares  (e.g,^  busts 
of  St.  Olaire-Deville  and  Wohler)  satisfactorily  made  of  pure 
aluminium.  The  above-mentioned  difficulties  are  now  obviated 
by  using  large  runners  and  rising-heads  in  the  moulds  used  for 
the  castings.  In  melting  aluminium  for  casting  no  flux  should 
be  added.  If  this  is  attended  to,  there  is  no  fear  of  the  metal 
taking  up  impurities  from  the  carbon  of  the  crucible,  or  from 
the  silica  of  the  clay  that  is  mixed  with  the  graphite,  provided 
that  the  temperature  is  not  allowed  to  rise  too  high  above  the 
melting  point  of  the  metal.  But  if  the  metal  be  overheated, 
even  in  the  absence  of  fluxes,  it  will  take  up  both  carbon  and 
silicon  from  the  walls  of  the  crucible.  Owing  to  the  porosity  of 
the  vessels  used  for  melting  the  metal,  the  fuel  employed  for 
heating  them  should  be  as  free  as  possible  from  sulphur.  For 
this  purpose  wood-charcoal  is  best,  but  a  pure  coke  containing 
but  little  sulphur  may  be  substituted  ;  and  natural-gas  is  some- 
times used  in  the  United  States.  Aluminium  readily  dissolves 
gases,  such  as  nitrogen  and  the  hydrocarbons,  at  temperatures 
but  little  above  its  melting  point;  and  nitre  is  added  to  the 
metal  to  expel  these  gases  shortly  before  pouring.  This  is  done 
by  wrapping  the  nitre  (about  an  egg-spoonful  to  50  kilogrammes 
[1  cwtwj  of  metal)  in  a  piece  of  moistened  writing-paper,  throwing 
it  into  the  crucible  after  removing  the  latter  from  the  fire,  and 
quickly  forcing  it  down  to  the  bottom  of  the  pot  so  that,  in 
rising  to  the  top,  it  must  pass  through  the  whole  depth  of  the 
metal.  A  brisk  action  is  set  up,  and,  during  the  period  of  this 
reaction,  all  the  dissolved  gases  are  expelled.  The  charge  is 
poured  at  as  low  a  temperature  as  possible  into  iron  or  sand 
moulds,  provided,  as  above  stated,  with  large  runners  and  rising- 

Aluminium  castings  are  used  for  table-  and  cooking-utensils, 
sides  of  baths,  surgical  instruments,  parts  of  electrical  apparatus 
(in  this  case  usually  alloyed  with  5  per  cent,  of  copper,  and  as  a 
substitute  for  brass),  bells,  such  parts  of  machinery  for  use  on 
board  ship  as  are  not  required  either  to  be  especially  strong  or 
to  be  heated,  and  as  a  substitute  for  wood,  for  supports  which 
are  not  intended  to  carry  great  weight,  and  for  sheathing  and 
plating  in  ship-  and  waggon-construction. 

Aluminium  is  very  largely  used  in  the  preparation  of  alloys ; 
thus,  for  example,  aluminium-bronzes  are  made  with  2*5,  5,  7*5, 
and  10  per  cent,  of  this  metal.     The  direct  production  of  these 

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alloys  by  the  simultaneous  reduction  of  aluminium  and  copper 
compounds,  as  formerly  carried  on  in  the  Cowles  process,  has 
now  been  abandoned,  since,  at  the  present  prices  of  the  two 
metals  in  question,  alloys  of  this  kind  are  best  prepared  direct 
from  the  constituents  at  the  place  at  which  they  are  required. 
To  do  this  the  copper  is  first  melted  in  a  plumbago  crucible, 
using  the  same  precautions  as  are  recommended  aboye  for  the 
casting  of  aluminium ;  after  the  copper  is  melted  the  crucible 
is  seized,  or  lifted  out  of  the  fire,  and  the  desired  quantity  of 
aluminium  is  added.  The  crucible  becomes  momentarily  cooler, 
owing  to  the  absorption  of  heat  by  the  aluminium  as  it  fuses  ; 
but  after  that  there  is  a  very  considerable  evolution  of  heat ; 
and  if  the  crucible  is  still  in  the  furnace  it  must  be  quickly 
removed.  The  charcoal  is  then  taken  off  the  surface  of  the 
metal,  and  the  charge  is  rapidly  stirred  and  poured.  It  is  best 
first  to  run  it  into  bars  which  can  be  re-melted  as  required  for 
casting  purposes. 

A  very  large  number  of  alloys  besides  bronze  have  been 
brought  before  the  public  during  the  past  ten  years,  but  for 
an  account  of  these  reference  must  be  made  to  works  treating 
specially  of  aluminium.  Quite  recently  an  alloy  of  magnesium 
and  aluminium  termed  maffnalium  has  been  placed  upon  the 
market,  and  this  alloy  is  of  special  interest. 

The  applications  of  aluminium  in  the  casting  of  other  metals 
are  based,  not  upon  the  formation  of  aluminium  alloys,  but 
upon  the  chemical  action  of  the  metal.  Many  metals,  such  as 
iron,  copper,  and  nickel,  possess  the  property  of  alloying  with 
their  lower  oxides  (FeO,  CugO,  NiO) ;  hence,  in  smelting, 
refining,  or  melting  them,  contact  with  the  air  or  with  other 
oxygen  compounds  leads  to  the  formation  and  solution  of  these 
lower  oxides,  and,  on  the  other  hand,  their  complete  removal  is 
difficult  even  although  reducing  substances,  such  as  carbon, 
silicon,  or  sulphur,  may  also  be  present  in  the  metal.  If  such 
a  metal  be  now  poured,  the  outer  skin  of  the  casting  will 
solidify  first,  and  then  a  considerable  pressure  will  be  set  up  in 
the  liquid  material  enclosed  within  it ;  this  pressure  facilitates 
the  reaction  (otherwise  very  sluggish)  between  the  oxygen 
compounds  and  whatever  carbon,  silicon,  sulphur,  and  the  like 
may  be  present.  The  result  is  that  gases  are  formed  which 
have  no  means  of  escape,  and  therefore  tend  to  produce  cavities 
in  the  metal.  Then,  again,  this  metal  has  the  power  of  dis> 
solving  other  gases  also,  as,  for  example,  hydrogen  and  nitrogen* 
If  a  small  quantity  of  aluminium  be  added  to  such  a  metal 
either  in  the  casting  ladle  before  pouring,  or  aflerwards  in  the 
ingot  moulds,  the  substances  which  give  rise  to  the  difficulties 
above  described  are  in  part  reduced  and  in  part  separated.  The 
amount  of  aluminium  added  to  cast  iron  and  cast  steel  is  always 
smaller  than  would  correspond  to  the  amount  of  ferrous  oxide 

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to  be  reduced.  But  as  not  only  this  oxide  but  other  impurities 
also  are  simultaneously  removed,  it  is  evident  that  the  alu- 
minium is  able  to  diffuse  very  rapidly  through  the  iron,  and 
in  so  doing  to  exert  a  powerful  reducing  action  on  the  oxygen 
compounds  with  which  it  comes  in  contact;  and,  further,  it 
^eems  that  the  heat  generated  by  this  reaction  expedites  the 
ireactions  which  otherwise  would  have  gone  on  comparatively 
slowly  after  the  outer  crust  of  the  metal  had  solidified.  In  this 
way  the  cast  metal  is  purified  so  rapidly  before  the  commence- 
ment of  solidification,  that  the  time  required  for  solidifying  is 
reduced,  and,  in  consequence,  any  tendency  to  the  separation  or 
liquation  of  constituent  alloys  is  lessened,  and  the  homogeneity, 
density,  and  tensile  strength  are  increased.  In  the  iron  foundry 
the  amount  of  aluminium  used  is  commonly  500  to  1,000  grms. 
[I'l  to  2-2  lbs.]  per  ton  ;  in  the  open-hearth  process  it  may  be 
50  to  150  grms.  [If  to  5^  ozs.] ;  and  in  the  Bessemer  process  for 
formal  runs  80  to  200  grms.  [2^  to  7  ozs.],  or,  for  under-blown 
metal,  more  per  ton.  If  too  much  aluminium  be  added  the 
tendency  of  the  ingot  to  "pipe"  will  be  increased,  whilst  a 
moderate  addition  has  the  opposite  effect.  An  excess  of  alu- 
minium also  causes  a  separation  of  carbon. 

In  the  so-called  "  galvanising "  (zinc-coating)  process,  aikd  in 
the  brass  foundry  the  rdle  played  by  aluminium  is  rather  that  of 
a  reducing  medium  or  a  means  for  checking  the  oxidation  of  the 
charge  than  that  of  an  alloying  agent.  Hunt  states  that  500 
grms.  [1  lb.]  of  aluminium  in  the  form  of  a  5  to  10  per  cent, 
aluminium-zinc  alloy  is  used  per  ton  of  zinc,  whilst,  according  to 
Kichards,  an  addition  of  2  kgrms.  [4^  lbs.]  of  an  alloy  of  4  per 
cent,  of  aluminium,  with  96  per  cent,  of  zinc,  suffices  for  a  bath 
of  10  tons  of  the  latter  metal. 

Finally,  aluminium  is  used  in  the  Goldschmidt  process  for  the 
separation  of  difficultlv-fusible  metals  in  the  molten  condition 
by  the  reduction  of  their  oxides  by  its  means  {cf.  chromium, 
manganese,  <bc.).  Goldschmidt  has  also  introduced  a  process  by 
which  refractory  metals,  such  as  iron,  can  be  obtained  at  very 
high  temperatures  and  applied  especially  to  welding  and  solder- 
ing. In  the  case  of  iron,  a  mixture  of  oxide  of  iron  and 
aluminium  is  lighted,  and  the  resulting  reduced  iron,  charged 
with  the  whole  of  the  heat  generated  by  the  reaction,  is  allowed 
to  run  on  to  the  joint  to  be  soldered  or  welded.  It  is  obvious 
that  this  method  of  obtaining  high  temperatures  is  applicable 
under  conditions  in  which  other  means  oi  heating  could  only  be 
applied  with  great  difficulty,  such,  for  example,  as  the  welding  of 
railway  rails,  or  the  repair  of  machine  parts,  without  dismounting 
the  whole. 

Frioe  of  Aluminium. — This  chapter  may  be  concluded  with 
an  interesting  table,  taken  from  the  publications  of  the  Frank- 
fort Metallurgical  Society  and  of  the  Metall-GeseUachaft,  showing 

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the   variations  in  the  price   of  aluminium   since  it  was  first 
produced  on  a  manufacturing  scale. 


Approximate  Price. 


Marks  per 



per  Lb. 


Deville,  at  Glaci^re,  . 




,,                   ... 




Morin,  at  Xanterre, . 




Merle  &  Co.,  at  Salindre, . 




Hemelingen,      .... 




Alliance  Aluminium  Co.,  . 
(  Aluminium-Industrie- Aktien- 



1890,  Feb. 

Gesellschaf  t,  at  Neuhauaen  ;  \ 
[     and  other  H^roult  Works, 



1890,  Sept. 

1891,  FeV 

ff                      t 



9t                                              t 



1891,  July 

>)                                                f 



1891,  Nov. 

ft                                              f 




>*                                              1 




)l                                                f 




f  1                                               f 




tt                                                » 




})                                      i 




**                                 y 





If                                   1 




))                                   f 




If                                  » 






Ooourrenoe  in  Nature. — These  metals  are  found  in  nature  as 
silicates  in  cerite,  and  as  phosphates  in  monazite.  Since  the 
compounds  of  the  rarer  earth  metals,  especially  those  of  thorium, 
have  been  used  in  the  manufacture  of  incandescent  gas  mantles 
for  lighting  purposes,  the  compounds  of  the  cerite  metals  (which 
are  contained  in  considerable  quantities  in  these  metals)  have 
become  more  readily  available  for  use.  The  separation  of  the 
compounds  of  metals  of  the  cerite  group  by  chemical  means  is 
still  very  costly,  so  that,  in  the  later  experiments  in  the  extrac- 

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tion  of  the  metals,  the  mixture  of  oxides  or  salts  left  from  the 
manufacture  of  incandescent  materials  has  been  submitted 
direct  to  reduction  or  electrolysis  without  any  attempt  at 
separation  previously. 

PropertieB  of  Cerium. — Cerium,  Ce,  the  best-known  metal 
of  this  group,  has  the  atomic  weight  138,  and  the  specific  gravity 
6*73.  It  has  an  iron-grey  colour,  is  soft,  being  somewhat  harder 
than  lead,  malleable,  and  readily  rolled.  Its  fusing  point  is 
about  800*  C. 

Most  noteworthy  is  its  power  of  combining  with  the  heavier 
metals,  such  as  copper  or  iron,  to  produce  dense  alloys.  In  solid 
pieces  it  offers  considerable  resistance  to  atmospheric  influences ; 
but,  on  heating  the  fragments,  they  exhibit  the  various  temper- 
colours  of  polished  steel.  Finely-powdered  cerium,  on  the  con- 
trary, oxidises  very  rapidly  in  the  air,  and,  on  filing  the  metal 
or  shaving  it  with  a  knife,  the  detached  filings  or  scrapings  take 
fire  and  burn  with  a  brilliant  light.  Fine  wire  made  from  the 
metal  burns  with  a  brilliancy  exceeding  even  that  of  magnesium. 
Cerium  in  the  form  of  powder  causes  only  a  slow  decomposition 
of  water  when  introduced  into  it,  but  the  presence  of  salts  dis- 
solved in  the  liquid,  induces  a  very  lively  attack.  This  property 
should  be  noted  in  connection  with  the  production  of  cerium, 
and  with  the  passibUityy  which  may  easily  arise,  of  obtaining  the 
metal  in  pidvenUent  form,  owing  to  the  use  of  an  electrolyte  ait  too 
low  a  temperatwre,*  It  dissolves  very  easily  in  diluted  acids, 
but  only  to  a  slight  extent  in  cold  concentrated  sulphuric  or 
nitric  acids.  Cerium  reduces  the  oxides  of  most  metals  and 
metalloids,  which  is  a  property  worthy  of  remark  in  regard  to  its 
applications  to  metal  refining  and  the  making  of  alloys. 

Lanthanum,  praseodidymium,  and  neodidymium  agree  with 
ceiium  in  very  many  of  their  properties. 

1.    EXTRACTION    OF    THE    METAL    BY 

Eleotrolytic  Deposition  of  the  Cerite  Metals. — ^The  cerite 
metals  appear  to  form  a  group  intermediate  between  those  of 
magnesium  and  aluminium,  in  regard  to  the  behaviour  of  those 
salts  which  would  be  likely  to  come  into  use  for  electrolysis.  It 
is  well  understood  that  none  of  the  chlorides  of  these  metals  can 
be  obtained  in  the  anhydrous  condition  by  evaporating  their 
solutions  in  water,  since  decomposition  always  occurs  on  drying. 
But,  as  in  the  case  of  magnesium  chloride,  if  a  chemically 
equivalent  quantity  of  the  chloride  of  sodium  or  potassium, 

*  This  is  an  exact  reprint  from  the  previous  edition  of  this  work. 
Muthmann,  Hofer,  and  Weiss  have,  however,  re-discovered,  in  the  year 
1901,  that  for  the  separation  of  cerium  in  the  molten  condition  the  electro- 
lyte must  be  hot,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  cathode  very  hot. 

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together  with  a  little  ammoniam  chloride,  be  added,  the  sola- 
tion  of  the  cerium,  lanthanum,  or  didjmium  chloride  may  be 
evaporated  to  dryness,  and  the  dry  residue  may  then  be  fused 
without  decomposition.  The  melt  then  contains  comparatively 
easily  fused  double  chlorides  of  the  cerite  and  alkali  metals,  and 
will  be  found  to  conduct  the  electric  current  well.  But  although 
it  may  have  been  easy  to  obtain  the  metals  of  the  magnesium 
group,  magnesium  and  lithium,  almost  absolutely  pure,  either 
by  direct  electrolysis  or  by  electrolysis  followed  by  fusion,  it  is 
not  safe,  with  the  methods  of  production  hitherto  described,  to 
rely  too  much  on  the  purity  of  the  separated  metal,  if  its  re* 
duction  has  been  effected  in  quantities  somewhat  greater  than 
would  be  possible  in  the  small  porcelain  crucibles  of  the  labora- 
tory. It  is,  indeed,  very  improbable  that  fiunsen,  Hiilebrandt, 
and  Norton,  who  were  the  first  to  reduce  the  cerite  metals 
by  electrolysis,  obtained  a  product  that  was  free  from  iron. 
They  employed  the  following  method,  which  was  devised  by 
iunsen  *: — 

The  decomposing  vessel  in  which  the  electrolysis  of  the  molten 
chloride  was  to  be  accomplished  was  arranged  after  the  fashion 
of  a  Grove's  element  The  outer  cell,  which  in  the  Grove's 
battery  contains  the  zinc  plate  and  sulphuric  acid,  is  here  an 
ordinary  Hessian  crucible  of  about  100  c.c.  [34  fl.  ozs.]  capacity, 
filled  with  a  fused  mixture  of  equivalent  weights  of  sodium  and 
potassium  chlorides,  in  which  a  cylinder  of  thin  sheet-iron  serves 
as  positive  electrode  in  place  of  the  zinc  of  Grove's  cell.  The 
cylinder  is  5  cm.  [2  ins.]  high,  and  2*5  cm.  [1  in.]  across  internally, 
and  terminates  in  a  strip  which  serves  as  a  conductor,  and  must 
not  be  either  soldered  or  riveted  in  place.  Within  the  cylinder 
is  a  clay  cell  of  the  best  quality,  9  cm.  [3^  ins.!  high  and  2  to  2*6 
cm.  [I  to  1  in.]  wide,  in  which  is  placed  the  chloride  to  be 
decomposed.  The  negative  electrode  is  immersed  in  this  to 
about  two-thirds  of  the  depth  of  the  cell ;  the  electrode  consists 
of  a  thick  iron  wire,  the  end  of  which  is  filed  down  somewhat 
thinner,  and  round  its  end  is  twisted  a  piece  of  iron  wire  about 
as  thick  as  a  horse-hair,  which  projects  some  15  mm.  [^  in.] 
beyond  the  stouter  piece  to  which  it  is  attached.  A  piece  of  a 
clay  pipe-stem  is  now  drawn  so  far  over  the  thicker  wire,  that 
only  the  fine  wire  t  at  the  end  projects  out  of  the  clay  and  comes 
in  contact  with  the  fused  chloride  that  is  to  be  reduced. 

In  the  reduction  of  such  chlorides  as  are  easily  converted  into 
oxides  by  the  action  of  water  vapour,  the  fusion  must  never  be 
effected  by  means  of  a  gas  flame.  Even  in  the  heating  of 
chlorides  that  are  less  readily  decomposed,  it  is  better  to  avoid 
the  use  of  gas  flames,  since  the  water  vapour  that  they  evolve 

*Poffff,  Ann.,  1850,  vol.  dv.,  p.  633. 

t  A  piece  of  this  wire,  1  cm.  long,  weighs  about  4  mg.  [1  in.  weighs 
about  1^  grains.] 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


is  very  liable  to  cause  re-oxidation  of  the  already  reduced  metal. 
The  charcoal  that  is  used  to  melt  the  electrolyte  in  these  cells, 
therefore,  must  be  thoroughly  glowing,  and  should  have  given 
off  all  the  hydrogen  that  it  contained  before  starting  the  ex- 
periment. For  the  same  reason,  the  chloride  that  is  to  form  the 
electrolyte  must  be  very  thoroughly  dried,  and  must  then  be 
heated  in  a  platinum  crucible  with  sal-ammoniac  until  the  bulk 
of  the  latter  salt  has  been  expelled.  It  must  be  stored  in  closely 
stoppered  bottles,  and  be  guarded  most  carefully  against  the 
re^absorption  of  moisture.  Finally,  when  the  chloride  is  melted 
for  the  experiment,  the  contents  of  the  clay  cell  are  covered  with 
a  layer  of  powdered  sal-ammoniac,  which  has  previously  been 
heated,  and  this  salt  is  replaced  as  fast  as  it  volatilises. 

The  yield  of  metal  and  the  size  of  the  globules  obtained 
depend  upon  the  temperature  at  which  the  fused  chlorides  are 
submitted  to  the  action  of  the  currents.  If  the  clay  cell  be 
raised  to  a  temperature  exceeding  the  fusing  points  of  the  salt 
under  electrolysis  and  the  metal  that  is  to  be  separated,  the 
drops  of  metal  which  form  upon  the  surface  of  the  negative 
electrode,  fall  to  the  bottom,  and  are  there  for  the  most  part  re- 
oxidised  at  the  expense  of  the  silica  in  the  clay  walls  of  the  cell. 
The  addition  of  fuel  and  the  supply  of  sal-ammoniac  are  therefore 
so  regulated  that  the  upper  part  of  the  salt  in  the  clay  cell 
remains  solid,  while  the  lower  part  around  the  negative  electrode 
is  in  a  semi-solid  or  pasty  condition.  The  metallic  particles  thus 
increase  in  size  without  sinking  through  the  pasty  mass,  and 
may  even  grow  into  globules  the  size  of  a  hazel  nut  if  the  ex- 
periment be  carefully  performed  The  electrolytic  decomposition 
should  be  started  only  when  the  melted  salt  is  in  the  proper 
condition,  because  otherwise  the  reduced  metal  is  liable  to 
separate  in  a  pulverulent  form,  and  to  mingle  with  the  contents 
of  the  clay  cell,  so  that  the  formation  of  larger  metallic  globules 
would  be  prevented. 

The  success  of  the  reduction  depends  not  only  upon  the  tem- 
perature of  the  bath,  but  also  upon  the  absolute  intensity  of  the 
current  employed.  Four  large  carbon-zinc  elements  suffice  for 
the  experiment.  The  clay  cells  of  such  elements  should  contain 
250  C.C.  [9  fl.  ozs.]  of  nitric  acid;  the  carbon  rods  should  be  21 
cm.  long  by  2*5  cm.  wide  by  4*5  cm.  thick  [8J  ins.  x  1  in.  x  1|  ins. J, 
and  the  total  available  area  of  the  zinc  surface  surrounding  the 
clay  cell  should  be  590  sq.  cm.  [90  sq.  ius.]. 

The  author's  experiments  in  the  reduction  of  these  metals  by 
electrolysis,  conducted  in  the  year  1888,  only  extended  to  the 
treatment  of  a  mixture  of  their  chlorides.  Hillebrandt  and 
Norton  have  apparently  adhered  too  carefully  to  the  process 
devised  by  Matchiessen  for  the  separation  of  strontium.  It  is 
not  necessary  in  this  case  to  use  a  current-density  of  the  grade 
that  is  required  for  the  separation  of  the  alkaline-earth  metals. 

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The  double  chlorides  of  the  cerite  and  alkali  metals  above 
described  may  quite  easily  be  electrolysed  in  an  iron  crucible, 
which  either  serves  as  (or  is  in  direct  electrical  connection  with) 
the  cathode.  (See  MagnesivAn^  Figs.  9  to  12).  In  such  an 
experiment,  with  a  cathode  area  of  500  sq.  cm.  [77*5  sq.  ins.],  a 
current  of  50  amperes  and  6  to  7  volts  should  be  used.  Cerium 
separates  out  first  in  the  molten  condition  if  the  electrolyte  be 
suihciently  hot,  otherwise  in  a  pulverulent  form,  as  indicated  in 
the  previous  edition  of  this  work.*  Ic  is  by  no  means  impossible 
that  the  metals  of  the  cerium  group  might  be  separated  from 
one  another  by  fractional  electrolysis,  since  lanthanum  and  the 
didymiuin  metals  tend  to  deposit  after  cerium,  even  if  they  do 
not  come  down  until  the  whole  of  the  cerium  has  separated  out. 
The  didymium  metals  are  less  readily  maintained  in  the  fluid 
condition  than  is  cerium,  and  they  usually  deposit  in  the  pulver- 
ulent condition. 

Stookem's  Experiments  in  the  Beduotion  of  Cerium. — 
These  experiments  were  undertaken  in  1900  by  L.  Stockem,  who 
was  at  that  time  a  pupil  of  Dr.  fiorchers.  He  repeated  the  ex- 
periments of  Hillebrandt  and  Norton  with  a  modified  form  of 
apparatus ;  he  then  proceeded  to  electrolyse  the  chloride — and 
also  the  oxide,  dissolved  in  chlorides  and  fluorides  (both  of 
cerium  itself,  and  of  aluminium  and  the  alkali  metals)  after  the 
manner  of  the  Heroult  process — using  the  current  employed  for 
electrolysis  to  maintain  the  temperature  of  the  bath;  and  finally, 
he  employed  an  externally  heated  apparatus  with  the  object  of 
improving  the  process  already  described  by  Borchers.t  An 
experimental  apparatus  similar  to  that  adopted  by  Borchers  for 
aluminium  rciluction  was  used  for  the  electrolysis  of  electrically 
fused  salts ;  but  instead  of  the  ordinary  cooled  carbon  blocks, 
an  iron  wire  terminating  in  a  fine  point  was  employed  as 
cathode.  This  apparatus  yielded  molten  metal  at  first,  and 
the  cathode- wire  was  but  slightly  attacked.  Soon,  however,  the 
area  of  the  cathode  surface  had  increased  so  much  that  the  wire 
was  no  longer  heated  to  a  temperature  above  the  melting-point 
of  the  metal ;  and  the  latter  then  separated  out  only  in  the 
form  of  a  powdery  deposit.  Hence,  Stockem  reverted  to  the 
use  of  externally  heated  melting  vessels,  and  thus  ensured  that 
the  charge,  or  at  least  the  cathode  and  that  portion  of  the 
charge  immediately  surrounding  it,  was  hot  enough  for  the 
metal  to  remain  fused  throughout  the  operation.  A  conical 
vessel  tapering  to  a  point  was  used  in  place  of  the  cylindrical 
and  slightly  tapering  melting  vessel  commonly  employed  for 
magnesium  reduction,  because  a  higher  current-density  could 

•Borchers'  Electrometallurgies  2nd  Ed.,  1895,  p.  165;  Electric  Smeltitig 
and  Refining,  1897,  p.  166. 

t  Diploma  work  of  L.  Stockem,  presented  at  the  Technical  High  School 
at  Aachen.  June  28,  1901. 

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then  be  applied  at  the  cathode,  whilst  the  anode  could  be 
enlarged  and  the  current-density  reduced  at  that  point.  The 
upper  part  of  the  melting  vessel  was  provided  with  a  cooling* 
jacket  lined  with  a  clay  or  magnesite  cylinder,  so  that  there 
shoiQd  be  no  dauger  ot  iron  dissolving  from  the  walls  of  the 
apparatus  into  the  fused  salts  and,  by  subsequent  reduction, 
passing  into  the  cerium. 

Muthmann,  Hofer,  and  Weiss'  Experiments. — A  paper^ 
by  Muthmanu,  Hofer,  and  Weiss  on  the  reduction  of  the  metals 
ot  the  cerium  group  gives  an  account  of  a  very  noteworthy 
advance  in  the  utilisation  of  the  oxides  of  these  metals,  even  if 
the  views  expressed  in  the  introductory  part  cannot  be  accepted 
in  their  entirety.  The  authors  have  described  the  experiments 
with  fused  electrolytes,  such  as  are  commonly  made  by  students 
in  the  first  week  of  their  studies  in  the  laboratories  of  the 
Aachen  Technical  High  School.  Agaiu,  they  have  disregarded 
earlier  work  in  the  same  field — and  have  thus  rediscovered  facts 
long  since  established,  although  the  recognition  of  such  work 
would  in  no  way  have  detracted  from  the  service  rendered  by 
the  authors  in  this  research. 

They  found  Bunsen's  apparatus  too  small  and  complicated  for 
their  purpose,  whilst  the  Borchers  apparatus  tried  by  them  was 
discarded  as  being  insufficiently  compact,  as  requiring  too  much 
material,  and  as  being  too  inconvenient  in  use.  They  do  not, 
however,  say  which  form  of  Borchers'  apparatus  they  employed; 
but  as  in  a  later  part  of  their  account  they  refer  to  certain  earlier 
experiments  in  which  they  electrolysed  cryolite,  Borchers  assumes 
that  they  must  refer  to  the  form  of  experimental  furnace  which 
he  had  described  in  1898  as  being  constructed  for  this  purpose,  f 
He  therefore  places  side  by  side  drawings  (Figs.  102  and  103) 
of  his  furnace  and  of  that  used  by  Muthmann,  Hofer,  and  Weiss, 
and  found  by  them  to  be  satisfactory.  A  single  description 
will  suffice  for  the  principal  parts  of  each  form  of  construction, 
namely : — A  double-walled  water-jacket,  made  of  sheet  copper, 
surrounds  the  melting  space,  which  is  almost  closed  at  the 
bottom  by  the  carbon  cathode.  The  cathode  is  surrounded 
by  non-conducting  material,  which  fills  up  the  space  between 
it  and  the  copper  walls  of  the  vessel.  The  anode  is  a  vertical 
carbon  rod  projecting  downwards  into  the  furnace  from  above. 
Such  a  furnace  is  used  by  new  students  in  the  author's  labora- 
tory for  their  first  experiments  in  the  electrolysis  of  fused 
materials.  The  authors'  apparatus  appears,  then,  to  be  only 
a  smaller  form  of  Borchers*  furnace.  So  far  as  the  electrolysis 
of  alumina  dissolved  in  cryolite  in  this  type  of  furnace  is  con- 
cemedf  the  larger  the  size  of  the  apparatus,  the  more  is  the 
use  of  small  carbon  surfaces  within  a  cooling-jacket  to  be  recom- 

*  Liebig^s  AmvoUen  der  CJiemie,  1902,  vol.  cccxx.,  p.  231. 
t  Zeitechrijl/Hr  Elektrochemie,  1898,  vol.  iv.,  p.  523, 

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mended  on  the  groands  both  of  economy  and  safety.  Borchers 
ha8  never ^  however^  recommended  the  use  of  cooled  cathodes  for  the 
eleetrolf/ais  of  cerium  cJUoride,  as  the  authors  appear  to  believe. 
On  the  contrary,  in  the  last  edition  of  this  book*  he  spoke  "of 
the  possibility,  which  may  easily  arise,  of  obtaining  the  metal  in 
pulverulent  form,  owing  to  the  use  of  an  electrolyte  at  too  low  a 
temperature."    Yet  the  authors  draw  the  same,  conclusion  from 

their  own  experiments, 
whilst  disregarding  the 
statement  made  by 
Borchers  in  1895.  The 
following  results  ob- 
tained by  Muthmann, 
Hofer,  and  Weiss  are  in 
all  respects  noteworthy. 
Treatment  and  Purifi- 
cation ^  eitpecicUly  of  Pho8- 
phatic  Ores  and  Crude 
Oxide. — Oerium  dioxide 
was  the  material  avail- 
able for  the  author's  ex- 

Fig.  102. — Section  of  Borchers'  furnace. 

Fig.  103.— Section  of  Muth- 
nian,  Hofer,  and  Weiss* 

periments,  and  the  diiiiculty  in  converting  this  compound  into 
cerous  chloride  is  well  known  to  all  who  have  worked  with 
it.  The  substance  is  not  attacked  by  nitric  or  hydrochloric 
acid.  In  order  to  dissolve  small  quantities  in  hydrochloric  acid 
for  analytical  purposes  potassium  iodide  is  added,  which  on 
evaporation  facilitates  the  solution  of  the  oxide  with  evapo. 

*  See  p.  167  above  and  footnote. 

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ration  of  iodine.  Obviously,  however,  this  method  is  not 
applicable  on  a  large  scale,  not  only  because  it  is  too  costly,  but 
because  it  leads  to  the  introduction  of  too  much  alkali-metal 
chloride  into  the  solution.  The  only  way  out  of  the  difficulty  was 
to  dissolve  the  dioxide  in  strong  sulphuric  acid,  reduce  it  with 
aloohol,  decompose  the  resulting  cerous  sulphate  by  digesting 
it  for  several  days  with  soda  solution,  and  dissolving  the  car- 
bonate in  hydrochloric  acid  after  washing  it  with  the  greatest 
possible  care.  Every  trace  of  sulphuric  acid  had  to  be  com- 
pletely removed,  since  the  smallest  proportion  of  sulphate 
interferes  most  seriously  with  the  electrolytic  process.  It  was 
for  this  reason  that  Bunsen  in  his  experiment  precipitated  the 
sulphuric  acid  with  barium  chloride. 

Of  the  crude  oxides  used  by  the  authors,  only  those  obtained 
from  cerite  were  soluble  in  hydrochloric  acid.  The  inexpensive 
material  from  the  by-products  of  thorium  manufacture  was 
scarcely  soluble  in  hydrochloric  acid,  and  only  incompletely  so 
in  strong  nitric  acid,  even  after  repeated  evaporations.  This  is 
chiefly  due  to  the  material  containing  a  considerable  proportion 
of  phosphoric  acid,  which,  considering  its  low  cost,  is  scarcely 
surprising,  since  all  of  these  materials  are  obtained  from  strongly 
phosphatic  sources.  The  complete  removal  of  the  phosphoric 
acid,  which  must  be  ensured  before  electrolysis,  is  even  more 
troublesome  than  that  of  sulphuric  acid.  Moreover,  the  con- 
version of  nitrate  solution  into  pure  chlorides,  when  prepared 
with  the  strong  acid,  is  a  tedious  process. 

All  these  difficulties  are  removed  by  the  authors,  by  first 
converting  the  mixture  of  insoluble  oxides  and  phosphates  into 
carbides,  a  process  which  gives  excellent  results,  and  is  especially 
convenient  in  cases  in  which  there  is  a  cheap  source  of  energy 
available.  When  the  phosphates  are  electrically  heated  with 
carbon  they  are  converted  mainly  into  carbides ;  a  portion,  how- 
ever, becomes  phosphide,  but  by  the  addition  of  acid  this  may 
readily  be  converted  into  the  corresponding  cerium  salt  with 
evolution  of  hydrogen  phosphide.  The  resulting  solutions  have 
on  no  occasion  been  found  to  contain  phosphoric  acid,  so  that 
this  acid  is  safely  and  completely  eliminated  by  applying  a 
process  of  electric  smelting. 

For  the  production  of  the  carbide,  of  which  a  further  account 
will  be  given  later,  the  authors  used  a  graphite  crucible  to  serve 
both  as  melting  vessel  aud  cathode,  with  a  central  carbon  anode- 
suspended  from  above,  exactly  as  in  the  arrangement  employed 
by  H^roult  in  his  first  experiment  with  aluminium. 

After  describing  the  process  of  carbide  production  and  expres- 
sing their  views  as  to  the  existence  of  several  carbides  of  cerium, 
the  authors  point  out  that  when  the  cerium  carbide  had  been 
dissolved  in  the  smallest  possible  quantity  of  hydrochloric  acid 
and  the  resulting  solution  had  been  filtered,  the  iron,  which 

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almost  always  passes  into  the  compound  in  the  process  of  smelt- 
ing, had  to  be  removed.  To  this  end  the  solution  was  carefully 
neutralised,  and  the  resulting  liquid,  which  contained  about 
120  grammes  of  cerous  chloride  to  the  litre  [approximately  a 
12  per  cent,  solution],  was  carefully  treated  with  a  very  dilute 
and  finely-divided  spray  of  ammonia  blown  into  it  with  the  aid 
of  steam,  until  a  test  portion  gave  no  further  reaction  after 
filtration.  The  iron  was  first  brought  to  the  ferric  state  by 
means  of  bromine  water,  so  that  it  could  be  completely  separated, 
as  above  described,  with  very  slight  loss  of  material.  A  quantity 
of  ammonium  chloride,  equal  to  that  of  the  carbide  used,  was 
now  added  to  the  clear  filtered  liquid,  which  was  then  evaporated 
over  a  gas  furnace,  and  finally  dried  with  constant  stirring. 
The  resulting  material  was  then  heated  to  a  dull  red  heat  in  a 
large  platinum  dish,  again  with  constant  stirring,  in  small  por- 
tions of  50  to  100  grammes  [If  to  S^  ozs.].  The  ammonium 
chloride  escaped  in  dense  clouas,  and  the  cerous  chloride  was 
finally  obtained  in  the  form  of  a  fine  pure  white  powder,  which, 
on  stirring,  behaved  almost  like  a  fluid.  It  was  never  allowed 
to  cool  in  the  air,  but  was  transferred  into  globular  flasks  while 
still  hot,  and  was  there  protected  from  the  moisture  of  the  air 
by  means  of  stoppers  provided  with  tubes  containing  phosphorus 

The  anhydrous  neodidymium  chloride  used  for  the  production 
of  that  metal  is  prepared  similarly,  except  that  the  preliminary 
treatment  in  the  electric  furnace  is  unnecessary  by  reason  of 
the  ready  solubility  of  neodidymium  oxide  in  hydrochloric  acid. 
Muthmann  and  Stutzel  *  previously,  and  Camille  Matignon  f 
more  recently,  have  described  the  properties  of  the  anhydrous 
neodidymium  chloride.  A  short  description  may  be  given  of  the 
purification  of  the  neodidymium  materials,  as  carried  out  in  the 
laboratories  at  Miinich  by  R.  Bohm  and  L.  Weiss.  After  a 
portion  of  the  lanthanum  and  praseodidymium  had  been  removed 
in  the  usual  way  by  crystallising  out  the  double  ammonium 
nitrate,  the  remainder  of  the  lanthanum  was  removed  as  far  as 
possible  by  fiunsen's  sulphate  process.  The  material  then  still 
contained  some  praseodidymium  and  large  quantities  of  earths 
of  the  yttrium  group.  The  greater  part  of  both  these  impurities 
were  removed  by  the  chromate  method  described  by  Muthmann 
and  Bohm.  I  The  first  fractions  to  be  precipitated  were  rich 
in  praseodidymium,  the  next  in  neodidymium,  whilst  the  last 
fractions  contained  most  of  the  yttrium  earths.  Hence  the 
neodidymium  was  concentrated  chiefly  in  the  middle  fractions ; 
55  chromic  acid  fractionations,  corresponding  to  about  800  pre- 
cipitations, were  carried  out.      This   treatment    with   chromic 

*  BerichU  der  deuUcJien  chem,  OeseUschaft,  1899,  vol.  xxxii.,  p.  3413. 

t  Coniptea  Bendua,  1901,  vol.  cxxxiii.,  p.  289. 

t  BerichU  d.  d,  chem,  Oeaellsch,,  1900,  vol.  xxxiii.,  pp.  42-49* 

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acid  was  continued  until  about  300  grms.  [10^  ozs.]  of  material 
almost  free  from  praseodidymium  were  obtained,  but  there  were 
always  appreciable  quantities  of  gadolinium,  yttrium,  erbium, 
and  terbium  left  after  this.  These  yttrium  earths  were  next 
separated  by  the  usual  potassium  sulphate  process,  and  the 
material  was  afterwards  subjected  to  two  other  fractionation 
methods  to  ensure  complete  purification.  The  oxalates  were 
precipitated  from  hydrochloric  acid  solution,  leaving  the  colour- 
less yttrium  earths  in  the  liquid ;  and,  lastly,  the  material  was 
divided  up  into  79  portions  by  fractionating  eight  times  with 
very  dilute  ammonia  solution,  whereby  colourless  yttrium 
earths,  terbium,  erbium,  samarium,  neodidymium,  and  praseo- 
didymium were  successively  precipitated.  Those  fractions  which 
exhibited  identical  spectra  were  mixed,  and  a  small  portion 
divided  into  13  parts  by  nitrate  treatment.  The  first  and  last 
fractions  were  found  to  be  exactly  alike,  which  afforded  proof 
of  the  purity  of  the  neodidymium.  The  material  so  obtained 
yielded  an  oxide  of  pure  blue-grey  colour  without  any  shade 
of  yellow  or  red,  such  as  is  exhibited  by  those  samples  which 
still  contain  traces  of  heavy  yttrium  earths  or  of  praseodi- 
dymium. The  spectrum  agreed  exactly  with  that  described  by 
Schottlander ;  *  the  line  X  468'9  was  especially  sharp  and  clear, 
which  was  a  proof  of  the  great  purity  of  the  material. 

Extraction  of  the  Metal. — After  the  three  authors  above  re- 
ferred to  had  determined  by  their  experiment  in  the  electrolysis 
of  the  pure  chlorides  (especially  of  cerium  and  neodidymium) 
that  a  high  temperature  was  necessary  for  the  separation  of  the 
cerite  metals  in  the  molten  condition,  they  proceeded  to  reduce 
an  alloy  of  the  metals  of  the  cerium  group  by  treating  their 
mixed  chlorides,  which  are  readily  obtained.  In  doing  so  they 
worked  on  a  somewhat  larger  scale  than  heretofore,  and  con- 
structed the  very  practical  form  of  furnace  shown  in  longitudinal 
section,  plan,  and  elevation  respectively,  in  Figs.  104,  105, 
and  106. 

The  melting  space  or  crucible  was  oval  in  shape,  the  shorter 
axis  measuring  7  cm.  [2|  ins.],  the  longer  axis  11  cm.  [4^  ins.], 
and  the  height  7  cm.  The  furnace  was  capable  of  being  exter- 
nally cooled  throughout  the  whole  of  its  height,  and  was 
attached  by  a  clamp  to  a  rod,  which  also  carried  the  holders 
for  the  cathode  and  the  anode.  These  latter  could  be  moved 
upwards  or  downwards  at  will.  A  special  device  was  added  to 
ensure  that  the  charge  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  cathode  was 
heated  to  a  sufficiently  high  temperature.  This  end  was  attained 
with  the  aid  of  two  small  resistance-pieces,  each  connected  to 
a  pair  of  carbons,  connected  in  parallel  in  an  alternating-current 
circuit.  The  alternating  current  was  chosen  for  heating  because 
there  would,  in  this  case,  be  no  electrolysis  at  the  ends  of  the 
*  Berichte  d,  d.  chem,  OesdUeh.,  vol.  xxv.,  p.  669. 

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carbons  such  as  would  doubtless  occur  if  continuous  current 
were  used,  an  action  which  would  interfere  with  the  process. 
The  incandescent  rods  were  connected  to  the  thicker  carbons  in 
such  a  way  as  to  ensure  a  good  joint.  The  thick  carbons  were 
held  in  iron  clamps,  which  could  be  fixed  at  any  required  height 
with  the  aid  of  supports  sliding  up  or  down  in  hollow  pillars. 
The  current  connections  were  made  by  means  of  the  clamps 
marked  ±  and  T  in  the  figures.  Both  the  cathode  and  the 
alternating-current  carbons  were  insulated  from  their  supports 
by  means  of  asbestos  cord  or  asbestos  paper,  and  the  whole 

Figs.  104,  105,  and  106.— Furnace  for  extraction  of  cerium  metals. 

apparatus  was  mounted  on  a  heavy  oak  stand.  An  arrangement 
for  tapping  the  charge  has  been  added  to  the  furnace,  but 
hitherto  the  authors  have  never  required  to  use  it. 

In  order  to  test-  these  alternating-current  furnaces,  as  the 
authors  have  termed  them,  a  trial  run  was  made  on  aluminium 
extraction.  The  crucible  was  filled  with  cryolite,  and  the 
alternating  and  continuous  currents  were  switched  on  simul- 
taneously. Each  of  the  three  carbon  pencils  was  5  mm.  [^  in.] 
thick,  and  25  mm.  [I  in.]  long;  the  anode  carbon  had  a  diameter 
of  40  mm.  [1 J  ins.],  and  the  cathode  30  mm.  [1^  ins.],  whilst  the 

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carbons  for  the  alternating  current  were  15  mm.  [4  in.]  thick. 
The  capacity  of  the  cmcibley  with  the  electrodes  dismounted, 
was  400  C.C.  [24^  cub.  ins.],  and  the  vessel  was  capable  of  con- 
taining 700  grms.  [1^  lbs.]  of  molten  cryolite.  The  current- 
conditions  during  the  melting  period  were  as  follows : — 

Ck>ntiniioiiB  current,  75  ampere*  at  10  volts. 
Alternating       ,>        80         „  8      „ 

The  fusion  took  place  satisfactorily,  but  it  was  necessary,  at 
the  end,  to  sprinkle  potassium-sodium  chloride  on  the  surface 
and  so  to  reduce  the  melting  point  very  considerably,  in  order 
to  remove  a  solid  crust  formed  there.  After  about  twenty 
minutes  the  vessel  was  seen  to  be  filled  with  a  clear  transparent 
liquid,  in  which  the  strongly  incandescent  alternating-current 
pencils  were  clearly  visible.  The  continuous-current  pencil  was 
then  removed  and  electrolysis  commenced  with  a  current  of 
20  amperes  and  50  volts.  After  the  addition  of  fresh  material 
the  current-strength  was  increased  to  25  amperes,  iu  order  that 
it  might  range  between  20  and  32  amperes  according  to  the 
position  of  the  anode  throughout  the  progress  of  the  electrolysis. 
The  potential  difference  was  gradually  raised  from  60  to  65  volts. 
Electrolysis  took  place  extremely  quickly,  and  without  any 
accident.  After  four  hours  the  current-circuit  was  broken  and 
the  charge,  after  cooling,  removed  from  the  vessel.  In  order 
to  accomplish  this  conveniently,  the  alternating-current  carbons 
were  removed,  being  bored  out  of  the  mass  with  the  aid  of  the 
lathe.  On  breaking  up  the  pure  white  mass  within  the  crucible, 
two  large  globules  of  aluminium  were  found  separated  out  on 
the  surfaces  of  the  cathode  facing  the  alternating-current  pencils. 
Their  united  weight  was  23  grms.  [355  grains] ;  but  besides 
these  there  were  ten  smaller  globules  of  from  2  to  4  mm.  [0*08 
to  0*16  in.]  in  diameter,  weighing  2  grms.  [31  grains]  in  alL 
According  to  the  laboratory  journal  it  appeared  that  91  ampere- 
hours  had  been  used,  so  that  the  gross  yield  was  82*2  per  cent, 
of  that  theoretically  possible. 

It  was  now  chiefly  necessary  to  ascertain  whether  the  furnace 
was  suitable  for  the  reduction  of  the  cerium  metals,  and  for  this 
purpose  the  mixed  chlorides  produced  from  monazite  of  known 
composition,  were  submitted  to  electrolysis.  The  charge  was 
melted  exactly  as  in  the  case  of  cryolite,  and  after  twenty- 
seven  minutes  the  continuous-current  pencil  was  removed.  The 
measuring  instruments  at  the  commencement  of  electrolysis 
showed  a  current-strength  of  105  amperes  and  a  pressure  of 
15  volts.  After  a  quarter  of  an  hour  the  volume  of  current 
increased  to  125  amperes,  and  the  pressure  fell  to  about  10  volts. 
The  very  brisk  evolution  of  chlorine  that  resulted  led  to  the 
formation  of  bubbles;  and  there  was  also  a  crust  of  solid 
material  formed ;  but  this  could  be  avoided  by  sprinkling  the 
forface  with   the  double  chloride  of  potassium  and  sodium. 

^2      I 

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Unfortunately,  after  about  an  hour  and  a  half,  two  carbons  of 
the  resistance  used  were  burnt  out  and  had  to  be  cut  out  of 
the  circuit,  and  the  current- volume  could  only  be  kept  constant 
with  the  aid  of  the  shunt-regulator.  In  consequence  of  this 
a  strong  sparking  began  which  would,  of  course,  have  led 
to  the  burning  of  the  brushes  and  a  rapid  destruction  of  the 
commutator.  The  only  course  left,  it  the  experiment  was  to  be 
continued  unchecked,  was  to  increase  the  internal  resistance  of 
the  charge.  This  was  effected  by  adding  55  grms.  [2  oz&]  of 
completely  dehydrated  barium  chloride  to  the  1*15  kilogrms. 
[2^  lbs.]  of  fused  mixed  chlorides  in  the  crucible.  The  desired 
result  was  at  once  achieved ;  there  resulted  a  steep  potential- 
gradient  between  the  anode  and  the  fused  charge,  characterised 
by  the  formation  of  small  arcs  and  the  "  singing  "  of  the  anode. 
The  voltmeter  reading  rose  to  33  volts.  After  a  short  time  the 
pressure  was  still  further  increased  to  42  volts  by  the  addition 
of  10  grms.  [154  grains]  more  barium  chloride,  and  this  pressure 
was  maintained  for  the  remaining  few  hours  of  the  run.  At 
first  the  current- volume  decreased  to  60  amperes,  but  was  raised 
to  85  amperes  by  gradually  lowering  the  anode.  The  volume  of 
current  gradually  fell,  in  the  end  to  55  amperes,  in  proportion 
as  the  anode  (to  avoid  all  danger  of  short  circuit)  was  raised, 
and  as  the  anode  area  was,  in  consequence,  reduced;  but  the 
pressure  remained  constant. 

The  alternating-current  pencils,  were  not  altered  during  the 
whole  of  the  6^hours  period  of  electrolysis,  during  which  the 
current  was  constantly  maintained  at  98  amperes  and  8  volts. 
The  use  of  the  barium  chloride  in  the  electrolysis  of  the 
chlorides  of  the  cerite  metals  is  worthy  of  special  attention. 
The  possibility  of  varying  the  pressure  and  strength  of  the 
current  by  the  addition  of  a  small  quantity  of  this  salt  is 
remarkable.  If  there  should  be  a  marked  foaming  or  spitting 
of  the  charge,  such  as  often  occurs  without  any  recognisable 
cause,  the  sprinkling  into  the  bath  near  the  anode  of  just  so 
much  barium  chloride  as  will  cover  the  point  of  a  knife,  at  once 
causes  the  decomposition  to  proceed  more  quietly  in  consequence 
of  the  increase  in  the  difference  of  potential  so  induced.  If  the 
barium  chloride  be  introduced  very  cautiously,  a  point  may 
easily  be  reached  at  which,  in  a  short  time,  the  pressure  varies 
markedly,  as  may  be  seen  by  the  rapid  oscillation  of  the  needle 
of  the  ampere-meter.  This  condition  may,  at  will,  be  maintained 
for  hours  by  introducing,  alternately,  first  mixed  chlorides  and 
then  a  few  grains  of  barium  chloride.  The  phenomenon  appears 
to  be  due  to  the  charge  not  wetting  the  anode,  if  a  small  pro- 
portion of  barium  chloride  be  present,  whilst  the  fused  chlorides 
of  the  cerite  metals,  if  mixed  only  with  alkali-metal  chlorides, 
are  capable  of  wetting  it  just  as  water  would.  The  addition  of 
barium  chloride  has  no  effect  upon  the  composition  of  the  separ- 
ated metal,  which  never  contains  a  trace  of  metallic  barium. 

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After  6^  hours  the  conductant  metallic  product  of  electrolysis 
had  risen  in  the  crucible  to  such  a  height  that  a  short  circuit 
took  place  close  beneath  the  surface  of  the  charge.  The  current- 
circuit  was  then  broken,  and  the  apparatus  was  cooled  and  taken 
to  pieces.  A  single  regulus  weighing  170  grms.  [6  ozs.]  was 
found,  a  fact  which  speaks  well  for  the  serviceableness  of  the 
apparatus.     This  end  could  only  have  been  attained,  however, 

Fig.  107. — Borchers'  furnace  for  cerite  metals. 

by^the  application  of  the  heating  effect  of  the  alternating  current, 
for,  in  earlier  experiments  made  without  this,  not  even  a  trace 
of  fused  metal  was  ever  obtained.  It  is  further  evident  that  it 
is  of  great  importance  to  have  a  high  temperature  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  cathode,  and  that  the  arrangements  for  cooling 
the  cathode  found  in  many  types  of  apparatus  are  useless  for 
experiments  such  as  those  just  described. 

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The  current-efficiency  was  not  good.  The  deposition  of  170 
grms.  [6  ozB.]  of  metal  after  an  expenditure  of  280  ampere-houra 
corresponds  to  a  current-efficiency  of  35*7  per  cent.,  whilst,  in 
the  same  apparatus,  when  depositing  aluminium  it  was  82*2  per 
cent.  The  explanation  of  this  is  to  be  found  in  the  convection 
which  always  takes  place  with  the  cerite  metals,  in  consequence 
of  metal  in  a  finely-divided  condition  passing  into  the  fused 
mass.  The  various  metals  appear  to  behave  very  difierently  in 
this  respect.  Experiments  made  by  Lorenz,  and  others  made 
by  Mnthmann  and  his  collaborators,  show  that  the  phenomenon 
is  very  marked  in  the  case  of  lead,  whilst  it  is  scarcely  observ- 
able with  aluminium.  The  cerite  metals  occupy  an  intermediate 
position  between  the  two.  Apparently,  the  softer  the  metal 
the  more  subject  is  it  to  this  action.  It  is  probable  that  certain 
other  types  of  furnace  used  by  Borchers,  in  which  the  cathode 
is  heated  electrically  (such  as  that  shown  in  Fig  107)  might 
be  adapted  for  this  work. 


As  stated  in  the  previous  edition  of  this  work,  the  oxides  of 
the  cerite  metals  can  readily  be  reduced  by  electrically-heated 
carbon,  notwithstanding  statements  to  the  contrary  in  chemical 
text-books.  But,  as  in  the  case  of  the  oxides  of  the  alkaline- 
earth  metals,  a  metallic  product  is  not  obtainable  in  this  way,  by 
reason  of  the  strong  tendency  of  cerium  to  form  carbides  and 
nitrides.  The  carbide  appears  to  mix  in  all  proportions  with 
the  oxides,  as  is  proved  by  the  following  experiment  conducted 
by  L.  Stockem  *  in  Borchers'  laboratory. 

For  the  experiment  a  weighed  quantity  of  cerium  oxide  was 
kneaded  to  a  thick  paste  with  tar  diluted  with  benzine,  and  waa 
then  boiled  in  a  crucible  furnace.  This  process  was  repeated 
again  and  again  until  the  most  intimate  mixture  possible  of  the 
oxide  and  carbon  resulted,  in  proportions  corresponding  to  the 
formula  Ce^Og  +30.  The  mixture  was  then  heated  to  the 
reduction-temperature  of  cerium  oxide  in  the  electrical  resis- 
tance furnace  just  described.  The  thoroughly-fused  mixture  of 
oxide  and  carbide  so  obtained  had  the  following  composition,, 
as  found  by  analysis  : — 

Per  cent 

Per  cent. 

CeC,  .        ,        .    = 
Ce,d,         .        .    = 





'  See  Note,  p.  170. 

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It  was  yellow  in  colour,  and  its  fracture  was  crystalline; 
when  it  was  brought  into  contact  with  water  or  acid,  it 
liberated  marsh  gas  freely ;  and,  when  scratched  with  a  knife,  it 
emitted  sparks,  but  not  nearly  so  briskly  as  is  the  case  with 
metallic  cerium.  This  carbide  gave  a  decided  odour  of  ammonia 
when  exposed  to  moist  air,  a  phenomenon  that  is  much  more 
evident  if  a  larger  proportion  of  carbon  is  used  for  the  reduction 
of  the  cerium  oxide,  and  if  the  heating  is  conducted  in  an  atmo- 
sphere of  nitrogen.  Although  the  odour  of  ammonia  might  lead 
to  the  supposition  that  a  large  proportion  of  nitrogen  was 
present,  there  was  really  but  little.  The  result,  however,  was 
sufficiently  noteworthy  to  encourage  the  undertaking  of  an 
investigation  into  the  conditions  favourable  to  the  formation  of 
nitrides;  the  results  of  this  investigation  will  be  given  elsewhere 
when  completed.  The  experiment  just  described  clearly  shows 
that  it  is  hopeless  to  expect  metal  to  be  reduced  by  a  reaction  of 
the  carbide  with  the  oxide  of  cerium. 

FigB.  108  and  109. — Stockem's  furnace  for  production  of  cerium  alloys. 

Bedaotion  of  Cerium  Alloys. — It  is  well  known  that 
aluminium  oxide,  when  reduced  by  carbon,  does  not  yield  a 
pure  metallic  product ;  but,  in  spite  of  that,  the  brothers  Cowles 
succeeded  in  so  reducing  aluminium  alloys  by  adding  other 
metals,  or  their  oxides,  to  the  charge.  Similarly,  L.  Stockem,* 
smelting  a  mixture  of  cerium  oxide,  copper  oxide,  and  carbon  in 
the  proportion  that  would  be  expected  to  yield  an  alloy  contain- 
ing 10  per  cent,  of  cerium,  obtained  a  metal  containing  94*43  per 
cent,  of  copper,  and  5*5  per  cent,  of  cerium.  In  a  second 
experiment,  the  proportions  of  the  ingredients  were  so  chosen 
•  See  Note,  p.  170. 

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that  an  alloy  containing  20  per  cent,  of  cerium  might  theoreti- 
cally be  anticipated ;  but,  again,  only  half  of  the  expected 
proportion  of  cerium  was  obtained,  the  composition  of  the  alloy 
being  Ca  —  89*67  and  Ce  =  10-3  per  cent.  In  each  case  the 
greater  portion  of  the  unalloyed  cerium  was  found  to  have  been 
converted  into  carbide.  It  was  not  possible  to  obtain  an  alloy 
of  iron  and  cerium  in  this  way. 

A  furnace  of  somewhat  different  construction  to  those 
previously  used  was  found  to  give  good  results  in  these  experi- 
ments. An  empty  magnesite  crucible  (Figs.  108  and  109)  was 
placed  as  a  resistance  between  the  carbon  rods  carrying  the 
current.  But  as  this  material  is  a  non-conductor  when  cold,  it 
was  packed  round  with  powdered  hard-wood  charcoal  of  large 
grain  and  low  conductance,  and  heated  to  a  high  temperature. 
As  soon  as  the  crucible  was  thus  raised  to  a  bright  red  heat  it 
began  to  act  as  a  conductor,  and  the  temperature  then  rapidly 
rose  to  that  of  a  brilliant  white  heat  by  the  action  of  the  current 
flowing  through  it.  The  mixture  to  be  reduced  was  now  placed 
in  the  crucible,  and  the  reaction  occurred  briskly  and  in  a  short 
space  of  time. 

Extraction  of  Cerium  by  Metallic  Reducing  Agents. — 
The  experimental  substitution  of  aluminium  and  magnesium  for 
carbon,  after  the  manner  of  the  Goldschmidt  process,  was  not 
found  to  be  a  success.  The  excess  heat  of  the  reaction  (which  is 
doubtless  a  possible  one)  is  evidently  insufficient  to  bring  about 
the  desired  result.  But  if  a  source  of  heat,  such  as  the  furnace 
just  described,  be  used,  it  is  very  difficult  so  to  adjust  the 
temperature  to  that  required  for  an  adequate  yield  of  the  metal, 
since  the  boiling  point  is  obviously  lower  than  the  optimum 
temperature  for  the  reaction.  The  result  of  using  calcium 
carbide  as  a  reducing  agent  with  a  mixture  of  the  chloride  and 
oxide  of  cerium  is  equally  unsatisfactory. 

But  although  the  pure  metal  cannot  be  thus  got,  it  is  possible 
to  obtain  alloys  of  cerium  by  adding  oxides  or  chlorides  of  other 
metals  to  the  charge  to  be  reduced  by  aluminium  (or,  it  may  be, 
by  calcium  carbide).  Mixtures  of  the  oxides  of  cerium  and 
copper  with  aluminium  did  not  give  exactly  the  expected  result, 
because  a  part  of  the  added  aluminium  was  found  to  have 
alloyed  with  the  cerium  and  copper  reduced.  The  experiment, 
however,  at  least  proved  the  possibility  of  reducing  cerium  oxide 
by  means  of  aluminium. 

Uses  of  the  Cerite  Metals. — Since  the  methods  of  prepara- 
tion of  the  cerite  metals  are  still  quite  in  the  experimental 
stage,  it  is  obviously  impossible  at  present  to  say  much  as  to 
the  industrial  applications  of  these  metals.  The  openings  for 
utilising  them  are,  however,  fairly  numerous,  especially  as  con- 
siderable quantities  of  the  cerite  oxides  may  reasonably  be 
expected  to  come  into  the  market  as  cheap  by-products  from 

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oerite   and   monazite  in   the  manufacture  of  the  mantles  for 
incandescent  gas  burners. 

The  metals  and  carbides  would,  doubtless,  at  a  low  price,  be 
used  in  the  manufisicture  of  fireworks  on  account  of  the  brilliance 
of  the  sparks  which  they  produced  in  burning.  The  light  would 
probably  be  useful  also  in  photography.  The  readiness  with 
which  the  cerite  metals  form  alloys,  especially  with  copper,  is 
noteworthy,  as  are  also  the  density,  toughness,  and  relatively 
great  hardness  of  these  alloys.  The  reducing  power  of  cerium 
approaches  that  of  aluminium.  It  should  be  observed  also  that 
a  study  of  the  formation  of  the  nitrides  of  the  cerite  metals  may 
lead  to  the  synthesis  of  other  nitrogen  compounds. 

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Occurrence  of  Copper  in  Nature. — The  following  are  the 
ores  principally  used  for  the  extraction  of  copper: — Native 
[metallicl  copper;  the  oxides,  red  copper  ore  or  cuprite,  CujO, 
and  blacK  oxide  or  tenorite,  CuO,  which  is  much  less  common ; 
copper  glance,  Cu^S ;  copper  pyrites  or  chalcopyrite,  CujS .  Fe^^ ; 
variegated  copper  ore  or  embescite,  dCu^S  .  FegS, ;  the  salts, 
blue  vitriol,  CuSO^ .  bUfi ;  malachite,  Cu2(OH)2C03 ;  and  blue 
carbonate  of  copper  or  azurite,  Cu3(OH)2(C03)2. 

But  besides  the  above  natural  compounds,  there  are  many 
artificial  products  containing  copper  which  may  be  used  for  the 
extraction  of  that  metal.  Among  these  are  mattes,  produced 
incidentally  in  the  smelting  of  lead  or  nickel,  speise,  slags,  and 
alloys  j  of  esi)ecial  importance  among  the  latter  may  be  named, 
dross  from  liquations  and  certain  products  from  the  refining 
of  lead. 

The  ores  and  the  cupriferous  by-products  are  usually  first 
treated  so  as  to  yield  an  impure  metal,  crude  copper  or  black 
coppery  which  is  then  treated  for  the  preparation  of  marketable 
metal.  The  following  short  sketch  of  the  general  metallurgy 
of  copper  will  assist  the  consideration  of  attempts,  in  many 
cases  unsuccessful,  to  replace  some  of  the  purely  chemical  or 
metallurgical  processes  by  electrolysis  :— - 

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Smelting.  Solution  and  Precipitation. 

Available  for  all  copper  ores.  Available    for    carbonates,     sul- 

phates, and  oxides. 

A.  Solvents. 
WcUer  for  the  sulphate. 

A.  Enriching  Pr 

1.  Oxidising  roast. — Object:  sep- 
aration of  part  of  sulphur. 

2.  Smdting  for  regiUus  or  mcUte .  — 
Object :  combination  of  the  copper 
and  a  portion  of  the  other  metals 
with  sulphur  ;  removal  of  portion  of 
constituents  other  than  copper  in 
the  slag.  Roasting  (1)  and  smelting 
for  regulus  (2)  are  united  in : — 

Kernel  roasting^  in  which  the  cop- 
per sulphide  liquates  into  the  middle 
of  the  fragments  during  roasting, 

Pyritic  smelting,  in  which  the 
sulphide  is  submitted  to  oxidising 
smelting  either  without,  or  with  a 
little,  lulditional  fuel  in  the  blast- 

3.  Oxiditiing  roast  of  regulua. — 
Object  as  in  (1). 

4.  Smelting  Jor  concentrated  regn- 
Ins. — Object  as  in  (2). 

The  processes  (3)  and  (4)  are  also 
united  sometimes  in  reverberatory 
or  converter  processes. 

B.  Beoovery  of  Crude  Metal. 

Consisting  of  the  reaction  process, 
so  conducted  in  the  reverberatory 
furnace  or  converter  that  the  oxides 
react  with  undecomposed  sulphides 
to  form  SO3  and  metals ;  or  the 
reduction  process,  an  older  and  less 
used  process,  in  which  the  regulus 
was  uead-roasted  in  order  to  re- 
move the  sulphur  as  completely  as 
possible,  and  the  oxide  was  then 
reduced  to  crude  copper  (black  cop- 
per), the  substances  other  than 
copper  being  removed  as  fully  as 
practicable  by  the  euidition  of  silica. 

The  electrolytic  treatment  of  regulus 
has  so  far  been  unsuccessful. 

Hydrochloric  add  for  ores  and 
n  etallurgical  products  containing 
oxides,  basic  carbonates,  and  sul- 

Sulphuric  add  and  atmosphefi'ic 
oxygen,  acting  simultaneously,  for 
the  treatment  of  alloys  rich  in  cop- 
per, especially  those  containing  the 
noble  metals.  Copper  thus  passes 
into  solution  as  sulphate,  the  noble 
metals  with  lead  and  other  metallic 
compounds  remaining  undissolved 
in  the  form  of  mud. 

Ferric  and  cupric  salts,  preferably 
ferric  chloride,  which  is  lormed  in 
the  treatment  of  ores  containing 
iron  with  hydrochloric  acid  in  the 
presence  of  air ;  available  for  cuprite 
(CujO),  and,  by  prolonged  action, 
for  sulphides  that  are  readily 

B.  Precipitation. 
By  metals  of  higher  solution  pres" 
mire  than  copper, — Iron  scrap  is  used 
almost  exclusively  owing  to  its  low 

By  electrolysis. — ^Attempted  with 
but  little  success  up  to  the  present, 
bv  Siemens  and  Halske,  and  C. 
Tloepfner,  who  endeavoured  during 
the  precipitation  of  the  copper  to 
regenerate  the  solution  (ferric  or 
cupric  salt)  at  the  anode. 


Fumaoe  Frooesses  of  Refining  may  be  as  follows : — 
1.  Oxidising  melt,  by  which  the  substances  other  than  copper 
oxidise  and  are  removed,  partly  by  volatilisation  (SO,  .  AsgO^) 
and  partly  in  the  slag  (metals).     A  part  of  the  copper  also  is 
oxidised  to  CngO,  which  dissolves  in  the  pure  copper. 

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2.  Reducing  process  for  the  reduction  in  the  furnace  of  the 
OujO  produced  and  dissolved  in  stage  1 : — Product,  malleable 

Black  copper  containing  the  precious  metals  is  purified  by 
electrolyeis,  either  direct  or  after  partial  refining  by  process  ii.,  1. 
Anodes  =  black  copper  ;  electrolyte  =  acidified  aqueous  solution 
of  copper  salts ;  cathodes  =  electrolytic  copper. 

Properties  of  Copper. — Copper  (Cu*  and  Cu';  atomic  weight 
=  63*4,  specific  gravity  =  8-94),  when  pure,  exhibits  a  yellowish- 
red  colour  on  surfaces  recently  fractured.  The  structure  of  cast 
copper  is  granular,  but  by  hammering  or  rolling  it  becomes 
fibrous.  It  is  remarkable  for  great  ductility,  united  with  a 
moderate  degree  of  hardness  and  tenacity.  Copper  which  has 
become  hardened  by  mechanical  work  may  be  made  malleable 
again  by  heating.  Its  conductivity  for  heat  and  electricity  is 
very  high,  and  the  latter  property  has  therefore  led  to  its  general 
use  for  conductors  in  electro-technical  work.  Shortly  before 
attaining  its  melting  point  (which  is  about  1,050°  C.)  the  metal 
becomes  so  brittle  that  it  may  be  pulverised.  In  the  molten 
condition  copper  has  a  greenish  colour,  and  it  also  imparts  a 
green  tint  to  oxidising  flames.  The  boiling  point  of  the  metal  is 
not  far  removed  from  the  temperature  of  the  oxyhydrogen  flame, 
and  may  perhaps  be  taken  as  approximating  2,000*"  C. 

When  melted,  copper  has  a  great  tendency  to  dissolve  certain 
gases  (hydrogen,  carbonic  oxide,  and  sulphurous  acid),  which  it 
evolves  again  on  solidifying.  Certain  metals  (aluminium,  nickel, 
cobalt,  zinc,  cadmium,  tin,  lead,  bismuth,  the  noble  metals, 
manganese,  chromium,  tungsten,  molybdenum,  and  iron)  are 
also  readily  dissolved  by  it,  as  also  are  various  metallic  compounds 
(cuprous  oxide,  sulphide,  and  phosphide,  and  the  arsenides, 
arseniates,  antimonides  and  antimoniates  of  lead,  bismuth,  &c.). 
The  solubility  of  the  gases  and  the  compounds  last  named  should 
be  remembered  in  connection  with  the  melting  of  the  copper  in 
the  refinery,  and  in  the  casting  of  copper  and  its  alloys  generally. 
The  mutual  solubility  of  copper  and  other  metals  is  utilised  in 
the  preparation  of  alloys. 

Of  the  chemical  properties  of  this  metal  the  following  may 
be  specially  noted  as  bearing  upon  its  extraction  and  useful 
applications  : — The  polished  surface  of  rolled  or  hammered  (and 
therefore  dense)  copper  may  remain  unaltered  in  the  air  for  a 
long  time  ;  but,  in  contact  with  acid  substances  in  the  presence 
of  air,  the  metal  is  very  easily  oxidised  with  the  formation  of 
basic  salts  (e.^.,  verdigris).  Or,  again,  at  a  low  red  heat,  far 
below  its  melting  point,  it  becomes  covered  with  a  film  or  "sccUe'* 
which  consists  of  a  mixture  of  the  cuprous  and  cupric  oxides. 

In  combining  with  sulphur  it  exhibits  a  far  greater  chemical 
energy  than  does  any  of  the  other  heavy  metals,  and  this  property 
has  a  special  interest  in  connection  with  the  extraction  of  copper 

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COPPER.  187 

from  its  ores.  Copper  also  unites  directly  with  the  other  metal< 
loids,  excepting  hydrogen,  nitrogen,  and  carbon. 

The  principal  solvents  for  copper  are  nitric  acid,  concentrated 
sulphuric  acid,  and  aqua  regia.  Hydrochloric  acid  and  dilute 
sulphuric  acid  only  dissolve  the  metal  when  air  or  some  other 
oxidising  substance  is  present ;  on  account  of  the  low  solution 
pressure  of  this  metal,  hydrogen  can  never  be  produced  by  the 
action  of  acids  upon  it,  and  it  is  for  tliis  reason  that  the  addition 
of  an  oxidising  agent  is  required. 

Copper  enters  into  combination  either  as  a  monovalent  (in 
cuprous  compounds)  or  as  a  divalent  (in  cupric  compounds) 
element  In  the  salts  of  the  oxygen  acids  it  is  almost  always 
in  the  divalent  condition. 

Electrolytic  Beflnlng  of  Copper. — The  foregoing  sketch 
has  indicated  that  of  all  the  attempts  to  apply  electro-chemical 
processes  to  the  extraction  of  copper,  only  that  of  electrolytic 
refining  has  found  any  wide  practical  application  in  metallurgy. 
It  will  be  best  to  commence  with  a  study  of  this  process  on 
account  of  the  simplicity  of  the  procedure  connected  with  it. 


Early  attempts  in  the  Electro-Deposition  of  Copper. — 

Although  the  fact  that  copper  could  be  separated  from  its 
solutions  by  means  of  the  electric  current,  was  known  through 
Cruikshank's*  researches  in  1800,  no  successful  application  of 
this  observation  could  be  made  in  the  field  of  metallurgy  until 
after  the  invention  of  the  dynamo.  Following  upon  this,  how- 
ever, no  time  was  lost  in  utilising  the  current  for  the  purpose  in 

Attempts,  however,  were  constantly  made  to  apply  the  cur- 
rent to  metallurgical  purposes,  and  especially  to  the  treatment 
of  copper  ores,  even  at  a  time  when  there  was  no  economical 
generator  of  electricity  available.  Becquerel's  work  in  the  years 
1835  to  1840,  on  the  electro-chemical  treatment  of  ores  containing 
silver,  copper,  and  lead,  will  be  referred  to  briefly  under  Lead, 
As  soon  as  Jacobi's  discovery  of  electrotyping  became  known  in 
the  year  1838,  Smee  recognised  how  important  a  part  electrolysis 
was  destined  to  play  in  metallurgy,  as  may  be  gathered  from 
his  work  on  electro-metallurgy. t  Even  in  1867,  the  year  in 
which  Siemens  first  described  his  dynamo-electric  machine, 
Fateral  published  an  account  of  a  method  for  the  precipitation 
ol  copper  from  cement  waters,  in  which  he  wrote  :  — 

*  Nicholson's  JoumaJ  of  Natural  Philosophy ^  1800. 
t  Smee's  MectrO'inetallurgy,  1841. 

X  VerharuUungen  dtr  h.  h.  geo/oyischen  Reichsaiu^taJt,  1867,  No.  6 ;  and 
ZHngler^a  polyieckiiisches  Jotimalf  1867,  vol.  clxxxiv.,  p.  134. 

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Patera's  Frooess. — "In  a  trough  lined  with  guttapercha 
plates,  a  rectangular  clay  cell  was  so  cemented,  that  the  two 
walls  that  were  in  contact  with  the  longer  sides  of  the  trough, 
made  a  water-tight  joint  with  them  ;  an  empty  space  was  thus 
formed,  bounded  by  the  shorter  sides  of  the  trough,  the  free 
walls  of  the  clay  cell,  the  bottom  of  the  trough  and  that  of  the 
cell.  This  space  was  filled  with  granulated  copper,  and  through 
it  was  passed  the  solution  from  which  copper  was  to  be  recovered. 
Within  the  clay  cell  were  parallel  iron  plates,  so  soldered  on  to 
a  stout  copper  wire  that  there  was  a  space  of  about  four  lines 
between  each  pair  of  plates.  This  system  of  iron  plates  was 
brought  into  electrical  connection  with  the  granulated  copper  by 
means  of  a  copper  wire.  The  copper  sulphate  liquor  was  con- 
tinually introduced  on  one  side  of  the  cell,  and  was  run  off  from 
the  other  through  a  glass  tube.  A  solution  of  blue  vitriol,  with 
a  proportion  of  copper  equal  to  that  of  the  Schmollnitz  mine 
waters — viz.,  ^jj  oz.  per  cb.  ft. — loses  more  than  half  its  copper 
in  traversing  even  the  1^  ft  of  space  through  which  it  has  to 
pass  in  this  small  apparatus.  By  passing  the  liquid  through 
two  such  cells  in  succession,  or  by  leaving  the  solution  in  one  cell 
for  only  a  short  time,  the  extraction  of  copper  will  be  complete. 

**  It  appears,  therefore,  that  this  apparatus  will  answer  all 
requirements.  The  copper  obtained  in  this  way  will  be  very 
pure,  the  consumption  of  iron  will  correspond  very  nearly  to  the 
equivalent  of  the  copper  separated,  and  the  apparatus  will  be 
very  compact,  and  therefore  easy  to  supervise.  The  only 
difficulty  tiiat  I  [t.^.,  Patera]  observe  is  that  a  large  quantity  of 
granulated  copper  must  be  employed,  which,  although  it  is  not 
permanently  lost,  is  locked  up  in  the  apparatus,  and,  therefore, 
adds  considerably  to  the  capital  outlay  in  making  the  installation. 
/  afierwarda  attempted  to  replace  the  copper  by  f  raiments  ofcoke^  and 
apparently  with  complete  succeeSyfor  the  copper  coats  the/ragmenla 
80  thoroughly  and  so  easily  that  they  are  able  at  once  to  form  a 
perfect  substitute  for  the  granulated  copper" 

The  Elkington  Patents. — Elkington's  process  possesses  great 
interest  in  connection  with  copper  refining,  as  it  was  the  first  to 
utilise  the  current  from  the  dynamo.  The  English  patent*  dates 
from  the  year  1865,  the  American t  bears  a  considerably  later 
date.  The  following  is  a  transcript  of  the  later  British  specifi- 
cation, omitting  preliminary  matter : — 

"  This  invention  has  for  its  object  improvements  in  the  manu- 
facture of  copper  and  in  separating  other  metals  therefrom. 

"  For  this  purpose  I  smelt  the  copper  ore  so  far  as  to  obtain 
an  impure  metal  therefrom,  which  I  then  cast  into  plates,  and  by 
means  of  electricity  I  dissolve  these  plates  and  deposit  the  pure 
copper  on  to  other  plates.     The  other  metals  with  which  the 

*  English  Patent  2,838,  Nov.  3,  1865  ;  and  3,120,  Oct.  27,  1869. 
tU.S.A.  Patent  10,131,  of  Feb.  22,  1870. 

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COPPER.  18^ 

copper  was  combined  fall  for  the  most  part  to  the  bottom  of  the 
Yessel  in  which  I  operate.  This  process  in  its  general  outline  as 
above  stated  is  not  new,  for  it  has  before  been  patented  and  used 
by  me.     (See  patent  dated  November  3rd,  1865,  No.  2,838.) 

''My  present  invention  consists  in  improvements  in  th& 
method  of  conducting  this  process.  I  prefer  to  employ  copper 
ores  which  contain  sufficient  silver  materially  to  injure  the 
copper  if  smelted  in  the  ordinary  way,  and  which,  consequently, 
would  usually  be  submitted  to  a  process  for  extracting  the  silver 
before  they  are  smelted.  In  such  ores,  frequently,  the  quantity 
of  silver  is  not  such  as  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  extraction,  but  the 
process  has,  nevertheless,  been  necessary  when  copper  of  high 
quality  is  required  to  prevent  injury  to  the  copper.  These  ores 
are  particularly  suitable  for  my  use,  as  the  silver  they  contain, 
which  does  not  raise  their  price  in  the  market,  is  recovered  by 
me  without  any  additional  cost.  Ores  containing  a  larger  quan- 
tity of  silver,  say  from  8  ounces  to  the  ton  and  upwards,  and 
which  are  now  always  submitted  to  a  process  for  extracting  the 
silver  before  they  are  smelted,  can  also  be  advantageously 
worked  by  my  process,  as  can  also  ores  containing  little  or  no 
silver,  but  in  this  latter  case  the  advantage  of  my  process  over 
the  ordinary  process  is  mainly  in  the  better  quality  of  copper 
which  I  obtain.  I  smelt  the  ore  in  the  usual  way  so  as  to  obtain 
all  its  metallic  contents  (except  such  as  may  be  volatile)  in  the 
form  of  a  regulus,  from  which  stage,  by  preference,  but  it  is  not 
essential,  I  carry  the  metal  on  to  the  state  of  pimple  or  blister 
copper ;  this  impure  metal  I  cast  into  plates,  say  24  ins.  long,  8 
ins.  wide,  and  1  in.  thick.  One  end  of  the  plate  is  provided  at 
the  centre  with  a  stout  T-shaped  head  of  wrought  copper ;  it  is 
placed  in  the  mould  in  which  the  plate  is  cast.  Cast-iron  moulds 
are  used.  The  metal  is  tapped  out  of  the  furnace  on  to  a  sand 
floor,  and  is  led  by  channels  into  the  moulds.  The  plates  thus 
cast  are  ready  to  go  to  the  dissolving-house,  which  is  laid  with  a 
wooden  floor,  inclined  from  end  to  end  ^  an  inch  to  the  foot. 
The  boards  are  grooved  on  their  edges,  and  small  strips  or 
tongues  of  wood  are  inserted  into  the  grooves  so  that  there  may 
be  no  open  joints,  and  the  surface  is  thoroughly  saturated  and 
coated  with  pitch  to  make  it  watertight.  The  surface  of  the 
floor  is  divided  into  a  nuu)ber  of  troughs  running  from  end  to 
end  of  the  building  by  ledges  of  wood  fixed  down  upon  it;  these 
are  also  saturated  with  pitch.  Each  trough  is  of  a  width  to 
receive  three  stoneware  jars  side  by  side.  The  jars  are  cylindri- 
cal, 34  ins.  high  and  18  ins.  wide.  There  are  pathways. between 
the  troughs  for  the  workmen  who  attend  to  the  process.  Each 
trough  is  filled  from  end  to  end  with  jars.  There  may  be,  say, 
about  100  jars  in  each  trough,  and  12  troughs  in  the  width  of 
the  building.  The  jars  should  be  of  fireclay  ware,  so  that  they 
may  not  be  injured  by  the  solution  which  they  receive.     Each 

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has  a  hole  in  the  bottom,  closed  by  a  wooden  plug,  also  a  hole  in 
the  side  4  ins.  from  the  bottom,  and  another  hole  diametrically 
opposite  to  the  first  and  4  ins.  from  the  top.  The  jars  are  set  up 
level  on  the  inclined  floor  with  wo3den  wedges  saturated  with 
pitch.  The  jars  are  connected  together  from  the  upper  to  the 
lower  end  of  the  room,  each  jar  having  a  pipe  passing  out  from 
it  at  the  hole  near  thQ  top  and  entering  the  next  jar  below  at 
the  hole  near  the  bottom.  The  connection  with  the  jars  are 
made  with  vulcanised  india-rubber,  and  intermediate  of  the 
connections  the  pipes  may  be  of  lead,  and  about  |  in.  internal 

"  The  solution  which  I  employ  is  water  charged  with  as  much 
sulphate  of  copper  as  it  will  dissolve.  The  sulphate  of  copper  of 
commerce  may  be  used,  or  for  economy  I  sometimes  use  a  solu- 
tion obtained  by  boiling  the  deposit  found  in  the  culvert  or  long 
flue  by  which  the  smoke  from  the  copper  furnace  is  led  to  the 
high  chimney;  this  will  furnish  a  solution  of  sulphate  of  copper 
sufficiently  pure  for  the  purpose. 

''The  solution  is  stored  in  a  tank  at  the  upper  end  of  the 
dissolving-room;  it  is  admitted  into  the  uppermost  jars,  and  runs 
from  jar  to  jar  until  those  at  the  lower  end  of  the  building  are 
filled.  Clips  are  put  upon  the  india-rubber  connections  to  stop 
the  flow  through  the  tubes  when  tlie  jars  are  full,  and  so  to 
maintain  the  solution  at  the  proper  level  in  the  upper  jars. 

"  When  the  process  is  in  operation  two  (tic)  clips  are  taken 
ofiP,  say,  once  in  twenty-four  hours,  so  as  to  cause  the  solution  to 
flow  through  all  the  jars  and  transfer  the  solution  from  the 
bottom  of  one  jar  to  the  top  of  the  next,  so  as  thoroughly  to  mix 
it,  as  in  working  it  tends  to  become  weak  at  the  top  of  the  jar. 
This  means  of  readily  equalising  the  density  of  the  solution  is 
of  great  practical  importance.  At  the  lower  end  of  the  room  is 
a  tank  to  receive  the  solution.  When  it  is  thus  allowed  to  run 
through  it  is  pumped  back  into  the  upper  reservoir.  The  same 
tank  receives  the  contents  of  the  jars  when  they  are  emptied  on 
to  the  floor  beneath  by  the  removal  of  the  bottom  plug,  as  here- 
inafter described.  In  the  gangways  between  the  floor-troughs  a 
truck  runs  to  carry  the  cast  copper  plates  to  the  jars  in  which 
they  are  to  be  dissolved.  Six  metal  plates  are  suspended  in 
each  jar;  they  are  hung  in  couples  from  the  horizontal  copper 
bars,  having  forks  upon  them  to  receive  the  T-form  heads  of  the 
plates.  These  bars  rest  at  their  ends  on  other  bars  of  wood  laid 
on  the  jars  so  as  each  to  extend  across  a  row  of  three  jars,  and 
the  same  bars  also  support  over  each  jar  two  other  metal  cross- 
bars to  support  plates  to  receive  the  deposit  of  copper  from  the 
solution.  There  are  four  receiving  plates  in  a  jar,  two  suspended 
from  each  bar;  they  are  interposed  between  the  cast  plates. 
Conducting  strips  of  sheet  copper  are  laid  upon  the  wooden  bars 
so  as  to  couple  the  cast  plates  of  one  jar  to  the  receiving  plates 

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of  the  next  jar,  and  so  throughout  the  series  of,  say,  100  jars. 
Each  metal  cross-bar  is  made  to  bear  on  a  connecting  strip  at 
one  end,  and  at  the  other  on  a  wooden  block  saturated  with 
pitch.  The  jars  are  each  provided  with  a  false  bottom  of  wood 
to  prevent  breakage  of  the  jar  in  case  a  plate  should  fall.  The 
receiving  plates  may  be  of  wrought  copper,  but  I  prefer  to  em- 
ploy in  the  first  instance  guttapercha  coated  with  bronze  powder. 
As  soon  as  a  deposition  of  copper  is  obtained,  the  guttapercha  is 
stripped  off  and  the  copper  left  to  receive  a  further  deposit.  A 
series  of,  say,  100  jars  being  thus  coupled  up  into  a  circuit,  I 
connect  to  the  terminals  of  the  series  one  or  more  electro- 
magnetic machines.  I  prefer  to  employ  the  machines  manufac- 
tured by  Messrs.  H.  Wilde  <fe  Co.,  of  Manchester.  The  machines 
called  by  the  makers  34-inch  machines  are  those  which  I  use, 
and  I  drive  them  at  2,500  revolutions  per  minute.  With  three 
such  machines  working  into  a  series  of  100  jars  a  deposition  of 
4  or  5  lbs.  of  copper  in  each  jar  may  be  obtained  in  twenty-four 
hours  without  injury  to  the  solution.  When  the  cast  plates 
become  so  far  dissolved  as  to  be  unfit  for  further  use  they  are 
removed;  their  remains  are  washed  in  the  lower  solution  tank 
to  remove  the  deposit  from  their  surfaces,  and  they  are  melted 
and  recast.  The  wrought  T-heads  may  be  used  an  indefinite 
number  of  times,  as  I  protect  them  from  solution  by  coating 
their  stems  with  wax.  The  receiving  plates  are  allowed  to  grow 
until  they  attain  a  convenient  weight ;  they  may  either  be 
melted  and  cast  into  cakes,  and  afterwards  rolled  in  the  usual 
way  of  working  copper,  or  the  plates  as  they  come  from  the  vats, 
may  be  sent  into  the  market.  The  solution  may  be  worked  for 
a  very  long  time,  evaporation  being  supplied  by  the  addition  of 
water  acidulated  slightly  with  sulphuric  acid,  and  ultimately 
will  become  so  charged  with  sulphate  of  iron  as  to  make  it 
inconvenient  to  work  it  further.  If,  however,  the  metal  be 
advanced  to  the  pimple  or  blister  stage  before  casting  the  plates, 
it  will  take  but  little  iron  into  the  solution.  The  silver  or  other 
metals  (excepting  the  iron)  with  which  the  copper  of  the  cast 
plates  was  contaminated,  sinks  to  the  bottom  of  the  jars  and  is 
there  allowed  to  accumulate  until  it  reaches  the  lower  side  hole; 
when  this  happens  the  bottom  plugs  are  taken  out  of  all  the  jars 
of  the  series,  and  the  contents  washed  out  into  the  floor  trough, 
which  discharges  them  into  the  tank  at  the  end  of  the  building ; 
here  they  settle,  from  time  to  time  the  tank  is  pumped  dry, 
and  the  sediment  is  taken  out.  There  are  two  such  tanks  at 
the  lower  end  of  the  room  to  allow  of  one  being  put  out  of  use 
before  emptying. 

"The  sediment  may  be  treated  in  any  ordinary  and  well- 
known  manner  for  the  recovery  of  the  sUver  it  contains,  and 
other  metals  may  be  separated  from  it  should  it  be  considered 
desirable  to  do  so." 

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Excepting  the  form  of  the  decomposing  vessels,  which  is  a 
little  unpractical,  and  the  method  of  arranging  the  electrodes, 
which  is  lacking  in  simplicity,  this  process  is  one  which  exhibits 
all  the  essential  features  of  the  modern  methodn  of  copper 
refining;  and  it  must  be  admitted  that  £lkington  well  under- 
stood how  at  once  to  turn  to  his  advantage  the  discoveries  in 

Theory  of  Electrolytio  Copper  Beflning. — The  process  as 
it  is  practically  applied  consists,  then,  in  the  electrolysis  of  a 
copper  sulphate  solmtion  with  anodes  of  crude  copper  and  pure 
copper  cathodes.  And  whether  the  phenomena  observable  in 
carrying  out  the  process  be  interpreted  by  the  old  explanation, 
or  by  the  new,  it  will  be  found  that  no  great  expenditure  of 
power  can  theoretically  be  necessary  to  carry  over  the  copper 
from  the  positive  to  the  n^ative  electrode.  According  to  the 
older  view  the  electric  current  serves  to  decompose  the  electro- 
lyte ;  and  it  would  therefore  first  cause  the  transposition  shown 
in  equation  (i.) : — 

(1.)    CUSO4  +  H2O  =  Cu  +  HjS04  +  O. 
(-)  (+) 

But  then  at  the  same  time  there  would  be  occurring  an 
oxidation  and  solution  of  copper  at  the  anode,  with  a  reproduc- 
tion of  the  original  electrolyte,  and  therefore  a  reversal  of  the 
former  equation,  thus : — 

(ii.)    Cu  +  H2SO4  +  O  =  CUSO4  +  HjO. 

On  calculating  the  E.M.F.  necessary  to  these  reactions  from 
the  thermo-chemical  data  indicated  by  the  two  equations,  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  one  balances  the  other,  and  the  resultant  is  nil. 

According  to  the  modem  explanation,  the  electrolytes  are 
entirely  or  in  part  dissociated.  In  such  a  case  the  solution  must 
contain  equivalent  Ou''  ions  and  SO4''  ions.  The  solution  is 
nearly  saturated,  and  the  osmotic  pressure  is  therefore  more 
favourable  to  the  separating  out  of  dissolved  substances.  But 
another  characteristic  of  copper  refining  is  that  large  quantities 
of  copper  are  transported  from  the  anode  to  the  cathode.  It 
is  true  that  the  copper  of  the  anode  possesses  a  solution  pressure, 
even  if  it  be  but  small ;  but  equilibrium  is  maintained  without 
any  further  expenditure  of  energy  by  the  back  osmotic  pressure 
of  the  cations  already  existing  in  the  solution.  But  even  a 
slight  excess  pressure,  produced  outside  the  bath  by  the  dynamo, 
which  is  in  direct  metallic  connection  with  the  electrodes,  serves 
at  once  to  set  in  motion  large  quantities  of  copper  on  their  path 
from  the  anode  to  the  cathode,  where  an  escape  is,  of  course, 
provided  for  the  electrical  charges  given  up  by  the  copper  ions 
as  they  deposit. 

Theory  and  practice  alike  teach  that  only  a  very  small  electro- 
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motive  force  is  required  to  drive  copper  over  from  the  anode  to 
the  cathode,  leaving  its  impurities  behind  at  the  anode,  and 
that,  therefore,  the  quantity  of  electricity  that  it  is  arranged 
shall  be  carried  by  the  copper  ions  must  be  very  large  in  pro- 
portion to  the  E.M.F. 

Simple  as  the  theoretical  explanations  of  the  process  may  be, 
it  is  not  quite  so  simple  in  actual  practice.  The  copper  anodes 
are  not  composed  of  pure  copper ;  they  contain  a  considerable 
proportion  of  foreign  matter  which,  if  left  insoluble,  is  capable 
of  producing  polarisation*  For  this  reason  the  anodes  and  the 
electrolyte,  and  therefore  the  necessary  KM.F.  also,  will  alter 
from  the  very  beginning  of  the  operation.  Kiliani,  in  the  year 
1885,*  undertook  the  task  of  accurately  examining  and  recording 
the  behaviour  of  the  impurities  present  in  copper  under  electro- 
lysis. With  reference  to  the  conditions  of  work  in  this  method 
of  refining,  he  writes : — 

S[iliani'8  Experiments  in  the  Behaviour  of  Impurities 
during  the  Eleotrolytio  Beflning  of  Copper. — *'With  a 
normal  current-density  of  20  amperes  per  square  metre  [1*8 
amperes  per  square  foot],  and  a  solution  containing  150  grms.  of 
copper  sulphate  and  50  grms.  of  sulphuric  acid  per  litre  [1  56  lbs. 
copper  salt)  and  0*52  lb.  acid  per  gallon],  cuproiu  oxide  in  the 
anode  remains  unaltered,  because  it  is  a  very  bad  conductor, 
and  passes  at  first  into  the  slime  or  mud  left  at  the  electrode ; 
secondarily,  however,  it  gradually  dissolves  in  the  acid  of  the 
bath,  and  thus  passes  into  solution  at  a  rate  proportional  to 
the  time  that  it  is  left  in  the  liquid.  The  presence  of  cuprous 
oxide  in  the  anode,  therefore,  causes  the  bath  to  become  less 
acid,  but  richer  in  copper. 

**Stilphide  (or  sdenide)  of  Copper  passes  as  such  into  the  slime, 
so  long  as  it  is  not  present  in  quantities  which  would  be  con- 
sidered abnormal  in  black  copper,  and  especially  if  it  exists  in 
the  form  of  sub-sulphide  (Cu^S).  Sulphur  cannot  then  be  ex- 
tracted from  the  slime  by  means  of  carbon  bisulphide.  It  is 
only  when  the  anode  contains  a  considerable  proportion  of 
sulphide,  as  in  the  case  of  matte,  that  this  compound  is  decom- 
posed with  separation  of  sulphur. 

'*  Silver,  PlaHmimy  cmd  Gold  remain  completely  in  the  form  of 
powder  in  the  slime,  provided  that  they  be  not  present  in  very 
considerable  proportion,  and  that  the  solution  contain  the  normal 
quantity  of  copper  and  add.  If,  however,  the  solution  should 
become  neutral,  the  silver  will  rapidly  pass  into  solution,  and 
will  then,  of  course,  be  deposited  at  the  cathode. 

^  Bismuth  cmd  Bismuth  Oxide  in  part  pass  directly  into  the 
slime  and  in  part  dissolve  into  the  solution,  from  which  they 
separate  almost  completely,  in  course  of  time,  in  the  form  of  a 
basic  salt 

*  Berg-  und  HmenmSnmeches  Zeitung,  1885,  p.  249. 


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"Tin  at  first  dissolves  in  the  bath,  but  partly  deposits  again,  on 
standing,  as  a  basic  salt ;  but  if  much  of  this  metal  be  present 
in  the  anodes,  the  greater  part  will  be  left  as  basic  sulphate  on 
the  anode  itself.  In  the  moist  condition,  this  anode  slime  has  a 
dirty  pale  grey  colour,  but  on  drying  in  the  air  it  becomes 
white,  and  increases  rapidly  in  weight,  even  after  long  drying 
at  100°  0.,  so  that  it  is  almost  impossible  to  weigh  it  correctly. 
Finally,  the  slime  contains,  besides  sulphuric  acid,  tin  oxide, 
which  is  present  almost  entirely  in  the  form  of  the  a-stannic 
acid,  soluble  in  hydrochloric  acid,  and  only  in  very  small  pro- 
portion as  the  P'  (meta)  stannic  acid,  which  is  insoluble  in  that 
liquid.  The  presence  of  tin,  therefore,  causes  the  bath  to  become 
weaker  in  respect  of  copper,  without  gaining  any  considerable 
proportion  of  tin  in  exchange ;  and  in  consequence  of  the 
separation  of  the  basic  salt,  the  liquid  becomes  slightly,  but 
quite  appreciably,  more  acid. 

"But  the  presence  of  the  tin  in  the  solution  appears  to  exert  a 
remarkably  favourable  influence  upon  the  deposit  of  copper;  for, 
whilst  a  bath  consisting  of  a  chemically  pure  neutral  solution 
of  copper  sulphate  gave,  with  the  above-named  current-density, 
a  deposit  that  was  exceedingly  bad,  warty,  and  brittle,  the  same 
current  produced  an  exceptionally  good  copper,  free  from  wart- 
like protuberances,  and  very  malleable,  when  the  anode  con- 
tained a  notable  proportion  of  tin.  This  favourable  result  was 
obtained  even  when  no  trace  of  tin  was  to  be  found  in  the  electro- 
deposited  copper  ;  it  was  tested  for  by  dissolving  the  deposit  in 
nitric  acid,  evaporating,  and  re-dissolving  the  residue  in  acidu- 
lated water,  and  not  the  slightest  precipitate,  or  even  turbidity, 
indicative  of  the  presence  of  tin,  could  be  observed  in  the  re- 
sulting solution.  From  the  observation  of  this  phenomenon, 
no  doubt,  arose  the  custom,  practised  by  a  few  electrotypers,  of 
adding  tin  salts  to  their  baths.  The  E.M.F.  required  for  the 
electrolysis  is  also  markedly  reduced  when  fairly  large  propor- 
tions of  tin  are  present  in  the  anodes. 

*^  Arsenic  dissolves  in  either  acid  or  neutral  solutions  as 
arsenic  acid,  until  the  solution  is  saturated  therewith,  and  then 
it  remains  undissolved  in  the  slime.  The  arsenious  acid,  com- 
bined with  cuprous  oxide  or  other  metallic  oxides,  passes 
entirely  into  the  slime  if  the  solution  be  neutral,  because  these 
compounds  are  not  conductors  of  electricity.  If,  however,  the 
electrolyte  be  acid,  a  secondary  (purely  solvent)  action  takes 
place,  and  the  arsenic  slowly  dissolves  into  the  bath  in  the  form 
of  arsenious  acid ;  but  this  solution,  of  course,  takes  place  in  a 
less  degree  the  more  often  the  action  of  the  acid  is  stopped  by 
lifting  the  anodes  from  the  vat  and  removii^  the  slime  from 
their  surfaces.  The  influence  of  the  arsenic  in  the  anode  copper 
is,  therefore,  to  make  the  bath  poorer  in  respect  of  copper,  but 
richer  in  acid.*    The  copper  deposited  from  neutral  arsenical 

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solutions  will  contain  arsenic,  but  that  from  acid  solutions  will 
be  free  from  this  impurity  unless  the  bath  contain  proportion- 
ately very  little  copper. 

^^ArUimony  goes  partly  into  solution  whether  the  bath  be  acid 
or  neutral,  and  in  part  remains  as  basic  sulphate  at  the  anode, 
whilst  a  portion  of  that  which  dissolves  separates  out  again  on 
long  standing.  The  antimonial  anode  slime  behaves  like  that 
containing  tin,  in  that  it  gains  in  weight  on  exposure  to  the 
air.  Antimony,  therefore,  makes  the  electrolyte  poorer  in 
copper.  The  antimoniates  are  not  decomposed  by  the  current, 
and  therefore  remain  at  first  in  the  slime ;  they  are,  however, 
gradually  attacked  by  the  acid  of  the  bath  with  separation  of 
antimonic  acid,  and  so  tend  towards  the  neutralisation  of  the 
electrolyte ;  but,  of  course,  this  effect  is  the  least  marked  when 
the  slime  is  the  most  often  removed  from  the  bath.  Even  when 
the  solution  is  saturated  with  antimony,  and  basic  salt  is  be- 
coming precipitated  in  the  vats,  the  antimony  is  not  deposited 
at  the  cathode  so  long  as  the  electrolyte  contains  approximately 
the  normal  proportions  of  acid  and  copper ;  at  the  worst,  some 
basic  salt  may  in  such  a  case  mechanically  adhere  to  the  cathode 
in  the  shape  of  a  black  muddy  deposit  containing  copper  and 
antimony.  But  if  the  solution  should  be  nearly  or  quite 
neutral,  antimony  will  come  down  with  the  copper,  and  the 
deposit  will  be  dun  coloured  and  brittle,  and  will  often  be 
characterised  by  long  needle-like  excrescences,  bounded  by 
rectilineal  planes.  So,  too,  if  the  electrolyte  contain  too  little 
copper  salt,  even  the  usual  proportion  of  acid  will  not  prevent 
the  antimony  being  precipitated  with  the  copper. 

^^  Lead  J  under  the  action  of  the  current,  is  attacked  even  before 
the  copper,  and  passes  into  the  slime  as  insoluble  sulphate,  only 
traces  going  into  solution,  without  any  tendency  to  deposit  at 
the  cathode.  The  presence  of  lead  in  the  anode,  therefore,  makes 
the  bath  proportionately  poorer  in  copper. 

"Iron,  Zinc,  Nickel,  and  Cobalt  dissolve  under  the  action  of  the 
current  more  readily  than  copper,  and,  therefore,  weaken  the 
solution  in  respect  of  the  latter  metal.  But  besides  this,  when 
small  current-densities  are  employed  (as  they  are  in  copper 
refining)  a  simple  chemical  action  takes  place  between  these 
metals  and  the  free  acids  present,  which  results  in  a  greater 
solution  of  such  metals  at  the  anode  than  is  equivalent  to  the 
copper  deposited  at  the  cathode;  the  bath,  therefore,  loses  in 
free  acid,  but  contains  in  exchange  a  greater  proportion  of 
metallic  salts. 

**Iron  always  forms  a  ferrous  compound  on  dissolving  when  the 
current-density  is  small,  but  this  is  gradually  peroxidised  to  the 
ferric  state  under  the  influence  of  the  air  during  the  circulation 
in  the  vats  j  and  this  reaction  also  tends  to  a  neutralisation  of 
acid.     Ferric  salts  are  formed  at  the  anode  itself  only  when  a 

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high  current-density  of  about  1,300  amperes  per  square  metre 
[120  amperes  per  sq.  ft.]  leads  to  a  separation  of  oxygen  and 
free  acid  at  that  electrode.  Sulphide  of  iron  at  the  anode  forms 
only  ferric  salts.  Even  if  all  the  copper  in  the  solution  be 
replaced  by  iron,  excepting  about  2  grms.  per  litre  [^  oz.  per 
gall.],  warty  excrescences  will  still  be  formed. 

'*  The  mud  or  slime  deposited  at  the  anode  may  contain,  after 
drying,  gold,  platinum,  silver,  silver  sulphide,  cuprous  oxide 
and  sulphide,  basic  sulphates  of  bismuth,  tin  and  antimony, 
antimonic  acid,  arseniate  of  copper,  metallic  arseniates  and  anti- 
moniates,  lead  sulphate,  and  slag  constituents,  in  which  may  be 
iron,  lime,  magnesia,  and  silica ;  and  with  these  there  will  also 
be  a  certain  amount  of  metallic  copper  in  pulverulent  form. 
The  gradual  solution  of  the  anodes  does  not  always  so  take  place 
that  the  ianermost  portions  only  are  attacked  when  the  outer 
surfaces  have  been  completely  dissolved  ;  on  the  contrary,  it 
happens  much  more  frequently  that  the  solvent  action  penetrates 
far  into  the  interior  of  the  anode  while  there  is  yet  much  copper 
at  the  surface.  Brittle  black  copper  plates,  for  example,  con- 
taining 96  per  cent,  of  copper,  2'5  mm.  [^  in.]  thick,  were 
submitted  to  electrolytic  solution,  and  even  after  ten  days  in 
the  bath  they  had  become  so  soft  throughout  that  they  could  be 
rolled  together  like  cardboard  without  breaking.  Anode  plates 
cast  direct  from  copper  pyrites  always  exhibited  a  marked 
bulging  towards  the  cathode  after  a  few  days  in  the  electrolytic 
tanks.  The  electrolyte  itself  usually  becomes  weaker  in  respect 
of  acid  and  copper,  whilst  taking  up  iron,  zinc,  nickel,  cobalt, 
manganese,  tin,  arsenic,  antimony,  and  bismuth,  and  it  then 
shows  a  higher  total  proportion  of  metallic  salts. 

"The  last-named  disadvantage  is,  however,  to  some  extent, 
compensated  by  a  by-reaction;  for  it  always  happens,  in  the 
treatment  of  comparatively  pure  samples  of  crude  copper,  that 
the  solution  becomes  gradually  richer  in  copper,  without  sufficient 
evaporation  taking  place  to  account  for  the  phenomenon.  It  is 
a  well-known  fact  that  copper  is  able  to  exert  a  slight  reducing 
influence  on  acid  solutions  of  copper  sulphate  with  the  formation 
of  a  little  cuprous  salt,  which  then,  under  the  action  of  the  air, 
becomes  reconverted  into  cupric  sulphate.  This  peculiarity  was 
studied  by  H.  Boessler,*  and  formed  the  groundwork  of  the 
older  sulphuric  acid  process  of  treating  copper.  This  by-reaction 
leads  to  a  slight  but  continuous  solution  of  copper,  which  is 
always  the  more  marked  as  the  current-density  is  reduced,  and 
the  circulation  of  liquid  is  made  so  much  more  rapid,  that 
the  solution  is  brought  into  better  contact  with  the  air.  The 
solvent  action  thus  caused  is  most  marked  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  the  upper  surface  of  the  bath,  and  may  be  so  great 
that  a  thin  cathode  plate  projecting  above  the  electrolyte  will 
*  Dingier^ 8  polytech,  Joum.,  vol.  ocxlii.,  1881,  p.  286. 

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be  completely  cut  through  at  this  level  in  the  course  of  eight 
days.  This  by-reaction  explains  the  fact  that  the  loss  of  weight 
at  the  anode  is  greater,  and  the  gain  at  the  cathode  is  somewhat 
less,  than  they  should  be  respectively  if  they  corresponded  to 
the  current-strength  employed. 

"  It  is  Hverefwe  very  important  that  the  percentage  of  acid  in  the 
rbath  should  be  determined  from  time  to  time,  and  tJuU  any  de- 
Jiciency  slioiUd  be  made  good.  And  it  is  equally  necessary  that 
the  proportion  of  copper  shall  not  be  allowed  to  fall  too  low. 
The  most  favourable  current-density  is  20  to  30  amperes  per 
isq.  metre  [1*8  to  2*8  per  sq.  ft.]. 

"  The  gradual  neutralisation  of  the  solution,  produced  by  the 
operation  of  the  various  reactions  above  alluded  to,  has  the  most 
detrimental  influence  on  the  whole  course  of  the  electrolysis. 
In  the  first  place,  the  conductivity  of  the  electrolyte  is  greatly 
diminished,  and  the  difference  of  potential  required  between  the 
electrodes,  under  otherwise  normal  conditions  (with  the  elec- 
trodes 5  cm.  [2  ins.]  apart),  may  have  to  be  raised  from  0*1  to 
0*25  volt,  solely  on  account  of  this  neutralisation.  Then  the 
impurities  present  in  the  bath  are  liable  to  pass  into  the  cathode 
deposit  as  already  explained,  and  to  make  it  brittle  and  useless. 
But  apart  from  the  introduction  of  impurities,  the  deposit 
obtained,  even  from  a  chemically  pure  solution,  is  exceedingly 
unsatisfactory  if  the  liquid  be  neutral ;  and  it  may  in  fact  be  so 
brittle  that  it  can  be  crushed  to  powder  in  a  mortar.  The  cause 
of  this  trouble  is  the  formation  of  cuprous  oxide.  When  the 
current-density  is  small,  the  current  does  not  decompose  the 
copper  sulphate  completely  into  metallic  copper  and  SO4,  but  it 
deposits  a  certain  proportion  of  cuprous  oxide  as  well,  and  the 
amount  of  the  oxide  diminishes  as  the  current-density  is  in- 
creased, until  at  a  certain  limiting  point  pure  copper  is  deposited 
alone.  In  acid  solutions  this  cuprous  oxide  becomes  decomposed 
by  a  secondary,  or  chemical,  action,  whereas  in  neutral  liquids  it 
remains  attached  to  the  cathode. 

"A  good  circulation  of  the  electrolyte  is  also  an  essential, 
since,  otherwise,  the  upper  portions  of  the  bath  will  be  more  or 
less  denuded  of  copper,  and  impurities  will  in  consequence  be 
deposited  on  the  corresponding  portions  of  the  cathode.  The 
influence  of  the  circulation  on  the  potential  in  normal  solutions 
cannot  well  be  measured;  but  the  E.M.F.  required  increases 
markedly  with  any  addition  of  impurities.  This  is  shown  by 
experiments,  the  results  of  which  are  quoted  in  the  following 
table.  In  these,  cathodes  of  pure  copper  were  used,  with  a 
distance  of  5  cm.  [2  ins.]  between  the  electrodes,  and  a  current 
of  20  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [1*86  amperes  per  sq.  ft.}  The 
black  copper  anode  used  contained  per  cent. — 96*6  of  copper, 
0*403  of  silver,  0*011  of  gold,  1*23  of  arsenic,  1  of  iron,  and 
0*54  of  sulphur. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 



Table  showing  Effbct  of  Impubities  on  the  E.M.F.  required 


1,000  parts  of  solution  (by  measure^ 


E.M.F.  in  Tolta. 

tion of 




160  parts  copper  sulphate,    ) 
50      „    sulphuric  acid,       j 

Pure  copper,  .     . 
Black  copper, .    . 
Copper  matte,     . 



160  parts  copper  sulphate, 

Pure  copper,  .     . 
Black  copper,  .     . 
Copper  matte,     . 




7-96  parts  copper  sulphate,  ) 

158-2      „     ferrous  sulphate,  > 

50*0      „      sulphuric  acid,      ) 

Pure  copper,  .     . 
Black  copper, .     . 
Copper  matte,     . 


7-96  parts  copper  sulphate,  J 
168-2      „      ferrous  sulphate,  J 

Pure  copper,  .     . 
Black  copper, .     . 
Copper  matte,     . 



<*  The  absence  of  circulation  in  the  solution,  however,  not  only 
necessitates  an  increase  in  E.M.E.,  but  it  exerts  a  most  serious 
influence  upon  the  physical  and  chemical  properties  of  the 
copper  deposit ;  for  this  is  always  purer,  more  finely  crystalline, 
and  more  malleable  in  proportion  as  the  liquid  is  well  stirred^ 
even  when  perfectly  pure  solutions  are  used,  and  otherwise 
normal  conditions  observed. 

"  In  order  to  calculate  the  expenditure  of  energy  necessary  for 
the  treatment  of  a  given  raw  material,  a  laboratory  experiment 
must  be  made  in  which  the  difference  of  potential  between  the 
two  electrodes  is  measured,  when  they  are  separated  by  a  space 
equal  to  that  which  will  divide  them  in  practice,  and  when  they 
are  subjected  to  the  same  current-density  that  has  been  proved 
the  most  favourable  on  the  large  scale.  If,  then,  for  example, 
potential  difference  at  the  poles  of  the  dynamo  be  15  volts,  and 
that  required  for  each  pair  of  electrodes  be  0*25  volt  (neglecting 
for  the  moment  the  external  resistance  of  the  vat  connections), 
it  should  be  possible  to  couple  at  most  (15  -^  0*25  »  )  60  pairs 
in  series ;  but  this  number  is  never  attainable  in  practice,  and 
on  an  average  40  baths  so  arranged  would  be  the  more  probable 

Digitized  by  V^OO^  It! 

COPPER.  199 

practice.  If  now  the  dynamo  afforded  a  current  of  240  amperes 
at  the  above  voltage,  corresponding  to  a  deposit  of  283*61  grms. 
[0*625  lb.]  of  copper  per  hour,  there  would  then  be  obtained  in  all 
the  40  baths  arranged  in  series  a  total  of  11,344  grms.  [25  lbs.]  of 
copper  in  one  hour,  or  272*26  kgs.  [600  lbs.  in  twenty-four  hours. 
The  power  required  to  accomplish  this  is  (240  x  15)  -f  736  =  4*9 
[German]  H.P.  for  the  dynamo,  or  about  6  [German]  H.P.  for 
the  steam  engine ;  [or  (240  x  15)  -^  746  =  4*8  H.P.  and  5*9  H.P. 
respectively,  calculated  according  to  the  British  unit].  It  should 
be  remembered  that  a  plant  of  this  capacity  will  require  a 
superficial  area  of  80  sq.  metres  [860  sq.  ft.],  and  that  with  the 
normal  current-density  of  20  amperes  ])er  sq.  metre  [1*86  amperes 
per  sq.  ft.]  five  months  will  be  required  to  produce  a  copper 
plate  1  cm.  thick,*'  [or  6^  months  to  deposit  a  plate  ^  in.  in 

Wohlwill's  Experiments  :  Formation  of  Copper  -  Mud 
at  Anode. — Modern  theory  is  not  in  accord  with  all  Kiliani's 
explanations,  and  the  views  of  so  competent  an  electro-metal- 
lurgist as  Dr.  E.  Wohlwill,*  for  many  years  the  manager  of  the 
electrolytic  copper,  silver,  and  gold  refinery  of  the  Norddeutache 
Affinerie  at  Hamburg,  will  therefore  be  specially  welcome. 

*'In  Kiliani's  paper,  published  in  1885,  which  is  commonly 
regarded  as  the  standard  explanation  of  the  chemical  and  electro- 
chemical processes  of  the  electrolytic  copper  refinery,  sufficient 
attention  was  not  paid  to  the  presence  of  considerable  quantities 
of  finely-divided  metallic  copper  in  the  anode-mud.  I  [  Wohlwill] 
have,  therefore,  studied  the  phenomena  in  minute  detail,  using, 
in  the  first  place,  anodes  of  pure  rolled  electrolytic  copper.  £ven 
with  these  anodes  there  is  always  a  separation  of  finely-divided 
copper  dust  on  their  surface  when  the  current  is  flowing,  but  its 
colour  is  pure  red  because  it  is  not  mixed  with  any  foreign 
matter.  It  adheres  but  lightly  to  the  surface  of  polished  plates, 
and  always  precipitates  in  part  to  the  bottom  of  the  containing 
vessel;  the  remainder  is  readily  detached  by  rubbing  with  a 
camel's-hair  pencil  or  with  the  aid  of  a  [chemical]  washing-bottle. 
It  is  difficult,  however,  to  obtain  an  accurate  determination  of 
the  quantity  of  the  loose  deposit  formed  under  varying  conditions, 
because,  in  the  presence  of  air,  it  is  very  soluble  in  the  acid 
solutions  which  are,  of  preference,  used  for  the  depositing  pro- 
cess. An  approximate  estimate  of  the  copper  lost  as  mud  may 
be  formed  by  deducting  the  amount  lepresenting  the  increase  in 
weight  of  the  cathode  at  the  end  of  the  operation  from  that 
representing  the  loss  in  weight  of  the  anode  in  the  same  period. 
From  estimations  made  in  this  way  it  appears  that : — 

(1)  The  quantity  of  the  anode-mud  formed  depends  mainly  on 
the  current^ensity — ^the  smaller  the  current-density  the  greater 
is  the  quantity  of  waste  deposit  in  a  given  time  ; 
*  From  a  private  communication* 

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(2)  With  equal  current-densities  the  amount  of  the  waste 
deposit  increases  with  the  acidity  of  the  electrolyte ; 

(3^  Given  otherwise  similar  conditions  of  current-density  and 
acidity,  the  quantity  of  the  waste  deposit,  measured  by  the 
relatively  greater  difference  in  weight  of  the  anode,  is  propor- 
tionately smaller  the  longer  the  interrupted  action  of  the  current 
has  continued. 

**  Since  not  the  slightest  separation  of  finely-divided  particles 
of  metal  is  to  be  observed  when  pure  copper  is  dissolved  by 
simple  chemical  solution— as,  for  example,  when  immersed  in  a 
solution  of  ferric  sulphate — it  is  to  be  assumed  that  the  formation 
of  the  copper-mud  is  entirely  due  to  electro-chemical  action. 

"  The  different  behaviour  of  the  same  metal  when  exposed  to 
the  solvent  action  of  the  current  oould  be  explained  by  the  for- 
mation of  a  small  proportion  of  cuprous  sulphate  along  with  the 
greatly  preponderating  mass  of  cupric  sulphate  at  the  surface  of 
a  copper  anode  immersed  in  a  sulphuric  acid  solution,  the  cuprous 
salt  decomposing  into  cupric  sulphate  and  metallic  copper  in 
immediate,  or  almost  immediate,  contact  with  the  anode.  Ac- 
cording to  this  explanation,  the  copper-mud  is  a  product,  not  of 
decomposition  of  the  anode,  but  of  the  cuprous  ions  passing  into 
the  solution.  The  self-same  action  that  occurs  without  any 
assistance  from  an  electric  current  when  copper  dissolves  in  a  hot 
solution  of  copper  sulphate  and  deposits  again  on  cooling,  is, 
therefore,  here  repeated  in  a  very  narrow  space  at  the  anode. 
(This  action,  which  has  been  repeatedly  referred  to  of  late  years, 
was,  to  the  best  of  the  writer's  knowledge,  first  described  by 
Rossler.*)  Theeffectof  usingalowercurrent-density,and  therefoi-e 
causing  a  greater  sub-division  of  the  same  quantity  of  electricity, 
is,  that  the  proportion  of  monovalent  ions  to  divalent  ions  is 
increased,  as  is  also  the  quantity  of  waste  copper  produced  from 
them ;  and  this  observation  corresponds  exactly  with  the  mental 
picture  that  is  formed  of  the  process  of  ionisation. 

''In  the  writer's  opinion  there  must  also  be  further  efifects 
resulting  from  the  deposited  copper-mud  which  is  in  contact  with 
copper  that  is  as  yet  unattacked,  behaving  as  an  insoluble  or,  at 
least,  as  a  less  attackable  or  more  negative  metal.  If  this  be  so 
the  mud  must  not  only  remain  uninfluenced  by  the  solvent 
action  of  the  current,  but  must  protect  the  part  of  the  anode 
lying  immediately  beneath  it  from  contact  with  the  electrolyte, 
and,  therefore,  from  the  influence  of  the  current.  The  solvent 
action  would  thus  be  exerted  on  the  adjacent  unprotected  parts 
of  the  anode.  In  this  way  the  available  unattackable  surface 
will  be  to  some  extent  reduced  owing  to  the  separation  of  the 
muddy  deposit,  and  in  consequence  the  current-density  must 
increase  and  the  number  of  monovalent  ions  produced  in  a  given 
pet  iod  of  time  must  be  proportionately  diminished.  It  is  thus 
•  Dingier^  s  poly  tech.  J<mm,,  1881,  vol.  ccxlii.,  p.  286. 

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COPPER.  201 

«asy  to  account  for  the  observation  that,  within  certain  limits, 
the  increased  loss  of  the  anode  per  hour  becomes  less  as  the  time 
of  the  electrolytic  action  is  extended.*  But  such  an  increase  in 
current-density  unaccompanied  by  any  alteration  in  the  yolume 
of  current  must  lead  to  the  action  being  relatively  intensified  on 
the  smaller  surfaces  exposed,  and  consequently  to  the  formation 
of  abrupt  variations  in  the  level  of  the  surface,  or,  in  other  words, 
to  the  roughening  of  the  anode.  This  roughening  effect  is 
invariably  to  be  observed  in  the  case  of  copper  anodes  which  have 
been  exposed  for  some  time  to  electrolytic  action ;  and  it  always 
becomes  more  marked  as  the  duration  of  electrolysis  is  extended. 
Chemical  solution,  on  the  other  hand,  unaccompanied  by  the 
formation  of  such  mud-like  deposits,  does  not  impair  the  even- 
ness of  surfaces  which  are  initially  smooth,  but,  on  the  contrary, 
tends  to  round  off  any  projecting  comers  that  there  may  be. 

"  The  surface  of  copper  anodes  may  remain  smooth  even  when 
undergoing  electro-chemical  solution,  provided  that  the  current- 
density  applied  is  so  high  that  no  considerable  number  of  cuprous 
ions  are  formed,  and  the  amount  of  copper-mud  deposited  is  there- 

Fig.  110.— Diagram  illustrating  irregular  solution  of  copper  anodes. 

fore  inappreciable.  In  the  case  of  surfaces  which  have  become 
roughened  by  use  as  anodes,  a  considerable  quantity  of  the  copper- 
mud  clings  to  them  by  adhesion  during  the  time  of  deposition, 
and  its  removal  mechanically  is  by  no  means  complete.  PJates 
of  this  kind,  therefore,  being  subject  to  an  apparently  variable 
loss,  are  not  suited  to  demonstrate  the  correctness  of  the  laws 
above  referred  to.  The  covering  of  copper -mud  imparts  a  dark 
or  bright  red  colour  to  the  plates.  A  disintegration  of  the 
anode,  leading  to  the  breaking  away  of  small  fragments,  may 
also  result  from  the  covering  of  the  anode  with  a  protective  film 
of  anode -mud  if,  in  consequence  of  the  action,  the  shielded 
portions  are  surrounded  with  less  perfectly  protected  depressions. 
Under  these  circumstances,  as  shown  in  Fig.  110,  a  surface,  a, 
protected  by  the  deposit,  may  be  completely  undermined  by  the 
solvent  action  that  is  being  brought  to  bear  on  the  sides  of  the 
cavities,  b  and  c,  and  in  time  fragments,  large  or  small,  as  the 
case  may  be,  will  become  detached. 

*'  The  entire  absence  of  such  a  precipitate  when  copper  is 
electro-chemically  dissolved  in  hydrochloric  acid  and  other 
chlorides  serves  to  confirm  the  views  above  explained  as  to  the 
origin  of  the  copper  anode-mud.    The  cuprous  ions  formed  at  the 

*  The  same  result  must  ensue  if  a  portion  of  the  protecting  copper  is  also 
dissolved  when  the  area  of  the  uncovered  part  of  the  metal  is  reduced. 

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anode  are  able  to  dissolve  in  the  chloride  solution  in  any  propor- 
tion, so  that  there  is  no  discharge  of  ions  at  the  anode  and  no 
separation  of  copper  as  in  the  case  of  the  sulphate  bath.  Further, 
the  quantity  of  copper  dissolving  at  the  anode  is  independent  of 
the  current-density,  and  exactly  corresponds  in  all  cases  to  the 
equivalent  of  monovalent  copper.  If  the  concentration  of  the 
chloride  in  the  electrolyte  is  low  there  will  be  a  separation  of 
white  cuprous  chloride  at  the  anode.  The  same  phenomenon  is 
observed  if  sodium  chloride  or  hydrochloric  acid  be  added  to  the 
sulphate  bath,  since  the  added  chloride  at  once  reacts  with  what- 
ever cuprous  sulphate  is  formed  at  the  anode  and  produces  the 
insoluble  cuprous  chloride.  In  this  case,  as  in  the  last,  there  is 
no  formation  of  metallic  mud. 

"  The  separation  of  the  red  anode  deposit  is  a  characteristic 
indication  of  the  purity  of  the  copper.  Even  a  very  small  pro- 
portion of  impurity  can  be  recognised  by  the  blackening  of  the 
deposit  and  of  the  anode  itself  Hence,  all  copper  produced 
otherwise  than  electrolytically  will  become  black  when  used  as 
an  anode,  as  will  also  electrolytic  copper  in  the  deposition  of 
which  sufficient  care  has  not  been  taken  to  avoid  the  co-precipi- 
tation of  foreign  substances,  and  especially  of  arsenic  and  anti- 
mony. It  is,  therefore,  easy  to  obtain  a  control  for  the  proper 
conduct  of  the  electrolytic  process  by  occasionally  transferring 
a  test  plate  from  the  cathode  to  the  anode  side  of  the  vat. 

"  The  anode-mud  of  black  copper  only  differs  from  the  black 
anode  deposit  of  imperfectly  purified  fine  copper  in  the  quantity 
of  the  insoluble  constituents  admixed  with  it.  The  proportion 
of  metallio-cof>per  dust  contained  in  the  mud  depends  upon  the 
same  laws  that  govern  the  deposit  on  the  pure  copper  anodes, 
and  therefore  always  becomes  greater  when  the  current-density 
used  for  the  decomposition  is  reduced.  With  lower  current- 
densities,  such,  for  example,  as  are  used  on  a  large  scale  in  the 
Norddeutsche  Affinerie  at  Hamburg — viz.,  40  to  50  amperes  per 
sq.  metre  [3*7  to  4*6  amp.  per  sq.  ft.l — the  quantity  of  copper  in 
the  anode-mud  is  very  considerable.* 

'*The  irregular  corrosion  of  the  surface  and  the  breaking 
away  of  fragments  and  particles  of  various  sizes  is  much  more 
marked  with  black  copper  anodes  than  with  those  of  pure 
copper,  since  the  protective  action  of  the  copper-mud  and  its 
attendant  consequences  are  increased  by  the  addition  of  the 
insoluble  or  difficultly-soluble  constituents  of  the  black  copper. 

"The  presence  of  finely-divided  metallic  copper  in  the  anode- 
mud  furnishes  the  best  explanation  of  the  gradual  increase  of 
copper  sulphate  and  decrease  of  free  acid  observed  in  the  baths 

•  It  appears  that  Kiliani  must  have  regarded  what  was  actiially  copper 
as  being  cuprous  oxide.  This  oxide  can  only  occur  in  anode-mud  to  the 
extent  that  it  already  exists  in  the  black  copper,  and  has  escaped 
decomposition  by  acid. 

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COPPER.  203 

used  in  electrolytic  refining.  The  copper  in  this  form  is  readily 
dissolved  as  copper  sulphate  in  the  presence  of  sulphuric  acid 
and  air;  hence,  in  those  refineries  which  employ  a  current  of 
air  to  agitate  the  bath  and  so  overcome  irregularities  of  con- 
centration, there  is  a  notable  consumption  of  free  acid  and 
formation  of  sulphate.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  few  cuprous 
ions  which  exist  in  a  cold  solution,  and  the  chemical  action  of 
the  dilute  acid  on  the  cathode  copper,  which  is  commonly 
regarded  as  the  chief  cause  of  the  changes  in  the  electrolyte, 
only  exert  a  small  influence  in  this  respect  as  compared  with 
the  finely-divided  copper  in  the  anode-mud.  The  secondary 
reactions  above  referred  to  do  not  suffice  to  explain  the  marked 
increase  that  is  commonly  observed  in  electrolytic  retineries  in 
the  amount  of  copper  sulphate  in  the  bath,  even  when  the  anode 
material  contains  a  considerable  proportion  of  such  impurities 
as  teud  by  their  solution  to  deposit  copper  od  the  cathode, 
and  so  to  lessen  the  proportion  of  copper  sulphate  in  solution. 
Although  there  was  no  lack  of  causes  for  such  an  impoverish- 
ment of  the  solution  in  the  works  of  the  Norddeatsche  Affineris, 
it  regularly  happened  tliroughout  several  years  of  work  that 
about  2  per  cent,  or  more  of  the  anode  copper  was  recovered 
in  the  form  of  sulphate  instead  of  as  metallic  copper.  Without 
doubt  the  continual  use  of  compressed  air  to  mix  the  solutions 
contributes  to  the  formation  of  a  large  proportion  of  copper 
sulphate  in  the  baths.  The  quantity  of  this  salt  ultimately 
produced  would  not,  however,  be  less  if  mechanical  stirrers  or 
gases  free  from  oxygen  were  employed  to  mix  the  solution,  be- 
cause that  portion  of  the  finely-divided  copper  which  ordinarily 
enters  into  the  bath  as  sulphate  would  in  the  end  have  to  be 
recovered  in  the  form  of  sulphate,  by  the  subsequent  treatment 
of  the  anode-mud  outside  the  bath. 

<<  The  Behayioiir  of  Chlorine  in  the  Eleotrolyte. — It 
should  be  remarked  that  chlorine  in  combination  with  copper 
is  a  never-failing  constituent  of  the  anode-mud  produced  in  the 
industrial  refining  of  copper  by  electrolytic  means.  After  the 
explanations  which  have  just  been  given  it  is  scarcely  necessary 
to  point  out  that  the  formation  of  cuprous  as  well  as  cupric  ions 
at  the  anode  is  a  pheuomenon  that  has  to  be  reckoned  with. 
The  production  and  separation  of  cuprous  chloride  in  immediate 
contact  with  the  anode  is  a  necessary  consequence  of  the  forma- 
tion of  cuprous  ions  wherever  water  containing  chlorides  is 
used  for  the  preparation  of  the  electrolyte.  It  may  readily  be 
observed  that  during  the  prolonged  electrolysis  of  solutions  of 
copper  sulphate  in  river  water,  the  proportion  of  chlorine  in  the 
water  graaually  diminishes  to  almost  nil,  provided  that  water 
free  from  chlorine  is  used  to  make  good  the  losses  by  evapora- 
tion. Hence,  a  very  extensive  precipitation  of  the  chlorine 
originally  present  follows  this  formation  of  cuprous  ions.     The 

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presence  of  a  relatively  large  proportion  of  chlorine  in  the  water 
used  is  immediately  recognised  by  the  white  deposit  on  the 
anode;  but  when  the  quantity  is  small  the  colour  of  the  cuprous 
chloride  that  is  always  formed  is  liable  to  be  masked  by  the 
impurities  in  the  copper,  especially  as  in  the  presence  of  air 
the  sub-chloride  tends  to  be  converted  rapidly  into  a  dirty  green 
coloured  oxy chloride.  It  need  scarcely  be  remarked  that,  like 
finely-divided  metallic  copper,  the  sub-chloride  in  the  mad, 
decomposed  gradually  under  the  combined  influence  of  sulphuric 
acid  and  air,  contributes  to  the  increase  of  copper  sulphate  in 
the  solution. 

**  The  cathode,  in  a  smaller  degree,  plays  its  part  in  the 
elimination  of  the  chlorine  from  the  water,  for  the  copper 
deposited  from  chloride  solutions  always  contains  chlorine,  and 
this  happens  also,  especially  at  low  current-densities,  even  when 
river  water  containing  a  comparatively  small  proportion  of 
chlorine  is  used.  The  very  variable  quantity  of  chlorides  in 
the  waters  of  the  Elbe  has  afforded  the  writer  many  oppor- 
tunities of  observing  this  phenomenon.  Anodes  and  cathodes 
may  be  so  arranged  in  the  baths  that  all  the  rows  of  anode- 
plates  are  placed  between  cathode-plates,  and  the  backs  of  the 
outermost  cathodes  are  therefore  facing  the  walls  of  the  tanks ; 
the  current-density  on  these  surfaces  will  then  be  less  than  it 
is  elsewhere,  and  it  will  be  found  that,  when  much  chlorine  is 
present  in  the  water  used,  even  the  reverse  sides  of  the  end 
cathode- plates  will  be  covered  with  white  cuprous  chloride, 
which  rapidly  becomes  green  on  ex])Osure  to  air.  Much  of 
this  deposit  clings  so  persistently  to  the  copper  that  it  can  only 
be  entirely  removed  by  hanging  the  plates  as  anodes,  or,  in 
other  words,  by  partial  re-solution.  In  the  years  1892  and  1893 
the  amount  of  chlorine  in  the  Elbe  at  Mansfeld  increased  to  an 
abnormal  extent,  amounting  on  September  17,  1892,  to  54*33 
grms.,  and  on  January  25  to  69*5  grms.,  corresponding  respec- 
tively to  89*5  and  114*5  grms.  of  sodium  chloride  per  litre. 
The  difficulties  thus  introduced  increased  proportionately,  and 
in  order  to  obtain  a  good  red  deposit  of  copper  it  became 
necessary  to  reverse  the  connections  of  the  anodes  and  cathodes 
so  that  both  surfaces  of  the  latter  should  face  the  anode-plates, 
and  be  subjected  to  an  uniform  current-density. 

"A  smaller  quantity  of  chlorine  in  the  water  may  be  recog- 
nised in  a  characteristic  way.  It  has  been  customary  with  the 
writer  for  many  years,  in  addition  to  the  ordinary  cathode-plates, 
to  hang  lead  strips  in  the  baths  as  they  are  brought  into  use  ; 
and  to  remove  these  strips  weekly  in  order  that  tiie  deposited 
copper  may  be  stripped  off  and  examined,  and  a  control  be  so 
kept  over  the  properties  of  the  metallic  product  of  electrolysis. 
It  is  found  that  the  deposited  copper,  which  is  always  brittle  at 
first,  commonly  breaking  at  the  first  attempt  to  bend  it  even 

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with  great  care,  improves  in  dnctility  with  the  lapse  of  time, 
until  after  a  few  weeks  the  plate  produced  from  the  same  bath 
will  withstand  bending  twenty  times  backwards  and  forwards 
without  breaking. 

"This  decrease  in  the  brittleness  of  the  deposit  as  the  working 
period  is  prolonged  is  not  consistent  with  the  view  that  tho 
cause  of  the  brittleness  is  the  presence  in  the  copper  of  antimony 
or  other  impurities  of  that  nature,  since  these  impurities  are 
absent  from  the  newly-prepared  solutions  and  increase  with  the 
age  of  the  bath.  The  observation  that  both  the  brittleness  of 
the  deposit  and  the  proportion  of  chlorine  in  the  bath  steadily 
decrease  as  the  time  of  action  is  extended,  points  to  the  brittle- 
ness of  the  copper  deposit  being  due  to  the  presence  of  chlorine 
in  it.  The  presence  of  chlorine  is  readily  shown  with  the  aid  of 
a  silver  solution,  if  the  copper  be  dissolved  in  nitric  acid  and 
the  solution  evaporated  to  dryness  with  an  excess  of  sulphuric 
acid.  On  hanging  a  piece  of  brittle  copper  as  an  anode  in  the 
bath,  the  copper  free  from  chlorine  dissolves  before  that  which 
is  not  so,  and  the  presence  of  chlorine  in  the  anode-mud  and 
waste  products  is  easily  recognised. 

'*  It  is  clear  that  this  cause  of  the  brittleness  of  copper,  a 
cause  which  the  writer  believes  has  not  hitherto  been  noticed, 
is  worthy  of  the  attention  of  the  electrotypist  and  electroplater, 
who  should  examine  carefully  into  the  proportion  of  chlorine 
contained  in  the  water  that  they  employ. 

"On  the  other  hand,  it  will  be  understood,  after  a  study  of 
certain  other  facts  and  considerations,  that  it  is  not  advisable  to 
use  water  that  is  entirely  free  from  chlorine  either  for  electro- 
plating and  the  like,  or  in  the  industrial  extraction  of  copper. 

**  Ocourrenoe  of  Crystalline  Growths  on  Cathodes. — In 
course  of  the  work  of  the  Norddeutsche  Ajffmerie  the  manufacture 
of  electrolytic  copper  has  on  many  occasions  been  delayed  and 
rendered  difficult  by  the  periodical  formation  of  crystals  of  the 
most  diverse  sizes,  offcen  as  much  as  10  cm.  [4  ins. J  long,  on  all 
parts  of  the  deposited  copper.  These  crystals,  which  were  for 
the  most  part  of  columnar  appearance,  proved  to  be  aggregates 
of  octahedra  of  varied  grouping.''^  Although  both  the  crystals 
and  the  ground  mass  from  which  they  appeared  to  spring  con* 
sisted  of  pure  electrolytic  copper,  practical  considerations 
required  that  the  growths  should  be  removed  mechanically,  and 
this  led  to  the  expenditure  of  no  small  sum  in  wages.  Occasion- 
ally, when  the  epidemic  had  spread  to  600  baths,  night  work 
be^me  necessary  for  several  weeks  consecutively,  in  order  that 
contracts  might  be  completed  in  the  required  time. 

"  It  was  soon  observed  that  the  composition  of  the  Elbe  water 

*  Descriptions  of  these  crystal  masses,  which  are  of  great  interest  to 
the  mineralogist,  have  been  published  by  Professor  Miigge,  formerly  of 
Hamburg,  now  of  Konigsberg. 

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played  an  important  part  in  connection  with  this  phenomenon. 
It  was  found  that  the  crystalline  growths  vanished  almost  com- 
pletely when  (usually  in  July  and  August)  the  proportion  of 
chlorine  in  tlie  water  reached  its  maximum,  and  all  the  anodes 
appeared  to  he  covered  with  a  white  deposit;  whilst,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  trouble  was  regularly  at  its  worst  when 
(generally  in  the  early  months  of  the  year)  the  chlorine  per- 
centage was  at  its  lowest.  It  appeared,  therefore,  that  the 
unknown  substance  causing  these  growths  in  the  latter  case 
reached  to  the  cathodes,  whilst,  in  the  former,  it  was  intercepted 
either  at  the  anode  or  in  the  space  between  the  electrodes. 
The  views  above  expressed  as  to  the  formation  of  copper  anode- 
mud  and  its  prevention  by  the  agency  of  chlorides  present  in 
the  bath,  led  to  the  assumption  that  it  must  be  the  cuprous 
ions  which,  having  escaped  discharge  at  the  anode  owing  to  the 
absence  of  chlorine  ions  in  the  electrolyte,  produced  a  separation 
of  very  finely-divided  copper  at  the  cathode.  The  building  up 
of  relatively  large  growths  of  copper  deposit  on  these  particles 
could  then  be  readily  understood.  The  writer  has  been  guided 
by  this  hypothesis  in  conducting  experiments  aiming  at  the 
prevention  of  these  crystalline  growths.  In  the  first  place,  at  a 
time  when  there  was  but  little  chlorine  in  the  Elbe  water, 
chloride  of  sodium  or  magnesium  was  added  to  the  baths  in 
sufficient  quantity.  The  action  was  unmistakable,  but  it  was 
found  that  at  best  only  a  diminution  of  the  evil  could  thus  be 
effected.  The  addition  of  ferric  sulphate,  which  is  incompatible 
with  the  existence  of  cuprous  ions  in  the  solution,  appeared  to 
act  immediately,  but  the  quantity  of  oxidisable  material  in  the 
baths  was  so  great  that  a  quantity  of  the  salt  sufficient  for  any 
length  of  time  could  not  be  employed  without  disadvantages  of 
another  kind.  By  means  of  small  scale  experiments  it  was 
found  that  the  interposition  of  suitable  diaphragms  between  the 
electrodes  afforded  a  solution  of  the  problem  ;  and  the  growths 
were  entirely  absent,  even  under  the  most  unfavourable  con- 
ditions of  the  Elbe  water,  when  the  anodes  were  enclosed  in  a 
wooden  casing. 

'*  A  more  convenient  and  satisfactory  means  of  attaining  this 
end  resulted  from  an  observation  that  there  was  no  growth  in 
baths  in  which  the  electrolytic  process  was  regularly  interrupted 
day  by  day,  in  order  that  the  quantity  of  deposit  might  be  con- 
trolled for  experimental  purposes  by  weighing,  whilst  it  often 
continued  without  intermission  in  all  the  other  baths  for  weeks 
at  a  time.  The  introduction  of  daily  interruptions  of  work  for 
half  an  hour  throughout  the  whole  plant  is  not  found  entirely 
to  prevent  the  crystalline  growths  upon  the  cathodes,  but  it 
restricts  them  so  far  that  it  is  no  longer  necessary  to  make 
provision  for  their  removal  by  mechanical  means. 

"  A  completely  satisfactory  explanation  had  yet  to  be  found, 

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both  of  the  protective  effects  of  an  interruption  of  work  and 
of  the  phenomena  that  have  heen  described  above,  but  it  can 
scarcely  be  doubted  that  the  formation  of  cuprous  ions  at  the 
anode  is  the  actual  underlying  cause. 

*^  The  formation  of  those  hair-like  growths  on  copper  deposits 
which  are  a  source  of  trouble  to  the  electrotyper  is,  no  doubt, 
an  allied  phenomenon ;  and  it  may  therefore  be  concluded  that 
it  is  generally  due  to  a  deficiency  of  chlorine  in  the  water,  and 
may  be  obviated  by  the  addition  of  a  little  sodium  chloride  to 
the  bath." 

Fbrster's  and  SeidePs  Experiments. — Forster  and  Seidel,* 
in  the  course  of  experiments  on  the  reactions  in  the  copper 
voltmeter,  have  made  certain  observations  bearing  on  the 
question  of  the  existence  of  a  cuprous  sulphate,  and  these  have 
served  to  confirm  the  presence  of  cuprous  ions  in  sulphate 
solutions.  From  their  experiments  it  would  appear  that  cuprous 
sulphate  may  be  formed  at  the  cathode,  because,  under  certain 
circumstances,  the  cupric  ions  may  not  be  completely  discharged 
there,  and  so  a  portion  of  the  copper  is  returned  into  the 
solution  in  the  form  of  cuprous  ions.  The  authors  explain  the 
conditions  of  this  phenomenon  as  follows : — 

1.  At  current-densities  of  less  than  0*01  ampere  per  sq.  dm. 
[0*09  amp.  per  sq.  ft.]  the  action  of  the  current  at  the  cathode  in 
concentrated  solutions  of  copper  sulphate  at  ordinary  tempera- 
tures results  solely  in  the  production  of  cuprous  ions.  But  as 
the  current-density  is  increased  more  cupric  ions  are  completely 
discharged,  and,  in  proportion,  fewer  cuprous  ions  are  produced, 
although  even  at  high  current-densities  the  latter  phenomenon 
is  not  completely  absent. 

2.  The  tendency  of  the  cupric  ions  in  a  sulphate  solution  to 
pass  into  cuprous  ions  increases  very  markedly  with  the  tempera- 
ture, so  that  at  100**  C,  even  at  current-densities  of  0-3  ampere 
per  sq.  dm.  [2*8  amp.  per  sq.  ft.],  when  the  solution  is  con- 
centrated, the  current  forms  cuprous  ions  almost  exclusively  at 
the  cathode. 

3.  The  formation  of  cuprous  ions  in  copper  sulphate  solutions 
may  also  take  place  in  consequence  of  the  reaction  of  metallic 
copper  with  cupric  ions  present  in  the  solution,  exactly  as  in  the 
case  of  cupric  chloride  solutions,  thus  f — 

+  +  + 

Cu    +    Cu    =    2Chi. 

This  reaction  continues  until  the  cupric  sulphate  solution  is 
saturated  with  cuprous  sulphate.     It  is  difficult  to  decide  off- 

•  ZeiUehrift/ar  Eleklrochemie,  1897,  vol  iii.,  p.  479. 

t  ThiB  fact  was  observed  many  years  affo  by  Jacobi  (^.  Wiedemann, 
Lehre  von  der  EUktr,,  ii.,  p.  510),  but  the  discovery  was  without  inflnenoe 
on  later  work.     Cf,  also  Note  on  p.  200. 

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hand  hovtr  far  the  formation  of  cuprons  sulphate  during  the 
electrolysis  of  copper  sulphate  solutions  is  dependent  on  this 
process  of  solution,  or,  indeed,  whether  it  is  a  purely  electrolytic 
phenomenon;  but  the  author  considers  the  latter  to  be  the 
simplest  and  most  probable  explanation. 

4.  Under  otherwise  similar  conditions,  an  increase  in  the 
concentration  of  the  cupric  ions,  in  a  solution  of  copper 
sulphate,  is  accompanied  by  an  increase  in  the  number  of 
cuprous  ions. 

5.  If  the  solution  is  neutral,  the  cuprous  sulphate  formed 
undergoes  hydrolysis  (according  to  the  equation : 

+      -  -  +      -  - 

2Cu  +  SO4  +  HjO  =  CujO  4-  2H  +  SO4) 

as  soon  as  its  concentration  has  exceeded  a  certain  limiting 
yalue.  In  consequence  of  this,  cuprous  oxide  is  frequently 
deposited  on  the  cathode  in  the  form  of  sparkling  crystals, 
whilst  free  sulphuric  acid  is  formed  in  the  solution. 

6.  If  the  solution  is  sufficiently  acid  no  hydrolysis  ensues, 
and  there  is  a  much  larger  number  of  cuprous  ions  in  the 
solution  than  when  it  is  neutral.  But  there  is  a  limit  here 
also,  for  when  the  ratio  of  concentration  of  cuprous  to  cupric 
ions  has  exceeded  a  certain  value,  the  former  pass  back  again 
into  cupric  ions,  and  metallic  copper  is  deposited  thus — 

+     +  + 
2Cu  =  Cu  +  Cu. 

Hence,  referring  back  to  paragraph  3,  it  will  be  seen  that  we 
are  here  dealing  with  a  reversible  reaction — 

Cu  +  Cu  ;^  2Cu. 

7.  From  the  foregoing  it  is  evident,  therefore,  that  even  when 
the  current  is  producing  only  cuprous  ions,  metallic  copper  is 
formed  at  the  cathode.  This  copper  may  be  considered  as  the 
product  of  a  secondary  reaction,  and  is  precipitated  in  the  form 
of  small  isolated  crystals,  rather  than  that  of  the  even,  uniform 
deposits  of  electrolytic  copper  obtained  in  the  usual  way  from 
acid  solutions. 

8.  Ouprous  ions  aniving  at  the  anode  receive  positive  charges, 
and  there  become  converted  into  cupric  ions,  so  that  the  current 
may  be  doing  other  work  at  the  anode  in  addition  to  that  of 
ionising  the  anode  copper. 

The  observations  and  explanations  given  by  Forster  aad 
Seidel  are,  in  all  essential  points,  in  agreement  with  Wohl- 
will's  experience  in  industrial  work. 

Von  HiibPs  ExperimentB. — Yon  Hiibl's'*^  work,  although 
first   published   in   1886,  may    be    referred    to    after   that   of 

*MiUh.  des  k,  u,  k,  milUcirgeogr,  InstU,,  1886,  voL  vi,  p.  51. 

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Wohlwill,  Forster,  and  Seidel,  because  his  observations  are 
better  explained  in  the  light  of  the  work  done  by  the  other 
three  anthors  than  in  his  original  paper.  It  may  be  learned 
from  an  account  given  by  Forster  that  von  Hiibl  studied  the 
effect  of  current-density  on  the  strength  of  cathode  deposits, 
and  thus  ascertained  that  both  the  strength  and  the  hardness 
of  electrolytic  copper  increased  with  the  cuiTent-density  inde- 
pendently of  the  concentration  of  the  bath,  and  that  with  20  per 
cent,  solutions  of  copper  sulphate  it  reached  its  highest  limit  at 
the  density  of  2*2  to  3  amperes  per  sq.  dm.  [20  to  28  amps,  per 
sq.  ft.],  which  may  be  practically  admissible.  The  elastic  limit 
was  highest  at  1  to  1*5  amperes  per  sq.  dm.  [9*3  to  14*4  amps, 
per  sq.  ft.]  in  20  per  cent,  solutions,  but  was  lower  in  more 
dilute  solutions  and  was  higher  at  0*85  ampere  per  sq.  dm. 
[8  amps,  per  sq.  ft.]  than  at  1*5  amperes  per  sq.  dm.  [14*4  amps, 
per  sq.  ft.].  The  toughness  was  at  its  greatest  at  current- 
densities  of  under  0*6  ampere  per  sq.  dm.  [5*6  amps,  per  sq.  ft.] 
for  20  per  cent,  solutions  of  copper  sulphate. 

BfRsot  of  Temperature  of  Bath  on  Properties  of  Copper. — 
Forster  and  Seidel*  have  shown  that  tiie  temperature  of  the 
electrolyte  is  a  further  and  very  important  factor  in  determining 
the  properties  of  the  copper  electrolytically  separated  from  acid 
solutions.  It  appears  that  copper  deposited  at  40"  C.  is  especially 
fine  and  uniformly  crystalline,  and  that  it  possesses  great  duc- 
tility. Forster  gives  the  following  numbers,  determined  by 
Hartig,  in  comparison  with  the  results  of  similar  tests  with 
wire  made  from  Mansfeld  electrolytic  copper : — 



P.D.  of  Rath. 


per  cent.). 



Wire  from 

0-32  volt. 
0*25      „ 
0-20      „ 

electrolytic  \ 

2  16  km. 

IS  ;: 

283     „ 

26  00 


These  figures  confirm  the  results  of  a  long  series  of  bending 
tests  of  copper  which  had  been  deposited  electrolytically  at  from 
35*  to  40""  C,  tending  to  show  that  an  extraordinarily  tough 
copper  is  obtained  at  this  temperature.  They  show,  also,  that 
a  further  rise  in  temperature  up  to  60^  C.  results  in  a  reduction 
in  the  ductility  of  the  metal  produced,  and  that  the  copper 
deposited  at  the   higher  temperature    is   stronger  than   that 

*ZeUschri/t/Ur  MXektrochemU,  1809,  vol.  v.,  p.  608. 


14  T 

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obtained  at  about  20**  C.  Nevertheless,  the  mechanical  pro- 
perties of  electrolytic  copper  are  always  distinctly  inferior  to 
those  of  pure  copper  which  has  been  mechanically  worked. 
They  approach  nearer  to  it,  however,  as  already  shown,  when 
the  electrolyte  is  maintained  at  35**  to  40**  C,  and  this  tem- 
perature must,  therefore,  be  considered  as  the  most  suitable  for 
the  production  of  electrolytic  copper  with  the  best  mechanical 
properties  obtainable. 

Use  of  Aloohol  in  the  Copper  Solutions. — Finally,  refer- 
ence must  be  made  to  OetteFs  experiments,  in  which  the  evils 
attendant  on  the  formation  of  cuprous  ions  in  the  copper  volta- 
meter are  mitigated  by  an  addition  of  alcohol  to  the  copper 
sulphate  solution.  Oettel  and  Forster  attribute  this  action 
to  a  diminution  in  the  electrolytic  dissociation  of  the  copper 
sulphate,  caused  by  the  addition  of  alcohol.  Given  that  there 
are,  under  these  circumstances,  fewer  free  cupric  ions,  it  naturally 
follows  that  the  conditions  are  less  favourable  to  the  formation 
of  cuprous  ions. 

Development  of  the  Eleotrolsrtio  Copper  BefLning  In- 
dustry.— [Elkington,  in  England,  was  the  pioneer  of  the 
electrolytic  copper  refining  industry,  and  the  works  of  Messrs. 
Elkington,  Mason  k  Co.,  at  Pembrey,  in  South  Wales,  seem, 
for  some  time  after  the  1865  patent  was  granted  (see  above, 
p.  188),  to  have  been  the  only  place  at  which  the  process  was 
in  practical  use.  They  were,  however,  soon  followed  by  other 
works,  among  which  may  be  named  those  of  Messrs.  Vivian  k  Co., 
at  Swansea;  Messrs.  T.  Bolton  <b  Son,  at  Oakamoor;  Messrs. 
Williams  Foster,  at  Swansea;  W.  A.  Hill's,  at  Chester,  and  the 
English  Electro-Metallurgical  Co.,  at  Hunslet,  as  well  as  the 
Elliott's  Metal  Co.,  of  Selby  Oak,  near  Birmingham,  who  also 
acquired  the  Pembrey  works  of  Messrs.  Elkington,  Mason  k  Co. 
In  the  United  States,  the  Phoenixville  Works  were  refining  on 
a  small  scale  in  1880,  and  shortly  afterwards  Balbacb  took  up 
the  work ;  but  it  was  not  until  about  ten  years  later  that  the 
enormous  progress  was  made  which  has  resulted  in  the  colossal 
works  of  the  Earitan  Coppe'r  Co.,  at  Perth  Amboy,  New  Jersey; 
the  Anaconda  Mining  Co.,  at  Anaconda;  the  Baltimore  Smeltiug 
and  Rolling  Co.,  at  Baltimore ;  the  American  Smelting  and 
Refining  (5).  (Guggenheim  Works),  at  Perth  Amboy;  the 
Boston  and  Montcuia  Consolidated  Copper  and  Silver  Mining 
Co.,  at  Great  Falls,  Montana,  and  the  Nichols  Chemical  Co., 
Laurel  Hill,  New  York,  and  others.] 

The  electro-chemical  refining  of  copper  in  Germany  first 
gained  a  foothold  in  the  beginning  of  the  seventh  decade  of 
the  nineteenth  century  in  some  of  the  most  important  copper 
works,  and  from  this  time  developed  rapidly.  At  the  outset 
the  Norddeutsche  Affinerie  and  the  Mansfeld  Copper  Mines 
commenced  work  with  experimental  plants,  and  they  were  soon 

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followed  by  the  Communion  Hiittenwerk,  at  Oker;  the  AUenauer 
Kupjerhiitte^  in  the  Upper  Hartz  Mountains;  the  Stadtberger 
HUUej  in  Niedermarsberg ;  and  C.  Schreiber,  at  Burbach,  Siegen; 
and,  later,  by  Borchers  Bros.,  in  Goslar,  in  the  Hartz,  and  the 
Elmore  Melall-AktiengeselUohaft,  at  Schladern,  on  the  Sieg. 
The  last-named  company  produced  copper  articles,  and  especially 
hollow  wares,  such  as  tubes,  direct  from  the  crude  copper.  The 
firm  of  Siemens  &  Halske,  of  Berlin,  has  also  done  great  service 
in  the  development  of  the  industry  of  electrolytic  copper  refining, 
first  in  Germany,  and  then,  after  gaining  the  necessary  experi- 
ence there,  in  other  countries.  Even  in  the  newest  works  there 
will  be  found  many  of  the  special  characteristics  of  the  original 
designs  of  this  firm. 

General  Arrangement  of  Plant. — The  relatively  low  cur- 
rent-density used  in  copper-electrolysis  necessitates  the  placing 
of  many  rows  of  electrodes  in  each  bath,  in  order  to  economise 
space  and  to  ensure  ready  access  to  the  apparatus.  It  was  only 
natural  that,  during  the  early  years  of  the  development  of  the 
industry,  there  should  be  many  mistakes  in  the  choice  of 
dynamos,  in  the  connections,  and  in  regard  to  the  relation 
between  the  .pressure  and  the  volume  of  the  current.  It  is, 
however,  unnecessary  in  these  days  to  enter  into  further  par- 
ticulars of  these  matters.  It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  state  that 
it  is  now  usual  to  employ  shunt-wound  machines  producing 
currents  of  moderate  strength  sufficient  for  a  large  number  of 
comparatively  small  baths  coupled  in  series ;  the  voltage  at  the 
terminals  of  the  dynamo  being  chosen  according  to  the  number 
of  the  baths  to  be  used,  and  to  the  arrangement  of  the  electrodes. 
Up  to  this  point  all  the  systems  in  use  are  in  agreement;  but 
there  are  two  ways  of  arranging  the  electrodes  in  the  bath, 
viz. :— The  Parallel  System  and  the  Series  System.  In  the 
former  system  all  similar  electrodes  in  any  one  bath  are,  as 
the  name  implies,  coupled  in  parallel,  whilst  in  the  latter 
system,  all  the  electrodes  in  the  bath  are  arranged  in  series. 


The  parallel  system  is  the  most  widely  used,  and  there  is 
little  doubt  but  that,  for  practical  reasons  and  in  spite  of 
theoretical  objections,  it  is  closely  bound  up  with  the  future 
of  copper  refining. 

Arrangement  of  the  Eleotrodes  in  the  Baths. — In  this 
system  all  the  electrodes  are  suspended,  anodes  and  cathodes 
alternately,  at  distances  of  from  20  to  50  mm.  [f  in.  to  2  ins.] 
apart,  the  first  and  the  last  in  each  tank  being  cathodes.  They 
are  all  suspended,  parallel  to  one  another  and  at  right  angles 
to  the  longer  sides  of  the  tanks.  All  consist  of  plates  with 
arrangements  for  suspending  them  and  for  connecting  them  up 

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^    ?lfi 


to  the  electric  mains.  The  best-known  types  of  electrode  and 
the  process  of  preparing  them  must  now  be  described.  Figs. 
Ill,  112,  113,  and  114  illustrate  certain  forms  of  anode,  and 

Fig.  111. 

Fig.  114.    Fig.  115. 

Fig.  112. 

Fig.  116. 

Fig.  113.  Fig.  117. 

Typical  anodes  and  cathodes. 

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Figs.  115  and  116,  the  forms  of  cathode  corresponding  to  the 
anodes  sliown  in  Fig.  114  and  Figs.  Ill  and  113  respectively. 

Casting  of  Anode-plates. — Instances  in  which  black  copper 
is  bought  for  the  purpose  of  refining  it  electrolyticallj,  either 
directly  or  after  previously  refining  it  by  a  furnace  process,  are 
becoming  more  and  more  rare.  The  conditions  of  the  electro- 
lytic treatment  of  crude  copper  are  now  so  well  known  and  are 
so  well  adapted  to  those  of  even  quite  small  copper  works,  that 
works  which  purchase  crude  copper  as  such  will  in  no  very 
distant  date  be  most  unusual.  Hence,  it  may  be  considered 
that,  under  existing  circumstances,  the  anode  material  is  usually 
obtained  direct  from  the  reverberatory  furnace  or  converter. 
And  if  this  is  so,  and  the  metal  may  be  run  direct  into  the 
form  of  anode-plates,  it  is  clear  that  all  the  extra  costs  of 
re-melting  and  of  treatment  in  the  furnace  are  obviated. 

The  anode-plates  of  Siemens  and  Halske,  and  of  the  Nord- 
deuUdie  Ajffmeriey  which  represent  the  oldest  and  simplest  type, 
were  so  made  (Figs.  Ill  and 
114)  that  they  may  be  hung 
directly  upon  the  conductors 
carrying  the  current.  In  pre- 
paring these  the  copper  is 
ladled  or  tapped  out  of  the 
reverberatory  furnace,  and 
then,  with  the  help  of  ladles, 
is  poured  into  moulds  which, 
for  the  Siemens  and  Halske 
anodes,  consist  of  strong  iron 
bed-plates  with  iron  frames 
projecting  upwards  from  them 
shaped  according  to  the  form 
^nd  thickness  of  the  anodes. 
One  portion  of  this  frame  is 
attached  firmly  to  the  iron 
plate  (Fig.  117),  or  is  in  one  piece  with  it,  whilst  another  part 
is  removable,  and  is  simply  dowelled  into  the  fixed  portion 
during  the  period  of  casting.  Moulds  such  as  are  used  in 
running  copper  bars  or  ingots  suffice  for  the  comparatively 
small  anodes  of  the  Noi^ddeuUche  Affinerie, 

Morrow*^  prefers  to  use  lugs  of  sheet  copper  cast  into  the 
crude  copper  plates,  instead  of  the  side  supports  or  hooks  which 
are  employed  to  carry  the  anodes  in  the  case  of  the  electrodes 
above  described,  and  which  must  be  cast  of  almost  the  same 
thickness  as  the  anodes  themselves.  The  mould  used  for  this 
purpose  is  shown  in  Figs.  118  and  119. 

Anodes  of  the  shape  shown  in  Fig.  112  are  chiefly  used  in 
the  works  designed  by  Thofehrn,  who  was  at  one  time  a  tech- 
•  Unitefl  SUtes  Patent  631,471,  Aug.  22,  1899. 

Figs.  118  and  119.— Mould  used  by 
Morrow  for  casting  anodes. 

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nical  assistant  with  the  firm  of  Siemens  k  Halske.  Thofebm, 
believing  in  the  special  advantages  of  using  as  large  baths  as 
possible,  but  at  the  same  time  not  wishing  to  produce  anode- 
plates  that  would  be  too  difficult  to  handle,  employs  anodes 
the  width  of  which  is  not  appreciably  greater  than  the  width  of 
those  used  by  Siemens  k  Halske.  He  then  hangs  at  least 
two  or  three,  side  by  side,  by  means  of  hooks,  from  square  bars 
placed  across  the  very  wide  baths.  The  plates  are  therefore 
provided  with  lugs  or  eyes  for  the  hooks  instead  of  with  project- 
ing arms  at  the  sides.  A  different  type  of  anode  is  used  in  the 
works  of  the  Guggenheim  Smelting  Company  (Perth  Amboy, 
New  Jersey,  U.S.A.),*  where  the  electrodes  are  placed  more 
closely  together,  with  the  result  that  the  number  of  plates,  and, 
therefore,  the  output  per  tank,  are  increased.  These  electrodes 
(Fig.  113)  are  provided  with  the  older  type  of  side  support  only 
on  one  side,  whilst  on  the  other  side  there  is  an  iron  pin  about 
12  mm.  [\  in.]  in  diameter,  and  about  75  mm.  [3  ins.]  long, 
inserted  in  the  anode  to  the  depth  of  about  25  mm.  [1  in.].  The 
cast  projecting  arm  on  one  side  of  the  anode  rests  upon  the 
positive  conducting-rod,  whilst  the  free  end  of  the  iron  pin  on 
the  other  side  of  the  plate  rests  in  a  small  wooden  insulating 
block  which  serves  as  a  support  for  the  electrode  on  that  wall  of 
the  vessel.  The  comparatively  small  cathode  supports  rest 
(without  any  iron  pin)  directly  on  similar  wooden  carriers  on 
the  opposite  side.  In  this  way  it  is  possible  to  make  the 
distance  between  the  electrodes  about  20  mm.  [J  in.],  instead  of 
40  to  50  mm.  [1^  to  2  ins.],  as  is  commonly  the  distance  in  other 
baths.  This  plant  also  has  a  simplified  system  of  connections 
which  will  be  described  hereafter. 

Anode-Casting  Machines. — The  casting  of  copper  into 
anodes  with  the  help  of  ladles  is  necessarily  comparatively  costly 
and  inconvenient;  hence  anode-casting  machines  were  soon 
devised.  Two  of  these  may  be  described  here.  That  of  Hixon 
and  Dyblie,t  shown  in  Figs.  120  and  121,  consists  of  a  number 
of  frames  placed  together,  and  attached  to  a  bottom  plate, 
exactly  like  the  parts  of  a  filter-press.  The  bottom  plate  rests 
on  a  truck,  by  means  of  which  the  whole  of  the  moulds  (which 
should  be  capable  of  containing  the  entire  charge  of  a  converter) 
are  run  up  to  the  converter.  On  the  under  side  of  the  bottom 
plate  are  two  rails  resting  on  rollers,  and  between  them  is  a 
rack  engaging  with  a  pinion  actuated  by  means  of  a  hand- wheel. 
With  the  aid  of  this  device  the  several  moulds  may  be  brought 
successively  underneath  a  funnel  passing  through  a  cover  plate, 
so  that  the  copper  from  the  converter  may  be  run  into  each 
in  turn. 

A  very  complete  casting  apparatus,  designed  by  Walker,  {  is  in 

*  Ulke,  Mineral  Industries^  1899,  vol.  viii.,  p.  186. 

t  United  States  Patent  6.39,270,  May  14,  1895. 

X  Keller,  Mineral  Industries^  1898,  vol.  vii.,  p.  252.         t 

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use  in  several  of  the  large  American  copper  works.  The  metal 
is  run  from  the  furnace  into  a  tilting  ladle  placed  before  the  tap- 
hole.  The  filled  ladle  is  so  arranged  that  the  side  nearest  the 
furnace  can  be  raised  by  means  of  a  lifting  device,  and  the  metal 
then  flows  from  the  spoilt  on  the  opposite  side.  Thence  it  passes 
through  a  small  runner  or  deflector,  adjustable  bv  hand,  into  the 
moulds  which  are  carried  on  arms  attached  radially  to  a  turn- 
table wheel.  These  arms  are  so  made  that  they  may  be  adapted 
for  use  with  moulds  of  any  required  shape,  as  shown  in  Figs.  122 
and  123.     On  the  side  of  the  turn-table  diametrically  opposite 

Fig.  121. 
Hixon  and  Dyblie's  anode-casting  machine. 

the  casting  ladle  is  an  elevator  by  means  of  which  the  heavy 
metal  plates  are  lifted  into  the  vat-room  or  on  to  whatever 
apparatus  may  be  provided  for  conveying  them  there.  By  the 
time  that  the  plates  cast  on  the  furnace  side  have  been  brought 
round  to  the  elevator  by  the  rotation  of  the  wheel,  they  are 
sufficiently  cold  to  allow  of  their  being  [automatically]  turned 
out  of  the  moulds  on  to  an  inclined  plane  which  conveys  them 
to  the  elevator.  [The  bosh  in  which  this  inclined  plane  and  the 
lower  part  of  the  ^levator  are  placed  is  filled  with  water.]  They 
are  also  sprinkled  with  water  before  they  are  tipped  out  of 
the  moulds. 

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Cathode -Plates. — The  cathode -plates  are  always  made  of 
thin  sheet  copper  which,  in  most  refineries,  are  formed  electro- 
Ijticallj.  For  this  purpose  a  thin  layer  of  copper  is  deposited 
on  sheet  lead  or  on  copper  plates,  the  surface  of  which  has  been 
prepared  by  a  coating  of  graphite  or  by  greasing  slightly.  The 
deposited  sheet  is  then  stripped  from  the  plate  on  which  it  was 
formed  and  cut  to  the  shape  and  size  required  for  the  cathode. 
Lastly,  it  is  provided  either  with  holes  by  which  it  may  be 
suspended  from  the  hooks,  or  with  bends  to  support  it  on  the 
conducting  bars.  At  the  Buffalo  works  the  matrix  plate  is 
painted  with  a  dilute  solution  of  iodine  in  naphtha  [to  prevent 
the  adhesion  of  the  deposited  copper],  so  that  the  purity  of  the 
solution  is  not  affected  as  it  is  when  tallow  is  employed  for 
the  purpose. 

Depositing  Vats. — Wooden  vats  lined  with  lead  are  now 

Fig.  124. — Section  of  copper-refining  vat,  showing  anode  (Siemens). 

almost  exclusively  used  for  the  electrolytic  process.  Cement 
tanks  are  too  porous  for  use  unless  they  are  varnished.  But 
with  all  the  acid-resisting  varnishes  recommended  formerly  for 
use  with  wooden  vats  it  has  been  found  that,  after  prolonged 
exposure  to  the  action  of  the  constituents  of  the  electrolyte, 

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they  introduce  into  the  solution  soluble  substances  which  act 
prejudicially  upon  the  copper  that  is  being  deposited. 

The  other  arrangements  of  the  electrolytic  baths,  and  the 
subsidiary  appliances  used,  will  be  best  illustrated  by  a  descrip- 
tion of  actual  installations.  In  the  first  place,  an  account  may 
be  given  of  a  plant  erected  by  the  firm  of  Siemens  k  Halske  in 
the  chemical  works  of  Messrs.  Borchers  Brothers,  at  Goslar, 
and  improved  in  several  important  respects  by  Messrs.  K.  and  H. 
Borchers.  Thanks  to  these  gentlemen,  it  is  possible  here  to 
publish  illustrations  of  some  of  the  details  of  the  plant. 

The  anodes  were  of  the  original  shape  commonly  used  in  plant 
designed  by  Siemens  <fe  Halske,  as  may  be  seen  at  a  in  Fig.  124. 
An  account  has  already  been  given  of  the  casting  of  these  anodes. 
The  cathodes  always  consist  of  thin  copper  plate  (Fig.  125). 

The  baths  or  depositing- cells  are  wooden  vats  (pitch-pine),  H, 
with  a  leaden  lining,  which  is  bent  round  over  the  rims  of  the 

Fig.  125. — Cross-section  of  copper- vat  (Siemens)  sho^dng  cathode. 

vats.  On  this  is  laid  the  wooden  frame,  r,  which  is  saturated 
with  oil  or  other  suitable  substance  to  prevent  it  from  absorbing 
water,  and  which  serves  to  insulate  the  two  copper  bars,  +  and 
-  ,  used  as  conductors.  Before  the  electrodes  are  suspended 
in  place,  the  lead  siphon  pipe,  x  (Figs.  124  and  126),  for  the 
withdrawal  of  the  solution,  Ls  introduced  into  the  vat;  this  is 

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followed  by  the  wooden  table,  I,  which  rests  on  the  bottom 
and  sapporta  a  leaden  traj,  $;  the  latter  is  tamed  up  at  its 
edges,  in  order  that  it  may  collect  the  deposit  of  mnd  which 
griiuiaallj  separates  firom  the  anode. 

The  anodes  hang  directly  from  the  sides  of  the  vat,  bat  mast 
be  insulated  from  the  -  conductors  by  the  india-rubber  plates,  i 
(Fig.  124).  The  cathodes  are  suspended  by  sbeetHX>pper  hooks 
from  strips  of  wood  above.    One  of  the  copper  strips,  bent  below 

Fig.  126. — Longitudinal  section  of  copper- vat  (Siemens). 

into  a  hook,  is  made  longer  than  the  other,  so  that  it  may  be 
folded  several  times  around  the  wood,  as  shown  in  Figs.  124  and 
125,  and  may  ultimately  make  contact  with  the  -  conductor, 
and  be  in  electrical  commtmication  with  the  negative  pole  of 
the  dynamo. 

In  order  to  maintain  the  circulation  of  liquid  that  is  so 
essential  to  the  success  of  the  whole  process,  every  bath  is 
provided  with  a  tube,  V  (Figs.  124  and  126),  to  the  lower  side 
of  which  are  attached,  at  right  angles,  a  number  of  narrow 
tubes,  so  that  the  whole  arrangement  resembles  a  garden  rake. 
Each  of  these  rakes  is  in  communication,  by  means  of  a  rubber 
tube,  with  a  main  pipe,  running  along  the  sides  of  the  vats,  and 
conveying  the  electrolyte  solution.    The  supply  of  liquid  to  each 

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To  face  p.  ffl.] 

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PLATE      I. 

Ck)pper  Refinery— Siemens'  System.     Scale  i :  140. 


Fig.  127.— Sectional  Elevation. 



Fig.   129. -Plan. 

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COPPER.  221 

rake  is  controlled  by  a  screv  clamp,  q.  The  solution  is  run 
away  from  beneath  the  slime  tray  through  the  siphon,  x,  into 
the  channel,  Z. 

From  Figs.  127,  128,  and  129,  shown  on  Plate  I.,  will  be  seen 
both  the  arrangement  of  the  vats  and  the  method  of  circulating 
the  solution.  In  order  not  to  detract  from  the  clearness  of  these 
illustrations  the  electric  connections  of  the  baths  are  omitted, 
but  are  shown  separately  in  Fig.  130;  this  figure  scarcely 
requires  further  explanation.  It  will  be  observed  that  the 
solution  is  distributed  to  the  baths  from  the  elevated  reser- 
voir, B,  and  returns  through  the  channel,  Z,  to  the  receivers,  G 
and  D.  If  all  of  the  liquid  is  to  be  discharged,  or  if  one  of 
the  receivers  should  leak,  the  solution  is  drawn  off  through  a 
conduit  beneath  the  floor  of  the  room  into  the  tank,  £.  By 
means  of  the  pump,  P,  the  circulation  of  the  liquid  can  either 
be  renewed  by  transferring  it  from  0,  D,  or  E  to  the  reservoir, 
6,  or,  if  too  impure  for  further  use,  it  may  be  removed  to 
the  regenerating  or  cementation  plant.  Regeneration  consists 
generally  in  evaporation  or  crystallisation,  if  necessary  with 

I'^^T^: — •---•^---T----::----. j^--^-'-^-r---^---, ^.-■■.  .^ —.-.----.p-^^ 

L.-...j-.jt...l..^.....L..±...l...- .....t....L.../^■..J.....t...j.....-,..i....t....U,^ 

Fig.  130.— Scheme  of  electrical  connections  in  copper- vats  (Siemens). 

the  aid  of  chemical  precipitation.  Ooncerning  the  cementation 
process,  metallurgical  handbooks  usually  give  sufficient  infor- 

The  points  to  which  special  attention  must  be  devoted  during 
the  process  have  been  made  clear  by  the  work  of  Kiliani,  Wohl- 
will,  Forster,  and  others,  which  has  already  been  described  in 
full.  Reference  has  also  been  made  to  the  deterioration  of  the 
deposit  caused  by  the  diminution  in  the  proportion  of  copper 
in  the  bath,  which  results,  under  the  conditions  described, 
from  an  accumulation  of  non-precipitable  metals.  So  also  the 
importance  of  maintaining  a  brisk  circulation  of  the  electrolyte, 
of  preserving  a  certain  degree  of  acidity,  and  of  using  a  small 
current-density,  were  sufficiently  emphasised  by  Kiliani. 

Borohers'  Improvements  in  the  Siemens-Halske  Plant.— 
But  the  means  which,  until  the  last  few  years,  had  been  com- 
monly employed  to  fulfil  the  necessary  conditions,  and  to  avoid 
the  corresponding  sources  of  failure,  were  quite  insufficient. 
The  need  of  completely  renewing  the  solutions  when  using 
the  more  impure  sorts  of  copper  recurred  more  often  than  was 
to  be  desired  in  a  continuous  process.  Many  suggestions  have, 
of  course,  been  made,  of  which  one  of  the  most  obvious  was  the 
injection  of  air  into  the  bath.  But  the  proposal  itself  was 
simpler  than  the  method  of  carrying  it  into  effect.  The  direct 
introduction  of  a  blast  of  air  into  the  solution  was  satisfactory 

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only  for  a  short  time,  because  it  soon  led  to  the  production  of 
a  turbid  liquid,  so  that  the  advantages  of  this  method  of  stirring 
were  soon  found  to  be  illusory.  Yet  air  was  clearly  the  best 
agent  for  the  stirring,  and,  up  to  a  certain  point,  for  the  purifica- 
tion, of  the  liquors,  if  it  only  could  be  satisfactorily  applied,  and 
the  idea  of  using  it  must  undoubtedly  be  considered  one  of  the 
most  important  discoveries  in  connection  with  the  refining  of 
copper.  The  merit  of  solving  the  problem  belongs  to  Messrs. 
K.  and  H.  Borchers,  of  the  above-mentioned  firm  of  Borchers 
Bros. ;  and  this  invention,  it  should  be  observed,  is  not  patented. 
The  method  of  carrying  it  into  effect  will  be  first  described.     A 





Fig.  131.— SiemensBorchera*  copper-vats  (longitudinal  section), 

bath  fitted  with  Borchers'  apparatus  is  shown  in  Figs.  131  and 
132.  On  comparing  these  with  the  previous  figures  it  will  be 
seen  that  there  has  been  practically  no  change  in  the  arrange- 
ment of  the  electrodes.  But  there  has  been  added  a  wide  leaden 
pipe,  6,  which  passes  downwards  from  the  upper  surface  of  the 
liquid  to  the  very  centre  of  the  space  beneath  the  mud-depositing 
tray,  8 ;  and  within  this  pipe  is  a  glass  tube,  g,  drawn  out  to  a 
fine  jet  at  its  lower  extremity.  The  glass  tube  is  passed  through 
a  stopper  in  the  leaden  cap,  dy  by  which  the  tube,  6,  is  sur- 
mounted, and  is  so  arranged  that  it  may  easily  be  raised  or 
lowered  in  position.     A  current  of  air  is  continuously  forced 

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through  the  glass  tube  into  the  column  of  liquid  in  the  pipe,  b, 
with  the  result  that  the  air,  dividing  itself  into  small  bubbles 
as  it  rises  to  the  surface,  lowers  the  specific  gravity  of  the 
contents  of  the  tube,  b,  and  causes  a  portion  of  the  liquid  to 
overflow  into  the  vat,  where  it  mixes  with  the  bulk  of  the 
electrolyte.  Meanwhile,  solution  from  the  lowest  level  of  the 
bath  is  constantly  entering  at  the  bottom  of  the  tube,  b.     The 

Fig.  132. — Siemens-Borchers*  copper-vats  (cross-section). 

aeration  of  the  electrolyte  is  thus  effected  very  quietly  and 
uniformly,  whilst  at  the  same  time  the  method  of  applying  the 
air  affords  the  most  practical  and  economical  means  of  circulat- 
ing the  liquid.  The  process  would  therefore  commend  itself  to 
the  notice  of  the  refiner  on  the  latter  ground  alone,  even  if  we 
disregard  the  advantages  to  be  derived  from  the  chemical  action 
of  the  air,  which,  however,  must  not  be  under-rated.* 

♦[According  to  the  Engineering  and  Mining  Journal,  1896,  vol.  Ixii., 
p.  603,  it  is  found  desirable,  in  practice,  to  assist  the  circulation  of  the 
electrolyte  for  two  to  three  hours  in  the  course  of  a  day,  by  causing  a 
general  circulation  from  vat  to  vat,  in  addition  to  the  air-mixing  accom- 
plished by  Borchers'  device. — Trahslator.] 

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A  glance  at  Figs.  131  and  132,  suffices  to  show  that  a  very 
inconvenient  portion  of  the  older  apparatus — the  ''rake"  for 
distributing  the  solution — ^has  been  dispensed  with,  and  that 
the  side  channels  for  the  conyeyance  of  the  liquid  have  also 
disappeared.  These  two  attachments  of  the  original  installa- 
tion had  rendered  cleanliness  in  working  the  process  impossible, 
owing  to  the  constant  and  unavoidable  splashing  of  the  solution; 
while  at  the  same  time  thej  prevented  ready  access  to  the 
electrodes,  and  were,  in  fact,  the  chief  sources  of  trouble  in  the 
whole  installation  on  account  of  the  constant  supervision  that 
they  demanded. 

Details  of  the  Siemens-Borohers'  Installation.— In  the 
plant,  as  at  present  used,  both  the  filling  and  discharging  of  the 
baths  are  effected  by  a  single  pipe,  R  (Fig.  131,  and  Plate  II., 
Figs.  133,  134,  135),  the  former  being  done  once  for  all  at  the 
beginning  of  a  refining  operation,  and  the  latter  being  necessary 
only  when  the  impure  liquors  have  to  be  run  off  at  the  end,  or 
as  required.  This  is  in  striking  contrast  to  the  older  system, 
which  necessitated  a  constant  circulation  of  the  electrolyte 
through  the  whole  series  of  vats.  Every  individual  vat  is 
connected  with  the  main  pipe,  R,  by  means  of  a  siphon,  N, 
attached  to  it  by  a  rubber  tube,  S  (Fig.  132).  During  the  working 
of  the  process  this  tube,  S,  is  closed  by  a  screw  clamp,  so  that 
there  may  be  no  electrical  communication  between  the  baths. 

Plate  II.,  like  the  previous  plate,  is  concerned  mainly  with 
the  method  of  circulating  the  solution,  and  with  the  general 
arrangement  of  the  electrolytic  plant,  the  details  of  bath  con- 
struction having  been  shown  on  a  larger  scale  in  Figs.  131  and 
132.  In  the  new  installation  a  compressed-air  chamber,  D, 
effects  the  conveyance  of  the  bath-liquor.  In  starting  work  the 
electrolyte,  placed  originally  in  A,  is  allowed  to  run  into  the 
pressure  vessel,  D,  whence  it  is  forced  into  the  distributing  vat, 
Y,  so  that  it  may  flow  to  the  vats  through  the  pipes,  R,  and  the 
siphons,  N.  The  liquid  may  be  discharged  from  any  given  vat 
during  the  electrolysis  by  drawing  it  into  the  pressure  kier,  D, 
through  the  siphons,  N,  and  the  mains,  R,  so  that  it  may  be 
treated  either  for  the  recovery  of  its  salts  or  by  cementation  or 
regeneration.  Any  solution  which  may  escape  in  consequence 
of  leakages  in  the  vessels  or  conveying  pipes,  or  through  irregu- 
larities in  the  working  of  the  vats,  is  conducted  through  the 
drains,  G  (placed  beneath  the  flooring),  into  the  tank,  B,  whence 
it  may  be  conducted  to  the  pressure  chamber  for  re-distribution. 
The  vats,  C,  for  the  washing  of  the  anode  slimes  have  also  found 
a  place  in  this  room  under  the  present  arrangement. 

Siemens  &  Halske  recommend  that  the  solutions  shouM  be 
warmed,  the  conditions  being  then  more  favourable  for  the 
precipitation  of  antimony  and  bismuth  compounds. 

Forifloation  of  Old  Iiiquors  fcom  Bismuth  and  Anti.. 


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\To  ^mee  p.  ttU, 

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mony. — If,  in  coarse  of  long  use,  the  electrolyte  should  become 
saturated  with  compounds  of  these  two  metals,  it  must  be  run 
out  of  the  vats  into  a  specially  prepared  tank,  and  be  there 
warmed,  treated  with  air  forced  through  it  by  means  of  a  steam 
injector,  neutralised  with  copper  oxide  or  other  suitable  basic 
copper  compound  that  may  be  at  hand  and  filtered.  After 
reserving  a  portion  of  the  solution  so  obtained  for  working  up 
into  copper  sulphate,  the  remainder  is  returned  for  use  in  the 
refinery,  afber  adding  sufficient  sulphuric  acid,  and  bringing  it 
to  the  normal  strength,  for  the  work. 

Beduction  in  the  Cost  of  Eleotroly tio  Befining.— Finally, 
a  by  no  means  unimportant  gain  in  using  the  new  process,  is  to 
be  found  in  the  fact  that  the  current-density  may  be  increased 
from  30  to  100  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [9  3  amperes  per  sq.  ft.] 
without  detriment  to  the  texture  or  surface  of  the  deposited 
copper.  The  full  meaning  of  this  advantage  will  be  appreciated 
after  the  perusal  of  the  following  translation  of  a  private  com- 
munication from  the  firm  of  Siemens  <k  Halske  to  the  author : — 

"  The  possibility  of  considerably  increasing  the  current-density 
has  the  great  advantage  that,  for  the  same  outturn  of  refined 
copper,  the  floor  space  occupied  by  the  baths,  and  the  quantity 
of  copper,  silver,  and  solution  locked  up  in  the  vats,  will  be  re- 
duced to  about  one-third,  and  the  item  of  wages  will  be  con- 
siderably lower.  On  the  other  hand,  the  power  required  will  be 
greater;  in  spite  of  that,  however,  there  will  be  a  considerable 
nett  saving  in  the  working  cost.  In  the  following  table  the 
estimated  cost  of  working  at  30  amperes  and  100  amperes  per 
sq.  metre  are  placed  side  by  side  for  comparison,  the  calculation 
being  based  upon  the  ordinary  conditions  of  work  in  Germany. 
Where  other  conditions  prevail,  the  necessary  alteration  in  the 
figures  may  readily  be  made;  but  in  any  case  the  difference 
between  the  costs  of  working  by  the  old  and  new  processes  will 
remain  very  much  the  same  as  is  here  indicated  : — 


Daily  working  oost  for  an  output  of  1  ton 
of  reiined  copper  per  diem. 

Cost   of    power    (I.H.P.    hour  =  5  pf. 

[id]).  ...... 


Interest  on  copper  looked  up  (5  /o), 
AmortiBation  of  the  electric  plant  (10%), 
Cost    of    heating   the  baths,   250  kgs. 

[5  cwts.]  ooal,     .... 
Cost  of  regenerating  the  electrolyte, 

Or,  taking  1  mark  =  1  shilling,      . 

Former  current-     Present  current- 
density  80  amps,   density  100  amps 
per  sq.  m.        I       per  sq.  m. 



£3,  148.  Ud. 



68  95 
,  £2,  188.  lid. 

15  T 

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*'  From  this  table  it  is  evident  that  the  actual  cost  of  refining 
has  been  reduced  by  about  20  per  cent,  through  the  introduction 
of  tlie  new  process ;  and  since  the  interest,  both  on  the  capital 
sunk  in  buildings  and  site,  and  on  the  silver  in  the  anode 
copper,  will  also  be  reduced,  the  actual  comparison  is  even  more 
in  favour  of  the  application  of  high  current-density  than  would 
appear  from  the  above  table. 

"In  order  to  introduce  the  improved  process  into  existing 
works,  either  the  present  baths,  after  the  necessary  alterations 
have  been  made  in  them,  may  be  used  to  produce  a  higher 
output  of  copper  by  increasing  the  power  of  the  engine  and 
dynamos ;  or  the  same  power  may  be  employed  with  a  smaller 
electrolysing  plant  and  a  somewhat  diminished  outturn,  but 
with  a  higher  efficiency ;  in  the  latter,  about  three-quarters  oi 
the  area  originally  occupied  by  the  baths  will  be  set  free,  and 
80  rendered  available  for  other  purposes.  Generally,  however, 
the  former  alternative  will  prove  more  advantageous." 

The  firm  of  Siemeus  &  Halske,  in  a  communication  to  the 
Zeitachrifi  fUr  Elektrochemie,  have  claimed  for  Werner  von 
Siemens  the  invention  of  the  application  of  air  to  the  circulation 
of  solution,  above  ascribed  by  Borchers  to  the  members  of  the 
firm  of  Borchers  Bros.  They  state  that  "  this  kind  of  air  circu- 
lation was  discovered  by  Dr.  Werner  von  Siemens  in  1884  or 
1885,  and  was  then  used  for  the  raising  of  water.  The  first 
plant  installed  was  shown  in  actual  use  to  a  number  of 
engineers,  and  was  known  as  a  'Geyser  Pump.'  A  double 
tube  was  sunk  into  a  well-shaft,  and  air  was  blown  into  the 
inner  tube  by  means  of  a  steam  engine  working  as  an  air- 
injector  pump.  Siemens  &  Halske  used  this  means  for  cir- 
culating the  solution  at  the  beginning  of  1886  in  an  electrolytic 
copper  refinery  which  they  were  laying  down  in  the  copper 
works  of  0.  Heckmann.  The  same  firm  started  the  copper 
refinery  in  Borchers  Bros.'  works  in  the  early  part  of  1891 ;  but 
the  circulation  was  in  this  case  effected  by  the  overfiow  of  the 
solution  from  tank  to  tank  and  not  by  means  of  air.  Borchers 
Bros,  themselves  introduced  the  system  of  air  circulation  into 
their  plant  afterwards;  but,  as  applied  by  them,  it  did  not 
appreciably  difier  from  that  in  Heckmann's  works.  At  a  later 
date  the  arrangement  was  considerably  improved  by  W.  von 
Siemens,  and  wa<«,  after  his  death,  applied  to  electrolytic  baths 
of  very  difierent  descriptions." 

Borchers  writes  that  while  obviously  there  cannot  be  the 
slightest  doubt  on  the  accuracy  of  the  above  statement,  it  must 
not  be  overlooked  that  the  plant  actually  installed  by  Siemens 
^  Halske  in  the  works  of  Borchers  Bros,  was  not  provided 
with  air  circulation,  but  that,  on  the  contrary,  the  latter  firm 
themselves  recognised  the  advantages  of,  and  applied,  the 
system,  and  that  they  did  so  without  any  suggestion  from  the 
original  designers  of  the  plant 

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COPPER.  227 

The  method  of  work  and  the  construction  of  the  apparatus 
above  described  undoubtedly  possess  all  the  advantages  which 
may  reasonably  be  expected  from  a  well-planned  electrolytic 
installation — namely,  simplicity  of  arrangement,  convenience  of 
access,  and  control  in  all  parts,  cleanliness  in  operation,  and 
exclusion  as  far  as  possible  of  all  intermediate  work  of  a  dis- 
turbing character.  It  might  have  sufficed  to  limit  the  account 
of  copper  refining  to  that  already  given,  and  to  recommend  the 
system  of  Siemens-Borchers  for  universal  application,  but  certain 
other  works  which  differ  in  many  ways  from  those  described 
above  must  also  be  descnbed. 

[Before  proceeding  to  the  consideration  of  these  processes, 
however,  it  may  be  worth  noting  that  in  American  practice 
a  much  higher  current-density  is  used  than  that  employed  in 
Europe ;  it  is  rarely  much  lower  than  10  amperes  per  sq.  ft., 
and,  in  some  cases,  is  nearly  double  that  amount.  In  conse- 
quence of  this  the  turnover  is  greater,  and  the  cost  of  refining 
is  correspondingly  reduced,  inasmuch  as  the  fixed  charges  are 
distributed  over  a  much  higher  tonnage  of  refined  material,  and 
the  interest  on  capital  locked  up  in  the  copper  in  the  vats  is 
also  diminished.  The  whole  process  is  worked  at  a  lower  cost, 
and  this  helps  to  compensate  for  the  higher  charge  for  wages. 
Thus,  although  the  average  wages  at  the  Anaconda  Works  (see 
p.  232)  is  about  $3  per  diem,  the  cost  of  refining  (including  tnat 
of  treating  the  silver  mud)  is  only  $14  (£2,  18s.)  per  ton,  whilst 
at  Perth  Amboy  (New  Jersey)  it  is  stated  (exclusive  of  office 
expenses)  to  be  $9  (£1,  ITs.)  per  ton,  as  against  59  marks 
(£2,  19s.)  per  ton  in  the  table  given  on  p.  225.  The  charge  for 
labour  at  Perth  Amboy  is  less  than  half  that  at  the  Anaconda 
Works,  but  it  is  still  nearly  double  that  in  Germany.  Hence 
the  gain  in  applying  the  highest  current-density  that  can  be 
safely  used,  without  endangering  the  quality  of  the  deposited 
copper,  is  emphasised  as  strongly  as  by  the  figures  quoted  in  the 
above  table  {loc  ek). — Translator.] 

I^Sohneider  and  Saontagh  System.  — A  system  of  air  circu* 
lation  similar  to  that  of  Borchers,  has  been  patented  in  the 
United  States  by  Schneider  and  Szontagh.'*^  The  method  of 
introducing  the  air  into  a  vertical  pipe  communicating  with  the 
electrolyte  tank  above  and  below  is  practically  the  same ;  but, 
instead  of  taking  otf  the  liquid  from  beneath  the  centre  of  a 
tray,  it  draws  it  through  perforations  in  a  horizontal  pipe 
running  along  the  whole  length  of  the  vat  at  one  of  the  bottom 
angles,  whilst  the  solution  overflowing  from  the  upright  air-pipe 
passes  through  a  second  horizontal  pipe,  which  is  placed  along 
the  top  of  the  vat  on  the  opposite  side.  From  this  pipe  it  is 
delivered  into  the  tank  through  perforations  pierced  between 
each  pair  of  electrodes,  and  increasing  in  diameter  as  they  are 
♦[U.S. A  Patent  663,093,  June  30,  1896.] 

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farther  removed  from  the  vertical  pipe,  in  order  to  secure  a 
greater  uniformity  of  flow.  The  system  is  in  use  in  the  large 
refinery  of  Messrs.  Guggenheim  at  Perth  Amboy,  New  Jersey. 
— Translator.] 

The  Thofehm  Process. — According  to  the  account  of  the 
Thofehrn  process  published  by  Hering,*  it  may  be  distinguished 
from  all  others  by  the  use  of  very  large  baths,  for  which  either 
wood  lined  with  lead  or  concrete  painted  with  tar  may  be  em- 
ployed. The  baths  have  a  width  of  about  2  metres,  a  length  of 
3  metres,  and  a  depth  of  about  1*5  metres  [6|  ft.  x  10  fb.  x  5  ft]. 
The  form  of  the  anodes  is  the  same  as  that  adopted  in  the 
Moebius  apparatus  for  treating  silver,!  and  the  method  of 
suspending  them  in  the  bath  is  also  the  same — viz.,  by  hanging 
several  small  plates  from  a  metal  bar.  In  Thofehm's  baths  each 
anode  rod  carries  three  plates  0-6  metre  long  by  0*6  metre  wide 
by  002  metre  thick  [2  ft.  x  2  ft.  x  f  in.].  The  cathode  coDsists 
of  copper  plates,  of  which  six  are  hung  on  every  rail,  each  one 
being  06  metre  long  by  0*2  metre  wide  by  00002  metre  thick 
[2  ft.  X  8  ins.  x  0-008  in.].  A  diagrammatic  sketch  of  the  posi- 
tion of  the  conductors  used  in  conveying  the  current  to  the 
supporting  rods  for  the  electrodes  is  given  in  Fig.  136.     It  will 



Fig. — 136. — The  electrical  connections  of  Thofehm's  apparatus. 

be  recognised  at  once  as  an  old  arrangement  which  had  been 
applied  in  plant  laid  down  by  Siemens  <b  Halske  before  any 
account  of  Thofehrn's  process  was  published.  As  an  electrolyte 
for  black  copper  anodes  with  a  current-density  of  30  amperes 
per  sq.  metre  [2'8  amperes  per  sq.  ft.]  he  recommends  an 
aqueous  solution  of  15  per  cent,  of  copper  sulphate  and  5  per 
cent,  of  sulphuric  acid ;  or  with  50  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [4*6 
amperes  per  sq.  ft.],  one  of  20  per  cent,  of  copper  sulphate  and 
5 '5  per  cent,  of  sulphuric  acid;  whilst  for  bessemerised  copper 
and  a  current  of  60  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [5*6  amperes  per 
sq.  ft.]  he  prefers  a  bath  containing  25  per  cent,  of  the  copper 
salt  and  6  per  cent,  of  the  acid.  The  circulatiom  of  the  solution 
from  bath  to  bath  is  effected  with  the  aid  of  siphons,  which, 
however,  afford  no  security  for  the  uniform  circulation  of  the 
electrolyte  through  the  large  baths  themselves.  An  interesting 
account  was  given  by  the  Engineering  and  Mining  Journal,  in 

•Herina,  Berg-  und  HiUUnmanni9che  Zeitung,  1893,  voL  lii.,  p.  53; 
Revue  Industridle,  1892,  p.  24. 
tSee  Chapter  on  Silver, 

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OOPPEB.  229 

1896,  of  a  plant  laid  down  by  Thofehrn  in  the  works  of  the 
Anaconda  Mining  Oompany,  and  designed  to  refine  150  tons  of 
copper  per  diem. 

The  engine-house  contains  an  ordinary  double-cylinder  engine 
of  800  H.P.,  a  Westioghouse  compound  engine  of  400  H.P.,  and 
two  triplo-expansion  engines,  each  of  900  H.P.  Each  of  the 
two  latter  engines  is  direct-coupled  to  two  dynamos.  There  are 
thus  3,000  H.P.  provided,  but  this  includes  the  reserve.  The 
first-named  engine  is  of  the  Oorliss  type,  and  drives  the  dynamos 
of  the  old  plant  by  belt  transmission.  For  the  work  of  electro- 
lysis there  are  provided — three  Westinghouse  dynamos,  all 
belt<lriven,  two  of  220-kilowatt  capacity  each,  and  one  of 
270  kilowatts;  and  four  Westinghouse  dynamos,  each  of 
270-kilowatt  capacity,  two  coupled  to  each  of  the  triple-expan- 
sion engines.  These  dynamos  afford,  therefore,  1,790  kilowatts, 
which  corresponds  to  2,400  E.H.P.  One  of  these  dynamos 
{220  kilowatts  =  295  E.H.P.)  with  its  corresponding  steam 
engine  forms  the  reserve;  and  can  be  connected  to  any  one 
of  the  six  circuits  in  the  event  of  one  of  the  other  dynamos 
requiring  repair.  There  are,  in  addition,  two  dynamos  for 
lighting  and  power-transmission,  one  of  them  being  held  in 
reserve.  An  air  pump  absorbing  30  H.P.  is  used  to  drive  the 
acid  pumps.  As  the  whole  plant  is  constructed  to  deposit 
170  tons  of  copper  a  day,  it  appears  that  the  expenditure  of 
work  is  at  the  rate  of  17*5  H.P.-hours  per  ton  of  copper, 
inclusive  of  all  mechanical  work  which,  as  far  as  possible,  is 
done  by  electrically-driven  machines. 

The  refinery  itself  is  divided  into  two  blocks,  separated  by  a 
free  space  of  about  100  ft.,  in  order  to  minimise  the  fire  risks. 
The  buildings  are  constructed  of  wood  covered  with  corrugated 
iron ;  each  building  has  a  floor  space  of  about  6,500  sq.  yards 
and  contains  about  600  tanks,  each  measuring  2'5  metres  in 
length  by  1*5  metres  in  breadth  and  1  metre  in  depth  [8  ft. 
3  ins.  X  4  ft.  7  ins.  x  3  ft.  3  ins.].  In  the  construction  of  these 
vats,  a  wooden  frame,  sufficiently  large  for  10  vats,  is  first  put 
together,  this  is  lined  witli  planks,  and  so  divided  up  as  to  form 
10  compartments  separated  from  one  another  by  sufficient  air 
space.  Each  of  these  rows  of  10  vats  is  mounted  on  its  own 
foundations,  separated  from  the  next  rows  and  from  the  working 
floor.  All  joints  in  the  wood  are  well  caulked  with  insulating 
material.  The  vats  are  lined  with  lead  and  carry  the  conduc- 
tors, insulated  from  the  lead  lining,  on  the  top  of  the  side  walls. 
The  baths  are  connected  according  to  the  system  known  as  the 
Siemens  system.  The  electrodes  are  suspended  by  copper  hooks 
from  flat  transverse  iron  bars  which  rest  on  the  longitudinal 
conductors.  The  actual  number,  size,  and  disposition  of  the 
electrodes  are  not  stated,  but  from  the  illustrations  given  (cf. 
Pig.   136a)  it  would  appear  that  to  every  vat  there  are  16 

Digitized  by  V^OO^  It! 


cathode  rods,  and  15  anode  rods,  each  supporting  two  or  more- 
strip-electrodes.  Two  compartments,  each  containing  10  rows 
of  10  tanks,  or  200  tanks  in  all  are  coupled  in  one  circuit;  and 
each  of  these  circuits  is  arranged  in  one  hall,  and  thus,  with  the 
necessary  mechanical  appliances  and  general  equipment,  forms  a. 
system  that  is  quite  independent  of  all  the  other  systems.  All 
the  baths  in  any  one  system  are  coupled  in  series,  and  it  has 
already  been  stated,  in  the  preceding  paragraph,  that  there  are 
six  of  these  systems.  A  reservoir  is  provided  for  each  row  of 
tanks  from  which  the  circulation  of  the  liquid  is  ensured,  the 
solution  flowing  through  the  10  vats  in  succession  and  thence  to 
a  collecting  tank,  whence  it  is  again  pumped  with  the  help  of 
pressure  kiers  to  the  distributing  reservoir. 

In  the  three  systems  first  installed,  the  introduction  and 
removal  of  the  electrodes  was  effected  by  means  of  overhead 
pulleys.  The  full  load  of  a  tank  may  amount  to  about  4  ton& 
of  copper,  the  whole  of  which  is  introduced  at  one  time.  In 
the  three  systems  more  recently  laid  down,  electric  cranes- 
[overhead  travellers]  are  provided  for  this  work.  The  raw- 
and  fine-copper  plates  are  conveyed  in  the  vat-room  and  through 
the  works  by  means  of  an  electric  tramway  of  500  mm.  [20  ins.] 
gauge.  The  rails  are  brought  in  to  the  working  floor  of  each 
hall,  and  other  rails  are  run  beneath  the  depositing  tanks  for 
the  purpose  of  conveying  the  anode-mud  to  the  silver  refinery 
attached  to  the  works. 

Method  of  Work. — The  anode-plates  are  weighed  when  first 
brought  into  the  refinery,  and  are  then  suspended  by  copper 
hooks  from  the  flat  transverse  iron  bars  already  referred  to, 
which  in  turn  are  lifted  by  means  of  the  pulleys  or  traveller 
and  dropped  into  position  on  the  tanks.  The  cathodes  are 
similarly  prepared  for  suspension  between  the  anodes.  Finally 
the  solution  is  run  into  the  tank,  which  is  then  connected  up  in 
the  electric  circuit.  The  work  of  emptying,  cleaning  up,  and 
re-charging  a  vat  requires  a  little  less  than  an  hour.  It  is 
scarcely  necessary  to  point  out  that  the  process  of  emptying  a 
tank  is  similar  to  that  of  charging  it,  but  in  inverse  order. 

The  anode  material  is  black  copper  containing  98  per  cent, 
of  copper,  with  small  quantities  of  arsenic,  antimony,  selenium, 
tellurium,  iron,  and  lead,  and  about  0*35  per  cent,  of  silver,  and 
O'OOl  per  cent,  of  gold  [110  ozs.  Ag  and  ^  oz.  Au  per  ton]. 

In  order  to  control  the  work  of  depositing,  leads  are  taken  ofiT 
from  every  set  of  five  tanks  to  a  measuring  apparatus  which 
automatically  registers  the  reading  once  an  hour.  To  effect  thia 
each  series  of  five  tanks  is  connected  up  to  a  kind  of  dynamo 
commutator,  in  such  a  way  that  the  opposite  poles  of  the  same 
series  of  ^ve  vats  are  joined  up  to  radial  copper  plates  at  the 
opposite  ends  of  one  diameter  of  the  commutator.  These  plates 
are  all  insulated  from  one  another.     A  yoke-piece  with   two 

Digitized  by  V^OO^  It! 


brushes,  diametrically  opposite,  is  revolved  around  the  com- 
mutator once  an  hour;  and  the  brushes  are  connected  to  an 
automatically-registering  voltmeter,  so  that  each  series  of  five 
vats  is  individually  connected  up  to  the  latter  instrument,  and 
the  slope  of  potential  between  the  terminals  of  each  of  these 
series  is  therefore  registered  serially  once  every  hour.  The 
manager  is  thus  able  to  detect  and  to  locate  precisely  any 
irregularities  that  may  be  taking  place. 

Conditions  of  Work, — The  refinery  of  the  Anaconda  Copper 
Mining  Company  yields  from  100  to  120  tons  of  copper  per  diem. 
The  remainder  of  the  copper — amounting  to  about  80  to  100 
tons — produced  by  this  Company  is  refined  in  Baltimore,  so  that 
the  daily  outturn  averages  about  200  tons  in  all.  The  refinery 
above  described  is  now  so  arranged  that,  in  case  of  need,  the 
whole  of  the  daily  production  of  the  Anaconda  Company 
could  be  treated  there,  with  the  addition  only  of  the  necessary 

In  regard  to  the  cost  of  the  work  of  refining  in  Anaconda,  it 
may  be  reckoned  that  the  wages  average  about  12s.  ($3)  for  each 
man  daily.  The  fuel  used  had  formerly  cost  from  22s.  to  24s. 
($5.50)  per  ton;  but  the  new  boilers  have  been  arranged  to  run 
with  a  coal  costing  8s.  to  8s.  6d.  ($2)  per  ton.  Sulphuric  acid 
costs  about  £10  per  ton.  It  may  be  generally  assumed  that,  in 
Anaconda,  all  expenses  are  about  twice  as  high  as  in  the  in- 
dustrial centres  of  the  Eastern  States  of  America.  The  total 
cost  of  refining  is  placed  at  $14  (nearly  £3)  per  ton  of  refined 

There  are  120  men  employed  in  the  works,  including  the 
foremen,  assayers,  and  clerks.  The  foregoing  illustration  (Fig. 
136a)  serves  to  show  the  economy  of  labour  in  a  modern  plant. 
The  older  existing  buildings  were  not  strong  enough  to  carry  all 
the  modem  labour-saving  appliances,  but  the  new  plant  was  put 
down  according  to  plans  prepared  by  Thofehrn.  Both  plants 
turn  out  the  same  quantity  of  copper — namely,  about  50  tons 
per  diem — but  in  the  old  plant  50  men  are  employed  as  against 
25  in  the  new  portion,  and  this  must  certainly  efibct  a  great 
economy  in  wages. 

The  purification  of  the  electrolyte  is  only  effected  with  a  view 
to  keeping  the  proportion  of  the  anode  impurities  passing  into 
solution  within  certain  limits ;  but  the  writer  of  the  account  of 
the  works  gives  no  indication  as  to  the  method  employed  beyond 
saying  that  it  is  simple,  and  calls  for  the  use  only  of  inexpensive 
chemicals  in  addition  to  air. 

The  monthly  production  of  gold  is  46  kilogrammes,  0-950  fine; 
and  of  silver,  10,886  kilogrammes,  0-999  fine. 

The  washed  anode-mud  is  boiled  with  acid  by  means  of  steam 
after  the  pieces  of  copper  have  been  removed  from  it,  and  is  then 
tiltered  and  washed.     Compounds  of  arsenic  and  antimony  are 

Digitized  by  VorOO^  It! 

COPPER.  233 

next  brought  into  solution  in  a  second  series  of  vessels,  but  the 
method  employed  for  this  is  not  described.  The  mud  is  now 
filtered  again  and  washed,  and  is  then  dried  in  large  cast-iron 
pans,  melted  in  a  reverberatory  furnace,  and  cast  into  small  bars, 
which  are  finally  treated  by  the  sulphuric  acid  process. 

The  current-density  used  is  approximately  from  100  to  200 
amperes  per  sq.  in.  [10  to  20  amps,  per  sq.  ft.]  of  cathode  surface. 

The  copper  produced  is  melted  and  run  into  bars  of  suitable 
shape  for  the  wire-bar  rolling  mill. 

[This  is  effected  at  the  cost  of  about  $4  per  ton;  and  this 
metal,  in  the  form  of  hard  drawn  wire,  containing,  as  it  must,  at 
least  a  trace  of  cuprous  oxide,  is  found  to  have  an  electrical 
conductivity  of  98  (Matthiessen's  standard),  and  a  tensile 
strength  of  64,000  to  65,000  lbs.  per  sq.  in.;  the  number  of 
twists  obtainable  in  6  ins.  of  No.  12  wire  is  80;  elongation, 
1 J  per  cent.] 

The  design  of  the  plant  as  a  whole  is,  doubtless,  good,  although 
the  advantages  of  using  such  wide  baths  may  not  be  apparent, 
and  the  design  itself  may  not  give  much  evidence  of  great 
originality.  The  arrangements  of  other  electro-metallurgists, 
especially  of  Siemens  and  Halske,  and  Moebius,  are  observable  in 
many  places. 

Thofehm's  New  Frooess. —  The  same  number  of  the 
Engineering  and  Mining  Journal  {loc.  cit.)  describes  a  new 
process  in  which  the  copper  is  deposited  upon  a  long  hollow 
cylindrical  cathode  8  ft.  long  and  3  ft.  in  diameter,  which  is 
immersed  in  the  electrolyte,  and  is  revolved  at  a  low  speed, 
whilst  the  copper  is  deposited  upon  it  with  a  current-density  of 
50  to  100  amperes  per  sq.  ft.  During  the  time  of  depositing, 
numerous  jets  of  the  electrolyte  solution  are  caused  to  play 
under  pressure  upon  the  sur&ce  of  the  cylinder.*  It  is  stated 
that  the  crystals  of  copper  are  deposited  in  the  form  of  micro- 
scopic octagonal  hair-like  filaments,  which  become  felted  and 
compressed  by  the  jets  of  liquid ;   and  that  the  cylinders  of 

*  [A  similar  device  has  been  adopted  by  Graham  (English  patent  986, 
Jan.  14,  1896).  According  to  his  specification,  a  nearly  saturated  solution 
of  copper  sulphate,  containing  5  ozs.  of  strong  sulphuric  acid  per  cb.  ft.  of 
water,  is  used  as  electrolyte,  and  is  stored  in  reservoirs  placed  at  a  height 
of^  from  1  to  2  ft.  above  the  electrolytic  tanks,  thence  it  is  conveyed  to 
§<in.  jets  that  deliver  it  in  a  stream  u(K)n  the  surfcMse  of  the  cathodes,  which 
are  placed  at  a  distance  of  1^  ins.  from  the  orifices  of  the  jets.  It  is  stated 
that  a  current  of  300  amperes  per  sq.  ft.  may  be  employed  with  safety  at 
all  points  within  the  sphere  of  influence  of  the  jets ;  beyond  this  area,  it  is 
obvious  that  the  deposit  would  be  pulverulent  and  useless.  The  radius  of 
the  protected  area  is  found  to  be  5  ms. ,  and  the  number  and  disposition  of 
jets  employed  must  be  arranged  accordingly.  The  anode  should  have  a 
surface  area  eight  or  nine  times  greater  than  that  of  the  cathode,  and  its 
shape  should  preferably  be  that  of  a  corrugated  spiral  or  of  a  grid,  through 
which  the  electrolyte  streams  are  directed  upon  the  cathodes.  The  edges 
of  the  latter  are  protected  by  an  insulating  material. — Translator.] 

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copper  when  they  have  been  deposited  an  inch  thick  and  have 
been  detached  from  the  cathode  cylinders  may  be  rolled  direct. 
It  is  said  that  the  wires  are  over  15  \ier  cent,  stronger  than 
those  prepared  by  the  old  electrolytic  refining  process  followed 
by  fusion ;  and  that  the  expense  of  such  an  electric  refining  of 
the  metal  to  produce  the  bars  required  for  the  rolling  or  wire- 
drawing mill  is  )$16  (£3,  6s.)  per  ton. 

One  distinct  advantage  in  the  use  of  these  jets  is  obviously  to 
be  found  in  the  certainty  that  the  electrolyte  at  the  surface  of 
the  cathode  is  constantly  and  thoroughly  renewed,  so  that  a  very 
much  greater  current-density  may  be  employed  than  would 
otherwise  be  possible.  No  details  whatever  are  given  concern- 
ing the  process,  and  it  is  therefore  impossible  to  criticise  it.  It 
may  be  noted  that  the  same  paper  states  that  white  metal  anodes 
with  75  to  80  per  cent,  of  copper  have  been  employed  in  thia 
process  with  success,  but  no  hint  is  given  as  to  the  manner  in 
which  difficulties  that  have  baffled  the  attempts  of  previous 
inventors  have  been  obviated. — Translator.] 

The  Baritan  Copper  Works  Plant. — Finally,  reference  may 
be  made  to  an  account  given  by  Addichs**^  of  the  electrolytic 
installation  of  newly-erected  works  belonging  to  the  Baritan 
Copper  Works,  on  the  Raritan  river,  at  Perth  Am  boy,  New 
Jersey  [U.S.A.].  The  works  are  designed  to  produce  from  5,000 
to  6,000  tons  of  electrolytic  copper  per  month,  in  addition  to 
from  7,000  to  8,000  tons  refined  by  the  furnace  process.  The 
electrolytic  plant  is  contained  in  a  building  measuring  200  ft.  by 
600  ft.,  and  includes  1,600  depositing  vats  in  which  the  electrodes 
are  arranged  on  the  parallel  system,  whilst  the  baths  are  placed 
in  series.  180  of  tliese  vats  are  used  only  for  the  electrolytic 
production  of  the  original  cathode-plates.  These  are  prepared  by 
depositing  copper  upon  rolled  copper  plates  about  4  mm.  [0*15  in.} 
thick.  In  order  to  facilitate  the  removal  of  the  deposit  the 
plates  are  smeared  lightly  with  tallow,  and  are  then  clamped  in 
wooden  frames,  so  that  the  edges  may  remain  free  from  deposit. 
In  about  36  hours  the  deposit  will  be  sufficiently  thick  to  allow 
of  it  being  stripped  from  both  sides  of  the  plate  ;  the  sheets  aro 
then  sheared  otf  straight  at  the  edges  and  bored  by  suitable  tools 
to  take  the  suspension  hooks.  The  cathode-))]ates  so  deposited 
are  then  carefully  straightened  by  striking  with  wooden  mallets 
or  blocks,  and  are  suspended  in  the  electrolysis  cells  by  means  of 
copper  hooks  from  copper  rods,  which  serve  to  make  contact 
with  the  conducting  bars  conveying  the  current.  They  remain 
ill  the  bath  for  seven  days,  by  which  time  they  are  sufficiently 
thick  for  further  treatment.  The  anodes  are  made  according  to 
the  well-known  pattern,  with  side  supports. 

Each  vat  contains  22  anodes  and  23  cathodes,  and  the  current- 
density  used  is  about  150  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [15  amp.  per 
*  Mineral  IndxiAtry,  1900,  vol.  ix.,  p.  261. 

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COPPER.  235 

sq.  ft.].  The  main  conductors  can  carry  a  current  of  4,000 
amperes,  and  consist  of  copper  bars  1^x4  ins.  in  cross-section. 
The  depositing  vats  are  arranged  400  in  series,  each  series  divided 
into  two  for  the  purpose  of  circulating  the  electrolyte,  which 
therefore  passes  through  200  tanks  in  succession.  In  order  to  , 
facilitate  the  circulation  of  the  liquid  the  tanks  are  placed  in 
double-terrace  fashion,  sloping,  /^-like,  away  on  each  side  from  a 
central  feed-pipe. 

In  order  to  regulate  the  proportion  of  copper  in  the  electrolytes 
each  group  of  400  tanks  has  8  small  tanks  connected  in  series 
with  it.  All  these  smaller  vats  are  placed  in  a  small  annexe  at 
one  side  of  the  main  building,  and  are  used  for  electrolysis  with 
lead  anodes.  It  is  well  known  that  the  electrolyte  usually 
becomes  richer  in  copper  as  the  work  of  deposition  [with  copper 
anodes]  proceeds,  and  these  small  tanks  with  lead  anodes  serve 
to  reduce  the  excess  of  copper.  But  as  in  doing  so  there  must 
be  a  brisk  evolution  of  gas,  the  tanks  used  for  tlie  purpose  must 
be  placed  in  a  separate  and  well-ventilated  room. 

In  the  main  depositing  plant  the  electrolyte  is  maintained  at 
a  temperature  of  49°  C,  and  this  is  accomplished  by  pre-heating 
the  liquid  with  steam  in  the  distributing  reservoir  by  means  of 
a  coil  of  lead  pipe.  Special  vessels  are  provided  for  the  separation 
of  the  tallow  from  that  part  of  the  solution  which  is  used  for  the 
electrolytic  production  of  the  cathode-plates.  Each  of  these 
vessels  contains  a  partition  which  does  not  reach  to  the  bottom. 
The  solution  flows  through  the  space  beneath  this  partition, 
leaving  the  tallow  in  the  first  compartment.  The  solutions 
remain  in  circulation  for  several  months  before  a  process  of 
purification  becomes  necessary.  The  method'  of  working  up  the 
impure  electrolytes  will  be  referred  to  hereafter. 

Conneotions  of  Eleotrodes. — In  treating  of  the  various 
forms  of  anode  reference  was  made  to  a  system  of  connecting  up 
the  baths,  the  advantages  of  which  must  be  at  once  apparent. 
Every  two  baths  are  placed  side  by  side,  so  closely  that  the 
cathodes  of  the  one  bath  and  the  anodes  of  the  other  are  suspended 
from  a  common  conducting  bar.  [Compare  Fig.  149.]  Apart 
from  the  fact  that  in  this  way  one  conductor  is  dispensed  with 
for  every  two  baths,  the  middle  bar  may  be  of  considerably 
smaller  section  than  the  leads  conveying  the  main  current  to  and 
from  the  baths,  for  it  conveys  the  current  direct  from  the 
cathode  of  the  first  bath  to  the  anode  of  the  next.  In  the  works 
of  the  Guggenheim  Smelting  and  Refining  Company,  where  the 
side  conductors  are  \\  ins.  thick,  the  middle  strip  is  only  \  in. 
thick,  and  is  slightly  narrower  than  the  others.  This  system  of 
connection  was  adopted  in  connection  with  the  so-called  Marchese 
system  at  Casarza.^ 

*  Compare  p.  247. 

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The  Stalmann  Process. — The  onginal  voltaic  battery  has 
been  made  the  foundation  of  another  system  of  arranging 
electrodes,  which  has  come  into  use  in  various  modifications, 
and  in  some  cases  with  the  stated  object  of  economising  cathode 
plates.  Schnabel'"'  describes  one  of  these  methods  (in  which, 
however,  special  separate  cathode-plates  are  used),  and  states 
that  he  has  seen  it  in  use  in  the  Anaconda  Works  at  Montana, 
U.S.A.  Without  this  testimony  it  would  have  been  very 
difficult  to  believe  that  this  most  inconvenient  arrangement 
should  have  found  any  favour  in  practical  work ;  but  as  it  has 

Fig.  137.  Fig.  138. 

Stalmann's  electrode  connections. 

Fig.  139. 

been  shown  to  be  possible,  it  will  be  necessary  to  describe  the 
apparatus  and  the  method  shortly  at  this  point,  the  account 
being  taken  from  the  patent  specifications  of  Stalmann, t  whose 
process  it  is. 

Stalmann  couples  the  electrodes  of  each  individual  bath  in 
series,  suspending  an  anode  first,  and  then  cathodes  and  anodes 
alternately,  united  in  pairs,  until  at  last  a  cathode-plate  ends 
the  whole  series.  The  first  anode  and  the  last  cathode  are 
connected  immediately  with  the  main  leads  of  the  circuit,  or 
are  joined  up  in  series  with  other  baths  similarly  arranged. 
The  details  of  the  electrode  connections  in  the  bath  are  shown 
in  Figs.  137  to  139.     In  arranging  the  first  pair  of  electrodes, 

♦  C  Schnabel,  Handbueh  der  MetdUhiiU^ikunde,  vol.  i.,  p.  270  (18d4). 
t  U  S.  A.  Patents  467,360  and  467,484,  .Jan.  19,  1892. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQIC 



either  the  cathode-plate,  k^  is  fieistened  directly  to  the  anode,  a 
(Fig.  137),  or  each  anode-plate,  a,  is  connected  with  a  cathode- 
plate,  k^  by  means  of  a  wire  or  by  the  short  copper  bars,  v,  lying 
on  the  rim  of  the  vat  (Fig.  138),  or,  finally,  the  anode,  a,  is 
united  to  the  cathode,  A;,  in  the  manner  shown  in  Fig.  139,  with 
a  plate,  t,  of  insalating  material  separating  them,  so  that  only  one 
side  of  each  plate  comes  in  contact  with  the  solution.     The  last- 

Fig.  140. — Stalmann's  copper  vat  (cross-section). 

named  method  is  the  latest.  The  pairs  of  electrodes  are  suspended 
in  the  baths  after  the  fashion  adopted  in  the  older  systems.  If 
the  electrodes  are  not  attached  by  screws  to  supporting  arms 
as  shown  in  Fig.  138,  the  anode-plates,  a,  are  cast  with  pro- 
jecting lugs,  a;  (Fig.  140),  by  which  they  are  supported  on  the  rim 
of  the  bath.  The  electrolyte  vats  (H  and  H^)  are  double,  one 
being  placed  within  the  other,  whilst  the  intervening  space  is 
filled  up  with  paraffin  wax,  tar,  or 

other   similar    material ;    they   are 



I         I       I 

I— Ir-J 

Fig.  141.— Scheme  of  electrical 
connections  in  Stalmann's 

made  of  wood,  and  the  inner  vessel 

is  provided  internally  with  a  series 

of   wooden   studs,   F,   on    its    side 

walls  to  prevent  any  displacement 

of  the  electrodes.    The  connections 

of   the  electrodes   and   conductors 

will  be  understood  on   reference   to   Fig.  141,  in   which  a  is 

the  first  anode,  k  the  last  cathode,  and   aJc  the  intermediate 

double  electrodes.      It  is  not  easy  to   understand  from  this 

patent  specification  what  advantages  Stalmann's  arrangement 

possesses  oyer  the  other  systems  in  use. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQIC 


The  Haydexiy  Smithy  and  Bandolf  Processes. — Hajden* 
simplifies  this  apparatus  by  omitting  all  the  cathode -plates 
except  the  one  connected  to  the  negatiye  wire  of  the  generator. 
He  joins  np  the  first  anode-plate  to  the  positive  conductor  from 
the  djnamo,  and  suspends  behind  it  a  series  of  crude  copper 
plates  insulated  from  it,  and  from  one  another,  and  finally  con- 
nects a  plate  of  pure  copper  to  the  negative  lead.  The  pure 
copper  is  therefore  deposited  on  those  sides  of  the  intermediate 
plates  that  are  turned  towards  the  first  anode,  whilst  the  metal 
is  at  the  same  time  dissolved  from  the  other  sides,  which  face 
towards  the  last  negative  plate.  But,  unfortunately,  the  crude 
copper  plates,  which  are  always  of  cast  copper,  are  never  quite 
uniform  in  structure ;  or,  even  if  the  electrodes  could  be  obtained 
perfectly  homogeneous,  certain  irregularities  due  to  the  clinging 
of  the  insoluble  residue  to  the  surface  and  the  like,  would  be 
unavoidable ;  there  must,  therefore,  be  a  more  rapid  solution  of 
the  metal  at  some  places  than  at  others.  Oavities  are  thus 
formed,  which,  in  course  of  time,  extend  to  the  pure  metal 

f-..^...-...-,-^-j— ,  deposited  (by  this  time  to   some 

T    T     I    T   I  thickness)  on    the   other  surfEU^e; 

{"T^^     that  the  pure  copper  must  then  be 
^    ^ -.1.._.|_..J....Lj  dissolved  is  a  fact  that  does  not 

Fig.  142.-Scheme  of  electrical     need   further   emphasis.     Fig.   142 
connectioiiB  in  Hayden's  vat.      shows  the  electrical  connections  in 

the  Hayden  bath,  in  which  a  is 
the  anode-  and  k  the  cathode-plate.  The  intermediate  plates, 
z,  serve  as  cathodes  on  their  left-hand  and  anodes  on  their 
right-hand  surfaces. 

[The  Hayden  process,  which  was  introduced  in  1886,  may  perhaps 
be  said  to  have  been  anticipated  in  principle  by  Hugon  in  1884 
and  by  Farmerf  in  1885.  The  Hayden  system  was  at  one  time 
very  largely  employed  in  America,  and  although  in  most  cases 
it  has  been  relinquished,  it  is  still  used  in  the  large  works  of  the 
Baltimore  Electrical  Refining  Oo.  It  is  said,  however,  that 
even  here  a  large  quantity  of  scrap  copper  is  produced  in 
working  it ;  and  this  is  of  necessity  a  serious  disadvantage. 
Difficulty  is  often  found  in  series  processes  in  stripping  the 
deposited  copper  from  the  residue  of  the  previous  anode 
material ;  the  labour  involved  in  this  process  adds  considerably 
to  the  cost  of  refining,  and  occasionally  it  has  even  been  found 
more  economical  to  remelt  the  whole  cathode  with  the  next 
charge  of  anode  metal.  To  obviate  this,  Stalmann  has  proposed 
sticking  a  sheet  of  paper  to  the  back  of  each  anode,  fastening 
a  few  rivets  through,  and  blackleading  the  surface  of  the  paper. 
By  this  arrangement  the  copper  would  be  deposited  upon 
the  paper  instead  of  upon  the  surface  of  the  anode  copper. 
— Translator.] 

•  £higineering  and  Mining  Journal  (New  York),  1892,  vol.  liv.,  p.  126. 
t  [U.S.  A.  Patent  322,170,  July  14,  1886.] 

Digitized  by  V^jOO^  It! 

COPPER.  239 

If  Fig.  142  be  tamed  through  a  right  angle,  so  that  a  is 
placed  at  the  top  and  k  at  the  bottom  of  the  illustration,  and  if 
•canvas  diaphragms  be  imagined  stretched  between  the  electrodes, 
«  fair  mental  pictnre  of  the  Smith  system*  will  be  obtained. 
The  object  of  the  canvas  diaphragms  is  to  retain  the  deposit  of 
anode-mud,  which  would  otherwise  fall  u])on  the  surface  of  the 
cathode  below  and  render  the  deposited  metal  impure. 

If  now  the  same  figure  be  turned  in  the  opposite  direction,  so 
that  ^  is  at  the  top  and  a  underneath,  the  principle  of  the 
Bandolf  arrangement  f  is  sufficiently  clear.  The  copper  ions 
in  this  case  travel  upwards,  and  as  the  impurities,  therefore, 
remain  beneath,  there  is  no  need  for  the  diaphragm  which  was 
employed  by  Smith.  The  circulation  of  the  solution  is  effected 
in  a  horizontal  direction. 

In  both  these  latter  forms  of  construction  the  discovery  of  the 
cause  of  any  accidental  disturbance  of  the  operation  is  rendered 
much  more  difficult.  With  the  vertical  suspension  of  the  elec- 
trodes, however,  such  a  disturbance  is  readily  found,  and  very 
often  is  easily  remedied.  Neither  of  these  methods,  therefore, 
appears  to  afford  any  grounds  on  which  its  adoption  could  be 

[The  Multiple  and  the  Series  Systems  of  Beflning. — The 
usual  processes  of  copper  refining,  such  as  those  of  Siemens- 
Halske,  Thofehm,  and  others,  in  which  all  the  anodes  in  any 
one  tank  are  hung  in  parallel  circuits,  are  now  classed  as 
belonging  to  the  Multiple  system,  to  distinguish  them  from  the 
Hayden  and  similar  processes,  in  which  the  anode  and  cathode 
pairs  within  the  vat  are  connected  in  electrical  series.  The 
latter  arrangement  is  accordingly  known  as  the  Series  system. 
It  must  be  remembered  that  these  terms  refer  only  to  the 
disposition  of  the  electrodes  in  a  single  tank,  and  do  not  in 
any  way  relate  to  the  connections  of  the  different  tanks  in  the 
installation,  which  must  be  so  grouped  in  a  combination  of  series 
and  parallel,  as  to  give  the  maximum  economy  with  the  current 
conditions  available,  taking  into  account  the  interest  upon  the 
capital  locked  up  in  the  copper  contained  in  the  baths,  as  well 
as  in  the  plant  itself.  The  selection  of  the  above-mentioned 
names  is,  therefore,  somewhat  unfortunate,  as  it  tends  to  con- 
fusion. The  amount  of  copper  deposited  under  the  Multiple 
system  should  not  be  less  than  95  per  cent,  of  that  which  is 
theoretically  podsible,  whilst  in  the  Series  processes  a  higher 
RM.F.  is  required  for  each  tank,  and  there  is  a  greater  loss  by 
short  circuiting  through  the  mud  upon  the  bottom  of  the  bath 
and  through  the  walls  of  the  tank  itself,  so  that  the  electrical 
efficiency  is  reduced  to  from  85  to  90  per  cent.  The  capital 
represented  by  the  copper  electrodes  is  also  greater  in  the  case 

*  Engineering  and  Atini7ig  Journal^  1892,  vol.  liv.,  p.  126. 
t  U.S.A.  Patent  614,275,  Feb.  6,  1894. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


of  the  Series  system  than  in  the  Multiple ;  but,  on  the  other 
hand,  the  total  capital  expenditure  is  higher  in  the  latter  case. 
Kroupa  states  that,  weighing  the  costs  of  the  two  processes  one 
against  the  other,  the  balance  in  favour  of  the  Multiple  system 
works  out  at  abofit  8s.  4d.  per  ton  of  copper,  a  difference  which 
is  quite  sufficient  to  account  for  the  substitution  of  this  system 
for  the  series  in  so  many  of  the  works  in  which  the  latter  had 
been  tried. — Translator.] 

The  arrangement  of  the  new  works  of  the  Anaconda  Mining 
Company  on  the  Multiple  system,  as  above  described,  supports 
the  view  that  the  Series  system  has  not,  in  practical  use,  shown 
superiority  over  the  Multiple  system. 


From  the  description  of  the  phenomena  of  electrolysis,  given 
above,  it  is  clear  that  there  are  many  substances  present  in  the 
anodes  which  pass  into  solution  with  the  copper,  and  which 
gradually  accumulate  in  the  electrolyte ;  and  it  will  be  under- 
stood that  these  may  render  a  continuance  of  electrolysis  im- 
possible on  account  of  the  danger  to  the  good  qualities  of  the 
deposited  copper  caused  by  their  presence  in  large  quantities  in 
the  bath.  But  such  solutions,  although  unfit  for  further  use  as 
electrolytes,  contain  too  large  a  proportion  of  valuable  metals 
(including  copper)  to  allow  of  their  being  run  away  with  the 
waste  waters  of  the  works. 

The  precipitation  of  the  copger  by  means  of  metallic  iron^ 
although  very  frequently  referrred  to,  need  not  be  treated  of  here. 
There  is  no  lack  of  ferrous  sulphate  (iron  vitriol)  as  a  by-product 
of  metallurgical  works,  and  in  most  cases,  indeed,  it  is  scarcely 
saleable.  There  is  more  to  be  said  in  favour  of  those  processes 
which  aim  at  the  recovery  of  the  copper  from  the  solutions  in 
the  form  of  copper  sulphate. 

In  the  case  of  works  which  use  a  closed  system  of  circulation^ 
constantly  passing  the  same  liquid  through  the  baths,  it  is  to  be 
recommended  that  a  portion  (generally  20  per  cent.)  of  the 
solution  in  circulation  should  be  withdrawn  from  time  to  time, 
and  replaced  by  pure  copper  sulphate  solution.  In  works  which 
employ  air  as  the  agent  for  promoting  circulation,  and  are  thus 
able  to  keep  the  liquid  in  the  several  tanks  separate,  it  is 
obviously  an  easy  matter  to  replace  the  whole  of  the  liquid  in 
any  one  tank  with  fresh  solution  from  time  to  time  as  required. 

There  are  two  principal  and  entirely  different  systems  of 
treating  these  solutions  in  use  in  different  works.  In  the  one 
system,  the  attempt  is  made  to  recover  the  copper  sulphate 
from  the  liquid,  and  in  the  other  the  removal  of  the  impurities 
is  aimed  at,  in  order  that  the  purified  electrolyte  may  be  returned; 
to  the  baths  at  the  first  opportunity. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 

COPPER.  241 

Process  in  Use  at  the  Perth  Amboy  Works. —  The 
fomier  of  these  methods  appears,  from  an  aocoont  given  bj 
T.  XJlke,*  to  be  in  use  in  the  works  of  Gaggenheim  Bros,  at 
Perth  Amboy.  The  solution  is  run  into  lead-lined  vats,  where 
it  is  boiled  with  waste  copper,  in  the  presence  of  air  and  steam, 
in  order  to  neutralise  the  free  acid  present  and  to  increase  the 
proportion  of  copper  in  solution.  The  liquid  is  then  pumped 
into  crystallising  pans  containing  suspended  lead  strips,  on 
which  the  copper  sulphate  crystallises  out  The  mother  liquor 
drawn  off  from  these  pans  contains  practically  the  whole  of  the 
arsenic  and  antimony  originally  present,  together  with  copper 
to  the  extent  of  several  units  per  cent.  This  copper  is  next 
deposited  from  the  solution  by  means  of  sheet  iron,  the  precipi- 
tate being  at  first  pure  copper,  but  afterwards  becoming  black, 
owing  to  the  co-precipitation  of  arsenic,  which  may  in  the  end 
be  present  in  the  deposit  to  the  extent  of  60  per  cent.  This 
impure  precipitate  obtained  by  means  of  iron  may  be  either 
worked  up  into  impure  copper,  or  may  be  used  for  the  prepara- 
tion of  arsenic  compounds,  such  as  Scheele's  green,  Paris  green, 
and  arsenious  acid. 

Process  in  Use  at  the  Baritan  Works. — At  the  Raritan 
Copper  Works  the  impure  electrolyte  is  first  pumped  by  means 
of  steam  injectors  into  a  building  in  which  it  is  caused  to  trickle 
through  a  series  of  so-called  oxidising  tanks.  These  are  con- 
structed of  wood  with  lead  linings,  and,  after  the  manner  of  the 
Harz  sulphuric  acid  process,  are  charged  with  granulated  and 
scrap  copper.  A  current  of  air  is  directed  on  to  this  copper 
as  the  solution  trickles  over  it,  so  that  the  free  acid  may  be 
neutralised  as  far  as  possible.  The  liquid  flowing  from  the  tanks 
is  run  into  settling  tanks  where  it  is  allowed  to  remain  at  rest, 
after  which  it  is  concentrated  to  from  38°  to  40"*  B^.  in  evaporat- 
ing pans,  and  is  finally  run  into  crystallising  tanks.  The 
whole  plant  comprises  for  the  above  purpose  4  oxidising  tanks, 
5  settling  tanks,  3  concentrating  pans,  and  30  crystallising 
tanks.  A  washing  apparatus  and  a  revolving  screen  are  arranged 
for  the  rinsing  and  sizing  of  the  crystals  of  copper  sulphate 
produced.  The  sieves  rotate  on  hollow  shafts,  through  which 
hot  air  can  be  blown  to  dry  the  crystals.  When  it  is  not  found 
possible  to  obtain  any  more  pure  copper  sulphate  from  the  solu- 
tion by  crystallisation,  the  small  amount  of  residual  copper  is 
precipitated  by  means  of  scrap  iron.  In  these  works,  about 
2  per  cent,  of  the  copper  introduced  with  the  anodes  is  recovered 
as  copper  sulphate,  of  which  a  portion  is  returned  to  the  tanks 
for  the  preparation  of  fresh  solution,  so  that  about  1  per  cent, 
finds  its  way  into  the  market  as  copper  sulphate. 

The  Smith  Process. — Smith  *  recommends  that  the  mother 

•  ZeUschriftfur  EUktrochemie,  1898,  vol.  iv.,  p.  309. 
t  U.S.  A  Patent  617,996,  Jan.  17,  1899. 


Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 


liquor,  after  crystallising  out  the  bulk  of  the  copper  sulphate, 
should  be  again  concentrated  by  evaporation  in  lead  pans,  such 
as  are  used  for  the  concentration  of  sulphuric  acid.  During  this 
evaporation  process  the  solution  exposes  a  large  surface  at  a 
comparativelj  high  temperature  to  the  action  of  the  air,  and  the 
iron  salts  are  therefore  readily  oxidised  and  precipitated.  When 
the  solution  has  attained  a  strength  of  55*"  B6.,  it  is  run  through 
cooling  apparatus  into  settling  tanks,  where  the  remainder  of 
the  copper  sulphate  crystallises  out,  and  thence  into  precipitating 
tanks,  in  which  antimony  and  arsenic  are  precipitated  with  the 
aid  of  thioeulphate,  after  the  solution  has  been  i^ain  diluted. 
The  decomposition  of  the  thiosulphate  produces  free  sulphur, 
which  for  the  most  part  combines  with  the  arsenic  and  anti- 
mony, and  also  sulphur  dioxide.  It  is  of  importance  to  retain 
the  last-named  substance  in  the  solution  if  the  latter  is  to  be 
used  again,  because  in  electrolytes  which  contain  sulphurous 
acid,  the  arsenic  of  the  anodes  is  converted  into  arsenious 
add,  and  in  this  condition  sinks,  for  the  most  part^  insoluble,  to 
the  bottom  with  the  anode>mud ;  it  also  tends  to  prevent  the 
formation  of  ferric  salts.  For  this  reason  the  solution  should  be 
cooled  as  much  as  possible  before  the  thiosulphate  is  added  to  it. 
After  the  liquid  has  become  clear  again,  owing  to  the  settling  of 
the  sulphide  of  antimony  and  arsenic,  sulphuric  acid  is  added, 
and  the  solution,  now  strongly  charged  with  sulphurous  acid,  is 
returned  to  the  tanks  of  the  refinery. 

Treatment  of  Impure  Solutions  in  the  Chicago  Copper 
Bellnery. — In  the  Chicago  Copper  Refinery  the  practice  is  to 
concentrate  the  mother  liquor  by  evaporation,  whereupon  a 
crystalline  mixture  of  copper  sulphate  and  arsenious  acid  crystal- 
lises out.  This  mixture  is  then  treated  with  just  sufficient 
water  to  re-dissolve  the  former  salt,  but  not  the  acid ;  and  the 
resulting  copper  sulphate  is  then  put  into  use,  whilst  the  solution 
from  which  the  original  crystals  had  separated  is  treated  for  the 
production  of  sulphuric  acid. 

According  to  the  statement  of  Ulke,  above  referred  to,  l^ose 
processes  which  aim  at  the  purification  of  the  electrolyte,  and 
the  direct  use  of  the  solution  again  after  the  impurities  have 
been  eliminated,  have  not  given  very  good  results  in  practice. 
The  object  in  most  of  these  processes  is,  mainly,  the  conversion 
of  the  arsenic,  antimony,  and  iron  into  insoluble  compounds,  in 
the  first  case  by  means  of  metastannic  acid,  in  the  second  by 
treatment  with  cuprous  oxide,  and  in  the  third  by  oxidation 
through  the  agency  of  air  blown  into  the  solutions.  In  the  esse 
of  anode  copper  very  rich  in  arsenic,  a  useful  precautionary 
measure  is  to  alloy  0*1  per  cent,  of  tin  with  the  copper  before 
casting ;  the  tin  is  found  to  retard  the  formation  of  arseniates, 
and  also  even  to  unite  with  the  arsenic,  forming  anenite  of  tin. 

In  exceptional  cases,  where  cheap  water-power  is  obtainable 

Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 

COPPER.  243 

and  where  there  is  but  a  small  sale  for  copper  sulphate,  Ulke  * 
recommends  the  treatment  of  the  solution  in  special  electrolytic 
cells,  in  which  the  impurities  (chiefly  arsenic  and  antimony)  are 
deposited  on  copper  cathodes,  opposed  to  lead  anodes,  by  means 
of  a  current  which  is  not  strong  enough  to  deposit  iron  from 
the  solution,  but  which  throws  down  the  copper,  arsenic,  and 
antimony.  Where  water-power  is  available,  as  at  Great  Falls, 
Montana,  the  cost  of  the  current  is  not  excessive,  and  currents 
of,  say,  300  amperes  per  sq.  metre  [2S  amps,  per  sq.  ft.]  may  be 
used  with  advantage  even  in  the  ordinary  process  of  depositing 
copper  with  copper  anodes.  The  solution  thus  freed  from  arsenic 
and  antimony,  and  rich  in  sulphuric  acid,  is  made  up  to  the 
normal  composition  by  the  addition  of  water  and  copper  sul- 
phate, and  is  then  used  again  for  electrolysis,  and  the  process 
is  repeated  until,  at  last,  the  solution  contains  so  much  iron 
that  it  appears  to  be  desirable  either  to  separate  the  iron  salts 
or  to  work  up  the  solution  for  the  recovery  of  copper  sulphate. 
The  above  process  necessitates  the  precipitation  of  the  principal 
impurities.  This  is  accomplished  in  covered  lead-lined  electro- 
lytic cells,  of  which  12  (three  groups  of  four  cells  each)  are 
provided  for  every  280  refining  tanks.  The  cathodes  are  about 
2  mm.  thick,  900  mm.  high,  and  200  mm.  wide  [0-08  x  36  x  8  ins.]. 
The  lead  anode-plates  are  of  the  same  size  and  are  welded  on  to 
copper  supporting  bars.  The  precipitated  metals  in  part  adhere 
to  the  cathode,  and  in  part  fall  to  the  bottom.  The  cells  are 
cleansed  from  the  accumulated  metallic  mud  once  every  two 
months.  This  mud  contains  from  40  to  60  per  cent,  of  copper 
and  is  treated  [metallurgically]  by  Bessemerising  or  in  a  re- 
finery. When  the  cathodes  are  very  thickly  covered  with 
impurities,  or  show  themselves  to  be  otherwise  unserviceable, 
they  are  melted  together  and  worked  up  into  c€tke  copper  or 
other  sorts  of  copper,  in  which  the  presence  of  arsenic  or  anti- 
mony is  unobjectionable,  or  may  even  be  of  direct  advantage 
because  it  promotes  the  fasion  of  certain  alloys.  The  solution, 
thus  purified  and  made  up  to  the  normal  composition,  is  now 
run  into  the  decomposing  tanks,  and  again  used  until  iron  salts 
have  accumulated  in  the  solution  to  such  an  extent  that  the 
cathodes  become  rough  or  darker  in  colour.  Only  in  this  case 
is  the  solution  treated  for  the  recovery  of  the  copper  sulphate. 


In  those  cases  in  which  the  German  cupellation  process  is  in 
use  either  in  the  same  or  in  neighbouring  works,  the  slime, 
after  screening  out  the  larger  fragments  of  anode  in  the  wet 
state  and  then  drying  it,  may  be  treated  direct  on  the  hearth 
by  working  with  the  rich  lead  which  is  there  under  treatment. 

*  ZeiUchiiftfiir  BlektroeJiemUj  1896,  voL  iv.,  p.  313. 

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According  to  T.  Ulke,*  the  dried  slimes  are  washed  in  the  lead 
in  the  refineries  of  the  Pennsjlyania  Lead  Company.  Other 
works,  on  the  other  hand,  make  the  slimes  into  briquettes 
with  lime,  and  then  work  up  into  rich  lead  by  reduction.  But 
in  the  newer  American  works  it  is  preferred  to  dissolve  out 
the  copper,  together  with  arsenic,  antimony,  and  the  bulk  of 
the  other  impurities  by  means  of  sulphuric  acid  in  the  presence 
of  air.  t 

Treatment  of  Anode-mud  in  the  Works  of  the  Baltimore 
Eleotric  Befining  Company. — In  the  works  of  the  Baltimore 
Electric  Befining  Company,  the  slimes  are  treated  in  a  lead- 
lined  wooden  tank  for  from  two  to  three  hours  with  dilute 
sulphuric  acid  (1  part  of  acid  to  4  parts  of  water)  and  air,  the 
latter  being  blown  into  the  mixture  in  a  continuous  stream  by 
means  of  a  Korting's  steam -jet  injector.  In  this  short  period, 
practically  the  whole  of  the  arsenic,  together  with  the  bulk  of 
the  other  impurities,  passes  into  solution.  The  liquid  is  then 
allowed  to  settle,  after  which  the  clear  solution  is  drawn  off. 
The  residual  mud,  which  now  only  contains  lead  sulphate, 
tellurium,  and  a  small  quantity  of  bismuth  and  antimony,  is 
washed,  dried,  and  fused  on  the  hearth  of  a  refinery  furnace, 
where  it  forms  a  small  quantity  of  brownish  slag  containing 
about  20  per  cent,  of  lead  aud  10  per  cent  of  antimony.  This 
slag  is  drawn  off,  and,  after  solidification,  is  broken  up  in  order 
to  recover  the  greater  part  of  the  enclosed  silver  granules,  and 
is  then  treated  with  lead  scrap  in  the  refinery.  The  lead  takes 
up  the  silver  and  gold  still  remaining  in  the  slag,  and  after 
enriching  until  it  carries  60  per  cent,  of  silver,  leaves  a  slag 
so  poor  that  it  may  be  smelted  in  a  blast  furnace  for  the 
recovery  of  lead  products.  After  the  first  slag  has  been  with- 
drawn from  the  molten  metal  obtained,  as  above-described,  nitre 
is  thrown  upon  the  surface  of  the  metal.  The  slag  thus  pro- 
duced is  so  rich  in  tellurium  that  if  there  were  any  sale  for 
that  element,  the  refinery  of  this  one  works  would  yield  3  kilo- 
grammes [6-6  lbs.]  daily.  After  this  treatment,  the  slag  having 
been  removed,  the  silver  is  cast  into  plates  and  treated  electro- 
lytically  for  the  separation  of  the  gold.  The  copper  contained 
in  the  sulphuric  acid  solution  drawn  off  the  mud  after  the 
steam-injection  process  has  been  applied,  is  precipitated  by 
means  of  scrap  iron,  cast  into  bars,  and  placed  on  the  market 
as  crude  copper. 

Prooess  used  at  the  Baritan  Copper  Works. — At  the 
Baritan  Copper  Works,  to  which  allusion  has  been  made,  after 
the  clear  solution  has  been  run  out  of  the  tank  which  is  to  be 
cleaned  up,  the  slimes  are  withdrawn  through  a  plug  in  the 
bottom  of  the  tank  and  received  in  a  movable  collecting-vessel, 

*  Engineering  and  Mining  Jmimal,  1896,  vol.  lii.,  p.  512. 
t  Cf,  Wohlwill's  statements,  pp.  199  to  207  above. 

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COPPER*  246 

in  which  thej  are  carried  to  the  so-called  silver  building.  Here 
they  are  first  passed  through  a  screen  of  8  meshes  to  the  linear 
inch  (3  meshes  to  the  cm.)  which  retains  the  larger  fragments 
of  the  copper  anode.  The  latter  are  washed,  and  the  slimes 
are  then  passed  through  a  sieve  with  60  meshes  to  the  inch. 
The  residues  from  both  sieves  are  washed  and  returned  to  the 
melting  furnace  used  to  cast  the  anode-plates.  The  slimes 
passing  through  the  second  screen  are  run  into  settling  tanks, 
from  which  the  solution  is  presently  run  into  receptacles  placed 
outside  the  building.  The  slimes  are  next  treated  with  sul- 
phuric acid  and  compressed  air  while  heated  by  means  of  a 
steam  coil  and  agitated  by  paddles,  until  the  copper  is  almost 
completely  converted  into  sulphate.  The  copper  sulphate  solu- 
tion is  conveyed  to  the  plant  in  which  the  impure  electrolyte  is 
worked  up  into  copper  sulphate.  The  slimes,  now  freed  from 
copper,  are  run  into  steam-heated  drying  pans,  and  after  drying 
(when  they  contain  from  40  to  50  per  cent,  of  silver)  are  treated 
with  lead  in  cupelling  furnaces.  After  cupellation  is  complete, 
the  silver  is  treated  by  the  sulphuric  acid  process  for  the  separa- 
tion of  the  gold  contained  in  it ;  and  the  resulting  sulphate 
solution  is  precipitated,  dried,  and  fused  according  to  the  well- 
known  methods.  The  residual  gold  in  the  sulphate  liquors  is 
dissolved,  repredpitated,  and  fused  to  give  gold  in  the  usual 

Summary  of  the  more  important  Industrial  Conditions 
obseryed  in  Electrolytic  Copper  Befining — 1.  Anodes, — 
Containing  precious  metals,  otherwise  consisting  as  far  as  possible 
of  refined  copper. 

2.  Cathode-plcUea. — Consisting  of  thin  plates  of  copper  electro- 
iytically  deposited  on  lead  or  on  greased  copper  plates. 

3.  Electrolyte, — Solution  containing  not  less  than  12  and  not 
more  than  16  per  cent,  of  CuSO^  -i-  5H2O  [crystallised  copper 
sulphate]  and  from  5  to  10  per  cent,  of  free  sulphuric  acid.  It 
is  of  great  importance  that  the  constantly-decreasing  proportion 
of  acid  and  the  ever-increasing  proportion  of  copper  do  not  vary 
beyond  these  limits  respectively  throughout  the  whole  period  of 
electrolysis.  The  cause  of  these  alterations  is  to  be  found  in  the 
action  of  air  and  sulphuric  acid  on  the  copper  which  often  passes 
into  the  slimes  in  considerable  quantities  (2  per  cent,  of  the 
anode  copper),  through  discharge  of  the  cuprous  ions  thus: — 

+        +        +  + 

Cu  -f  Cu  =  Cu  +  Cu. 


A  small  proportion  of  chloride  in  the  electrolyte  is  of  advantage 
when  low  current-densities  are  used,  as  it  checks  the  formation 
of  cathode-growths,  probably  by  hindering  this  decomposition  at 
the  cathode. 

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4.  Temp&nUure, — ^An  increase  of  temperature  up  to  40''  C. 
[104"*  F.]  on  the  average  tends  to  improve  the  strength  of  the 

5.  CurrefU-conditiona, — Current-density  =  40  to  150  amperes 
per  sq.  metre  [3*7  to  14*4  amperes  per  sq.  ft.].  The  proportion 
of  cuprous  ions  is  greater  with  low  current-densities,  and  there- 
fore also  the  quantity  of  anode-slimes  and  of  copper  contained  in 
them,  on  account  of  the  discharge  on  their  surface  of  cuprous 
ions  (see  condition  3)  from  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of  the 
anodes.  Copper  may  also  be  formed  at  the  cathode  when  low 
current-densities  are  used,  owing  to  the  incomplete  discharge  of 
Cu,  and  give  rise  to  crystalline  growths  through  the  action 
described  above  (compare  condition  3). 

Potential  Difference  at  Terminals  of  Bath, — 0*1  to  0*3  volt, 
according  to  the  current-density  and  the  purity  of  anodes  and 
electrolytes  used. 

6.  Products  obtained, — 

(a)  Cathode  copper  (97  to  99  per  cent,   of  the  anode 

U  S^X  Sffi™,  *«. } '"» "■•  "»^"°- 

{d)  Copper  sulphate  )  from  the  anode-slime  and 

{e)  Impure  arsenical  copper  J      from  pure  electrolytes. 

Treatment  of  Sulphides  and  Ores. — Reference  will  be 
made  in  the  chapter  on  nickel  and  the  precious  metals  to  the 
treatment  of  alloys  of  these  metals  with  small  proportions  of 
copper.  Although  the  electrolytic  treatment  of  other  copper- 
bearing  metallurgical  or  waste  products  or  ore  has  not  so  feur  led 
-to  any  great  and  permanent  success,  the  experiments  undertaken 
to  this  end  are  not  less  worthy  of  study  than  those  connected 
with  the  more  fortunate  process  of  copper  refining.  The  study 
of  the  treatment  of  sulphide  products  and  ores  must  therefore 
not  be  neglected,  nor  must  the  solution  of  the  problem  be 
regarded  as  impossible  on  account  of  a  previous  want  of  success. 

Undoubtedly  the  first  failure  met  with  in  this  direction, 
beset  as  it  is  with  obstacles,  was  that  those  who  took  the  matter 
in  hand  allowed  themselves  to  be  led  away  into  following  the 
objects  aimed  at  in  electrolytic  refining.  Thus  they  attempted 
the  utilisation  of  all  the  arrangements  that  were  known  to  be 
available  in  refining,  as  types  for  the  treatment  of  an  anode 
material  that  required  an  altogether  different  method  of  hand- 
ling. Both  the  composition  of  the  anodes  and  the  residue  that 
was  left  after  electrolysis,  were  different  from  those  to  which 
metallurgists  were  accustomed  in  the  treatment  of  metallic 

It  has  been  shown  that  in  the  preparation  of  anodes  for 
electrolytic  copper  refining  a  metal  is  commonly  used  in  which 
the  impurities  amount  to  only  a  fraction  of  1  per  cent  of  the 

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COPPER.  247 

total  metal  present ;  and  it  must  be  remembered  that  these  im- 
purities oonsist  largely  of  metals,  which  do  not  take  part  in  the 
chemical  reactions  of  the  process,  and  which  are  not  chemically 
combined  with  the  copper,  but  only  alloyed  with  or  simply 
dissolved  in  it  Then,  after  electrolysis  has  commenced,  the 
copper  is  gradually  and  more  or  less  uniformly  removed  from 
the  surface  of  the  anode,  whilst  a  slight  insoluble  residue  is  at 
first  left  in  its  place.  This  residue,  consisting  for  the  most  part 
of  the  precious  metals,  copper,  cuprous  oxide,  lead  compounds, 
and  the  like,  is  very  small  as  compared  with  the  weight  of  the 
copper  in  which  it  was  dissolved,  so  that  it  separates  in  a  non- 
coherent form,  and,  becoming  detached  very  soon  from  the  metal 
plate,  collects  (on  account  of  its  high  specific  gravity)  as  an 
anode-slime  at  the  bottom  of  the  bath.  Hence  the  anode  surface 
remains  comparatively  clean,  and  the  small  quantities  of  im- 
purity which  cling  to  it  for  a  short  time,  offer  scarcely  any 
hindrance  to  the  progress  of  the  work ;  they  are  for  the  most 
part  conductors. 

But  these  are  conditions  of  so  exceptionally  favourable  a  kind 
that  they  are  but  rarely  met  with  in  the  whole  course  of  metal- 
lurgical practice.  It  is  true  that  an  alterable  material  has  to  be 
dealt  with  in  the  treatment  of  anodes  prepared  from  ores  or 
mattes,  because  the  sulphides  of  which  the  anodes  are  formed 
are  decomposed  by  the  current  in  such  a  manner  that  the  metal, 
leaving  the  sulphur  behind,  passes  into  the  electrolyte,  and,  so 
far  as  it  is  capable  of  precipitation  under  the  conditions  obtain- 
ing, it  is  deposited  upon  the  cathode.  The  reactions  by  which 
this  is  brought  about  may  be  left  for  future  consideration.  It  is 
well  known  that  in  ores  and  mattes  copper  is  not  the  only 
soluble  metal  to  be  dealt  with,  and  all  previous  work  has  shown 
how  important  it  is  for  continuous  work  that  as  few  foreign 
substauces  as  possible  should  pass  with  the  copper  into  the 
electrolyte.  There  are  clearly,  therefore,  the  most  cogent 
arguments  against  adopting  the  method  of  treatment  which  is 
possible  in  the  case  of  copper  refining.  It  may  here  be  re- 
marked that  it  is  sometimes  desirable  to  make  test- experiments 
on  a  large  scale,  even  in  the  face  of  unfavourable  prospects. 
Bat  in  this  instance,  costly  installations  have  often  been  almost 
recklessly  erected,  with  the  object  of  investigating  disagreeable 
truths  that  might  have  been  discovered  at  a  much  less  expense. 
A  continuous  experiment  with  one,  or  at  least  with  quite  a  few, 
baths  of  the  same  dimensions  as  would  have  been  used  on  a 
large  scale  and  requiring  only  about  2  to  3  H. P.  would  have 
sufficed  to  show  all  the  difficulties  connected  with  this  method 
of  work. 

The  Marohese  Frooess. — The  Sodetd  anonima  ItcUiana  di 
Miniere  di  Rame  e  di  EleUrametallvrgia  in  Genoa  has,  at  a  great 
sacrifice,  obtained  proof  of  the  impracticability  of  this  method  of 

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treating  copper  mattes,  for  they  erected  a  plant  of  some  125 
H.P.  at  their  works  at  Casarza  in  order  to  pat  to  a  practical 
test  a  process  which  was  ascribed  to  Marchese.*  According  to 
the  account  given  by  Badiaf  the  work  and  the  installation  at 
this  place  were  as  follows  : — 

The  smelting  of  the  coarse  metal  (matte),  of  which  the  anodes 
were  made,  was  accomplished  in  the  usual  way ;  and,  at  firsts  a 
matte  containing  30  per  cent,  of  copper,  30  per  cent,  of  sulphur, 
and  40  per  cent,  of  iron  was  considered  sufficiently  good.  The 
moulds  used  in  casting  the  anodes  are  shown  in  Figs.  143  to 

Fig.  144« 



Fig.  145. 
Mould  for  casting  anodes  of  matte  at  Casarza. 

146,  which  need  no  further  description.  The  anodes  measured 
800  X  800  X  30  mm.  [31^  x  31^  x  IJ  ins.].  Each  mould  was 
provided  with  a  clamp,  which  served  to  hold  in  its  place  a  copper 
strip  that  was  to  be  inserted  in  the  anode.  This  strip  was  used 
subsequently  for  making  the  necessary  electrical  connection  with 
the  dynamo  during  electrolysis.  It  may  here  be  pointed  out 
that,  according  to  a  later  proposal  of  Stolp's,{  a  copper  wire  net 
should  be  cast  into  the  block  of  matte,  in  order,  on  the  one  hand, 
to  give  more  stability  to  the  anode-plate,  which  is  very  easily 
ruptured,  and,  on  the  other  hand,  to  ensure  a  more  uniform  dis- 

•  German  Patent  22,429,  May  2,  1882.    [English  Patent  1,884,  1882.] 
t  La  Ltimihre  Ehctrique,  1884,  vol.  xiv.,  Nos.  40,  42,  44. 
X  Engineering  and  Mining  JonmaJ,  New  York,  1886,  ^ 

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tribution  of  the  current  to  the  salphides.  Bat  even  this 
proposal  has  not  been  able  to  save  the  Marchese  process.  The 
plates  must  be  very  slowly  cooled  after  casting ;  for  this  reason 
the  moulds  were  covered  with  a  good  heat-insulating  material, 
and  allowed  to  stand  during  the  casting  and  cooling  opera- 
tions in  pits  sunk  in  the  floor  of  the  melting-room.     It  was 

Fig.  147.  Fig.  148. 

Connections  of  anode-strip  with  main  conductor  at  Casarza. 

not,  of  course,  proposed  to  suspend  plates  of  such  weak  and 
brittle  material  by  the  copper  plates  inserted  in  them.  They 
were  to  be  placed  upon  a  wooden  support  provided  for  them  in 
the  baths.  The  copper  strips  were,  however,  bent  around  strips 
of  wood  in  the  same  way  as  those  which  were  also  used  for  sus- 
pension (compare  Fig.  125),  and  were  then  fastened  to  the 
conductors,  which  lay  along  the  sides 
of  the  vat,  in  the  manner  indicated  in 
Figs.  147  and  148. 

The  Cathodes,  which  consisted  of 
thin  copper  sheets,  700  x  700  x  0*3 
mm.  [27^  x  27^  x  ^  ins.],  were  hung 
in  the  usual  way  from  wooden  rods  by 
means  of  strips  of  copper,  one  of  whicli 
was  carried  along  the  upper  side  of  the 
rod  direct  to  the  main  conductor,  30 
mm.  [1^  ins.]  thick,  with  which  it  made 
contact  in  the  way  described  above 
(Figs.  147  and  148). 

The  arrangement  of  the  electrodes 
in  the  baths  is  shown  in  the  scheme  sketched  in  Fig.  149. 

The  baths  themselves  were  lead-lined  wooden  vats,  2,000  x  900 
X  1,000  mm.  deep  [6  ft.  6  ins.  x  3  ft  x  3  ft.  3  ins.],  of  which 
twelve  were  united  in  a  group  to  be  served  by  one  dynamo. 
The  method  of  joining  together  the  wooden  sides  and  the  leaden 
linings  of  the  vats  at  one  and  the  same  time  is  worthy  of  note. 

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Fig.  149. — Scheme  of  eleo- 
trioal  connections  at 



The  lead  sheet  was  screwed  down  with  the  wood  instead  of  being 
soldered  therewith  in  the  customary  fashion.  Figs.  150  and  151 
sufficiently  explain  this  method  of  construction. 

The  Electrolyte  consisted  of  an  acid  solution  of  copper  and 

Fig.  150.  Fig.  151. 

Method  of  attaching  the  lead  linings  to  the  vats  (Casarza). 

Fig.  152. — Section  of  vats,  showing  method  of  circulating  the 
electrolyte  (Casarza). 

Fig.  15.3. — Plan  of  vats,  showing  method  of  circuUiting  the 
electrolyte  (Uasanut). 

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uron  BiUphates,  and  was  obtained  by  roasting  a  portion  of  the  ore 
and  extracting  the  roasted  material  by  water  acidulated  with 
sulphuric  acid.  The  uniform  circulation  through  the  baths, 
which  were  arranged  in  step  form,  was  brought  about  with  the 
aid  of  leaden  pipes  and  of  wooden  channels  on  the  bottoms  of 
the  vats.     The  solution  flowed  through  a  gutter  to  the  vat  which 

Fig.  154. — Plan  of  the  Casarza  installation. 

Fig.  155. — Croes-section  of  the  Casarza  depositing-room. 

stood  at  the  highest  level  (Fig.  152),  and,  passing  through  the 
whole  length  of  this  vat^  overflowed  into  the  next,  as  shown  in 
Figs.  152  and  153.  The  arrangement  of  the  installation  is 
illustrated  in  the  accompanying  three  drawings,  of  which  Fig. 
154  is  the  ground  plan,  Fig.  155  the  cross-section,  and  Fig.  156 
a  general  view  of  the  interior  of  one  of  the  depositing-rooms. 
With  anodes  of  such  complex  character,  it  is  obvious  that  the. 

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reactions  which  take  place  during  dectrolysis  must  be  of  a  very 
varied  character.  A  decomposition  of  the  sulphides  of  which 
the  anodes  are  composed  must  precede  the  migration  of  copper, 
iron,  or  other  material  capable  of  forming  ions.  And  this  was 
supposed  to  have  happened  partly  through  direct  oxidation  and 
partly  through  the  action  of  ferric  salts,  thus,  e.g. : — 

CujS     +     2Fej(S04)8    =    2CUSO4    +     4FeS04     +     S. 

Remembering  the  reactions  which  take  place  in  the  electro- 
lysis of  blister  and  refined  copper,  and  as  a  result  of  which 
many  impurities  gradually  accumulate  in  the  electrolyte,  im- 

Fig.  166.  — Interior  of  the  Casarza  depositing-room. 

purities  that  are  here  present  in  far  greater  quantity  from 
the  outset,  it  cannot  require  long  consideration  to  decide  that 
a  considerable  proportion  of  electrical  energy  must  be  wasted 
through  changes,  which  take  place  both  in  the  solution  and 
upon  the  anode  itself. 

It  is  unnecessary  here  to  enter  upon  a  calculation  of  the 
electromotive  force  that  should  be  required  for  this  process. 
It  will  suffice  to  point  out  that  after  preliminary  experiments, 
1  volt  per  bath  had  been  fixed  upon  as  the  maximum  that  could 
be  necessary,  and  on  this  assumption  Marchese  based  his  whole 
estimate  of  the  cost  of  the  undertaking.     But  as  the  account 

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(to  be  given  shortly)  of  the  experience  gained  by  the  Aktien- 
geaeUschqft  fur  Bergbau^  Blei-  urui  ZinkhiUtenbeHeb  at  Stolberg 
(Bheinland)  will  show,  the  expenditure  of  power  increased  very 
considerably  even  after  a  short  time  of  action. 


of  Copper 

Cu  S, 


o    a    □ 

Rn  Mater/af,  Jllwkelable  Products.  Bye- products. 
Fig.  157.--GQneral  scheme  of  the  Marcheee  process. 

In  1885  Marchese*  published  an  account  of  a  nine-day  trial 
that  was  made  in  that  year  with  the  experimental  plant,  but  h& 
makes  no  mention  of  this  fact,  ascribing  the  increased  expendi- 
ture of  energy  to  some  bad  contacts  that  had  been  overlooked 
by  the  operator.    At  that  time  Marchese  still  estimated  a  net 

♦  TraitemeiU6ieclroiytique  dot  Mattes  Cuivreusea  aw  Stolberg^  G^nes,  1885. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


profit  of  75  per  cent,  upon  capital  outlay  on  plant  in  a  factory 
of  this  character.  The  scheme  for  the  systematic  treatment  of 
ores  by  the  Marchese  system  is  shown  in  Fig.  157. 

In  addition  to  the  aboYe-mentioned  favMs  of  this  system,  the 
great  fragility  of  the  matte  anode-plates  is  a  serious  difficulty. 
Then  there  occurred  a  separation  of  insoluble  and  non-conduct- 
ing material  on  the  surface  of  the  sulphide,  and  small  cavities 
gradually  developed  into  deep  pits  during  the  progress  of  the 
electrolysis.  And  both  these  circumstances  caused  irregular 
solution  of  the  anode,  increase  in  the  resistance,  premature 
crumbling  of  the  plates,  inferior  extraction  of  the  anode 
material  through  the  formation  of  a  crust  of  insoluble  matter, 
and  other  actions  prejudicial  to  the  working  of  the  process. 
In  place  of  the  electromotive  force  which  had  been  calculated 
as  sufficient  for  the  satisfactory  operation  of  the  plants  it 
frequently  became  necessary  to  employ  double,  or  even  three 
or  four  times  that  voltage,  in  order  to  avoid  the  absolute 
stoppage  of  the  work. 

These  last  remarks  have  been  reproduced  from  a  paper 
written  by  the  author,  in  1893,*  on  the  direct  electrolytic 
treatment  of  ores  and  metallurgical  products.  At  the  same 
time  he  gave  an  account  of  his  own  experiments  with  ore  and 
matte  in  the  years  1883  to  1887.  He  added  that  these  negative 
results  were  obtained  after  a  series  of  experiments  lasting  over 
a  few  weeks,  and  conducted  with  the  aid  of  a  1  H.P.  engine, 
and  yet  they  established  everything  that  the  later  plant  of 
125  H.P.  at  Casarza  had  shown. 

The  Stolberg  Installation. — The  Stolberg  Ck)mpany  also 
determined  relatively  quickly  upon  experiments  with  a  large 
plant.  Laboratory  experiments  liaving  given  promising  results,  a 
plant  was  first  run  for  several  months  with  a  5-volt  x  150-ampere 
dynamo,  or,  in  other  words,  with  a  current  sufficient  to  deter- 
mine either  the  conditions  for,  or  the  impracticability  of,  working 
on  a  large  scale.  This  plant  was  inspected  by  Marchese ;  and 
then,  after  doubts  had  been  set  at  rest  by  Marchese,  the  erection 
of  a  plant  of  sufficient  capacity  to  deposit  10  to  20  cwts.  of  copper 
in  24  hours  was  determined  upon.  It  consisted  of  56  baths,  such 
as  have  been  already  described,  consisting  of  lead-lined  wooden 
yats,  each  7  fb.  2  ins.  long  by  3  ft.  3  ins.  wide  by  3  ft.  3  ins. 
deep.t  Each  bath  contained  15  anodes  and  16  cathodes,  arranged 
in  parallel,  and  at  a  distance  of  2  ins.  apart. 

The  anodes  at  Stolberg  were  prepared  from  mattes  of  three 
different  grades  of  concentration,  containing  respectively  7  to 
8i*per  cent.,  15  to  20  per  cent,  and  about  50  per  cent,  of  copper. 

*  Berg-  vmd  BiiitenmitnnMie  Zeitwig,  1893,  voL  lii.,  pp.  251,  2S9. 

t  This  and  the  following  account  of  the  reeults  of  the  Stolberg  enwri* 
ments  are  taken  from  an  aoooont  published,  with  the  sanction  of^the 
StMerger  OesellBehqft,  in  the  Zeksehriftf&r  Mektroehemie,  19H,  p.  50. 

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Of  these,  the  seocmd  was  used  directly  for  the  production  of 
the  anodes,  the  first  was  concentrated  hj  roasting  and  fusing 
with  siliceous  materials,  and  the  third  was  employed  for  the 
preparation  of  the  solutions.  The  composition  of  two  separate 
samples  of  the  matte,  as  used  for  the  anodes,  is  given  in  the 
following  table,  and  as  the  composition  was  variable,  a  third 
eohimn  is  appended,  showing  the  average  of  a  large  number  of 
analyses  made  at  a  later  period  than  the  others : — 



Analysis  at 


Per  eent. 

Per  cent. 


Copper  (Cu), 

Leaa(Pb),    .... 

Iroii(Fe),      .... 



15  to  16 




29  18 


41  to  42 

Sulphur  (8),.        .        .        . 




Sulphuric  anhydride  (SO*),  . 




Silica  (SiO,) 



Silver  (Ag),.        .        .        . 




The  anodes  were  80  cm.  hieh,  80  cm.  wide,  4  cm.  thick  [2  ft. 
71  ins.  X  2  ft.  7^  ins.  x  1^  ins. J.  They  were  made  by  allowing 
the  melted  matte  to  flow  out  of  the  furnace  into  a  large  iron 

tank  from  which  it  was  removed  by  iron  ladles  and  cast  in  iron 
moulds.  The  moulds  were  sunk  in  the  ground  so  that  the 
sulphides  might  cool  very  slowly,  as  otherwise  the  anode-plates 
developed  cracks,  and  were  easily  fractured.  A  long  copper 
strip  2  cm.  wide  and  3  mm.  thick  [f  in.  x  ^  in.]  was  laid  in  the 
mould  before  pouring,  so  that  it  might  be  cast  into  the  anode, 
into  which  it  penetrated  to  about  the  centre.  The  free  end  of 
die  strip,  outside  the  bath,  was  bent  over  and  fastened  by  a 
lerew  clamp  to  the  positive  conductor,  which  consisted  of  a 
copper  rod  of  about  3  cm.  [1*2  ins.]  diameter,  and  so  served  to 
make  electrical  connections  with  the  matte.  To  avoid  rupture 
of  the  anodes  under  their  own  weighty  for  each  weighed  about 
2^  cwts.,  they  were  supported  upon  two  strips  of  wood  placed 
beneath  them  in  the  bath. 

The  cathodes  consisted  of  copper  plates  80  cm.  by  80  cm.  by 
1  mm.  [2  ft.  73  ins.  x  2  ft.  7^  ins.  x  0*04  in.],  with  four  strips  of 
copper  2  cm.  |t)'8  in.]  wide  riveted  to  each,  in  order  that  they 
might  be  attached  to  cross  strips  which  were  laid  upon  transverse 
wcwden  slats  placed  above  the  vat.  The  connections  of  copper 
strips  with  the  negative  conductor  were  like  those  adopted  for 
the  anodes. 

The  electro^  was  made  by  extracting  the  richest  mattes 

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(those  carrying  about  50  per  cent,  of  copper)  with  dilute  sul- 
phuric acid,  and  when  ready  for  use  contained  about  27  to  28 
grms.  of  copper  and  15  grms.  of  iron  per  litre  [about  4^  ozs.  of 
copper  and  about  2^  ozs.  of  iron  per  gallon].  In  order  to  facili- 
tate the  constant  circulation  of  the  solution  during  the  course 
of  electrolysis,  the  vats  were  arranged  one  above  the  other  in 
terrace  form,  and  a  pipe  of  2  ins.  internal  diameter  led  from  the 
bottom  of  one  vessel  to  the  rim  of  that  next  below. 

Two  Siemens  &  Halske  dynamos  of  the  CFj-^-type,  of  a  size 
sufficient  to  deposit  5  cwts.  of  copper  in  twenty-four  hours,  were 
used  to  produce  the  necessary  current.  These  dynamos,  running 
at  700  and  800  revolutions,  gave  a  current  of  430  amperes  x  35 
volts.  The  current-density  in  each  bath  was  about  30  amperes 
per  sq.  metre  [2*8  amperes  per  sq.  ft.],  and  the  electromotive 
force  required  was  at  first  1  volt  per  bath. 

The  profits  to  be  earned  by  the  process  were  estimated  by 
Marchese  in  the  following  way: — Starting  with  a  matte  con- 
taining 15  to  20  per  cent,  of  copper,  14  per  cent,  of  lead,  and 
005  per  cent  of  silver,  and  expecting  to  recover  ail  these  metals 
(the  copper  by  direct  electrolysis,  and  the  other  two  from  the 
insoluble  anode  residue  by  a  subsequent  treatment)  he  arrived 
at  the  following  results.     In  the  ton  of  matte  he  reckoned : — 

160  kg.  of  copper  at  Fr.  1-3  =  Fr.  195 
140  kg.  of  lead  at  Fr.  0*25  =  Fr.  35 
0-5  kg.  of  silver    at  Fr.     180    =     Fr.       90 

Value  of  1  ton  of  matte     «■     Fr.     320 

But  he  was  able  to  purchase  the  matte  at  Fr.  112*5  per  ton, 
because  only  the  copper  contents  were  taken  into  account,  and 
he  thus  reckoned  upon  obtaining  at  once  a  clear  gain  of  Fr.  207*5 
per  ton  of  matte,  or  Fr.  1,383*33  per  toa  of  copper.  The  interest 
upon  the  capital  locked  up  in  the  shape  of  copper  in  the  baths 
was  thus  estimated  :  there  were  20  anodes  of  125  kg.  each  in 
every  bath,  and  as  there  were  58  baths,  the  total  weight  of  anode 
material  was  145  tons ;  and  this  represented  (in  round  numbers, 
at  Fr.  100  per  ton)  Fr.  14,500.  But  the  anodes  gradually  gave 
up  their  copper  during  the  electrolysis,  and  he  therefore  took 
the  half  of  this  sam  as  the  average  value  of  the  material  in  the 
baths  throughout  the  operation,  and  so  arrived  at  the  sum  of 
Fr.  8,000. 

Then  580  kg.  of  copper  were  deposited  daily  in  the  58  baths. 
But  since  three  months  were  required  to  produce  copper  plates 
of  the  usual  marketable  thickness,  there  remained  in  the  baths 
\^  X  580  =  26,100  kg.  of  copper  (because  here  also  the  half  of 
the  total  copper  is  taken  as  an  average) ;  and  the  value  of  this  is 
Fr.  32,000.  The  percentage  of  the  copper  in  the  solution  itself 
was  so  small  that  it  was  regarded  as  negligible.  The  result  of 
this  calculation  is  that  an  annual  production  of  210  tons  neoessi- 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 

COPPER.  257 

tates  the  sinking  of  a  capital  of  Fr.  40,000  in  the  form  of  copper 
in  the  baths.  Bat  since  the  electrolytic  copper  recovered  is 
chemically  pure,  it  is  estimated  as  being  worth  Fr.  125  to  140 
more  per  ton  than  is  the  ordinary  copper  of  commerce.  And 
this,  calculated  on  the  annual  outturn  of  210  tons,  amounts  to 
nearly  Fr.  30,000,  which  is  equivalent  to  an  interest  of  75  per 
cent,  on  the  capital  of  Fr.  40,000. 

The  Stolberg  plant,  when  at  first  set  in  operation,  fulfilled  all 
expectations ;  the  baths  worked  satisfactorily,  and  the  separated 
copper  was  pure.     After  a  few  days,  however,  the  resistance  of 
the  baths  began  to  increase,  and  required,  in  some  instances, 
an  electromotive  force  of  5  volts.     The  primary  cause  of  this 
increase  was  a  dense  deposit  of  separated  sulphur  at  the  anode, 
which  hindered  the  access  of  the  electrolyte  to  the  undecom- 
posed  sulphide  within.     But  there  was  a  still  greater  difficulty 
to  be  encountered.     The  copper  and  iron  being  dissolved  out 
of  them,  the  anodes  lost  all  cohesion,  so  that  large  fragments 
crumbled  away  and  filled  up  the  space  between  the  anodes  and 
cathodes  at  the  bottom  of  tlie  vat.     There  they  formed  a  short- 
circuit  for  the  current,  because  their  conductivity  was  higher 
than  that  of  the  electrolyte,  and  the  bath  remained  undecom- 
posed.     Finally,  polarisation  must  have  added  considerably  to 
the  apparent  resistance  of  the  bath.    The  fact  that  such  polarisa- 
tion existed  is  proved  by  the  observation  that  a  lower  E.M.F. 
was  required  for  the  operation  of  baths  that  had  been  cut  out 
of  the  circuit  for  a  few  days.     A  modification  of  the  process 
suggested  by  the  last-mentioned  observation  was  tried,  but  was 
soon  given  up  again.     Then,  as  the  formation  of  PbOg  was 
considered  to  be  the  cause  of  the  polarisation,  the  percentage  of 
copper  in  the  anodes  was  increased,  and  that  of  lead  diminished, 
but  with  no  better  result  j  a  change  in  the  proportion  of  iron 
also  failed  to  produce  any  improvement.    Further,  the  deposited 
copper  was  found  to  contain  antimony,  bismuth,  lead,  iron,  zinc, 
and  sulphur.     Hence  it  was  determined  to  abandon  the  use  of 
matte  for  anodes,  in  favour  of  lead,  which  would  be  insoluble. 
A  small-scale  experiment  was  therefore  tried,  and  as  the  results 
were  satisfSustory,  a  larger  bath  was  erected.     The  electrolyte 
employed  was  the  same  as  had  been  used  in  the  Marchese  baths, 
only  it  had  the  advantage  of  remaining  serviceable  for  a  longer 
time,  because  the  proportion  of  iron  that  it  contained  was  not 
being  constantly  increased  through  the  action  of  the  solution 
upon  the  anodes.     The  E.M.F.  required  was  1*7  volts;  and  the 
results  were  at  first  good.     But  in  a  short  time  the  quantity 
of  copper  deposited  fell  to  60  per  cent,  of  that  which  should 
theoretically   have  been  obtained,  and  the  potential  rose  to 
2-15  volts. 

Use  of  Depolarisers. — The  cause  of  this  defect  also  lay  in 
the  polarisation  of  the  anodes,  which  became  coated  with  PbO^ 

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under  the  oxidising  influence  of  the  current,  and  so  yielded 
a  counter-electromotiye  force  that  opposed  and  weakened  the 
electrolysing  current.  It  was  then  hoped  that  the  introduction 
of  a  reducing  agent  would  eliminate  this  source  of  trouble. 
Sulphurous  add  was  selected  for  the  purpose,  and  was  led  into 
contact  with  the  anodes  that  it  might  combine  with  the  .oxygen 
separated  there,  and  so  form  sulphuric  acid.  A  small  experiment 
was  therefore  made  with  a  bath  containing  four  lead  anodes  of 
0*37  sq.  metre  [4  sq.  fb.1  surfitce  area  and  four  copper-coated  lead 
cathodes  of  like  dimensions.  The  electrolyte  contained  per  litre 
39  grms.  of  copper,  14*4  grms.  of  iron  in  the  ferrous  state, 
3*9  grms.  of  iron  in  the  form  of  ferric  salts,  and  9*6  grms.  of  free 
sulphuric  acid*  The  sulphurous  acid  was  obtained  by  burning 
sulphur,  and,  mixed  with  air,  was  injected  into  the  bath.  The 
E.M.F.  required  was  not  diminished  through  the  introduction 
of  the  reducing  agent,  but  the  yield  of  copper  was  increased, 
and  the  metal  was  purer,  containing  99*984  per  cent,  of  copper. 
A  large  quantity  of  sulphuric  acid  was,  of  course,  formed,  and 
this  extracted  so  much  soluble  material  from  the  copper  mattes 
that  trouble  was  caused  by  the  crystallisation  of  salts  in  the 
baths.  It  should  here  be  added  that  a  patent  t  was  granted  for 
the  use  of  sulphurous  acid  as  a  depolarising  agent  in  1885.  A 
larger  bath  was  then  arranged  on  the  lines  of  the  experimental 
apparatus.  At  first  the  gases  from  matte-calcining  furnaces 
were  led  into  the  baths  to  provide  the  sulphurous  acid  required; 
but  the  gases  were  found  to  be  too  dilute,  and  were,  therefore, 
replaced  by  those  from  the  muffles  used  in  the  calcining  of  zinc 
ores.  But  various  circumstances  (among  others,  the  offer  of  a 
new  process  by  Siemens  &  Halske)  interfered  with  the  prose- 
cution of  the  work  in  this  direction,  which  would  have  involved 
the  removal  of  the  whole  plant.  The  use  of  insoluble  anodes, 
and  of  the  depolarising  agent,  was  a  great  departure  from  the 
original  Marchese  process,  and  it  is  to  be  regretted  that  the 
experiments  which  were  set  on  foot  could  not  be  carried 
through;  experiments,  however,  with  other  depolarisers,  both 
at  Stolberg  and  in  other  installations,  have  not  as  yet  led  to 
satisfactory  results. 

Before  closing  this  account  of  the  so-called  Marchese  process, 
reference  must  be  made  in  passing  to  the  practical  originator  of 
the  method.  The  idea  of  treating  copper  mattes,  either  in  the 
form  of  plates  or  in  the  granulated  condition,  as  anodes  in  an 
electrolyte  of  sulphuric  acid  was  clearly  expressed  by  Andr^  in 
the  specification  of  his  German  patent.  No.  6,048,  of  November 
1,  1877.  Andr^,  however,  went  beyond  Marchese,  inasmuch  as 
he  proposed  an  electrolytic  separation  of  copper  from  nickel 

*  [This  is  equivalent  to  about  6^  ozs.  of  copper,  2}  ess.  of  ferrous  iron, 
i  DC  of  ferric  iron,  and  1^  ozs.  of  sulphuric  acid  per  gallon  of  liquid.] 
t  German  Patent  32,866,  March  13,  1886. 

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during  the  treatment  of  the  matte.     Further  reference  to  this 
process  will  be  made  in  the  chapter  on  Nickel. 

Body's  Process. — In  working  the  Marchese  process,  it  was 
remarked  that  a  part  of  the  current  was  used  up  in  converting 
the  ferrous  sulphate  present  in  the  liquors  into  the  correspond- 
ing ferric  compound,  and  that  this  salt  again  attacked  the  anode 
material.  It  was,  therefore,  only  natural  that  more  attention 
should  be  given  to  the  action  produced  by  iron  salts,  with  tbe 
object  of  utilising  it  in  some  convenient  way.  The  first  ^tep  in 
this  direction,  at  least  in  connection  with  electrolytic  processes, 
is  to  be  found  in  a  patent  granted  to  Body;*  but  in  purely 
metallurgical  works  the  utilisation  of  iron  salts  as  a  carrier  of 
oxygen  had,  of  course,  long  been  known.  Although  Body's 
apparatus  and  process  are  not  concerned  with  copper  extraction 
alone,  but  were  intended  for  the  electrolytic  extraction  of  metals 

A.      ■::.._:••■■■ 






L>    : 








Fig.  158. 

Body's  apparatus. 

Fig.  159. 

from  ores  in  general,  they  may  be  here  described  as  being  the 
forerunner  of  the  well-known  processes  of  Siemens  k  Halske 
and  Hoepfner. 

The  vessel,  A  (Figs.  158  and  159),  is  made  of  Portland 
cement,  and  is  painted  within  and  without  with  an  impermeable 
material.  The  partition  walls,  S,  which  are  also  of  Portland 
cement,  do  not  reach  quite  to  the  bottom  of  the  bath  ;  and  in  the 
space  thus  left  beneath  them  are  placed  plates  of  some  material 
(like  felt)  that  is  pervious  to  water.  The  raised  floor  is  covered 
with  a  carbon  plate,  C,  in  connection  with  the  positive  pole  of 
an  electrical  generator ;  and  tbe  inner  surfaces  of  the  outer  walls 
of  the  vessel  are  also  lined  with  carbon,  D,  which,  however,  is 
practically  unnecessary.  The  metal  plates,  K,  which  form  the 
cathodes,  are  suspended  in  the  space  outside  the  partitions,  S. 

*  U.8.A.  Patent  338,150,  Jan.  6,  1886* 

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A  solution  of  ferric  salts  with  sodium  chloride  is  used  as  electro- 
Ijte.  The  ore,  which  has  been  preriouslj  moistened  with  a 
similar  solution,  and  is  still  saturated  with  it,  is  placed  in  the 
inner  space,  J,  and  is  here  kept  in  constant  motion  during 
electrolysis  by  means  of  the  stirrer,  R.  The  solution  enters 
through  the  opening,  O,  in  the  raised  floor,  follows  the  course  of 
the  arrow  marked  in  the  figure  over  the  partitions,  S,  and, 
finally,  after  traversing  the  cathode  compartment^  escapes 
through  the  aperture,  0,  in  these  outer  chambers. 

While  the  solution  is  thus  slowly  circulating  the  following 
reactions  take  place : — 

1.  The  metals  contained  in  the  ore  are  brought  into  solution 
at  the  expense  of  the  ferric  salts  in  the  electrolyte,  which  are 
thus  reduced  to  the  ferrous  state. 

2.  The  dissolved  metal  is  deposited  at  the  cathode. 

3.  The  chlorine  which  is  set  free  at  the  anode  peroxidises  the 
ferrous  salts  that  have  been  produced,  and  any  excess  of  chlorine 
that  may  escape  absorption  in  this  way  is  able  to  act  directly 
upon  the  ore. 

The  Siemens-Halske  Matte-BefLning  Process. — Siemens 
and  Halske  then  went  a  step  beyond  this,  and  caused  the 
reactions  between  the  ferric  salts  and  the  copper  compounds  to 
take  place  entirely  outside  the  electrolytic  vessel.  They  stored 
up,  80  to  speak,  the  cmode  energy  in  a  part  of  the  electrolyte  in 
order  that  they  might  utilise  it  outside  the  baths.  The  process 
was  thus  described  in  the  first  German  patent  taken  out  by  the 

The  powdered  copper  pyrites  is  roasted  at  a  moderate 
temperature,  preferably  in  a  Gerstenhofer  furnace,  in  such  a  way 
that  the  iron  is  almost  completely  oxidised,  whilst  the  copper  is 
contained  in  the  roasted  material,  partly  as  copper  sulphate 
and  partly  as  copper  oxide,  but  mainly  as  cuprous  sulphide. 
The  finely-divided  material,  after  calcination,  is  treated  with 
the  solution  flowing  from  the  electrolysing  tanks.  This  leaching 
is  best  performed  in  a  series  of  vats,  through  which  the  liquid 
flows  successively  in  such  a  manner  that  it  passes  last  through 
the  vat  that  was  latest  charged  with  the  ore.  The  solution, 
which  is  thus  newly  enriched  with  copper  sulphate,  and  no 
longer  contains  any  ferric  salt,  is  now  returned  to  the 
electrolytic  cells,  where  it  is  first  deprived  of  its  copper,  and 
is  then  peroxidised,  so  that  it  may  be  used  afresh  to  extract  the 
copper  from  another  charge  of  ore.  The  process  is  therefore  con- 
tinuous, and  the  same  solution  may  be  used  repeatedly  until, 
owing  to  the  absorption  of  foreign  metals  previously  contained 
in  the  ore,  it  has  become  too  impure  for  the  process  of  electro- 

*  German  Patent  42,243,  Sept.  14, 18S6.  [English  Patent  14,033,  Nov.  I» 

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This  solution,  for  use  in  separate  electrolytic  cells,  should  be 
introduced  continuously  nearly  at  the  bottom  of  the  cells  which 
surround  the  cathode-plates ;  then  rising  to  the  top  of  these,  and 
depositing  a  part  of  its  copper  by  electrolytic  action  on  the 
cathode  on  its  way,  it  flows  over  the  top  rim  of  the  membrane 
into  the  anode  compartment,  through  which  it  passes  to  make 
its  final  escape  from  the  bottom  of  this  cell  (Fig.  160).  During 
the  passage  of  the  electrolyte  through  the  anode  cell,  the 
ferrous  sulphate  that  it  contains  is  first  converted  into  a  basic 
ferric  sulphate,  which  in  turn  is  changed  into  the  normal  ferric 
sulphate  by  the  absorption  of  sulphuric  acid  produced  through 
the  electrolysis  of  the  copper  sulphate ;  the  higher  specific 
gravity  of  the  latter  salt  causes  it  to 
sink  to  the  bottom  of  the  vessel.  The 
liquid  escaping  from  this  compartment, 
therefore,  contains  less  copper  than  was 
present  in  it  when  introduced  into  the 
cathode  cell;  and  it  also  contains  neutral 
ferric  sulphate  in  solution.  This  solution 
has  now  the  power  of  converting  cupric 
and  cuprous  sulphides  and  copper  oxide 
into  copper  sulphate.  In  thus  acting 
upon  the  first-named  copper  compound 
the  ferric  sulphate  is  reconverted  into 
ferrous  sulphate,  whilst  the  liberated 
oxygen  serves  to  oxidise  the  sulphide  of 
copper.  The  product  from  the  roasting 
of  the  ore  at  a  low  temperature,  as  above 
explained,  contains  most  of  its  copper  in 
the  form  of  sub-sulphide ;  but  the  iron 
is  present  as  peroxide,  a  substance  which 
is  not  attacked  by  ferric  sulphate,  and  is 
scarcely  afiected  by  sulphuric  acid.  The 
cuprous  sulphide,  however,  is  energeti- 
cally dissolved  by  the  ferric  solution. 
The  chemical  processes,  which  take  place  during  the  electrolysis, 
and  the  leaching  process  are  clearly  shown  in  the  following 
equations  : — 

I.         xHaS04  +  2CUSO4  +  4FeS04  =  2Cu  +  2Fej(S04)3  +  xU^O^ 
II.  (a)  arH^04  +  CxLfi  +  2Fe2(S04)3  =  2CUSO4  +  4FeS04  +  S  +  a:H2S04 
(6)  CuO  +  HaS04  =  ChiS04  +  HjO 

(c)  3CuO  +  Fe2(S04),  =  3ChiS04  H-FejO, 

id)  CuO  +  2FeS04  +  HjO  =  CUSO4  +  (FejOs  +  SOg)  +  Hj 

A  comparison  of  the  equations  I.  and  II.  (a)  shows  that  if 
the  ore  hold  all  its  copper  in  the  form  of  cuprous  sulphide,  the 
electrolyte,  after  passing  through  the  leaching  vats,  will  contain 
exactly  the  same  quantity  of  copper  sulphate,  ferrous  sulphate, 

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.  160.— Siemens  & 
Salske  electrolytic  cell 
for  treating  copper  ore. 



and  free  sulphuric  acid  as  it  did  prior  to  electrolysis  ;  and  that  it 
is,  therefore,  completely  regenerated,  and  may  be  used  again  for 
the  electrolytic  decomposition.  But  if  the  copper  be  present  ia 
the  ore  partly  as  copper  oxide,  it  is  evident  from  equations  II. 
(6),  (c),  and  (d)  that  in  this  case  the  solution  will  be  richer  in 
copper,  but  poorer  in  respect  of  iron  and  sulphuric  acid  than  it 
was  before  electrolysis. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  point  out  that  the  raw  matte  may  be 
used  in  lieu  of  the  roasted  material,  because  the  copper  is 
present  almost  entirely  in  the  form  of  cuprous  sulphide.  Ia 
this  case,  however,  iron  would  also  be  dissolved,  and  a  complete 
uniformity  of  the  solutions  in  regard  to  copper  and  iron  could 
not  be  maintained.  It  is  to  be  remarked  that  in  the  described 
electrolytic  process  no  polarisation  occurs,  and  that  the  position 
of  the  two  electrode  materials  in  the  electro-chemical  seriea 
gives  rise  to  no  counter-electromotive  force. 

Fig.  161. — Arrangement  of  vats  in  the  Siemens-Halske  process. 

Whilst,  with  matte  anodes,  an  E.M.F.  of  1*5  volts  is  necessary 
to  give  the  required  current-density,  0-7  volt  will  suffice  when 
the  above  process  is  adopted.  And,  again,  whilst  in  the  former 
case  about  one-third  of  the  current- volume  is  used  for  other 
reduction  processes,  and  is  therefore  lost,  by  the  altefrnative 
method  there  is  no  loss  whatever  of  this  nature. 

In  order  to  produce  the  rapid  circulation  of  liquid  through  the 
vats,  which  is  necessary  for  satisfactory  work,  the  cells  are  placed 
in  terrace  form  (Fig.  161),  and  all  the  cathode  compartments, 
K|,  Kg,  K«,  are  connected  together  by  siphons,  A^,  h^^  h^,  in  one 
group,  while  the  anode  cells,  Aj,  Aj,  A3,  are  similarly  connected 
in  another  series  by  the  siphons,  A;^,  k^,  k^.  In  order  to  maintain 
the  level  of  liquid  in  the  vessels  independent  of  the  quantity  of 
solution  added,  the  ends  of  the  siphons  in  the  lower  vats  are 

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turned  upwards  for  the  space,  a,  which  is  equal  to  the  difference 

in  height,  jS,  between  two  consecutive  vessels.  dUg 

Modified   Siemens-Halske   Process. — From  a  subsidiary 

Fig.  162. 


Fig.  163. 

Fig.  164. 
Siemens  k  Halske's  electrolytic  cell  (1889). 

patent  ♦  taken  out  by  the  same  firm,  it  must  be  concluded  that 
the  use  of  this  process  led  to  diflSculties.     The  electrolytic  cells 

•  German  Patent  48,959,  Jan.  3,  1889.     [English  Patent  3,533,  Feb.  27, 

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had  preyiously  been  divided  into  two  (positive  and  negative) 
compartments  by  a  membrane ;  but  it  is  shown  in  the  second 
patent  specification  that  these  membranes  are  liable  to  become 
torn  during  electrolysis.  The  membranes  have  either  too  high 
an  electrical' resistance,  or  else  they  are  not  sufficiently  durable, 
for  they  stretch  and  allow  the  solutions  to  escape. 

Figs.  162,  163,  and  164  show  an  electrolyte  cell  in  which  this 
evil  is  remedied.  A  flat  vessel,  G,  made  of  wood  or  of  other 
suitable  material,  and  coated  with  lead,  is  provided  with  a  per- 
forated false  bottom,  L,  on  which  the  anode,  A,  is  extended. 
The  anode  may  consist,  either  of  plates  of  retort  carbon  in  direct 
electrical  connection  with  one  another,  or  of  perforated  lead 
plates  covered  with  small  fragments  of  retort  carbon,  or,  finally, 
of  deeply  corrugated  lead  plates  containing  perforations  to  allow 
of  the  passage  of  the  electrolyte.  The  horizontal  anode  is  pro- 
vided with  the  necessary  insulated  electrical  connections,  and  is 
covered  with  a  layer  of  some  filtering  material  that  may  serve  to 
prevent  the  escape  of  the  solution  surrounding  the  anodes.  The 
filter  may  be  of  felt  or  any  other  suitable  organic  or  inorganic 
material.  The  cathodes  consist  of  the  surfaces  of  the  cylinders, 
K,  which  are  quite  covered  by  the  electrolyte,  and  are  constantly 
maintained  in  slow  revolution  by  the  waterproof  belt,  S.  These 
cylinders  may  be  made  of  a  wooden  core  coated  with  wax, 
cement,  or  other  material,  and  surrounded  with  a  conducting 
material,  which  is  electrically  connected  in  any  suitable  way 
with  the  journals  of  the  cylinders  and  the  conductors,  k. 

The  regenerated  solution,  consisting  of  copper-  and  ferrous-sul- 
phate solutions,  is  conveyed  in  a  continuous  stream  into  the 
liquid  which  is  already  covering  the  cylinders.  The  rotation  of 
the  latter  effects  the  continual  mixture  of  the  solution  down  to 
the  partition  separating  it  from  the  anode  compartment.  The 
tube,  XJ,  conducts  the  solution  away  from  the  space  beneath  the 
filter  at  the  same  rate  as  the  regenerated  liquor  is  run  into  the 
upper  compartment  through  C ;  and,  there  is,  in  consequence  of 
this,  a  constant  but  slow  transference  of  liquid  through  the  lilter 
from  the  cathode  to  the  anode  compartment.  Here  the  ferrous 
salt  is  reconverted  into  ferric  sulphate  by  the  liberated  oxygen, 
and  the  ferric  salt,  having  a  higher  specific  gravity,  sinks  to  the 
bottom  and  is  at  once  carried  away  through  U,  so  that  by 
properly  regulating  the  inflow  of  liquid,  the  strength  of  the 
current,  and  the  quantity  of  copper  and  iron  in  the  solution, 
the  result  of  the  process  should  be  that  the  electrolyte  in  the 
upper  compartment  loses  some  two-thirds  of  the  coprer  contained 
in  it^  while  in  the  anode  portion  the  whole  of  the  ferrous  salt  is 
peroxidised  to  the  ferric  state.  The  solution  is  uninterruptedly 
conveyed  from  the  anode  cell  to  the  extraction  tank,  and  after 
acting  upon  the  ore  powder,  it  circulates  through  the  whole 
system  again. 

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According  to  later  accounts*  the  anodes  were  afterwards 
made  of  specially  prepared  homogeneous  round  carbon  rods,  a 
(see  Figs.  165  and  166),  of  which  every  109  were  bound  together 
into  one  group  by  means  of  a  thoroughly  insulated  cast-lead 
frame,  forming  a  system  1,600  mm.  long  by  405  mm.  wide  [5  ft. 
6  ins.  X  1  ft.  4  ins.].  The  connection  with  the  main  conductors  is 
made  by  means  of  the  lead  strips.  V,  cast  on  to  the  frames. 

The  electrolyte  vessels  are  shallow  wooden  tanks  rendered 
watertight  by  a  lining  of  asphalted  jute.  The  anode  system  is 
placed  upon  the  floor  of  the  tank,  and  the  waste  pipe  is  so 
placed  that  it  may  readily  conduct  the  solution  away  from  the 
apparatus.  At  a  certain  distance  above  the  anode  is  the  linen 
filter,  F,  stretched  upon  wooden  frames,  and  serving  to  separate 

Fig.  166. — New  form  of  anode  (Siemens-Halake). 

-  4 

Fig.  166. — Newer  form  of  tank  (Siemens-Halske). 

the  bath  into  two  compartments,  one  above  the  other.  In  tlie 
upper  or  cathode  compartment  are  placed  the  wooden  plates,  K, 
which  cover  the  whole  area  of  the  vat,  and  are  overlaid  on  the 
underside  with  thin  sheet-copper  to  receive  the  electro-deposited 
metal.  Between  these  cathode-plates  and  the  filter  the  cathode 
solution  is  kept  thoroughly  mixed  by  means  of  a  mechanical 
circulating  arrangement,  actuated  by  the  pulleys,  R,  on  the  edge 
of  the  vessel. 

These  processes  were  put  to  a  practical  test  in  Stolberg  by 
the  above-named    company,   but    it   is  evident    from   Cohen*s 

*Gru8onwerk-Magdeburg.     Dcui  Siemens' sche  Kupfergeioinnungaver/ahren 
aus  Erzen. 

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account  that  only  a  very  imperfect  apparatus  was  employed. 
The  want  of  durability  both  of  the  membrane  separating  the 
anode  and  cathode  compartments,  and  of  the  carbon  anode  rods, 
difficulties  in  the  clearing  of  the  turbid  solution  obtained  on 
extracting  the  ore  with  the  anode  liquors,  and  all  the  derange- 
ments that  resulted  from  these  troubles,  caused  an  unforeseen 
increase  in  the  E.M.F.  required  (from  0*75  to  1*8  volts  per  bath), 
and  finally  led  to  the  suspension  of  the  experiments. 

The  process  appears  from  a  published  account  given  by 
Siemens  <fe  Halske*  to  have  been  put  into  operation  at  works  in 
Spain  and  in  the  Tyrol,  but  it  cannot  be  said  to  have  come  into 
practical  use  there.  This  is  the  more  remarkable  since  it  is 
to  be  inferred  from  the  treatise  above  mentioned  t  that  ample 
experience  could  have  been  gained  in  an  experimental  plant  at 
Martinikenfeld,  near  Berlin.  This  appears,  however,  to  have 
been  neglected,  for,  had  it  not  been  so,  the  great  cost  of  the 
plant  laid  down  in  Spain  and  in  the  Southern  Tyrol,  and 
certainly  experimented  with  at  the  latter  place,  would  have 
been  saved,  and  the  unpleasant  record  of  an  unsuccessful  experi- 
ments, such  as  it  may  now  be  assumed  to  have  been,  would  have 
been  averted. 

The  result  of  all  Dr.  Borchers'  laboratory  experiments  with 
sulphide  copper  ores,  whether  raw  or  roasted,  and  with  the 
copper  compounds  resulting  from  the  calcination  of  such  ores, 
is  that  in  his  opinion  it  is  possible  to  extract  the  copper  com- 
pletely only  by  a  considerable  alteration  of  the  leading  arrange- 
ments, so  that  the  electrical  part  of  the  work  must  either  be 
changed  or  be  omitted  altogether.  This  work  will  soon  be  com- 
pleted and  an  account  of  the  results  published. 

The  Hoepfher  Process. — A  similar  fate  has  overtaken  the 
Hoepfher  process,  {  which  has,  however,  many  points  of  consider- 
able theoretical  interest. 

In  the  first  account  of  his  process,  published  shortly  after  his 
first  patents  were  granted,  Hoepfiier  described  his  discovery  as 
follows: — § 

''I  use  electrolytic  tanks,  which  are  separated  by  reliable 
diaphragms  into  anode  and  cathode  compartments,  and  which 
permit  a  through  circulation  from  anode  to  anode,  and  from 
cathode  to  cathode,  through  any  number  of  cells  placed  in 
series.  In  the  anode  compartments  are  carbon  anodes,  which 
are  incapable  of  electrolytic  solution,  and  in  the  others  are 
cathodes  of  sheet  copper.     A  solution  of  cuprous  chloride  in 

*  Jahrbuch  der  Mthtrockemit,  1895,  vol.  ii.,  p,  155. 

t  Grusonwerk  -  M  agdeburg.  Daa  Siementfsche  Kupfergtwinntmgtverfahrtn 
aiis  Krzen, 

4:  German  Patent  53,782,  March  1,  1888.  [English  Patent  4,626» 
March  26,  1888.] 

^ZeUschrififiir  angeioandte  Chemie,  1891,  p.  160» 

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COPPER.  267 

brine  or  in  calcium  chloride  solution,  or  the  like,  flows  past  a 
number  of  anodes  in  turn ;  and  a  similar  solution  comes  into 
contact  successively  with  any  convenient  number  of  cathodes. 
Metallic  copper  is  deposited  upon  the  latter  at  the  rate  of 
2*36  grms.  [36*42  grains]  per  ampere  per  hour,  that  is  at  exactly 
double  the  rate  at  which  the  same  current  can  deposit  the  metal 
from  the  solution  of  a  cupric  salt,  such  as  copper  sulphate. 

"At  the  anode,  if  no  cuprous  chloride  were  present,  free 
chlorine  would  be  liberated;  and  an  RM.F.  of  1*8  volts  would 
then  be  necessary  for  electrolysis.  But  the  chlorine  in  this 
process  combines  at  once  with  the  adjacent  cuprous  chloride, 
and  converts  it  into  cupric  chloride.  In  this  way  an  E.M.F., 
amounting  to  nearly  1  volt,  is  produced  in  a  direction  favour- 
able to  the  ^action  in  the  electrolyte ;  so  that  the  electrolysis  is 
practically  accomplished  with  a  diflerence  of  potential  of  only 
0*8  volt  between  the  electrodes.  The  solution  in  the  cathode 
cells  becomes  weaker  and  weaker  in  respect  of  copper  as  it 
passes  through  them  successively,  until  finally  it  flows  from 
the  last  of  the  series  nearly  free  from  copper.  Leaving  the 
electrolytic  vats,  it  is  collected  for  the  above-described  process 
of  circulation  through  the  ore.  The  anode  solutions  retain  their 
copper,  but  no  longer  as  cuprous  chloride;  for  it  has  become 
converted  into  cupric  chloride,  and  the  solution  containing  the 
latter  salt  flows  continuously  from  the  vat."*^ 

*'  The  cupric  chloride  solution  thus  coming  from  the  anodes  is 
used  in  the  system  of  circulation  to  extract  the  copper  and  silver 
from  the  finely  crushed  ores  of  these  metals.  Large  leaching 
vats  of  about  10  cb.  m.  [350  cub.  ft.]  capacity  are  used ;  they 
should  be  suitable  for  the  treatment  of  the  material  with  heated 
solutions,  and  should  be  provided  with  a  good  stirring  apparatus. 
The  solution  acta  upon  copper  ores  according  to  the  equation : — 

CuCl,  +  CuS  =  S  +  CuaCla. 
So  that  the  cupric  chloride,  by  combining  with  copper,  becomes 
reduced  to  cuprous  chloride.  It  is  well  known  that  silver 
sulphide,  Ag^S,  is  readily  attacked  by  cupric,  and  even  by 
cuprous,  chloride,  so  that  when  this  substance  is  present  in 
the  ore,  it  is  converted  into  chloride,  as  shown  in  the  following 
equation,  and  the  silver  chloride  that  is  formed  dissolves  in  the 
chloride  liquor : — 

Ag^  +  aChiClj  =  Cu,Cla  +  2AgCl  +  S. 

"The  regenerated  cuprous  chloride  solution  is  treated,  as 
described  below,  for  the  separation  of  silver,  arsenic,  bismuth, 
and  other  substances,  which  would  render  the  deposited  copper 
impure,  and  is  then  caused  to  flow  to  the  anodes  and  cathodes. 
At  the  former,  cupric  chloride  is  produced,  whilst  at  the  latter 
the  separation  of  copper  takes  place. 

•  Zeiiachrift/ur  angetctandte  Chemie,  1890,  p.  622. 

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*'  The  purification  of  the  solution  is  most  readily  and  practi- 
cally effected  by  chemical  means,  cupric  oxide  or  lime  being 
employed  to  remove  the  arsenic,  antimony,  or  bismuth,  which 
4tre  known  to  be  especially  prejudicial  to  copper,  so  that  the 
m^tal  ultimately  deposited  may  be  pure.  The  silver  is  separated, 
either  electrolytically  or  chemically,  before  the  copper.  Any 
small  proportion  of  iron  that  may  have  become  dissolved  from 
the  copper  ores  is  separated  by  the  treatment  with  lime ;  if  this 
separation  were  not  effected,  the  proportion  of  iron  would 
gradually  increase,  and  hence  the  solubility  of  the  cuprous 
•chloride  would  be  reduced  to  about  one-quarter  of  its  former 
value.  Cuprous  oxide  is  such  a  powerful  base,  that  even  the 
oxide  of  zinc  is  precipitated  before  that  of  copper  on  the  addition 
of  alkali  or  alkaline  earths  to  solutions  of  cuprous  chloride. 

"  The  quantity  of  copper  deposited  in  24  hours  in  a  sufficient 
number  of  baths,  with  an  interpolar  potential  difference  of 
0-8  volt,  is  equivalent  to  43-9  kgs.  [966  lbs.]  per  H.P.  (=  690 
ampere  hours),  allowing  for  a  loss  of  10  per  cent.  Since  each 
horse-power  developed  in  large  works  only  requires  an  expendi- 
ture of  22  kgs.  [48 '5  lbs.]  of  coal  per  diem  in  the  boilers,  it  may 
be  estimated  that  in  a  well-managed  installation,  each  pound  of 
coal  burnt  should  produce  2  lbs.  of  deposited  copper.  Allowing 
for  the  crushing  of  the  ore  and  the  work  of  stirring,  1  lb.  of  coal 
should  suffice  to  produce  1  lb.  of  copper  from  the  original  ore. 
The  extraction  of  copper  ought,  therefore,  to  be  possible  even  in 
countries  in  which  the  coal  resources  are  of  the  most  limited 

**  The  above-described  process,  which  is  shortly  to  be  applied 
in  many  places  both  in  Germany  and  abroad  will,  as  I  [Hoepfner] 
hope,  quite  displace  the  ordinary  process  of  copper-smelting. 

**  According  to  my  [Hoepfner's]  calculation,  a  daily  production 
of  UOOO  kgs.  [1  ton]  of  copper  from  a  5  per  cent,  pyrites  would 
require  a  capital  outlay  of  about  123,000  marks  [£6,1501,  and 
the  daily  working  cost  of  such  an  installation,  inclusive  of 
interest  and  amortisation  charges,  would  be  about  190  marks 

tX9,    10s.].      The  daily   working  cost  of  all  other   processes 
utherto   used   would,  under  otherwise  similar  conditions,  be 
more  than  double  this  amount. 

'*The  causes  contributing  to  the  cheapness  of  the  present 
process  may  be  stated  as  follows : — 

*'  1.  The  greater  depositing  power  of  the  current  in  the  cuprous  solution, 
affording  twice  as  much  copper  per  hour  as  would  be  possible  with  a 
sulphate  process ;  so  that  the  cost  of  the  electrical  installation  is  reduced 
by  one  hiuf. 

**2.  The  higher  efficiency  of  the  chloride  solution,  which  is  able  to 
extract  from  the  ore  all  the  valuable  metals  that  it  contains. 

'*  .3.  The  considerable  dissolving  power  of  this  solution  (which  may  take 
up  as  much  as  150  ffrms.  of  copper  per  litre  [IJ  lbs.  per  gallon]),  in  con- 
sequence of  which  the  leaching  plant  may  be  of  comparatively  smaU  size 
and  demands  the  expenditure  of  but  little  mechanical  power. 

Digitized  by  V^OO^  It! 

COPPER.  26^ 

''Although  I  [Hoepfner]  venture  to  consider  the  described 
process  as  already  [1891]  proved  to  be  sound,  there  is  a  possi> 
bility  that  it  may  be  even  yet  improved,  so  that  the  cost  of 
production  may  be  still  further  reduced." 

Unfortunately,  the  hopes  which  Hoepfner  then  expressed 
have  not  yet  been  fulfilled,  although,  in  a  paper  read  in  1898 
at  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Verb<md  deutschen  Elektrotechniker 
at  Frankfort-on-the-Maine,  he  showed  the  greatest  confidence  in 
the  final  result  of  his  work.  The  process  was  put  to  a  practical 
test  in  many  experimental  works — e.^.,  at  Schwarzenberg  in  the 
Saxon  £rzgebirge,  at  Giessen,  in  Weidenau  near  Siegen,  and 
finally  near  Papenburg  on  the  Ems.  A  special  company  has 
been  formed  at  Papenburg  for  the  working  of  this  and  other 
processes  by  Hoepfner,  and  to  all  appearances  the  company  is. 
still  carrying  out  experiments  in  works  built  at  that  place. 
Owners  of  works  must  certainly  not  be  blamed  if  they  refuse 
to  publish  early  accounts  of  their  work,  and  of  results  which 
have  demanded  a  great  sacrifice,  both  of  time  and  money.  It  is 
only  possible  to  judge  of  such  work  by  its  commercial  results ; 
but  of  Hoepfner's,  nothing  has  yet  been  made  public,  although, 
according  to  his  statement,  the  last-named  works  must  have  been 
in  operation  for  over  four  years.  The  difficulties  in  attacking 
sulphide  ores  with  cupric  or  ferric  chloride  are  very  great, 
notwithstanding  that  the  reaction  takes  place  far  more  rapidly 
than  when  ferric  sulphate  is  used. 

Experience  has  been  gained  in  old-established  works  which, 
for  many  years,  have  successfully  conducted  the  leaching  ojp 
copper  ores ;  but  this  experience  confirms  the  difficulties  which 
have  given  trouble  with  the  Hoepfner  process.  Copper  ores  are 
to  be  had  which,  having  been  attacked  by  natural  processes, 
contain  the  greater  part  of  their  copper  in  the  form  of  carbon- 
ates, and  which  yield  this  portion  to  dilute  hydrochloric  acid 
with  the  utmost  readiness;  but  in  this  case  the  reaction  between 
the  chlorides  remaining  in  the  residue,  after  the  bulk  of  the 
copper  has  been  dissolved  and  the  copper  sulphide  in  contact 
with  them,  requires  months  or  years  for  its  completion.  Indeed, 
it  is  only  completed  in  the  heaps  formed  with  these  residues. 
There  are  three  means  for  hastening  the  decomposition  without 
previously  roasting  the  ore : — 

1.  Crushing  to  a  very  fine  powder ; 

2.  Heating  during  the  period  of  leaching ;  and 

3.  Constant  movement  of  the  slimes  while  being  leached. 

These,  however,  are  requirements,  of  which  the  first  swallows^ 
up  a  considerable  proportion  of  the  advantage  to  be  derived 
from  its  use,  whilst  the  fulfilment  of  the  last  two  inoreases  the 
difficulties  of  the  process,  and  adds  to  the  cost  of  constructing 
the  apparatus.  Then,  too,  the  further  difficulty — ^by  no  means- 
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inconsiderable — of  clearing  the  solutions  mast  be  taken  into 
account.  Hoepfner,  in  the  last-named  paper,  gives  a  very 
favourable  account  of  the  extraction  of  raw  Rio  Tinto  pyrites, 
from  which  over  nine-tenths  of  the  3*37  per  cent,  of  copper 
^Hginallj  present  was  dissolved  out  in  four  hours,  while  only 
%  per  cent,  of  the  accompanying  iron  was  dissolved  with  it; 
but  he  makes  no  reference  whatever  in  the  paper  to  the 
•cost  of  the  process.  It  must,  further,  be  observed  that 
under  these  conditions  nearly  as  much  iron  as  copper  passed 
into  solution. 

Hoep&er,  at  the  end  of  his  paper,  says  that  "  proof  is  thus 
given  that  the  electro-metallurgical  recovery  of  pure  copper 
direct  from  its  ores  by  the  cuprous  chloride  process  is  bttsed 
not  only  on  sound  scientific  principles,  but  also  more  particu- 
larly on  technical  merits;"  but  the  author  (Dr.  Borchers) 
considers  that  this  expression  of  opinion  is  optimistic,  and  that 
there  is  not  yet  sufficient  proof  of  the  practicability  of  the 
process  technically. 

[The  Sohwarzenberg  Experiments. — The  original  account 
given  by  Jensch  of  his  experience  with  Hoepfher's  process  at 
Schwarzenberg  may  not  be  available  to  many  readers ;  and  as  it 
sets  forth  very  clearly  the  details  of  the  work  a  short  abstract 
may  be  given  here.  The  ore  used  contained  from  9*5  to  12*25 
percent,  of  copper,  and  from  34*5  to  32*6  of  iron;  it  was  crushed 
so  finely  that  on  an  average  85  per  cent,  of  any  sample  would 
pass  through  a  sieve  with  200  holes  to  the  linear  inch,  and  96 
per  cent,  would  pass  a  100  sieve.  The  ore^was  leached  in  large 
revolving  wooden  drums,  holding  from  200  to  1,500  gallons  each, 
into  which  steam  was  admitted  to  hasten  the  reaction  between 
the  ore  and  the  solution,  the  latter  consisting  of  the  cupric 
chloride  from  the  anodes  and  calcium  chloride.  The  drums  gave 
^considerable  trouble  owing  to  leakage,  which  increased  with  the 
rise  of  temperature  and  with  the  growing  percentage  of  cuprous 
chloride  in  the  solution.  It  was  necessary  to  treat  even  the 
richer  ores  three  or  four  times  with  the  leaching  solution ;  but 
with  the  poorer  samples,  although  half  of  the  copper  was  removed 
in  the  first  extraction,  ten  or  twelve  were  necessary  to  dissolve 
the  remaining  half.  It  was  found  also  that  a  large  excess  of 
cupric  chloride  was  necessary,  because,  at  the  temperature  of  the 
reaction,  magnetic  pyrites  and  iron  pyrites  are  both  attacked  by 
this  substance.  The  slimes  were  filter-pressed  after  the  leaching 
in  order  to  extract  as  much  as  possible  of  the  solution  from 
them.  The  anodes  were  of  paraffined  carbon,  the  cathodes  of  thin 
sheet  copper,  the  use  of  copper-coated  carbon  cathodes  having 
proved  unsuccessful.  The  earlier  difficulties  with  the  parch- 
ment diaphragms  were  here  met  with.  These  diaphragms  were 
previously  described  by  Coehn  as  swelling  up  and  becoming 
very  tender  after  a  few  days'  use,  so  that  when  the  carbons 

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disintegrated,  as  they  did  at  the  slightest  provocation,^  the 
fragments  of  the  anode  collected  at  the  bottom  of  the  bath  and, 
pressing  against  the  parchment,  produced  ruptare. — Trans.] 

The  Coehn  Prooess. — An  interesting  experiment  of  Ooehn'sf 
appeared  to  remove  one  of  the  difficulties  of  the  Hoepfner  process 
— namely,  the  need  for  the  use  of  diaphragms,  for  which  no 
suitable  material  could  readily  be  found  for  use  in  contact  with 
cuprous  chloride  on  the  one  side  and  solutions  containing  cupric 
chloride  on  the  other. 

Ooehn  observed  that  when  cuprous  chloride  was  electrolysed 
with  a  low  current-density,  the  cupric  chloride  formed  at  the 
anode  sank  to  the  bottom  of  the  containing  vessel  in  the  form 
of  a  solution,  of  which  the  specific  gravity  was  higher  than  that 
of  the  surrounding  medium,  and,  collecting  at  the  bottom,  it 
formed  a  layer  of  gradually  increasing  thickness.  If  the  cathode 
were  so  long  that  it  dipped  into  this  layer,  copper  became 
dissolved  from  the  former  within  the  immersed  area ;  and  the 
deposition  of  copper  could  be  effected  most  satisfactorily  without 
a  diaphragm  with  the  aid  of  the  apparatus  shown  in  Fig.  167. 

Cus  CI,  Solution. 

Permanent  Level  d^ 
the  Liquid. 

Fig.  167. — Coehn's  single-compartment  electrolyte  cell. 

A  carbon  anode.  A,  is  used,  of  such  length  that  it  dips  into  a 
collecting-trough  formed  at  the  bottom  of  the  bath,  and  it  is 
suspended  opposite  a  cathode  of  sheet  copper,  K,  of  only  half  its 
length.  The  cuprous  chloride  liquor  is  admitted  into  the  upper 
part  of  the  deep  electrolysing  vat,  whilst  the  cupric  chloride 
solution,  which  streams  downward  from  the  anode,  is  withdrawn 

*  [It  is  claimed  for  the  Street  Girard  carbons  (English  Patent  13,339, 
1893)  that  they  are  capable  of  resisting  disintegration,  so  that  they  may 
be  used  in  aqueous  solutions,  even  with  currents  considerably  exceeding 
0*6  ampere  per  sq.  in.  in  density.  They  are  prepared  by  heating  them 
electrically  to  a  temperature  at  which  they  soften  and  are  converted  into 
graphite.  — Translator.  ] 

f2kUschr%ft/ur  EUktrochemie,  1895,  vol.  ii.,  p.  26. 

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through  a  siphon  from  the  deepest  part  of  the  trough  in  which 
it  collects.  With  a  current-density  of  20  amperes  per  square 
metre  of  cathode  area  [1*86  amperes  per  square  foot]  the  deposit 
of  co()per  answers  all  requirements  in  respect  of  hoth  quality 
and  quantity.  The  KM.F.  required  under  these  conditions 
amounts  scarcely  to  ^  volt. 

Since  the  erection  of  Borchers'  temporary  electro-metallurgical 
laboratory,  several  of  his  students  have  already,  at  his  sugges- 
tion, turned  their  attention  to  the  working  out  of  any  methods 
of  treating  troublesome  ores  and  metallurgical  products  that 
gave  promise  of  ultimate  success.  In  this  way  many  valuable 
observations  have  been  made,  which  have  led  to  the  discovery 
of  practical  processes  for  extraction  of  metals  from  raw  materials 
of  the  kind  indicated.''^  In  regard  to  the  extraction  of  sulphides 
by  metallic  chlorides  rich  in  chlorine,  their  experience  has 
always  been  that  the  reactions  take  place  very  slowly  even  at 
the  beginning  of  the  operation,  and  become  even  slower  as  the 
available  chlorine  becomes  more  and  more  diluted,  until,  after  a 
comparatively  short  time,  they  come  almost  to  a  standstill  under 
the  conditions  which  can  be  readily  fulfilled  in  practical  work — 
viz.,  moderately  fine  crushing,  moderate  temperature,  and  not 
too  long  a  period  of  stirring  the  slimes  under  treatment.  But 
ores  wluch  are  not  available  for  treatment  with  chlorides,  except 
under  especially  favourable  conditions,  such  as  are  only  attain- 
able in  practice  at  great  cost,  present  fewer  difiiculties  in 
working,  if  they  are  treated  in  the  form  of  slimes,  not  with 
chlorides,  as  explained  above,  but  with  free  chlorine  directly 
applied.  Chlorine  is  efficacious  even  in  very  dilute  solutions ; 
and,  as  in  practice  the  proportion  of  chlorine  in  the  slimes  is 
kept  constant  by  the  gradual  introduction  of  chlorine  until  the 
attack  is  complete,  the  active  material  is  not  present  in  steadily 
diminishing  quantity  as  in  the  case  of  the  chlorides  above 
referred  to.  Finally,  chlorine  acts  at  a  much  lower  temperature 
than  do  the  chlorides.  This,  in  all  probability,  points  to  the 
desirability  of  combining  the  two  processes  by  using  the  solutions 
saturated  with  chlorine  and  the  higher  chlorides  for  the  treat- 
ment of  the  fresh  ore,  and  completing  the  chlorination  by  means 
of  free  chlorine  after  the  removal  of  the  solution  first  applied. 

If  the  electrolytic  method  should  prove  to  be  the  best  for  the 
precipitation  of  copper  and  other  valuable  metals  from  the 
solutions  so  obtained,  there  would  be  no  difficulty  in  so  con- 
ducting the  process  that  the  chlorine  necessary  for  the  anode 
treatment  is  yielded  in  the  free  condition  instead  of  in  the  form 
of  cupric  or  ferric  chloride. 

Applications   of   Copper. — ^The  uses  of  copper  are  very 

*  Denkachrijl  der  k.  t,  HochachuLe  zu  Aachen,  published  in  connection 
wi^h  the  Dusseldorf  Exhibition,  1902.  See  also  ZeiUchrifl  fiir  angewandte 
Ohemie,  1902. 

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NICKEL.  273 

numerous  on  account  of  the  valuable  properties  of  the  metal. 
Copper  serves  for  the  production  of  a  large  number  of  imple- 
ments, apparatus,  parts  of  machinery,  and  the  like,  both  for 
household  and  for  factory  use;  in  electrical  work  it  finds  a 
special  application  in  the  form  of  wire.  In  the  service  of  art  it 
is  used  both  in  coppersmith  work  and  in  electrotyping.  In  the 
mixed-metal  trades  copper  forms  the  basis  of  very  many  import- 
ant alloys,  such  as  bronze  (including  copper-tin,  copper-tin  zinc, 
copper-manganese,  copper-aluminium,  and  copper-silicon),  brass 
(copper-zinc),  German  silver  (copper-nickel  ziuc),  <fec.  For  the 
production  of  such  copper  compounds  as,  for  example,  copper 
sulphate,  cupric  oxide,  phosphor  copper,  so  far  as  they  do  not 
occur  as  by-products  in  metallurgical  works^  metallic  copper, 
and  the  scrap  from  the  rolling  mill  and  the  coppersmith's  works 
are  commonly  used. 


Ooourrence  in  Nature. — Nickel  is  found  in  nature :  in  the 
metallic  condition  in  telluric  aud  meteoric  iron  (containing  up  to 
20  per  cent,  of  nickel) ;  as  sulphide  (rarely)  in  nickel  pyrites, 
capillary  pyrites  or  mlllerite,  NiS;  polydymite,  Ni^S^;  beyrichite, 
NigS^  ;  and,  chiefly  in  combination  with  the  sulphides  of  other 
metals,  in  various  forms  of  copper  and  iron  pyrites,  as  nickel- 
iron  pyrites,  (PeNi)S .  NiS .  2FeS;  horbacMte,  (FeNi^gSg;  cobalt- 
nickel  pyrites,  cobalt  pyrites,  UnosBite,  (NiCo)3S4;  nickel  glance, 
arsenopyrite  or  gersdorflSte,  NiAsS;  antimonial  nickel  glance, 
antimoidal  nickel  pyrites,  nllmannite,  NiSbS;  as  arsenide  in 
arsenicid  nickel,  kapfemickel,  or  niccolite,  NiAs;  chloanthite, 
NiAsjj  as  antimonide  in  antimonial  nickel  or  breithanptite, 
NiSb  j  as  a  salt  in  nickel  vitriol,  NiSO. .  7H2O ;  annabergite, 
Ni.(AB0j2  •  ^HgO ;  emerald  nickel,  zaratite  and  tezasite,  a  basic 
carbonate;  and  finally  in  many  silicates  such  as  gamierite, 
noumeite,  &c.  The  gamierite  from  New  Caledonia  is,  at  the 
present  time,  the  most  important  ore  of  nickel,  since  it  is 
obtained  in  large  deposits  almost  free  from  copper.  Now,  how- 
ever, that  the  process  of  W.  Borchers  and  F.  E.  Giinther  has 
overcome  the  difficulty  of  treating  nickel  alloys  containing 
copper,  it  is  probable  that  interest  will  soon  centre  again  in 
the  extracbion  of  nickel  from  the  deposits  of  cupriferous  and 
nickel-bearing  magnetic  pyrites,  if  they  should  prove  themselves 
adequate  to  meet  the  demand.  .    ^  ^^  ^^1^ 

^  Digitized  by^^OOQlC 


Among  the  raw  materials  for  nickel  extraction  must  be 
reckoned,  besides  the  above-mentioned  ores,  the  mattes  and 
speise  obtained  in  the  smelting  of  nickel-bearing  ores  of  cobalt^ 
copper,  lead,  bismuth,  and  silver,  as  well  as  the  slags  and 
waste  obtained  in  the  concentration  of  these  products  and  in 
the  manufacture  of  nickel  steel. 

Properties  of  Niokel. — Nickel  (Ni*;  atomic  weight  =  58*88 ; 
specific  gravity  »  9)  is  a  very  clear  grey,  and  brilliantly  lustrous 
metal,  distinguished  by  its  tenacity  and  malleability,  which  are 
so  high  that,  like  iron,  it  may  be  rolled  into  sheets  or  drawn 
into  wire.  In  its  magnetic  and  electrical  properties  it  strongly 
resembles  iron.  The  melting  point  of  nickel  is  about  1,400**  O. 
It  alloys  readily  with  most  metals  (copper-nickel,  oopper-zinc- 
nickel,  German  silver,  iron-nickel,  nickel  steel).  Like  copper 
and  iron,  melted  nickel  is  capable  of  dissolving  some  of  its 
own  compounds,  as,  for  example,  the  oxide.  At  ordinary, 
and  even  at  comparatively  high,  temperatures  nickel  oxidises 
but  slightly  in  the  air,  so  that  the  waste  in  the  form  of  scale 
produced  in  rolling,  or  in  hot  working,  is  much  less  than  in  the 
case  of  iron.  It  combines  readily  with  the  metalloids,  and  its 
compounds  with  sulphur  and  arsenic,  as  also  the  protoxide,  play 
an  important  part  in  the  metallurgy  of  the  metal.  Nickel  dis- 
solves readily  in  nitric  acid,  and  more  slowly  in  hydrochloric  or 
sulphuric  acid.  Unless  an  oxidising  agent  co-operate  with  the 
solvent,  Ni''  compounds  are  always  found ;  and  these  compounds 
usually  result  from  electro-solution  by  electro-chemical  means. 

A  great  diversity  is  noticeable  in  the  methods  of  treating  the 
various  raw  materials,  mainly  owing  to  the  presence  of  copper, 
cobalt,  arsenic,  and  antimony.  But  electro-chemistry  afibrds 
here  a  possibility  of  simplifying  complicated  processes,  and  an 
account  will  therefore  be  given,  first,  of  the  electro-chemical 
processes  applicable  to  the  treatment  of  nickel,  with  special 
references  to  the  simplifications  rendered  possible  by  them,  and 
afterwards  a  general  survey  will  be  made  of  the  practical  pro- 
cesses already  in  operation  for  the  treatment  of  nickel  ores  and 
other  raw  materials  containing  this  metal. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  refer  again  to  the  particulars  given  in 
the  earlier  literature  concerning  the  electro-chemistry  of  nickeL 
Ruoltz,'^  in  1841,  deposited  nickel,  like  many  other  metals,  from 
cyanide  solutions,  and,  in  1843,  R.  Bdttgerf  described  his  ex- 
periments on  nickel-plating  by  galvanic  means  with  the  aid  of 
nickel-ammonium  sulphate  as  electrolyte;  and  from  that  time 
down  to  the  present  day  many  chemists  and  specialists  have 
sought  to  improve  the  processes  of  electro-nickeling  by  using 
more  suitable  nickel  salts  or  additions  to  the  baths.  At  the 
same  time,  the  majority  of  these  experimenters,  many  of  whose 

*  Berzdiw^  Jahresbericht,  1841,  vol.  xxii.,  p.  410. 
fJourval/arprakt.  Ohemie,  1848.  rolj^^^^t^en^^l^ 

NICKEL.  275 

methods  were  pnrely  empirical,  ignored  the  possibility  that  the 
electrolytic  production  of  dense  deposits  of  pure  nickel  may 
depend  less  upon  the  nature  of  the  nickel  salt  used  than  upon 
conditions  of  working  to  which  they  had  become  accustomed  in 
individual  cases,  either  by  experience  gained  in  other  directions 
or  by  accidents  Under  these  circumstances  it  may  be  readily 
understood  that  one  observer  obtained  satis£Bu;tory  results  only 
when  working  according  to  one  formula,  whilst  another  observer 
only  succeeded  when  using  a  different  composition  of  bath.  The 
existence  of  so  large  a  number  of  different  baths  for  nickeling 
may  be  explained  in  the  same  way. 

Andre's  Frooess. — The  first  account  of  experiments  for  the 
electro-chemical  extraction  of  nickel  are  to  be  found  in  a  German 
patent  taken  out  by  B,  Andr^*  in  the  year  1877.  He  recom- 
mends the  following  method  for  the  treatment  of  nickel  mattes 
or  speise,  or  of  impure  compounds  of  nickel,  cobalt  and 
copper : — 

'*  The  raw  material,  which  may  be  not  only  impure  alloys,  but 
mattes  and  speise,  are  conductors  of  electricity  and  are,  in  the 
form  of  plates  if  possible  (or  granulated),  connected  up  to  the 
conducting  leads  by  means  of  binding  screws,  so  as  to  form 
anodes  suspended  in  a  bath  of  dilute  sulphuric  acid.  Copper 
alone  is  thus  deposited  on  the  cathodes,  for  which  carbon  or 
copper  plates  are  the  most  suitable,  but  not  to  the  exclusion  of 
otlier  conductors.  The  nickel,  which  passes  into  solution  at  the 
same  time,  is  not  deposited  from  an  acid  solution.  The  process 
is  continued  until  the  solution  and  the  free  acid  at  first  present 
are  nearly  saturated  with  nickel.  The  last  trace  of  copper  is 
separated  by  substituting  a  carbon  anode  for  the  matte  or  speise 
towards  the  end  of  the  treatment.  In  a  short  time  the  last 
traces  of  copper  are  removed  and  the  solution  contains  pure 
nickel  sulphate,  slightly  acid  and  with  a  little  iron. 

'^  (a)  Pure  nickel  sulphate  is  obtained  from  this  by  adding  a 
little  ammonia  and  evaporating  in  lead  pans,  air  being  intro- 
duced during  the  process  either  through  tubes  or  by  means  of 
an  air-blast  impelled  upon  it.  The  iron  is  thus  thrown  down  as 
a  flocculent  precipitate  of  ferric  hydroxide,  which  can  be  sepa- 
rated by  ladling,  decanting,  or  filtering.  The  solution  is  then 
evaporated  to  the  crystallising  point  and  the  nickel  sulphate  is 
put  on  the  market  in  that  form. 

"(b)  In  order  to  obtain  pure  nickel  from  the  solution,  the 
iron  is  first  separated  as  described  above,  and  the  nickel  is  then 
deposited  from  an  ammoniacal  bath.  Plates  of  carbon,  black- 
leaded  copper,  or  nickel,  are  most  conveniently  used  as  cathodes, 
or  other  substances  on  which  nickel  will  deposit  may  be 
employed  instead.  If  carbon  or  platinum,  ko,,  be  used  as 
anode,  polarisation  will  soon  take  place,  and  the  efficacy  of  the 

*  German  Patent  6,048,  November  1,  Wly^g-,^-^^^  ^^  VjOOqIc 


current  from  the  machine  will  be  impaired  or  destroyed.  Od 
this  account  it  is  necessary  to  use  anodes  made  of  iron-  or  zinc- 
plate,  or  of  such  form  or  material  as  will  dissolve  under  the 
action  of  the  current.  A  membrane  or,  preferably,  a  double 
membrane  separates  the  anode  from  the  cathode  in  order  to 
prevent  diffusion.  This  object  is  attained  still  better  if  the 
solution  between  the  membranes  is  drawn  off  either  continuously 
or  at  intervals.  The  iron  sulphate  or  zinc  sulphate  formed  at 
the  anode  is  crystallised  out  and  sold  as  such. 

"  The  same  method  can  be  applied  to  the  extraction  of  pure 
nickel  from  siliceous  nickel  ores,  such  as  those  of  New  Caledonia 
or  from  the  Urals,  after  they  have  been  brought  into  solution  in 
sulphuric  or  hydrochloric  acid. 

"  (c)  If  it  is  desired  to  deposit  copper  and  nickel  together,  the 
mattes  (speise,  or  other  raw  materials)  are  suspended  as  anodes 
in  an  ammoniacal  bath  (ammonium  sulphate) ;  both  metals  are 
deposited  simultaneously  on  plates  of  carbon  or  black-leaded 
copper;  after  removal  by  means  of  brushes,  the  deposit  is  washed 
and  receives  further  treatment  as  an  alloy.  Since  the  sulphur 
present  in  the  matte  is  in  part  converted  into  sulphuric  acid 
during  the  process,  a  small  amount  of  ammonia,  corresponding 
to  this,  must  be  added  from  time  to  time.  The  iron  is  separated 
out  in  a  flocculent  condition,  as  described  under  (a),  together 
with  lead,  which  may  be  present  as  peroxide.  When  arsenic 
and  antimony  are  present,  care  is  necessary  on  account  of  the 
workmen.  The  copper  and  nickel  co-deposited  in  the  form  of 
powder  may  be  almost  completely  separated  from  one  another 
by  withdrawing  the  nickel  by  means  of  magnets,  and  for  this 
purpose  the  magnets  of  the  machines  themselves  may  be  used." 

Thus  it  is  evident  that,  so  far  back  as  the  year  1877,  Andr6 
proposed  the  use  of  copper  and  nickel  mattes  as  anodes  for  the 
electrolytic  separation  and  recovery  of  metal,  an  invention 
which  is  commonly  ascribed  to  Marchese,  although  the  first 
account  of  the  latter's  experiments  and  patents  appears  to  have 
been  published  in  1882.* 

Moreover,  Andre  in  his  proposals  for  the  separation  of  copper 
and  nickel  is  on  the  right  track  so  far  as  he  deals  with  the 
treatment  of  alloys ;  for,  as  will  be  shown  hereafter,  copper  is 
readily  transferred  to  the  cathode  from  anodes  containing  copper 
and  nickel  by  the  use  of  an  acid  sulphate  solution,  while  the 
nickel  passes  only  into  the  solution,  from  which  it  can  be 
precipitated  afterwards  by  electrolytic  means,  although  it  is  true 
that  it  cannot  under  any  circumstances  be  deposited  under  the 
conditions  given  by  Andr^.  It  is  impracticable,  even  with  the 
use  of  diaphragms,  to  deposit  pure  nickel  from  solutions  of 
nickel-ammonium  sulphate  with  iron  or  zinc  anodes,  because 
there  is  not  sufficient  difference  in  the  electro-chemical  charac- 
♦  German  Patent  22,429,  May:?,  1882.       ',,,,,,  .,^ 

•"^Digitized  by  VjrOOy  It: 

KICKEL.  277 

i^eriatics  of  the  three  metals — ^nickel,  iroiip  and  zinc — in  aqueous 

Classen's  Experiments. — Among  the  first  experiments,  at 
this  period,  in  the  direction  of  creating  an  electro-chemical 
nickel  industry  must  be  included  those  of  Classen,  aiming  at  the 
application  of  electrolysis  to  the  quantitative  determination  of 
metals  in  ores  and  furnace  products.  Although  it  is  not  the 
intention  of  the  author  in  this  work  to  dwell  on  electrolytic 
methods  of  determining  metals,  it  would  not  be  right  to  pass 
over  an  observation  made  by  Classen  in  course  of  his  experi- 
ments on  the  electrolytic  determination  of  nickel,  because  by  its 
means  it  was  rendered  possible  to  produce  a  good  adhesive  and 
dense  nickel  deposit  of  convenient  thickness,  a  desideratum 
which  had  remained  a  secret  to  the  electroplaters  for  a  long 
time  even  after  the  first  publication  of  Classen's  work.  In  the 
first  edition  of  his  well-known  book,*  QtiatUitative  Analyse  durch 
jElelOrolf/se,  he  describes  the  following  process  for  the  analysis  of 
nickelrcopper  alloys : — 

''The  analysis  of  this  alloy  is  extremely  simple.  A  sulphuric 
acid,  solution  of  the  two  metals  is  obtained  by  adding  sulphuric 
acid  to  the  solution  of  the  alloy  in  nitric  acid  and  then  evapo- 
rating. Copper  is  deposited  electrolytically  t  from  the  resulting 
solution.  The  solution,  after  siphoning  ofif,  is  concentrated  by 
evaporation,  the  free  sulphuric  acid  is  neutralised  with  ammonia 
or  potash,  and  ammonium  oxalate  is  added.  The  solution  is 
now  heated,  from  3  to  4  grammes  of  ammonium  oxalate  are 
dissolved  in  it,  and  it  is  electrolysed  hot." 

Nothing  had  been  said  of  this  condition  of  electrolysis  in 
previous  accounts  of  processes,  although  in  a  publication  by 
Xiinzel  |  it  had  been  recommended  to  maintain  a  temperature 
of  20**  to  25°  C.  in  depositing  nickel  with  nickel-ammonium 
sulphate  solutions  in  order  to  avoid  the  crystallisation  of  salt 
out  of  a  solution  saturated  at  these  temperatures. 

In  the  year  1883,  in  the  first  edition  of  Wahl's  excellent 
handbook  for  electroplaters,  §  mention  is  made,  out  of  many 
described,  of  one  process  in  which  the  use  of  a  higher  tem- 
perature is  specified.  In  that  case,  the  bath  recommended  is 
said  to  give  the  best  results  at  a  temperature  of  lOO""  F.,  or 
about  38'  C. 

Farmer's  Process. — An  apparatus  described  by  Farmer  in 
1888 II  had  one  noteworthy  feature,  which  has  proved  itself 
useful  for  other  purposes  also— namely,  that  of  rotating  cathodes. 

*  Classen,  Qva/nt,  Anal,  aufdektrd.  Wegt,  Aachen,  1B82,  p.  22. 

t/6id.,  p.  12. 

XAmil,  Ber,  tiber  die  Wiener  Weltatmt,  wm  1873.  Brunswick,  1875, 
ill.,  1,  p.  873. 

§Wahr8  Oalixmoplastic  ManiptdaiionSj  Philadelphia  and  London,  1883, 
p.  382. 

H  U.S.A.  Patent  381,004,  April  10,  1888. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 



In  Figs.  168  and  169,  A  A  are  tanks,  such  as  are  oommonly 
used  for  the  electro-deposition  of  metals.  In  the  upper  part  of 
these  vessels  are  rollers,  B,  made  of  wood,  stone,  or  other  non- 
conducting substance,  provided  with  coverings  of  canvas  or 
similar  material,  so  arranged  that  the  rollers  may  be  easily 
withdrawn  from  them.  These  rollers  serve  to  maintain  the 
open-ended  hollow  cylinders,  E,  in  continuous  slow  rotation. 
The  cylinders  are  made  of  brass  or  copper,  and  serve  as  cathodes ; 
They  are  kept  from  lateral  motion  by  the  flanges,  C  C\  attached 
to  the  rollers.  The  nickel  plates,  £',  are  bent  into  half-cylinders, 
and  are  used  as  anodes.    The  metal  arm,  F,  which  is  free  to  turn 

Fig.  168.— Farmer's  nickel  depositing  plant  (longitudinal  section). 


Fig.  169. — Farmer's  nickel  depositing  plant  (cross-section). 

about  an  elbow  joint  in  a  vertical  plane,  carries  a  roller,  D  (also 
made  of  conducting  material,  and  mounted  on  c),  by  which  the 
cylinder,  E,  is  pressed  into  contact  with  the  rollers,  B  B,  and  is 
connected  with  the  negative  pole  of  the  electric  generator. 

During  electrolysis  the  tanks  are  filled  with  a  nickel  solution 
to  the  level  shown  in  the  figures,  the  double  sulphate  or  nitrate 
of  nickel  and  ammonium  being  recommended  for  the  purpose. 
The  current  enters  by  the  anode,  E',  of  the  apparatus  on  the 
right,  and  passes  through  the  electrolyte  to  the  cylinder,  £, 
which  makes  one  revolution  in  the  minute,  the  motion  being 
derived  from  the  rollers,  B  B,  rotated  by  means  of  the  pulley,  P. 
From  the  cylinder,  E,  the  current  passes  through  the  roller,  D, 

Digitized  by  LjOOQIC 

MICKBL.  279 

and  the  arm,  F,  to  a  wire  which  conducts  it  to  the  next  bath  ; 
and  thence  it  returns  to  the  opposite  pole  of  the  generator,  either 
immediately  or  after  passing  through  one  or  more  other  tanks. 

If  the  object  of  the  apparatus  were  merely  the  alteration  in 
the  outward  shape  of  metals  (especially  of  nickel),  the  means 
would  be  found  very  expensive,  and  would  not  be  likely  to 
displace  older  and  well-tried  methods.  A  combination  of  metal 
refining  with  the  production  of  articles  of  some  special  shape, 
such  as  tubes  or  plates,  is  conceivable,  but  no  mention  is  made 
of  such  an  intention,  nor  would  it  be  of  any  service  at  present 
in  the  treatment  of  uickel.  The  metallic  impurities  of  nickel 
(excepting  the  precious  metals  which  are  rarely  present)  cannot 
well  be  separated  by  purely  electrical  means,  at  least,  if  the 
nickel  is  to  be  obtained  in  the  metallic  condition  in  the  same 
operation.  With  the  current-density  that  is  necessary  for  the 
deposition  of  nickel  nearly  all  metallic  impurities  would  also 
be  separated. 

The  Basse-Selye  Process. — The  firm  of  Basse  &  Selve"*^ 
have  patented  a  process  for  the  separation  of  nickel  from  iron, 
cobalt,  and  zinc  in  a  solution  containing  salts  of  all  these 
substances.  The  neutral  or  slightly  acid  aqueous  solution  of 
iron,  zinc,  or  cobalt,  together  with  the  nickel  salt,  is  first  mixed 
with  a  sufficient  quantity  of  an  organic  compound  that  is  able  to 
prevent  the  precipitation  of  ferrous,  or  ferric,  oxide,  zinc  oxide, 
or  cobaltous,  or  nickelous,  oxide,  by  the  addition  of  alkalies ;  a 
concentrated  solution  of  caustic  potash  or  soda  is  then  added  in 
moderate  excess,  and  the  mixture  is  submitted  to  electrolysis. 

With  a  current  of  0*3  to  1*0  ampere  (?per  sq.  decimetre) 
iron,  cobalt,  and  zinc  separate  at  the  cathode.  The  nickel  either 
remains  in  solution,  or  (especially  by  long-continued  electrolysis) 
separates  in  part  as  hydroxide,  according  to  the  concentration 
of  the  alkaline  liquid.  When  the  solution  is  very  alkaline  and 
the  electric  current  is  moderately  strong  (1  ampere  or  over),  a 
small  proportion  of  the  nickel  separates  out  as  black  oxide  on 
the  anode ;  but  this  black  deposit  vanishes  if  it  be  left  for  some 
time  in  contact  with  the  alkaline  organic  liquid  after  the  circuit 
has  been  broken. 

To  obtain  the  nickel  in  the  metallic  condition,  the  alkaline 
solution,  from  which  the  iron,  cobalt,  and  zinc  have  been  re- 
moved, is  mixed  with  sufficient  ammonium  carbonate  to  convert 
all  free  caustic  alkali  into  carbonate,  and  it  is  then  electrolysed. 
It  is  not  necessary  for  the  electrolytic  separation  of  iron,  cobalt, 
and  zinc  that  the  nickel  oxide  should  be  dissolved  in  the  electro- 
lyte ;  it  is  sufficient  that  the  metals  to  be  separated  should  be 
entirely  dissolved,  and  the  nickel  may  then  be  present  in  the 
form  of  precipitated  nickelous  hydroxide. 

Either  tartaric  or  citric  acid,  glycerine,  dextrose,  or  other 
•  German  Patent  64,251,  Dec.  22,  1891. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


organic  compounds  may  be  employed  to  retain  the  metals  in 
solation  in  presence  of  free  alkali,  but  the  first  named  affords 
the  most  satisfactory  separation. 

The  Strap  Processes. — ^Another  inventor,  Jules  Strap,  in 
his  first  patent,*  claims  to  electrolyse  a  solution  with  a  matte 
anode ;  but  in  a  later  specification  f  he  specifies  submitting  the 
matte  first  to  a  sulphatising  roast,  leaching  the  product,  and 
precipitating  the  iron  in  the  resulting  solution  by  means  of  chalk 
and  air,  converting  the  nickel  sulphate  into  chloride  by  the 
addition  of  calcium  chloride,  or  other  chlorides,  precipitating 
this  compound  with  lime,  and,  finally,  reducing  the  oxide  so 
produced  by  means  of  carbon.  It  is  also  possible  to  electrolyse 
the  sulphate  solution  after  adding  ammonium  sulphate,  if  the 
free  sulphuric  acid  produced  at  the  anode  is  neutralised  by  the 
addition  of  freshly-precipitated  nickel  oxide  with  continuous 
stirring  of  the  solution. 

The  Biokets  Process. — ^A  process,  proposed  by  Rickets,} 
for  the  separation  of  nickel  and  copper  may  from  the  outset  be 
considered  as  having  but  small  prospect  of  success.  In  this 
process  the  solutions  of  the  salts  of  the  two  metals  are  to  be 
electrolysed  after  the  addition  of  alkali-metal  sulphates ;  then, 
while  the  copper  is  separated  at  the  cathode,  nickel  is  to  be 
precipitated  to  the  bottom  of  the  containing  vessel  in  the  form 
of  the  double  sulphate  of  iiickel  and  the  alkali  metal,  which 
becomes  increasingly  insoluble  as  the  acidity  of  the  bath 

The  Hoepfber  ProoesB. — Hoepfner,  in  his  English  patent  of 
1893,§  describes  a  process  for  the  electrolysis  of  nickel  solutions 
without  entering  into  the  question  of  how  and  in  what  way  the 
solutions  are  to  be  obtained.  These  are  then  acidified  with  a 
weak  and  feebly-conductant  oxygen  acid  (0.^.,  citric  or  phosphoric 
acid),  and  electrolysed  with  the  aid  of  insoluble  anodes.  The 
anodes  are  immersed  in  cells  containing  a  solution  of  the 
chlorides  of  more  electro -positive  metals.  Vertically-mounted, 
rotating  or  oscillating  plates  serve  as  cathodes.  The  formation 
of  spongy  masses  is  prevented  by  the  application  of  movable 
brushes  or  pads,  and  the  electrolyte  is  kept  in  brisk  motion  by 
means  of  pumps. 

The  anodes  may  be  made  of  some  metal  that  is  partly  or 
wholly  soluble  in  the  solution,  in  place  of  those  recommended, 
but  in  that  case  some  more  electro-positive  metal  (zinc),  which 
will  not  be  deposited  with  the  nickel,  must  be  used. 

It  is  proposed  to  adapt  the  same  method  to  the  separation  of 
cobalt,  zinc,  lead,'  tin,  or  copper. 

*  English  Patent  4,396,  March  II,  1891. 
t  English  Patent  16,8U0,  Sept.  20,  1893. 
t  U.S.  A.  Patent  614,276,  Feb.  6,  1894. 
§  English  Patent  13,336,  July  8,  1893. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 

NICKEL.  281 

In  a  later  patenf*^  he  gives  some  information  as  to  the  par- 
ticular way  adopted  by  him  to  obtain  his  nickel  solutions. 
Hoepfner,  in  his  specification,  states  that  it  has  hitherto  been 
held  to  be  absurd  (as  it  still  is — Borchers)  to  mix  pure 
Caledonian  ores  (known  to  be  free  from  copper)  with  copper 
ores.  But  the  process  in  question  consists  in  making  such  a 
mixture  of  copper  ores  with  nickel  or  cobalt  ores.  The  result 
expected  is  that  the  losses  as  well  as  the  smelting  costs  of  both 
the  copper  and  the  nickel  ores  will  be  lessened,  and  the  recovery 
of  pure  copper  and  nickel  facilitated. 

Hoepfner  proceeds  on  the  assumption  that  the  presence  of  a 
large  percentage  of  copper  in  a  nickel  matte  assists  the  electro- 
lytic solution  of  the  nickel  by  the  cupric  chloride  process. f  The 
iron  is  precipitated  from  the  solution  obtained  by  this  process 
by  adding  alkali-metal  hydroxide,  or  carbonate,  and  blowing 
inair;{  the  liquid  is  then  electrolysed  by  the  cupric  chloride 
process,  and  the  solution  freed  from  copper,  and  containing  no 
metal  that  is  more  electro-positive,  is  electrolysed  in  order  to 
obtain  nickel  or  cobalt. 

It  could  scarcely  be  hoped  that  Hoepfner's  nickel  process,  any 
more  than  his  process  for  the  treatment  of  copper,  could  come 
into  practical  use.  It  is,  of  course,  unnecessary  to  repeat  here 
what  has  been  written  in  the  chapter  on  copper  ;§  but  so  far  as 
the  treatment  of  nickel  is  concerned,  the  latest  experience  goes 
to  show  that  it  is  still  undesirable,  without  some  very  special 
reason,  to  smelt  nickel  ores  free  from  copper  with  copper  ores. 
Hoepfner's  statements  and  other  publications  ||  were  permeated 
with  a  strong  feeling  against  metallurgical  processes ;  the  goal 
which  he  always  seemed  to  keep  before  him  was  the  produc- 
tion of  pure  metal  by  an  electrolytic  method  without  previous 
roasting  or  smelting.  Yet  he  is  obliged  to  encounter  metal- 
lurgical methods  at  every  step.  Nickel  cannot  be  extracted 
from  silicate  ores  by  means  of  hydrochloric  acid  or  chlorine, 
and  for  this  reason  it  has  not  hitherto  been  possible  to  extract 
the  nickel  even  moderately  completely  from  sulphide  nickel 
ores,  for  there  is  no  ore  known  in  which  the  nickel  is  present 
exclusively  in  the  form  of  sulphides.  A  by  no  means  incon- 
siderable proportion  of  the  nickel  is  present  as  silicates  in  the 
gangue  of  these  ores,  as  is  at  once  shown  by  dressing.  A 
matte  fusion  is  therefore  necessary  in  every  case.  But  in 
picturing  the  process  of  a  chloridising  extraction  of  a  crude 
matte  poor  in  nickel  and  rich  in  iron,  the  first  consideration 
is  the  concentration  of  this  matte  by  a  fusion  process.     Then, 

*  English  Patent  11,307,  June  11,  1894. 

t  English  Patent  4,626,  March  26,  1888 ;  and  German  Patent  63,782, 
March  1,  1888. 
X  English  Patent  22,030,  Dec  16,  1891. 
§  See  above,  pp.  266  to  270. 
Jl  See  especially  Elektrotechni^ke  ZeitMchri/l,  1898,  p.  732. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


having  reached  this  point,  it  is  almost  self-evident  that  the 
next  step  would  be  the  smelting  of  a  crude  metal.  Then«  if 
the  ore  contained  copper,  this  crude  metal  would  be  an  alloy 
of  nickel  and  copper,  and  an  electrolytic  method  could  then  be 
applied  with  advantage.  An  alloy  of  this  kind  can  well  be 
treated  electrolytically,  and  with  advantage  as  compared  with 
smelting  processes. 

The  Miinzing  Frooess. — Miinzing  has  patented  a  process* 
which  purports  to  use  nickel  mattes  and  speise  equally  with 
crude  nickel  as  anodes,  and  so  aims  at  solving  a  problem  which 
has  often  been  fruitlessly  attacked  before.  The  composition  of 
the  electrolyte,  in  common  with  several  other  not  unimportant 
details,  is  not  divulged.  The  description,  however,  contains 
nothing  which  encourages  the  hope  that  the  process  will  be 
successful  in  practice. 

Deposition  of  Pure  Niokel  and  Cobalt. — The  following 
processf  was  used  by  Bischoff  and  Tiemann  to  produce  the 
metallic  nickel  and  cobalt  used  by  CI.  Winkler  in  his  deter- 
mination  of  the  atomic  weights  of  these  elements : — 

For  the  production  of  nickel,  a  solution  of  the  purest  nickel 
sulphate  was  used,  containing  32*84  grms.  of  nickel  per  litre. 
The  electrolyte  prepared  with  this  contained  : — 

200  C.C.  niokel  sulphate  solution. 

30  grms.  ammonium  sulphate. 

50  grms.  ammonia  (of  0*905  sp.  gr.). 
250  C.C.  water. 

Since  nickel  deposited  upon  platinum  is  with  difficulty 
detached  from  its  surface,  a  highly-polished  nickel  plate,  9-7  cms. 
long  by  7*9  cms.  wide,  was,  with  advantage,  used  as  cathode, 
whilst  a  platinum  plate  was  opposed  to  it  as  anode.  A  dynamo 
was  employed  as  generator,  and  a  resistance  was  placed  in  the 
circuit,  of  such  strength  that  a  fall  of  potential  of  2*8  volts 
corresponded  to  a  current  of  0*8  ampere.  The  current-density 
was,  therefore,  D|qqs0'5  ampere.  As  soon  as  the  nickel  deposit 
had  attained  a  certain  thickness  it  began  to  peel  spontaneously 
from  the  surface  upon  which  it  was  depositing  in  thin,  and 
more  or  less  curled,  flakes,  and  there  was  obtained  13-13  grms. 
of  pure  nickel  in  the  course  of  20  hours.  The  metal  was  white 
and  lustrous,  but,  as  compared  with  cobalt,  showed  a  distinct 
tinge  of  yellow.  No  tarnish  or  specks  of  oxide  were  visible, 
and  the  metal  showed  no  loss  whatever  when  heated  to  redness 
in  a  current  of  dry  hydrogen  which  had  been  previously  puriiied 
by  passing  over  a  roll  of  red-hot  iron  wire  gauze.  This  proved 
that  the  electro-deposited  nickel  had  been  entirely  metallic  in 

*  German  Patent  81,888,  Aug.  15,  1894;  cf.  ZeUachnftfiir  Elektroehemie, 
1895-6,  vol.  ii.,  p.  197. 
f  Zeitschrift  ffir  anoiyjanische  Chemie,  1895,  vol.  viii. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


For  the  production  of  cobalt,  a  pure  sulphate  of  cobalt,  mixed 
with  ammonium  sulphate,  was  prepared  by  heating  purple 
oobaltic  chloride  with  sulphuric  acid.  The  aqueous  solution  of 
this  contained  11*64  grms.  of  cobalt  per  litre;  and  the  electrolyte 
was  made  up  as  follows : — 

100  C.C.  cobalt  sulphate  solution. 

30  grms.  ammonium  sulphate. 

30  grms.  ammonia  (of  0*905  sp.  gr.). 
500  c.c.  water. 

The  cathode  was  a  platinum  plate  9 '4  cms.  long  by  5*9  cms. 
wide,  and  a  similar  platinum  plate  served  as  anode.  The 
strength  of  current  was  0*7  ampere  at  3  volts,  and  the  current- 
density  DjoQ  =  0*6  ampere.  The  deposited  cobalt  weighed  8*133 
grms.,  of  which  7*319  grras.  separated  from  the  cathode  in  the 
form  of  a  coherent  and  fairly  strong  plate.  The  metal  was 
brightly  lustrous  on  the  side  next  to  the  platinum,  but  on  the 
other  side  it  was  dull  and  grey  ;  it  was  not  tarnished,  however, 
and  showed  but  little  oxide.  On  heating  in  pure  oxygen  it 
lost  0*23  per  cent,  in  weight,  so  that  it  must  have  contained 
0*55  per  cent,  of  cobaltic  oxide  (CojOj  +  2H2O) ;  in  other  words, 
0*32  per  cent,  of  the  total  weight  of  cobalt  had  been  deposited 
as  oxide. 

In  a  second  experiment  the  electrolyte  consisted  of: — 

250  c.c.  cobalt  solution. 

30  grms.  ammonium  sulphate. 

50  grms.  ammonia  (sp.  gr.  =0*905). 
250c.c.  water. 

A  polished  nickel  plate,  9  cms.  long  by  7*6  cms.  wide,  was  used 
as  cathode,  and  a  platinum  plate  as  anode.  The  current-strength 
was  0*8  ampere  at  a  pressure  of  3*2  volts,  and  the  current-density 
was  D^QQ  a  0*6  ampere.  The  action  was  stopped  after  30  hours, 
and  afibrded  2*9  grms.  of  metal,  of  which  2*2  grms.  were  easily 
separated  from  the  cathode  in  the  form  of  thin  and  curled  frag- 
ments of  plate.  The  metal  so  obtained  was  in  parts  perfectly 
lustrous,  but  in  many  places  was  flecked  with  brilliant  tarnished 
spots  or  tinged  with  brown.  On  heating  in  hydrogen,  it  lost 
0*15  per  cent,  in  weight,  which  corresponds  to  0*36  per  cent,  of 
cobaltic  oxide  (OojOo  -h  2H2O).  Hence,  0*21  per  cent,  of  the 
whole  of  the  cobalt  had  been  deposited  as  oxide.  The  deter- 
minations of  oxide  made  in  this  way,  however,  are  likely  to  be 
a  little  too  high,  because  the  deposited  metal  contained  traces  of 
ammonium  salts,  even  after  very  thorough  washing ;  and  these 
were  volatilised  on  heating  in  hydrogen,  afibrding  a  slight 
brownish  ring  of  deposit  in  the  cooler  part  of  the  tube.  Alter 
heating  in  hydrogen,  the  cobalt  had  a  uniformly  metallic  appear- 
ance, and  in  parts  formed  plates  with  a  beautiful  lustre.  Its 
colour,  as  compared  with  nickel,  was  distinctly  bluish-white, 
like  that  of  zinc. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 


The  Heibling  Prooess. — A  process  proposed  by  Heibling* 
to  produce  ferro-nickel,  in  the  electric  furnace,  by  the  redaction 
of  mixtures  of  the  oxides  of  nickel  and  iron,  and  at  the  same 
time  to  obtain  calcium  carbide,  by  the  simultaneous  reduction 
of  calcium  oxide  or  carhonate  with  an  excess  of  carbon,  cannot 
be  said  to  have  any  prospect  of  success  in  this  connection.  The 
production  of  ferro-nickel  does  not  demand  the  high  temperature 
which  is  -necessary  for  calcium  carbide.  Moreover,  the  fluxing 
of  the  silica,  which  is  contained  in  nearly  all  the  ores  and 
furnace- prod  acts  of  nickel,  would  be  almost  impossible  under 
the  conditions  necessary  fur  the  production  of  calcium  carbide. 
Indeed,  a  patent  of  Bathenau's,!  which  is  in  actual  operatit)n, 
shows  that  the  silicides  of  iron  and  nickel  would  be  thus 
yielded,  in  place  of  the  metals  which,  according  to  Heibling, 
would  be  expected. 

The  lie  Verrier  Process. — Le  "VerrierJ  proposes  to  separate 
the  nickel  electrolytically  as  follows,  from  an  alloy  of  nickel 
with  iron  which  he  would  obtain  by  the  furnace-reduction  of 
New  Caledonian  (silicate)  ores : — It  is  well  known  that  under 
the  conditions  obtaining  in  the  electro-deposition  of  nickel,  iron 
and  nickel  dissolve  with  nearly  equal  rapidity  at  the  anode. 
The  inventor  proposes  entirely  to  prevent  the  passage  of  iron 
to  the  cathode,  by  using  an  electrolyte  consisting  of  a  dilute 
solution  of  nickel-ammonium  chloride,  to  which  sodium  chloride 
has  been  added,  maintaining  a  weak  basic  reaction  in  the  solu- 
tion, and  aiding  the  peroxidation  of  the  iron  passing  into  the 
solution  by  the  addition,  from  time  to  time,  of  a  small  quantity 
of  calcium  hypochlorite,  or,  if  only  a  little  iron  be  present,  by 
blowing  air  through  the  liquid.  It  is  claimed  that,  under  these 
conditions,  the  iron  is  completely  precipitated  from  the  solution 
in  the  form  of  hydroxide.  Nickel-ammonium  sulphate  may  be 
used  as  electrolyte  if  sodium  hypochlorite  be  used  as  an  oxidising 
agent  in  place  of  chloride  of  lime. 

The  Kugel  ProcesB. — Kugel§  recommends  the  use  of  weakly 
acid  hot  electrolytes,  consisting  of  the  sulphates  of  nickel  and 
magnesium,  with  anodes  of  nickel  mattes  or  of  insoluble  materials. 
The  solution  may  consist  of  800  grms.  of  nickel  sulphate  and  a 
like  quantity  of  magnesium  sulphate  per  litre,  at  a  temperature 

The  Frasch  Process. — The  Frasch  process,  ||  which  has  been 
tried  in  a  Canadian  works,  can  scarcely  be  expected  to  promise 
more  success  than  did  the  Hoepfner  process.  The  matte  is 
roughly  crushed  and  packed  in  vessels  the  bottoms  of  which  are 

*  English  Patent  18,407,  Oct.  3,  1896. 

t  Compare  the  section  on  CarbuU^  and  sUicidts. 

t  English  Patent  5,781,  1898;  German  Patent  112,890. 

§  German  Patent  117,054. 

ll  Engineering  and  Mining  Jaum,,  1900,  vol.  Ixx.,  p.  272. 

Digitized  by  VjOOQ IC 

NIGKKL.  285 

covered  with  copper;  this  layer  is  covered  with  a  stratum  of 
sand,  and  a  strong  solution  of  salt  is  ran  into  the  lower  portion 
of  the  vessel,  up  to  the  level  of  the  sand  diaphragm  thus  pro- 
duced. The  vessel  is  finally  filled  with  water  or  a  weak  solution 
of  caustic  soda.  The  copper  plates,  with  the  matte  resting  upon 
them,  form  the  anode,  whilst  the  cathodes  are  immersed  in  the 
weak  solution  of  caustic  soda.  On  passing  the  current,  caustic 
soda  forms  in  the  upper  part  of  the  vessel,  whilst  it  is  intended 
that  the  chlorine  shall  form  chlorides  with  the  metals  contained 
in  the  matte.  The  chloride  solution  thus  formed  is  then  to  be 
treated  either  electrolytically  or  by  chemical  means,  or  it  may, 
after  a  portion  of  the  metals  present  (especially  the  copper)  have 
been  precipitated  electrolytically,  be  applied  to  the  treatment  of 
matte  by  reason  of  the  copper  chloride  contained  in  it.  After 
leaching,  the  matte  is  taken  out,  and  is  then,  after  washing,  used 
again,  and  it  is  only  necessary  to  remove  the  residue  of  the 
leached  material. 

The  matte  used  contained,  per  cent.,  copper  =  31*8,  nickel  = 
14*8,  iron  =  25,  and  sulphur  —  24.  The  solution  first  removed 
from  the  anode  cell  contained,  per  litre,  copper  =  50  grms.^ 
nickel  »  43  grms.,  and  iron  =  26*6  grms.  After  depositing  a^ 
portion  of  the  copper  and  passing  the  solution  again  through  the 
anode  cell,  a  liquid  was  obtained  which  contained,  per  litre, 
copper  =:  50  grms.,  nickel  =  60  grms.,  and  iron  =  36  grms.  By 
repeating  these  operations  the  inventor  anticipated  that  he  would 
obtain  solutions  of  any  desired  composition. 

Separation  of  Cobalt. — Reference  must  here  be  made  to 
certain  proposals  for  the  electro-chemical  separation  of  cobalt  as 
oxide,  since  they  are  of  practical  use  in  the  purification  of  nickel 

The  Vortmann  Process. — Yortmann^  gives  his  method  of 
separating  nickel  and  cobalt  in  the  idea  (which,  however,  cannot 
be  considered  as  acceptable  under  all  circumstances)  that  the  salts 
of  cobalt,  like  those  of  nickel,  when  in  aqueous  solution  in  the 
absence  of  alkali-metal  sulphates  (or  of  other  neutral  salts  of 
the  alkali  metals),  are  decomposed  by  the  electric  current 
in  such  a  way  that  the  hydroxide,  or  basic  salts  of  cobalt 
or  nickel  protoxides,  separate  out  at  the  cathode.  If,  under 
these  circumstances,  the  direction  of  the  current  is,  after  a 
time,  reversed,  the  nickel  oxide  dissolves,  while  the  cobaltous 
oxide  becomes  oxidised  to  cobaltic  hydroxide.  Hence  if,  from 
time  to  time,  the  direction  of  the  current  is  reversed,  the 
whole  of  the  cobalt  should  ultimately  be  precipitated  as  brown- 
black  hydroxide,  while  the  nickel  remains  in  solution.  The 
oxidation  of  the  cobaltous  oxide  formed  at  the  cathode  takes 
place  more  rapidly  if  the  solution  contains  a  small  proportion 
of  a  chloride— as,  for  example,  about  1  per  cent,  of  common 
•  German  Patent  78,236,  May  10, 18W.         .     .......  .^ 

Jigitized  by  V^jOO^  It! 

286  ELEcraiG  shblting  and  befinino. 

salt.  In  this  case  an  oft-repeated  reversal  of  the  current  is 
unnecessary,  as  the  cobaltous  oxide  is  rapidly  converted  into 
cobaltio  oxide  by  the  action  of  the  small  quantity  of  chlorine 
or  hypochlorous  acid  distributed  through  the  solution.  Warming 
the  solution  gently  during  electrolysis  facilitates  the  separation 
of  the  cobalt  in  either  case.  Any  traces  of  nickel  oxide  precipi- 
tated with  the  cobalt  may  be  re-dissolved  by  heating  the  solution 
for  a  short  time  to  60''  or  70"  0.  after  the  precipitation  of  the 
cobalt  is  finished  and  the  current  is  no  longer  passing.  The 
nickel  solution  filtered  from  the  cobaltic  oxide  should  be  free 
from  cobalt^  or  should  contain,  at  most,  only  a  trace  of  that 

An  account*^  given  by  Ooehn  and  Salamon,  however,  shows 
that  Yortmann's  assumption  is  not  quite  correct.  The  proposal 
there  made  was  to  separate  the  cobalt  electrolytically  from  the 
nickel  by  depositing  it  at  the  anode  in  the  form  of  peroxide,  but 
they  were  compelled  to  prevent  the  deposition  of  nickel  and 
cobalt  at  the  cathode  by  the  addition  of  a  copper  salt  to  the 
solutten.  «  Interesting  as  this  observation  was  from  the  scientific 
standpoint,  it  appears  that  the  expectation  of  the  authors  that 
the  process  might  be  turned  to  useful  account  industrially  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  fulfilled,  for,  in  a  later  patent,t  the 
inventors  recommend  the  precipitation  of  the  cobalt  by  means  of 
persulphates,  and  so  return  to  the  old  method  of  cobalt-nickel 
separation,  according  to  which  cobalt  and  iron  are  successively 
precipitated  from  neutral  solutions  by  means  of  oxidising  agents. 
In  industrial  work  the  agent  commonly  used  is  chloride  of  lime, 
or  chromates  or  peroxides  are  employed  when  this  material  must 
be  avoided,  in  order  to  prevent  the  contamination  of  the  liquid 
by  chlorides. 

nike's  Experiments. — T.  Ulke,!  in  1897,  gave  a  noteworthy 
account  of  the  methods  at  that  time  used  for  refining  crude 
nickel,  and  of  a  process  of  his  own  for  the  treatment  of  nickel 
mattes.  Nickel  oxide  was  in  the  first  place  obtained  by  reduc- 
tion by  tops-and-bottoms  smelting  and  chloridising  roasting  from 
Canadian  pyrrhotite  at  the  Orford  mine  at  Constable's  Hook, 
New  Jersey.  This  oxide  was  then  reduced  to  a  crude  metal 
containing,  per  cent. — Nickel,  95  to  96 ;  copper,  0*2  to  0*6  ; 
iron,  0-75  ;  silicon,  0*25 ;  carbon,  0*45 ;  and  sulphur  (intention- 
ally added  to  facilitate  pouring),  3;  with  about  15  grms.  of 
platinum  per  ton.  The  metal  was  cast  into  anode-plates  and 
converted  into  pure  nickel  by  electrolytic  means  (Ulke  believes 
that  cyanide  baths  were  used)  in  the  works  of  the  Balbach 
Smelting  and  Refining  Company  at  Newark.     The  refined  nickel 

*  Zeitachriftfur  EUktrochemie,  189ft,  vol.  iv.,  p.  501 ;  and  German  Patent 
102,370,  March  4,  1898  ;  English  Patent  9,153,  April  20,  189& 
t  German  Patent  10,615,  Feb.  5,  1899. 
X  Engineering  and  Mining  Joum,,  1897,  vol.  hriii.,  p.  112. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 

NICKEL.  287 

SO  obtained  contained,  per  cent. — Nickel,  99*5  to  99*7  j  copper, 
O'l  to  0*2 ;  arsenic,  0*03;  sulphur,  0*02;  iron,  0*1;  and  traces  of 

For  the  direct  treatment  of  nickel -copper  mattes  Ulke  recom- 
mends the  following  method : — Anodescastfrom  matte  (containing 
on  an  average,  per  cent.,  copper,  43*4;  nickel,  40;  iron,  0*3; 
and  sulphur,  13*8 ;  with  210  grms.  of  silver,  3  to  6  grms.  gold, 
and  15  grms.  platinum  per  ton)  are  electrolysed  with  copper 
cathodes  in  an  acid  solution  of  sulphates,  such  as  may  be  obtained 
by  the  leaching  of  roasted  mattes.  If  a  gentle  circulation  of 
solution  be  ensured  and  a  moderate  current-density  be  employed, 
copper  alone  will  be  deposited  out  of  all  the  metals  passing  into 
the  solution.  When  the  nickel  has  become  highly  concentrated 
in  the  solution  the  copper  remaining  in  the  liquid  is  removed, 
either  by  means  of  sodium  sulphide  or  by  allowing  it  to  pass 
through  a  filter  of  nickel  mattes.  The  small  quantity  of  iron 
present  is  removed  by  one  of  the  older  methods  or  by  the 
newer  process  of  Whitehead,  with  the  aid  of  freshly-precipitated 
nickel  hydrate.  From  the  residual  solution  there  may  be 
obtained  at  will  either  (1)  nickel  sulphate,  by  concentration ; 
(2)  nickel  oxide,  by  precipitation;  or  (3)  metallic  nickel,  by 

Forster's  Experiments. — Forster's  experiments,  made  in 
the  year  1897,*  contirmed  the  observations  of  Classen  and 
others  that  the  most  important  condition  for  the  precipitation  of 
a  dense  malleable  nickel  is  the  maintenance  of  a  temperature 
higher  than  the  normal — namely,  from  50**  to  90°  G.  AH  other 
conditions,  such  as  current-density,  concentration  of  solution, 
and  the  like,  fall  into  the  background  in  comparison  with  it, 
although  they  have  been  regarded  as  of  special  importance  in 
electro-plating,  and  in  many  cases  have  been  the  subjects  of 
invention.  Sulphate  solutions,  as  Bottger  showed  in  1843,  have 
proved  themselves  especially  suitable  as  electrolytes.  Forster, 
who  has  made  comparative  experiments,  chiefly  with  sulphate 
and  chloride  solutions,  •  finds  greater  difficulty  in  obtaining  a 
good  nickel  deposit  with  the  latter.  He  found  that  while 
with  sulphate  solutions,  containing  from  30  to  100  grms.  per 
litre,  he  could  ensure  a  good  deposit  by  using  current- 
densities  of  from  50  to  300  amperes,  with  chlorides  the 
solutions  had  to  contain  from  50  to  120  grms.  of  nickel 
per  litre,  and  a  current-density  of  from  70  to  300  amperes 
was  necessary.  Again,  whereas  in  the  case  of  sulphate  solu- 
tions but  little  care  is  required  to  maintain  an  approximately 
neutral  reaction  with  chloride  electrolytes,  at  the  temperature 
most  suitable  for  deposition,  the  solution  of  the  nickel  at  the 
anode  takes  place  more  quickly  than  corresponds  to  the  current 
applied,  so  that  a  deposit  of  basic  salts  occurs  at  that  point, 
♦  ZeiUckriftfUr  BUktrochtmie,  1897-8,  vol.  iv.,  p.  160.  , 

Digitized  by  VotOOQIC 


unless  care  is  taken  to  see  that  the  liquid  always  has  an  acid 
reaction.  Forster  found  that  an  acidity  corresponding  to  2*5 
grms.  HOI  per  litre  was  necessary,  and  that  in  order  to  keep 
this  constant,  hydrochloric  acid  must  be  regularly  added  at  the 
rate  of  0*05  to  0*1  grm.  HOI  for  each  gramme  of  nickel  deposited. 
Forster  found  that  when  he  used  the  lower  current-densities  and 
the  more  dilute  solutions  above-named,  he  obtained  dull-grey 
rough  deposits ;  but  this  is  also  the  experience  of  the  electro- 
plater,  who  therefore  makes  a  point  of  treating  objects  with  a 
higher  current-density  when  first  placing  them  in  a  nickel-bath, 
>ind  then  carries  on  the  process  at  a  lower  current-density,  often 
of  only  30  amperes  [per  sq.  metre].  All  the  above  figures  relate 
to  the  use  of  metallic  (crude  nickel)  anodes.  The  drop  of 
potential  at  current-densities  of  150  amperes  is  only  1  volt,  and 
at  densities  of  200  amperes  per  sq.  metre  about  1  '3  volts. 

Separation  of  Nickel-Copper  Alloys.  —  The  following 
account  was  supplied  by  Dr.  E.  Wohlwill  for  the  German 
edition  of  this  work : — 

"  With  alloys  of  this  kind,  the  alteration  which  constantly 
takes  place  in  the  electrolyte  is  a  direct  result  of  the  process 
employed.  The  separation  of  the  two  metals  depends  in  this 
case  upon  the  fact  that  both  are  dissolved,  but  only  copper  is 
separated  in  the  pure  state  at  the  cathode ;  but  since  the  quan- 
tity of  copper  deposited  is  equivalent  to  the  sum  of  the  quantities 
of  the  two  metals  dissolved  at  the  anode,  it  follows  that  for 
every  pound  of  nickel  passing  into  the  solution  1*08  pounds  of 
the  copper  contained  in  the  solution  is  separated  out  at  the 
cathode,  and  no  copper  passes  into  tlie  solution  to  take  its  place. 
[This  is,  of  course,  independent  of  the  anode  copper  which  passes 
into  the  solution,  and  is  deposited  in  equal  quantity  at  the 
cathode.]  Hence,  as  the  quantity  of  nickel  present  in  the  solu- 
tion must  constantly  increase,  there  must,  in  a  given  time, 
arrive  a  moment  after  which  the  amount  of  copper  present  will 
be  so  greatly  reduced  that  it  is  impossible  to  obtain  a  coherent 
metallic  deposit,  and  at  last  only  a  mixture  of  copper  and 
hydrogen  will  be  deposited. 

"When  this  period  has  been  reached,  nothing  further  is 
gained  by  the  introduction  of  copper  into  the  solution  from  the 
anode,  for  the  amount  so  dissolved  must  always  be  leas  than 
would  correspond  to  the  amount  of  the  copper  to  be  precipitated. 
If,  therefore,  all  the  copper  dissolved  at  the  anode  is  to  be 
recovered  at  the  cathode  in  a  useful  form — t.e.,  as  pure  coherent 
metal — it  is  necessary  that  copper  sulphate  shall  \}e  regularly 
added  in  quantity  equal  to  that  of  the  copper  deposited  as  the 
equivalent  of  the  nickel  dissolved  at  the  anode.  When,  there- 
fore, the  separation  of  copper  and  nickel  is  to  be  regarded  as  a 
regular  industry,  and  not  merely  to  be  applied  incidentally  to 
the  treatment  of  a  small  quantity  of  material,  the  process  must 

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NICKEL.  289 

be  associated  with  the  simultaneous  recovery  of  copper  from  its 
sulphate.  The  extent  of  the  consumption  of  copper  sulphate  to 
be  used  is  determined  by  the  proportion  of  nickel  in  the  anode. 
For  example,  if  an  alloy  of  90  per  cent,  of  copper  with  10  per 
cent,  of  nickel  is  to  be  treated,  and  supposing  that  the  proportion 
of  copper  sulphate  in  the  solution  is  to  be  constant,  for  every 
100   lbs.   of  alloy   which   passes  into  solution  at  the  anode, 

10  X  -^  =  10*8  lbs.  of  copper  must  be  added  in  the  form  of 

sulphate,  and  therefore  42*4  lbs.  of  copper  sulphate  must  be 
introduced  into  the  bath.  The  10  lbs.  of  nickel  passing  into  the 
solution  corresponds  to  10  x  4*78  =  47*8  lbs.  of  nickel  sulphate 
(NiS04  .  711^0).  A  comparatively  large  proportion  of  nickel 
sulphate  may,  however,  be  present  in  the  solution  without 
prejudicing  the  purity  of  the  copper  deposited,  provided  that  the 
quantity  of  copper  present  is  kept  constant.  Hence  the  opera- 
tion may  be  continued  until  the  gradually-increasing  proportion 
of  nickel  is  sufficiently  great  to  allow  of  the  further  treatment  of 
the  solution.  It  is  advisable  that  the  concentration  of  the 
nickel  sulphate  should  not  be  allowed  to  exceed  about  200 
kilogrammes  per  cb.  metre  [2  lbs.  per  gallon],  since  at  higher 
concentrations  portions  of  the  solution  are  retained   by  the 

cathode  copper.     From  this  it  follows  tiiat  100  x  j=r     =*  418 

kilogrammes  of  the  alloy  above-mentioned  can  be  treated  per 
1  cb.  metre  of  bath  [4*18  lbs.  per  gallon]  up  to  the  time  when 
the  solution  needs  to  be  renewed.  Simultaneously  42*4  x  4*18 
=  177*2  kilogrammes  of  copper  sulphate  are  used  per  cb.  metre 
[1*77  lbs.  per  gallon],  so  that  in  treating  an  alloy  of  copper  with 
10  per  cent,  of  nickel,  about  one-ninth  part  of  the  electrolytically 
deposited  copper  obtained  will  be  derived  from  the  decomposi- 
tion of  the  copper  sulphate  added.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that 
the  recovery  of  copper  from  copper  sulphate  by  the  process  just 
described  is  eJQTected  with  a  smaller  expenditure  of  power,  and 
therefore  at  a  lower  cost,  than  is  the  case  with  ordinary  copper 
sulphate  solution  (unmixed  with  nickel)  using  insoluble  anodes. 
The  electromotive  force  required  for  the  decomposition  of  the 
solution  is  in  the  latter  case,  at  the  beginning  of  the  operation, 
about  six  times  as  great  as  it  is  when  nickel-copper  or  similar 
alloys  are  used  as  anodes.  Hence  the  production  of  copper  from 
copper  sulphate  may  be  usefully  effected  in  combination  with 
the  treatment  of  these  alloys  in  cases  in  which  the  direct  electro- 
lytic decomposition  into  copper  and  sulphuric  acid  would  be 
impracticable  commercially. 

^'In  order  to  obtain  the  nickel  sulphate  from  the  mixed 
solution  obtained  by  electrolysis,  the  addition  of  copper  sulphate 
to  the  bath  is  not  continued  as  long  as  would  be  required  accord- 
ing to  the  calculation  given  above.     On  the  contrary,  as  soluble 


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anodes  are  used,  the  addition  of  the  copper  sulphate  to  replace 
the  copper  deposited  is  stopped  as  soon  as  the  maximum  percen- 
tage of  nickel  sulphate  is  approached,  and  the  reduction  in  the 
proportion  of  copper  in  the  hath,  is  continued  up  to  the  limit  at 
which  a  good  useful  deposit  is  obtained.  When  this  point  is 
nearly  reached — after  a  reduction  of  current-density  towards  the 
end — ^the  cathodes  are  replaced  by  lead  or  copper  plates  on  which 
considerable  quantities  of  less  pure  and  less  cohesive  copper  are 
deposited,  and,  finally,  insoluble  plates  are  substituted  for  the 
soluble  anodes.  Lead  plates  may  be  used  for  this  purpose, 
provided  that  the  composition  of  the  electrolyte  is  such  that  the 
possibility  of  the  formation  of  lead  peroxide  is  excluded.  The 
writer  [Wohlwill]  has  observed  that  this  is  the  case  in  working 
with  nickel-copper  alloys,  if  the  alloy  contain  even  a  relatively 
small  quantity  of  iron.  The  solution  of  ferrous  sulphate  obtained 
in  such  a  case  protects  the  lead  so  completely  that  the  same 
plates  may  serve  as  anodes  for  the  purpose  for  an  unlimited 
period.  In  the  complete  absence  of  iron  from  the  solution  the 
lead  anodes  are  rapidly  destroyed  unless  the  water  used  is  free 
from  chlorides — a  condition  which  is  rarely,  if  ever,  to  be  met 
with  in  practice.  Each  increase  in  the  amount  of  chlorides 
present  in  the  electrolyte  favours  the  formation  of  lead  peroxide, 
and,  therefore,  the  destruction  of  the  lead  anodes  to  an  extra- 
ordinary extent;  but  even  in  the  presence  of  chlorides,  an 
addition  of  ferrous  sulphate  in  no  very  considerable  quantity 
provides  the  necessary  protection. 

"  The  bulk  of  the  copper  may  be  removed  from  the  solution, 
gas  being  evolved  at  both  electrodes  and  the  potential  difference 
altering  accordingly.  The  solution,  now  containing  iron,  but 
only  a  little  copper,  is  evaporated  to  the  crystallising  point,  the 
mixed  crystals  of  copper  and  iron  compounds  are  separated  by 
chemical  means,  and  finally  pure  nickel  sulphate,  or,  after  the 
addition  of  ammonium  sulphate,  nickel-ammonium  sulphate,  is 
obtained  by  repeated  crystallisation." 

Beview  of  Frooesses  from  Industrial  Standpoint. — It 
will  have  been  seen  from  the  foregoing  account  that  the  most 
determined  attempts  have  been  made  to  apply  electro-chemical 
methods  of  treatment  to  almost  all  products,  whether  of  nature' 
or  of  art,  which  contain  any  appreciable  quantity  of  nickel; 
indeed,  even  the  impossible  has  not  been  left  untried. 

As  the  result  of  the  work  that  has  been  done  it  may  now  be 
said  that 

(1)  The  direct  electro-chemical  treatment  of  the  ore  is  imprac- 
ticable, for  no  known  nickel-bearing  ore  is  rich  and  pure  enough 
to  enable  it  to  be  treated,  either  as  anode  or  otherwise,  in  an 
electrolytic  cell  or  in  an  electric  furnace. 

(2)  The  treatment  of  the  ore  by  a  combined  system  of  leaching 
and  electrolysis  is  practically  out  of  the  question.     Silicates  are 

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NICKEL.  291 

not  sufficiently  soluble  in  the  solvents  available ;  the  sulphide 
and  arsenical  ores  contain  so  little  nickel,  and  at  the  same  time 
carry  so  many  constituents  which  not  only  consume  solvent 
but  in  many  cases  are  valueless,  that  the  cost  of  dissolving  the 
ore  is  increased  beyond  that  which  is  permissible  in  view  of 
the  amount  of  nickel  present.  Moreover,  it  must  be  added  that, 
as  mentioned  in  speaking  of  the  Hoepfner  process,  a  not  incon- 
siderable proportion  of  the  nickel  in  sulphide  ores  is  present  as 
silicate  in  the  gangue-stuff,  and  is  therefore  almost  completely 
withdrawn  from  the  action  of  the  solvent.  With  all  the  ores  at 
present  known,  it  has  been  found  that  the  first  step  towards  the 
recovery  of  the  nickel  is  a  process  of  fusion  for  matte  or  speise. 
No  leaching  process  has  yet  succeeded  in  extracting  more  than 
50  per  cent,  of  the  nickel  contained  in  sulphide  ores,  even  though 
the  ore  has  been  crushed  as  fine  as  it  is  practically  possible  to 
reduce  it.  This  is  the  less  surprising  when  it  is  remembered  that 
even  crude  matte,  which,  in  comparison  with  ore,  contains  but 
little  nickel  in  the  form  of  silicate,  has  not  been  found  to  yield 
much  more. 

Treatment  of  Gonoentrated  Mattes. — ^Although  many  pro- 
positions have  been  put  forward,  there  are  no  accounts  available 
of  any  results  obtained  in  practice  in  the  treatment  of  concen- 
trated mattes.  If  further  experiments  in  this  direction  were  to 
be  tried  it  would  be  desirable  in  the  first  place  to  determine  the 
limits  economically  attainable  in  the  enrichment  of  the  sulphides. 
It  is  possible,  by  blowing  [in  the  converter],  to  obtain  a  concen- 
trated matte  in  which  the  proportion  of  nickel  is  greater  than 
corresponds  to  the  formula  NiS.  TheNiS  contains  about  65  per 
cent,  of  nickel ;  but  by  Bessemerising  it  is  possible  to  obtain 
mattes  containing  over  75  per  cent.,  and  it  is  hoped  that  it  may 
even  be  concentrated  up  to  95  per  cent.  Ni,  but  in  that  case  the 
mattes  would  have  to  be  regarded  as  consisting  of  the  following 
mixtures : — 

75  per  cent.  Ni  =  an  alloy  of  71  per  cent.  NiS  +  29  per  cent.  Ni.* 
80      ,,       »»       =         If         57        ,f        ,t      +  43        „        ,, 

OU  ,)  f,  =  yf  4«>  ,,  |,  +    07  }}  If 

90       „        »»       =  It  28         ft         ,,      +  72        ,1         „ 

9D       >f        »>        *  »  14         ,,         ,,       +  oo         ))         ,, 

But  it  is  impossible  at  present  to  predict  what  would  be  the  loss 
in  the  slags  or  what  would  be  the  cost  of  producing  these  high 

For  materials  containing  copper  the  cost  of  Bessemerising  does 
not  appear  to  be  prohibitive.  According  t9^Ulke,t  at  the  works 
of  the  Canadian  Copper  Company  the  cost  of  concentrating  by 
the  Bessemerising  process  a  matte  containing  40  per  cent,  of 

*  Stated  in  round  numbers  per  cent. 

t  Engineering  and  Mining  Joum,f  1897,  vol.lxiv.,  p.  9. 

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copper  and  nickel,  conjointly,  to  a  matte  with  43  to  44  per  cent, 
of  copper  and  40  per  cent,  of  nickel  (84  per  cent,  in  all),  works 
out  at  from  50  to  60  marks  {£2  lOs.  to  £3)  per  ton ;  whilst  the 
concentration  in  the  same  way  of  a  poorer  matte  carrying  30  per 
cent  Ni  +  Cu  to  one  averaging  80  per  cent.  Ni  +  Gu  is  stated  by 
Vogt*  to  be  only  8  marks  (88.)  per  ton.  The  figure  quoted  by 
Vogt  is,  however,  without  doubt,  too  low;  8  marks  would 
scarcely  cover  the  cost  of  the  blast  and  the  power  necessary  for 
the  converter. 

The  question  of  concentrating  more  highly  and  treating  eleo> 
troly  tically  nickel  matte  containing  copper  need  not  be  considered; 
the  process  is  only  suitable  for  non-cupriferous  mattes.  For 
such  material  it  is  only  necessary  to  determine  whether,  and  at 
what  degree  of  concentration,  a  given  matte  can  be  worked  more 
advantageously  by  electrolysis  or  by  the  well-known  reduction 
processes.  So  far  as  -experience  is  at  present  available,  the  latter 
process  must  still  be  considered  as  the  only  practicable  method. 

It  is  true  that  the  bulk  of  the  iron  can  be  removed  from 
cupriferous  matte  by  Bessemerising,  and  the  matte  at  the  works 
of  the  Canadian  Oopper  Oompany  contains,  after  blowing,  only 
0'3  per  cent,  of  iron ;  but  the  further  reduction  in  the  quantity 
of  iron  by  prolonged  blowing  must  necessarily  lead  to  the  slagging 
off  of  a  large  quantity  of  nickel,  and  it  is  open  to  question 
whether  a  material  practically  free  from  iron  could  be  obtained 
within  the  limits  of  concentration  attainable  in  actual  practioe. 
But  if  it  is  found  necessary  to  permit  the  presence  of  a  certain 
quantity  of  iron,  it  is  certainly  needless  to  go  so  far  as  has 
hitherto  been  deemed  requisite  in  the  concentration  of  nickel- 
copper  mattes.  In  fact,  a  process  described  by  Borchersf  has 
shown  that  the  treatment  of  matte  containing  quite  a  large  pro- 
portion of  iron  is  practicable  with  good  results.  From  all  that 
has  gone  before,  it  is  evident  that  the  electro-chemical  separation 
of  the  metals  contained  in  the  matte  does  not  require  the  use  of 
the  latter  as  anode  or  as  a  material  to  be  leached.  The  matte 
should  rather,  after  dead-roasting,  be  smelted  to  a  nickel-copper- 
iron  alloy,  by  which  means  the  chief  difficulties  in  the  way  of 
treating  the  matte  by  electro-chemical  processes  direct  are 
removed.  The  matte  selected  as  the  subject  of  certain  experi- 
ments contained  from  60  to  70  per  cent,  of  metal,  of  which  from 
15  to  20  per  cent,  was  iron.  After  roasting  and  then  reducing, 
an  alloy  was  obtained  in  which  the  metals,  iron,  copper,  and 
nickel,  were  present  in  the  proportion  of  1  : 1  : 2  by  weight. 
Such  an  alloy,  when  used  as  anode  in  an  acid  solution  of  copper 
sulphate,  yields  a  solution  of  nickel  sulphate  and  ferric  sulphate, 
whilst  the  copper  is  deposited  at  the  cathode.  Andr^  and 
Wohlwill,  as  already  explained,  had  attained  this  point.     It  is, 

♦  Slahl  und  Eieen,  1894,  p.  23. 

t  Jdhresbei-icht  der  Mlekti-ochemiet  1897,  vol.  iv.,  p.  305. 

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NICKEL  293 

therefore,  only  necessary  to  add  that  electrolysis  gave  a  good 
deposit  of  copper  until  the  proportion  of  copper  in  the  solution 
had  been  reduced  to  less  than  1  per  cent.  Wohlwill  has  ex- 
plained the  cause  of  this  natural  reduction  in  the  amount  of 
copper  present,  and  has  recommended  the  addition  of  copper 
sulphate,  in  quantity  proportional  to  the  nickel  (and  in  this  case 
to  the  iron  in  addition),  entering  into  solution.  The  current- 
density  varied  between  1 50  and  200  am])eres  per  sq.  metre,  and 
the  potential  difference  between  0*5  and  1*2  volts,  according  to 
the  quantity  of  copper  in  the  electrolyte. 

When  the  electrolyte  has  become  saturated  with  the  sulphates 
of  iron  and  nickel,  the  residue  of  copper  present  may  be  most 
conveniently  removed  by  means  of  iron  scrap.  The  method 
recommended  by  Andr6  and  many  others  of  precipitating  the 
copper  electrolytically  with  the  aid  of  insoluble  anodes,  is  not 
practically  suitable  with  solutions  of  mixtures  of  salts  such  as 
are  here  obtained.  As  the  proportion  of  copper  present  becomes 
less  the  E.M.F.  required  increases,  and  the  current-efficiency 
diminishes  even  if  the  current-density  be  reduced  to  a  corre- 
sponding extent. 

Borohers'  Frooess  for  the  Separation  of  Iron  and  Nickel. 
— The  difficulties  in  the  separation  of  iron  and  nickel  sulphates 
have  undoubtedly  been  underestimated  hitherto.  The  separa- 
tion is,  however,  an  easy  matter  by  means  of  a  process  devised 
by  Borchers.*^  By  this  process  ammonium  sulphate  is  added  to 
the  solution  in  quantity  equivalent  to  the  nickel  sulphate 
present,  and  the  liquid  is  carefully  crystallised,  taking  care  that 
the  concentration  of  the  solution  is  always  maintained  below 
the  crystallising  point  of  a  ferrous  sulphate  solution.  A  nickel- 
ammonium  sulphate  solution  crystallises  best  at  a  density 
(measured  at  the  boiling  point)  of  about  IS""  Be.  (»  1*143  sp. 
gr.),  whilst  an  iron  sulphate  or  ferrous-ammonium  sulphate 
solution  only  begins  to  crystallise  at  31°  Be.  (1275  sp.  gr.). 
The  concentration  is  maintained  either  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
18*"  Be.  or  is  allowed  to  exceed  this,  according  as  the  amount  of 
nickel  salt  is  great  or  small ;  but  it  should  never  be  allowed  to 
approach  within  5"*  B^.  of  the  specific  gravity  at  which  the  iron 
salt  crystallises.  When  the  proportion  of  iron  present  is  very 
large,  the  separation  of  nickel  and  iron  by  the  first  crystallisa- 
tion will  be  anything  but  satisfactory;  but  there  has  never  been 
any  metallurgical  difficulty  in  reducing  the  quantity  of  iron  by 
transference  to  the  slag  in  the  preliminary  fusion -refinery 
process,  even  down  to  a  fraction  of  1  per  cent.  On  the  other 
hand,  it  was  shown  by  the  experiments,  in  which  the  success  of 
the  method  was  proved  to  be  possible,  that  solutions  gave  satis- 
factory results  in  which  the  proportion  of  nickel  was  equal  to 
that  of  iron.  The  crystals,  after  washing,  may  be  again  dissolved 
*  Jahttibericht  der  ElekirochemUt  1897,  vol.  iv.,  p.  306. 

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and  freed  from  any  trace  of  iron  (introduced  from  mother-liquor 
clinging  to  them)  by  precipitation  with  chromates  or  per- 
Bulphates.  The  nickel-ammonium  sulphate  solution  may  then 
be  used  as  the  electrolyte.  Experiments  have,  however,  been 
made  by  E.  F.  Gunther  in  Borchers'  laboratoiy  with  the  object 
of  introducing  this  process  into  copper-nickel  works ;  and  these 
experiments  showed  that  it  was  not  possible  to  obtain  quite 
sufficient  concentration  for  the  purpose  of  electrolysis  if  the 
double  salt  was  used.  It  was,  therefore,  necessary  to  convert 
the  double  into  the  single  salt.  It  is  well  known  that  manufac- 
turers of  ammonium  salts  prepare  ammonium  carbonate  from 
the  sulphate  by  the  addition  of  soda.  It  was,  however,  undesir- 
able to  use  soda  directly  in  these  experiments  because  the 
ammonium  sulphate  in  the  double  nickel  salt  would  have  been 
replaced  by  sodium  sulphate.  But,  since  it  is  not  desirable  to 
precipitate  the  whole  of  the  nickel  electrolytically  from  its 
solutions,  the  residue  of  nickel  in  the  electrolytically  im- 
poverished solution  is  precipitated  as  carbonate  by  the  addition 
of  sodium  carbonate,  and  the  nickel  carbonate  so  obtained  is 
applied  to  the  decomposition  of  the  nickel-ammonium  sulphate, 
which  is  by  its  means  converted  into  nickel  sulphate  and 
ammonium  carbonate.  The  apparatus  to  be  used  would  be  the 
same  as  for  the  manufacture  of  ammonium  carbonate.  The 
absorption  of  iron  by  the  solution  cannot  be  entirely  prevented 
during  the  process,  so  that  it  is  necessary  to  remove  any  iron 
that  may  be  present  when  the  salts  are  again  brought  into 
solution,  before  transferring  the  liquid  to  the  electrolytic  cells. 
The  removal  may  be  effected  by  the  methods  mentioned  above. 

Utilisation  of  Anode  Beaotions. — The  author,  in  the 
previous  editions  of  this  work,  has  frequently  stated  that,  in 
all  cases  of  electrolytic  deposition,  if  no  suitable  material  is 
present  which  will  pass  into  solution  at  the  anode  or  be  sepa- 
rated from  the  electrolyte  in  useful  form  during  the  process, 
care  must  be  taken  that  there  is  some  practical  return  for  the 
work  that  is  there  expended.  Bontschewski  "*  had  shown  by 
brilliantly  successful  experiments  in  Borchers'  laboratory  that 
this  was  possible  in  the  case  of  zinc  electrolysis,  as,  for  example, 
by  the  production  of  lead  peroxide  without  the  aid  of  dia- 
phragms ;  and  E.  F.  GUnther  has  experimented  with  a  view  to 
producing  various  lead  pigments,  such  as  white  lead,  chrome 
yellow,  or  zinc  white  and  copper  carbonate,  simultaneously  with 
nickel.  So  far,  however,  the  results  have  not  been  attended 
with  success,  inasmuch  as  the  conditions  requisite  for  nickel 
precipitation,  and  more  especially  the  necessity  for  maintaining 
a  high  bath-temperature,  cannot  well  be  harmonised  with  those 
requisite  for  the  precipitation  of  good  lead,  zinc,  or  copper 
pigments.  He,  however,  succeeded  in  obtaining  solutions  of 
*  Zeitschri/t/ur  Mektrochemie,  1900,  vol.  vii.,  pp.  21,  29. 

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lead  chlorate  in  tlie  anode  cells  without  any  of  the  lead  passing 
over  into  the  cathode  solution.  The  lead  pigments  desired 
could  then  be  obtained  of  high  purity  and  good  covering  power 
by  treating  the  resulting  solutions  outside  the  electrolysis  cells. 
Again,  the  lead  sulphate  which  deposits  on  the  cell-walls  in  the 
form  of  a  felt-like  coating  may  be  readily  converted  into  more 
useful  compounds  of  lead.  The  potential  difference  with  a 
current-density  of  400  to  500  amperes  per  square  metre  of 
cathode  surface  did  not  exceed   3*5  to  4  volts,  although  the 

Fig.  170. 

Fig  172. 

![;u;le;lj;|1^^^^^  .^j,!!;!^     iji 

Fig.  171. 

Fig.  173. 

Apparatus  for  the  preparation  of  lead  chlorate  at  the  anode 
and  nickel  at  the  cathode. 

current-density  was  relatively  high,  and  although  clay  cells  were 
used,  and  in  spite  of  the  deposit  of  lead  sulphate  on  the  latter. 
Experiments  are  still  proceeding  in  the  direction  of  obtaining 
other  solutions  in  the  anode  cell. 

Figs.  170,  171,  172,  and  173  show  a  form  of  apparatus  that 
has  been  used  for  the  above  purpose.  Clay  cells  are  used  as 
diaphragms;  they  were  obtained  of  suitable  quality  from  the 
Royal  Porcelain  Factory  at  Berlin,  each  about  525  mm.  long, 
525  mm.  high,  and  120  to  140  mm.  wide  [20J  ins.  x  20J  ins.  x 

Digitized  by  V^jOO^  It^ 


4^  to  5^  ins.].  With  the  exception  of  these  cells,  however,  the 
apparatus,  as  illustrated  in  the  sketches,  exhibits  no  specially 
novel  points.  Lead-covered  wooden  tanks  are  used,  similar 
to  those  employed  in  copper  refining.  These  may  be  either 
rectangular  or  triangular  in  vertical  cross-section.  The  arrange* 
ments  for  circulating  the  solution  and  for  suspending  the  elec- 
trodes are  the  same  as  for  copper  electrolysis. 

Beview  of  Prooesses  employed  in  Nickel  Extraction. — 
A  review  of  the  possibilities  of  treating  nickel  ores  with  special 
reference  to  the  experience  gained  within  the  last  ten  years  will 
suffice  to  show  that  electro-chemistry  has  been  of  great  service 
to  the  nickel  industry,  and  that  it  is  likely  to  be  of  further 
assistance  in  the  near  future. 

I.  Boasting  and  Smelting  Process  in  which  no  Provision 
is  made  for  the  Separation  from  Nickel  of  any  Copper 
that  may  be  present. 

This  process  possesses  the  advantage  that  it  is  available  for 
the  treatment  of  all  nickel -bearing  ores  and  metallurgical  and 
waste  products.     It  consists  of  the  following  stages  : — 

Boasting  of  the  Ores. — Sulphide  and  arsenical  ores  are 
submitted  to  an  incomplete  oxidising  roast  in  heaps,  calciners, 
shaft  furnaces  (pyrites  burners),  or  reverberatory  furnaces.  The 
products  of  the  roasting  are  : — 

(1)  Sulphurous  acid,  which  is  available  under  some  circum- 
stances for  the  manufacture  of  sulphuric  acid. 

(2)  Arsenic,  which  may  be  utilised  for  the  preparation  of 
various  arsenical  compounds. 

(3)  ITie  roasted  material,  consisting  of  oxides,  salts,  and 
undecomposable  oxides,  sulphides,  and  arsenides  of  the  metals 
contained  in  the  ore.    It  is  further  treated  as  follows : — 

Smelting  for  Crude  Matte. — The  roasted  ore  (3)  is  sub- 
mitted to  a  reducing  process  by  fusion  in  blast  furnaces  (rarely 
in  reverberatories)  with  slags  (8  and  15),  refuse  nickel  products, 
with  oxide  nickel  ores,  or  with  oxide  nickel  ore  (especially 
silicates,  such  as  garnierite)  mixed  with  sulphidising  additions 
(pyrites,  black  ash,  or  sulphates).     This  fusion  results  in : — 

(4)  Slags,  which  are  rejected,  or,  in  rare  instances,  may  be 
worked  up  into  building  stones. 

(5)  Metals,  When  bismuth  and  lead  are  present  in  the  ores 
these  metals  separate  out  in  the  metallic  state;  they  contain 
the  precious  metals  present,  and  these  latter  may  be  separated 
in  the  cupellation  furnace. 

(6)  Crude  nickel  matte  or  nickel  speise,  which,  in  addition  to 
nickel  sulphide,  always  contains  iron  sulphide  or  arsenides  of 
these  metals,  and,  if  the  ores  contain  copper,  copper  sulphide. 

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NICKEL.  297 

They  usually  contain  18  to  40  per  cent,  of  nickel  and  copper, 
taken  together,  and  at  least  40  per  cent,  of  iron. 

Roasting  for  Matte  or  Speise. — The  raw  matte  or  speise 
(6),  as  also  similar  products  from  other  works,  are  incompletely 
roasted  in  the  same  way  that  the  ore  is  treated  in  roasters, 
reverberatories,  or  kilns;  in  this  way  gaseous  and  volatile 
products  are  obtained,  similar  to  (1)  and  (2),  together  with 

(7)  The  roasted  matte,  which  is  qualitatively  the  same  as  the 
residue  numbered  (3),  but  quantitatively  is  richer  in  nickel  (and 
in  copper  if  that  metal  be  present)  and  poorer  in  iron.  This  is 
then  treated  by  a 

Matte  or  Speise  Concentration  Process,  in  which  it  is 
finally  submitted  to  an  oxidising  treatment  in  converters,  after 
reduction  and  fluxing,  either  apart  from  the  last-named  roasting 
process  using  shaft  furnaces,  or  in  conjunction  with  that  process 
employing  reverberatories  or  converters,  substances  rich  in  silica 
being  used  in  all  cases.  Of  the  gaseous  or  volatile  products  of 
the  roasting  process  ( 1)  and  (2),  only  arsenic  (and  that  in  part) 
can  be  recovered  from  the  flues  and  dust  chambers.  The  other 
products  of  the  smelting  process,  lead  and  bismuth  not  being 
present,  are 

(8)  A  dag  rich  in  nickel^  which  is  used  up  again  in  melting 
for  crude  matte,  and 

(9)  Concentrated  nuUte  or  speise;  both  of  these  contain  but 
little  iron,  but  the  matte,  in  addition  to  nickel  sulphide,  contains 
as  copper  sulphide  almost  the  whole  of  the  copper  present  in 
the  charge.  In  treating  copper-bearing  arsenical  ores  of  nickel 
the  bulk  of  the  copper  passes  into  a  matte  which  may  be 
usefully  worked  up  in  the  other  matte  processes.  Matte  and, 
speise  concentrated  in  this  way  are  treated  by 

A  Dead-roasting  Process,  in  which  they  are  submitted  to 
an  oxidising  roast,  as  complete  as  possible,  usually  in  rever- 
beratory  furnaces.  In  this  way  they  are  freed  almost  entirely 
from  sulphur  and  arsenic,  in  the  form  of  the  gaseous  and  volatile 
products  named  in  (1)  and  (2),  of  which  the  latter  (arsenic) 
can  be  in  part  recovered  from  the  flue  dust.  They  are  thus 
converted  into 

(10)  Nickel  oxide,  or,  if  copper  be  present,  into 

(11)  Mixed  oxides  of  nickel  and  copper.  The  last  process  to  be 
applied  is  then  the 

Reduction  Process,  by  which  the  oxides  are  reduced. 
Nickel  oxide  (10)  free  from  copper  is  treated  by  an  old  process 
which  is  still  in  use,  in  which  it  is  mixed  with  rye  or  other 
meal  as  a  binding  medium  and  with  a  refining  medium  (man- 
ganese oxide,  according  to  the  patents  of  Basse  and  Selve), 
and  moulded  into  cubes,  which  are  then  packed  in  powdered 
wood-charcoal  and  submitted  to  reduction  by  heating  in  mufile 
furnaces.     In  this  way  the  metal  is  obtained  in  the  form  of 

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(12)  Cyhe-nickdj  which  may  be  melted  in  crucibles,  placed  in 
wind-furnaces  or  regenerative  gas-furnaces,  and  run  into  the 
form  of  either 

(13)  Granulated  nickel,  or 

(14)  Nickel  bars  or  plates. 

According  to  another  process,  which  is  specially  applicable  to 
copper-bearing  nickel  oxides,  the  mixture  of  oxides  is  reduced 
and  fused  with  the  addition  of  acid  fluxes,  either  in  crucibles  or 
in  blast  furnaces.     In  this  way  there  are  produced 

(15)  Slags  containing  nickel  and  copper,  which  may  be  worked 
up  by  adding  them  to  the  charge  in  smelting  for  crude  matte,  and 

(16)  An  alloy  of  copper  and  nickel.  This  alloy  may  have  a 
limited  sale,  as  it  is  produced.     The  remainder  is  submitted  to 

Electrolysis  in  copper  sulphate  solution,  of  which  the  first 
product  is 

!17)  Electrolytic  copper.     Accompanying  this  is  an  impure 
18)  Nickel  sulpTiate  solution,  which  is  purified  by  chemical 
processes,  effecting  the  precipitation  of  the  last  traces  of  copper 
and  the  separation  of  iron,  and  is  then  electrolysed  (preferably 
recovering  electro-chemical  by-products  at  the  anode),  yielding 

(19)  Electrolytic  nickel. 

Any  precious  metals  that  may  have  escaped  separation  with 
lead  and  bismuth  (5)  will  be  found  in  the 

(20)  Anode  slimes  which  accompany  (17),  and  which  are 
worked  up  in  the  lead  and  silver  refinery. 

II.  Processes  in  which  Copper  and  Nickel  are  Separated 
during  the  Roasting  and  Smelting  Stages. 

This  process  has  been  found  specially  suitable  for  the  treat- 
ment of  the  Canadian  magnetic  pyrites  (pyrrhotite)  from  the 
Sudbury  district  of  Ontario,  containing  nickel  and  copper. 
This  process,  however,  up  to  the  stage  at  which  the  nickel  is 
refined  by  electrolysis  (see  below)  has  been  in  use  for  thirty  or 
forty  years  in  the  Hafod  Isha  Works  of  Messrs.  H.  H.  Vivian 
&  Co.  in  Swansea.*  It  has  nevertheless  been  patented  recently.! 

The  first  stages  of  the  process  are  similar  to  those  described 
for  Process  I. 

The  Boasting  of  the  Ore  is  conducted  in  heaps,  the 
products  as  in  I.  being — 

(1)  Sulphurous  add,  which,  in  view  of  the  nature  of  the 
roasting  process  used,  can  obviously  not  be  utilised. 

(2)  The  roasted  ore  (oxides,  salts,  iindecomi)osed  sulphides, 
and  gangue  stuff).     This  is  now  subjected  to  a  process  of 

Smelting  for  Crude  Matte  in  blast  furnaces,  yielding,  as 
in  Process  I., 

*  Vaughan,  Engineering  and  Mining  Journal,  1883,  vol.  iv. 
tGerman  Patent  91,288,  January  II,  1893  (granted  1897). 

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NICKEL.  299 

(3)  Slags,  which  are  thrown  away,  and 

(4)  Crude  matte,  which,  departing  from  the  method  employed 
in  the  first  process,  is  now 

Smelted  under  reducing  conditions  in  blast  furnaces  in 
admixture  with  sodium  sulphate  and  carbon,  yielding 

(5)  Mixed  matte,  which  separates  into  two  layers  in  the  slag-pots 
before  solidifying.  These  layers  are  of  different  specific  gravity, 
and  can  be  readily  separated  mechanically  by  striking  the  block 
after  cooling.     It  thus  breaks  up  into 

(6)  Tops,  which  consist  of  a  copper-iron-sodium  matte  of  low 
specific  gravity,  and 

(7)  Bottoms,  which  are  a  matte  of  higher  specific  gravity  and 
rich  in  nickel.  Since,  however,  the  tops  are  not  sufficiently  free 
from  nickel,  nor  the  bottoms  from  copper,  both  products  are 

The  Smelting  of  the  Tops  is  conducted  by  smelting  the 
tops,  (6)  and  (12),  after  they  have  been  somewhat  weathered  [a 
treatment  hastened  by  sprinkling  them  with  solution  (21)], 
mixed  with  crude  matte  (4)  in  blast  furnaces  under  reducing 
conditions.     In  this  way  there  are  produced 

(8)  Mixed  matte,  which  is  separated  mechanically  as  before 
[see  (5)1  into 

(9)  Concentrated  tops,  which  are  poor  in  nickel,  but  rich  in 
copper,  and 

(10)  Bottoms,  which  are  mixed  with  bottoms  (7)  and  submitted 
to  the  process  of 

Smelting  the  Bottoms  in  blast  furnaces  with  the  addition  of 
sodium  sulphate  and  carbon.     This  produces 

(1 1^  Mixed  matte,  which  is  separated,  after  solidifying,  into 

(12)  Tops,  which  are  poor  in  nickel,  but  in  which  the  copper 
percentage  must  be  increased  by  re-smelting  with  previous  tops 
(6).     Meanwhile,  however,  the 

n3)  Concentrated  bottoms  are  sufficiently  poor  in  copper  and 
rich  in  nickel  to  warrant  their  being  treated  for  the  extraction 
of  the  latter  metal. 

The  Iieaching  of  the  Concentrated  Tops  with  water  yields 

(14)  A  solution  of  sodium  compounds,  which  latter,  after 
evaporating  off  the  water,  are  used  in  the  treatment  of  crude 
matte  (4),  and 

(15)  A  residue,  which  consists  chiefly  of  copper  sulphide,  but 
contains  almost  all  the  silver  and  gold  present.  This  residue  is 
then  submitted  to  the  well-known  process  of 

Smelting  for  Copper,  by  which  there  is  obtained 

(16)  Copper  containing  precious  metals,  which  are  separated  by 
Electrolysis,  yielding  finally 

(17)  Electrolytic  copper, 

(18)  Silver,  and 

(19)  Gold. 

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Chloridising  Boasting  of  the  Concentrated  Bottoms  in 
reverberatory  furnaces,  followed  by 

Leaohing,  have  the  effect  of  carrying  into  solution  the  copper 
and  part  of  the  platinum  group  of  metals.  By  precipitating 
this  solution  with  copper,  there  are  obtained 

(20)  The  platinum  group  of  metals^  which  are  separated  from 
one  another  by  recognised  methods. 

(21)  Cuprie  chloride  solution,  which  is,  in  part,  used  to 
hasten  the  weathering  of  the  tops,  (6)  and  (12),  and  is  in  part 
precipitated  by  means  of  iron,  from  which  is  obtained 

(22)  Cement-copper. 

(23)  The  residue  from  the  leachiiig  batlis  consists  mainly  of 
nickel  oxide,  with  a  little  silica,  sulphur,  copper,  iron,  and 
platinum.     From  this  is  obtained  by 

Beductlon  in  crucibles  or  blast  fornaces,  a 

(24)  Crude  nickel  mixed  with  the  impurities  named  in  (23), 
which  are  separated  by 

Electrolysis  in  cyanide  solution  into 

(25)  Anode -mud,  which  is  treated  for  the  recovery  of  the 
platinised  metals. 

(26)  Fragments  of  ilie  anodes,  which  are  re-melted  with  the 
crude  nickel  (24),  and 

(27)  Electrolytic  nickel. 


Occurrence  in  Nature. — Silver  occurs  native;  or  alloyed 
with  gold,  copper,  or  mercury ;  as  chloride  (horn  silver),  AgCl ; 
as  bromide  and  iodide  in  bromargyrite  (AgBr)  and  in  iodargyrite 
(Agl) ;  as  a  sulphide  in  silver  glance,  AgoS,  both  in  a  free  state 
and  combined  with  other  sulphides — e.g.,  red  silver  ores  and 
fahlerz — which  may  be  regarded  as  silver  thioantimonite  and 
thioarsenite  respectively.  As  a  sulphide,  too,  it  occurs  in  more 
or  less  noteworthy  quantities  in  nearly  all  sulphide  ores. 

Properties  of  the  Metal. — Silver  (Ag;  atomic  weight  =  108; 
specific  gravity  =  10*5)  is  a  white,  highly  lustrous,  tough,  and 
malleable  metal  of  crystalline  structure  (in  the  regular  system) 
and  with  a  low  degree  of  hardness,  intermediate  in  this  respect 
between  copper  and  gold.  Its  conductivity  of  heat  and  elec- 
tricity is  higher  than  that  of  any  other  metal.  Its  melting  point 
approximates  to  1,000'  C,  and  it  is  volatile  at  high  temperatures, 
and  hence  it  may  be  distilled  in  the  electric  arc  and  before  the 

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SILVER.  301 

oxyhydrogen  blowpipe.  A  special  peculiarity  ojE  silver,  and  one 
worthy  of  notice  in  connection  with  the  refining  and  working  of 
the  metal,  is  its  capacity  for  dissolving  oxygen  when  in  a  state 
of  fusion.  At  the  moment  of  solidification  the  oxygen  escaping 
from  the  still  liquid  interior  metal  forces  its  way  through  the 
superficial  crust  of  solid  metal,  and  often  gives  rise  to  a  consider- 
able loss  of  silver  by  the  projection  of  small  particles.  The 
phenomenon  is  known  as  the  spitting,  sproating,  or  vegetation 
of  silver. 

Among  metals  which  are  soluble  in,  or  dissolved  by,  silver^ 
special  mention  may  be  made  of  lead,  mercury,  copper,  and  zinc. 

Silver  is  one  of  those  metals  which  cannot  be  oxidised  at  high 
or  low  temperatures,  either  in  moist  or  dry  air. 

Of  the  metalloids,  the  halogens,  and  especially  chlorine,  have 
the  most  active  tendency  to  combine  direct  with  silver ;  and  it 
may  also  be  united  with  sulphur  by  direct  fusion.  Among 
sulphur  compounds,  hydrogen  sulphide  attacks  this  metal  with 
energy.  The  best  chemical  solvents  are  nitric  acid  and  concen- 
trate sulphuric  acid.  Various  metallic  chlorides  (CuClg,  HgCl.,, 
and  Fe^Clg)  readily  convert  silver  into  its  chloride,  and  thereby 
render  it  soluble  in  other  salts;  and  double  salts,  which  are 
soluble  in  water,  are  formed  by  the  action  of  cyanides  on  metallic 
silver,  its  haloid  salts,  or  its  sulphide. 

Extraction. — In  addition  to  the  ores  already  mentioned,  the 
following  waste  or  intermediate  products  from  other  manufac- 
turing processes  are  utilised  for  the  extraction  of  silver: — 
Pyrites  residues,  regulus,  slags,  sweepings,  and  numerous  alloys. 
Chief  among  the  latter  are  those  derived  from  copper  and  lead 
ores,  and  containii^  the  precious  metals,  as  black  copper, 
argentiferous  lead,  and  the  alloys  of  lead,  zinc,  and  precious 
metals  obtained  from  argentiferous  lead  by  concentration 

The  extraction  is  effected  according  to  one  of  the  following 
principles : — 


1.   SOIiUTIOir    OP    THE    SHiVEB    IN    ANOTHBK 

Treatment  with  Lead. — This  process  consists  in  converting 
the  silver,  in  the  ores  or  other  raw  material,  into  an  alloy  with 
lead.  When  the  silver  content  is  low  (less  than  10  per  cent.) 
the  ore,  &c.,  is  smelted  along  with  lead  ores ;  but  when  the  per- 
centage of  silver  is  higher,  the  material  to  be  desilverised  is 
immersed  in  molten  lead.  In  the  former  events  it  is  necessary, 
in  order  to  minimise  the  loss  of  silver,  to  aim  at  producing  a 

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silver-lead  with  not  more  than  1  per  cent,  of  silver,  and  therefore 
the  lead  treatment  must  be  followed  by  one  of  the  usual  con- 
centration processes  (the  Pattinson  crystallisation  process,  or 
alloying  with  zinc).  The  concentrated  silver-lead  alloy,  or  silver- 
lead-zinc  alloy  thus  obtained  is  afterwards  separated  into  metallic 
.silver  and  lead  and  zinc  oxide  (or  metallic  zinc)  by  oxidation 
and  distillation. 

Attempts  have  been  frequently  made  to  effect  the  electrolytic 
separation  of  these  concentrated  alloys,  but,  so  far,  without  any 
permanent  success.  As  in  these  attempts  it  is  not  the  silver, 
but  only  the  lead  and  zinc  that  take  part  in  the  electrolytic 
reaction,  the  recital  of  the  experience  gained  in  this  connection 
will  be  relegated  to  the  section  dealing  with  the  electro-chemistry 
of  those  metals. 

Amalgamation. — ^The  precious  metals  are  soluble  in  mercury 
a.t  the  ordinary  temperature,  as  they  are  in  all  readily  fusible 
metals.  Silver  need  not  even  be  in  a  free  state  in  the  ore,  since 
it  can  be  extracted  by  mercury  from  all  ores  or  metallurgical 
products  in  which  it  is  present  as  a  haloid  salt.  Under  suitable 
working  conditions,  free  silver  sulphide  also  is  acted  on  by 
mercury.  It  is  evident  that  in  the  treatment  of  ores  containing 
chlorides  and  sulphides,  a  suitable  amount  of  mercury  will  be 
required  to  convert  these  compounds,  unless  other  metals,  such 
as  copper,  zinc,  &c.y  are  specially  added  for  this  purpose.  Hence 
in  the  amalgamation  treatment  of  ores  and  metallurgical  products 
containing  such  silver  compounds,  we  have  to  do  with  an  electro- 
chemical process.  The  principles  of  this  process,  however,  have 
not  yet  been  fully  elucidated,  although  Krohnke,  in  describing 
his  well-known  process  for  desilverising  ores — which  has  been 
extensively  used  in  Chili,  Bolivia,  Peru,  and  Mexico  since  1863 
— expressly  refers  to  the  electro-chemical  nature  of  the  reactions 

Whilst  no  external  source  of  electricity  is  drawn  upon  in  the 
Amalgamation  methods  based  on  the  same  principles  as  the 
Krohnke  process,  numerous  proposals  have  been  made  to  utilise 
■electrolysis  to  facilitate  amalgamation  in  processes  where  this 
reaction  is  concurrent  with  the  preparatory  treatment  of  the 
ores.  No  practical  results  have,  however,  been  obtained.  In 
order  to  avoid  repetition,  the  most  noteworthy  processes  of  this 
type  will  be  described  in  dealing  with  the  amalgamation  of  gold 
ores,  to  which  section  the  reader  is  referred. 

The  amalgam  obtained  by  one  or  other  of  these  methods  is 
separated  by  distillation  into  mercury  and  an  impure  silver. 

Solntion  of  the  Silver  in  Copper. — ^When  ores  containing 
the  precious  metals  and  copper  are  treated  by  smelting  processes, 
a  part  of  the  silver  and  most  of  the  gold  are  liable  to  pass  into 
the  by-product  that  contains  the  copper,  and,  therefore,  under 

•  B.  Krohnke,  Metholen  zur  EntsUhening  von  Erzefi,  Stuttgart,  1900. 

Digitized  by  VorOO^  It! 

SILVER.  303 

certain  circumstances,  into  the  copper  itself.  Ores  containing 
the  precious  metals  are  not  thus  smelted  with  copper  ores,  as 
they  might  be  with  those  of  lead,  in  order  to  obtain  the  gold  and 
silver  alloyed  with  the  copper.  Copper  products  containing  the 
precious  metals  are  treated  according  to  systems  (2)  and  (3). 


The  Ziervogel  Process. — ^The  matte  smelted  from  the 
argentiferous  copper  ores  is  so  roasted  that  in  the  first  stage, 
among  other  products,  copper  sulphate  is  formed,  whilst  in  the 
second  stage  (after  previous  crushing  of  the  roasted  matte)  a 
double  decomposition  takes  place  between  copper  sulphate  and 
silver  sulphide  with  the  formation  of  silver  sulphate.  The  latter 
salt  is  then  extracted  from  the  roasted  charge  by  means  of  hot 
water  and  acid  solutions  of  copper  sulphate,  and  the  silver  is 
finally  precipitated  from  the  resulting  liquors  by  metallic 
copper  and  iron. 

The  Aiigustin,  Patera,  and  Kiss  Processes. — The  ores  are 
submitted  to  a  chloridising,  and  the  silver  chloride  is 
extracted  in  the  Augustin  process  by  concentrated  brine,  in  the 
Patera  method  by  sodium  thiosulphate  solution,^  and  in  the 
Kiss  modification  by  calcium  thiosulphate  solution.  In  the  first 
case  the  silver  is  precipitated  in  the  metallic  state  by  the  use  of 
metallic  copper,  in  the  other  processes  it  is  obtained  as  sulphide 
by  the  addition  of  soluble  sulphides  (Na^S  or  Ca(HS)2). 

DietsePs  Process. — ^A  description  of  Dr.  DietzeFs  process 
was  given  in  the  second  German  edition  of  this  work  based  on 
the  patent  specifications  and  private  communications  from  him. 
Dr.  Dietzel  has  published  additional  particulars  of  his  process,  t 
and  as  these  data  are  undoubtedly  based  on  recent  experience 
they  will  be  employed  in  the  following  pages. 

The  approximate  composition  of  jewellers'  and  silversmiths' 
waste  and  the  yellowish  or  bronze-coloured  alloys  recovered  from 
metallurgical  products  is  as  follows  : — 

Au,    .        .5-7  per  cent.        Zn,  8n,  Pb,    .    about  5  per  cent. 
Ag,     .        .    22-60       „  Cd,  Fe,  Ni,  \    ,^_^ 

Consequently,  the  main  object  is  to  recover  the  gold,  silver,  and 
copper  in  the  metallic  state ;  and  this  is  effected  by  the  aid  of  an 
electrolyte  consisting  of  a  weakly  add  solution  of  copper  nitrate. 

*  [This  salt  is  still  commonly  known  as  hyposulphite  of  soda,  but  as  this 
term  belongs  more  properly  to  a  different  compound  alto^ther,  the  name 
which  is  required  by  the  modem  system  of  nomenclature  is  adopted  in  the 
text.  —Translator.  ] 

tZ./.  Elektroehemie,  1899-1900,  vi.,  81. 

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The  copper  and  silver  are  dissolved  at  the  anode;  the  gold 
remains  undissolved ;  the  copper  being  then  deposited  at  the 
cathode  and  the  silver  outside  the  cell. 

Solution  run  off. 
Fig.  174. 

The  arrangement  of  the  electrodes  and  supplementary  appa- 
ratus is  shown  in  Fig.  174,  which  represents  a  cross-section  of 
the  dissolving  vessel.  KK  are  the  rotary,  cylindrical,  copper 
cathodes,  coated  with  a  thin  layer  of  grease  or  graphite,  on 
which  the  deposition  of  copper  takes  place.  As  soon  as  the 
deposit  assumes  the  dendritic  form,  it  is  knocked  oflT,  and,  as  the 
copper  contains  a  little  oxygen,  it  is  smelted  with  charcoal.  The 
copper  cylinders  are  suspended  on  flanged  contact  rollers  which 
are  set  in  motion,  the  rolling  friction  between  the  two  surfaces 
causing  the  cylinders  to  rotate.  This  method  presents  the  ad- 
vantage that  the  driving  mechanism  and  shafts  are  out  of  contact 
with  the  liquor,  while  the  bearings  can  be  oiled  and  used  as 
conductors  for  the  cathode  current.  P  is  a  loose  bottom  for 
supporting  the  material  to  be  treated,  S,  and  is  constructed  of 
hard  rubber,  celluloid,  or  glass  plates  set  in  wooden  frames.  K 
necessary,  the  bottom  can  be  arranged  to  run  on  porcelain  rollers, 
r,  and  rails,  8,  The  plates,  P,  are  provided  with  platinum  wires, 
or  with  some  insoluble  conductive  material  sudi  as  plates  of 
resistant  carbon,  or  even  strips  of  chromium,  forming  the  ter- 
minals of  the  insulated  line  wires.  That  chromium  can  play  the 
part  of  a  precious  metal  has  already  been  shown  by  Hittorf. 
These  inverted  roof-shaped  bottom  plBites  are  well  covered  with 
the  material  to  be  treated,  which  is  now  usually  cast  in  the  form 

Digitized  by  VjOO^  li:! 

SILVBB.  305 

of  easily-handled  plates,  ^  to  |  inch  thick.  Owing  to  the  rela^ 
tive  position  of  the  electrodes  being  more  horizontal  than  vertical^ 
the  utilisation  of  space  in  this  cell  is  less  advantageous  than  in 
other  t3rpes.  An  anode  base  will  not  hold  much  more  than  5  to 
8  kilos,  of  auriferous  silver  material,  or  at  most  I  cwt.  of  material 
to  be  treated,  on  a  space  of  about  20  square  feet,  and  the  opera- 
tion takes  about  six  days  to  complete.  D  D  are  linen  ftlter-cloths 
forming  the  bottom  of  the  cathode  chamber.  In  the  new  plant 
there  are  a  number  of  these  loosely  suspended  in  series  in  a  long 
dissolving  vessel,  in  such  a  manner  that  enough  space  is  left  for 
removing  the  anode  carriers,  and  that  a  cathode  chamber  is  in 
position  over  each  anode  frame.  The  object  of  these  filters  is  to 
catch  any  dendritic  copper  falling  from  the  cylinders,  and  to 
prevent  the  anodic  silver  solution  from  ascending  to  the  copper 
cathodes  as  a  result  of  movement  set  up  in  the  liquor  by  the  act 
of  removing  the  gold  sediment  or  through  the  disengagement  of 
oxygen.  Above  the  cylinders,  K,  the  desilverised  electrolyte 
drops  into  the  cathode  chamber,  traverses  the  linen  filter,  and, 
after  dissolving  copper,  silver,  and  a  few  accessory  constituents 
from  the  charge  of  material,  runs  away  through  slots  on  a  level 
with  the  top  of  the  frame  into  a  glass  pipe  provided  with  lateral 
perforations.  This  pipe  is  connected  with  an  adjustable  regula- 
tor, so  that  the  liquor  is  maintained  at  a  constant  level.  Any 
gold  sediment  accidentally  carried  away  is  retained  by  simple 
filters.  The  small  quantity  of  sediment  washed  from  the  anode 
frames  is  cleared  out  of  the  bottom  of  the  vessel  once  a  year. 
The  dissolved  silver  is  brought  into  contact  with  old  copper  in 
vessels  set  up  on  a  lower  level,  so  that  eventually  the  whole  of 
the  silver  is  recovered  in  the  crystalline  form,  and  an  equivalent 
amount  of  copper  is  returned  to  the  liquid. 

As  can  be  seen  from  the  table,  the  ratio  of  dissolved  silver  to 
dissolved  copper  is  approximately  =  1  :  r5  by  weight.  Since 
the  silver  equivalent  is  3*4  times  greater  than  that  of  copper,  it 
follows  that,  when  the  silver  is  displaced  by  copper  in  an  inter- 
mediate operation,  the  consumption  oi  the  latter  will  be  in  the 

ratio  ^-.  :  1*5,  or,  in  round  numbers,  20  per  cent,  of  the  weight 

of  copper  in  the  alloy,  or  7  per  cent,  of  the  weight  of  the  entire 
alloy.  According  to  the  experiments  of  Le  Blanc  and  others,  the 
decomposition  of  the  copper  salt  necessitates  a  tension  of  0*44 
volt  higher  than  is  needed  for  the  silver  salt.  In  consequence  of 
this  great  difference,  the  tension  of  the  bath  has  to  be  about  0*5 
volt  higher  than  if  the  process  were  arranged  for  the  cathodic 
deposition  of  silver  from  the  same  anode  material.  This  draw- 
back is,  however,  insignificant  in  comparison  with  the  advantage 
mentioned,  namely,  that  the  silver  can  be  rapidly  and  quantita- 
tively deposited  by  means  of  copper,  outside  the  cell  and  without 
the  aid  of  any  supplementary  current.     With  a  little  attention 


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to  the  circulation  of  the  electrolyte,  the  silver  is  all  deposited 
before  the  last  precipitation  vessel  but  one  is  reached.  Tliis  can 
be  demonstrated  by  the  hydrochloric  acid  test.  Nevertheless,  it 
has  not  so  far  been  possible  to  prevent  the  small  loss  of  silver 
finally  traceable  in  the  granulated  copper.  In  practical  working, 
one  must  allow  for  a  loss  of  0*03  per  cent,  of  silver,  though,  in 
the  author's  own  experiments,  the  average  silver  content  of  silver 
in  the  copper  was  only  1  gramme  in  10  kilos. 

In  its  passage  from  one  vessel  to  another,  the  liquor  finally 
becomes  almost  neutral,  and  when  this  condition  is  reached  the 
dissolved  iron  is  deposited  as  a  basic  ferric  salt  Should  the 
material  under  treatment  contain  much  iron,  the  latter  is 
precipitated,  almost  quantitatively,  in  an  aerating  vessel  (not 
shown  in  the  Fig.)  provided  with  beaters,  and  is  retained  by  a 
filter.  The  liquor  next  flows  into  a  collecting  tank,  and  is 
pumped  thence,  or  forced  by  compressed  air,  into  a  storage  tank. 
Here  it  is  slightly  acidified  with  nitric  acid  and  returned  through 
glass  pipes  into  the  cathode  chambers.  The  percentage  of  copper 
in  the  solution  ranges  between  2  and  5  per  cent.,  and  that  of  tree 
nitric  acid  between  0*05  and  4  per  cent.  The  average  current  is 
about  150  amperes  per  square  metre,  with  a  mean  tension  of  2^ 
to  3  volts  in  the  bath.  A  specifically  heavy  mixture  of  gold  and 
silver,  generally  accompanied  by  traces  of  copper,  remains  behind 
on  the  anode  carriera.  The  residues  are  dark  brown  to  deep 
black  in  colour,  and  of  granular  to  amorphous  structure.  The 
successful  exhaustion  of  the  raw  material  in  this  process  is  due 
to  the  fact  that  it  is  supported  by  a  conductive  surface  instead  of 
being  freely  suspended.  Odd  pieces  of  thick  imperfectly-corroded 
alloy  are  included  in  the  succeeding  charge.  The  sediment  also 
contains  lead  (as  peroxide)  and  tin  (as  basic  nitrate  or  stannic 
acid),  whilst  zinc,  cadmium,  nickel,  iron,  &c.,  pass  into  solution, 
where  they  mostly  remain  (except  the  iron).  The  gold  is 
recovered  in  a  pure  state  by  boiling  the  sediment  in  dilute  nitric 
acid,  dissolving  the  residue  in  nitro-hydrochloric  acid,  filtering 
off  Uie  lead  chloride,  silver  chloride,  and  stannic  acid,  and  finally 
precipitating  the  metal  with  ferrous  chloride.  Platinum  is 
thrown  down  by  iron  in  the  process  of  recuperating  the  iron 

According  to  earlier  reports,  the  difficulty  of  separation  is 
increased  in  proportion  to  the  amount  of  associated  metals  that 
are  not  precipitable  at  the  cathode,  but  become  insoluble  at  the 
anode.  Of  these,  zinc  in  particular  consumes  an  appreciable 
fraction  of  the  power  in  the  anode  currents,  and  causes  an 
equivalent  precipitation  of  copper.  This  impoverishment  of  the 
electrolyte  may  be  counteracted  by  slightly  increasing  the  acidity 
of  the  store  of  desilverised  liquor  beyond  the  degree  otherwise 
most  advantageous — ^namely,  to  an  average  of  not  less  than  0*2 
per  cent.     Under  these  circumstances,  copper  is  dissolved  at  the 

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SILVER.  307 

cathode,  and  in  the  precipitating  vessels  after  the  silver  has  been 
deposited.  Moreover,  the  percentage  of  nitrous  acid  in  the 
liquor  is  diminished,  the  result  being  to  retard  the  cathodic 
precipitation  of  copper  to  such  an  extent  that  it  does  not  exceed 
the  amount  introduced  at  the  anode,  and  the  electrolyte  is  not 
impoverished  in  this  metal.  It  is  worthy  of  note  here  that  the 
presence  of  copper  nitrate  retards  the  reduction  of  nitric  acid  to 
ammonia;  at  least,  no  ammonia  can  be  detected  in  the  liquor 
with  the  low  amperage  here  in  question.  At  the  end  of  a  year 
the  liquor  is  so  rich  in  zinc  and  other  non-precipitable  metals 
that  it  must  be  renewed,  the  old  liquor  being  then  worked  up. 

So  long  as  the  associated  metals,  especially  lead  and  tin,  do 
not  exce^  a  small  percentage,  the  separation  of  the  three 
principal  components — gold,  silver,  and  copper — ^proceeds  with 
such  uniformity  that  the  gain  in  copper  not  only  covers  the  cost 
of  the  process,  but  even  yields  a  profit,  whereas,  a  few  years  ago, 
this  metal  was  regarded  as  a  troublesome  factor.  Even  with 
very  difficult  alloys,  a  daily  quantity  of  only  130  lbs.,  and  expen- 
sive steam,  the  cost  of  separation  does  not  exceed  the  usual 
average  of  about  5d.  per  lb.,  without  making  any  allowance  for 
the  gain  of  copper.  The  richer  the  alloys  in  silver,  and  the 
purer  they  are,  the  more  profitable  the  separation,  since,  in  con- 
formity with  its  high  equivalent,  silver  is  deposited  3*4  times  as 
quickly  as  copper.  The  dry  metiiod  for  gold  always  ensures  a 
high  profit^  so  that  the  cost  of  refining  the  gold  sediment  need 
not  be  considered.  And  it  is  evident  that  the  profits  will 
increase  out  of  all  proportion  the  larger  the  daily  output  and  the 
better  the  utilisation  of  the  available  power. 

Andre  *  experimented  on  the  separation  of  similar  alloys  long 
before  Dietzel,  and  also  worked  on  the  principle  of  dissolving 
copper  and  silver  at  the  anode,  precipitating  the  silver  on  copper, 
and  finally  recovering  the  copper  at  the  cathodes  of  the  electro- 
lytic apparatus.  Most  of  the  reports  on  Andre's  patent  in  the 
technical  press  merely  repeat  the  wording  of  the  specification  as 
to  the  separation  of  copper  and  nickel.  With  regard  to  the 
separation  of  gold,  silver,  and  copper,  he  makes  the  following 
interesting  statements  : — 

*'  The  alloys  or  semi-manufactured  products  in  question,  in  the 
form  of  granules  or  plates  with  clamps,  are  connected  to  the 
conductor  and  suspended,  as  anodes,  in  a  bath  of  dilute  (1:10) 
.sulphuric  acid.  Between  the  anode  and  cathode  is  placed  a 
frame,  which  fits  perfectly  tight  against  the  wails  of  the  vessel, 
and  is  covered  on  either  side  with  cotton  fabric  or  a  porous 
membrane.  In  this  way  the  bath  is  divided  into  two  chambers, 
one  for  the  anodes,  the  other  for  the  cathodes ;  whilst  the  frame 
itself  is  filled,  between  the  membranes,  with  copper  scraps, 
granules,  Ac.  Under  the  influence  of  the  curreni^  silver  and 
•  German  Patent  6,048,  Nov.  1,  1877. 

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copper  are  dissolved  at  the  anode,  whilst  the  gold  and  other 
admixtures  remain  behind.  In  passing  through  the  frame  filled 
with  copper,  on  the  way  to  the  cathode,  the  silver  is  deposited, 
and  the  copper  solution  arriving  at  the  cathode  deposits  pure 
metallic  copper  there.  The  cathode  may  consist  of  carbon^ 
copper,  or  other  suitable  substance.  When  the  granulated 
copper  in  the  frame  is  almost  completely  coated  with  silver,  the 
frame  is  recharged  with  copper,  the  cement-silver  adhering  to 
the  granules  being  washed  off  and  cupellated. 

"  This  method  of  separation  reduces  the  consumption  of  acid 
to  a  minimum,  saves  labour,  and  furnishes  chemically  pure 
copper  (very  suitable  for  electrical  purposes)  instead  of  an 
inconvenient  mass  of  copper  sulphate. 

"The  arrangement  may  be  modified  as  follows,  without  de- 
parting from  the  principle  of  the  process  : — 

"The  cathodes  are  laid  flat  or  aslant  on  the  bottom  of  the 
vessel,  and  over  them  in  another  vessel  come  the  anodes  (in 
granular  or  plate  form).  The  bottom  of  this  second  vessel  is 
formed  by  a  membrane  of  low  porosity,  or  preferably  by  two 
such  membranes  with  a  small  free  space  between. 

"  Here  again  the  current  causes  a  solution  of  silver  and  copper 
to  form  at  the  anode,  which  solution  is  uninterruptedly  removed 
at  the  bottom  of  the  vessel  and  replaced  by  fresh,  dilute  acid 
entering  at  the  top.  The  silver  and  copper  liquor  is  run  into  a 
vessel  below,  where  the  silver  is  deposited  on  granulated  copper. 
From  this  vessel  the  desilverised  liquor  passes  into  another 
vessel,  and  is  freed  from  copper  at  the  ca^ode.  Finally,  the 
liquor  is  gradually  drawn  off  from  this  vessel  into  a  storage  tank 
below,  and  is  returned  to  the  anode  for  use  over  again  in  dis- 
solving silver  and  copper  there.  The  plant  may  be  arranged 
terrace-wise  or  mounted  in  a  tower,  according  to  local  circum- 
stances. To  prevent  diffusion,  the  liquor  between  the  two 
membranes  is  run  off,  slowly  but  continuously,  and  re-united  with 
the  silver  and  copper  liquor.  Whether  the  terrace  be  high  or 
low,  the  lowest  level  always  contains  three  collecting  tanks : — 
No.  1  to  collect  the  effluent  liquor.  No.  2  for  the  desilverised 
copper  solution,  and  No.  3  for  the  decopperised  liquor  (dilute 
sulphuric  acid).  Under  each  tank  is  a  pressure  vessel,  from 
which  the  liquors  can  be  forced  by  compressed  air  up  into  the 
three  corresponding  tanks  on  the  uppermost  terrace. 

"  The  vessels  may  be  of  stoneware  or  wood  (petroleum  barrels 
do  very  well),  and  the  pressure  vessels  may  be  of  wood,  with 
iron  hoops,  provided  the  pressure  required  does  not  exceed  that 
of  the  atmosphere.  For  higher  terraces,  small,  lead -lined 
copper  cylinders  are  used." 

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SILVER.  309 


WohlwiU's  Process. — Besides  the  Freiberg  process  for  the 
treatment  of  copper  mattes  by  sulphuric  acid,  the  Harz  sulphuric 
acid  extraction  process  for  black  copper  containing  the  precious 
metals,  and  the  Bossier  process,  by  which  the  metals  other  than 
silver  are  removed  as  sulphides  by  a  smelting  process,  electrolytic 
methods  have  now  found  an  extended  use.  It  will  suffice  to 
refer  to  the  electrolytic  copper  refining,  described  at  length  on 
pp.  187  to  272 ;  as  also  to  the  electrolytic  treatment  of  crude 
nickel  and  of  nickel-copper  alloys,  explained  on  pp.  1^75  to  296. 
Experiments  on  the  electrolytic  treatment  of  zinc  skimmings 
and  of  argentiferous  lead  will  also  be  described  in  the  chapters 
dealing  with  zinc  and  lead  respectively. 

The  process  introduced  by  Wohlwill  for  the  treatment  of 
copper  alloys  rich  in  silver  after  the  manner  of  the  electrolytic 
refinery,  and  with  the  use  of  copper  sulphate  as  electrolyte,  is 
worthy  of  special  consideration,  contrasting,  as  it  does,  with 
the  Dietzel  process,  in  which  the  silver  and  the  copper  are 
carried  into  solution  together.  Wohlwill  succeeded  in  so 
applying  his  process  that  the  silver  remained  quite  undissolved 
even  when  it  was  present  to  the  extent  of  alx>ut  30  per  cent. 
The  following  remarks  were  privately  communicated  by  him 
to  Dr.  Borchers,  with  a  verbal  permission  for  their  publication 
in  this  work  : — 

''Since  the  whole  of  a  small  quantity  of  gold,  silver,  and 
platinum  present  in  black  copper  may  be  recovered  by  the 
electrolytic  process,  the  question  arises,  to  what  maximum  limit 
may  the  proportion  of  precious  metals  in  copper  alloys  extend 
witiiout  rendering  their  separation  by  such  a  method  impossible. 
I  [Wohlwill]  have  had  an  opportunity  of  dealing  with  this 
problem  on  a  practical  scale,  since,  in  the  years  1877-78,  the 
small  silver  coinage  of  the  German  Confederated  States  was 
called  in,  and  was,  for  the  most  part,  sent  to  the  NorddeiUsche 
Ajfflnerie  for  treatment.  By  the  method  commonly  employed  for 
the  recovery  of  the  silver  from  alloys  of  this  kind,  the  copper  is 
obtained  as  sulphate.  But,  in  view  of  the  necessity  to  treat 
large  quantities  of  the  material  in  a  short  space  of  time,  the 
dinsct  recovery  of  metallic  copper,  such  as  is  possible  by  electro- 
lytic treatment,  appeared  to  offer  special  advantages.  Experiment 
showed  that,  in  practice,  the  silver  alloy,  rich  in  copper,  when 
used  as  an  electrode  material  for  the  electrolysis  of  copper 
sulphate,  differed  from  argentiferous  black  copper  anodes,  only 
in  that  a  sponge  rich  in  silver  remained  adhering  to  the  anode 
after  the  copper  had  been  extracted  from  the  surface  of  the 
metal,  and  that  the  sponge  covered  up  that  part  of  the  alloy 

Digitized  by  VorOO^  It! 


which  was  below  the  surface,  and  so  checked  further  action; 
moreover,  on  continuing  the  electrolysis,  some  of  the  silver 
passed  into  the  solution,  and  in  a  short  time  the  anode  became 
covered  with  difficultly-soluble  silver  sulphate.  The  natural  way 
of  obviating  this  difficulty  was  to  remove  the  silver  coating  by 
mechanical  means,  to  submit  the  cleaned  plate  once  more  to 
electrolysis,  and  to  continue  the  rubbing  and  electrolytic  treat- 
ments alternately  until  it  was  found  that  the  anode  could  no 
longer  bear  the  mechanical  treatment.  The  greater  part  of  the 
small  German  coins  sent  to  the  Hamburg  Institute  for  separation 
— namely,  the  silver  groschen,  3-  and  6-kreuzer  pieces,  schillings, 
d:c. — was,  at  that  time,  submitted  to  this  process,  after  having 
been  cast  into  plates. 

"  It  is  evident  that  the  cost  of  the  ordinary  electrolytic  process 
must  be  increased  considerably  by  the  hand-labour  necessitated 
to  a  considerable  extent  in  a  process  of  this  kind.  It  was,  there- 
fore, necessary  to  study  the  conditions,  and  to  endeavour  to 
secure  as  full  and  as  long-continued  an  electrolytic  action  as 
possible,  without  at  the  same  time  permitting  any  of  the  silver 
to  pass  into  solution. 

"  If  even  a  very  small  quantity  of  silver  should  pass  into  the 
solution  with  the  copper,  difficulties  would  arise,  not  only  from 
the  liquid  immediately  becoming  milky,  but  also  from  the 
.properties  of  the  deposited  copper  becoming  altered.  In  that 
case,  instead  of  a  dense  adhesive  and  reguline  copper  deposit, 
there  would  be  thrown  down  a  flocculent  clear  red  precipitate, 
containing  silver  as  well  as  copper ;  and  this  would  form  a  spongy 
coating  on  the  cathode.  The  operation  of  a  bath  that  has  so 
deteriorated  must  be  suspended  until  every  trace  of  silver  has 
been  removed  from  the  solution.  In  order  to  obviate  this 
difficulty,  as  also  to  prolong  as  much  as  possible  the  period  during 
which  the  copper  is  dissolved  and  precipitated,  it  was  found 
necessary  to  apply  a  lower  current-density  and  to  use  a  weaker 
solution  of  copper  sulphate  than  is  employed  in  the  refining  of 
black  copper.  But,  above  everything,  it  was  essential  to  the 
good  working  of  the  process  that  freshly-scraped  anodes  should 
be  used  side  by  side  with  those  on  which  there  was  a  more  or  less 
heavy  coating  of  silver.  Hence  the  anodes  of  every  tank  were 
divided  into  two  or  three  groups,  each  of  which  could,  in  its 
turn,  be  submitted  to  the  process  of  mechanical  cleansing  of  the 
surface.  Under  these  circumstances  the  current  always  divided 
itself  between  the  anode  plates  of  each  bath  in  such  a  way  that 
those  on  which  the  silver  deposit  was  thinnest  became  subjected 
to  the  strongest  attack,  whilst  even  with  those  on  whicli  the 
deposit  was  thickest  the  electrolytic  solution  of  the  copper 
proceeded  gradually  to  an  increasing  depth  without  any  of  the 
silver  being  attacked.  By  adopting  such  an  arrangement, 
therefore,  the  extraction  of  the  copper  could,  on  the  whole,  be 

Digitized  by  LjOOQ IC 

SILVER.  311 

pressed  farther  than  by  the  simultaneous  treatment  of  similar 

"Alloys  containing  upwards  of  30  per  cent,  of  silver  could 
thus  be  advantageously  treated.  As  the  proportion  of  silver  is 
increased  the  period  at  which  the  spongy  silver  must  be  mechani- 